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胶州湾多毛类环节动物优势种的生态特点   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
根据1998-2004年春、夏、秋、冬四季对胶州湾进行大面站综合调查监测的底栖生物多毛类资料,分析了多毛类优势种的季节变化和年际变化。结果表明:不同季节多毛类优势种组成和优势地位出现一定的变化,但不倒翁虫(Sternaspisscutata)、寡鳃齿吻沙蚕(Nephtysoligobranchia)和中蚓虫(Mediomastuscaliforniensis)在各季度月优势地位相对稳定;考察1998-2004年不同年份的多毛类优势种,发现不倒翁虫、寡鳃齿吻沙蚕在各个年份均居优势地位,变化较小,而其它的种类在不同的年份出现一定的变化,2003年和2004年索沙蚕(Lumbrinerislatreilli)优势度居首位,而在其它年度则没有成为优势种,这可能反映了近年来胶州湾生态环境出现了一定变化;通过考察主要优势种的分布和密度变化,可以发现这几个主要种都是广分布的小型种,在底质颗粒较细,有机质含量丰富的海域,不倒翁虫、中蚓虫、寡鳃齿吻沙蚕等数量较大;而在水流湍急、底质为砾石的7号和9号站,则很少分布,这也反映了底质对多毛类的分布有决定性影响  相似文献   

翔鹰齿吻沙蚕Nephtys californiensis Hartman、多鳃齿吻沙蚕Nephtys polybranchiaSouthern和寡鳃齿吻沙蚕Nephtys oligobranchia Southern是我国北方沿海北戴河、大连,烟台和青岛常见的三种在底内生活的多毛类,后两者在形态上非常相似,难以区分,1962年吴宝铃等曾提出寡鳃齿吻沙蚕可能是多鳃齿吻沙蚕的一个变种。几年来我们分析了齿吻沙蚕采集地底质的粒度成分,结合其生态分布,进行了研究。结果表明翔鹰、多鳃和寡鳃  相似文献   

三门湾大型底栖动物时空分布及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Liao YB  Shou L  Zeng JN  Gao AG 《应用生态学报》2011,22(9):2424-2430
2006年11月、2007年1月、4月和8月在三门湾18个采样点对大型底栖动物进行调查,分析了其时空分布及其与环境因子的关系.结果表明:调查共采集到大型底栖动物124种,其中多毛类44种、软体动物34种、甲壳动物22种、棘皮动物11种、其他类动物13种;多毛类和软体动物种数占总种数的62.9%,二者构成了三门湾大型底栖动物的主要类群.双鳃内卷齿蚕、小头虫和不倒翁虫是春季三门湾大型底栖动物的优势种;不倒翁虫、双鳃内卷齿蚕和海稚虫为夏季的优势种;不倒翁虫、小头虫、双鳃内卷齿蚕和白沙箸为秋季的优势种;双鳃内卷齿蚕、不倒翁虫、小头虫和海稚虫为冬季的优势种.三门湾大型底栖动物年均生物量为17.36 g·m-2,年均栖息密度为72 ind·m-2.不同季节大型底栖动物的平均生物量和平均栖息密度存在显著性差异.大型底栖动物群落平均Shannon多样性指数在1.53 ~ 1.89,平均Margalef物种丰富度指数在2.25 ~2.96,平均均匀度指数在0.83 ~0.94,3个指数在不同季节间均存在显著性差异.经典范对应分析,影响三门湾大型底栖动物群落的主要环境因子包括海水的温度、盐度、溶解性无机氮以及表层沉积物中的有机质、总氮和总磷等,环境变量可以较好地解释主要类群的变化.  相似文献   

