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棉铃虫细胞色素P450 CYP6B7基因的克隆与融合表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
细胞色素P450 CYP6B7被推测与棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera对拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂的抗性有关,但至今尚无CYP6B7参与杀虫剂代谢方面的直接证据。为揭示CYP6B7的代谢功能,作者以棉铃虫幼虫基因组DNA 为模板,以CYP6B7基因设计特异性引物,扩增出包含321 bp内含子的CYP6B7基因。用反向PCR的方法消除内含子,获得包含完整的CYP6B7基因的开放阅读框。将CYP6B7基因与pMAL-c2X载体连接,并转化E.coli TB1细胞,在IPTG诱导下,CYP6B7能与载体基因编码的麦芽糖结合蛋白(MBP)在大肠杆菌中融合表达,表达产物经直链淀粉(amylose) 柱亲和层析分离洗脱后,得到SDS-PAGE电泳纯的融合蛋白。  相似文献   

棉铃虫性染色体两种分子标记的克隆及序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了建立棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera性染色体的特异性分子标记,利用RAPD-PCR技术对雌雄棉铃虫基因组DNA进行筛选,从500种随机引物中筛选到1 条引物(Operon编号为AF-18),可扩增出1条约450 bp 的雌性特异片段。经克隆测序并合成特异引物进行验证,表明该片段为棉铃虫雌性特异分子标记,位于W染色体上。利用家蚕、果蝇等昆虫Kettin基因序列,克隆了棉铃虫的同源基因HaKettin片段,并采用荧光定量PCR技术,以棉铃虫的DH-PBAN基因为参照基因,检测棉铃虫雌雄不同个体间HaKettin基因与DH-PBAN基因的拷贝数之比,结果表明:雄体HaKettinDH-PBAN=1.0,雌体HaKettinDH-PBAN=0.5,据此推断HaKettin基因位于棉铃虫Z染色体上。  相似文献   

不同杀虫剂选育对家蝇抗药性水平及kdr基因频率的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用杀虫剂(溴氰菊酯和甲基嘧啶磷)筛选及不接触药物自然衰退的方法,研究了家蝇Musca domestica氯氟氰菊酯高抗品系(Cyh-R)对杀虫剂的抗性变化,探讨蝇类抗药性治理的方法。用点滴法测定氯氟氰菊酯对不同家蝇品系的毒力,比较抗药性的变化,结合特异性等位基因PCR扩增(PASA)技术检测了不同家蝇品系的kdr基因频率,探讨kdr基因频率与抗性水平之间的关系。结果表明:甲基嘧啶磷筛选后,氯氟氰菊酯对第2~8代Cyh-R品系的LD50呈递减趋势,从F0的2.8434 μg/蝇降为F8的0.4404 μg/蝇,但第8~18代Cyh-R品系的LD50呈逐代递增趋势;溴氰菊酯筛选后,氯氟氰菊酯对Cyh-R品系第2~16代的LD50呈上升趋势,从F0的2.8434 μg/蝇升至F16的24.3249 μg/蝇;表明了施用有机磷杀虫剂可降低其对氯氟氰菊酯的抗药性,而施用拟除虫菊酯药剂则有助于其对氯氟氰菊酯抗药性的增长;不使用任何杀虫剂也能降低其对氯氟氰菊酯的抗药性,但下降速率低于甲基嘧啶磷。PASA技术检测表明Cyh-R品系的kdr抗性基因频率为88.8%,不经过任何药剂筛选其kdr抗性基因频率下降程度最大,达到69.7%;甲基嘧啶磷筛选后其结果降为78.8%,而经溴氰菊酯筛选后kdr抗性基因频率则明显升高,达到98.9%。通过对kdr抗性基因频率和抗性水平进行相关和回归分析表明kdr抗性基因频率与家蝇对氯氟氰菊酯的LD50呈对数关系,即LD50值高的品系其kdr抗性基因频率相应的也较高。建议在家蝇防治中考虑轮换用药。  相似文献   

