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林植华  计翔 《动物学报》2004,50(4):541-550
用15条2002年6月中旬捕自浙江丽水的怀卵滑鼠蛇研究繁殖输出及孵化热环境对孵出幼体表型特征的影响。母体在捕后3周内各产一窝柔性卵。窝卵数、窝卵重和卵大小均随母体体长增加而增大,平均值分别为13.3(枚卵)、332.4g和24.8g。窝卵数和卵大小的变异系数分别为0.18和0.13。窝卵数与产后母体状态呈正相关,卵数量和大小无关。每窝部分可孵卵分别用恒温(24、27、30、33℃)和21.0-39.0℃(平均28.3℃)范围内的波动温度孵化,每隔5d记录恒温孵化卵的重量。孵化热环境对卵与环境之间的水分交换有显著影响,并影响孵化卵重量的时间变化。24、27、30、33℃和波动温度的平均孵化期分别为105.4、78.0、57.8、51.3和58.6d。不同热环境下的孵化成功率和幼体畸形率有一定差别,但统计上不显著。24℃和30℃孵出幼体雄性比例较高,27℃、33℃和波动温度孵出幼体雌性比例较高,但没有证据表明孵化温度能决定滑鼠蛇性别。除孵出幼体灰分含量外,孵化温度对其它幼体特征均有显著影响。33℃孵出幼体SVL较小,但剩余卵黄和其中的灰分含量大于其它温度孵出的幼体。24℃和30℃孵出幼体的总干重、总能量、躯干干重、脂肪体干重总体上小于27℃和波动温度孵出幼体。24℃孵出幼体特征性具有最小的剩余卵黄,33℃孵出幼体则特征性地具有最大的剩余卵黄。24℃和30℃孵出幼体特征较为接近,27℃和波动温度孵出幼体较为接近。对9个幼体特征变量做主成分分析发现,第一和第二主成分共解释81.2%的变异。幼体SVL、湿重、干重、脂肪含量、能量、躯干干重和脂肪体干重在第一主成分有较高的正负载系数(解释56.9%变异),剩余卵黄干重在第二主成分有较高的正负载系数(解释24.3%变异),第一和第二主成分的分值均差异显著。主成分分析进一步显示,24、30和33℃孵出幼体总体上小于27℃和波动温度孵出幼体[动物学报50(4):541-550,2004]。  相似文献   

计翔  章朝华 《动物学报》2001,47(3):256-265
用8种水热条件孵化中国石龙子(Eumeces chinensis)卵,观测孵化卵质量变化、胚胎利用卵内物质和能量及孵出坳体特征,孵化卵因净吸水增重,卵增重与入孵卵质量、孵化温度和基质湿度有关。孵出幼体湿重的处理间差异主要是因为幼体水分含量不同。温度显著影响孵化期、孵化卵吸水量、胚胎利用孵内物质和能量几乎所有被检的幼体特征;温度甚至影响胚胎动用卵壳无机物。然而,在24-32℃范围内,温度对卵孵化成功率无显著的影响。32℃孵出幼体比较低于此温度的孵出幼体发育差,表现为躯干小、未利用的卵黄多。此外,32℃孵出幼体的运动表现比低温孵出幼体差,表现为特定体长(snout-vent length,SVL)的疾跑速小于低温孵出幼体,表明高温孵化卵对孵出幼体的运动能力有不利的影响,潮湿基质中旗子同幼体的体长和尾长大于干燥基质中孵出的幼体,并特征性地具有较小的剩余卵黄。24℃胚胎发育能耗较大,胚胎从卵壳动用的无机物较少。温度影响孵出幼体的体形和头部大小,30℃孵出幼体的尾长最大,32℃孵出幼体的头部最小,其质湿度对孵出幼体的体形和头部大小无显著的影响。温度对孵出幼体特征的影响与湿度的影响无关。孵化水热环境诱导的幼体大小、质量和形态差异可能对幼体的生存和适应性具有重要的影响。26-30℃为孵化中国石龙子卵的适宜温度范围。  相似文献   

