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基于Ecopath模型的胶州湾生态系统结构和能量流动分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2015—2016年在胶州湾进行的渔业资源与生态环境调查数据,利用Ecopath with Ecosim 6.5(Ew E)软件构建了胶州湾生态通道模型,分析了现阶段该海湾生态系统营养结构、能量流动过程和生态系统总特征。结果表明:胶州湾生态通道模型共由21个功能组组成,各功能组营养级范围为1~4.383,渔获物平均营养级为2.023,以菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum)为主;胶州湾生态系统的能量流动主要以牧食食物链为主,占系统能量来源的59%。生态网络分析表明:系统能量主要分布在6个营养级,来源于初级生产者的能量转化效率为16.22%,来自碎屑的转化效率为15.76%,系统平均转化效率16.35%。胶州湾生态系统总初级生产力与总呼吸量的比值为2.518,系统处于不成熟状态。  相似文献   

北部湾生态通道模型的构建   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
根据1997年~1999年在北部湾进行的渔业资源和生态环境调查数据,利用EwE软件构建北部湾生态系统的营养通道模型,模型由16个功能组构成,包括了哺乳动物和海鸟,每一组都代表在生态系统中具有相似地位的有机体,基本覆盖了北部湾生态系统能量流动的主要过程.模型分析表明,北部湾生态系统的能量流动主要以捕食食物链途径为主,其中无脊椎动物在能量从低级向高层次转换中起关键作用.各功能组的营养级范围为1.00~4.04,哺乳动物占据了最高营养层.生态网络分析表明,系统的能量流动主要有6级,来自初级生产者的能流效率为12.2%,来自碎屑的转换效率为12.3%,平均能量转换效率为12.2%.模型估算的可利用的生物量密度为8.7 t·km-2,生态系统的生物生产量只占系统净初级生产力的1.81%.当前北部湾海洋生态系统处于不稳定状态.  相似文献   

徐姗楠  陈作志  何培民   《生态学报》2008,28(5):2065-2065~2072
根据2006年在杭州湾北岸大型围隔海域进行的生态调查数据,利用EwE软件构建围隔海域人工生态系统的能量流动模型.模型由13个功能组构成,分别是肉食性鱼类、底栖捕食鱼类、浮游动物性鱼类、草食性鱼类、蟹类、虾类、软体动物、底栖动物、肉食性浮游动物、植食性浮游动物、大型藻类、浮游植物和有机碎屑,每一组都代表在生态系统中具有相似地位的有机体,基本覆盖了该人工生态系统能量流动的主要过程.能量流动分析表明,围隔海域人工生态系统中能量流动主要以碎屑食物链途径为主,其中植食性浮游动物在能量从低级向高层次转换中起关键作用.人工生态系统的营养级范围为1.00~3.90级,系统的能量流动主要有6级,来自初级生产者的能流效率为9.4%,来自碎屑的转换效率为9.8%,平均能量转换效率为9.6%.经生态网络分析,直接来源于碎屑的比例占总流量的57%,而直接来源于初级生产者的比例为43%,生态系统特征参数:总初级生产计算量/总呼吸量(TPP/TR)、系统物质和能量循环率(FCI)和系统聚合度(A)值分别为2.672、0.25、0.315,表明围隔海域人工生态系统目前正处于发育时期.该研究为首次利用Ecopath模型分析大型围隔海域人工生态系统的结构和能量流动,旨在为富营养化近岸海域的生态修复提供理论依据.  相似文献   

