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杉木中龄林针叶光合作用对光斑的响应   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
对18年生杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata(Lamb.)Hook.)当年生针叶净光合速率(Pn)对不同时间和强度的猝发性辐射和模拟光斑响应的研究表明:经长时间低光或暗处理后针叶的Pn对猝发性连续强光的响应呈S形曲线,约需10~15min的光诱导才能达到相应光强下的最大值;猝发性辐射强度越大,所需光诱导时间越长;低光期越长,低光期辐射越小,所需光诱导期越长;但只要光斑间隔不是太长,针叶仍可保持原有的光诱导状态。针叶Pn对单个瞬时光斑的响应与光斑前的光诱导状态和光斑时间长短有关,充分诱导的针叶Pn对光斑的响应较未诱导或未充分诱导的针叶要灵敏得多,光斑时间延长可提高光诱导状态,从而提高Pn。光斑消失后Pn缓慢下降表明针叶对光斑的响应存在明显的光后CO2固定,在瞬时光斑较多的林内,光后CO2固定可占总同化量的相当大比例。  相似文献   

亚热带常绿人工针叶林冠层内光能利用率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以我国南方主要造林树种湿地松(Pinus elliottii)、马尾松(P.massoniana)、杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)为研究对象,采用Li-6400便携式CO2/H2O红外气体分析仪测定生长中期(7月)和后期(10月)树冠内部不同层次(上层和下层)、方位(阳面和阴面)和叶龄(当年生和1年生)光环境、净光合速率(Pn),计算了光能利用效率(LUE)。结果表明:光合有效辐射(PAR)在树冠不同层次和方位间存在显著差异(P<0.05);当年生叶所处环境PAR高于1年生叶所处环境PAR,即在一定光环境之下发育的叶片往往被后来形成的新叶所遮荫。两时期3树种上层针叶的Pn均高于下层针叶;生长中期下层针叶的LUE高于上层叶,而生长后期层次间LUE相近或下层针叶不及上层针叶。不同方位针叶Pn因树种不同而不同,湿地松和马尾松阳面叶Pn高于阴面叶,而杉木阴面叶Pn高于阳面叶;两时期3树种阴面叶LUE均高于阳面叶。总体而言,叶片Pn和LUE对森林树冠内部光环境做出较强的可塑性。由于当年生针叶生理机能和光环境均优于1年生针叶,两时期3树种当年生针叶Pn均高于1年生针叶;生长中期湿地松和马尾松当年生...  相似文献   

土壤水分对金矮生苹果光合速率的影响   总被引:31,自引:3,他引:28  
王克勤  王斌瑞 《生态学报》2002,22(2):206-214
通过对 7年生田间和 2年生盆栽金矮生苹果 ( Maluspumila CV.goldspur)进行不同土壤水分和光照条件下叶片光合速率测定研究 ,结果表明 ,光合速率 ( Pn)与光照强度 ( PAR)和土壤水分 ( SWC)之间存在着密切的关系。当林木供水充足 ,即 SWC( >1 5 % )达到田间持水量 ( FC)的 75 %以上时 ,Pn的光响应曲线为直角双曲线 ,但 SWC低于这一水平时 ,Pn的光响应曲线则为二次抛物线 ,表现出不同程度的光抑制 ,水分胁迫越严重 ,出现光抑制越早。弱光下 ( PAR<5 0 0 μmol· s- 1· m- 2 ) ,光合速率最大值 Pmax出现在 SWC比较低的范围内 ( 70 %~ 75 % FC) ,如果 SWC继续增大时 ,Pn反而下降 ;随着光强的增大 ,Pmax出现的 SWC水平随之提高。金矮生苹果 Pn的日变化规律在不同 SWC下并不相同 ,水分胁迫存在时 ,Pn的日变化表现出“午休”现象 ,水分胁迫越严重 ,“午休”时间越长 ;水分供应充足时 ,Pn从 1 0∶ 0 0的最大值直线下降 ,下午不再回升。轻度水分胁迫时 ,Pn日平均值接近或达到最大值 ;随着 SWC的提高 Pn日平均值反而有下降趋势。在正常光照条件下 (日均值 80 0~ 1 0 0 0μmol· s- 1· m- 2 ) ,当林木处于严重水分胁迫 ,即 SWC低于 FC的 5 5 %时 ,Pn随土壤水分的增加直线上升 ;当土壤水分供应充足 ( SWC>75 % F  相似文献   

