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以小麦品种‘小偃81’和‘西农1376’构建的含236个家系的自交重组系(RIL)群体(F2:7、F2:8代)为研究材料,采用完全随机区组设计,连续2年在陕西杨陵、河南驻马店和山东济南于灌浆期(花后20d)随机取每个株系10株测量旗叶长、宽,并利用172个SSR标记构建了遗传连锁图谱,通过基于完备区间作图法的QTL IciMapping V3.2软件,对控制小麦旗叶长、宽和面积的数量性状位点(QTL)进行了加性效应分析。结果发现:(1)9个旗叶长QTLs位于1A、4A、3B、5D和7D染色体上,单个QTL可解释5.10%~16.44%的表型变异;10个旗叶宽QTLs位于1A、3A、5A、7A、3B和5D染色体上,单个QTL可解释4.63%~14.24%的表型变异;12个旗叶面积QTLs位于1A、4A、3B、2D和5D染色体上,单个QTL可解释4.25%~22.67%的表型变异。(2)控制小麦旗叶长、宽和面积的QTLs存在差异,同一QTL在不同性状中的遗传贡献率也不同。(3)同一性状在同一年份,不同地点和在不同年份,相同地点下检测到的QTLs有的相同,但有的差异明显。(4)有些控制不同性状的QTLs在染色体的同一标记区间,表现一因多效。研究表明:位于1A和5D染色体上的2个加性QTLs都同时控制旗叶长、宽和面积,且前者为主效基因,后者遗传贡献率也较大,可用于标记辅助育种和分子聚合育种。  相似文献   

''百农64''×''京双16''小麦遗传连锁图谱构建   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对小麦品种‘百农64’ב京双16’F3家系群体的SSR和AFLP分析,构建了含100个SSR标记(91个引物)和58个AFLP标记(12个引物)的小麦遗传连锁图,158个标记组成20个连锁群,覆盖小麦基因组3 114cM,标记间平均间距为19.7 cM.将前人未定位的12个SSR标记定位到了小麦遗传连锁图谱上.为小麦慢白粉病性等农艺性状的QTL分析打下了良好基础.  相似文献   

小麦早衰及其相关生理性状的QTL分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用RIL群体及其分子标记遗传图谱,对小麦早衰指标和与早衰相关的6个生理性状进行了QTL定位分析。小麦早衰指标中,检测到2个籽柆饱满度的加性QTL,分别位于3A和3B染色体,可解释表型变异的9.62%和18.30%。生理性状中,共检测到可溶性蛋白含量、SOD活性和POD活性3个性状的5个加性QTL,涉及2A、2B、2D、4A和6B等5条染色体,可解释表型变异的8.1%~49.56%。这些QTL间不存在连锁关系。  相似文献   

该研究在收集大豆籽粒镉积累定位信息的基础上,通过参考图谱分子标记比较整合已有的定位信息,进一步在‘中黄24’(籽粒高积累镉)与‘华夏3号’(籽粒低积累镉)衍生的(F6:7)重组自交系群体中,对大豆籽粒镉积累的QTL位点及其分子标记进行验证。结果表明,在不同群体中定位的籽粒镉积累2个主效QTL(Cda1和Cd1)位于第9染色体同一区域;该区段内候选基因GmHMA1的点突变,在籽粒镉积累不同的‘中黄24’和‘华夏3号’之间是一致的;该位点与‘中黄24’和‘华夏3号’各器官的镉浓度并无连锁关系。研究认为,‘中黄24’与‘华夏3号’间籽粒镉积累差异由其它位点控制,需要利用该重组自交系群体进行全基因组定位。  相似文献   

以印度南瓜纯系大粒材料‘0515-1’和小粒材料‘0460-1-1’为亲本,获得193个南瓜F2单株群体,应用AFLP和SSR分子标记技术进行多态性筛选,构建了含84个标记位点的遗传连锁图谱。结果表明,整个图谱包含12个连锁群,全长683.50cM,标记平均间距为8.13cM。采用复合区间定位分析,共检测到控制南瓜籽粒宽度的4个数量性状位点(QTL),分别位于3个连锁群上,各QTL的贡献率在2.87%~29.68%之间。  相似文献   

