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通过对石竹、庐山小檗、活血丹和紫云英四种植物花蜜腺的外部形态、显微切片和扫描电镜观察,了解到石竹花蜜腺是雄蕊类型蜜汁通过角质量层间小孔分泌;庐山小檗花蜜腺是花被类型其每个分泌表皮细胞的外切向壁中央向内凹陷与角质层之间形成角支下空隙,密汁由表皮细胞分泌后贮存于角质层下空隙中,在蜜汁积累过程中不断增加对角支的压力,最后冲破角质层分泌天体外;活血丹和紫云英花蜜腺于花托类型,前者汁从分泌表皮细胞通过角质层  相似文献   

3种獐牙菜属植物花蜜腺的发育解剖学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
薛春迎  刘建全等 《西北植物学报》2001,21(1):112-116,T003,T004
獐牙菜属的红直獐牙菜、抱茎獐牙菜和四数獐牙菜3种植物花蜜腺都属花被蜜腺,其结构相似,均由分泌表皮和产蜜组织组成,为结构蜜腺,是花冠其部薄壁组织恢复分和能力形成的,分泌表皮无气孔器,原蜜汁由蜜腺周围的维管束提供,经产蜜组织加工后,由分泌表皮外薄的角质层泌出。四数獐牙菜花蜜腺裸露,凸起,而另2化蜜腺凹限为囊状、;红直獐牙菜为脱落蜜腺、而抱茎獐牙菜和四数獐牙菜为宿存蜜腺,其花蜜腺的性状基本印证了3种獐牙菜属植物的系统位置。  相似文献   

唐古特白刺(Nitraria tangutorum Bobr.)蜜腺位于花瓣内侧,按Fahn蜜腺分类法,属花被蜜腺;其由分泌表皮细胞构成,从植物解剖学的角度来看,又属典型的非结构蜜腺;经组织化学染色显示,淀粉粒的动态不明显,因此又属非淀粉蜜腺。唐古特白刺的分泌表皮细胞,在蜜腺发育过程中特化为分泌表皮毛,分泌腔原始细胞在蜜腺发育过程中裂解成分泌腔,分泌表皮上具有特殊的角质层纹理,在分泌表皮细胞发育过程中,液泡呈现一定的变化规律,其变化与蜜汁的合成和分泌规律相关,液泡是参与了多糖物质的降解、蜜汁的转运等物质的循环而发生着有规律的变化,淀粉和糖原的动态不明显。最后形成的蜜汁经分泌腔,由分泌表皮细胞特化为单细胞的表皮毛中泌出,在败花期时,分泌表皮毛萎缩并随花瓣一起脱落,泌蜜由此停止。  相似文献   

薄荷花蜜腺的发育解剖学研究   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
薄荷的花蜜腺位于花盘上,属花盘蜜腺。蜜腺由分泌表皮、产蜜组织组成,其下分布有通向子房壁的维管束。分泌表皮的角质层薄,具腺细胞特征,气孔发育正常。产蜜组织为2-3层细胞组成,与其内的薄壁组织有明显区别。蜜腺由花盘发育中表皮及其内的细胞分化发育而成。在开花前后,分泌表皮和产蜜组织的细胞内液泡和淀粉粒呈有规律的变化。蜜汁以渗透方式从表皮细胞直接渗出。  相似文献   

龙眼花蜜腺的发育解剖学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对龙眼(Dimocarpus longan Lour.)花蜜腺的形态结构、发育过程以及蜜腺的组织化学变化进行了较为系统的研究;对花蜜腺结构与泌蜜的关系、泌蜜方式、起源和系统演化等作了初步的探讨。结果表明:龙眼的花盘蜜腺位于花托上,呈环状环绕在雌雄蕊基部外围,花芽分化约30d,在雄蕊和花被之间的花托表面,蜜腺原基也开始形成,由花托表面2~3层细胞脱分化形成居间分生组织发育而来;龙眼花蜜腺由分泌表皮和产蜜组织构成,属结构蜜腺;分泌表皮角质层极薄,密布单细胞绒毛,未发现有气孔;产蜜组织由亚腺细胞、产蜜细胞、油细胞和维管束组成;在蜜腺发育过程中,产蜜细胞的液泡和多糖物质发生有规律的变化;蜜腺的原蜜汁来源于韧皮部,蜜汁经表皮角质层渗出。  相似文献   