基于2014—2016年青岛崂山湾人工鱼礁区的生物资源调查数据,利用Ecopath with Ecosim(EwE)软件构建崂山湾人工鱼礁区生态系统生态通道模型(Ecopath),系统分析了崂山湾人工鱼礁区生态系统的能量流动规律和结构特征,估算了栉孔扇贝的养殖容量。该模型由17个功能组组成,基本涵盖了崂山湾人工鱼礁区生态系统能量流动的主要过程。生态网络分析表明,生态系统各功能组的营养级范围为1.0—4.255,星康吉鳗占据了营养级的最高层。能量流动主要有5级,各营养级平均能量传递效率为10.8%,其中来自初级生产者的能量效率为9.8%,来自碎屑的传递效率为10.9%;系统总流量为14256.510 t km~(-2) a~(-1),其中68%的能量来自碎屑供给;系统的总初级生产量/总呼吸量为1.127,系统联结指数为0.293,杂食指数为0.333,表明崂山湾人工鱼礁区生态系统成熟度较高,食物网结构较复杂,系统内部稳定性较高。关键种指数分析结果显示,许氏平鲉具有较高的关键指数和相对总影响,表明其可能在当前生态系统中扮演重要的生态角色。吊笼养殖栉孔扇贝生态容纳量为189.679 t/km~2,在维持生态系统平衡和稳定的前提下,当前现存量最大可增加18.55%。  相似文献   

咸义  叶春  李春华  王延华 《生态学杂志》2016,27(7):2101-2110
湖泊缓冲带在湖泊流域空间布局中具有特殊地位,缓冲带内的湿地对于保障流域生态健康和湖泊水环境质量具有十分重要的意义.本研究以太湖竺山湾湖泊缓冲带内的竺山湖湿地生态系统为研究对象,将生物组分划分为16个功能组,构建了生态通道(EWE)模型,并分析了生态系统的特征、状态以及功能组之间的相互关系.结果表明: 竺山湖湿地生态系统的有效营养级范围在1~3.72,营养流动主要发生在前4个营养级,开始于沉水植物和有机碎屑的食物链较多.湿地生态系统的总的能量转换效率为5.1%,并未达到“1/10定律”,说明当前的能量转换效率较低.物质流量在生态系统中的平均传输效率为4.3%.系统的总生产量为2496.66 t·km-2·a-1,总流量为10145.2 t·km-2·a-1.生态系统的多种特征参数表明当前生态系统处于幼态化阶段.  相似文献   

李云凯  刘恩生  王辉  贡艺 《生态学杂志》2014,25(7):2033-2040
根据2008—2009年太湖湖区水生生物调查的结果及主要水生动物摄食生态学已发表资料,应用Ecopath with Ecosim 6.1软件构建了太湖生态系统的食物网模型,初步分析了太湖生态系统功能与结构特征.模型由初级生产者、主要鱼类及无脊椎动物和有机碎屑等20个功能组组成.结果表明: 太湖生态系统的能流主要分布在4个营养级上,顶级捕食者鲌鱼营养级最高.食物网存在两条主要的营养传递途径,即碎屑食物链和牧食食物链,且碎屑食物链占比较大;营养级I的利用效率低下,大量初级生产力未能流入更高的营养层次,造成生态系统下层的营养流动“阻塞”.对系统总体特征分析发现,反映系统成熟度的指标,包括较高的净初级生产力(NPP)和净初级生产力/呼吸(NPP/R),以及较低的连接指数(CI)、系统杂食指数(SOI)和Finn循环指数(FCI)等,都揭示了太湖“幼态化”的生态系统现状;混合营养分析和关键种筛选结果显示,高强度的渔业捕捞活动对系统负影响显著,而顶级捕食者的下行效应显著下降.

生态系统的结构决定生态系统的物质循环、能量流动和系统功能.本研究采用Ecopath模型,根据2017-2018年中国东海三门湾海洋生态实地调查数据,构建了三门湾生态系统的生态通道模型,描述了三门湾生态系统的能流结构,分析了其功能特征.结果显示:三门湾生态系统营养级范围在1~3.80,能流渠道主要表现为牧食食物链,系统能...  相似文献   

