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大豆叶片结构对CO2浓度升高的反应   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
应用光学显微镜和扫描电镜研究了CO2浓度对大豆(Glycine max)叶片形态和解剖特征的影响。结果表明,叶片外部形态没有显变化,而叶片气孔密度随CO2浓度升高呈下降趋势。对照组叶片上下表面和处理组的上表面均无表面角质蜡层,而处理组的下表面覆盖有大量星状的表面角质蜡层,它们在气孔区和非气孔区的数量基本差不多。此外,还发现叶肉中增加了一层栅栏组织,从而使叶片明显增厚,结果证实,CO2浓度增加将促  相似文献   

等渗NaCl和KCl胁迫对高粱幼苗生长和气体交换的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文比较研究了等渗NaCl和KCl胁迫下,高粱幼苗生长及叶片离子含量、质膜相对透性和有关气体交换参数的变化。结果表明,在低浓度NaCl和KCl胁迫7天时,高粱生长、含水量和质膜相对透性与对照相比没有明显变化,而净光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导度已明显下降,叶肉细胞间隙CO2浓度明显增加。NaCl胁迫下叶片Na+含量成倍增加,而K+和Ca2+含量无明显变化。KCl胁迫时叶片K+含量明显增加,Ca2+含量明显下降,而Na+含量没有明显变化。随着NaCl或KCl浓度的增加,幼苗生长和叶片含水量明显下降,质膜透性和细胞间隙CO2浓度明显增加,净光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导度进一步下降。NaCl胁迫下叶片Na+含量进一步增加,K+和Ca2+进一步下降,而KCl胁迫下叶片K+含量进一步增加,Na+和Ca2+含量进一步下降。KCl对高粱生长抑制、质膜透性、Ca2+含量下降及光合气体交换参数的影响均明显大于等渗的NaCl。  相似文献   

大气CO2浓度和温度升高对水稻叶片及群体光合作用的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
大气CO2浓度升高对植物光合作用的影响研究多集中在单叶水平,在高CO2及高温下对植物单叶及群体光合进行比较的研究少有报道,而群体水平的研究则是预测生态系统反应所不可缺少的。采用田间开顶式培养室研究了大气CO2浓度和温度升高对水稻(OryzasativaL.)叶片及群体光合作用的影响。发现CO2浓度和温度对水稻叶片光合作用有协同促进作用,而对群体光合作用的促进则随时间的推移而减弱;单叶光合受到的促进作用大于群体光合;叶面积指数只在营养生长期受到促进,冠层叶片含氮量受CO2影响降低。群体呼吸(包括茎杆)增加及冠层叶片早衰可能是后期CO2对群体光合促进作用下降的原因。  相似文献   

高CO2浓度下豆科4种乔木幼苗的生理生化反应   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
本文对4种豆科乔木幼苗在高CO2浓度(550×10-6±50×10-6)和在对照CO2浓度(约为350×10-6)下生长的幼苗的一些生理生化指标进行了比较研究。初步结果显示:高CO2浓度能缩短幼苗子叶的存活时间。高CO2环境下生长的4种幼苗叶片中的可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖、纤维素、N、P、K、Mg的含量(均为全量)较对照CO2环境下生长的幼苗的相应值低,而淀粉含量则较高。其中以全氮、可溶性糖差异较显著。以单位鲜重表示的幼苗叶片叶绿素(Chl)和类胡萝卜素(Car)含量降低。高CO2浓度下生长的4种幼苗(30天龄)叶片中硝酸还原酶活性比对照CO2浓度下生长的幼苗的值低。高CO2浓度下生长的4种幼苗叶片的平均蒸腾速率有不同程度的降低,而气孔阻力升高。幼苗对高CO2环境的反应与种的生态特性有关。喜光的大叶合欢幼苗对高CO2环境的反应较大,喜光而具一定耐荫性的猴耳环幼苗次之,而耐荫的光叶红豆和茸荚红豆幼苗则较小  相似文献   

过氧化氢对蚕豆气孔运动和质膜K^+通道的影响   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
不同浓度H2O2可使蚕豆(Vicia faba L.)叶片气孔关闭,抑制气孔张开,10mmol/L的H2O2最有效,10μmol/L的H2O2仍明显使气孔关闭。且10μmol/L的H2O2抑制气孔张开作用能被EGTA所消除,表明Ca^2+参与低浓度H2O2使气孔关闭的过程。2mmol/L的H2O2可使质膜内向K^+通道电流明显减小而外向K^+通道电流显著增加。因此,H2O2促进蚕豆气孔关闭主要是通  相似文献   