福建漳江口红树林和盐沼湿地的多毛类动物群落   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了比较漳江口4种植物生境之间多毛类动物群落的差异性,2010年对漳江口潮间带秋茄、桐花树、白骨壤和互花米草4种植物生境的多毛类动物进行4个季度的定量取样.共获得15种多毛类动物,4个季度在4种植物生境中均出现三角洲双须虫、溪沙蚕、拟突齿沙蚕、凿贝才女虫、小头虫和加州中蚓虫.多毛类动物栖息密度、生物量、丰度指数、均匀度指数和多样性指数的季节变化不明显;但4种植物生境之间多毛类动物栖息密度、生物量、丰度指数、均匀度指数和多样性指数有显著差异,且互花米草生境与3种红树林生境之间多毛类动物优势种不同.Pearson相关分析表明,漳江口红树林和盐沼湿地除了多毛类物种数与泥温显著相关外,多毛类动物栖息密度、生物量、丰度指数、均匀度指数和多样性指数均与泥温、盐度、总有机碳、总氮无显著相关关系,其原因是漳江口4种植物生境多毛类动物常见种小头虫、加州中蚓虫和溪沙蚕均是广温、广盐及耐高有机质含量的种类.  相似文献   

南黄海春季大型底栖动物优势种生态位   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
2011年4月对南黄海大型底栖动物进行定量采样调查,获得大型底栖动物105种,筛选获得优势种20种,隶属3门3纲17科。南黄海大型底栖动物优势种以运动、有颌、表层沉积物取食者相对丰度较高,占27.6%。对选取的20个优势种以Shannon-Wiener指数为基础进行了生态位宽度测定,以Pianka重叠指数为基础进行了生态位重叠值分析,以平均边缘指数(OMI)和耐受指数(TOI)为基础分析了物种生态位与环境之间的相互关系。结果表明:南黄海大型底栖动物群落优势种生态位宽度变化范围为1.24—2.15,生态位宽度值较高的有薄索足蛤、蜈蚣欧努菲虫、掌鳃索沙蚕、浅水萨氏真蛇尾、黄海刺梳鳞虫和寡节甘吻沙蚕;优势种OMI指数变化范围为0.23—4.95,OMI指数值较高的有拟特须虫和细弱吻沙蚕;优势种耐受指数值变化范围为0.13—3.85,值较高的有深钩毛虫、寡鳃齿吻沙蚕和黄海刺梳鳞虫;优势种生态位之间的重叠值不均一,在0—0.95之间,长叶尖索沙蚕和掌鳃索沙蚕生态位重叠值较高,为0.95;平均边缘指数分析随机置换显著性检验表明:水深、水温、盐度、沉积物粒径、沉积物总有机碳和总氮与长吻沙蚕、细弱吻沙蚕、背蚓虫、角海蛹和浅水萨氏真蛇尾生态位之间的相互关系较显著(P0.05)。对群落优势种进行聚类和多维度排序分析,结果表明20个物种可分为广布种、典型生境种和特化种,主坐标分析反映了优势种在不同资源位点的分布状况,支持聚类和排序的结果。研究表明,优势种生态位的宽度、优势种之间的重叠值与物种摄食功能类群、生活型、资源位上的分布、物种数量及生境状况密切相关,反映了大型底栖动物群落中各物种对生境资源的不同利用能力。  相似文献   

深圳湾潮间带1995-2010年大型底栖动物群落的时空变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文根据1995-2010年在深圳湾潮间带5条断面采集的大型底栖动物数据,分析了群落的物种数、栖息密度、多样性指数(H)、丰度指数(d)和多变量海洋底栖生物指数(M-AMBI)的时空变化.结果表明,物种数、多样性指数、丰度指数和多变量海洋底栖生物指数存在明显的空间差异,即距离深圳河口越近,大型底栖动物物种数越少,多样性指数、丰度指数和多变量海洋底栖生物指数越低.空间差异还体现在越靠近深圳河口的取样断面,大个体物种,如羽须鳃沙蚕(Dendronereis pinnaticirris)和腺带刺沙蚕(Neanthes glandicincta)的栖息密度越低,而小个体、生命周期短的小头虫(Capitella capitata)和寡毛类动物栖息密度所占的比例越高,丰度生物量比较(abundance biomass comparison,简称ABC)法证实了深圳湾潮间带大型底栖动物群落的空间差异.造成这种差异的原因推测是由于深圳市人口的增加和工、农业的发展,排入深圳河的污水量增加,导致距离深圳河越近,有机质含量越高.大型底栖动物群落的物种数、栖息密度、多样性指数、丰度指数、多变量海洋底栖生物指数的年和季节变化各不相同,没有明显的变化趋势.  相似文献   

