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通过顶置光源植物生长室控制380和760 μmol·mol-1 2个CO2浓度水平,研究了磷缺乏与正常供磷条件下,CO2浓度升高对玉米/大豆间作、玉米单作和大豆单作3种种植模式下作物株高、茎粗、叶面积及干物质积累的影响.结果表明:(1)CO2浓度升高能显著增加单/间作玉米、大豆的株高、茎粗、叶面积、根干重、地上部干重及总干重.(2)CO2浓度升高对供磷水平下单、间作玉米大豆的株高、茎粗、叶面积及干物质积累量增加的正效应均大于缺磷处理.(3)两种CO2浓度下,间作大豆与单作大豆生长差异不显著,而间作玉米较单作玉米有明显的生长优势,且供磷和CO2浓度的升高均能够促进这种优势.  相似文献   

袁嫚嫚  朱建国  刘钢  王伟露 《生态学报》2018,38(6):1897-1907
人类活动导致大气二氧化碳浓度(CO_2)升高、全球气候变暖和光合有效辐射(PAR)降低,影响着绿色作物的光合作用。为了明确高CO_2浓度、高温和低PAR对水稻光合日变化特征的影响,利用中国稻田开放空气CO_2浓度升高系统(free air CO_2enrichment,FACE),以常规粳稻南粳9108为试验材料,设置了环境CO_2和高CO_2浓度(增200μmol/mol)、环境温度和增高温度(增1—2℃)交互的4个处理,从9:00到17:00每隔1h测定了阴天和晴天水稻的光合作用,研究了不同天气对水稻光合日变化对大气CO_2浓度和温度升高的响应。观察到不同天气条件下水稻光合日变化的不同特征,晴天Pn为双峰曲线,发生了光合"午休",阴天未发生。结果表明,高CO_2浓度显著提高了水稻Pn,温度升高有降低水稻Pn趋势,CO_2浓度增加200μmol/mol对水稻光合作用的促进效应远大于增温1—2℃对其的抑制效应。高CO_2浓度显著增加了水稻胞间CO_2浓度(Ci),降低了水稻蒸腾速率(Tr),平均降幅为10.8%—22.0%。高温有降低Ci的趋势,增加了Tr,平均增幅达5.0%—13.5%。晴天比阴天增加了水稻Tr,平均增幅为9.8%—31.2%。CO_2浓度和温度同时升高显著降低了水稻气孔导度(Gs)。这些结果说明CO_2浓度、温度和PAR对水稻水分利用率(WUE)产生综合影响。阴天PAR比晴天平均低53.3%,阴天水稻Pn比晴天显著低,平均降幅达37.1%—72.0%。与对照比较,高CO_2浓度处理,较高PAR(晴天)条件下水稻Pn的增幅(38.6%—58.4%)显著大于较低PAR(阴天)条件下水稻Pn的增幅(21.6%—38.8%),这一现象值得关注和深入探讨。研究结果表明,评估气候变化对水稻生产的影响,需同时考虑未来大气CO_2浓度和温度升高以及PAR下降的因素及其相互作用。  相似文献   

自由大气CO2浓度升高对夏大豆生长与产量的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
IPCC报告指出到本世纪中期全球大气CO2浓度将比目前的浓度增加50%.CO2浓度升高将影响大豆的生长及产量.有关大气CO2浓度对大豆影响的研究大多在温室或开顶式气室中进行的,利用FACE (Free Air CO2 Enrichment)系统对大豆生长发育受CO2浓度升高影响的试验首次在中国进行,FACE圈中心的CO2浓度维持在(550±60)μmol·mol-1,对照浓度(389±40)μmol·mol-1.这是继美国SoyFACE之后世界第二个利用FACE系统对大豆生长发育进行的研究,研究表明:大气CO2浓度升高提高了两个大豆品种全生育期的叶、茎、荚重及地上部分总重,收获后地上部分总干重平均提高52.30%;大豆叶面积对CO2浓度升高的响应存在品种差异,中黄35促进叶面积增加而中黄13抑制叶面积的增加.CO2浓度升高使鼓粒期大豆比叶重增加,中黄35比叶重增加23.08%到达显著水平.CO2浓度升高使大豆节数、分枝数、茎粗提高,特别是茎粗收获期中黄35增加7 18%,中黄13增加26.33%,均到达显著或极显著水平;大气CO2浓度升高使两个品种产量平均增加30.93%,产量的增加主要是由于CO2浓度升高提高了大豆单株荚数和百粒重.大气CO2浓度升高对大豆各器官占地上部分重量的比例影响不明显,对大豆收获指数的影响未达显著水平.大气CO2浓度升高对大豆的影响品种差异明显.结论与美国SoyFACE的研究结果基本一致,如FACE系统下大豆生物量、产量都较对照增高,但变化幅度较SoyFACE的结果高.  相似文献   

