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短柄五加种子结构、后熟作用及其细胞化学研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
短柄五加Eleutherococcus brachypus Harms种子为扁肾形,种皮由一层细胞构成。种子脱落时,胚 为心形胚期,胚周围的胚乳细胞解体形成液样囊腔,并包裹胚,胚细胞中存在较多蛋白质,胚乳细胞贮 存大量蛋白质颗粒和脂类,但两者均未见多糖颗粒。有萌发潜能的种子只占全部种子的9.27%。在试 验地种植条件下饱满种子经18~19个月后萌发,出苗率为1.67%,该过程细胞化学特点是胚细胞中蛋 白质含量逐渐减少,并逐渐积累少量多糖颗粒。种子经变温层积处理6个月即可完成后熟过程,其细胞 化学特点是胚细胞中蛋白质含量逐渐减少,但在心形胚后期即已积累大量多糖颗粒,并一直保持至胚 完全发育成熟。经比较短柄五加与刺五加的种子结构、后熟作用及其细胞化学特点,认为短柄五加种子质量差、自然状态下后熟时间长和出苗率低是短柄五加致濒的重要生殖因素,并提出了相应保护方法。  相似文献   

东北刺人参(Oplopanax elatus Nakai)种子透水性良好,休眠后萌发不受其影响。种皮和胚乳的水提取物中存在萌发抑制物质,胚乳中提取物对白菜种子萌发的抑制效果比种皮更明显。种子自然脱落时胚尚未分化完全,处于心形胚阶段。种子需要先温暖层积以完成胚的分化与生长,然后转入低温层积完成生理后熟。同批种子胚的发育不完全同步,变温层积处理7个月有极少数种子萌发,连续变温层积处理17个月大部分种子萌发。不同年份受气候条件影响,种子产量和发芽率差异较大。种子耐贮性较强,贮藏2年的种子生活力变化不大,仍具有较高的萌发潜力。  相似文献   

东北刺人参种子萌发影响因子的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
东北刺人参(Oplopanax elatus Nakai)种子透水性良好,休眠后萌发不受其影响.种皮和胚乳的水提取物中存在萌发抑制物质,胚乳中提取物对白菜种子萌发的抑制效果比种皮更明显.种子自然脱落时胚尚未分化完全,处于心形胚阶段.种子需要先温暖层积以完成胚的分化与生长,然后转入低温层积完成生理后熟.同批种子胚的发育不完全同步,变温层积处理7个月有极少数种子萌发,连续变温层积处理17个月大部分种子萌发.不同年份受气候条件影响,种子产量和发芽率差异较大.种子耐贮性较强,贮藏2年的种子生活力变化不大,仍具有较高的萌发潜力.  相似文献   

刺五加胚和胚乳发育的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
刺五加Eleutherococcus senticosus(Rupr .et Maxim.)Maxim的胚胎发生类型为茄型。其卵细胞受精后,合子经历15天左右的休眠期才进行第一次分裂。合子分裂通常发生在胚乳细胞化之后,经棒形胚、球形胚、至果实成熟时发育到心形胚。棒形胚后期至心形胚初期,胚柄最为发达。刺五加的胚乳发育类型为核型。其初生胚乳核的休眠期为1天左右。当胚乳游离核数目增加到200至300时,胚乳以自由生长细胞壁的方式细胞化,胚乳细胞以典型的有丝分裂方式进一步增殖,增加细胞数目。球形胚时期,胚乳细胞内开始贮藏营养物质。少数种子的胚乳里存在巨大细胞核的异型胚乳细胞。在胚乳游离核为32至64个时,分化出珠被绒毡层;球形胚时期,珠被绒毡层解体。珠被绒毡层解体后,胚乳表层细胞分化为分泌层。球形胚至心形胚阶段,约有5%的种子里,胚与胚乳组织发生弥散样降解。成熟果实中,含有大量的瘪粒种子和虫咬种子;饱满种子率为40%左右。饱满种子中,胚乳组织占据种子体积的绝大部分,胚所占比率很小。讨论了不同发育时期胚和胚乳的营养供应。  相似文献   

云南红豆杉离体胚的培养   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在MS培养基上生长的云南红豆杉离体胚的萌发率较高,达80%;成熟种子胚的萌发率高于未成熟胚;胚的萌发率随着种子贮存时间的延长而下降;胚乳有助于胚的萌发。胚培养1个月左右可获得正常的红豆杉幼苗,成苗率15%~20%。幼苗中的紫杉醇含量为0.004%,远远低于成年树皮中紫杉醇的含量(0.02%)。  相似文献   

