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从种群遗传学和生态学两个不同角度分析了松材线虫成功入侵的机制,种群遗传多样性研究表明,松材线虫入侵过程中,无明显的奠基者效应和由遗传漂变引起的种群遗传瓶颈,由于不同入侵来源的种群多次大量入侵,导致我国入侵种群具有丰富的遗传多样性,入侵过程中保持有高的种群遗传多样性,是松材线虫成功入侵的遗传学机制之一,种间竞争实验结果表明,松材线虫具有高的繁殖潜能和强的竞争能力,在入侵过程中能对本地近缘种产生种间竞争和生态替代,竞争性替代是松材线虫成功入侵的生态学机制之一,种间杂交和基因渗入,有利于松材线虫的入侵,同时,从功能基因组的角度,研究了与松材线虫适应性相关的一些重要基因的结构、功能及其进化,探讨松材线虫成功入侵的生态适应性分子机制,并从生态系统的抵御性和恢复性角度,探讨了生态系统对松材线虫入侵和扩散的影响,此外,对尚需继续深入研究的科学问题进行了讨论,研究结果为进一步揭示松材线虫成功入侵机理的研究奠定了基础,并为松材线虫病的有效管理和控制提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

为探讨松材线虫Bursaphelenchus xylophilus和拟松材线虫Bursaphelenchus mucronatus在菌食和植食阶段的种群繁殖力对环境温度的响应及其与种群致病力的关系,本研究对不同致病力的松材线虫和拟松材线虫,通过单异活体培养(菌食)和接种寄主黑松(植食)两种方式,探讨了不同温度条件下线虫种群孵化率、繁殖量和后代性比等繁殖参数的变化情况。结果表明,在单异活体培养时,供试的松材线虫强毒和弱毒虫株以及拟松材线虫有毒和无毒虫株在25℃下均具有最高的卵孵化率;不同致病力的松材线虫和拟松材线虫种群具有不同的最适生长温度,松材线虫强致病力虫株ZJ在35℃出现最大繁殖量,弱致病力虫株YW4在30℃下繁殖最多,而拟松材线虫无致病力虫株JNL10和有致病力虫株15#则在25℃下繁殖量较大。但总体来看,在25~35℃下,松材线虫ZJ虫株和YW4虫株繁殖量无显著性差异,而拟松材线虫JNL10虫株和15#虫株的繁殖量具有显著差异。在寄主体内,15~20℃时松材线虫ZJ虫株和YW4虫株繁殖量无显著性差异,25~35℃时,松材线虫ZJ虫株的繁殖量明显高于YW4虫株;而在各个温度下,拟松材线虫繁殖量基本低于松材线虫弱毒虫株YW4且远远低于强毒虫株ZJ。在单异活体培养下大部分经不同温度处理线虫种群的雌雄性比都大于2.0;而在寄主黑松体内各个虫株的种群性比均低于1.5,其中松材线虫种群的雌雄性比多数低于1.0,且随着温度的升高(15~30℃)出现先上升后下降的趋势;拟松材线虫各处理的种群雌雄性比在1.0~1.5之间,且随着温度的上升而上升。表明在不同温度下,单异活体培养阶段的松材线虫和拟松材线虫的种群增长与其致病力不呈相关性;而在寄主体内,不同温度条件下的松材线虫和拟松材线虫的繁殖力与其致病性存在正相关关系,致病力越强的虫株,其繁殖力越大。  相似文献   

依据松材线虫(Bursaphelenchus xylophilus)的生长习性,设计了一种将松材线虫和灰葡萄孢菌丝进行一定程度分离的人工培养松材线虫新方法,使松材线虫繁殖力、寿命等参数得到更准确地测量。实验中分别用双层分离法和浅盘法对雌虫的参数进行测定,雌虫的平均寿命分别为9.3 d和9.6 d,平均产卵期分别为7.1 d和7.9 d,平均子代数量分别为69.9和68.9,两种方法间没有显著性差异,证明了新方法的可靠性。此外,实验测得用双层分离法培养的松材线虫的子代发育率为60%,雌雄性别比为2.4∶1。较高的雌性比例可以导致较高的净生殖率,从而得到较高的种群增长率。同时用双层分离法对产卵和不产卵的雌虫的寿命进行了比较,结果表明不产卵的雌虫有更长寿命,证明"繁殖的代价"也存在于松材线虫中。  相似文献   