陈淑娟  贺艳  蒋明星  程家安 《昆虫学报》2010,53(12):1410-1418
共生细菌Wolbachia对宿主的生殖起多种调控作用。以往研究表明, Wolbachia基因组中广泛存在插入序列(insertion sequence, IS), 它们对宿主基因组的可塑性、 多样性和进化起重要作用。稻水象甲Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel在东亚是一种外来水稻害虫, 在原产地北美营两性生殖, 而在所有入侵地均营孤雌生殖。本研究采用PCR法从河北唐海孤雌生殖型稻水象甲体内克隆获得了Wolbachia的2条IS序列, 即ISWosp4和ISWosp6; 从美国德克萨斯州两性生殖型稻水象甲成虫体内克隆获得了Wolbachia的2条IS序列, 即ISWosp3和ISWosp5。碱基序列比对显示: ISWosp3和ISWosp4属于IS3家族IS3组成员, ISWosp5为IS4家族IS231组成员, ISWosp6为IS5家族IS1031组成员。对这些IS的ORF结构、 所编码氨基酸序列的结构等进行了分析, 推测ISWosp5具有潜在转座活性。所得结果增进了我们对Wolbachia IS3, IS4和IS5家族插入序列的认识, 同时为今后从IS的角度探讨Wolbachia与稻水象甲生殖的关系奠定了基础。  相似文献   

武春生  方承莱 《昆虫学报》2008,51(8):861-867
首次报道铃刺蛾属Kitanola Matsumura及环铃刺蛾K. uncula (Staudinger)在中国有分布,并记述7新种,即针铃刺蛾K. spina sp. nov.,小针铃刺蛾K. spinula sp. nov.,线铃刺蛾K. linea sp. nov.,灰白铃刺蛾K. albigrisea sp. nov.,蔡氏铃刺蛾K. caii sp. nov.,短颚铃刺蛾K. brachygnatha sp. nov.和宽颚铃刺蛾K. eurygnatha sp. nov.。编制了本属中国已知种的检索表,提供了成虫彩色照片和外生殖器特征图。新种模式标本均保存在中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

中国菲寄蝇属分类研究(双翅目: 寄蝇科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵建铭  陈小琳 《昆虫学报》2007,50(9):933-940
经研究发现中国菲寄蝇属现共有9种,其中包括4新种:金额菲寄蝇Phebellia aurifrons sp. nov.,褐粉菲寄蝇Ph. fulvipollinis sp. nov.,宽叶菲寄蝇Ph. latisurstyla sp. nov.和毛基节菲寄蝇Ph. setocoxa sp. nov.。我国新记录3种:叶蜂菲寄蝇Ph. clavellariae (Brauer & Bergenstamm),灰粉菲寄蝇Ph. glauca (Meigen)和拟灰粉菲寄蝇Ph. glaucoides Herting。本文除详细描述新种特征及绘制特征图外,还提供中国菲寄蝇属已知种类的分种检索表。  相似文献   

张彦周  黄大卫 《昆虫学报》2007,50(2):165-171
记述了分布于中国的副蟑跳小蜂属Parablatticida的6 种,其中有2 新种:P. orientalis sp. nov.和P. scapata sp. nov.;P. brevicornis (Dalman),P. magniclava Hayat和 P. terebrata (Trjapitzin) 为中国新记录种。文中提供了分种检索表、形态特征图。模式标本及其他研究标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆。  相似文献   