莲种子的极端高温耐性与抗氧化酶活性的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
莲(Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.)种子是一种长寿命和耐极端高温的种子.莲和玉米(Zeamays L.)种子的含水量分别为0.103和0.129gH20/g干重,随着在100℃处理时间的延长,种子的含水量、萌发率和由存活种子产生的幼苗鲜重逐渐降低.100℃处理15min时,玉米种子的萌发率为零;但莲种子被处理24h时,其萌发率仍然为13.5%.50%的玉米和莲种子被100℃处理致死的时间(T50)分别为6min和14.5h.随着100℃处理时间的延长,莲胚轴的相对电解质渗漏明显增加,总叶绿素含量显著下降,当在100℃处理时间短于12h时,莲下胚轴的亚细胞结构保持完整;当处理时间长于12h时,细胞逐渐发生质壁分离、内质网变得不清晰、核和核仁降解、大多数线粒体膨胀、脂质颗粒在细胞边界积累,最后细胞器和质膜降解.此外,莲胚轴和子叶的丙二醛(MDA)含量在100℃处理的0~12h内下降,然后增加:玉米胚和胚乳的MDA含量在100℃处理的5~10min内增加,然后有所下降.莲胚轴和子叶的超氧物歧化酶(SOD)、谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)和胚轴的过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性在100℃处理初期增加,然后下降;而莲胚轴和子叶的抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)、脱氢抗坏血酸还原酶(DHAR)和子叶的CAT活性随100℃处理时间的延长而逐渐下降.玉米胚和胚乳中的SOD,DHAR以及胚的GR活性在100℃处理初期增加,然后下降;玉米胚和胚乳中的APX,CAT和胚乳的GR活性随100℃处理时间的延长迅速下降,与种子萌发率下降的趋势相同,莲胚轴和子叶的SOD,APX,CAT,GR和DHAR活性下降缓慢,而在玉米胚和胚乳中这些酶的活性则迅速降低。  相似文献   

为探明种皮和胚乳是否是限制桃儿七种子萌发的主要因素,利用组织切片和显微技术,对桃儿七种子及其不同萌发期(1、7、14、21、28 d)解剖结构和播种后一定时期内(7~210 d)的植株生长形态进行观察。桃儿七种子由种皮、胚乳和胚构成。种皮包括外种皮和内种皮,外种皮致密规整,由外至内分别为栅状石细胞和表皮层细胞,内种皮由5~6层海绵细胞组成。胚乳占种子体积的绝大部分,包括珠孔胚乳和外胚乳。胚由胚根、胚轴和子叶组成,被致密种皮、多层珠孔胚乳和外胚乳包围。萌发期1~7 d胚根和胚轴开始伸长,7~14 d两片子叶分离,14~21 d胚根突破珠孔胚乳和种皮,21~28 d胚根、胚轴和子叶继续扩张伸长。种子播种210 d后可平均形成3片功能真叶和5条不定根。致密种皮(物理休眠)和多层胚乳(机械休眠)是限制桃儿七种子萌发的两个主要因素。  相似文献   

不同水分胁迫条件下高粱种子萌发及吸水规律的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对抗旱性不同的高粱品种在不同水分胁迫条件下种子萌动、萌发及吸水过程的研究表明:高粱种子在萌动、萌发两个生理过程中对环境水分条件的敏感性不同,种子在萌动时比萌发时更适应低水环境。不同的高粱品种在萌动、萌发时所忍耐的临界环境水势也存在明显差异。种子胚和胚乳两部分的吸水过程具有不同的特点。胚部的干重含水量在吸水后一直急剧增加,直到萌动时达到最大,而胚乳的含水量除在前期快速增加外,随后缓慢增加,保持在相对稳定的水平。在种子吸水萌动过程中,种子胚与胚乳间,以及它们与环境间始终存在着水势梯度。  相似文献   