火赤链游蛇卵孵化的进一步研究兼评孵化水环境的影响   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
张永普  计翔 《动物学报》2002,48(1):35-43
用 2× 2四种温、湿度孵化火赤链游蛇 (Dinodonrufozonatum)卵 ,重点评估湿度及其与温度的相互作用对孵化成功率、胚胎利用卵内物质和能量及孵出幼体特征的影响。卵在孵化过程中净吸水导致重量增加 ,孵化温、湿度及其相互作用显著影响孵化卵的重量变化并导致卵内水环境的相应变化。同一湿度下 ,低温孵化卵的终末重量大于高温孵化卵 ;同一温度下 ,高湿度孵化卵的终末重量大于低湿度孵化卵。温度显著影响孵化期 ,湿度及其与温度的相互作用对孵化期无显著的影响。孵化温、湿度对孵化成功率和孵出幼体性别无显著的影响。2 4℃和 30℃中均有畸形幼体孵出 ,但畸形率与孵化温、湿度无关。孵化基质湿度显著影响孵出幼体的大小(snout ventlength ,SVL)、湿重和躯干干重 ,潮湿基质中孵出幼体的SVL和体重较大且躯干发育较好。孵化温度显著影响幼体剩余卵黄的干重和灰分含量以及幼体的能量和总灰分含量 ,30℃孵出幼体的剩余卵黄较大、总灰分含量和剩余卵黄灰分含量较高 ,但能量较低。在所有被检测的幼体特征中 ,孵化温、湿度相互作用仅影响剩余卵黄干重。各条件下孵出幼体的最大持续运动距离与其SVL无显著的相关性 ,孵化温、湿度及其相互作用对孵出幼体最大持续运动距离无显著的影响。孵化水环境虽然影响部分幼体特  相似文献   

计翔  章朝华 《动物学报》2001,47(3):256-265
用 8种水热条件孵化中国石龙子 (Eumeceschinensis)卵 ,观测孵化卵质量变化、胚胎利用卵内物质和能量及孵出幼体特征。孵化卵因净吸水增重 ,卵增重与入孵卵质量、孵化温度和基质湿度有关。孵出幼体湿重的处理间差异主要是因为幼体水分含量不同。温度显著影响孵化期、孵化卵吸水量、胚胎利用卵内物质和能量几乎所有被检的幼体特征 ;温度甚至影响胚胎动用卵壳无机物。然而 ,在 2 4~ 32℃范围内 ,温度对卵孵化成功率无显著的影响。 32℃孵出幼体比较低于此温度的孵出幼体发育差 ,表现为躯干小、未利用的卵黄多。此外 ,32℃孵出幼体的运动表现比低温孵出幼体差 ,表现为特定体长 (snout ventlength ,SVL)的疾跑速小于低温孵出幼体 ,表明高温孵化卵对孵出幼体的运动能力有不利的影响。潮湿基质中孵出幼体的体长和尾长大于干燥基质中孵出的幼体 ,并特征性地具有较小的剩余卵黄。 2 4℃胚胎发育能耗较大 ,胚胎从卵壳动用的无机物较少。温度影响孵出幼体的体形和头部大小 ,30℃孵出幼体的尾长最大 ,32℃孵出幼体的头部最小。基质湿度对孵出幼体的体形和头部大小无显著的影响。温度对孵出幼体特征的影响与湿度的影响无关。孵化水热环境诱导的幼体大小、质量和形态差异可能对幼体的生存和适应性具有重要的影响。 2  相似文献   