根据2008-2009年浙江分水江水库渔业资源和生态环境调查数据,采用Ecopath with Ecosim软件构建了分水江水库的物质平衡Ecopath模型.模型构成包括鲢、鳙、鳊、花〖HT5,7〗鱼〖KG-*3〗〖HT5,6〗骨〖HT5F〗、翘嘴鲌、鲴类、其他鱼类、寡毛类、水生昆虫、浮游动物、浮游植物、有机碎屑等14个功能组,较好地模拟了分水江的水库生态系统.结果表明: 分水江水库生态系统包含5个营养级,且营养物质流动主要发生在前3个营养级.牧食食物链和碎屑食物链是系统中的主要能流,但是食物网结构较简单,容易受到外界干扰的影响.转移效率在低营养级较低,表明系统的能量利用较低,过多的营养物质储存在系统中可能导致富营养化的发生.较低的联结指数、系统杂食性系数、Finn氏循环指数以及Finn氏平均路径长度值都表明该生态系统处于不稳定状态,而生产量/总呼吸和生产量/生物量的值较高,说明此生态系统的初级生产力远高于其呼吸量,系统处于生态发育前期.分水江水库由于发育历史较短,仍处于由不成熟向成熟发育的过程中.  相似文献   

基于2009年在荣成俚岛人工鱼礁区进行的周年生物资源调查数据,构建了俚岛人工鱼礁区生态系统生态通道模型(Ecopath),系统分析了俚岛人工鱼礁区生态系统的能量流动规律和系统结构特征.该模型由19个功能组构成,基本涵盖了俚岛人工鱼礁区生态系统能量流动的主要过程,根据礁区调查出现的鱼类与鱼礁的对应位置关系划分功能组,并引入浮游异养细菌功能组.结果表明:礁区调查出现的鱼类可划分成7个功能组,系统中各功能组的营养级在1.00 ~ 3.72级,其中,礁区I型鱼类处于最高营养级;系统总流量为10786.68t·km-2·a-1,其中,27%流向碎屑,17%以捕捞和沉积的形式流出系统;系统的总初级生产力为4131.97 t· km-2·a-1;系统的总能量转换效率为10.5%,流量中来自碎屑的比例为39%,61%直接来源于初级生产者,能流通道以牧食食物链为主导;系统的总初级生产量/总呼吸量为1.84,系统连接指数为0.20,Finn循环指数为4.5%,能流平均路径为2.62.俚岛人工鱼礁区生态系统当前的成熟度和稳定性较低,是一个正处于发育阶段的生态系统,系统抵抗外界干扰的能力较弱,鱼礁区的生态环境和渔业产出在年际间会出现一定波动,人工鱼礁对生态环境的修复作用需要继续养护才能得以实现.  相似文献   

长江口水生动物食物网营养结构及其变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究长江口水生动物食物网营养结构及其变化, 运用胃含物分析法研究了2016—2017年长江口及其邻近水域捕获的43种水生动物的食性类型与营养结构, 并与20世纪90年代和2006年文献数据进行了比较, 结果表明, 长江口及其邻近水域捕获的水生动物分为4种食性类型: 浮游生物食性、底栖生物食性、游泳生物食性、混合食性, 其中浮游生物食性消费者占绝对优势, 为39.53%; 游泳生物食性消费者所占比例最少, 为11.63%。所分析样品的营养级可分为3级, 其中植食性消费者占优势, 为76.75%; 中级肉食性消费者所占比例最少, 为4.65%; 与20世纪90年代相比, 12种常见鱼类的平均营养级由3.80下降到2.87。长江口水生动物食物网结构较为复杂, 生产者类型包括底栖藻类、浮游植物、有机碎屑3种, 主要由牧食食物链和碎屑食物链构成复杂的食物网。  相似文献   

Water projects in the Yangtze River basin, especially the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR), have strongly affected the biological and ecological integrity of the Yangtze estuary and adjacent coastal ecosystems. The Ecopath with Ecosim model was applied to study trophic structure and energy flow after the impoundment of TGR based on field surveys in 2006. The model results showed that the trophic levels ranged from 1.000 to 4.058; and 44% of the energy flows originated from the detritus food chain, while 56% originated from the grazing food chain in the trophic transfer process; the transfer efficiency of the ecosystem was 10.0%, and TPP/TR (Total Primary Production/Total Respiration) was 1.899. Compared with model results in 2000 (before impoundment of TGR), the trophic structure of the ecosystem did not exhibit substantial changes; however, the mean trophic level and catch amount decreased remarkably after impoundment. The estuary and adjacent coastal ecosystems were found to be more sensitive to external perturbations after impoundment.  相似文献   