利用稻田FACE(Free Air CO_2Enrichment)系统平台,以杂交稻汕优63为供试材料,二氧化碳设环境CO_2浓度(Ambient)和高CO_2浓度(Ambient+200μmol/mol),抽穗期源库改变设剪叶(剪除剑叶)和疏花处理(相间剪除1次枝梗),以不处理为对照(CK),研究大气CO_2浓度升高对不同源库处理水稻产量形成及物质生产的影响。结果表明:CK条件下,大气CO_2浓度升高使汕优63籽粒产量显著增加32%,这主要与单位面积总颖花量大幅增加(+26%)有关,结实能力亦呈增加趋势但未达显著水平。大气CO_2浓度升高使抽穗期剪叶处理水稻的籽粒产量平均增加55%,明显大于对照水稻,这主要与受精率(+28%)、饱粒率(+23%)和所有籽粒平均粒重(+19%)大幅增加有关。相反,对抽穗期疏花处理水稻而言,高CO_2浓度环境下籽粒产量的增幅(+25%,P=0.07)明显小于对照水稻,这主要与结实能力的响应略有下调有关。与产量响应类似,大气CO_2浓度升高使对照、剪叶和疏花条件下最终生物量分别增加39%、43%和28%,除疏花处理外均达显著水平。抽穗期剪叶和疏花处理本身使水稻籽粒产量分别降低40%和45%,前者主要是结实能力大幅下降所致,而后者与总颖花量减半相关。以上结果表明,大气CO_2浓度升高使杂交水稻生产力大幅增加,人为减小源库比(如剪叶)可增强CO_2肥料效应,而增加源库比(如疏花)则可使这种肥料效应减弱。  相似文献   

以大豆品种‘徐豆18'为对象,于2020年5月在邵阳学院试验基地设0(CK)、5、10、20和40 g·kg-1土壤添加生物质炭处理,分析盆栽大豆的生长发育、农艺性状和营养含量。结果表明: 与CK相比,施用生物质炭对大豆的生育期、株高、单株有效荚数、百粒重、叶片干重、茎秆干重和大豆籽粒中蛋白质、粗脂肪、异黄酮含量均具有显著影响。施用量为20 g·kg-1时,大豆的发芽率最高,生育期最短,单株有效荚数最多,百粒重最大,籽粒中蛋白质、粗脂肪和异黄酮含量最高。生物质炭施用量为40 g·kg-1时,大豆株高较高且贪青晚熟,单株有效荚数和百粒重比施用量为20 g·kg-1时降低。综上,土壤添加生物质炭对大豆农艺性状和营养含量的影响因施用量不同而异,其中20 g·kg-1为本试验条件下的最佳施用量。  相似文献   