耿华美  付强  郭骏  王虹 《植物研究》2012,32(1):22-27
垂花青兰(Dracocephalum nutans Linn.)花蜜腺分布于子房基部的花托上,盘状蜜腺的上部裂成三小一大的四枚裂片,基部在膨大的花托外环绕一圈。蜜腺组织由分泌表皮、产蜜组织和维管束三部分组成,是典型的结构蜜腺;组织化学染色显示淀粉粒动态明显,因此又属淀粉蜜腺。在发育的过程中细胞液泡化动态明显,且淀粉粒和蛋白质具有明显的消长变化,蜜汁通过气孔器和表皮细胞的角质层泌出。  相似文献   

紫云英花蜜除环绕在子房基部周围,属于花托蜜腺。成熟蜜腺的结构由分泌表皮和泌蜜组织构成。分泌表皮单层,细胞壁薄,其上有少量气孔存在,外切向壁角质层薄。泌蜜组织细胞5—6层。泌蜜组织基部具维管束、筛管或导管分子直达泌蜜组织基部。紫云英花蜜腺形成较晚,至露冠期基本成熟。PAS反应结果表明,紫云英花蜜腺是淀粉型蜜腺。蜜腺发育早期即在蜜腺细胞内充满众多的多糖颗粒。从结构和发育过程分析,紫云英花蜜腺的花蜜以分泌表皮层直接泌出为主,气孔泌出是辅助途径。  相似文献   

艾比湖沙拐枣植物的花蜜腺位于花丝基部并延续到花托,属于花托/雄蕊蜜腺,蜜腺由分泌表皮、产蜜组织和维管束组成。在花的发育过程中,蜜腺由本身的原始细胞分裂、分化而来;其花蜜腺在发育过程中液泡化动态明显,PAS反应测试细胞具阳性物质。泌蜜方式为:蜜汁由特化的表皮毛分泌到植物体外;其可能的泌蜜机理为:前蜜汁由产蜜组织合成,经特化的分泌表皮毛泌出。  相似文献   

紫苏花蜜腺的发育解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
紫苏花蜜腺位于不均等分裂的花盘裂片上,属于子房基部的盘状蜜腺。3枚小裂片上的蜜腺由分泌表皮和产蜜组织组成,而另一枚大裂片上的指状蜜腺则由分泌表皮、产蜜组织和维管束组成。4枚蜜腺的表皮细胞外均具薄的角质层,仅在指状蜜腺的顶部分布着密集的气孔器。蜜腺来源于花盘表面的2~3层细胞。在蜜腺发育过程中,液泡和淀粉粒呈现有规律的消长变化,这与蜜汁的合成与分泌有关。3枚小裂片蜜腺的原蜜汁来源和泌蜜途径与指状蜜腺不同。  相似文献   

新疆鼠尾草(Salvia deserta Schang)花蜜腺位于子房基部的花托上,为盘状的花托蜜腺,其顶部裂成4片,其裂片大小不等,比例悬殊。蜜腺由产蜜组织和分泌表皮构成,又为结构蜜腺。组织化学染色显示淀粉粒动态明显,因此又属淀粉蜜腺。在发育的过程中细胞液泡化动态明显,且淀粉粒和蛋白质具有明显的消长变化,但PAS反应和苏木精脂类染色无明显变化。其泌蜜过程可能为:原蜜汁由邻近的韧皮部提供,经薄壁细胞运送至产蜜组织,在产蜜组织中进一步积聚、合成后,最终蜜汁通过变态气孔和分泌表皮细胞的角质层泌出。  相似文献   

密花香薷花蜜腺的解剖学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
密花香薷花密腺分布于子房基部和子房表面,属于一朵花中具二种花蜜腺类型,子房基部的盘状蜜腺由分泌表皮、产蜜组织及维管束三部分组成,分泌表皮上角质层局部有小孔。子房蜜腺由分泌表皮和产蜜组织组成。  相似文献   

通过解剖镜观察、石蜡切片和薄切片等方法,对芝麻菜的花蜜腺的位置、形态、结构、发育过程及泌蜜前后组织化学变化进行了研究。芝麻菜花蜜腺4枚,分成两对,其中一对侧蜜腺较大,棱柱状,分别着生在外轮2个短雄蕊基部内侧的花托上,结构上由表皮、产蜜组织和维管组织构成;另一对中蜜腺较小,近棒状,分别着生在内轮4个长雄蕊外侧的花托上,结构上仅由表皮和产蜜组织构成。二者表皮细胞外都具角质层,且蜜腺产蜜组织细胞中只含少量的多糖物质。两类蜜腺的蜜汁均由变态气孔泌出体外。无论侧蜜腺还是中蜜腺,蜜腺原基皆是在雌、雄蕊已分化后,由花托相应位置表皮下的1~2层细胞分裂形成的。在蜜腺发育中,产蜜组织细胞在泌蜜前后不具明显的液泡变化。  相似文献   

