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胁迫诱导抗性基因转移导致细菌耐药的分子机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗性基因转移是细菌形成耐药性的重要原因.近年来的研究表明胁迫因子可通过多种机制诱导抗性基因转移.DNA损伤可导致细菌产生SOS应激反应,进而诱导接合DNA介导的抗性基因转移.在一些缺乏SOS系统的细菌中,抗生素胁迫可诱导细菌建立自然转化感受态.此外,作者最近的研究表明普通胁迫应答因子RpoS调控一种由双链质粒DNA介导的固体基质表面的抗性基因转移方式.本文在总结SOS依赖和非依赖型胁迫因子诱导细菌接合和转化介导的DNA转移以及RpoS调控固体基质表面双链质粒DNA转移的基础上,提出今后需重点研究胁迫因子如何激活关键调控蛋白以及这些调控蛋白如何影响DNA转移相关基因表达等关键问题.解决上述问题将为寻找合适的分子靶标用于防控抗性基因转移导致的细菌耐药奠定基础.  相似文献   

RpoS蛋白是RNA聚合酶的一种σ因子,能够调控一组特异性基因的表达,因此在细菌中发挥着至关重要的作用.在细菌中,RpoS蛋白的表达受到严格的控制,主要表现在3个水平的调控:转录水平,翻译水平和翻译后水平.环境应力作用通过信号传导进入细菌细胞内,引起一系列微环境的改变,进而引起调控子的变化.通过调控于与RpoS蛋白直接和间接的相互作用,达到控制其水平的目的.另外,由于RpoS蛋白在细菌中有特殊作用,因此RpoS蛋白水平的变化会引起众多基因表达水平的改变,从而引起细菌对不同环境应力应答的变化以及细菌的某些特性的改变,为今后细菌病害的防治提供了新的策略.综述了近年来对RpoS蛋白的表达调控以及在几种常见菌种中功能的研究进展,由于RpoS蛋白的功能的复杂性,仍有大量的未知功能有待进一步鉴定.  相似文献   

【背景】苯乙醇(2-Phenylethanol,2-PE)是一种具有玫瑰香气味的高级香料添加剂,被广泛应用于香水、化妆品、食品和医药等领域。目前,利用工程菌合成苯乙醇有很好的应用前景。我们分离到一株肠杆菌(Enterobacter sp.) CGMCC 5087,其可以通过苯丙酮酸途径合成2-PE。然而该菌的生长受到不同环境因素导致的胁迫,进而影响苯乙醇的产量。RpoS作为一种稳定期σ因子和压力应答过程中的主要调节因子,在细菌抗环境胁迫生长中起重要作用。【目的】阐明肠杆菌CGMCC 5087中rpoS基因在多种环境胁迫中的作用,掌握该菌在不同环境胁迫下的生物学特性。【方法】使用CRISPR基因编辑技术敲除rpoS基因,通过质粒表达系统构建互补菌株,检测rpoS基因缺失株ΔrpoS与野生型WT菌株和互补菌株ΔrpoS(rpoS)在高渗透压、高温、低pH和氧化应激环境下的生长情况,并进行统计学分析。【结果】rpoS基因的缺失显著降低了肠杆菌CGMCC 5087的生长。在5%NaCl和pH 5.0胁迫条件下,rpoS基因的缺失导致肠杆菌CGMCC 5087的耐受性显著降低。在42℃高温条件下,rpoS基因的缺失导致肠杆菌CGMCC 5087在对数期的耐受性显著降低,而在衰退期的耐受性增强。1 mmol/L H2O2氧化胁迫条件下,rpoS基因的缺失导致肠杆菌CGMCC 5087的延滞期延长,而进入稳定期后rpoS基因突变株耐受性较野生型菌株明显增强。【结论】在肠杆菌CGMCC 5087中,RpoS在抵抗多种环境压力中均具有重要作用,而且在菌株不同的生长时期对于环境胁迫的应答也有所不同,为进一步了解肠杆菌CGMCC 5087的生物学特性、掌握RpoS在肠杆菌CGMCC 5087合成苯乙醇过程中的作用机制提供基础。  相似文献   

植物对非生物胁迫应答的转录因子及调控机制   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
植物对非生物胁迫的应答反应涉及到许多基因和生化分子机制,胁迫相关基因、蛋白质及代谢物构成了一个复杂的调控网络,其中转录控制具有举足轻重的作用。本文主要对近年来发现的几种在转录控制中起关键作用的转录因子CBF/DREB、bZIP、MYB/MYC和HSF及其调控机制进行介绍。这几种转录因子可以分别和胁迫应答顺式作用元件CRT/DRE、ABRE、MYB/MYC识别位点及HSE结合,在非生物胁迫条件下调控下游靶基因的表达,进而使一些胁迫保护物质如脯氨酸、可溶性糖类、自由基的清除剂、热休克蛋白和分子伴侣等的表达水平升高,最终增强植物对非生物胁迫的耐受能力。  相似文献   

