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青海藏族、土族、撒拉族ABO,Rh,MN,P血型系统分布的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对青海藏族、土族、撒拉族人群进行了ABO, Rh, MN, P血型系统分布的调查。结果表明ABO:藏、土族r>q>p、撒拉族r>p>q; Rh:藏族、土族各发现Rh阴性1例(分别占0.74%与0.66%),撒拉族未发现Rh阴性者,三个民族表现型均以CCDee、 CcDE较多见;MN:均m>n,但m低于南方一些民族;P;藏族、撒拉族p1基因频率分别是0.2574与0.2703,土族0.1971。  相似文献   

调查了原籍华北地区汉族的ABO、Lewis、MN、Rh、P等血型系统和ABH分泌型的分布,结果表明:O型(33.44%)和B型(29.38%)较多;N型(27.97%)略多于M型(27.65%);Le(a )型的频率很高(24.17%)。在94人中还发现四名Le(a )型属于ABH分泌型,且都属于分泌A或B血型物质的类型,无一例为分泌H血型物质的类型;Rh(D)阴性率仅0.3%,CCDee和CcDE型占75%以上;P_1( )型占39.1%;ABH分泌型占72%,低于全国其他民族中已知的分布。  相似文献   

翁自力  杜若甫 《遗传》1990,12(1):38-38
分析了我国十二个民族的红细胞血型座位上的杂合度,发现不同民族各座位的平均杂合度不同,北方民族比南方民族的高,而且以维吾尔族的最高,壮族与高山族的最低。不同座位以杂合度大小排列,ABO、ABH、Kidd、MN、Xg、Lewis、Rh(Cc)、Rh(Ee)、P、Rh(Dd)、Duffy、S、Diego、Lutberan、Kell。此外,汉族的平均杂合度略低于白种人,而与黑种人相近。  相似文献   

德昂族红细胞血型分布的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对100名德昂族人的红细胞血型进行了调查。结果表明,ABO系统中r>p>q; MNSs系统中m>n,s>S,Ms>Ns>MS>NS;Rh系统中CCDee表型最常见,CDe单倍型频率较高(0.8250),而cDe频率(0.0352)较低;P系统中P1基因频率为0.1 340。德昂族的红细胞血型分布具有我国南方民族的特点。 Abstract:A total number of 100 unrclated individuals of De’ang ethnic group in Luxi County,Yunnan Province were examined for the distribution of ABO,MNSs,Rh and P blood groups.The gene frequencies were as follows:r=0.6580,p=0.1740,q=0.1680,m=0.6500,n=0.3500,S=0.0200,s=0.9800,MS=0.0200,Ms=0.6300,NS=0,Ns=0.3500,C=0.8250,D=1.0000,E=0.1398,Cde=0.8250,cDE=0,1387,cDe=0.0352,P1=0.1340.At the same time,no MS,MNS,NS,NSs,CCDE and ccDee phenotype were found.These results show that the distribution of these systems in De’ang ethnic group has the characteristics of the nationalities living in South China.  相似文献   

本文提供了男、女两性共404人ABO、MN血型各表现型的35个体质特征测量数据,对血型和测量体征的关系进行了初步讨论。统计分析表明,不同血型群体的某些单个体征平均值之间有显著差异。对所调查的35个体征作整体分析,可见男性MN系统和女性ABO、MN系统各血型群体平均值之间差异显著。在MN血型系统,MN型群体的测量体征平均值低于M型和N型与MN基因型的杂合状态有密切关系。本文还分析了4个民族的血型资料,表明MN血型在ABO血型系统是随机分布的。  相似文献   

新疆"克里雅人"ABO血型分布的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报告了居住于塔克拉玛干沙漠当中克里雅河下游地区的待识别封闭人群"克里雅人"(93例)ABO血型分布的调查结果."克里雅人"ABO血型的分布特征为O>B>A>AB,与中国西北地区诸省的分布相一致,其基因频率为r(0.6095)> q(0.2019)> p(0.1886),与维吾尔族、哈萨克族、蒙古族等族的ABO血型基因频率较为接近.  相似文献   

