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冠果草种子萌发过程的组织化学动态   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
冠果草的种子中没有胚乳,营养物质贮藏在胚中,其成分主要是淀粉和蛋白质。胚各部分的物质积累情况差异较大,子叶和下胚轴细胞中的淀粉粒、蛋白体数目多、体积大,胚芽和胚根分生细胞中则只贮藏少量的淀粉粒、蛋白体。在种子萌发过程中,胚各部分的淀粉粒逐渐解体,至二叶幼苗期全部消失。蛋白体的降解有严格顺序,远离胚芽的细胞中蛋白体降解较早,胚芽附近细胞中的降解较晚,而且胚芽细胞中还有新的蛋白体形成。单个蛋白体的降解  相似文献   

长喙毛茛泽泻胚中营养物质的积累与消耗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长喙毛茛泽泻是一种水生濒危植物。它的种子中没有胚乳,营养物质以淀粉和帽白体的形式贮藏在胚中。胚不同部位物质积累情况差异较大,下胚轴和子地细胞中的淀粉,蛋白体数目多,体积大,胚芽和胚根分生细胞中只贮藏有少量的淀粉粒和蛋白体。  相似文献   

采用细胞化学方法 ,研究了黄瓜种子中贮藏Ca2 的分布特点及其在萌发过程中的变化动态。干种子的子叶细胞中贮藏有大量的蛋白体、油脂体 ,Ca2 沉淀颗粒大量分布于胞质、胞间隙以及细胞质膜上。大多数蛋白体中有 1至数个圆球形或椭圆体形含Ca2 的球状晶体。相比之下 ,胚芽和胚根细胞中Ca2 较少。种子萌发早期 ,子叶中的贮藏钙及晶体溶解释放出的Ca2 部分转运到生长发育中的胚芽和胚根中。随着萌发的继续 ,胚根和胚芽细胞中的Ca2 不会持续增多 ,反而下降  相似文献   

黄瓜种子萌发过程中Ca^2+分布的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴慧涵  王建波 《植物生理学报》2001,27(2):141-144,T001,T002,T003
采用细胞化学方法,研究了黄瓜种子中贮藏Ca^2 的分布特点及其在萌发过程中的变化动态,干种子的子叶细胞中贮藏有大量的蛋白体,油脂体,Ca^2 沉淀颗粒大量分布于胞质,胞间隙以及细胞质膜上,大多数蛋白体中有1至数个圆球形或椭圆体形含Ca^2 的球状晶体,相比之下,胚芽和胚根细胞中Ca^2 较少,种子萌发早期,子叶中的贮藏钙及晶体溶解释放出的Ca^2 部分转运到生长发育中的胚芽和胚根中。随着萌发的继续,胚根和胚芽细胞中的Ca^2 不会持续增多,反而下降。  相似文献   

采用细胞化学方法,研究了黄瓜种子中贮藏Ca2+的分布特点及其在萌发过程中的变化动态.干种子的子叶细胞中贮藏有大量的蛋白体、油脂体,Ca2+沉淀颗粒大量分布于胞质、胞间隙以及细胞质膜上.大多数蛋白体中有1至数个圆球形或椭圆体形含Ca2+的球状晶体.相比之下,胚芽和胚根细胞中Ca2+较少.种子萌发早期,子叶中的贮藏钙及晶体溶解释放出的Ca2+部分转运到生长发育中的胚芽和胚根中.随着萌发的继续,胚根和胚芽细胞中的Ca2+不会持续增多,反而下降.  相似文献   

应用透射电镜技术对荞麦(Fagopyrum esculentum)子叶和糊粉层细胞中贮藏蛋白质的积累过程进行了研究.荞麦开花后15天,胚乳最外层细胞的液泡中开始积累蛋白质.开花后25天,最外层胚乳细胞中积累较多的糊粉粒(直径1-2μm)形成糊粉层.开花后20天,子叶细胞中蛋白质开始在液泡和细胞质中积累,同时液泡通过膜的向内生长和缢裂两种方式形成体积较小的液泡.开花后25天,成熟的子叶细胞中含有丰富的蛋白质,贮藏蛋白质主要积累在液泡中形成体积较大的蛋白质贮藏液泡(PSVs,protein storage vacuoles,直径1-3μm).在荞麦子叶积累蛋白质的各个阶段,细胞质中都有一些来源于高尔基体、含蛋白质的电子不透明小泡(直径0.1-0 7μm)存在,观察到有些小泡正进入液泡,推断这种来自于高尔基体膜囊的小泡不仅有将蛋白质运输到液泡形成PSVs的作用,也可能是荞麦成熟子叶积累贮藏蛋白质的一种结构.  相似文献   