以盆栽3年生红松和西伯利亚红松为材料,设置4种水分条件,土壤含水量分别为:29%~31%(C), 22%~24%(L), 15%~17%(M)和渍水组(W),研究不同水分条件下红松和西伯利亚红松当年生针叶和往年生针叶的脯氨酸含量和叶绿素含量变化。结果表明:1)脯氨酸含量在不同叶龄和不同树种之间存在差异。红松当年生针叶叶绿素含量高于往年生针叶,而西伯利亚红松则相反。总体上西伯利亚红松的脯氨酸含量高于红松;2)2树种在渍水条件下脯氨酸含量大量积累,红松在处理后一个月即出现胁迫反应,早于西伯利亚红松。土壤含水量在 15%~17%时已对2种红松的往年生针叶产生胁迫,但对红松的胁迫程度大于西伯利亚红松;3)叶绿素积累与2种红松的耐水分胁迫能力相关性不大;4)西伯利亚红松的水分适应范围大于红松;2种红松的当年生针叶的耐水分胁迫能力均大于往年生针叶。  相似文献   

在原生地和引种地对高山花卉中甸角蒿(1ncarvillea zhongdianensis)光合作用和叶片性状对生长光强的响应进行研究。结果表明:在香格里拉,光合速率(Pn)、类胡萝卜素(Car)、色素比(Chla/b)均随光强的降低而下降;而比叶面积(SLA)、叶绿素b(Chlb)、叶氮含量(LNCa)随光强的降低而上升。中甸角蒿主要是通过叶片形态、生化效率和叶片氮分配来响应生长光强的变化,对生长光强的适应表现出较大可塑性,使得其相对比较容易引种驯化。中甸角蒿在香格里拉对光照具有较广的适应幅,从香格里拉移栽到昆明后,虽然Pn下降约10%,但RGR增加约30%,表明其可以在昆明较好生长。  相似文献   

不同产地披针叶茴香光合特性对水分胁迫和复水的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探讨披针叶茴香(Illicium lanceolatum)对水分胁迫的响应,选用4个不同产地的披针叶茴香(浙江临安产地(LA)、浙江开化产地(KH)、江西武宁产地(WN)和福建南平产地(NP))盆栽幼苗为试验材料,采用Li-6400便携式光合作用测定仪对不同水分胁迫下幼苗光合特性进行测定.结果表明:随着水分胁迫强度增加,不同产地幼苗光饱和点(LSP)和光补偿点(LCP)值表现出不同程度的降低,最大净光合速率(Pmax)的变化趋势存在产地差异,基本为先升后降;而表观光量子效率(AQY)呈增加的趋势.在水分胁迫复水后,4个产地幼苗LSP、LCP、AQY和Pmax值与正常供水时存在显著差异(P<0.05),WN、KH和LA幼苗LSP值大于正常供水;除NP幼苗外,其余产地幼苗LCP值均不同程度快速回升;KH和WN幼苗Pmax值高于正常供水,LA和NP幼苗Pmax低于正常供水;WN、KH和LA幼苗的AQY值均明显高于正常供水.表明披针叶茴香不同产地植株光合特性对光强和水分敏感性不同,WN产地植株对水分和光照的需求较广、适应能力较强,其次为NP产地,而浙江产地(KH、LA)植株对于水分的要求较高.水分胁迫下,披针叶茴香幼苗光合响应曲线亦存在差异,在低光范围(≤200 μmol· m-2·s-1)时,其净光合速率(Pn)光响应值主要受土壤水分影响,当光强增大时,光照负面影响大于水分影响.表明披针叶茴香生长需要适宜水分,但最需要适宜光照,土壤水分条件较低时需实施弱光栽培措施来缓和逆境胁迫.  相似文献   