章彦  骆有庆  石娟  涂蔷  任利利  王壮 《生态科学》2009,28(6):487-494
通过对浙江富阳36块不同马尾松混交比率及不同松材线虫危害程度林地的调查,定量分析了这些林分受不同程度的松材线虫入侵干扰后,其乔灌草三层植物多样性的变化规律。分析结果表明:松材线虫的入侵减小了不同林分比例的马尾松群落之间乔灌草三层多样性的差异;随着松材线虫危害程度的加重,不同树种组成松林的乔灌草三层多样性指数出现新的特点,即两极化→趋于一致→两极化。进一步分析表明:浙江富阳地区的群落类型处在常绿阔叶林前期向中期演替的过程中;并且随着这种复合干扰程度的不断增加,加快了松林从常绿阔叶林演替前期向中期发展的进程。  相似文献   

褚栋  李显春  张友军 《昆虫学报》2012,55(12):1376-1385
2003年首次在云南昆明发现Q型烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)传入中国。随后几年时间内, 它在许多省份逐年取代了B型烟粉虱种群。2008年后,Q型烟粉虱基本上成为了中国多数省份农区的优势生物型。为了进一步揭示Q型烟粉虱在中国快速扩散以及取代B型烟粉虱的遗传学基础, 本研究利用11个微卫星位点分析并比较了2003年中国云南昆明Q型烟粉虱入侵种群及其他地点的11个B型入侵种群, 西班牙2个Q型土著种群, 以色列1个Q型入侵种群, 以色列1个B型土著种群, 以及西班牙、 美国与澳大利亚的5个B型入侵种群的遗传结构。结果表明, 中国Q型烟粉虱早期种群(云南昆明种群)可能来自于西部地中海地区。中国B型烟粉虱种群遗传多样性高于西班牙、 澳大利亚、 美国B型种群, 中国B型可能存在多次传入或某个混合种群的再次传入。相对于原产地种群, 中国Q型烟粉虱早期入侵种群与B型烟粉虱种群遗传多样性并没有明显降低, 表明Q型与B型烟粉虱种群可能经历了较小的瓶颈效应或奠基者效应。中国Q型烟粉虱早期入侵种群遗传多样性高于B型烟粉虱种群, Q型烟粉虱这种较高的遗传多样性可能为其较强的生态适应性提供了遗传基础, 有利于Q型烟粉虱在新的环境下快速扩散并取代B型烟粉虱。  相似文献   

近交系HFJ大鼠的培育及其部分表型观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的培育高繁殖力近交系HFJ大鼠并观察其部分表型特征。方法以一对Wistar大鼠为基代,通过全同胞近亲交配方式,采用选优法培育高繁殖力近交系HFJ大鼠。采用生化标记法、皮肤移植实验进行遗传质量检测;观察比较其部分表型特征。结果HFJ种群符合近交系标准;其窝产仔数、离乳率、胎次间隔显著高于Wistar大鼠;HFJ大鼠12周龄后生长缓慢,体重低于同龄Wistar大鼠;HFJ大鼠部分血液常规指标及血液生化指标与Wistar大鼠有显著差异。结论HFJ大鼠繁殖力强,是具有独特生物学特性的近交系大鼠。  相似文献   