该研究选取六个多年生苦荞新品系,对春季、秋季直播与秋季再生其主要农艺性状进行调查。结果表明:(1)不同播种季节对多年生苦荞新品系主花序的花粉可育率、总结实率、有效结实率、植株株高、主茎粗、主茎分枝数、主茎节数、籽粒百粒重、单株粒数、单株产量的影响均达到显著或极显著水平;秋播主花序花粉可育率、总结实率、有效结实率、植株主茎分枝数、籽粒百粒重、单株粒数、单株产量均极显著高于春播;植株株高、主茎粗、主茎节数均极显著低于春播;主花序花朵大小、籽粒种子长宽比无显著差异。(2)不同种植方式对主花序花粉可育率、有效结实率、植株主茎节数及籽粒百粒重的影响达到显著或极显著水平;秋季再生主花序花粉可育率、籽粒单株粒数显著高于秋季直播;主花序有效结实率、植株主茎粗、主茎节数、籽粒百粒重显著低于秋季直播;主花序花朵大小、总结实率、植株株高、主茎分枝数、籽粒种子长宽比、单株产量无显著差异;相关分析表明,各生长季节下主花序有效结实率及单株粒数与单株产量的相关系数均最高。(3)所有参试品系中,1612-241秋季直播的单株产量显著高于其他品系; 1612-16、1612-33秋季再生单株产量较正季优势显著。该研究结果有助于筛选出适宜一季播种两季收获的优良品系,为今后多年生苦荞的选择育种提供线索基础。  相似文献   

该试验以玉米、花生2∶4间作模式为对象,采用开顶式气室法控制环境CO_2浓度,于2018-2019年设环境CO_2浓度(Ca, 390μmol·mol~(-1))和升高CO_2浓度(Ce, 700μmol·mol~(-1)),以及不施磷(P_0)和施磷(180 kg P_2O_5·hm~(-2),P_(180))处理下,分析CO_2浓度升高对间作玉米和间作花生功能叶光合碳同化关键酶活性、净光合速率以及籽粒产量的影响,以明确CO_2浓度升高影响玉米、花生间作体系光合作用的机理,为将来CO_2浓度升高环境下间作高产高效提供理论基础。结果表明:(1) Ce处理提高了间作玉米功能叶的PEPC、PPDK、NADP-MDH、Rubisco、GAPDH和Ru5PK等光合碳同化酶活性,其中PEPC和NADP-MDH在苗后43 d以及PPDK、Rubisco、GAPDH和Ru5PK在苗后59 d增幅均达到显著水平,此时施磷对其有正向调控作用。(2) Ce处理增强了间作花生功能叶的Rubisco、GAPDH、Ru5PK和FBPase等光合碳同化酶活性,在苗后43 d和59 d增幅均达到显著水平,此时施磷进一步显著提高了Rubisco与FBPase活性。(3) Ce处理下间作玉米、间作花生的净光合速率显著提高,间作玉米、间作花生和间作体系的籽粒产量分别显著提高了4.4%~52.0%、10.3%~24.0%和5.7%~47.0%;CO_2浓度升高和施磷对间作玉米、花生功能叶的净光合速率和间作体系产量具有正协同效应。研究表明,CO_2浓度升高可以通过提高间作玉米功能叶片的PEPC、PPDK、Rubisco、GAPDH和Ru5PK及间作花生功能叶片的Rubisco、GAPDH、Ru5PK和FBPase等光合碳同化酶活性,增强其对CO_2羧化固定能力,提高间作玉米、间作花生的光合速率,最终显著增加玉米、花生及间作体系的产量,并且增施磷肥对其具有正调控效应。  相似文献   

郑伟  钟志海  杨梓  刘雅萌  徐军田 《生态学报》2014,34(24):7293-7299
为了探讨未来大气CO2升高对不同生长光强下大型海藻的影响,选取经济红藻龙须菜为实验材料,研究了其生长速率、光合作用、呼吸作用、叶绿素荧光参数以及光合色素对CO2和光强的响应。实验设置两个CO2浓度,正常空气水平CO2浓度(390μL/L)和高CO2浓度(1000μL/L);两个光强梯度,高光(300μmol m-2s-1)和低光(100μmol m-2s-1)。结果表明,CO2和光强对龙须菜的生长和光合作用有明显的交互作用。大气CO2升高并没有显著影响龙须菜的生长速率,但在不同CO2处理下,龙须菜对光强的响应不同。在空气水平下,光强的变化对其生长速率影响不显著。而在高CO2作用下,高光处理下的藻体有更高的生长速率。CO2显著促进高光生长下龙须菜的呼吸作用速率,但是在低光下作用不明显。而对于光合作用速率来说,低光培养下的藻体CO2表现为负面效应,但对高光下生长的藻体作用不明显。CO2增加没有改变龙须菜生长状态下的电子传递速率,但在高光下,CO2表现为一定的抑制作用。CO2显著降低了龙须菜天线色素藻红蛋白和叶绿素a的含量。这些CO2与光强的结合效应表明,大气CO2的升高对龙须菜光合生理特性的影响随着光强的变化而呈现不同的效应,在未来评估CO2的增加对大型海藻的影响时,要充分考虑其他环境因子的耦合效应。  相似文献   