杉木人工林单叶至冠层光合作用的扩展与模拟研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
肖文发 《生态学报》1998,18(6):621-628
根据野外条件下杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata(Lamb.)Hook.)针叶光合作用的测定结果。考虑到光合作用对光的非线性响应特性,及其与叶所处的实际冠层环境变量和冠层的空气动力学特性的相关,以筒化的林冠辐射传输模型为基础,结合不同部位和年龄针叶的光响应曲线,实现了叶室测量结果向冠层环境的调整,并进行了冠层光合作用模拟的初步研究。经过调整后的冠层光合作用平均比未经过调整的值高1  相似文献   

冠层部位和叶龄对红松光合蒸腾特性的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
霍宏  王传宽 《应用生态学报》2007,18(6):1181-1186
利用Li-6400便携式CO2/H2O红外气体分析仪测定了红松不同冠层部位和叶龄针叶的光合蒸腾特性及其环境影响因子.结果表明:冠层部位和叶龄显著地影响最大净光合速率(Pmax)、光饱和点(LSP)、光补偿点(LCP)、表观最大量子效率(α)、蒸腾速率(Tr)和比叶面积(SLA),但对水分利用效率(WUE)影响不显著.随着冠层部位的下降和叶龄的增加,红松针叶的Pmax逐渐下降,其平均值变动在6·55~9·05μmol·m-2·s-1之间.不同冠层部位和叶龄针叶的LSP和LCP的差异很大,以树冠中部针叶对弱光和强光的利用能力最大.Tr随着冠层部位的下降而降低;不同叶龄针叶的Tr在1·37~1·59mmol·m-2·s-1之间变化.不同部位和叶龄红松针叶的Tr和光合有效辐射存在极显著正相关关系(R2=0·967).红松的WUE与净光合速率紧密相关(R2=0·860).随冠层部位的上升和叶龄的增大,红松针叶的SLA递减,分别在6·61~8·41m2·kg-1和6·65~8·38m2·kg-1之间波动.  相似文献   

为探讨北京松山自然保护区油松固碳机制, 对松山不同叶龄油松针叶的光合、蒸腾特性及其与环境因子的关系进行探究。结果显示:(1)油松当年生叶的最大净光合速率、暗呼吸速率及光补偿点均高于往年生叶, 但表观量子效率却低于往年生叶; (2)油松当年生和往年生叶的净光合速率和蒸腾速率日变化均呈“双峰”曲线; 当年生叶的净光合速率日均值显著高于往年生(P<0.05); (3)气孔导度和光合有效辐射是影响油松当年生和往年生叶净光合速率的共同生态因子; 同时气孔导度和光合有效辐射共同影响不同叶龄针叶的蒸腾速率。结果表明当年生叶光合潜力较大, 而往年生叶利用弱光能力较强; 当年生叶净光合速率降低主要为非气孔因素, 而往年生叶则先后由气孔因素和非气孔素引起; 油松不同叶龄光合特性差异体现了油松不 同的生理调节和环境适应策略。  相似文献   

目的:研究光声耦合和对照光激发蝗虫趋光响应试验,为蝗虫的光电诱导捕集治理及趋光增益调控激发技术提供理论基础。方法:依据蝗虫趋光机理和声频刺激激发蝗虫的响应特性,利用LED光源、声频播放设备和蝗虫行为试验装置,进行了蝗虫对光声耦合和光谱光照趋光响应的对比测定,并探讨了光声耦合对蝗虫趋光效果影响的机理。结果:(1)蝗虫光声感受器对光能和声能接受和神经处理方式的不同,光谱光照和声频耦合刺激激发蝗虫生物活性和趋光v向应的双重叠加效应,增强了蝗虫的趋光活性,强化了蝗虫的趋光行为,提高了蝗虫的趋光响应,达到了推拉驱动蝗虫趋光响应的效应;(2)在光声耦合激发蝗虫趋光响应峰值上,蝗虫对不同声刺激的敏感性参数不同;(3)蝗虫对声刺激敏感参数接受的容限性,导致光谱光照在蝗虫诱导响应行为中起主导作用,而声刺激则起驱动激发蝗虫趋光响应的增益效应。结论:光谱光照和声刺激的合理布置和组合,能够有效提高蝗虫的趋光诱导响应效果。  相似文献   