正松材线虫(Bursaphelenchus xylophilus(Steiner和Buhrer,1934)),是松树萎蔫病的主要致病因子,是一种起源于北美的入侵物种.然而,并未有在起源地大规模爆发的报道~([1]).松材线虫于1900年左右传入日本,1982年在我国首次发现,近期扩散到葡萄牙和西班牙,对亚洲和欧洲的松林造成了巨大的破坏.浙江省舟山区是中国受灾最严重的地区之一(413 km~2),几乎所有  相似文献   

【目的】研究拟松材线虫是否分泌纤维素酶以及纤维素酶与其致病力的关系。【方法】对拟松材线虫的不同致病性种群以及松材线虫的虫体蛋白提取液、分泌液的纤维素酶活性进行定量测定,比较群体间纤维素同工酶谱型差异。【结果】拟松材线虫也含有纤维素酶,并向体外分泌;且不同致病性种群的纤维素酶活性与其致病性有一定相关性,致病性越强纤维素酶活性越强。【结论】纤维素酶活性大小是导致拟松材线虫不同种群间致病性差异的重要原因,这对于全面认识松树线虫萎蔫病的致病机理有重要意义。  相似文献   

松材线虫及其关键传媒墨天牛的研究进展   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:23  
宁眺  方宇凌  汤坚  孙江华 《昆虫知识》2004,41(2):97-104
松材线虫Bursaphelenchusxylophilus (Steiner&Buhere,1 93 4Nickle,1 981 )是一种世界多国公认的重大外来生物。其原产地在美国 ,但松材线虫并不严重危害该国松林 ;日本受害最重 ,经过几十年的研究与防治 ,现已基本能控制松材线虫病大发生。自 1 982年我国南京中山陵首次发现松材线虫以来 ,其在我国的扩散趋势越来越明显 ,现已成为我国一种重要入侵病原生物。它不但对我国南方数百万公顷松林构成毁灭性威胁 ,影响我国经济和社会可持续发展 ,而且将破坏我国一些著名风景名胜区、文化遗产地。同时 ,松材线虫正成为一项技术壁垒 ,严重影响我国的进出口贸易。该文简要从松材线虫及其关键传煤墨天牛Monochamusspp .的生物学特性、分布状况 ,松材线虫病的蔓延条件及影响因素等方面概述国内外的研究动态 ,以期为我国对松材线虫的研究与防治工作提供参考  相似文献   

松材线虫与伴生微生物的生态关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
松材线虫是重要的外来有害生物,造成松树大量死亡,带来严重的经济损失和生态破坏.松材线虫与伴生微生物存在密切的生态关系.本文综述了松材线虫伴生微生物的种类及其在松材线虫繁殖和致病过程中的重要生态作用,从微生态系统角度对松材线虫病进行探讨.伴生真菌能为松材线虫提供食物,维持松材线虫次生侵染循环,提高分散型第三龄幼虫在种群中的比例,利于松材线虫侵染扩散;伴生细菌能够提高松材线虫致病性,促进其繁殖,并菌有助于松材线虫降解松萜类物质,从而提高松材线虫的适应性.  相似文献   

Effects of inbreeding on the development and reproduction of the predatory pentatomid Podisus maculiventris were assessed throughout 30 generations following introduction in the laboratory. Developmental and reproductive fitness of two mildly inbred lines did not differ dramatically from that of a reference population. In most generations, egg weight, egg hatch and developmental rate of nymphs were greater in the reference strain than in both inbred strains, but fecundity and longevity did not differ among strains. In the 30th generation, fecundity of all strains had dropped to about half of that observed in the 15th generation, which was presumably related to non-genetic factors. There were consistent differences among strains for adult body weight and size, indicating heritable variation. A positive relationship between weight at day 14 and humeral width of P. maculiventris females was found, but neither of these parameters was associated with total fecundity. In the 30th generation, predators from both inbred lines had generally similar predation capacities to those from the reference population. No significant relationship could be detected between body weights and predation rates of either nymphs or adults. The use of inbreeding to minimize selective adaptation during rearing or to select for favourable traits in P. maculiventris is discussed.  相似文献   