ABO血型的遗传平衡问题解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类控制ABO血型的基因座位上的等位基因频率的估计是相当棘手的问题.在遗传学著作、教材和教学中,群体遗传平衡相关估算中常出现"循环论证",这一问题需要深入分析.从根本上讲,ABO血型遗传平衡估算问题的困难来自2个等位基因对第3个的完全显性.在实际中.人类大群体中的ABO血型一般是平衡的,因此可用r=(-O)1/2、q=1-((-A) (-O))1/2和p=1-((-B) (-O))1/2近似地求基因频率.  相似文献   

对彝族(210人),藏族(199人)和满族(210人)的ABO、MNSs、Lewis血型系统和ABH物质分泌能力进行了调查,结果表明,彝族有较高的P基因频率(0.2089)和m基因频率(0.6976);藏族有较高的r基因频率(0.6290)和较低的P基因频率(0.1165);满族有较高的q基因频率(0.2774)和较低的m基因频率(0.5929);S基因频率在三个民族中都很低(<0.1)。彝族和满族中Se基因频率分别为0.4824和0.4457;藏族中Le~a基因频率(0.4653)高于满族的Le_a基因频率(0.3696)。对满族的ABO、Lewis血型和唾液中ABH物质分泌能力的关系进行分析,看出它们之间有一定联系。  相似文献   

<正>35.在一个关于强奸的刑事案件中,对4个男性(1~4,下表)、爱害者(母亲)和最终的孩子的ABO血型(等位基因I~A和I~B是共显性,i为隐性)、Rh血型(Rh+对Rh-为显性)、MN血型(M和N为共显性),以及X染色体连锁的Xg~((a))[等位基因Xg~((a+))对Xg~((a-))为显性]都进行了检测,结果如下表。  相似文献   

随机检测421例唐山汉族人群的ABO血型,调查结果为:唐山汉族人群的ABO血型分布为A型占26.37%,B型占35.63%,O型占27.79%,AB型占10.21%,血型分布特征为B〉O〉A〉AB。各基因的频率为:p=0.2041,q=0.2648,r=0.5311,特征为r〉q〉p。唐山汉族ABO血型分布的民族指数为0.778。唐山汉族具有较高的B基因频率,具有北方人群的血型分布特点。  相似文献   

安徽省宁国县畲族红细胞血型分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
调查160名安徽省宁国县畲族村民的ABO、Rh、P、MN系统红细胞血型,结果显示ABO血型表型频率分布为O(0.4687)〉B(0.2375)〉A(0.2250)〉AB(0.0688),基因频率p=0.1500,q=0.1575,r=0.6925;Rh血型表型频率分布为CCdee(0.5385)〉CCDE(0.1667)〉CcDE(0.1474)〉CcDee(0.0961)〉ccDE(0.0321  相似文献   

广西巴马瑶族红细胞血型及ABH分泌型的基因频率   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
金锋  黎惠琼 《人类学学报》1993,12(2):166-174

Polymorphism of blood groups ABO, MN, Rh and serum proteins Hp, Tf, Gc, C3 was studied in Buryat populations of Zabaikalie, Pribaikalie, Olkhon island. No indication of significant heterogeneity was observed. Gene frequencies varied in different systems within the ranges: ABO (p-0.142-0.183; q-0.205-0.324; r-0.567-0.630); MN (m-0.531-0.624), Rh(d) (0-0.214), Hp (Hp 1-0.268-0.339), C3 (C3F-0.023-0.090), Tf (TfC-0.971-1.0), Gc (Gc1-0.728-0.840). Genetic distances between main Buryat groups were estimated.  相似文献   

宁夏回族红细胞血型的研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
调查了219名宁夏回族的 ABO、MNSs、Rhesus、P、Lewis、Duffr、Kidd Diego 、Kell、Lutheran和Xg等11种系统的红细胞血型。结果表明,宁夏回族有较高的q(0.2530)、Fy~a(0.9270)、CDe(0.6225) 和E(0.2660) 等基因或染色体频率;d(0.0557)、s(0.0594)、P_1(0.1316)和 Le~a(0.3882)等基因频率较低;而未发现K和Lu~a基因;Di~a的频率为0.0349,也处于低水平;Ns(0.4984)连锁率高于 Ms(0.4422);Xg~a基因频率为0.4432。11个系统的红细胞血型的分布和遗传距离分析均反映了宁夏回族的遗传组成具有我国北方民族的特征,尤其接近于北方汉族和蒙古族,与新疆维吾尔族则存在较大的差异。  相似文献   