应用透射电镜技术对荞麦(Fagopyrum esculentum)子叶和糊粉层细胞中贮藏蛋白质的积累过程进行了研究。荞麦开花后15天,胚乳最外细胞的液泡中开始积累蛋白质。开花后25天,最外层胚乳细胞中积累较多的糊粉粒(直径1-2μm)形成糊粉层。开花后20天,子叶细胞中蛋白质开始在液泡和细胞质中积累,同时液泡通过膜的向内生长和缢裂两种方式形成体积较小的液泡。开花后25天,成熟的子叶细胞中含有丰富的蛋白质,贮藏蛋白质主要积累在液泡中形成体积较大的蛋白质贮藏液泡(PSVs,protein storage vacuoles,直径1-3μm)。在荞麦子叶积累蛋白质的各个阶段,细胞质中都有一些来源于高尔基体,含蛋白质的电子不透明小泡(直径0.1-0.7μm)存在,观察到有些小泡正进入液泡,推断这种来自高尔基体膜囊的小泡不仅将蛋白质运输到液泡形成PSVs的作用,也可能是荞麦成熟子叶积累贮藏蛋白质的一种结构。  相似文献   

稻胚凝集素(RGL)对稻胚、稻苗叶、根细胞,以及稻幼胚胚芽、胚根愈伤组织悬浮细胞都有凝集作用,RGL对元麦及烟草叶原生质体也能凝集。N-L酰葡萄糖胺(GlcNAc)有抑制RGL对细胞的凝集作用,但对胚根愈伤组织细胞的抑制效应不明显。水稻等细胞表面具有能与RGL专一结合的位点,只是胚根和胚芽愈伤组织细胞表面的糖蛋白分子有一定差异。RGL对水稻、元麦及烟草的细胞或原生质体的凝集效应不存在种间的专一性。RGL含量随胚的分化发育而不断增加,成熟中后期胚内RGL含量达到成熟时程度;胚芽鞘细胞中RGL分布广泛,胚芽、胚根的外层细胞显色深于内层,早期的胚乳细胞、子房内层、珠被、珠心细胞中均有RGL显色反应,但它的糖结合专一性与成熟胚RGL可能不同。  相似文献   

薏苡胚发育及贮藏营养物质积累的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
薏苡(Coix lacrym a-jobi)胚发育分下列各期:棒形胚前的原胚期、棒形胚期、胚芽鞘期、1叶期、2 叶期、3叶期、4 叶期、5 叶期及6叶期成熟胚。3 叶期胚具1 条不定根(种子根),4 叶期具2 条,5 叶期及成熟胚期具3 条。不定根与胚根排成1 纵行。营养物质最先在盾片细胞中积累。开花后9 天的1 叶期胚,在盾片、胚芽鞘及胚轴细胞中积累了淀粉,以后遍及成熟胚的各部分。淀粉粒含量与器官发生及生长顺序成正相关,但发育后期,盾片细胞内的淀粉粒含量下降。开花后10 天,盾片细胞中形成含晶体的蛋白质体,晶体含蛋白质及植酸钙镁。以后,这种蛋白质体增多、增大。同时,又形成不含晶体的蛋白质体。一定时期,含晶体的蛋白质体消失,不含晶体的蛋白质体增多,直到胚成熟。开花后13 天,胚芽鞘上部细胞形成蛋白质体。以后遍及成熟胚的各部分,器官发生越早,所含蛋白质体越多、越大。开花后10 天,盾片细胞中产生了脂体,成熟胚的盾片细胞,含有大量的脂体。还观察了胚发育各期与颖果及盾片长度的对应关系  相似文献   

氮离子束注入大麦种子的细胞生物学效应   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
本文研究了用30KevN+离子束注入大麦干种子后其M1代的细胞生物学效应。研究结果表明,低剂量的N+离子注入对大麦种子的萌发及M1胚根、胚芽细胞的有丝分裂有明显的促进作用。离子注入均能诱发胚根细胞和胚芽细胞的染色体畸变和核畸变,呈现微核、双核、小核、桥、断片和落后染色体等多种类型。并在2×1016N+/cm2-8×1016N+/cm2剂量范围内,注入剂量与畸变率之间有显著的正相关,但到1×1017N+/cm2后畸变率却反而下降。研究结果还显示胚芽细胞较胚根细胞对氮离子束更为敏感。  相似文献   