This study provides the first report of length–weight relationships (LWRs) for three fish species collected from the Yalong River, one of the tributaries to the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, China. The LWRs of these fish species were BW = 0.0070TL3.0539 (r2 = 0.9662) for Schizothorax wangchiachii, BW=0.0134TL2.8523 (r2 = 0.9676) for Schizopygopsis malacanthus, and BW=0.0143TL2.9253 (r2 = 0.8538) for Euchiloglanis kishinouyei, respectively. Also investigated were the spawning season, absolute fecundity and main food items of the three fish species in the natural environment. In addition, new maximum sizes for the three species are provided.  相似文献   

长江口及邻近海域富营养化指标响应变量参照状态的确定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对长江口富营养化指标中的响应变量进行了筛选,并在长江口分区的基础上,运用参照点或观测点指标频数分布曲线法,对1992年-2010年的数据进行分析,确定了长江口外海区和舟山海区富营养化指标中响应变量的参照状态.选择叶绿素a和底层溶解氧作为响应指标的必选指标,浮游植物密度和CODMn作为辅助指标.经分析,长江口口外海区叶绿素a、浮游植物密度、CODMn和底层溶解氧的春夏秋3个季节的参照状态分别为0.87mg,/m3,17.44× 103个/L,0.42mg/L,8.36mg/L;1.88mg/m3,25.96×103个/L,0.56mg/L,4.22mg/L;0.84mg/m3,12.10×103个/L,0.46mg/L,6.95mg/L;舟山海区叶绿素a、浮游植物密度、CODMn和溶解氧的春夏秋3个季节的参照状态分别为0.73mg/m3,6.77×103个/L,0.51 mg/L,8.75mg/L;1.00mg/m3,9.72×103个/L,0.37mg/L,5.94mg/L;0.78mg/m3,4.59×103个/L,0.55mg/L,7.40mg/L.本研究确定的参照状态值能较为客观的反映该海域的富营养化参照状态,且不同分区,不同季节间的指标的参照状态亦存在着显著的差异.  相似文献   

三峡三期蓄水后长江口海域浮游动物群落特征及影响因子   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王丽  王保栋  陈求稳  汤新武  韩瑞 《生态学报》2016,36(9):2505-2512
根据2010年8月、11月以及2011年5月3个航次、各次24个监测点的调查数据,分析了三峡工程三期蓄水后一个水文年内长江口浮游动物优势种、湿重生物量及丰度的变化,并用BIOENV筛选出影响浮游动物分布的关键环境因子。结果表明:长江口浮游动物春季绝对优势种为夜光虫(Noctiluca scientillans)与中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus),夏季绝对优势种为太平洋纺锤水蚤(Acartia pacifica steuer),秋季绝对优势种为针刺拟哲水蚤(Paracalanus aculeatus);浮游动物湿重生物量夏季(970.6 mg/m~3)秋季(613.8 mg/m~3)春季(571.5 mg/m~3),丰度夏季(783.5个/m~3)春季(691.3个/m~3)秋季(399.5个/m~3);影响浮游动物分布的关键环境因子为底层盐度、底层温度及底层硅酸盐。  相似文献   