研究了Cr^6+的急性毒害对莼菜冬芽叶片的伤害程度和可溶性蛋白质、SOD、CAT、POD活性和MDA含量变化之间的关系。在以0.5mmol/L ̄2.0mmol/L浓度的Cr^6+处理时,冬芽叶片受害的程序明显地与处理浓度和处理时间呈正相关;可溶性蛋白质只在处理4d时出现较大变化,其含量随处理浓度的提高而急剧增加;随着处理浓度的增加,SOD、CAT和POD的活性峰出现的时间不断后推,并且POD的活性  相似文献   

鹅掌楸(Liriodendron chinense)苗期光合特性的研究   总被引:44,自引:5,他引:39  
用CID-301PS便携式光合作用测定仪的开放系统研究了生长于庐山山地上的鹅掌楸苗期叶片的光合特性及其对遮荫的响应与适应性。结果表明:①在夏季晴天、土壤供水充足的条件下,鹅掌楸苗期向阳叶片的光合速率有明显的午休现象,这可能与气孔限制和光抑制有关。②鹅掌楸苗期的光饱和点为1200μmolphotons/m2s左右,光补偿点为20μmolphotons/m2·s左右。说明鹅掌楸苗期是具有一定耐荫能力的阳性植物。③鹅掌楸苗期叶片的羧化效率为0.02左右,CO2补偿点为60μmol/mol。说明鹅掌楸为C3型植物。④鹅掌楸向阳叶片的光能利用率较低,约为0.94%。⑤鹅掌楸苗期叶片的蒸腾速率、气孔阻力和胞间CO2浓度对遮荫的响应在一天中随时间而变化。⑥逐步回归分析表明:光合有效辐射、气孔阻力和胞间CO2浓度等对鹅掌楸叶片光合速率的影响最大。  相似文献   

提高CO2浓度对两种亚势带树苗叶片水分状况的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
鼎湖山季风常绿阔叶林的主要优势乔木树种黛蒴和荷木的幼苗,盆栽于自然光 照和人工调节CO2浓度为500μl.L^-1或空气CO2(340μl.L^-1)的气罩3个月。在各自生长条件下测定,高CO2下生长的黧蒴和荷木叶平均气孔导率分别降低13%和20%,蒸腾速率下降20%和18%,水分利用效率提高1倍以上,不同CO2浓度下的植物叶片气孔导度和蒸腾速度日进程曲线也有明显差异,处理后将幼苗置于自然条件下观  相似文献   

根据1994~1995年在大型人工气候室内取得的试验资料,分析了大气CO2浓度倍增条件下,春小麦冠层温度、蒸发蒸腾和根层土壤剖面水分动态的变化状况。结果表明,大气CO2浓度增加1倍,春小麦冠层温度明显升高,且高水分条件升高的值比低水分条件下大0.7℃左右;蒸发蒸腾减少的幅度在不同土壤水分处理间也不相同,高水分处理的蒸发蒸腾量减少9.88%,低水分处理的减小8.50%,根层土壤含剖面水分消耗减小,高CO2浓度处理的根层土壤含水率高于低CO2浓度处理的,特别是在底部根系密度减小,其水分消耗明显减少。  相似文献   

三个马铃薯品种在500,1000,1500,2000μmol.mol^-1CO2浓度与16,20℃空气温度下生长35d测定了植株叶片的比叶重,淀粉浓度及主要养分N,P,K,Ca,Mg的浓度。在16℃和25℃下,叶片淀粉浓度随CO2浓度的增加而增加,且16℃下的测定值高于20℃下的测定值,比叶重与以叶面积或干重为基础的叶片淀粉浓度成正相关。  相似文献   

The effects of CO2 concentration on the morphological and anatomical characters of soybean (Glycine max) leaf were investigated by means of light microscopy and SEM. It was noticed that exomorphology did not show dramatic change, while stomatal density decreased with increasing CO2 concentration. Under SEM, no epicuticular wax was observed on both abaxial and adaxial sides of the control group as well as on adaxial side of the treatment group. However, leaf surface of abaxial side was noticed to be densely covered with microasterisk epicuticular wax when they were exposed to CO2-enriched environment. The epicuticular wax deposition was present in equal abundance on both stomatal and nonstomatal areas. Furthermore, leaf thickness increased significantly due largely to the origin of an extra layer of palisade in the treatment group. The results confirmed that CO2 enrichment might enhance cell division and induce greater quantity of epicuticular wax.  相似文献   