研究了通过共享同一寄主卵,短管赤眼蜂Trichogramma pretiosum体内共生的Wolbachia被水平传递到拟澳洲赤眼蜂T. confusum体内后,Wolbachia对新宿主拟澳洲赤眼蜂的影响。结果表明: Wolbachia的侵染能使拟澳洲赤眼蜂进行不完全的产雌孤雌生殖,增加拟澳洲赤眼蜂子代雌性比例,但却导致了雌蜂寿命缩短和繁殖力降低的生理损失。Wolbachia感染的当代处女蜂及其建立的种群连续5代(F1~F5),其子代雌蜂百分率分别为79.17%、76.60%、68.66%、72.58%、68.15%和64.06%,基本上呈现出逐代降低的趋势,并越来越接近对照的63.85%。处女蜂及F1~F5代雌蜂的平均寿命分别为4.33、5.50、5.60、6.68、7.32和7.50天,而未感染交配雌蜂寿命为7.59 天;处女蜂及F1~F5代雌蜂平均产卵量分别为11.33、70.00、86.41、93.90、102.92和124.38粒/雌,除F5代外,均显著低于未感染交配雌蜂的产卵量134.81粒/雌。用四臂嗅觉仪测定了Wolbachia新宿主拟澳洲赤眼蜂对寄主小菜蛾的嗅觉反应,结果表明Wolbachia的侵染具轻微干扰拟澳洲赤眼蜂嗅觉反应的负面影响。未感染Wolbachia的拟澳洲赤眼蜂及Wolbachia供体短管赤眼蜂对寄主小菜蛾具较强的嗅觉反应,其雌蜂在小菜蛾腹部鳞片正己烷提取液和小菜蛾卵表正己烷提取液处理区内滞留时间显著或极显著长于对照区。而感染Wolbachia的拟澳洲赤眼蜂F2代和F3代雌蜂,尽管在小菜蛾腹部鳞片正己烷提取液处理区内滞留时间比对照区长,但没有达到显著水平;其F2代雌蜂在小菜蛾卵表正己烷提取液处理区内滞留时间与对照区相比,也没有达到显著水平。随Wolbachia在拟澳洲赤眼蜂种群中垂直感染代数的增加,拟澳洲赤眼蜂对寄主小菜蛾的嗅觉反应恢复正常,在Wolbachia感染后的 F4~F6代,雌蜂在两种提取液处理区内的滞留时间均显著或极显著长于对照区。  相似文献   

棉铃虫P450基因CYP6AE12和CYP9A18的克隆与mRNA表达水平   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用RT-PCR和RACE技术克隆到2个新的棉铃虫细胞色素P450基因:CYP6AE12CYP9A18CYP6AE12的cDNA编码区长1 569 bp,编码523个氨基酸;CYP9A18的cDNA编码区长1 590 bp,编码530个氨基酸。用实时定量PCR技术分析了这2个基因在棉铃虫YS敏感品系和YS-FP抗性品系(由氰戊菊酯加辛硫磷混剂筛选YS品系而得) 6龄幼虫脂肪体和中肠中mRNA的表达水平。结果表明:CYP6AE12CYP9A18的mRNA表达具有组织特异性,CYP6AE12在脂肪体中表达量较高,而CYP9A18在中肠中的表达量较高。与相对敏感品系YS相比,CYP6AE12在YS-FP抗性品系中肠和脂肪体中的mRNA表达量分别为YS品系的3.6倍和1.3倍;CYP9A18在YS-FP品系中肠和脂肪体的mRNA表达量分别为YS品系的0.3倍和1.0倍。CYP6AE12的过量表达与YS-FP品系棉铃虫的抗药性可能有一定关系。  相似文献   

Rpp02菌株是本实验室分离的一株对鳞翅目等多种害虫具有高毒力的苏云金芽孢杆菌莫里逊亚种 (Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. morrisoni), 经PCR检测,它含有cry1Ac基因。对其基因组DNA进行PCR扩增,得到大约4 kb的产物。测序结果表明,该片段含有一个较大的ORF框,基因编码区为3 534 bp,编码1 177个氨基酸,分子量为133.144 kD,pI 4.952, 为弱酸性蛋白质,亮氨酸(Leu)、丝氨酸(Ser)、谷氨酸(Glu)3种氨基酸含量最高,分别为8.0%、7.8%、7.7%。该基因序列与cry1Ac序列同源性达到99%,并被国际Bt杀虫晶体蛋白基因命名委员会命名为cry1Ac20。生物测定表明,该基因在大肠杆菌中得到了表达,表达产物具有较强的杀虫效果,试喂菜青虫48 h后,校正死亡率为88.78%。  相似文献   