通过云南红豆杉新采收种子形态观察、透水性测定、种子大小以及所带胚乳多少对离体胚萌发率的影响等试验,探讨云南红豆杉种子的休眠与萌发机理。结果表明,云南红豆杉种子呈倒卵形和三棱形;胚酒瓶形,白色;胚乳淡黄色,油质。种子千粒重为72.934g;种皮、种仁和种胚分别占种子鲜重的50.56%、40.45%和8.99%;胚与种子的体积比(E∶S)为0.074。胚的体积为0.156—1.012mm~3,种子为51.658—109.649mm~3,两者呈显著正相关(P0.05,r=0.810)。完整种子的吸水率明显低于破裂种皮、酸蚀40min和酸蚀20min的种子,但差异随着浸泡时间延长而缩小;种子含水量饱和时,完整种子、破皮种子与酸蚀种子的吸水率无显著差异(前者为23.7%,后两者约28.0%)。不同大小种子离体胚的萌发率差异显著(P0.05),特大、大、中、小和特小种子的离体胚的萌发率为80%、77.8%、67.5%、62.0%和44.0%。胚乳抑制离体胚的萌发,不带胚乳离体胚的萌发率为41.3%,显著高于带胚乳的萌发率(P0.05),带部分胚乳的胚为9.7%—13.3%,带全胚乳的胚为0。同时离体胚培养过程中所用种胚的新鲜程度也严重影响胚的萌发率。云南红豆杉种子休眠属于中度生理休眠类型,种子中的抑制物质含量随时间的动态变化和胚乳中抑制物质含量的多少对胚萌发率的影响是以后云南红豆杉休眠研究的重点。  相似文献   

马蹄香种子生物学特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵桦  杨培君  李会宁   《广西植物》2006,26(1):14-17
马蹄香的雌蕊子房半下位,心皮6枚,蒴果蓇葖状,果实成熟时沿腹缝线开裂。种子呈三角状倒椭圆形,其背面凸出,具明显横皱纹,腹面凹入。马蹄香种子由种皮、胚乳和胚三部分构成。种皮由多层细胞组成;核型胚乳,种子成熟时游离胚乳核形成胚乳细胞,而胚尚未分化,仍停留在原胚阶段。种子发芽试验表明,马蹄香种子萌发率极低,具有种子休眠的生物学特征。对马蹄香种子的化学成分作了分析研究,种子胚乳中富含营养物质,其中粗蛋白含量为17.3(g/100g)。此外,种子含有丰富的镁、锰、钙、铁、锌等矿质元素。  相似文献   

Seeds of Eleutherococcus brachypus Harms were flat-kidney-shaped and their seed coats were only composed of one layer of cells. Embryos with abundant protein in their cells were just at the heart-shaped stage and were capped by sacs formed from degenerating endosperm cells when seeds shed from their maternal plants. A large amount of stored protein grains and lipids existed in endosperm cells but no polysaccharide grains were present either in endosperm cells or in embryo cells. Viable seeds were only 9.27% of the total. The plump seeds germinated in the cultivated field after 18~19 months and their germinating rate was 1.67%. Besides, the content of protein decreased gradually and a few polysaccharide grains were stored in embryo cells during the process. The afterripening process of seeds stratified at different temperatures ended after 6 months and the cytochemistry features of the seeds were that the content of protein decreased gradually and numerous polysaccharide grains had been stored in embryo cells at the late heart-shaped embryo stage and retained till the mature embryo stage. The structure, afterripening and cytochemistry of seeds were compared between Eleutherococcus brachypus and Eleutherococcus senticosus. The poor quality of the seeds, longer time of afterripening in a natural state and much lower germination rate of E. brachypus are considered to be important reasons for the endangerment of this species. Somemeasures are suggested for its conservation based on the above facts.  相似文献   

(1) The pollen grains of Pennisetum can germinate normally on the stigma of rice and the pollen tubes can grow into the style and enter the embryo sacs. However, the process of double fertilization is slow and more or less abnormal and phenomenon of simple fertilization often occurs. (2) It has been found that in the majority of cases the development of the embryos is slow and stays long in the stage of globular embryos, thus, the differentiation of the embryos is very difficult and degeneration of the embryos appears many times. Simple differentiation was observed only in some embryos during 16–24 days after pollination. Normal differenting and developing embryos were not observed. The cause of the degeneration of the embryos is related to the state of endosperm development and also to the non-coordination of the genomes of both parents. (3) The development of the endosperm is abnormal. The change from the free nuclei into the cells in the endosperm is delayed as late as the 8th day after pollination. The whole endosperm tissue is composed of the cell masses which are quite different both in shape and function, a part of these endospemn cells lacks the ability to synthesize starch. The disintegration of the endosperm could be frequently observed during their development. (4) A lots of starch are accumulated in the nucellar cells near the antipodals, It is shown that there was some metabolic confusion resulted from the crossing in the embryo sacs. Based on the above mentioued results the authers consider that the failure of producing seeds by crossing is at least related to the nutrient condition which are essential for the development of embryos. If embryo culture technique is employed at the early stage of the embryo development the hybrid seeds could be obtained.  相似文献   