蕹菜幼苗中心蔓长与粗,单株分蘖数与分蘖总长度,单株根、茎、叶及整株的鲜重与干重等指标均随子叶切除率(分别为0/4、1/4、2/4、3/4和4/4)增加而是线性降低。分蘖株率与子叶切除率之间虽无显性线性关系,但处理间差异显著。子叶切除对鲜重及于重的冠/根(S/R)值的影响,未达显著水平。  相似文献   

采用砂培试验,在2种CO2浓度(自然CO2浓度400μmol·mol-1和高CO2浓度700μmol·mol-1)和2种供氮水平(常氮15 mmol N·L-1和氮胁迫5 mmol N·L-1)下,研究了油菜营养生长阶段的干物质累积和氮素吸收利用的变化。结果表明:高CO2浓度条件下,油菜株高、根茎粗和干物质累积量增加,其中,常氮条件下,根茎粗和地上部干重的增加幅度大于氮胁迫条件,株高和根系干重增加幅度则常氮条件小于氮胁迫条件;高CO2浓度下,根体积、根系活跃吸收面积和总吸收面积在2个供氮水平下均增加,而一级侧根数只在常氮条件下增加,根长只在氮胁迫条件下增加;高CO2浓度条件下,油菜各器官含氮量下降,其中,叶片和根系的含氮素量下降幅度明显大于茎;高CO2浓度条件下,正常供氮时根、茎、叶氮素累积量均增加,氮胁迫时茎氮素累积量增加,而根和叶的氮素累积量减少;高CO2浓度条件下,氮素吸收效率、氮素利用效率和氮效率均增加,常氮条件下增加幅度大于低氮条件,其中,氮素利用效率对氮水平的响应更加明显。  相似文献   

[3H]gibberellin A9 was applied to shoots or seed parts of G2 pea to produce radiolabeled metabolites. These were used as markers during purification for the recovery of endogenous GA9 and its naturally occurring metabolites. GA9 and its metabolites were purified by HPLC, derivatized and examined by GC-MS. Endogenous GA9, GA20, GA29 and GA51 were identified in pea shoots and seed coats. GA51-catabolite and GA29-catabolite were also detected in seed coats. GA70 was detected in seed coats following the application of 1 g of GA9. Applied [3H]GA9 was metabolized through both the 13-hydroxylation and 2-hydroxylation pathways. Labeled metabolites were tentatively identified on the basis of co-chromatography on HPLC with endogenous compounds identified by GC-MS. In shoots [3H]GA51 and [3H]GA51-catabolite were the predominant metabolites after 6 hrs, but by 24 hrs there was little of these metabolites remaining, while [3H]GA29-catabolite and an unidentified metabolite predominated. In seed coats [3H]GA51 was the initial product, later followed by [3H]GA51-catabolite and an unidentified metabolite (different from that in shoots), with lesser amounts of [3H]GA20, [3H]GA29 and [3H]GA29-catabolite. [3H]GA70 was a very minor product in both cases. [3H]GA9 was not metabolized by pea cotyledons.Edited by T.J. Gianfagna.Author for correspondence  相似文献   

Summary A set of three 3D (1H, 13C, 15N) triple-resonance correlation experiments has been designed to provide H1-H8 intraresidue sugar-to-base correlations in purines in an unambiguous and efficient manner. Together, the HsCsNb, HsCs(N)bCb, and HbNbCb experiments correlate the H1 sugar proton to the H8 proton of the attached base by means of the {H1, C1, N9, C8, H8} heteronuclear scalar coupling network. The assignment strategy presented here allows for unambiguous H1-H8 intraresidue correlations, provided that no two purines have both the same H1 and C1 chemical shifts and the same C8 and N9 chemical shifts. These experiments have yielded H1-H8 intraresidue sugar-to-base correlations for all five guanosines in the [13C, 15N] isotopically labeled RNA duplex r(GGCGCUUGCGUC)2.  相似文献   