孵化温度对白条草蜥孵出幼体大小、形态和运动表现的影响   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
潘志崇  计翔 《生态学报》2001,21(12):2031-2038
实验用白条草蜥(Takydrous wolteri)卵由1999年和2000年4月捕自安徽滁州的19条成年雌体产出。用4个恒定温度(24-33℃)孵化白条草蜥卵,检测孵化温度对孵出幼体大小、形态和运动表现的影响。孵化卵从环境中吸不导致生量增加,卵重量增加与卵初始重量和孵化温度有关。24、27、30和33℃孵化期的平均值分别为41.9、30.6、6.25和22.6d。温度显著影响孵化成功率及孵出幼体的湿重、躯干干重和剩余卵黄干重,但对孵出幼体的性别、体长、尾长和干重无显著影响。24℃和27℃孵出幼体湿重和躯干干重大于33℃孵出幼体,剩余卵黄干则小于33℃孵出幼体;30℃和33℃孵出幼体的湿重、躯干干重和剩余卵黄干重无显著差异。孵化温度显著影响孵出幼体一些局部形态特征:24℃和27℃孵出幼体头长和头宽矫正值显著大于高温(33℃)孵出幼体,24℃孵出幼体耳径正值一般小于较高温度孵出的幼体。疾跑速与幼体体长成正相关,与幼体尾长和状态无关。高温孵出幼体运动能力较差。雄笥幼体腹鳞行数少于雌性幼体,尾长和后肢长大于雌性幼体,这些特征的两性差异与孵化温度无关。孵化热环境能诱导白条草蜥部分表型特征的变异,这些特征的变异可能对个体的适应性具有长期的影响。  相似文献   

浙江丽水中国石龙子卵孵化温度效应的进一步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在3个恒定温度(24、30、32℃)和1个自然波动温度(22.0-36.2℃)下孵化中国石龙子(Eu-meces chinensis)卵。结果表明温度对孵化成功率和孵出幼体的疾跑速无影响,对孵化期有显著影响;24℃和波动温度下孵出幼体的湿重和躯干干重较大,剩余卵黄干重较小(即卵黄利用率较高);32℃高温对幼体形态发育有负面影响,但卵在自然波动温度下(包括短暂的高温组)的成功孵化应视为该种进行适应的结果。  相似文献   

计翔  许雪峰  杜卫国 《动物学报》2001,47(2):231-234
研究浙江舟山产赤链华游蛇窝仔数,幼体大小和雌 大小之间的关系以及初生幼体特征,产仔雌体的最小体长(SVL)为486mm,大于最小SVL的雌体均年产单窝仔,产仔期为8月30日09月30日,窝仔数与雌体SVL呈正相关,平均值为11.7,初生幼仔重与雌体SVL和窝仔数无关,窝仔数与产后雌体的状态无关,赤链华游蛇主要通过增加窝仔仔数来增加繁殖输出,初生幼仔湿重,干重,SVL和尾长平均值分别为4.37g,1.18g,171.0mm和44.mm,幼体躯干,剩余卵黄和脂肪体的干重有显著的窝间差异,偏相关分析显示,幼体躯干干重与剩余卵黄及脂肪体干重呈负相关,剩余卵黄干重与脂肪体干重无关。  相似文献   

孵化水热环境对渔异色蛇孵化卵和孵出幼体的影响   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:4  
渔异色蛇卵孵化时能从环境中吸收水分导致质量增加,卵质量的增加与初始卵质量和孵化基质湿度有关。较大幅度的孵化基质湿度变化对孵化期、孵化成功率、胚胎动用孵内物质和能量、孵出幼体的性比、大小和质量无显著影响。孵化期随温度升高而缩短,并显示极强的窝间差异。温度对孵出幼体的性别无影响,但显著影响孵化成功率、胚胎对卵内物质和能量的动用、幼体的大小和质量、躯干和剩余卵黄的质量。孵出幼体总长的两性差异不显著,但雌体体长大于雄体而尾长小于雄体。32℃不适于孵化渔异色蛇卵,该温度下孵出的幼体躯干发育不良,剩余孵黄较多,尾部均呈畸形,孵化过程中能量转化率较低。24℃和26℃中孵出的幼体躯干发育良好,孵化过程中能量转化率较高,各项被测定的幼体特征指标均极相似。  相似文献   