Cotton leaves are more physiologically active than the bractand the capsule wall of the fruiting structures. To elucidatethe disparities in their physiological behaviour, epidermalcell density, stomatal index, stomatal size, trichome densityand type, and epicuticular wax ultrastructure of cotton leaf,bract and capsule wall were delineated using scanning electronmicroscopy (SEM). The epidermal cells of the outer periclinalwalls on both surfaces of the leaf and bract were raised andconvex. Conversely, the capsule wall epidermal cells were polygonalwith flat outer periclinal walls. The stomatal complex in theleaf and bract was paracytic, whereas in the capsule wall thestomatal complex was anomocytic. The adaxial and abaxial stomataof the leaf were coplanar to the epidermal surface, as opposedto the raised adaxial stomata on the bract. On the contrary,the stomata on the capsule wall surface appeared to be slightlysunken. Furthermore, the capsule wall stomata were larger thanthe stomata on either surface of both the leaf and the bract.The stomatal index was greater on the abaxial surfaces of theleaf and the bract (18.4 and 9.4, respectively) than their correspondingadaxial surfaces (14.4 and 4.7, respectively). Leaves had thehighest stomatal index followed by the bract and the capsulewall. The indumentum consisted of glandular and nonglandulartrichomes, the density of which was greater on the abaxial surfacesthan on the adaxial surfaces of the leaf and bract. The capsulewall indumentum lacked nonglandular trichomes. Epicuticularwax occurred in the form of striations. However, the striationpattern varied among the organs. This study clearly illustratesmorphological disparities in the epidermal features of leaf,bract and capsule wall, helping to explain their physiologicaldivergence. Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Gossypium hirsutum, epicuticular wax, raised stomata, scanning electron microscopy, stomatal index, trichomes  相似文献   

Acclimation to CO2 enrichment was studied in maize plants grown to maturity in either 350 or 700 microl l-1 CO2. Plants grown with CO2 enrichment were significantly taller than those grown at 350 microl l-1 CO2 but they had the same number of leaves. High CO2 concentration led to a marked decrease in whole leaf chlorophyll and protein. The ratio of stomata on the adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces was similar in all growth conditions, but the stomatal index was considerably increased in plants grown at 700 microl l-1 CO2. Doubling the atmospheric CO2 content altered epidermal cell size leading to fewer, much larger cells on both leaf surfaces. The photosynthesis and transpiration rates were always higher on the abaxial surface than the adaxial surface. CO2 uptake rates increased as atmospheric CO2 was increased up to the growth concentrations on both leaf surfaces. Above these values, CO2 uptake on the abaxial surface was either stable or increased as CO2 concentration increased. In marked contrast, CO2 uptake rates on the adaxial surface were progressively inhibited at concentrations above the growth CO2 value, whether light was supplied directly to this or the abaxial surface. These results show that maize leaves adjust their stomatal densities through changes in epidermal cell numbers rather than stomatal numbers. Moreover, the CO2-response curve of photosynthesis on the adaxial surface is specifically determined by growth CO2 abundance and tracks transpiration. Conversely, photosynthesis on the abaxial surface is largely independent of CO2 concentration and rather independent of stomatal function.  相似文献   