Possibilities of the linear-polarized infrared (IR-LD) spectroscopy of oriented colloid suspensions in nematic liquid crystals, for structural and local structural elucidation for first time are demonstrated of inorganic compounds and glasses. The advantages of the method for tellurite and borate glasses are shown. The IR-band assignment of the typical local structural units in the glasses are proposed by a comparison with the IR-characteristics of appropriate crystalline analogues as α-TeO2, V2O5, MoO3 · H2O and its high temperature form. The IR-spectroscopic characteristics of BO3, BO4 and boroxol ring are elucidated, using crystalline β-BaB2O4, SrB4O7, H3BO3 and B2O3 as model systems, where the structural moieties have been refined by single crystal X-ray diffraction.  相似文献   

Procedures are described for the isolation of the individual components A1, A2, and A3 of native R-ovalbumin from freshly laid domestic hen eggs. Because heavy metal ion contaminants result in spurious irreproducible kinetics, particularly at high pH, considerable care is taken to avoid their presence. Kinetics studies are made of the behavior of whole R-ovalbumin and its individual components in urea solution over the pH range 3.7–9.6 following the reaction by determining absorbance differences at 233, 287, and 293 nm and ORD and CD changes at 350 and 221 nm, respectively. Reaction is rapid at low pH, slowing with increasing pH. Except under limited conditions, the reaction is not simple first order. Equations are presented for describing the reactions, and the nature of the reaction products is considered. Unfolding equilibrium profiles were also determined by ORD at several wavelengths and were not stigmoidal in shape and the normalized curves were not superimposed.Deceased December 8, 2001  相似文献   

Mitochondria are central to heart function and dysfunction, and the pathways activated by different cardioprotective interventions mostly converge on mitochondria. In a context of perspectives in innate and acquired cardioprotection, we review some recent advances in F0F1ATPsynthase structure/function and regulation in cardiac cells. We focus on three topics regarding the mitochondrial F0F1ATPsynthase and the plasma membrane enzyme, i.e.: i) the crucial role of cardiac mitochondrial F0F1ATPsynthase regulation by the inhibitory protein IF1 in heart preconditioning strategies; ii) the structure and function of mitochondrial F0F1ATPsynthase oligomers in mammalian myocardium as possible endogenous factors of mitochondria resistance to ischemic insult; iii) the external location and characterization of plasma membrane F0F1 ATP synthase in search for possible actors of its regulation, such as IF1 and calmodulin, at cell surface.  相似文献   

Large quantities of African dust are carried into the southeastern United States each summer with concentrations typically in the range of 10 to 100?µg m?3. Because approximately one-third to one-half of the dust mass is in the size range under 2.5?µm diameter, the advection of African dust has implications for the EPA's newly implemented standard for PM2.5 particulate matter and for the assessment of human health effects. It will be difficult to assess the impact of African dust events on air quality because they occur during the summer (maximum in July) when photochemical pollution events are frequent and intense in the eastern United States. Indeed, the presence of dust could affect the evolution of photochemical dust events. In order to assess the role of African dust in air quality in the United States, it will be necessary to develop a set of diagnostic indicators; it appears that dust mineralogy and elemental composition might be useful for this purpose. Various satellite products can be used to characterize the spatial coverage of dust events and, when coupled with meteorological tools, to predict impact regions.  相似文献   