孵化温度对火赤链游蛇幼体特征的影响兼评剩余卵黄的功能   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:15  
研究3 个温度中孵出火赤链游蛇( Dinodon rufozonatum) 幼体的特征并评估剩余卵黄的功能。孵化温度显著影响孵化期和孵出幼体的体长和尾长。与其他类似研究结果不同的是, 低温(24℃) 孵出的幼体体长和尾长小于较高温度(28 ℃和30 ℃) 孵出的幼体。在24 ~30℃温度范围内, 孵化温度对孵化成功率、胚胎对卵内物质和能量的利用、幼体的性比和畸形率、孵出幼体总干重及躯干长、剩余卵黄和脂肪体干重无显著影响。孵出的雄性幼体数量显著多于雌性幼体。剩余卵黄的主要功能是用于孵出幼体的早期维持和躯干的生长。新生卵内容物中81-4 % 的干物质、70-0% 的脂肪和79-4 % 的能量在孵化过程中被转移到幼体。  相似文献   

用 6种温湿度条件孵化安徽宿州乾山山地麻蜥 (Eremiasbrenchleyi)卵 ,观测孵化卵质量变化、胚胎利用卵内物质和能量以及孵出幼体特征。卵在产出后 1h内收集 ,共设置 3× 2种温湿度处理 (温度分别为2 7、 30和 33℃ ;湿度分别为 - 2 2 0、 0kPa)。每隔 5d称卵重 ,直至幼体孵出。幼体经测量、称重后 ,解剖、分离为躯干、剩余卵黄和脂肪体三组分 ,用于成分测试。卵从环境中吸水导致质量增加 ,孵化温、湿度及其相互作用显著影响孵化卵的质量变化 :同一温度下 ,高湿度 (0kPa)孵化卵的终末质量大于低湿度 (- 2 2 0kPa)孵化卵 ;同一湿度下 ,低温 (2 7和 30℃ )孵化卵的终末质量大于高温 (33℃ )孵化卵。温度显著影响孵化期 ,随温度的升高孵化期缩短 ;湿度及其与温度的相互作用对孵化期无显著影响。孵化温湿度对孵化成功率无显著影响。温度显著影响胚胎对卵内物质的动用、幼体大小、质量以及剩余卵黄质量 ;除剩余卵黄外 ,湿度及其与温度的相互作用不影响山地麻蜥孵出幼体几乎所有的被检测特征。 33℃孵出幼体的大小和质量均显著小于 2 7和 30℃ ,并特征性地具有较大的剩余卵黄。因此 ,33℃不适宜孵化山地麻蜥卵。 2 7℃和 30℃中孵出幼体躯干发育良好 ,各项被测定的特征指标极其相似。  相似文献   

We studied sexual dimorphism, female reproduction and egg incubation of the oriental leaf-toed gecko (Hemidactylus bowringii) from a population in southern China. The largest male and female in our sample were 60 and 57 mm snout-vent length (SVL), respectively. Males are the larger sex; sexual dimorphism in head size and tail length (TL) is evident in juveniles and adults, with males having larger heads as well as longer tails than females. Oviposition occurred between late May and late July. Females switched from laying two eggs early in the breeding season to 1-2 eggs later in the season. Clutch mass and egg mass were both independent of female SVL, whereas relative clutch mass was negatively correlated with female SVL. The previous conclusion that female H. bowringii lay a single clutch of eggs per breeding season is unlikely to be true. Thermal environments experienced by H. bowringii eggs affect incubation length as well as morphological and locomotor phenotypes of hatchlings. Hatchlings from eggs incubated at 30 degrees C were larger (SVL, tail length and body mass) and performed better in the racetrack than their counterparts from eggs incubated at 24 degrees C. Temperatures suitable for embryonic development are relatively high in H. bowringii, primarily as a consequence of the adaptive response to warm environments in southern China.  相似文献   