徐华林  金亮  蔡立哲  厉红梅  高阳  王勇军 《生态科学》2006,25(5):437-439,444

根据2004年1月至2007年12月在深圳湾福田红树林湿地3条断面10个取样站进行大型底栖动物14个季度监测获得的溪沙蚕[Namalycastis abiuma (Müller)]密度和生物量数据,阐述了溪沙蚕数量的年际变化、季节变化和空间分布,分析了溪沙蚕栖息密度、生物量与部分环境因子的关系.结果表明,深圳湾福田红树林湿地溪沙蚕密度和生物量的年均值大小顺序均是:2005年>2006年>2007年>2004年.溪沙蚕密度的季节均值大小顺序是:夏季>春季>冬季>秋季;而溪沙蚕生物量的季节均值大小顺序是:春季>夏季>冬季>秋季.深圳湾福田红树林湿地溪沙蚕的空间分布很不均匀,不同断面或取样站之间数量差别很大,有红树林的取样站溪沙蚕密度高,没有红树林的取样站溪沙蚕密度很低.相关分析表明,溪沙蚕密度和生物量与沉积物中的总有机质、中值粒径、硫化物等参数没有显著相关关系.溪沙蚕2004年的年平均密度和生物量为最低值, 2005年到2007年逐年下降,与降雨量的减少趋势是一致的,但溪沙蚕的密度、生物量与降雨量、气温、光照时数、相对湿度均没有显著相关.可见,红树林湿地是溪沙蚕喜好栖息的生境,溪沙蚕对降雨量等气候因子的响应不显著.  相似文献   

福建沿岸红树林湿地多毛类生态分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林俊辉  郑凤武  何雪宝  王建军 《生态学报》2014,34(17):4910-4919
根据2009年至2012年在福建沿岸5块典型红树林湿地所作的调查资料,分析了福建沿岸红树林湿地多毛类的物种多样性、生态分布特点以及与环境因子的关系。研究区域春、秋两季共记录多毛类动物45种,其中沙蚕科、海稚虫科和小头虫科3个科种类最为丰富,种类属性为低盐或广盐性种类。多毛类平均密度和生物量分别为190个/m2和2.17 g/m2,样地×季节双因素方差分析表明,密度在不同样地间差异显著,密度和生物量的季节变化均为春季显著高于秋季。此外,林外光滩的多毛类数量要高于林内,不同样地的摄食群组成各异。红树林断面的平均种类数和多样性指数H'与沉积物粘土含量呈显著负相关,与多毛类类群的大尺度空间分布特征关联最为紧密的因子为地理纬度。  相似文献   

楚科奇海及白令海大型底栖生物初步研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1999年夏季在楚科奇海、白令海采用30 cm×30 cm箱式取样器,取得16个站位大型底栖生物定量样品。经分析研究有大型底栖生物92科164种,其中多毛类、软体动物和甲壳动物种数最多,占总种数的88.41%,三者构成北极楚科奇海和白令海大型底栖生物的主要类群。优势种有独毛虫属一种(Tharyx sp.) 、齿吻沙蚕属一种(Nephtys sp.)、囊叶齿吻沙蚕(Nephtys caeca)、平滑胡桃蛤(Ennucula tenuis)、短吻状蛤(Nuculana pernula pernuloides)、拟猛钩虾属一种( sp.)、日本沙钩虾(Byblis japonicus)和萨氏真蛇尾(Ophiura sarsii)等。楚科奇海和白令海大型底栖生物平均生物量为111.83 g/m2,平均栖息密度为2538个/m2。生物量和栖息密度均以多毛类和软体动物占多数。楚科奇海和白令海大型底栖生物有5个群落类型:Ⅰ. 梯额虫(Scalibregma inflatum)-紫轮参(Polycheira rufescens)-结栉盖蛇尾(Stegophiura nodosa)群落, Ⅱ. 拟单指虫(Cossurella sp.)-平滑胡桃蛤-鳞甲钩虾(Lepidepecreum sp.)群落, Ⅲ. 缩头竹节虫(Maldane sarai)-葛氏希泊钩虾(Hippomedon gorbunovi)-萨氏真蛇尾群落, Ⅳ.齿吻沙蚕(Nephtys sp.)-平滑胡桃蛤-日本沙钩虾-戈芬星虫(Golfingia sp.)群落和白令海群落, 即索沙蚕(Lumbrineris fragilis)-户枢蛤(Asthenothaerus sp.)-太平洋方甲涟虫(Eudorella pacifica)-革囊星虫(Phascolion sp.)群落。楚科奇海的群落Ⅰ、群落Ⅱ和白令海各群落结构相对稳定;楚科奇海群落Ⅲ和群落Ⅳ出现一定扰动。  相似文献   