Two populations, Duddingston and Feltwell, of potato cyst-nematode were inbred for seven and six generations respectively. The Duddingston population maintained a high fecundity in some lines for three generations, but in subsequent generations the fecundity as measured by cyst production declined in spite of selection for high fecundity. By selecting for fecundity, some lines of the Feltwell population still produced many cysts after five generations of inbreeding. In the Duddingston population it was possible to increase the number of cysts produced by an inbred line of poor fecundity by using paired cysts plus selection for fecundity. A similar change may have been obtained for unprolific lines of the Feltwell population. Selection for production of few cysts quickly produced lines with poor fecundity. One cause of poor fecundity was the small number of larvae in cysts used for inoculations. Yellow eggs were found in large numbers in some cysts but these were not a cause of loss of fecundity following repeated inbreeding.  相似文献   

Determining the genetic basis of inbreeding depression is important for understanding the role of selection in the evolution of mixed breeding systems. Here, we investigate how androdioecy (a breeding system characterized by partial selfing and outcrossing) and dioecy (characterized by obligatory outcrossing) influence the experimental evolution of inbreeding depression in Caenorhabditis elegans. We derived inbred lines from ancestral and evolved populations and found that the dioecious lineages underwent more extinction than androdioecious lineages. For both breeding systems, however, there was selection during inbreeding because the diversity patterns of 337 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) among surviving inbred lines deviated from neutral expectations. In parallel, we also followed the evolution of embryo to adult viability, which revealed similar starting levels of inbreeding depression in both breeding systems, but also outbreeding depression. Under androdioecy, diversity at a neutral subset of 134 SNPs correlated well with the viability trajectories, showing that the population genetic structure imposed by partial selfing affected the opportunity for different forms of selection. Our findings suggest that the interplay between the disruptions of coevolved sets of loci by outcrossing, the efficient purging of deleterious recessive alleles with selfing and overdominant selection with outcrossing can help explain mixed breeding systems.  相似文献   

Inbreeding is expected to decrease the heritability within populations. However, results from empirical studies are inconclusive. In this study, we investigated the effects of three breeding treatments (fast and slow rate of inbreeding - inbred to the same absolute level - and a control) on heritability, phenotypic, genetic and environmental variances of sternopleural bristle number in Drosophila melanogaster. Heritability, and phenotypic, genetic and environmental variances were estimated in 10 replicate lines within each of the three treatments. Standard least squares regression models and Bayesian methods were used to analyse the data. Heritability and additive genetic variance within lines were higher in the control compared with both inbreeding treatments. Heritabilities and additive genetic variances within lines were higher in slow compared with fast inbred lines, indicating that slow inbred lines retain more evolutionary potential despite the same expected absolute level of inbreeding. The between line variance was larger with inbreeding and more than twice as large in the fast than in the slow inbred lines. The different pattern of redistribution of genetic variance within and between lines in the two inbred treatments cannot be explained invoking the standard model based on selective neutrality and additive gene action. Environmental variances were higher with inbreeding, and more so with fast inbreeding, indicating that inbreeding and the rate of inbreeding affect environmental sensitivity. The phenotypic variance decreased with inbreeding, but was not affected by the rate of inbreeding. No inbreeding depression for mean sternopleural bristle number was observed in this study. Considerable variance between lines in additive genetic variance within lines was observed, illustrating between line variation in evolutionary potential.  相似文献   

Whitlock MC  Fowler K 《Genetics》1999,152(1):345-353
We performed a large-scale experiment on the effects of inbreeding and population bottlenecks on the additive genetic and environmental variance for morphological traits in Drosophila melanogaster. Fifty-two inbred lines were created from the progeny of single pairs, and 90 parent-offspring families on average were measured in each of these lines for six wing size and shape traits, as well as 1945 families from the outbred population from which the lines were derived. The amount of additive genetic variance has been observed to increase after such population bottlenecks in other studies; in contrast here the mean change in additive genetic variance was in very good agreement with classical additive theory, decreasing proportionally to the inbreeding coefficient of the lines. The residual, probably environmental, variance increased on average after inbreeding. Both components of variance were highly variable among inbred lines, with increases and decreases recorded for both. The variance among lines in the residual variance provides some evidence for a genetic basis of developmental stability. Changes in the phenotypic variance of these traits are largely due to changes in the genetic variance.  相似文献   