The double fertilization and embryo development of P. lasiocarpa were studied using cytochemical method for DNA, RNA, polysaccharides and proteins. Stigmas were covered by secretion stained positively with PAS and mercuric bromphenol blue at receptive stage. The pollen grains germinated on the stigma in large quantities 6 hours after pollination. Fertilization started at the 6th days after pollination. The sperm nucleus fused with the secondary nucleus faster than the sperm nucleus with the egg nucleus. The syngamy belonged to peremitotic type. A great deal of starch grains in the embryo sac disappeared during fertilization. The endosperm was nuclear type and becomed a cel 31 days after pollination. The endosperm was characterized by a dense cytoplasm rich in protein. No discrete starch grains were observed in endosperm. Afterwards, the endosperm was consumed by the developing embryo, thus the mature seeds were non-endospermous. The zygote was dormant for 6–8 days. During the dormency, many striking changes took place, and then, the zygotes showed more pronounced polarity. These changes included the shinkage of the large vacuole, the reduced size, the reappearance of large vacuole, the enlarging of the size. The embryogenesis conformed to the Solanad type. The ovules matured into seeds successively 44 days after pollination. The mature embryo was straight. Two cotyledons folded each other.  相似文献   

对狗枣猕猴桃果实发育进行了显微和超微结构观察。其主要过程可分为:1. 早期胚胎发育:多心皮合生子房,通常具16个心室,中轴胎座。中轴上着生大量倒生胚珠,单珠被,具珠被绒毡层。胚囊蓼型。授粉后约2~4h花粉萌发。授粉后约120h花粉管到达胚珠。受精后,初生胚乳核分裂先于合子。胚乳发育为细胞型。2. 果壁:果壁可分为果皮、果肉和果心三部分。果皮较薄,由2~3层薄壁细胞组成。外表面光滑无毛,但覆有角质层,气孔下陷,分布于其中。果肉的大部分由薄壁细胞组成,分大、小两种细胞 ,小细胞含较多淀粉粒,淀粉粒的水解是果实软化的原因之一。果肉薄壁组织细胞还含有叶绿体及两种异细胞,一种异细胞内含物为结晶,普遍存在;另一种含被番红染成红色的絮团状物。果心由维管束和薄壁细胞组成,维管束不发达。3. 种子:种皮外表面呈蜂窝状,种皮较硬,由两层细胞构成。线性直立胚,胚乳发达,主要贮藏物是蛋白质。  相似文献   

利用常规石蜡制片技术对北柴胡胚和胚乳的发育及对其种子萌发的影响进行了观察。结果表明北柴胡胚的发育属于茄型,基细胞进行一次横分裂后不再分裂,因而胚柄不发达,且很早解体。胚乳的发育属于核型,初生胚孔核的分裂远远早于受精卵的分裂。对果实采收时期胚发育状况进行统计发现,在被测采收期果实中有20%的果实的胚处于球形胚阶段,70%处于心形胚,只有10%处于鱼雷胚,说明北柴胡种子采收时胚处于不同的发育阶段,存在形态后熟现象,这是北柴胡种子萌发难、萌发率低且出苗不整齐的主要因素。  相似文献   

小麦成熟胚囊卵细胞中存在较多围核分布的淀粉粒和少量散布的脂类颗粒;两个助细胞中积累很多脂类,未见有淀粉粒存在;中央细胞中存在中等量均匀分布的淀粉粒和脂类颗粒。受精时期,胚囊内各细胞中淀粉粒变化不大。精卵核融合时,卵细胞和中央细胞中的脂类分别存在一个积累高峰。合子与相应时期游离核胚乳中的脂类颗粒均较少。原胚初期,每个原胚细胞及胚乳原生质中均积累较多脂类。珠孔附近的内珠被细胞中脂类颗粒较多,并存在一个有规律的变化。在观察的所有发育时期的胚珠中,均未发现贮存蛋白质。胚珠中脂类的一系列变化可能与雌性细胞的营养、胚胎发育初期的养料及花粉管的定向生长等有关  相似文献   