以波兰小麦品系‘XN555’与普通小麦品系‘中13’杂交产生的99个F10重组自交系(RILs)为材料,构建了包含241个SSR分子标记的A、B染色体组14个连锁群的遗传图谱,并采用Logistic方程拟合籽粒灌浆过程,对粒重增长的缓慢增长期、快速增长期和平稳期进行千粒重条件QTL和非条件QTL定位分析。结果显示:(1)在小麦A、B染色体组上共检测到5个非条件QTL和5个条件QTL。(2)在小麦粒重缓慢增长期和快速增长期各有2个非条件QTL,平稳期有1个非条件QTL,它们分别位于2B、3A、3B和7A染色体上,单个QTL可解释表型变异的9.66%~15.18%。(3)在小麦粒重快速增长期检测到1个条件QTL,平稳期检测到4个条件QTL,涉及1A、2B、5B和7B染色体,单个QTL可解释表型变异的13.01%~29.27%。(4)于2B染色体Xbarc361~Xwmc422标记区间距Xbarc361标记0.05cM处,在粒重快速增长期同时检测到一个条件QTL和非条件QTL,且在平稳期检测到一个非条件QTL。研究表明,小麦不同灌浆时期粒重增长相关QTL的数量和遗传效应各不同,同一QTL在不同灌浆时期的遗传效应也不同,即QTL的表达具有时序选择性。  相似文献   

直播条件下水稻6个穗部性状的QTL分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在大田直播条件下,利用来源于"Lemont/特青"的重组自交系群体,对水稻6个穗部性状及其相互间遗传相关的分子基础进行了QTL分析,共检测到19个QTL,各性状QTL数为2~4个,单个QTL贡献率为4%~22%。共检测到3个染色体区段能同时影响多个穗部性状,其中第1染色体RM212-RM104和第2染色体RM263-RM221区段的QTL能同时影响单株产量、每穗颖花数、着粒密度和二次枝梗数中的3个或4个性状,且这2个区段的QTL对各性状的效应方向相同,增效等位基因均来自‘特青’,为各性状间表型正相关提供了重要的遗传解释。第11染色体RG1022附近的QTL对着粒密度的效应值为负,来自‘特青’的等位基因增加性状值,而对穗长的效应值为正,来自‘特青’的等位基因降低性状值,为这2个性状间表型负相关也提供了一定的遗传解释。此外,对水稻穗部性状QTL在多种环境和遗传背景下的稳定表达及其在分子标记辅助育种中的应用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

晚播小麦叶片衰老代谢和粒重变化的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对7个小麦品种在晚播条件下的叶片衰老生理特性和粒重变化进行了比较研究。根据小麦叶片的衰老特征相差差异,将7个小麦品种区分为3个类型;后健型、早衰型和中间型。在小麦旗叶的衰老过程中,后健型小麦品种旗叶叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量显著高于早衰型,脂质过氧化产物MDA含量显著低于早衰型,小麦粒重降幅依次为早衰型〉中间型〉后健型,并讨论了活性氧代谢在小麦叶片衰老过程中可能作用。  相似文献   

小麦数量性状分子标记的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小麦的许多重要经济性状是受多基因控制的数量性状。综述了近年来小麦QTL的研究进展,包括QTL定位原理、研究涉及的性状、QTL分布情况、贡献率、数据统计分析使用的方法和应用软件等,列举了小麦重要农艺性状QTL在育种中的应用实例,分析了小麦QTL分子标记的发展和应用前景。  相似文献   

染色体片段替换系(CSSL)是基因组水平快速初步定位数量性状基因座位(QTL)的良好材料,而水稻的品质性状是多基因控制的数量性状,因此可用替换系鉴定控制水稻品质性状的QTL。本文用分子标记辅助选择技术(MAS)构建了由133个株系组成的以‘特青’(籼稻品种)为轮回亲本,以海南的一种普通野生稻为供体亲本,覆盖绝大部分野生稻基因组的染色体片段替换系。利用这套替换系,初步定位了控制稻米外观和理化品质性状的15个QTL,为今后水稻品质性状QTL的克隆以及稻米品质相关性状的改良提供了依据。  相似文献   

