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卫矛属(Euonymus L.)和沟瓣属(Glyptopetalum Thw.)的系统关系长期以来备受争议,为理清它们之间的关系,该研究选择沟瓣属12种、卫矛属17种和假卫矛属(Microtropis Wall. ex Meisn.)2种,共计31个分类单元(OTUs),测量并统计了56个形态性状,同时利用聚类分析(UPGMA)和主坐标分析(PCoA)的方法进行了数量分类学研究。结果表明:沟瓣属与卫矛属具有较高的表征相似性,二者之间存在的过渡类群有缙云卫矛(Euonymus chloranthoides Yang)和淡绿叶卫矛(E. pallidifolium Hayata)以及海南沟瓣 [Glyptopetalum fengii (Chun & F. C. How)Ding Hou]、白树沟瓣 [G. geloniifolium(Chun & F. C. How)C. Y. Cheng]。该研究认为将沟瓣属作为卫矛属的一个组,即沟瓣组(Sect. Glyptopetalum),放在冬青卫矛组(Sect. Ilicifolia)附近更为合理。对性状的主坐标排序分析显示,叶片长度、叶片宽度、叶侧脉数目、花瓣数目、心室数目、每室胚珠数、花序分枝数、是否具有假种皮、蒴果是否开裂、花期与果序梗长度在卫矛属分类中具有重要的价值。  相似文献   

假巴戟(Morinda shuanghuaensis C.Y.Chen et M.S.Huang)和糠藤(Morinda howiana S.Y.Hu)为茜草科(Rubiaceae)巴戟天属的两个中国特有种。发表于1976年的假巴戟的名称因原作者指定了两份标本作为模式标本(花模式和果模式)而为不合法名称,本文将其合法化,并根据原始描述将其果模式指定为模式。同样,糠藤也被指定具有两个模式,但是因其发表时间早于1958年1月1日,因此并不违背最新版《国际植物命名法规》(维也纳法规),但是为了规范植物名称,避免更多的混淆,我们依据其原始描述将其花模式指定为后选模式。  相似文献   

关于筇竹属和筇竹名称及命名模式的讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
筇竹属(Qiongzhuea Hsueh et Yi)建立于1980年,模式种基于(Q. tumidinoda Hsueh et Yi)。由于竹子是多年生植物,不是年年都开花结实,且一生只开一次花。我们当时考虑到竹子开花生物学的这种特点,以及为更方便准确鉴定该属及属以下种群,分别选用了王芳瑜、熊执权和杨开泰11563号有花、果枝标本和易同培73001号营养体标本作为(Q. tumidinoda Hsueh et Yi)的共同模式。根据《国际植物命名法规》的相关条款规定,在命名一个新种或种以下新分类群时只能是一份标本。但当时法规(Leningrad Code, Art. 7. 5. 1975; St. Louis Code, 2000 and Vienna Code, Art. 37.3. 2006)明确规定有这种情况出现时,可以从它们之中选取后选模式(Art.7.5.)。有鉴于此,我们从发表时的两号标本之中选取王芳瑜、熊执权和杨开泰11563号有花、果枝标本作为筇竹的后选模式,使筇竹和筇竹属得到合格发表。  相似文献   

昆明山梅花Philadelphus kunmmingensis S.M.Hwang及其变种小叶山梅花var.parvifolius S.M.Hwang已发表于中国科学院华南植物研究所集刊75-7.1991.有拉丁文的描述及标本引证,但未指定模式标本,为使其名称符合植物命名法规,现补充指定模式标本.  相似文献   

杨舒婷  曹明  邓敏 《广西植物》2015,35(1):15-19
竹叶青冈为我国南方及中南半岛常绿阔叶林常见树种,为该区域的重要材用树种。中国植物志中文版采用Cyclobalanopsis bambusifolia(Hance)Chun ex Y.C.HsuH.W.Jen作为其学名,但是基源名Quercus bambusifolia Hance由于错误鉴定1857年并未合格发表,随后基于同一模式和不同的模式,这一种加词先后多次被发表,其中涉及多个裸名、晚出同名、新名称、新组合,学名变化复杂,但其正确学名在国际权威植物分类数据库中并未采纳,正确学名在生态学等研究中亦未采用。因此,对竹叶青冈而言,其学名还存在众多疑问。为了澄清该种的学名,作者通过文献考证和标本核实查阅,对竹叶青冈学名变更历史进行追溯并根据最新的《藻类、真菌、植物国际命名法规》(简称墨尔本法规)对各变更学名进行了评述。本研究结果支持Q.neglecta(Schott.)Koidz作为竹叶青冈正确的学名。但由于国内植物学名仍以中国植物志为主要依据,而中国植物志仍采用狭义栎属Quercus s.s.的概念,为避免造成更多学名混乱,竹叶青冈的学名可沿用中国植物志英文版中学名Cyclobalanopsis neglecta,但中文版所采用C.bambusifolia为错误学名,应该弃用。  相似文献   