Widely distributed terrestrial ectotherms from the southern European peninsulas show patterns of subdivision (related to isolation in temperate refugia) that allow us to test the relative importance of phylogeographic lineage, population of origin and familial effects as sources of variation for life-history traits. We collected gravid females from 15 geographically separated populations of the lacertid lizard Psammodromus algirus, a widely distributed species with well differentiated eastern and western lineages. We incubated eggs under two treatments of constant (28°C) and fluctuating (28 ± 4°C) temperature, and we examined clutch, population, and lineage effects on several traits of females, eggs, and hatchlings. Incubation time was mainly explained by differences between lineages, but it was also influenced by population and female effects. Within each lineage, incubation was shorter at cooler and wetter sites, and for a given climate it was shorter for eastern than for western populations, suggesting that countergradient variation has evolved independently in the two lineages. Female size, clutch size, and relative fecundity were primarily influenced by inter-population differences, a pattern that seemed attributable to environmental differences in productivity, because mean female size was positively correlated with a gradient of increasing precipitation and decreasing temperature. Clutch size was mainly, but not entirely, dependent on female SVL, suggesting both a proximate effect of local conditions and intrinsic differences among populations. Females from drier and warmer sites produced larger hatchlings. Mean egg mass was mainly determined by familial effects. Eggs incubated at a constant temperature hatched earlier than did their siblings incubated at fluctuating temperatures, a fact that could be explained by considering that in Mediterranean environments developmental rate might increase at a lower speed above average incubation temperature than it does decrease below it.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of thermal and hydric environments on hatching success, the embryonic use of energy and hatchling traits in a colubrid snake, Elaphe carinata. The eggs were incubated at four temperatures ranging from 24 to 32 degrees C on substrates with water potentials of 0 and -220 kPa using a 4x2 factorial design. Both thermal and hydric environments affected the water exchange between eggs and their surroundings. Eggs incubated in wetter substrates gained mass throughout the course of incubation, whereas eggs in drier substrates gained mass during the first half of incubation and lost mass thereafter. Hatching success was noticeably higher at 26 and 30 degrees C than at 24 and 32 degrees C, but among treatments, differences in hatching success were not significant. Temperature significantly affected the duration of incubation and most hatchling traits examined. Deformed hatchlings were found in all temperature treatments, with more deformities observed at 32 degrees C. Hatchlings from eggs incubated at different temperatures differed in wet body mass, but the differences stemmed mainly from variation in water contents. Embryos at different temperatures completed development at nearly the same expenditure of energy and catabolized nearly the same amount of lipids, but hatchlings from different temperatures differed in the development condition of carcass at hatching. Hatchlings from eggs incubated at 26 degrees C were larger in SVL than those from other higher or lower incubation temperatures, characteristically having larger carcasses; hatchlings from 32 degrees C eggs were smaller in SVL and had smaller carcasses but larger residual yolks than those from lower incubation temperatures. Hatchlings from eggs incubated at 24 degrees C were shorter in tail length but greater in size (SVL)-specific body wet mass than those from higher incubation temperatures. Within the range from -220 to 0 kPa, the substrate water potential did not affect hatching success, the embryonic use of energy and all hatchling traits examined, and the effects of temperature were independent of the effects of substrate water potential. Therefore, our data add evidence showing that embryonic development in reptiles with pliable-shelled eggs is relatively insensitive to variation in hydric environments during incubation.  相似文献   