The classification of maize inbred lines into heterotic groups is an important undertaking in hybrid breeding. The objectives of our research were to: (1) separate selected tropical mid-altitude maize inbred lines into heterotic groups based on grain yield data; (2) assess the genetic relationships among these inbred lines using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers; (3) examine the consistency between yield-based and marker-based groupings of the inbred lines. Thirty-eight tropical mid-altitude maize inbred lines were crossed to two inbred line testers representing the flint and dent heterotic pattern, respectively. The resulting testcrosses were evaluated in a trial at three locations for 2 years. Significant general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) effects for grain yield were detected among the inbred lines. The tester inbred lines classified 23 of the 38 tested inbred lines into two heterotic groups based on SCA effects and testcross mean grain yields. This grouping was not related to endosperm type of the inbred lines. The outstanding performance of testcrosses of the remaining 15 inbred lines indicates the presence of significant genetic diversity that may allow the assignment of the lines into more than two heterotic groups. Diversity analysis of the 40 maize inbred lines using AFLP and SSR markers found high levels of genetic diversity among these lines and subdivided them into two main groups with subdivision into sub-groups consistent with breeding history, origin and parentage of the lines. However, heterotic groups formed using yield-based combining ability were different from the groups established on the basis of molecular markers. Considering the diversity of the genetic backgrounds of the mid-altitude inbred lines, the marker-based grouping may serve as the basis to design and carry out combining ability studies in the field to establish clearly defined heterotic groups with a greater genetic similarity within groups.Communicated by H.H. Geiger  相似文献   

The Collaborative Cross Consortium reports here on the development of a unique genetic resource population. The Collaborative Cross (CC) is a multiparental recombinant inbred panel derived from eight laboratory mouse inbred strains. Breeding of the CC lines was initiated at multiple international sites using mice from The Jackson Laboratory. Currently, this innovative project is breeding independent CC lines at the University of North Carolina (UNC), at Tel Aviv University (TAU), and at Geniad in Western Australia (GND). These institutions aim to make publicly available the completed CC lines and their genotypes and sequence information. We genotyped, and report here, results from 458 extant lines from UNC, TAU, and GND using a custom genotyping array with 7500 SNPs designed to be maximally informative in the CC and used a novel algorithm to infer inherited haplotypes directly from hybridization intensity patterns. We identified lines with breeding errors and cousin lines generated by splitting incipient lines into two or more cousin lines at early generations of inbreeding. We then characterized the genome architecture of 350 genetically independent CC lines. Results showed that founder haplotypes are inherited at the expected frequency, although we also consistently observed highly significant transmission ratio distortion at specific loci across all three populations. On chromosome 2, there is significant overrepresentation of WSB/EiJ alleles, and on chromosome X, there is a large deficit of CC lines with CAST/EiJ alleles. Linkage disequilibrium decays as expected and we saw no evidence of gametic disequilibrium in the CC population as a whole or in random subsets of the population. Gametic equilibrium in the CC population is in marked contrast to the gametic disequilibrium present in a large panel of classical inbred strains. Finally, we discuss access to the CC population and to the associated raw data describing the genetic structure of individual lines. Integration of rich phenotypic and genomic data over time and across a wide variety of fields will be vital to delivering on one of the key attributes of the CC, a common genetic reference platform for identifying causative variants and genetic networks determining traits in mammals.  相似文献   