依据《国际植物命名法规》(维也纳法规)第6.4条, 我国两种银杏目植物化石具有不合法的形态种名。Sphenobaiera biloba S. N. Feng (1977)和S. rugata Z. Q. Wang (1984, Dec.) 分别为S. biloba Prynada (1938)和S.? rugata Z. Y. Zhou (1984, Mar.)的晚出同名。兹遵照国际植物命名法规(第7.3和53.1条)为上述两种植物分别建立新名称。另两个形态种名Ginkgoites elegans S. Yang, B. N. Sun & G. L. Shen (1988)和Baiera ziguiensis F. S. Meng (1987)在发表时都未曾明确指定模式标本, 因而是不合格发表的名称(法规第12和37条)。本文为之分别指定主模式, 并建立新种。Ginkgoites elegans Z. Y. Cao (1992)一名虽然被Ginkgoites elegans S. Yang, B. N. Sun & G. L. Shen (1988)先期占用, 因其为合格发表名称, 仍可应用, 而后一名称不是合格发表的, 并不具备命名上的优先权。  相似文献   

由于Rudolf Grz在1935年《静生生物调查所汇报》(植物学)第6卷第1期“中国柳属增志”一文中对2新种、2新变种和1新变型植物名称发表时引证了2号或2号以上的标本,但没指定主模式。根据《国际植物命名法规》规则8.1、9.4、9.9、9.10和辅则9A.1、9A.2、9A.3、9A.4的精神,对这些名称作出后选模式指定。  相似文献   

白玉山蔷薇(Rosa baiyushanensis Q.L.Wang)为中国特有植物,仅分布于辽宁省大连市旅顺口区,被列为辽宁省二级保护植物。本种发表于1984年,模式标本是1957年6月由朱有昌采自大连旅顺白玉山。笔者通过近年来的野外调查发现,由于模式产地生境被破坏,未见到白玉山蔷薇的分布,但是在旅顺范围内距离白玉山不远的郭家沟、对庄沟一带均见到此植物。考虑到上述地方均是人为活动较频繁的区域,而且还发现此植物与原产欧洲的犬蔷薇(Rosa canina L.)同时出现,加之该地区的历史原因,笔者推断白玉山蔷薇与犬蔷薇类似,均是外来植物。通过野外观察、查阅中外植物志和比对模式标本,对其外部形态进行仔细对照研究发现,白玉山蔷薇与原产欧洲的锈红蔷薇(Rosa rubiginosa L.)没有本质区别,故将白玉山蔷薇处理为锈红蔷薇的异名。同时,考虑到白玉山蔷薇(锈红蔷薇)在某些国家被列为外来入侵种,笔者建议将白玉山蔷薇从保护名单上删除。此外,根据Rehder蔷薇属分类系统白玉山蔷薇(锈红蔷薇)和犬蔷薇在分类上均属于蔷薇属(Rosa L.)蔷薇亚属(Subgen.Eurosa)犬齿组(Sect.Caninae),这一发现填补了《中国植物志》未收录犬齿组植物的空白。同时,笔者也纠正了Flora of China将白玉山蔷薇(锈红蔷薇)划分到桂味组(Sect.Cinnamomeae)的错误。  相似文献   

周志炎 《古生物学报》2007,46(4):387-393
根据2006年发表的新版国际植物命名法规(维也纳法规)的有关规则和条款,讨论我国古植物命名中一些值得重视的和存在的问题,着重在分类单元名称的合格发表、模式指定以及拉丁属、种名称构成和性别等几个方面.文中也介绍了新法规中对古植物形态分类单元(morphotaxa)定义的改变和相关规则的更动情况,以及有关在学位论文和电子版文档中发表分类单元名称等新规则.文后附有古植物命名的一些重要规则生效的日期和相关说明.  相似文献   