We incubated eggs of Calotes versicolor at four constant temperatures ranging from 24 degrees C to 33 degrees C to assess the effects of incubation temperature on hatching success, embryonic use of energy, and hatchling phenotypes that are likely to affect fitness. All viable eggs increased in mass throughout incubation due to absorption of water, and mass gain during incubation was dependent on initial egg mass and incubation temperature. The average duration of incubation at 24 degrees C, 27 degrees C, 30 degrees C, and 33 degrees C was 82.1 days, 60.5 days, 51.4 days, and 50.3 days, respectively. Incubation temperature affected hatching success, energy expenditure for embryonic development, and several hatchling traits examined, but it did not affect the sex ratio of hatchlings. Hatching success was lowest (3.4%) at 33 degrees C, but a higher incidence of deformed embryos was recorded from eggs incubated at this temperature compared to eggs incubated at lower temperatures. Most of the deformed embryos died at the last stage of incubation. Energy expenditure for embryonic development was, however, higher in eggs incubated at 33 degrees C than those similarly incubated at lower temperatures. A prolonged exposure of eggs of C. versicolor at 33 degrees C appears to have an adverse and presumably lethal effect on embryonic development. Hatching success at 24 degrees C was also low (43.3%), but hatchlings incubated at 24 degrees C did not differ in any of the examined traits from those incubated at two intermediate temperatures (27 degrees C and 30 degrees C). Hatchlings incubated at 33 degrees C were smaller (snout-vent length, SVL) than those incubated at lower incubation temperatures and had larger mass residuals (from the regression on SVL) as well as shorter head length, hindlimb length, tympanum diameter, and eye diameter relative to SVL. Hatchlings from 33 degrees C had significantly lower scores on the first axis of a principal component analysis representing mainly SVL-free head size (length and width) and fore- and hindlimb lengths, but they had significantly higher scores on the second axis mainly representing SVL-free wet body mass. Variation in the level of fluctuating asymmetry in eye diameter associated with incubation temperatures was quite high, and it was clearly consistent with the prediction that environmental stress associated with the highest incubation temperatures might produce the highest level of asymmetry. Newly emerged hatchlings exhibited sexual dimorphism in head width, with male hatchlings having larger head width than females.  相似文献   

山地麻蜥的雌性繁殖和孵出幼体特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
山地麻蜥年产多窝卵。窝卵数、窝卵重和卵重与雌体体长呈正相关,卵重与窝卵数无关。窝卵数、窝卵重和卵重不存在明显的季节变化。卵长径与卵短径呈正相关,卵长径、卵短径与窝卵数无关。雌体通过增加窝卵数和卵大小增加繁殖输出。孵出幼体的体重、体长、尾长、躯干干重、刺余卵黄不存在季节差异,但5月份孵出幼体的脂肪体高于4月份。  相似文献   

Eggs of wall lizards (Podarcis muralis) were incubated at three temperatures approaching the upper limit of viability for embryonic development in this species (26, 29, and 32 degrees C) to assess the influence of temperature on various aspects of hatchling phenotype likely affecting fitness. The thermal environment affected size and several morphometric characteristics of hatchling lizards. Hatchlings from eggs incubated at 32 degrees C were smaller (snout-vent length, SVL) than those from 26 and 29 degrees C and had smaller mass residuals (from the regression on SVL) as well as shorter tail, head, and femur relative to SVL. Variation in the level of fluctuating asymmetry in meristic and morphometric traits associated with incubation temperatures was quite high but not clearly consistent with the prediction that environmental stress associated with the highest incubation temperatures might produce the highest level of asymmetry. When tested for locomotor capacity in trials developed at body temperatures of 32 and 35 degrees C, hatchlings from the 32 degrees C incubation treatment exhibited the worst performance in any aspect considered (burst speed, maximal length, and number of stops in the complete run). Repeated measures ANCOVAs (with initial egg mass as covariate) of snout-vent length and mass of lizards at days 0 and 20 revealed significant effects of incubation temperature only for mass, being again the hatchlings from eggs incubated at 32 degrees C those exhibiting the smallest final size. All together, our results evidenced a pervasive effect of thermal regime during incubation (and hence of nest site selection) on hatchling phenotypes. However, incubation temperature does not affect hatchling phenotypes in a continuous way; for most of the analysed traits a critical threshold seems to exist between 29 and 32 degrees C, so that hatchlings incubated at 32 degrees C exhibited major detrimental effects. J. Exp. Zool. 286:422-433, 2000.  相似文献   