鼎湖山亚热带森林中的优势树种马尾松、荷木、黧蒴和黄果厚壳桂的幼苗,盆栽于100%、40%和16%的自然光下生长1年.利用氧电极离体测定叶片的光合-光响应曲线,结果表明不同树种及同一树种不同生长光强处理之间差异明显.比较最大净光合速率(Amax)、光补偿点、光饱和点、光抑制点及光能利用效率(QUE)等的变化可见,黄果厚壳桂为耐阴植物,对高光强的光合适应潜力为有限,100%的自然光明显抑制其最大同化力;其余3种植物均为喜光植物,其中马尾松的光合作用对遮阴的适应能力较差,而荷木和黧蒴则相对较强.本文还对植物的光合生理特性与其演替状态的联系作了初步探讨.  相似文献   

Mixed forests comprising multiple tree species with contrasting crown architectures, leaf phenologies, and photosynthetic activity, tend to have high ecosystem productivity. We propose that in such forests, differentiation among coexisting species in their spatial and temporal strategies for light interception, results in complementary use of light. Spatial differentiation among coexisting tree species occurs as a result of adaptation of crown architecture and shoot/leaf morphology to the spatially variable light conditions of the canopy, sub-canopy, and understory. Temporal differentiation occurs as a result of variation in leaf phenology and photosynthetic activity. The arrangement of leaves in both space and time is an important aspect of plant strategies for light interception and determines photosynthetic carbon gain of the plant canopy. For example, at the shoot level, morphological and phenological differentiation between long and short shoots reflects their respective shoot functions, indicating that spatial and temporal strategies for light interception are linked. Complementary use of light is a consequence of the spatiotemporal differentiation in light interception among coexisting species. Because coexisting species may show differentiation in strategies for resource acquisition (functional diversification) or convergence with respect to some limiting resource (functional convergence), the relative importance of various crown functions and their contribution to growth and survival of individuals need to be evaluated quantitatively and compared among coexisting species.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Light extinction through crowns of canopy trees determines light availability at lower levels within forests. The goal of this paper is the exploration of foliage distribution and light extinction in crowns of five canopy tree species in relation to their shoot architecture, leaf traits (mean leaf angle, life span, photosynthetic characteristics) and successional status (from pioneers to persistent). METHODS: Light extinction was examined at three hierarchical levels of foliage organization, the whole crown, the outermost canopy and the individual shoots, in a tropical moist forest with direct canopy access with a tower crane. Photon flux density and cumulative leaf area index (LAI) were measured at intervals of 0.25-1 m along multiple vertical transects through three to five mature tree crowns of each species to estimate light extinction coefficients (K). RESULTS: Cecropia longipes, a pioneer species with the shortest leaf life span, had crown LAI <0.5. Among the remaining four species, crown LAI ranged from 2 to 8, and species with orthotropic terminal shoots exhibited lower light extinction coefficients (0.35) than those with plagiotropic shoots (0.53-0.80). Within each type, later successional species exhibited greater maximum LAI and total light extinction. A dense layer of leaves at the outermost crown of a late successional species resulted in an average light extinction of 61% within 0.5 m from the surface. In late successional species, leaf position within individual shoots does not predict the light availability at the individual leaf surface, which may explain their slow decline of photosynthetic capacity with leaf age and weak differentiation of sun and shade leaves. CONCLUSION: Later-successional tree crowns, especially those with orthotropic branches, exhibit lower light extinction coefficients, but greater total LAI and total light extinction, which contribute to their efficient use of light and competitive dominance.  相似文献   