Mapping and characterization of mangrove plant communities in Hong Kong   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Ecological surveys were carried out to investigate the distribution and characterization of remaining mangrove stands in Hong Kong. The field studies indicate that 43 mangrove stands, excluding Mai Po Nature Reserve, still remained along the coastline of Hong Kong despite tremendous reclamation and development which occurred in the past 40 years. Most mangrove stands were found in Deep Bay (western part)and Sai Kung District (eastern coasts). The total areas occupied by these mangrove stands were 178 ha,varying from a very small stand (with 1–2 mangrove shrubs) to fairly extensive mangroves in Deep Bay (> 10 ha). It appeared that mangrove stands located in Deep Bay area were larger than those in the eastern coasts. Twenty plant species were identified from these stands, with 13 being exclusive or associate mangrove species. The major constituent species were Kandelia candel, Aegiceras corniculatum, Excoecaria agallocha and Avicennia marina. Rare species such as Heritiera littoralis were only found in a few mangrove stands. Out of the 43remaining mangrove stands, 23 were more worthwhile for conservation and their plant community structures were further investigated by transect and quadrat analyses. The importance values (sum of relative abundance,frequency and dominance) show that K. candel was the most dominant species. Species richness and Simpson's indices together with tree height, tree density and canopy area fluctuated significantly between mangrove stands. These values were used to prioritize the conservation potential of the remaining mangrove stands in Hong Kong. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

M. W. Cha  L. Young  K. M. Wong 《Hydrobiologia》1997,352(1-3):295-303
Extensive shrimp farming around Deep Bay, Hong Kong,began in the mid-1940‘s after the construction of intertidal ponds (gei wai) among the coastal mangroves. The ponds are increasingly being seen as an example of how wetlands can be used sustainablysince they are naturally stocked with shrimp postlarvae (e.g. Metapenaeus ensis) and young fish (e.g. Mugil cephalus) flushed into the ponds from Deep Bay. Once inside, these shrimps and fish feed on naturally occurring detritus on the pond floor. The only gei wai remaining in the Territory, are those at the WWF Hong Kong Mai Po Marshes Nature Reserve, adjacent to Deep Bay. Analysis of the shrimp production between 1990–1995 showed that there were two seasonal peaks, from April–June (Recruitment-I)and from July–October (Recruitment-II). The second peak was significantly lower than the first (p <0.001), especially from those gei wai in the southern part of the reserve which are much closer to a polluted river. The average harvest from each gei wai had also significantly declined from40.9 ±6.0 kg ha−1 yr−1 in 1990 to15.1 ±3.6 kg ha−1 yr−1 in 1995 (p <0.01). This decline can be attributed to the abundance of predatory fish in the gei wai, and increasing water pollution in Deep Bay which adversely affects the amount of shrimp larvae for stocking the gei wai, as well as the quality of water for flushing the ponds during the rearing and harvesting seasons. Despite this, those gei wai which are not-commercially viable can still support many non-commercial, more pollution tolerant fish and shrimp species. As a result, the management of the segei wai has been altered such that their objective is to provide feeding habitat for piscivorous waterbirds, which is also in line with the aims of the nature reserve. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Fifty environmental isolates of Vibrio species were isolated from water samples of Mai Po Nature Reserve and the Cape d’Aguilar Marine Reserve in Hong Kong and screened for the presence of plasmid. Mai Po is a wastewater-impacted area while the Cape d’Aguilar Marine Reserve is pristine natural marine water. Plasmid was found in Vibrio isolates from both sites at similar frequencies and each site showed distinctive plasmid profiles. These plasmid-bearing Vibrio isolates were identified as different species of the Vibrio genus by both biochemical test and subsequently full-length 16S rRNA sequences. Antibiotic resistance test showed that all these plasmid-bearing Vibrio isolates showed multiple resistance to 21 antibiotics tested. In addition, selective isolates also showed tolerance to 10 M Hg2+ in culture medium and they generally harbored large plasmid(s) (>‰30 kb). Our results show that the high frequency of plasmid in Vibrio species of both polluted and pristine environments may be ecologically important to the survival of these bacteria in the environment. The specific functioning of the cryptic plasmids remains the focus of current investigations.  相似文献   