A segregating population from the cross between drought sensitive (Variant-2) and drought tolerant (Cham-6) genotypes was made to identify molecular markers linked to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) flag leaf senescence under water-stress. From 38 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers, 25 inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) primers and 46 simple sequence repeat (SRR) primers, tested for polymorphism among parental genotypes and F2 population. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) for flag leaf senescence was associated with 1 RAPD marker (Pr9), 4 ISSR markers (Pr8, AD5, AD2 and AD3), and 1 SSR marker (Xgwm382) and explained 44, 50, 35, 31, 22 and 73 % phenotypic variation, respectively. The genetic distance between flag leaf senescence gene and Pr9 was 10.0 cM (LOD score 22.9). The markers Pr8, AD5, AD2 and AD3 had genetic distances of 10.5, 14.6, 15.6 and 18.1 cM, respectively (LOD scores 22.6, 17.8, 17.5 and 14.6). The genetic distance between Xgwm382 was 3.9 cM (LOD score 33.8). Therefore, the RAPD, ISSR and SSR markers linked to the QTL for the drought-induced flag leaf senescence can be further used in breeding for drought tolerance in wheat.  相似文献   

A major quantitative trait locus (QTL), Qfhs.ndsu-3BS, for resistance to Fusarium head blight (FHB) in wheat has been identified and verified by several research groups. The objectives of this study were to construct a fine genetic map of this QTL region and to examine microcolinearity in the QTL region among wheat, rice, and barley. Two simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers (Xgwm533 and Xgwm493) flanking this QTL were used to screen for recombinants in a population of 3,156 plants derived from a single F7 plant heterozygous for the Qfhs.ndsu-3BS region. A total of 382 recombinants were identified, and they were genotyped with two more SSR markers and eight sequence-tagged site (STS) markers. A fine genetic map of the Qfhs.ndsu-3BS region was constructed and spanned 6.3 cM. Based on replicated evaluations of homozygous recombinant lines for Type II FHB resistance, Qfhs.ndsu-3BS, redesignated as Fhb1, was placed into a 1.2-cM marker interval flanked by STS3B-189 and STS3B-206. Primers of STS markers were designed from wheat expressed sequence tags homologous to each of six barley genes expected to be located near this QTL region. A comparison of the wheat fine genetic map and physical maps of rice and barley revealed inversions and insertions/deletions. This suggests a complex microcolinearity among wheat, rice, and barley in this QTL region.  相似文献   


A population of 206 recombinant inbred lines (RILs F9–F10) derived from wheat cross WL711/C306 was phenotyped for morpho-physiological traits such as flag leaf area (FLA), flag leaf length (FLL), flag leaf width (FLW), and cell membrane stability (CMS) under water deficit stress (WDS) environment. High yielding cultivar, WL711 had higher FLA than the medium yielding cultivar C306 across trials under both environments. Parent cultivar C306 maintained membrane integrity while WL711 showed higher membrane damage under WDS. The RIL population showed considerable variation, normal distribution and transgressive segregation for FLA, FLL, FLW and CMS under WDS. The genetic linkage map of WL711/C306 RIL population was constructed comprising of 346 markers. The total map distance was 4526.8 cM with an averaged interval of 12.9 cM between adjacent markers. Major consistent QTL for FLA, FLL, FLW, and CMS were identified on chromosomes 2DS and 3BS respectively in the WL711/C306 RIL population under WDS. The major QTL for FLA, qFLAWD.2D.1 which expressed in multiple environments and for CMS, qCMSWD.3B.3 and qCMSWD.3B.4, accounted for a large proportion of phenotypic variance (PV) with positive allele being contributed by C306, a drought resistant (DR) parent. QTL qFLAWD.2D.1 for FLA co-located with QTL for grain number (GN) and days to flowering (DTF) while QTL qCMSWD.3B.3 and qCMS.3B.4 co-located with QTL for grain yield and its components, days to flowering, canopy temperature and coleoptiles length as reported in our previous publications on the WL711/C306 population (Shukla et al. in Euphytica 203:449–467, 2015; Singh et al. in J Plant Biochem Biotechnol 24:324–330, 2015). Two candidate genes Ghd7 for grain yield and heading date and OsCDK4 for calcium dependent protein kinases were identified in the 2DS and 3BS QTL regions respectively on comparison with gene content of rice chromosomes 7 and 1 respectively. Hence, QTLs qFLAWD.2D.1 and qCMSWD.3B.3 are potential target regions for fine mapping and marker assisted selection for FLA and CMS respectively in wheat under water deficit environments.