House flies are of major concern as vectors of food-borne pathogens to food crops. House flies are common pests on cattle feedlots and dairies, where they develop in and feed on animal waste. By contacting animal waste, house flies can acquire human pathogenic bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp., in addition to other bacteria, viruses, or parasites that may infect humans and animals. The subsequent dispersal of house flies from animal facilities to nearby agricultural fields containing food crops may lead to pre-harvest food contamination with these pathogens. We hypothesized that odors from honeydew, the sugary excreta produced by sucking insects feeding on crops, or molds and fungi growing on honeydew, may attract house flies, thereby increasing the risk of food crop contamination. House fly attraction to honeydew-contaminated plant material was evaluated using a laboratory bioassay. House flies were attracted to the following plant-pest-honeydew combinations: citrus mealybug on squash fruit, pea aphid on faba bean plants, whitefly on navel orange and grapefruit leaves, and combined citrus mealybug and cottony cushion scale on mandarin orange leaves. House flies were not attracted to field-collected samples of lerp psyllids on eucalyptus plants or aphids on crepe myrtle leaves. Fungi associated with field-collected honeydews were isolated and identified for further study as possible emitters of volatiles attractive to house flies. Two fungal species, Aureobasidium pullulans and Cladosporium cladosporioides, were repeatedly isolated from field-collected honeydew samples. Both fungal species were grown in potato dextrose enrichment broth and house fly attraction to volatiles from these fungal cultures was evaluated. House flies were attracted to odors from A. pullulans cultures but not to those of C. cladosporioides. Identification of specific honeydew odors that are attractive to house flies could be valuable for the development of improved house fly baits for management of this pest species.  相似文献   

Some parasitoid flies exploit odors derived from plants as olfactory cues for locating the food plants of host insects, but the role of visual cues associated with plants remains largely unknown. The generalist tachinid Exorista japonica Townsend (Diptera: Tachinidae) is attracted to odors derived from maize plants [Zea mays L. (Poaceae)] infested by the larvae of Mythimna separata (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). In this study, we examined the effects of visual parameters on the olfactory attraction of female flies to host‐infested plants. A paper plant model of one of four colors (blue, green, yellow, or red) was placed in front of a host‐infested plant, which was hidden behind a mesh screen in a wind tunnel. The landing rate of females was significantly higher on the green plant model than on the other three models. When an achromatic plant model of one of four gray scales (white, light gray, dark gray, or black) was tested, the response rate of females was significantly higher towards the white model and decreased as the brightness of models decreased. Few female flies responded to the green plant model without odors of the host‐infested plants. When the four color plant models were placed together in a cage filled with odors of host‐infested plants, females remained significantly longer on the green model than on the other three models. These results showed that E. japonica females preferred the color green when odors of the host‐infested plants were present and suggest that E. japonica uses visual as well as olfactory cues to locate the host habitat.  相似文献   

Behavioral responses of adult female oriental fruit flies, Dacus dorsalisHendel, to the odor of papayas from three ripeness classes were studied using a threechoice flight tunnel bioassay. Laboratoryreared flies were allowed to respond freely to any of three papaya odors (mature green, colorbreak to one-fourth ripe, and one-half to full ripe) emanating from identical (spherical) fruit models. Five behaviors were measured in assessing the fly's relative attraction to the odors (number of landings), arrestment (total fly seconds on sphere), fly-fly interactions on the fruit model (maximum and modal fly density), and acceptance for oviposition (total eggs laid). Females showed no significant difference in total fly landings based on all age classes combined. Significant differences were noted among age classes. Females spent more total time on the sphere and showed a higher maximum density and modal fly density to ripe fruit than to green fruit odors. Ovipositional acceptance of fruit models based on the total number of eggs laid in a sphere was greater in response to the ripefruit odor than to the other two odor classes. Olfactorystimulated behavioral responses of females to the odor of ripe papayas were significantly different from the other ripeness classes for all behaviors at 8 days postemergence and then declined in 11-day-old flies. Behavioral responses were greater during the afternoon than in the morning. Observations of wild oriental fruit flies to papayas in the field indicated a preference for residing on riper fruit. The results of this study are discussed with regard to the role of olfactory inputs generated by the odor of ripening fruit on female attraction and oviposition behavior resulting in infestation of papayas by oriental fruit fly.  相似文献   