Stochastic modeling of dairy cattle populations using multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET) was used to compare 15-year genetic responses with an artificial insemination (AI) program. MOET and AI techniques were simulated in four populations, two with 100 breeding females each and two with 400 breeding females. The selection goal was to maximize genetic progress in milk yield. The reduction in genetic variation due to inbreeding and linkage disequilibrium was accounted for in the simulation process. All four MOET breeding schemes studied achieved larger genetic responses than the realized and theoretical genetic gains from the current AI progeny testing populations. Strict restriction against inbred matings slowed genetic progress significantly in the small population but would not be consequential in the larger population. However, allowing inbred matings in the smaller population caused a rapid accumulation of inbreeding. Linkage disequilibrium was as important as inbreeding in reducing genetic variation. Genetic drift variance was much smaller in the larger population.  相似文献   

It is often hypothesized that slow inbreeding causes less inbreeding depression than fast inbreeding at the same absolute level of inbreeding. Possible explanations for this phenomenon include the more efficient purging of deleterious alleles and more efficient selection for heterozygote individuals during slow, when compared with fast, inbreeding. We studied the impact of inbreeding rate on the loss of heterozygosity and on morphological traits in Drosophila melanogaster. We analysed five noninbred control lines, 10 fast inbred lines and 10 slow inbred lines; the inbred lines all had an expected inbreeding coefficient of approximately 0.25. Forty single nucleotide polymorphisms in DNA coding regions were genotyped, and we measured the size and shape of wings and counted the number of sternopleural bristles on the genotyped individuals. We found a significantly higher level of genetic variation in the slow inbred lines than in the fast inbred lines. This higher genetic variation was resulting from a large contribution from a few loci and a smaller effect from several loci. We attributed the increased heterozygosity in the slow inbred lines to the favouring of heterozygous individuals over homozygous individuals by natural selection, either by associative over‐dominance or balancing selection, or a combination of both. Furthermore, we found a significant polynomial correlation between genetic variance and wing size and shape in the fast inbred lines. This was caused by a greater number of homozygous individuals among the fast inbred lines with small, narrow wings, which indicated inbreeding depression. Our results demonstrated that the same amount of inbreeding can have different effects on genetic variance depending on the inbreeding rate, with slow inbreeding leading to higher genetic variance than fast inbreeding. These results increase our understanding of the genetic basis of the common observation that slow inbred lines express less inbreeding depression than fast inbred lines. In addition, this has more general implications for the importance of selection in maintaining genetic variation.  相似文献   

The degree to which, and rapidity with which, inbreeding depression can be purged from a population has important implications for conservation biology, captive breeding practices, and invasive species biology. The degree and rate of purging also informs us regarding the genetic mechanisms underlying inbreeding depression. We examine the evolution of mean survival and inbreeding depression in survival following serial inbreeding in a seed-feeding beetle, Stator limbatus, which shows substantial inbreeding depression at all stages of development. We created two replicate serially inbred populations perpetuated by full-sib matings and paired with outbred controls. The genetic load for the probability that an egg produces an adult was purged at approximately 0.45-0.50 lethal equivalents/generation, a reduction of more than half after only three generations of sib-mating. After serial inbreeding we outcrossed all beetles then measured (1) larval survival of outcrossed beetles and (2) inbreeding depression. Survival of outcrossed beetles evolved to be higher in the serially inbred populations for all periods of development. Inbreeding depression and the genetic load were significantly lower in the serially inbred than control populations. Inbreeding depression affecting larval survival of S. limbatus is largely due to recessive deleterious alleles of large effect that can be rapidly purged from a population by serial sib-mating. However, the effectiveness of purging varied among the periods of egg/larval survival and likely varies among other unstudied fitness components. This study presents novel results showing rapid and extensive purging of the genetic load, specifically a reduction of as much as 72% in only three generations of sib-mating. However, the high rate of extinction of inbred lines, despite the lines being reared in a benign laboratory environment, indicates that intentional purging of the genetic load of captive endangered species will not be practical due to high rates of subpopulation extinction.  相似文献   

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