The data relating to the nectaries and nectar secretion in invasive Brassicacean taxa are scarce. In the present paper, the nectar production and nectar carbohydrate composition as well as the morphology, anatomy and ultrastructure of the floral nectaries in Bunias orientalis were investigated. Nectary glands were examined using light, fluorescence, scanning electron and transmission electron microscopy. The quantities of nectar produced by flowers and total sugar mass in nectar were relatively low. Total nectar carbohydrate production per 10 flowers averaged 0.3 mg. Nectar contained exclusively glucose (G) and fructose (F) with overall G/F ratio greater than 1. The flowers of B. orientalis have four nectaries placed at the base of the ovary. The nectarium is intermediate between two nectary types: the lateral and median nectary type (lateral and median glands stay separated) and the annular nectary type (both nectaries are united into one). Both pairs of glands represent photosynthetic type and consist of epidermis and glandular tissue. However, they differ in their shape, size, secretory activity, dimensions of epidermal and parenchyma cells, thickness of secretory parenchyma, phloem supply, presence of modified stomata and cuticle ornamentation. The cells of nectaries contain dense cytoplasm, plastids with starch grains and numerous mitochondria. Companion cells of phloem lack cell wall ingrowths. The ultrastructure of secretory cells indicates an eccrine mechanism of secretion. Nectar is exuded throughout modified stomata.  相似文献   

We used electron microscopy to investigate the fine structure of nectary secretions of Helleborus foetidus. During the secretion period, epidermal cells of nectaries discharge the whole contents of the cytoplasm into the nectary cavity. The external wall of the cell breaks, releasing the cytoplasm as a dense aggregate that later disperses in the nectary cavity. Cell components, such as chromatin, plastids, mitochondria, lipid droplets and membranes, were found in the nectar of H. foetidus, evincing the complex nature of the secreted material. These results confirm that nectar secretion in H. foetidus is of the holocrine type.  相似文献   

荔枝花蜜腺发育解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
荔枝花蜜腺呈盘状,位于子房和花萼之间的花托上。花盘蜜腺由表皮、产蜜组织、维管束组成。蜜腺的原始细胞由花托表面的2~3层细胞脱分化产生。成熟蜜腺产蜜组织细胞含有淀粉粒,为淀粉型蜜腺,表皮细胞内无淀粉粒。产蜜组织出现分化:PAS反应颜色深的细胞成网状分布,与表皮下方的1~2层细胞相连,构成蜜汁的运输通道;颜色浅的细胞分布于网眼处。蜜腺表皮上的角质层波状皱折,有泌蜜孔。表皮毛主要起保护作用,大部分蜜汁通过泌蜜孔排出。  相似文献   

The structure of perigonal nectaries, nectar production and carbohydrate composition were compared at various stages in the lifespan of the flower of Fritillaria meleagris L. The six nectaries each occupied a groove that is located 2–4 mm above the tepal base. The average nectary measured 11.0 mm long and 1.0–1.2 mm wide. The structure of nectaries situated on both inner and outer tepal whorls was identical, and at anthesis they were equally accessible to potential pollinators. However, secretion from nectaries associated with inner tepals tended to exceed that produced by nectaries located on the outer tepals. On average, regardless of flower stage, one flower secreted 10.87 ± 12.98 mg of nectar (mean and SD; N = 182). The nectar concentration ranged between 3 and 75%, with average concentration of sugars exceeding 50%. Both nectar production and concentration were dependent on the stage of anthesis, with the highest scores being recorded during full anthesis (21.75 ± 16.08 mg; 70.5%, mass and concentration, respectively) and the lowest at the end of anthesis (1.32 ± 2.69 mg; 16.9%, mass and concentration, respectively). A decline in both mass of nectar secreted and nectar concentration during the final stage of anthesis indicates nectar resorption. Nectar was composed of sucrose, glucose and fructose in approx. equal quantities, and its composition did not change significantly during subsequent stages of flowering. The nectaries comprised a single-layered secretory epidermis and several layers of subepidermal parenchyma. The nectariferous cells did not accumulate starch during any of the investigated stages. The nectary was supplied with one large and several smaller vascular bundles comprising xylem and phloem. Transport of assimilates and nectar secretion by protoplasts of secretory cells (and probably also nectar resorption) were facilitated by cell wall ingrowths present on the tangential walls of epidermal cells and subepidermal parenchyma. Epidermal cells lacked stomata. Nectar passed across the cell wall and through the cuticle which was clearly perforated with pores.  相似文献   