Jian Li  Magda Vincx 《Aquatic Ecology》1993,27(2-4):319-326
Biannual meiobenthic sampling (Spring and Autumn) was carried out in 1983–1989 at two fine sandy intertidal stations in the Westerschelde estuary. Both stations are exposed daily for more than one hour and are situated in the polyhaline and the mesohaline zone of the estuary. Average density data of non-selective deposit-feeders > predators > epigrowth-feeders > selective deposit-feeders for both stations are presented in spite of different nematode species composition. No difference between Spring and Autumn nor trend over 7 years could be detected. Higher total nematode densities are found at the polyhaline station (average 3200 ind. 10 cm?2) in comparison with the mesohaline station (average 2300 ind. 10 cm?2), a difference mainly due to higher non-selective deposit-feeders and predators densities in the polyhaline station. Each year, heterogeneous variance is found for all feeding types at the mesohaline station, but only for epigrowth-feeders and predators at the polyhaline station. The higher nematode density at the polyhaline station is probably caused by the more stable nematode structure. An unstable nematode temporal pattern at the mesohaline station is suggested to be combined with the detritus food chain system in the mesohaline zone. The unstable estuarine habitats are mainly caused by their upstream effects: the River Schelde, which clearly influences the stability of the nematode communities.  相似文献   

Knowledge of food resource partitioning among sympatric fish species is crucial for understanding the potential mechanisms of species coexistence. Gudgeons (Teleostei: Cyprinidae: Gobioninae) often dominate fish assemblages in the upper Yangtze River. However, little research has been conducted on their trophic interactions. In this paper, seasonal diet and feeding strategy variations of four sympatric gudgeon species, Coreius guichenoti, Coreius heterodon, Rhinogobio ventralis, and Rhinogobio cylindricus, were investigated by analysis of intestinal tract contents, aiming to explore whether food resource partitioning occurred among them. Fish specimens were collected during spring (April–May) and autumn (August–October) in 2010 in Hejiang, a free‐flowing stretch of the upper Yangtze River. Coreius guichenoti, C. heterodon, and R. cylindricus showed omnivorous feeding habits, while R. ventralis exhibited an obligate carnivore feeding habit. Diet overlap among the four studied species was high, especially in spring. However, changes in feeding strategies were observed in autumn. Specifically, C. guichenoti and R. cylindricus expanded their dietary niche breadth and consumed detritus, Sinopotamidae or Hydropsychidae as important complementary food resources. In contrast, C. heterodon and R. ventralis reduced their dietary niche breadth and became more specialized on mussels (Limnoperna lacustris). These results confirmed that sympatric fish species can coexist with high diet overlap, and food resource partitioning among these species may also fluctuate with the seasons.  相似文献   

This paper quantifies the impacts of two invasive species, Rapana venosa (Gastropoda, Muricidae) and Corbicula fluminea (Bivalvia, Corbiculidae), in the food web of the Río de la Plata estuary and adjacent nearshore oceanic ecosystem. We analyzed certain functional traits of these mollusks assessed by a mass balance trophic model previously constructed for the years 2005–2007. This model incorporates 37 functional groups: three marine mammals species, one coastal bird, 17 fishes, 12 invertebrates, two zooplankton, one phytoplankton, and detritus. The model also includes 5 fishing fleets operating in the area. The results showed that the two invasive species affect multiple ecosystem components both directly and indirectly. R. venosa and the whitemouth croaker, Micropogonias furnieri, exhibited a high level of niche overlap (91%), while C. fluminea exhibited a high level of niche overlap with Mytilidae (94%), which suggests in both cases high levels of competition for similar resources. R. venosa had mixed trophic impacts but exhibited a predominantly top down effect on most bivalves. R. venosa could be a threat to natural resources in the area including to the fishing fleets. C. fluminea negatively influenced phytoplankton and detritus biomass and its positive effects on higher trophic level groups suggest a central bottom-up role in the food web as a bentho-pelagic coupler. Both species had negative impacts on the five fleets modeled, showing that the effects of these invasive species could extend to the socio-economic sector.  相似文献   

Andrade  Claudia  Ríos  Carlos  Gerdes  Dieter  Brey  Thomas 《Polar Biology》2016,39(12):2281-2297