木榄和秋茄对水渍的生长与生理反应的比较研究   总被引:29,自引:8,他引:21  
叶勇  卢昌义  谭凤仪 《生态学报》2001,21(10):1654-1661
研究了不同水渍时间对两种红树植物木榄(Bruguiera gymnorrhiza(L.)Lam)和秋茄(Kandelia candel(L.)Druce)的生长与生理的影响.随着淹水时  相似文献   

基于逻辑斯蒂回归模型的鹭科水鸟栖息地适宜性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邹丽丽  陈晓翔  何莹  黎夏  何执兼 《生态学报》2012,32(12):3722-3728
近年来湿地生态系统遭到不同程度破坏,湿地水鸟及其生存空间日益受到威胁。以香港米埔-后海湾湿地为例,收集2003年1月份与鹭科水鸟密切相关的15个自变量和鹭科水鸟实测数据作为因变量构建逻辑斯蒂回归模型,通过筛选获取9个变量因子,分别为土地利用,NDVI,坡度,降雨,TM4纹理,TM3纹理,道路密度,道路距离,人居密度。经Nagelkerke R2检验模型精度达到0.743,拟合度较高。利用模型结果快速聚类,对栖息地进行适宜性分级,分级结果与同期鹭科水鸟实测数据做拟合,精度达到77.4%。最后采集2009年1月份各变量因子数据对回归方程进行时间尺度检验,与同期实测鹭科水鸟数据拟合精度同样达到75.8%,模型具有较好的通用性。  相似文献   

The herbivore assemblage, intensity of herbivory and factors determining herbivory levels on the mangrove Kandelia obovata (previously K. candel, Rhizophoraceae) were studied over a 13-month period at two forests with contrasting growing conditions in Hong Kong. Mai Po was part of an eutrophic embayment in the Pearl River estuary and generally offered more favourable conditions for mangrove growth, whereas Ting Kok had a rocky substratum and oceanic salinity. Twenty-four insect herbivore species were recorded on K. obovata, with lepidopteran larvae that consume leaf lamina being the dominant species. While leaf litter production was similar at the two forests, herbivory level at Mai Po (mean = 3.9% in terms of leaf area loss) was more severe than that at Ting Kok (mean = 2.3%). Peak herbivory levels were found in summer at both locations (6.5% for Mai Po and 3.8% for Ting Kok). Young leaves of K. obovata at both locations were generally preferred by the herbivores from the period of late spring to summer. Concentrations of most feeding deterrents (ash, crude fibre, and total soluble tannins) were significantly higher in both young and mature leaves at Ting Kok, whereas leaf nutrients (total nitrogen and water) were the same at the two sites. Young leaves at Ting Kok contained about 30% more tannins than their counterparts at Mai Po. Significant differences in leaf chemistry also existed between young and mature leaves at either site. The differences were concomitant with the observed patterns of leaf herbivory on K. obovata, and suggest a potential relationship between environmental quality and plant defence against herbivory.  相似文献   