Nectar is secreted for up to 11d after anthesis inChamelauciumuncinatum . The volume and sucrose concentration secreted variesbetween flowers, plants and days. The period of nectar secretioncoincides with the period of pollen presentation and stigmaticreceptivity suggesting nectar is part of an efficient reproductivestrategy inC. uncinatum . The nectary ofC. uncinatum consistsof the entire upper surface of the ovary and hypanthium. Theepidermis of the nectary is covered by a thickened cuticle whichis only broken at the sites of the numerous modified stomatawhich are scattered across its surface. It is suggested thatnectar is secreted onto the surface of the ovary via these modifiedstomata. The presence of extensive and well developed endoplasmicreticulum, mitochondria and Golgi bodies in the nectar secretingcells indicates that a granulocrine mechanism of secretion isoccurring inC. uncinatum . Chamelaucium uncinatum ; Geraldton Waxflower; floral nectaries; nectar production; modified stomata  相似文献   

Abstract: The morphological and cytological characteristics of nectaries of Helleborus foetidus and H. bocconei during the secretory period are reported. The nectaries are derived from modified petals and secrete nectar continuously for about 20 days; they consist of a single layered epidermis, nectar-producing parenchyma and photosynthesizing parenchyma. Nectar secretion is holocrine and the nectar is released by rupture of the wall and cuticle of each epidermal cell. The nectaries of the two species differ in number and external morphology. In H. foetidus, secretion begins before anthesis and secretion rate decreases with nectary age. In H. bocconei it begins on the day of anthesis and proceeds at a constant rate. The nectar has a high sugar content, mainly sucrose, and also contains lipids and proteins.  相似文献   

Summary The floral nectary ofPisum sativum L. is situated on the receptacle at the base of the gynoecium. The gland receives phloem alone which departed the vascular bundles supplying the staminal column. Throughout the nectary, only the companion cells of the phloem exhibited wall ingrowths typical of transfer cells. Modified stomata on the nectary surface served as exits for nectar, but stomatal pores developed well before the commencement of secretion. Furthermore, stomatal pores on the nectary usually closed by occlusion, not by guard-cell movements. Pore occlusion was detected most frequently in post-secretory and secretory glands, and less commonly in pre-secretory nectaries. A quantitative stereological study revealed few changes in nectary fine structure between buds, flowers secreting nectar, and post-secretory flowers. Dissolution of abundant starch grains in plastids of subepidermal secretory cells when secretion commenced suggests that starch is a precursor of nectar carbohydrate production. Throughout nectary development, mitochondria were consistently the most plentiful organelle in both epidermal and subepidermal cells, and in addition to the relative paucity of dictyosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, and their associated vesicles, the evidence suggests that floral nectar secretion inP. sativum is an energy-requiring (eccrine) process, rather that granulocrine.Abbreviations ER endoplasmic reticulum - GA glutaraldehyde - SEM scanning electron microscopy  相似文献   

Linnaeeae is a small tribe of Caprifoliaceae consisting of six genera and c. 20 species. In Linnaeeae, floral nectaries are located on the corolla‐filament‐tube and nectar is produced from unicellular glandular hairs. We studied 23 taxa using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), light microscopy (LM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and found two distinct nectary morphologies, zonate and gibbous types, and two distinct types of glandular hair, clavate and smooth base types. Plesiomorphic characters associated with the nectary and identified in the tribe include hypocrateriform corollas, dichogamous flowers, zonate nectaries, wet papillate stigmas, vestigial nectary disc and smooth pollen grains. Apomorphic characters include bilabiate corollas, homogamous flowers, bulging nectaries, dry papillate stigmas and echinulate pollen grains. The nectary structure is similar in Vesalea and Linnaea and differs from the rest of the tribe, in accordance with recent phylogenetic results. Nectar secretion is typically granulocrine with subcuticular accumulation of nectar, which we compared with the secretion in multicellular hairs of Adoxa moschatellina. The cuticle on the hair becomes detached from the cell wall and large subcuticular spaces filled with nectar are formed. Nectar is probably released in areas with a thin cuticle. In Zabelia, the smooth basal part of the hair could help to build up the hydrostatic pressure.  相似文献   

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