Pollen and seeds share a developmental sequence characterized by intense metabolic activity during reserve deposition before drying to a cryptobiotic form. Neither pollen nor seed development has been well studied in the absence of gravity, despite the importance of these structures in supporting future long-duration manned habitation away from Earth. Using immature seeds (3-15 d postpollination) of Brassica rapa L. cv. Astroplants produced on the STS-87 flight of the space shuttle Columbia, we compared the progress of storage reserve deposition in cotyledon cells during early stages of seed development. Brassica pollen development was studied in flowers produced on plants grown entirely in microgravity on the Mir space station and fixed while on orbit. Cytochemical localization of storage reserves showed differences in starch accumulation between spaceflight and ground control plants in interior layers of the developing seed coat as early as 9 d after pollination. At this age, the embryo is in the cotyledon elongation stage, and there are numerous starch grains in the cotyledon cells in both flight and ground control seeds. In the spaceflight seeds, starch was retained after this stage, while starch grains decreased in size in the ground control seeds. Large and well-developed protein bodies were observed in cotyledon cells of ground control seeds at 15 d postpollination, but their development was delayed in the seeds produced during spaceflight. Like the developing cotyledonary tissues, cells of the anther wall and filaments from the spaceflight plants contained numerous large starch grains, while these were rarely seen in the ground controls. The tapetum remained swollen and persisted to a later developmental stage in the spaceflight plants than in the ground controls, even though most pollen grains appeared normal. These developmental markers indicate that Brassica seeds and pollen produced in microgravity were physiologically younger than those produced in 1 g. We hypothesize that microgravity limits mixing of the gaseous microenvironments inside the closed tissues and that the resulting gas composition surrounding the seeds and pollen retards their development.  相似文献   

The three areas of food reserves in quinoa seeds are: a largecentral perisperm, a peripheral embryo and a one to two-celllayered endosperm surrounding the hypocotyl-radicle axis ofthe embryo. Cytochemical and ultrastructural analysis revealedthat starch grains occupy the cells of the perisperm, whilelipid bodies, protein bodies with globoid crystals of phytin,and proplastids with deposits of phytoferritin are the storagecomponents of the cells of the endosperm and embryo tissues.EDX analysis of the endosperm and embryo protein bodies revealedthat globoid crystals contain phosphorus, potassium and magnesium.These results are compared with studies on other perispermousseeds published to date.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company Chenopodium quinoa,EDX analysis, phytoferritin, phytin, protein bodies, quinoa, seed structure, seed reserves, starch grains.  相似文献   

Embryo development in Coix lacryma-jobi is classified into the following stages: proembryo before club-shaped, club-shaped, coleoptilar, I-leafed, 2-1eared, 3-1eared, 4-1eared, 5-leafed and 6-leafed (mature embryo). The 3-, 4-, 5-leafed embryos have 1, 2 and 3 adventitious roots (seminal roots) respectively, and the matrue also has 3. These seminal roots are arranged in a longitudinal row parallelling with the radicle. The storage reserves first deposit in the scutellar cells. 9 days after anthesis (l-leafed stage), the starch grains are accumulated in cells of scutellum, coleoptile and mesocotyle. When the embryo matures, starch grains are deposited throughout its cells. The increase in size and amount of starch grains correlates with the initiation and growth order of the embryonic organs. But the amount in the scutellar cells decreases from later to mature stage. 10 days after anthesis (2-leafed stage), protein bodies containing crystals, of protein and phytin are present in the scutellar cells. They subsequently become larger and abundant druses. At the same time some protein bodies without crystals are also formed. Later, the protein bodies containing crystals disappear, while those without crystals increase until the embryo matures. 13 days after anthesis (3- leafed stage) protein bodlies are formed in the upper coleoptile cells. Protein bodies are rich in the cells of mature embryo, but the earlier the organ of embryo occurs, the more and the larger protein bodies it contains. 10 days after anthesis, lipid bodies appear in the scutellar cells and increase in size and quantity rapidly as the embryo develops. The correlation of the length of caryopsis and scutellum with embryo development is also observed.  相似文献   