In the cuticular wax mixtures from leaves of pea (Pisum sativum) cv Avanta, cv Lincoln, and cv Maiperle, more than 70 individual compounds were identified. The adaxial wax was characterized by very high amounts of primary alcohols (71%), while the abaxial wax consisted mainly of alkanes (73%). An aqueous adhesive of gum arabic was employed to selectively sample the epicuticular wax layer on pea leaves and hence to analyze the composition of epicuticular crystals exposed at the outermost surface of leaves. The epicuticular layer was found to contain 74% and 83% of the total wax on adaxial and abaxial surfaces, respectively. The platelet-shaped crystals on the adaxial leaf surface consisted of a mixture dominated by hexacosanol, accompanied by substantial amounts of octacosanol and hentriacontane. In contrast, the ribbon-shaped wax crystals on the abaxial surface consisted mainly of hentriacontane (63%), with approximately 5% each of hexacosanol and octacosanol being present. Based on this detailed chemical analysis of the wax exposed at the leaf surface, their importance for early events in the interaction with host-specific pathogenic fungi can now be evaluated. On adaxial surfaces, approximately 80% of Erysiphe pisi spores germinated and 70% differentiated appressoria. In contrast, significantly lower germination efficiencies (57%) and appressoria formation rates (49%) were found for abaxial surfaces. In conclusion, the influence of the physical structure and the chemical composition of the host surface, and especially of epicuticular leaf waxes, on the prepenetration processes of biotrophic fungi is discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The morphology of the epicuticular leaf waxes of Wollemia nobilis (Araucariaceae) was studied with special emphasis on the relationship between the microstructure of epicuticular wax crystals and their chemical composition. Wollemia nobilis is a unique coniferous tree of the family Araucariaceae and is of very high scientific value as it is the sole living representative of an ancient genus, which until 1994 was known only from fossils. METHODS: Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), gas chromatography (GC) combined with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) were used for characterizing the morphology and the chemical structure of the epicuticular wax layer of W. nobilis needles. KEY RESULTS: The main component of the leaf epicuticular wax of W. nobilis is nonacosan-10-ol. This secondary alcohol together with nonacosane diols is responsible for the tubular habit of the epicuticular wax crystals. Scanning electron micrographs revealed differences in the fine structure of adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces that could be explained by gas chromatographic studies after selective mechanical removal of the waxes. CONCLUSIONS: SEM investigations established the tubular crystalline microstructure of the epicuticular wax of W. nobilis leaves. GC-MS and NMR experiments showed that nonacosan-10-ol is the major constituent of the epicuticular wax of W. nobilis leaves.  相似文献   

Abstract. Epidermal (non-stomatally-controlled) conductance from the fourth leaf, first node leaf, flag leaf and ear of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum var durum L.) grown under Mediterranean field conditions has been measured, along with leaf stomatal frequency and the amount and distribution of epicuticular waxes. Measurements were carried out on varieties and land-races from the Middle East, North Africa, ‘Institut National de la Recherche Agricole’ (INRA) and ‘Centra Internacional de Mejora de Maiz y Trigo’ (CIMMYT). Significant differences were observed among genotypes in the epidermal conductances (ge) of the four organs. For each of the four organs tested, genotypes from the Middle East and CIMMYT showed higher ge. values than those from North Africa and INRA. Ears showed epidermal conductances that were more than four times higher than those of leaves when ge. values were expressed per unit dry weight. The amount of epicuticular waxes was higher in the fourth leaves, intermediate in the first node and flag leaves and lower in the ears. For each organ, ge differences among genotypes were unrelated with the amount of epicuticular waxes. Removal of epicuticular waxes by dipping the organs into chloroform significantly increased the epidermal conductance for the fourth and first node leaves and the ear. However, this did not occur for the flag leaf. For the fourth leaf, ge of intact leaves and ge of leaves in which epicuticular waxes were removed were unrelated (r = -0.265). The regression coefficient of this relation for the first node and flag leaves showed values of 0.666 and 0.650 (P > 0.05), respectively, and values were even higher in the ear (r > m 0.892, P > 0.01). Scanning electron microscope analysis showed that wax bloom decreased from the fourth leaf to the flag leaf, whereas the extent of amorphous wax increased. Wax bloom in leaves consisted mainly of deposits of thin wax plates. In the ears and the adaxial surface of flag leaves, fibrillar waxes predominated. In the first node and flag leaves, the wax deposits on the adaxial side cover the surface of the leaf more densely and uniformly than those on the abaxial side. There was no significant correlation between ge and total stomatal density, or between ge and either adaxial or abaxial stomatal density for any sample of the three different leaves. The contribution of epicuticular waxes plus total stomatal frequency only explained 42.4, 11.8, 28.3 and 16% of ge (per unit leaf area) variations for the fourth leaf, first node leaf, flag leaf and the combined variation of the three leaves together, respectively. From these results, it is concluded that complex interrelationship between different morphophysiological characteristics probably control ge differences among genotypes and that these interrelationships differ for each different plant part.  相似文献   