Odors from corn plants infested with the larvae of the noctuid herbivore Mythimna separata (Walker) attract tachinid fly, Exorista japonica Townsend, females; and odors from corn plants artificially damaged also attract this fly. We investigated the responses of flies to herbivore-infested, artificially damaged, and undamaged plants before and after arrival at the target plants to measure timing of the behavioral sequence. The behavior of the flies for 10 min after takeoff from a release point was observed in a wind-tunnel bioassay. The percentage of flies attracted to the plants was higher in infested and artificially damaged plants than in undamaged plants. Latency before takeoff was longer in undamaged plants, and time from takeoff to arrival at the plant was also longer in undamaged plants. Moreover, flies stayed longer on infested and artificially damaged plants. Flies walked longer on infested plants than on artificially damaged and undamaged plants. In this paper, we summarize the behavioral data and discuss the host-searching behavior of E. japonica females.  相似文献   

House fly (Musca domestica) males are highly attracted to dead female flies infected with the entomopathogenic fungus Entomophthora muscae. Because males orient to the larger abdomen of infected flies, both visual and chemical cues may be responsible for the heightened attraction to infected flies. Our behavioral assays demonstrated that the attraction is sex-specific-males were attracted more to infected females than to infected males, regardless of cadaver size. We examined the effect of E. muscae on the main component of the house fly sex pheromone, (Z)-9-tricosene, and other cuticular hydrocarbons including n-tricosane, n-pentacosane, (Z)-9-heptacosene, and total hydrocarbons of young (7 days old) and old (18 days old) virgin females. Young E. muscae-infected female flies accumulated significantly less sex pheromone and other hydrocarbons on their cuticular surface than uninfected females, whereas the cuticular hydrocarbons of older flies were unaffected by fungus infection. These results suggest that chemical cues other than (Z)-9-tricosene, visual cues other than abdomen size, or a combination of both sets of cues might be responsible for attraction of house fly males to E. muscae-infected females.  相似文献   

二斑叶螨对六种植物的选择性及生长发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用“Y”形嗅觉仪研究二斑叶螨Tetranychus urticae Koch对接骨木(Sambucus williamsii Hance)、苹果(Malus pumila Mill.)、木瓜(Chaenomeles sinensis Koehne)、苦楝(Melia azedarach L.)、火炬树(Rhus typhina Torner)、大叶黄杨(Euonymus japonica Thunb)6种植物的嗅觉选择性差异。结果表明,该螨对苹果叶片的气味表现明显的趋向性,对木瓜叶片的气味表现明显的忌避性,而对其余4种叶片无趋向性或者表现中性。采用海绵水盘法研究在6种植物上的生长发育差异,该螨在接骨木、苹果、苦楝、火炬树上均能正常生长发育至成螨,且具有一定的繁殖力。但在木瓜和大叶黄杨上发育状况较差,繁殖力较差。  相似文献   

Photosynthesis and Photoprotection in Overwintering Plants   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Abstract: Seasonal differences in the capacity of photosynthetic electron transport, leaf pigment composition, xanthophyll cycle characteristics and chlorophyll fluorescence emission were investigated in two biennial mesophytes ( Malva neglecta and Verbascum thapsus ) that grow in full sunlight, and in leaves/needles of sun and shade populations of several broad-leafed evergreens and conifers (Vinca minor, Euonymus kiautschovicus, Mahonia repens, Pseudotsuga menziesii [Douglas fir], and Pinus ponderosa). Both mesophytic species maintained or upregulated photosynthetic capacity in the winter and exhibited no upregulation of photoprotection. In contrast, photosynthetic capacity was downregulated in sun leaves/needles of V. minor, Douglas fir, and Ponderosa pine, and even in shade needles of Douglas fir. Interestingly, photosynthetic capacity was upregulated during the winter in shade leaves/needles of V. minor, Ponderosa pine and Euonymus kiautschovicus. Nocturnal retention of zeaxanthin and antheraxanthin, and their sustained engagement in a state primed for energy dissipation, were observed largely in the leaves/needles of sun-exposed evergreen species during winter. Factors that may contribute to these differing responses to winter stress, including chloroplast redox state, the relative levels of source and sink activity at the whole plant level, and apoplastic versus symplastic phloem loading, are discussed.  相似文献   