Uncovering the genetic basis of agronomic traits in wheat landraces is important for ensuring global food security via the development of improved varieties. Here, 723 wheat landraces from 10 Chinese agro‐ecological zones were evaluated for 23 agronomic traits in six environments. All accessions could be clustered into five subgroups based on phenotypic data via discriminant function analysis, which was highly consistent with genotypic classification. A genome‐wide association study was conducted for these traits using 52 303 DArT‐seq markers to identify marker‐trait associations and candidate genes. Using both the general linear model and the mixed linear model, 149 significant markers were identified for 21 agronomic traits based on best linear unbiased prediction values. Considering the linkage disequilibrium decay distance in this study, significant markers within 10 cM were combined as a quantitative trait locus (QTL), with a total of 29 QTL identified for 15 traits. Of these, five QTL for heading date, flag leaf width, peduncle length, and thousand kernel weight had been reported previously. Twenty‐five candidate genes associated with significant markers were identified. These included the known vernalization genes VRN‐B1 and vrn‐B3 and the photoperiod response genes Ppd and PRR. Overall, this study should be helpful in elucidating the underlying genetic mechanisms of complex agronomic traits and performing marker‐assisted selection in wheat.  相似文献   

Traditional quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping approaches are typically based on early or advanced generation analysis of bi-parental populations. A limitation associated with this methodology is the fact that mapping populations rarely give rise to new cultivars. Additionally, markers linked to the QTL of interest are often not immediately available for use in breeding and they may not be useful within diverse genetic backgrounds. Use of breeding populations for simultaneous QTL mapping, marker validation, marker assisted selection (MAS), and cultivar release has recently caught the attention of plant breeders to circumvent the weaknesses of conventional QTL mapping. The first objective of this study was to test the feasibility of using family-pedigree based QTL mapping techniques generally used with humans and animals within plant breeding populations (PBPs). The second objective was to evaluate two methods (linkage and association) to detect marker-QTL associations. The techniques described in this study were applied to map the well characterized QTL, Fhb1 for Fusarium head blight resistance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The experimental populations consisted of 82 families and 793 individuals. The QTL was mapped using both linkage (variance component and pedigree-wide regression) and association (using quantitative transmission disequilibrium test, QTDT) approaches developed for extended family-pedigrees. Each approach successfully identified the known QTL location with a high probability value. Markers linked to the QTL explained 40–50% of the phenotypic variation. These results show the usefulness of a human genetics approach to detect QTL in PBPs and subsequent use in MAS.  相似文献   


Key message

QTL controlling flag leaf length, flag leaf width, flag leaf area and flag leaf angle were mapped in wheat.


This study aimed to advance our understanding of the genetic mechanisms underlying morphological traits of the flag leaves of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). A recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from ND3331 and the Tibetan semi-wild wheat Zang1817 was used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling flag leaf length (FLL), flag leaf width (FLW), flag leaf area (FLA), and flag leaf angle (FLANG). Using an available simple sequence repeat genetic linkage map, 23 putative QTLs for FLL, FLW, FLA, and FLANG were detected on chromosomes 1B, 2B, 3A, 3D, 4B, 5A, 6B, 7B, and 7D. Individual QTL explained 4.3–68.52% of the phenotypic variance in different environments. Four QTLs for FLL, two for FLW, four for FLA, and five for FLANG were detected in at least two environments. Positive alleles of 17 QTLs for flag leaf-related traits originated from ND3331 and 6 originated from Zang1817. QTLs with pleiotropic effects or multiple linked QTL were also identified on chromosomes 1B, 4B, and 5A; these are potential target regions for fine-mapping and marker-assisted selection in wheat breeding programs.

Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a devastating disease of cultivated wheat worldwide. Partial resistance to FHB has been identified in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). However, sources of effective FHB resistance have not been found in durum wheat (T. turgidum L. var. durum). A major FHB resistance quantitative trait loci (QTL), Qfhs.ndsu-3AS, was identified on chromosome 3A of T. dicoccoides, a wild relative of durum wheat. Here, we saturated the genomic region containing the QTL using EST-derived target region amplified polymorphism (TRAP), sequence tagged site (STS), and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. A total of 45 new molecular marker loci were detected on chromosome 3A and the resulting linkage map consisted of 55 markers spanning a genetic distance of 277.2 cM. Qfhs.ndsu-3AS was positioned within a chromosomal interval of 11.5 cM and is flanked by the TRAP marker loci, Xfcp401 and Xfcp397.2. The average map distance between the marker loci within this QTL region was reduced from 4.9 cM in the previous study to 3.5 cM in the present study. Comparative mapping indicated that Qfhs.ndsu-3AS is not homoeologous to Qfhs.ndsu-3BS, a major FHB QTL derived from the common wheat cultivar Sumai 3. These results facilitate our efforts toward map-based cloning of Qfhs.ndsu-3AS and utilization of this QTL in durum wheat breeding via marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

Plant breeding data comprise unbalanced phenotypic data for inbreds with complex pedigrees. As traditional methods to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) cannot exploit plant breeding data, an alternative approach is QTL mapping via a mixed-model procedure. Our objective was to validate mixed-model QTL mapping for self-pollinated crops by detecting QTL for kernel hardness and dough strength from data in a bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) breeding program. We studied 80 parental and 373 experimental inbreds genotyped for 65 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers and three candidate loci. The methodology involved three steps: variance component estimation, single-marker analyses, and a final multiple-marker analysis with marker effects treated as fixed effects. Two QTLs for kernel hardness were detected on chromosomes 1A (close to candidate locus GluA3) and 5D (close to candidate locus Ha). Four QTLs were detected for dough strength on chromosomes 1A, 1B, 1D, and 5B. Candidate gene GluA1, which was associated with dough strength, was the only candidate locus found significant. Results were consistent with previously reported markers and QTLs associated with kernel hardness and dough strength. Unlike previous studies that have assumed QTL effects as random, the assumption of fixed marker effects identified the favorable marker alleles to select for. We conclude that the detection of previously mapped QTL validates the usefulness of mixed-model QTL mapping in the context of a plant-breeding program.  相似文献   

Linkage mapping and QTL analysis in coconut (Cocos nucifera L.)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Different DNA marker types were used to construct linkage maps in coconut (Cocos nucifera L.; 2n = 32) for the two parents of the cross Malayan Yellow Dwarf (MYD) × Laguna Tall (LAGT). A total of 382 markers was sufficient to generate 16 linkage groups for each parent. The total genome length corresponded to 2226 cM for the LAGT map and 1266 cM for the MYD map with 4–32 markers per linkage group. Common markers allowed the association of 9 linkage groups for the two parents MYD and LAGT. QTL analysis for the trait early germination identified six loci. These QTLs correlate with early flowering and yield, representing characters which are important in coconut breeding. The co-segregation of markers with these QTLs provides the first opportunity for marker-assisted selection in coconut breeding programmes. Received: 22 September 1999 / Accepted: 29 November 1999  相似文献   

A genetic study is presented for traits relating to nitrogen use in wheat. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were established for 21 traits relating to growth, yield and leaf nitrogen (N) assimilation during grain fill in hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) using a mapping population from the cross Chinese Spring × SQ1. Glutamine synthetase (GS) isozymes and estimated locations of 126 genes were placed on the genetic map. QTLs for flag leaf GS activity, soluble protein, extract colour and fresh weight were found in similar regions implying shared control of leaf metabolism and leaf size. Flag leaf traits were negatively associated with days to anthesis both phenotypically and genetically, demonstrating the complex interactions of metabolism with development. One QTL cluster for GS activity co-localised with a GS2 gene mapped on chromosome 2A, and another with the mapped GSr gene on 4A. QTLs for GS activity were invariably co-localised with those for grain N, with increased activity associated with higher grain N, but with no or negative correlations with grain yield components. Peduncle N was positively correlated, and QTLs co-localised, with grain N and flag leaf N assimilatory traits, suggesting that stem N can be indicative of grain N status in wheat. A major QTL for ear number per plant was identified on chromosome 6B which was negatively co-localised with leaf fresh weight, peduncle N, grain N and grain yield. This locus is involved in processes defining the control of tiller number and consequently assimilate partitioning and deserves further examination. Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this article () contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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