孙茜  林祁 《植物研究》2007,27(4):390-392
由于Rudolf G(o)rz在1935年《静生生物调查所汇报》(植物学)第6卷第1期"中国柳属增志"一文中对2新种、2新变种和1新变型植物名称发表时引证了2号或2号以上的标本,但没指定主模式.根据《国际植物命名法规》规则8.1、9.4、9.9、9.10和辅则9A.1、9A.2、9A.3、9A.4的精神,对这些名称作出后选模式指定.  相似文献   

The Ped (preimplantation embryonic development) gene influences the rate of preimplantation embryonic development and subsequent embryonic survival. The protein product of the Ped gene, the Qa-2 protein, is a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class Ib protein. There are two alleles of the Ped gene, fast (Qa-2 [+]) and slow (Qa-2 [-]). Qa-2 is encoded by four very similar MHC class Ib genes: Q6, Q7, Q8, and Q9. Recent research in our laboratory has shown that the Ped phenotype is potentially encoded by the Q7 and/or Q9 gene because the Q7 and Q9 genes, but not the Q6 or Q8 gene, are expressed during preimplantation mouse embryonic development. In this study we utilized microinjection of transgenes to assess the functional roles of both the Q7 and Q9 genes in control of the rate of preimplantation development. The Q7 gene, the Q9 gene, and a combination of the Q7 and Q9 genes were microinjected into Ped slow zygotes, and the Ped phenotype and cell surface expression of Qa-2 protein were assayed after a 72-h or 96-h incubation period. We found that the microinjected individual Q7 and Q9 genes increased the rate of preimplantation development. Simultaneous injection of the Q7 and Q9 genes did not have a synergistic effect on the Ped phenotype. Microinjection of the Q7 and/or Q9 genes resulted in protein expression in 10-25% of the microinjected embryos. These results show that both the Q7 and Q9 genes encode the mouse Ped phenotype.  相似文献   

Twelve new species of Zingiberaceae are described from Yunnan Province, China. They are Amomum fragle S. Q. Tong, A. quadrato-laminare S. Q. Tong, A. verrucosum S. Q. Tong, A. glabrum S. Q. Tong, A. capsiciforme S. Q. Tong, A. coriandriodorum S. Q. Tong, Alpinia rubromaculata S. Q. Tong, A. emaculata S. Q. Tong, Zingiber nigrimaculatum S. Q. Tong, Hedychium glabrum S. Q. Tong, Costus viridis S. Q. Tong and Costus oblongus S. Q.Tong. A key to species of the genus Costus is given at the end of text.  相似文献   

The role of the extracellular Glu side chains of bacteriorhodopsin in the proton transport mechanism has been studied using the single mutants E9Q, E74Q, E194Q, and E204Q; the triple mutant E9Q/E194Q/E204Q; and the quadruple mutant E9Q/E74Q/E194Q/E204Q. Steady-state difference and deconvoluted Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy has been applied to analyze the M- and N-like intermediates in membrane films maintained at a controlled humidity, at 243 and 277 K at alkaline pH. The mutants E9Q and E74Q gave spectra similar to that of wild type, whereas E194Q, E9Q/E194Q/E204Q, and E9Q/E74Q/E194Q/E204Q showed at 277 K a N-like intermediate with a single negative peak at 1742 cm(-1), indicating that Asp(85) and Asp(96) are deprotonated. Under the same conditions E204Q showed a positive peak at 1762 cm(-1) and a negative peak at 1742 cm(-1), revealing the presence of protonated Asp(85) (in an M intermediate environment) and deprotonated Asp(96). These results indicate that in E194Q-containing mutants, the second increase in the Asp(85) pK(a) is inhibited because of lack of deprotonation of the proton release group. Our data suggest that Glu(194) is the group that controls the pK(a) of Asp(85).  相似文献   

Mir C  Toumi L  Jarne P  Sarda V  Di Giusto F  Lumaret R 《Heredity》2006,96(2):175-184
Hybridisation is a potent force in plant evolution, although there are few reported examples of stabilised species that have been created through homoploid hybridisation. We focus here on Quercus afares, an endemic North African species that combines morphological, physiological and ecological traits of both Q. suber and Q. canariensis, two phylogenetically distant species. These two species are sympatric with Q. afares over most of its distribution. We studied two Q. afares populations (one from Algeria and one from Tunisia), as well as several populations of both Q. suber and Q. canariensis sampled both within and outside areas where these species overlap with Q. afares. A genetic analysis was conducted using both nuclear (allozymes) and chloroplastic markers, which shows that Q. afares originates from a Q. suber x Q. canariensis hybridisation. At most loci, Q. afares predominantly possesses alleles from Q. suber, suggesting that the initial cross between Q. suber and Q. canariensis was followed by backcrossing with Q. suber. Other hypotheses that can account for this result, including genetic drift, gene silencing, gene conversion and selection, are discussed. A single Q. suber chlorotype was detected, and all Q. afares individuals displayed this chlorotype, indicating that Q. suber was the maternal parent. Q. afares is genetically, morphologically and ecologically differentiated from its parental species, and can therefore be considered as a stabilised hybrid species.  相似文献   