Grand Rapids lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) seeds were stored in an imbibed state for up to two years. Embryos dissected from stored seeds showed a progressive loss with time in their ability to germinate on polyethylene glycol (PEG) solutions. Little germination of dissected embryos from one-month imbibed seeds occurred on-6 bar PEG but only after four months of storage did the dissected embryos fail to germinate on-4 bar PEG. After two years storage 30% of dissected embryos still were able to germinate on-2 bar PEG. This loss of germination potential, which may be a symptom of the development of an embryo dormancy, could be reversed by N6-benzyladenine (BA) and red light (R) applied together or separately to dissected embryos. Two weeks of chilling of 12-month imbibed seeds restored sensitivity to R and a 48-h BA pretreatment prior to R resulted in germination rates similar to those of seeds emerging from primary dormancy. There was loss of embryo control of endo--mannanase activity after two weeks of storage even though the endosperms themselves retained their capacity for enzyme synthesis for six more weeks. Eventually, then, endo--mannanase synthesis is not possible because of inherent changes in both the embryo and endosperm, although each tissue undergoes changes at its own rate. Oxygen uptake by embryos dissected from two-month imbibed seeds did not increase to the same extent as embryos dissected from freshly imbibed seeds. In intact seeds germinating from a skotodormant state, oxygen uptake increased at a time coincident with radicle protrusion, but did not achieve the levels of uptake of those seeds germinating from a primary dormant state. The decline in uptake of oxygen by secondary dormant seeds is the result of a lowered respiratory capability of the embryo itself, rather than of changes in permeability of the surrounding structures.Abbreviations BA N6-benzyladenine - Pfr active (far-redabsorbing) form of phytochrome - R red light - PEG polyethylene glycol  相似文献   

北柴胡胚和胚乳的发育及对其种子萌发的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用常规石蜡制片技术对北柴胡胚和胚乳的发育及对其种子萌发的影响进行了观察。结果表明北柴胡胚的发育属于茄型,基细胞进行一次横分裂后不再分裂,因而胚柄不发达,且很早解体。胚乳的发育属于核型,初生胚孔核的分裂远远早于受精卵的分裂。对果实采收时期胚发育状况进行统计发现,在被测采收期果实中有20%的果实的胚处于球形胚阶段,70%处于心形胚,只有10% 处于鱼雷胚,说明北柴胡种子采收时胚处于不同的发育阶段,存在形态后熟现象,这是北柴胡种子萌发难、萌发率低且出苗不整齐的主要因素。  相似文献   


Alpine plants have evolved to fit their life cycle into the short vegetative season of mountain habitats. Fritillaria tubiformis Gren. & Godr. subsp. moggridgei (Boiss. & Reuter ex Planch.) Rix (Liliaceae) is an endemic alpine geophyte, bearing seeds with underdeveloped embryos. Seeds are dispersed in August and embryos complete their development by spring when seeds germinate. In order to optimize seed banking procedures and to develop a proper germination protocol for plant regeneration, we studied embryo morphogenesis and analyzed how this process is influenced by temperature. Radicle protrusion occurred after an incubation of 5 months at 4°C. Under these conditions, underdeveloped embryos reached maturity and acquired a well-defined shoot apex. At the time of dispersal, abundant storage compounds were present in seeds. Lipids and lipid/proteins were uniformly distributed within the embryo and the endosperm, respectively. At late stages of embryo development, starch granules were localized at the cotyledonary tip and were also detected around the shoot meristem. Results suggested that F. tubiformis embryos resumed growth over a large range of temperatures, but were only able to complete development at low temperatures after which they were able to germinate by spring.  相似文献   

The three areas of food reserves in quinoa seeds are: a largecentral perisperm, a peripheral embryo and a one to two-celllayered endosperm surrounding the hypocotyl-radicle axis ofthe embryo. Cytochemical and ultrastructural analysis revealedthat starch grains occupy the cells of the perisperm, whilelipid bodies, protein bodies with globoid crystals of phytin,and proplastids with deposits of phytoferritin are the storagecomponents of the cells of the endosperm and embryo tissues.EDX analysis of the endosperm and embryo protein bodies revealedthat globoid crystals contain phosphorus, potassium and magnesium.These results are compared with studies on other perispermousseeds published to date.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company Chenopodium quinoa,EDX analysis, phytoferritin, phytin, protein bodies, quinoa, seed structure, seed reserves, starch grains.  相似文献   

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