Trophic structure is among the most fundamental characteristics of an ecosystem since it is a useful way to determine the main energy flow at the ecosystem level. In the Magellan Strait, the local spatial heterogeneity at the shallow-waters ecosystems may have a great variety of potential food sources; however, knowledge about their biological communities and their structure is still unclear. We examined the trophic structure of shallow-water-mixed bottom communities at two sites in the sub-Antarctic Magellan Strait based on carbon (δ 13C) and nitrogen (δ 15N) stable isotope ratios. The benthic communities were composed of 46 species from 20 major taxa at Bahía Laredo (BL) and 55 species from 18 major taxa at Punta Santa Ana (PSA). Benthic macroalgae and organic matter associated with sediment are the major primary food sources at both sites. Although both sites are quite similar in their food sources and in their vertical trophic structure (≥three trophic levels), the food web structure varied distinctly. Functionally, predators and grazers dominated both communities, but top predators were shorebirds, carnivore anemones and predatory nemerteans at BL, and sea stars, shorebirds, crabs and fishes at PSA. The distinct differences in the trophic structure at BL and PSA highlight the important variability of δ 15N at the base of the benthic food web, the role of local environmental conditions and community dynamics in structuring shallow-water communities.


The relative importance of biotic (top-down) vs. abiotic (bottom-up) controls on phytoplankton dynamics was investigated in the York River estuary, Virginia (USA) by a combination of extensive analyses of long-term data sets collected by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) monitoring program over 17 years (1984–2001), field studies (1996–1997) and ecosystem modeling analyses. Results from the analysis of long-term data records collected at three stations along the salinity gradient suggested that phytoplankton are more likely controlled by abiotic mechanisms such as resource limitation than biotic mechanisms such as grazing since annual cycles of primary production and phytoplankton biomass were similar and no grazing effects were evident based on the observed relationship between phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass (R 2 < 0.2, p > 0.1). This scenario was supported by short-term field observations made over an annual cycle at three stations in the mid-channel of the estuary where both chlorophyll a and primary production demonstrated similar patterns of seasonal variation. Ratios of fluorescence before and after acidification at all study sites were relatively high suggesting low grazing pressure in the estuary. A tidally-averaged, size-structured plankton ecosystem model was previously developed and verified for the lower York River estuary. The validated ecosystem model was also used to examine this issue and simulation results supported the importance of bottom-up control in the York River estuary.  相似文献   

The Seine estuary illustrates the alterations to estuaries due to human activities heavy releases of pollutants of various origins and significant morphological changes beginning in the middle of the 19th century. The intertidal mudflat surface has been seriously reduced (< 30km2) since the channels of the Seine River came under management. While the role of the Seine estuary in the dynamics of the eastern English Channel ecosystem is recognized as important, the biological characteristics of the estuary remained relatively unknown until the 1990s. Biological diversity was progressively impoverished from the polyhaline zone to the oligohaline zone. In spite of a heavily contaminated environment, the macrobenthic and planktonic fauna of the Seine estuary remains similar to those of other northeastern Atlantic estuaries. The fauna exhibit clear contrasts between areas with very high abundance and others with very low abundance. The pelagic fauna, especially the copepod Eurytemora affinisand the shrimp Palaemon longirostris, are more abundant in the Seine estuary than in other estuaries. Diversified and abundant, Abra alba-Pectinaria koreni and Macoma balthica benthic communities occur, respectively, in the outer and inner parts of the estuary. In subtidal flats, benthic fauna is especially poor in terms of specific richness, abundance and biomass. Paradoxically, considering the high abundance of prey, fish are particularly scarce. Two food webs have been identified. In the oligohaline zone, where turbidity is maximum, the food web is exclusively planktonic, due to dredging that prevented benthic fauna from settling. In the polyhaline zone, fish populations that feed particularly on benthic fauna benefit from low turbidity and high oxygen concentrations. So, in spite of heavy organic and metallic contamination and human activities, the Seine estuary remains a highly productive ecosystem, which provides a nursery for marine fish and feeding grounds for migratory birds. A global management plan appears to be necessary in order to guarantee that the Seine estuary continues to function as it currently does.  相似文献   

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