SmpB是一类普遍存在于细菌中的小RNA结合蛋白。研究表明SmpB除了在反式翻译中起着辅助tmRNA分子拯救滞留核糖体的作用,其也可以作为RNA分子伴侣调节体内RpoS的表达,以及具有直接调控RNase R及双组份系统的功能。SmpB参与的调控作用对于细菌蛋白质合成质量控制、致病菌中毒力系统调控、维持机体正常生长及发育等过程具有关键作用。本综述主要从SmpB蛋白结构及其对RNA、蛋白质调控功能等方面进行论述,以期对发掘细菌性疾病治疗靶点,研发新型抗生素,提供新的方向和思路。  相似文献   

RNA聚合酶σ~S亚基的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
σ~S(RpoS)是大肠杆菌RNA聚合酶的一个亚基.在压力情况下,如高温、酸、渗透冲击、营养缺陷和生长进入稳定期等能够被诱导,并在一定程度上能够取代σ~(70)与核心酶结合形成全酶,从而激活多数σ~S-依赖的基因的转录.对RpoS调控的基因和它们的启动子序列、调控方式以及它自身的调控进行了简单的综述.  相似文献   

结核病的致病菌结核分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium tuberculosis)在宿主内面临着多种氧化胁迫环境因子的压力,因而进化形成了一系列自己的抗氧化生长机制。转录因子作为细菌快速响应外界环境的重要因子,通过调控其靶基因的表达来帮助细菌适应环境胁迫如抗氧化等。然而,目前分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium)中有关转录因子调控细菌抗氧化生长的分子机制还不是十分清楚。本研究以耻垢分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium smegmatis)作为模式菌株,发现了转录因子FboR调控分枝杆菌的抗氧化能力并检测了相关重组菌株的抗氧化生长情况,证实了FboR负调控细菌的抗氧化能力。随后通过转录组测序分析、凝胶阻滞实验(electrophoretic mobility shift assay, EMSA)、实时定量PCR(real-time quantitative PCR, RT-qPCR)和β-半乳糖苷酶活性检测鉴定了影响细菌抗氧化生长的相关靶基因,成功解析了具体的调控通路与分子机制。  相似文献   

孙瑞  宁德刚 《微生物学通报》2016,43(12):2714-2719
细菌毒素-抗毒素系统(Toxin-antitoxin system,TA)由稳定的毒素和不稳定的抗毒素构成,几乎存在于所有细菌中。已证明染色体编码的II型TA系统作为胁迫反应因子,通过毒素作用于不同的细胞靶点来调控重要的细胞活动过程,使细菌适应不同的环境胁迫。因此,毒素活性的调控是II型TA系统介导细菌适应性胁迫反应的关键。本文总结了II型TA系统毒素活性调控机制的研究进展,并介绍了作者近年来对模式蓝藻Synechocystis sp.PCC6803中II型TA毒素活性调控的研究结果。  相似文献   

病原微生物及其耐药性是全球公共卫生的重要问题。众多人兽共患病原菌可通过食品产业链传播给人,同时耐药性使得感染更难治疗,增加了疾病传播和死亡的风险。从分子水平上研究病原体的变异规律、毒力及其致病机制有助于寻找新的药物靶点、研制新的药物。DNA聚合酶IV(polymerase IV,Pol IV)是γ家族聚合酶中的重要成员,广泛分布在原核生物、真核生物和古细菌3个生命域。Pol IV具有跨损伤DNA合成的能力,不仅在SOS反应(SOS response)和RpoS调控下响应DNA损伤,还参与细菌抗生素抗性及适应性的获得,在细菌中发挥着至关重要的作用。本文综述了近年来细菌Pol IV相关研究,回顾了其遗传特征、结构特征、表达调控及对细菌适应性的影响,并且讨论了Pol IV作为潜在药物靶点的可行性。  相似文献   

细胞膜是控制细菌细胞进行物质交换的屏障。在逆境条件下,细菌通过改变细胞膜脂肪酸的组分和含量,以调整适当的膜流动性和适应性,保护细胞膜免受不利和多变逆境条件的影响。有些细菌在逆境胁迫的条件下会进入活的但不可培养的(Viable but non-culturable,VBNC)状态。总结了细菌几种逆境胁迫及其诱导因子,并论述了细菌和部分具有VBNC态细菌在逆境胁迫下膜脂肪酸的种类及含量的变化、以及脂肪酸检测方法的研究进展,为进一步解析细菌逆境胁迫机制提供参考。  相似文献   