Nemorilla maculosa Meigen (Diptera: Tachinidae) is a solitary endoparasitoid of the legume pod borer, Maruca vitrata Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), a key pest of cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. (Fabaceae) in Africa. A colony of N. maculosa, introduced for experimental purposes from Taiwan to the laboratories of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in Benin, was used for our studies. Olfactory reponses of N. maculosa to leaves of infested or uninfested cowpea and yellow peabush, Sesbania cannabina (Retz.) Pers. (Fabaceae), and to M. vitrata larvae were evaluated in a four‐arm olfactometer. For all combinations of odor sources, responses between naïve and oviposition‐experienced female flies did not differ. Nemorilla maculosa females were attracted by odors from uninfested leaves of yellow peabush and flowers of cowpea when compared with clean air, and they were attracted to plants damaged by M. vitrata with larvae removed. However, the female fly did not discriminate between odors from infested and uninfested plants. The parasitic fly N. maculosa proved well able to use volatile compounds from various host plants (peabush and cowpea) to locate its host, with a more pronounced attraction by the combination of host larvae and infested host plant parts. These findings are discussed in light of the prospective use of N. maculosa as a biological control agent against the legume pod borer.  相似文献   

House flies and stable flies were collected on a Florida dairy farm using a commercial Alsynite sticky cylinder trap that was either used alone or covered with white, blue, or black outdoor awning fabric. Collections of both species of flies were highest on exposed Alsynite (house flies, 506.2 flies/day; stable flies, 19.1) followed by blue fabric (house flies, 308.1 flies/day; stable flies 12.5). Responses of both species to white and black fabric were 70% lower than to either of the former materials. When blue fabric was used to cover 50% of the surface area of Alsynite cylinders, house fly responses were significantly higher (290.2 flies/day) than to blue fabric alone (165.2); stable fly responses to the bi-colored target were significantly higher (152.6) than to Alsynite alone (93.8). Comparison of fly counts in the blue-covered versus uncovered Alsynite with traps of a single material indicated that house fly attraction to blue fabric was enhanced by the presence of clear Alsynite, whereas stable fly attraction to Alsynite was enhanced by the presence of blue fabric. The presence of blue+Alsynite visual targets increased collections of house flies in pans of dry fly bait but not in baited jug traps. Visual targets treated with 1.2% bifenthrin controlled >50% and 90% of house flies in large cages by days two and four after placement, respectively.  相似文献   

In field-cage studies, we investigated how the foraging behavior of tephritid fruit flies is modified by experience immediately prior to release on host plants. We observed females of a relatively monophagous species,Rhagoletis mendax (blueberry maggot fly), an oligophagous species,Rhagoletis pomomella (apple maggot fly), and a polyphagous species,Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean fruit fly). Just prior to release on a host plant, the following kinds of stimuli were supplied: (1) single oviposition in a host fruit, (2) contact with 20% sucrose, (3) contact with a mixture of protein food (bird feces and sucrose), (4) contact with water, and (5) a walk over a host-plant leaf. When flies foraged on host plants without resources, search was most intensive (as measured by number of leaves visited) following a single oviposition in fruit, but residence time generally was the same following exposure to sugar, protein, and fruit stimuli.Rhagoletis mendax andC. capitata females visited the fewest leaves following exposure to water or host leaves, whereasR. pomonella foraged equally intensively following exposure to food stimuli, water, or leaves. On host plants containing resources (fruit and protein food), a single oviposition dramatically increased the number of females of all three species that found fruit compared to females that received experience with food, water or foliar stimuli. We found no significant effect of recent brief experience with any of the stimuli on subsequent attraction to protein food. Overall,C. capitata exhibited a higher propensity to abandon host plants than eitherR. mendax orR. pomonella. We suggest that this may reflect adaptations to differences in distribution of host plants in nature, strategies of dispersal, and host range.  相似文献   

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