We used proteomics analysis to generate the profiles of proteins in the endosperm and embryo of common buckwheat grains. These differentially expressed proteins are potentially involved in seed metabolism. Extractions were done by trichloroacetic acid (TCA) precipitation. The resulting proteins were separated using SDS-PAGE coupled to LC-ESI-Q/TOF-MS/MS. This allowed us to detect and identify 67 proteins with isoforms, making this the most inclusive protein profile. The proteins were determined to be functionally involved in the central metabolic pathway of the seed, with metabolic interest being reflected in the occurrence of a tissue-specific enzyme balance. For a case in point, we found a tissue-specific and subcellular compartment-specific isoform of granule-bound starch synthase 1 in the chloroplast/amyloplast. This provided proteomic verification of the presence of a distinct regulatory mechanism for the biosynthesis of glycan and starch, which produce amylase and amylopectin. Furthermore, several previously characterized allergenic proteins such as 11S and 13S globulin seed storage protein were acknowledged in our seed samples, thus representing the potential for proteomics techniques that survey food sources for any incidence of allergens. This protein profile of common buckwheat grain is a new avenue for understanding its seed physiology in dormant stage as well as suggesting commercial applications for the buckwheat industry as buckwheat flour.  相似文献   

刺五加种子结构,后熟作用及其细胞化学研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
刺五加种子为扁肾形,种皮由一层细胞构成。种子脱落时,胚处于心形胚期,胚周围的胚乳细胞解体形成囊腔包囊胚,胚细胞原生质浓厚,胚乳细胞中贮存大量蛋白质和脂类,但两者均未见贮存多糖,有萌发潜能的种子只占全部种子的12.80%,种子经变温层积处理6个月即可完成后熟过程,其细胞化学特点是:处理1.5个月时胚细胞中开始积累多糖颗粒,至4个月时达最大量并一直保持至种子萌发。试验地种植条件下饱满种子经18-20个  相似文献   

Successful plant reproduction under spaceflight conditions has been problematic in the past. During a 122 d opportunity on the Mir space station, full life cycles of Brassica rapa L. were completed in microgravity in a series of three experiments in the Svet greenhouse. Ultrastructural and cytochemical analyses of storage reserves in mature dry seeds produced in these experiments were compared with those of seeds produced during a high-fidelity ground control. Additional analyses were performed on developing Brassica embryos, 15 d post pollination, which were produced during a separate experiment on the Shuttle (STS-87). Seeds produced on Mir had less than 20% of the cotyledon cell number found in seeds harvested from the ground control. Cytochemical localization of storage reserves in mature cotyledons showed that starch was retained in the spaceflight material, whereas protein and lipid were the primary storage reserves in ground control seeds. Protein bodies in mature cotyledons produced in space were 44% smaller than those in the ground control seeds. Fifteen days after pollination, cotyledon cells from mature embryos formed in space had large numbers of starch grains, and protein bodies were absent, while in developing ground control seeds at the same stage, protein bodies had already formed and fewer starch grains were evident. These data suggest that both the late stage of seed development and maturation are changed in Brassica by growth in a microgravity environment. While gravity is not absolutely required for any step in the plant life cycle, seed quality in Brassica is compromised by development in microgravity.  相似文献   

Successful development of seeds under spaceflight conditionshas been an elusive goal of numerous long-duration experimentswith plants on orbital spacecraft. Because carbohydrate metabolismundergoes changes when plants are grown in microgravity, developingseed storage reserves might be detrimentally affected duringspaceflight. Seed development in Arabidopsis thaliana plantsthat flowered during 11 d in space on shuttle mission STS-68has been investigated in this study. Plants were grown to therosette stage (13 d) on a nutrient agar medium on the groundand loaded into the Plant Growth Unit flight hardware 18 h priorto lift-off. Plants were retrieved 3 h after landing and siliqueswere immediately removed from plants. Young seeds were fixedand processed for microscopic observation. Seeds in both theground control and flight plants are similar in their morphologyand size. The oldest seeds from these plants contain completelydeveloped embryos and seed coats. These embryos developed radicle,hypocotyl, meristematic apical tissue, and differentiated cotyledons.Protoderm, procambium, and primary ground tissue had differentiated.Reserves such as starch and protein were deposited in the embryosduring tissue differentiation. The aleurone layer contains alarge quantity of storage protein and starch grains. A seedcoat developed from integuments of the ovule with gradual changein cell composition and cell material deposition. Carbohydrateswere deposited in outer integument cells especially in the outsidecell walls. Starch grains decreased in number per cell in theintegument during seed coat development. All these characteristicsduring seed development represent normal features in the groundcontrol plants and show that the spaceflight environment doesnot prevent normal development of seeds in Arabidopsis. Arabidopsis ; spaceflight; embryo; endosperm; seed coat; storage reserves  相似文献   

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