Translational regulation of the stationary phase sigma factor RpoS is mediated by the formation of a double-stranded RNA stem-loop structure in the upstream region of the rpoS messenger RNA, occluding the translation initiation site. The interaction of the rpoS mRNA with a small RNA, DsrA, disrupts the double-strand pairing and allows high levels of translation initiation. We screened a multicopy library of Escherichia coli DNA fragments for novel activators of RpoS translation when DsrA is absent. Clones carrying rprA (RpoS regulator RNA) increased the translation of RpoS. The rprA gene encodes a 106 nucleotide regulatory RNA. As with DsrA, RprA is predicted to form three stem-loops and is highly conserved in Salmonella and Klebsiella species. Thus, at least two small RNAs, DsrA and RprA, participate in the positive regulation of RpoS translation. Unlike DsrA, RprA does not have an extensive region of complementarity to the RpoS leader, leaving its mechanism of action unclear. RprA is non-essential. Mutations in the gene interfere with the induction of RpoS after osmotic shock when DsrA is absent, demonstrating a physiological role for RprA. The existence of two very different small RNA regulators of RpoS translation suggests that such additional regulatory RNAs are likely to exist, both for regulation of RpoS and for regulation of other important cellular components.  相似文献   

RpoS, the master sigma factor during stationary phase and under a variety of stress conditions, is regulated at multiple levels, including regulated degradation. Degradation is dependent upon ClpXP and the RssB adaptor protein. H-NS, a nucleoid-associated protein, affects the regulated degradation of RpoS; in the absence of H-NS, RpoS is stable. The mechanisms involved in this regulation were not known. We have found that H-NS inhibits the expression of iraD and iraM, the genes coding for two antiadaptor proteins that stabilize RpoS when overexpressed. The regulation by H-NS of iraM is independent from the previously demonstrated regulation by the PhoP/PhoQ two-component system. Moreover, differences in the behavior of several hns alleles are explained by a role for StpA, an H-NS-like protein, in the regulation of RpoS stability. This finding parallels recent observations for a role of StpA in regulation of RpoS stability in Salmonella.  相似文献   

Expression of sigma(s), the gene product of rpoS, is controlled translationally in response to many environmental stresses. DsrA, a small 87-nucleotide non-coding RNA molecule, acts to increase translational efficiency of RpoS mRNA under some growth conditions. In this work, we demonstrate that DsrA binds directly to the 30 S ribosomal subunit with an observed equilibrium affinity of 2.8 x 10(7) m(-1). DsrA does not compete with RpoS mRNA or tRNA(f)(Met) for binding to the 30 S subunit. The 5' end of DsrA binds to 30 S subunits with an observed equilibrium association constant of 2.0 x 10(6) m(-1), indicating that the full affinity of the interaction requires the entire DsrA sequence. In order to investigate translational efficiency of RpoS mRNA, we examined both ribosome-binding site accessibility and the binding of RpoS mRNA to 30 S ribosomal subunits. We find that that ribosome-binding site accessibility is modulated as a function of divalent cation concentration during mRNA renaturation and by the presence of an antisense sequence that binds to nucleotides 1-16 of the RpoS mRNA fragment. The ribosome-binding site accessibility correlates with the amount of RpoS mRNA participating in 30 S-mRNA "pre-initiation" translational complex formation and provides evidence that regulation follows a competitive model of regulation.  相似文献   

The starvation stress response of Salmonella typhimurium encompasses the genetic and physiologic changes that occur when this bacterium is starved for an essential nutrient such as phosphate (P), carbon (C), or nitrogen (N). The responses to the limitation of each of these nutrients involve both unique and overlapping sets of proteins important for starvation survival and virulence. The role of the alternative sigma factor RpoS in the regulation of the starvation survival loci, stiA, stiB, and stiC, has been characterized. RpoS (sigma S) was found to be required for the P, C, and N starvation induction of stiA and stiC. In contrast, RpoS was found to be required for the negative regulation of stiB during P and C starvation-induced stationary phase but not during logarithmic phase. This role was independent of the relA gene (previously found to be needed for stiB induction). The role of RpoS alone and in combination with one or more sti mutations in the starvation survival of the organism was also investigated. The results clearly demonstrate that RpoS is an integral component of the complex interconnected regulatory systems involved in S. typhimurium's response to nutrient deprivation. However, differential responses of various sti genes indicate that additional signals and regulatory proteins are also involved.  相似文献   

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