测定处于不同纬度的浙江杭州和福建宁德的蓝尾石龙子(Eumeceselegans)种群的个体大小和繁殖特征。宁德种群的产卵时间为5月27日—6月22日,早于高纬度杭州种群(6月4日—7月12日)。宁德种群最小繁殖雌体及性成熟个体大小均显著小于杭州种群。宁德和杭州两种群的相对窝卵重无显著差异;当统计去除母体体长的影响之后,两地种群的窝卵数和窝卵重也无显著差异,但杭州种群的卵重量显著大于宁德种群。蓝尾石龙子窝卵数和卵重量呈负相关,窝卵数和卵大小的权衡存在种群间差异。特定窝卵数条件下,杭州种群的卵重量显著大于宁德种群。由此可见,蓝尾石龙子种群间的繁殖生活史特征存在显著差异,而且与母体大小的差异密切相关。推测不同纬度地区的蓝尾石龙子种群的繁殖策略存在差异。  相似文献   

浙江丽水中国石龙子的食性、两性异形和雌性繁殖   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
林植华  计翔 《生态学报》2000,20(2):304-310
丽水分布的中国石龙子(Eumeces chinensis)摄入的食物均为无脊椎动物,分别属于环节、软体和节肢动物,涉及30余科,成体和幼体的食物生态位宽度分别为7.26和6.69,成体的幼体的食物生态们重叠度为0.59。性成熟雄性个体大于雌体。成雄和幼体的头长和头宽随体长SVL的增长速率大于成雌,成雄头长随SVL的增长速度显著大于幼体,成雌和幼体的头长随SVL的增长速率无显著差异。成雄头部大于成雌  相似文献   

蜡皮蜥的两性异形和繁殖输出   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为研究蜡皮蜥(Leiolepis reevesii)两性异形和繁殖输出,于2002、2003年4月下旬从海南乐东一种群捕获423头蜡皮蜥。经检测得到繁殖雌体的最小体长为89.0mm,据此判定≥89.0mm的个体为性成熟。研究结果表明:①蜡皮蜥具有两性异形,雄性大于雌性且具有较大的头部。成体雄性头长和头宽随体长的增长速率大于雌性,幼体头长和头宽随体长的增长速率无显著的两性差异。以性别和年龄(成、幼体)为因子的双因子ANOVA比较两性头长和头宽与体长的回归剩余值发现,雄性头部大于雌性,幼体头部相对大于成体。②饲养于实验室的母体中有42头于2002、2003年5月22日~7月16日产出正常卵,这些繁殖雌体具有年产多窝卵的潜力。窝卵数和卵重的变异系数分别为0.18和0.13,前者变异度大于后者。窝卵数、窝卵重和卵重均与母体体长无关。卵重与相对生育力之间无显著的负相关性,表明蜡皮蜥缺乏卵数量与卵大小之间的权衡。相对窝卵重与母体体长呈显著的负相关,表明较小的母体具有相对较大的繁殖输出。因雌体繁殖会滞缓其生长,小母体具有相对较大的繁殖输出,至少部分地解释了雌性蜡皮蜥的成体为什么个体较小。  相似文献   

Geographic variation in offspring size can be viewed as an adaptive response to local environmental conditions, but the causes of such variation remain unclear. Here, we compared the size and composition of eggs laid by female Chinese skinks (Plestiodon chinensis) from six geographically distinct populations in southeastern China to evaluate geographic variation in hatchling size. We also incubated eggs from these six populations at three constant temperatures (24, 28 and 32 °C) to evaluate the combined effects of incubation temperature and population source on hatchling size. Egg mass and composition varied among populations, and interpopulation differences in yolk dry mass and energy content were still evident after accounting for egg mass. Population mean egg mass and thus hatchling mass were greater in the colder localities. Females from three northern populations increased offspring size by laying larger eggs relative to their own size. Females from an inland population in Rongjiang could increase offspring size by investing relatively more dry materials and thus more energy into individual eggs without enlarging the size of their eggs. The degree of embryonic development at oviposition was almost the same across the six populations, so was the rate of embryonic development and thus incubation length at any given temperature. Both incubation temperature and population source affected hatchling traits examined, but the relative importance of these two factors varied between traits. Our data show that in P. chinensis hatchling traits reflecting overall body size (body mass, snout‐vent length and tail length) are more profoundly affected by population source. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 283–296.  相似文献   

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