Plant surface characteristics were repeatedly shown to play a pivotal role in plant–pathogen interactions. The abaxial leaf surface of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) is extremely glossy and wettable compared to the glaucous and more hydrophobic adaxial surface. Earlier investigations have demonstrated that the abaxial leaf surface was rarely infected by powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis), even when the adaxial surface was densely colonized. This led to the assumption that components of the abaxial epicuticular leaf wax might contribute to the observed impairment of growth and development of B. graminis conidia on abaxial surfaces of L. perenne. To re-assess this hypothesis, we analyzed abundance and chemical composition of L. perenne ab- and adaxial epicuticular wax fractions. While the adaxial epicuticular waxes were dominated by primary alcohols and esters, the abaxial fraction was mainly composed of n-alkanes and aldehydes. However, the major germination and differentiation inducing compound, the C26-aldehyde n-hexacosanal, was not present in the abaxial epicuticular waxes. Spiking of isolated abaxial epicuticular Lolium waxes with synthetically produced n-hexacosanal allowed reconstituting germination and differentiation rates of B. graminis in an in vitro germination assay using wax-coated glass slides. Hence, the absence of the C26-aldehyde from the abaxial surface in combination with a distinctly reduced surface hydrophobicity appears to be primarily responsible for the failure of normal germling development of B. graminis on the abaxial leaf surfaces of L. perenne.  相似文献   

西安市常见绿化植物叶片润湿性能及其影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用接触角测定仪测定了西安市21种常见绿化植物叶片表面的接触角,探讨了叶片表面特性如蜡质、绒毛、气孔对接触角的影响。结果表明,植物叶片正背面、物种间的接触角差异均显著,叶片正面和背面接触角大小在40°~140°。接触角大小与变异系数呈负相关,可能由于接触角小的润湿叶片在不同的生境和位置下,受到环境条件的影响较大而出现大的变异;接触角较大的非润湿性叶片,环境物质持留时间较短,对叶片形态和组成影响较小,因而出现小的变异。植物叶片表面的接触角随蜡质含量的升高而增大。表皮蜡质去除后大部分叶片接触角明显降低,尤其是疏水性较强的银杏(Ginkgo biloba)、月季(Ro-sa chinensis)和紫叶小檗(Berberis thunbergii)。女贞(Ligustrum lucidum)正背面、加杨(Popu-lus canadensis)背面等亲水型的叶片蜡质去除后接触角反而增大。叶片绒毛的多少及其形态、分布方式对接触角具有重要的影响,不同的作用方式表现出润湿和不润湿的特征,人为将其去除可以增加叶片的润湿性。背面气孔密度与气孔长度、保卫细胞长度呈负相关;接触角则与气孔密度呈负相关,与气孔长度呈正相关。  相似文献   

The young and expanded leaf micromorphology and ultrastructure of Eucalyptus grandis 2 E. urophylla juvenile plants, cultivated in greenhouse and field conditions, were analyzed by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. In greenhouse leaves epicuticular wax needles covered the abaxial and adaxial surfaces. On the adaxial surface, the needles form an atypical arrangement in lines, mainly over the anticlinal wall of epidermis cells. After plant transfer to field conditions, the organization of epicuticular wax was altered forming amorphous layers on the adaxial leaf surface, in contrast to the abaxial surface, which maintained the wax needle cover. In both culture conditions the lamellar cuticle formed on the young leaves surface disappeared during leaf enlargement. The ex vitro environment induced the development of hypostomatic leaves. The dorsiventral organization of greenhouse leaves was replaced by an isobilateral arrangement in field conditions with concomitant aerial space reduction. Results suggest that those structural changes may be some of the strategies to avoid excessive plant transpiration during Eucalyptus hybrid plants' acclimatization.  相似文献   

Using a laboratory-constructed system that can measure the gas exchange rates of two leaf surfaces separately, the light responses of the adaxial and abaxial stomata in intact leaves of sunflower ( Helianthus annuus L.) were investigated, keeping the intercellular CO2 concentration ( C i) at 300  µ L L−1. When evenly illuminating both sides of the leaf, the stomatal conductance ( g s) of the abaxial surface was higher than that of the adaxial surface at any light intensity. When each surface of the leaf was illuminated separately, both the adaxial and abaxial stomata were more sensitive to the light transmitted through the leaf (self-transmitted light) than to direct illumination. Relationships between the whole leaf photosynthetic rate ( A n) and the g s for each side highlighted a strong dependence of stomatal opening on mesophyll photosynthesis. Light transmitted through another leaf was more effective than the direct white light for the abaxial stomata, but not for the adaxial stomata. Moreover, green monochromatic light induced an opening of the abaxial stomata, but not of the adaxial stomata. As the proportion of blue light in the transmitted light is less than that in the white light, there may be some uncharacterized light responses, which are responsible for the opening of the abaxial stomata by the transmitted, green light.  相似文献   

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