The seedlings of wheat were treated by salt-stress (SS, molar ratio of NaCl: Na2SO4 = 1: 1) and alkali-stress (AS, molar ratio of NaHCO3: Na2CO3 = 1: 1). Relative growth rate (RGR), leaf area, and water content decreased with increasing salinity, and the extents of the reduction under AS were greater than those under SS. The contents of photosynthetic pigments did not decrease under SS, but increased at low salinity. On the contrary, the contents of photosynthetic pigments decreased sharply under AS with increasing salinity. Under SS, the changes of net photosynthetic rate (P N), stomatal conductance (g s), and transpiration rate (E) were similar and all varied in a single-peak curve with increasing salinity, and they were lower than those of control only at salinity over 150 mM. Under AS, P N, g s, and E decreased sharply with rising salinity. The decrease of g s might cause the obvious decreases of E and intercellular CO2 concentration, and the increase of water use efficiency under both stresses. The Na+ content and Na+/K+ ratio in shoot increased and the K+ content in shoot decreased under both stresses, and the changing extents under AS were greater than those under SS. Thus SS and AS are two distinctive stresses with different characters; the destructive effects of AS on the growth and photosynthesis of wheat are more severe than those under SS. High pH is the key feature of the AS that is different from SS. The buffer capacity is essentially the measure of high pH action on plant. The deposition of mineral elements and the intracellular unbalance of Na+ and K+ caused by the high pH at AS might be the reason of the decrease of P N and g s and of the destruction of photosynthetic pigments.  相似文献   

Syntheses and biological activities of imidazo-, pyrimido- and diazepino[2,1-f]purinediones containing N-alkyl substituents (with straight, branched or unsaturated chains) are described. Tricyclic derivatives were synthesized by the cyclization of 8-bromo-substituted 7-(2-bromoethyl)-, 7-(3-chloropropyl)- or 7-(4-bromobutyl)-theophylline with primary amines under various conditions. Compound 22 with an ethenyl substituent was synthesized by dehydrohalogenation of 9-(2-bromoethyl)-1,3-dimethyltetrahydropyrimido[2,1-f]purinedione. The obtained derivatives (5–35) were initially evaluated for their affinity at rat A1 and A2A adenosine receptors (AR), showing moderate affinity for both adenosine receptor subtypes. The best ligands were diazepinopurinedione 28 (Ki = 0.28 μM) with fivefold A2A selectivity and the non-selective A1/A2A AR ligand pyrimidopurinedione 35 (Ki A1 = 0.28 μM and Ki A2A = 0.30 μM). The compounds were also evaluated for their affinity at human A1, A2A, A2B and A3 ARs. All of the obtained compounds were docked to the A2A AR X-ray structure in complex with the xanthine-based, potent adenosine receptor antagonist—XAC. The likely interactions of imidazo-, pyrimido- and diazepino[2,1-f]purinediones with the residues forming the A2A binding pocket were discussed. Furthermore, the new compounds were tested in vivo as anticonvulsants in maximal electroshock, subcutaneous pentylenetetrazole (ScMet) and TOX tests in mice (i.p.). Pyrimidopurinediones showed anticonvulsant activity mainly in the ScMet test. The best derivative was compound 11, showing 100 % protection at a dose of 100 mg/kg without symptoms of neurotoxicity. Compounds 6, 7, 8 and 14 with short substituents showed neurotoxicity and caused death. In rat tests (p.o.), 9 was characterized by a high protection index (>13.3). AR affinity did not apparently correlate with the antiepileptic potency of the compounds.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s11302-013-9358-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial ATP synthase (F1F0-ATPase) is regulated by an intrinsic ATPase inhibitor protein. In this study, we overexpressed and purified human and bovine ATPase inhibitors and their properties were compared with those of a yeast inhibitor. The human and bovine inhibitors inhibited bovine ATPase in a similar way. The yeast inhibitor also inhibited bovine F1F0-ATPase, although the activity was about three times lower than the mammalian inhibitors. All three inhibitors inhibited yeast F1F0-ATPase in a similar way. The activities of all inhibitors decreased at higher pH, but the magnitude of the decrease was different for each combination of inhibitor and ATPase. The results obtained in this study show that the inhibitory mechanism of the inhibitors was basically shared in yeast and mammals, but that mammalian inhibitors require unique residues, which are lacking in the yeast inhibitor, for their maximum inhibitory activity. Common inhibitory sites of mammalian and yeast inhibitors are suggested.  相似文献   

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