周颖  张泽文  温烁  孙赫  刘强 《应用生态学报》2021,32(5):1690-1698
以河北省塞罕坝机械林场华北落叶松人工林为研究对象,比较潜在最大光能利用效率(LUEmax)、潜在最有效光照强度(PARe)、光补偿点(LCP)和光饱和点(LSP)在树冠不同垂直位置和不同物候期的差异,并分析其主要影响因素。结果表明: LUEmax在树冠垂直方向随着冠层深度的增加而增大,PARe、LCP和LSP则随冠层深度的增加而减小,表明上层针叶对强光具有更高的利用效率而下层针叶能更高效地适应弱光环境。LUEmax在生长季内随着叶片发育呈现出逐渐增加的趋势,但在7月有所下降;其余指标均呈现出“单峰”的变化趋势。环境因子与光响应指标显著相关,主要原因是叶片气孔对周边环境的应激反应。了解光响应指标的垂直及物候期变化规律对制定科学的经营措施、优化林分结构、改善局部微环境、最大限度提高森林生产力有重要意义。  相似文献   

Gas exchange in a 20-year-old stand of Scots pine   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The rates of net photosynthesis and transpiration of one-year-old shoots were measured in situ in five different positions within the crown of a young Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.). Measurements were carried out on south- and north-facing shoots on the third and sixth whorls, respectively, and on an east-facing shoot on the ninth whorl. In another investigation the rates of gas exchange of one-year-old shoots on the third whorl of eight different trees were studied. The measurements were made during June and July, 1977, under non-limiting conditions of soil water. The daily rates of net photosynthesis in whorls three and six followed the light conditions closely, with higher rates for the south side of each whorl and higher for whorl three than six. On whorl nine the shoot had a higher light compensation point and a low rate of photosynthesis at light saturation compared to the other shoot positions. The quantum yield for the shoot on the lowest whorl, as estimated from the linear part of the light response curve, was 50% lower than for shoots on whorl three and six.
The variation in transpiration rates was pronounced within the crown as an effect of differences in the absolute value and diurnal course of stomatal conductance. The variation in net photosynthesis was small between different trees while the variation in transpiration was much higher. Thus the variation in water use efficiency was great. It is concluded that it is possible to extrapolate measurements of net photosynthesis from individual trees up to a stand level without introducing large errors in the estimate. More caution must be paid before extrapolating tree transpiration up to stand transpiration. However, before an extrapolation of gas exchange is made from tree to stand level the variation in net photosynthesis and transpiration rate within the crown must be known.  相似文献   

用CIRAS-2便携式光合测定系统测定了9月至10月10个秋菊[Dendranthema morifolium (Ramat.) Tvzel.]品种叶片的光合特征参数;在此基础上,对叶片光响应参数和CO2响应参数以及部分光合特征参数的日变化进行了比较分析;此外,还对净光合速率(Pn)与部分生理生态因子的相关性进行了分析.结果表明:10个秋菊品种的光补偿点(LCP)为92.83~167.37 μmol·m-2·s-1,光饱和点(LSP)为962.51~1 077.53 μmol·m-2·s-1,说明它们均为喜光植物;10个秋菊品种的CO2饱和点为1 060.46 ~1 485.48μmol·mol-1,CO2补偿点为77.62 ~ 133.16μmo1·mol-1,远大于一般的C3植物;各品种Pn的日变化呈典型的双峰型曲线,首峰(11~19μmol·m-2·s-1)出现在10:00左右,次峰出现在16:00左右,有明显的“午休”现象.相关分析结果表明:10个品种的Pn与气孔导度呈极显著正相关,与蒸腾速率呈显著或极显著正相关(品种‘关东新侠’、‘云龙凤舞’和‘日本黄’除外),与胞间CO2浓度呈显著或极显著负相关,与光合有效辐射强度和大气温度呈不显著正相关,与大气相对湿度和大气CO2浓度呈不显著负相关.早花品种‘太平的小鼓’和‘铜雀春深’具有较高的LSP以及较低的LCP和表观量子效率(AQY),对光照强度的适应范围较大,可栽培在光照较强的环境中;品种‘早粉盘’和‘檀香狮子’具有较高的LCP、AQY和LSP,对强光的利用能力较强;晚花品种‘关东新侠’、‘绿牡丹’和‘星光灿烂’具有较高的LCP和AQY以及较低的LSP,具有一定的耐阴能力,可种植在光照较弱的环境中.  相似文献   