Coenzyme Q (Q) is an obligatory component of both respiratory chain and uncoupling proteins. Also, Q acts as an antioxidant in cellular membranes. Several neurodegenerative diseases are associated with modifications of Q10 levels. For these reasons, therapies based on Q supplementation in the diet are currently studied in order to mitigate the symptoms of these diseases. However, the incorporation of exogenous Q also affects aging process in nematodes probably affecting reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. The aim of the present work is to clarify if supplementation with both Q10 and Q6 isoforms affects mitochondrial Q10 content, respiratory chain activity and ROS levels in human cells. Cells incorporated exogenously added Q10 and Q6 isoforms into mitochondria that produced changes in mitochondrial activity depending on the side chain length. Supplementation with Q10, but not with Q6, increased mitochondrial Q-dependent activities. However, Q6 affected the mitochondrial membrane potential, ROS production, and increased the protein levels of both catalase and Mn-superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD). Also, Q6 induced a transient decrease in endogenous mitochondrial Q10 levels by increasing its catabolism. These results show that human cells supplemented with Q6 undergo a mitochondrial impairment, which is not observed with Q10 supplementation.  相似文献   

One-electron reduction of quinones (Q) by ascorbate (AscH ); (1) AscH + Q --> Q*- + Asc*- + H+, followed by the oxidation of semiquinone (Q*-) by molecular oxygen; (2) Q*- + O2 --> Q + O2*-, results in the catalytic oxidation of ascorbate (with Q as a catalyst) and formation of active forms of oxygen. Along with enzymatic redox cycling of Q. this process may be related to Q cytotoxicity and underlie an antitumor activity of some Qs. In this work, the kinetics of oxygen consumption accompanied the interaction of ascorbate with 55 Qs including substituted 1,4- and 1,2-benzoquinones, naphthoquinones and other quinoid compounds were studied in 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.40, at 37 degrees C by using the Clark electrode technique. The capability of Q to catalyze ascorbate oxidation was characterized by the effective value of kEFF calculated from the initial rate of oxygen consumption (R(OX)) by the equation R(OX) = kEFF[Q][AscH-] as well as by a temporary change in R(OX). The correlation of kEFF with one-electron reduction potential, E(Q/Q*-), showed a sigma-like plot, the same for different kinds of Qs. Only the Qs which reduction potential E(Q/Q*-) ranged from nearly -250 to + 50 mV displayed a pronounced catalytic activity, kEFF increased with shifting E(Q/Q*-) to positive values. The following linear correlation between kEFF (in M (-1) s(-1)) and E(Q/Q*-) (in mV) might be suggested for these Qs: lg(kEFF)= 3.91 + 0.0143E(Q/Q*-). In contrast, Qs with E(Q/Q*-) < - 250 mV and E(Q/Q*-) > + 50 mV showed no measurable catalytic activity. The Qs studied displayed a wide variety in the kinetic regularities of oxygen consumption. When E(Q/Q*-) was more negative than - 100 mV, Q displayed a simple ('standard') kinetic behavior--R(OX) was proportional to [AscH-][Q] independently of concentration of individual reagents, [AscH-] and [Q]; R(OX) did not decrease with time if [AscH-] was held constant: Q recycling was almost reversible. Meanwhile, Qs with E(Q/Q*-) > - 100 mV demonstrated a dramatic deviation from the 'standard' behavior that was manifested by the fast decrease in R(OX) with time and non-linear dependence of even starting values of R(OX) on [Q] and [AscH-]. These deviations were caused basically by the participation of Q*- in side reactions different from (2). The above findings were confirmed by kinetic computer simulations. Some biological implications of Q-AscH- interaction were discussed.  相似文献   