Nine genetic polymorphic systems (ACP1, PGM1, ADA, AK, G-6-PD, Hp, ABO, Rh, MN), were studied in a series of 138 subjects affected by JOD. Differences between diabetic patients and controls were observed in the distribution of phenotypes of the red cell acid phosphatase (ACP1), and the ABO and MN blood groups.  相似文献   

云南省15个民族红细胞PGM1亚型分布调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
邹浪萍  申滨 《遗传学报》1994,21(5):342-349
采用超薄层聚丙烯酰胺凝胶等电聚焦电永地,对云南省汉族、彝族、白族、苦聪人、哈尼族、傣族、瑶族、基诺族、布郎族、瓦族、拉祜族、回、傈僳族、纳西族和普米族等15个民族红细胞PGM1亚型分布进行了调查。计算出上述15个民族的PGM1亚型分布的基因频率及DP值,经统计学检验表明:PGM1亚型的分布上述15个民族中存在着明显的民族间差异,但在北京、辽宁、西安、云南4个不同地区的汉族人群中PGM1型分布却无显  相似文献   

The Xinjiang region with residents from more than 13 minorities represents an area of many diverse ethnicities. This ethnic diversity in relation to their blood groups and immune status may have a consequential impact on the clinical status of married couples. To evaluate the risks of haemolytic disease in new-born infants, we investigated the rate of blood-group incompatibility among 487 married couples from four ethnic minorities, namely the Han, Hui, Uyghur and Kazak populations. Han minority married couples showed significantly different ABO, Rh and K phenotype frequencies between marrial relationship, whereas there was no significant difference in ABO, Rh and K phenotypes between the Uyghur, Hui and Kazak .There was a significant difference between ABO blood types in Han married couples, in the Kazak Rh-C phenotype and in the Uyghur Rh-D phenotype. The Hui married couples only demonstrated ABO, Rh and K phenotypes. The Hui minority showed the highest incompatibility rate for Rh-C and Rh-E phenotypes between mothers and their new-born infants. The highest incompatibility rate for the ABO phenotype occurred in the Kazak group. These results particularly demonstrate the clinical issues relating to ABO and Rh incompatibility, in the Kazak and Hui minorities, respectively.  相似文献   

调查了云南省施甸县木老元乡哈寨村104名“本人”的4个细胞血型系统分布。结果表明,“本人”的ABO血型系统分布特点是,基因频率p(0.3069)〉基因频率q(0.1739);在MNSs血型系统中,基因频率m(0.6538)〉基因频率n(0.3462);在P血型系统中,基因频率P1(0.1798)较低。这些均与我国南方少数民族的分布特点基本相符。与我国大部分地区一样。Rh因型系统的单倍型频率中最高的  相似文献   

With the aid of Eldon cards the distribution of the ABO blood groups and of the Rh factor (D) was investigated in different native ethnic groups (Kafirs, Kalash, Chitrali) in the Hindu Kush region of Afghanistan and Pakistan. All studied groups are characterized by a relatively high frequency of blood group gene A and extremely low frequencies of B and O. This distribution differs appreciably from that of the rest of the Indian subcontinent as well as that of the adjacent Central Asiatic areas. The possible causes of the exceptional position of the native Hindu Kush groups in the ABO blood group system are discussed. It may be assumed that selection as a result of mother-child compatibility played a role as will be shown in a later paper. Concerning the studied traits of the Rhesus system, all investigated groups fit in the range of variation of the South Asian area.  相似文献   

The structure of phenotypic and genetic correlations between ABO blood groups, MN, Rh(D), haptoglobins and concentration indications of the total cholesterol, of sugar curve, the levels of systolic and diastolic arterial pressure was studied in twins by the method for cluster analysis (121 monozygotic twin pairs, 120 dizygotic like sex twin pairs and 107 pairs of unlike sex twins). No correlation between the systems analysed and their indications on the phenotypic level was observed. By analysis of genetic correlations, the existence of correlations between the Rh system and arterial pressure, and the total cholesterol concentration, as well as between the ABO system and sugar concentration indexes, was established. Possible genetic causes for correlations obtained are being discussed.  相似文献   

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