Bird hides are often built to ameliorate the disturbance of birdwatchers at birdwatching sites. However, the effectiveness of such shelters is rarely evaluated. This study investigated the recreational disturbances induced by birdwatchers at Mai Po Nature Reserve in Hong Kong and examined the effectiveness of bird hides in mitigating birdwatcher impacts. A bird disturbance survey was conducted to record the disturbances caused by birdwatchers and responses shown by birds at three sampling sites in Mai Po Nature Reserve. A total of 469 observations were recorded in 25 field days from Oct 2019 to April 2020. The results indicated that bird hides significantly mitigated the frequency of disturbance and level of response of birds. With a bird hide, the frequency of disturbance was lower than the unsheltered site given that both sites have a similar level of visitation, yet, disturbance frequency was not significantly lower if the bird hide was highly utilized by birdwatchers. Birds had shown less vigorous and slower responses to disturbances at sites with bird hides than that without. On the other hand, at those sites with bird hides, birds responded at a farther distance than birds at the unsheltered site, which a longer distance may represent a greater level of disturbance. Upon disturbances, birds at the unsheltered site tended to stay in the original area, while birds around bird hides tend to settle further from the original habitat. Visual disturbances were well avoided at bird hides when compared to an unsheltered environment, however, disturbance from noise was found to be more prevalent at bird hides. Implications of these findings were discussed, and recommendations regarding the use, setting, and design of bird hides, and visitor management were given.  相似文献   

A marine bacterium was isolated from Mai Po Nature Reserve of Hong Kong and identified as Vibrio cholerae MP-1. It contains a small plasmid designated as pVC of 3.8 kb. Four open reading frames (ORFs) are identified on the plasmid, but none of them shows homology to any known protein. Database search indicated that a 440 bp fragment is 96% identical to a fragment found in a small plasmid of another V. cholerae. Further experiments demonstrated that a 2.3 kb EcoRI fragment containing the complete ORF1, partial ORF4 and their intergenic region could self-replicate. Additional analyses revealed that sequence upstream of ORF1 showed the features characteristic of theta type replicons. Protein encoded by ORF1 has two characteristic motifs existed in most replication initiator proteins (Rep): the leucine zipper (LZ) motif located at the N-terminal region and the alpha helix-turn-alpha helix motif (HTH) located at the C-terminal end. The results suggest that pVC replicates via the theta type mechanism and is likely a novel type of theta replicon.  相似文献   

Siu-Fai  Leung 《Journal of Zoology》1997,242(1):77-96
The population dynamics of Metapenaeus ensis in a traditional tidal shrimp pond (locally known as gei wai ) at the Mai Po Marshes Nature Reserve, Hang Kong, were studied over a 29-month period. The population of M. ensis was dominated by either one or two age groups throughout the year. Life span was < 16 months. M. ensis is sexually dimorphic in terms of size, with females growing faster and attaining a larger maximum size than males. The sex ratio did not differ significantly from 1:1. The prawns do not mature and reproduce in the gei wai so that the population is sustained by postlarval immigration which begins in June and ends in December, with peaks in August and November. The gei wai population of M. ensis is characterized by slower growth, lower maximum attainable size, shorter life span, reproductive sterility and an incomplete life cycle, as compared with 'natural' population in the coastal waters of Hong Kong.  相似文献   

白冰  周伟  李伟  刘钊  朱明育 《四川动物》2007,26(2):370-373
2006年8月对高黎贡山自然保护区赧亢片区开展了鱼类、两栖和爬行动物的资源调查。调查结果,赧亢片区共有鱼类4种,隶属2目4科4属;两栖动物10种,隶属2目4科8属,其中云南特有种4种;爬行动物9种.隶属2目3科8属。赧亢片区的物种全为东洋界种,区系成分为西南、华南区,或者两区所共有的成分组成。将赧亢片区与邻近的高黎贡山自然保护区和小黑山省级自然保护区(小黑山片区)的多样性对比,赧亢片区不仅具有较高的物种多样性,亦是连接两个保护区物种交流和基因流动的重要通道。  相似文献   

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