Six species of the Quercus genus (Quercus ilex L., Q. coccifera L., Q. suber L., Q. trojana Webb, Q. macrolepis Kotschy, Q. cerris L.) have been screened for cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase (APX) by means of native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). A single isozyme was found in five species (Q. trojana, Q. suber, Q. cerris, Q. macrolepis and Q. coccifera), while Q. ilex shows two different APX proteins. The data showed marked similarities among Q. trojana, Q. suber, Q. cerris and Q. macrolepis with respect to the electrophoretic mobility. The validity of APX electrophoretic patterns in systematic studies is discussed.  相似文献   

【目的】为了明确钾矿物分解细菌Bacillus globisporus Q12和Rhizobium sp.Q32最合适的产酸和胞外多糖条件,并进一步阐明供试菌株对钾长石的溶解效应及其机制。【方法】分别向培养基中加入0-1.2 g/L(NH4)2SO4,选择菌株最适的产酸及合成胞外多糖条件,研究菌株对钾长石的溶解效果,并采用扫描电镜(SEM)观察钾长石表面形态及菌体分布特征。【结果】0.6、0和0.3 g/L(NH4)2SO4分别能使菌株Q12、Q32和混合菌株(Q12+Q32)产生较多的有机酸、胞外多糖以及有机酸和胞外多糖的复合物。菌株Q12、Q32及其混合菌株均能够显著地溶解钾长石,并释放出矿质元素,其中混合菌株的溶解效果要优于单一菌株;SEM分析表明,混合菌株对钾长石的溶蚀作用最强。【结论】(NH4)2SO4的含量能够影响供试菌株Q12和Q32的生长代谢及其对钾长石的风化作用,混合菌株可以通过产生的有机酸和胞外多糖的联合作用加速对钾长石的风化。  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effects of mutation of Gln32, a component of a base recognition site (B2 site) of a base-nonspecific RNase from Rhizopus niveus, we prepared several enzymes mutant at this position, Q32F, Q32L, Q32V, Q32T, Q32D, Q32N, and Q32E, and their enymatic activities toward RNA and 16 dinucleoside phosphates were measured. Enzymatic activities of the mutant enzymes towards RNA were between 10-125% of the native enzyme. From the rates of hydrolysis of 16 dinucleoside phosphates by mutant enzymes, we estimated the base specificity of both B1 and B2 sites. The results indicated that mutation of Gln32 to Asp, Asn, and Glu caused the B2 site to prefer cytosine more and to a less extent, to prefer uracil (Q32N), and that Q32F made the enzyme more guanine-base preferential. The results suggested that we are able to construct an enzyme that preferentially cleaves internucleotidic linkages, at the 5'-side of cytosine residues (Q32D, Q32N, and Q32E) and guanine residues (Q32F and Q32T), thus, cleaves purine-C(Q32D, Q32N, Q32E) and GpG and ApG (Q32F, and Q32T) most easily. The results seemed to suggest converting a base-non-specific RNase to a base-specific one.  相似文献   

2013年8月、2013年10月、2014年1月和2014年4月分别在洛阳河口潮间带选取5种生境(红树林区Q1,Q2,Q3;光滩Q4,林缘光滩Q5)开展调查,以探讨不同生境间甲壳动物群落结构及功能群差异和影响因素。调查共获得甲壳动物18科35种,优势种和重要种有弧边招潮(Uca arcuata)、薄片蜾蠃蜚(Sinocorophium lamellatum)、宁波泥蟹(Ilyoplax ningpoensis)和秀丽长方蟹(Metaplax elegans),以穴居型植食者为主;不同生境间优势种存在明显变化,游泳型甲壳动物主要出现在生境Q1、Q2和Q3。洛阳江红树林生境Q1、Q2、Q3底栖甲壳动物物种多样性和功能群复杂性高于林缘光滩和光滩生境,而生物量和栖息密度则相反。通过对5种不同生境的物种数、生物量、密度、功能群、物种多样性指数进行生境-季节间双因素方差分析发现,不同生境间与季节间甲壳动物物种数、栖息密度、功能群、均匀度指数与多样性指数存在显著差异;生物量在生境间差异不显著,丰富度指数在季节间差异不显著;生境Q1、Q2和Q3差异不显著。而底栖甲壳动物群落相似性和非度量多维度标序(n MDS)分析表明林缘光滩Q5的甲壳动物群落结构与Q1、Q2、Q3的相似度高,与光滩生境相似度较低,这可能是因为红树林、林缘光滩、光滩三者生境的复杂程度、食物丰富程度和食物来源存在差异有关。综合分析表明生境复杂程度与季节是影响洛阳河口潮间带大型底栖甲壳动物分布的主要因素。  相似文献   

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