辽东楤木光合和蒸腾作用对光照和土壤水分的响应过程   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
应用CIRAS-2型便携式光合作用系统,测定了不同土壤含水量下辽东楤木光合作用与蒸腾作用的光响应过程,探讨了辽东楤木对光照环境和土壤水分的适应性.结果表明:辽东楤木的净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)和叶片水分利用效率(WUE)对光量子通量密度(PFD)的响应过程不同;在强光范围内(PFD 800~1 800 μmol·m-2·s-1),随着光强增加,辽东楤木的Pn变化较小,而Tr逐渐减小,WUE明显提高.辽东楤木的光饱和点(LSP)和光补偿点(LCP)分别在800和30 μmol·m-2·s-1左右,且受土壤含水量变化的影响较小;但其光合量子效率(Ф)和暗呼吸速率(Rd)受土壤含水量变化的影响较大.辽东楤木的Pn和WUE对土壤含水量的变化有明显的阈值响应,其高效用水的土壤相对含水量(RWC)在44%~79%;在此范围内,辽东楤木能同时获得较高的光合速率和水分利用效率.  相似文献   

Ishii HT  Jennings GM  Sillett SC  Koch GW 《Oecologia》2008,156(4):751-763
We studied changes in morphological and physiological characteristics of leaves and shoots along a height gradient in Sequoia sempervirens, the tallest tree species on Earth, to investigate whether morphological and physiological acclimation to the vertical light gradient was constrained by hydrostatic limitation in the upper crown. Bulk leaf water potential (Psi) decreased linearly and light availability increased exponentially with increasing height in the crown. During the wet season, Psi was lower in the outer than inner crown. C isotope composition of leaves (delta(13)C) increased with increasing height indicating greater photosynthetic water use efficiency in the upper crown. Leaf and shoot morphology changed continuously with height. In contrast, their relationships with light availability were discontinuous: morphological characteristics did not correspond to increasing light availability above 55-85 m. Mass-based chlorophyll concentration (chl) decreased with increasing height and increasing light availability. In contrast, area-based chl remained constant or increased with increasing height. Mass-based maximum rate of net photosynthesis (P (max)) decreased with increasing height, whereas area-based P (max) reached maximum at 78.4 m and decreased with increasing height thereafter. Mass-based P (max) increased with increasing shoot mass per area (SMA), whereas area-based P (max) was not correlated with SMA in the upper crown. Our results suggest that hydrostatic limitation of morphological development constrains exploitation of light in the upper crown and contributes to reduced photosynthetic rates and, ultimately, reduced height growth at the tops of tall S. sempervirens trees.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive analysis of factors affecting resource allocation and crown formation in a subarctic birch tree, Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii (Orlova) Hämet-Ahti. Using biomass measurements and digitized data on tree architecture, we investigated several hypotheses on various factors that may modify plant growth. We also analyzed the extent to which different mechanisms operate at different scales, ranging from individual shoots to the whole branches or trees. Different factors affected allocation at different levels of organization. Stem age had a minor effect, suggesting that similar control mechanisms operate at all stages of development. Fates of individual shoots were affected by their local growing conditions as indicated, for example, by the dependence of long shoot production on light. Buds formed in the current long shoots were likely to become new long shoots. In the innermost crown parts, radial growth had priority compared to long shoot production. Elongation of individual long shoots was controlled by two conflicting factors. Long distance from the roots suppressed growth, probably indicating costs associated with resource transportation, whereas a high level of light augmented growth. In contrast, growth of entire branches was not so clearly related to the availability of resources, but showed limitation due to allometric scaling. This set a relationship between the maximum long shoot number and the overall branch size, and may indicate allometric constraints to the way a tree is constructed. Strict allometric relationships existed also between other structural traits of mountain birch, most of them similar at all levels of branching hierarchy. However, despite the upper level restrictions set by allometry, source-sink interactions and localized responses of individual shoots operated as local processes that directed allocation towards the most favourable positions. This may be a mechanism for achieving efficient tree architecture in terms of resource intake and costs of transportation.  相似文献   

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