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李文凤  魏文品 《昆虫知识》1996,33(6):432-435
甘蔗斑点象是云南甘蔗上另一种新的严重蛀食地下蔗头的害虫,主要以幼虫在甘蔗地下蔗头内为害,为害期8~9个月,受害蔗每666.7m2减少0.5~0.3t,并缩短了宿根年限。此虫1年发生1代,无越冬现象,有喜湿性,不能飞翔,主要通过沟河流水传播。在河川坝地、沙壤地中虫口较多,宿根年限越长受害越重。蔗稻轮作,缩短宿根年限翻蔸烧蔸,结合松蔸培土每666.7m2用3%米乐尔或3%甲基异柳磷颗粒剂4kg,防治效果达90%左右。  相似文献   

甘蔗赭色鸟喙象生物学及防治研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
甘蔗赭色鸟喙象 Otidognathus rubriceps Chevrolat是云南甘蔗上一种新的严重蛀食蔗茎的害虫 ,主要以成虫和幼虫危害蔗茎 ,使蔗株枯死 ,造成减产 ,严重的无收。此虫 1年发生 1代 ,以成虫在土中越冬 ,成虫有假死性 ,会飞翔。 5月底 6月初成虫出土 ,交尾产卵 ,9月下旬终见 ;7~ 9月幼虫危害最盛 ,9月上旬至 11月上旬老熟幼虫入土 8~ 15cm做茧化蛹。在胶泥土中虫口较多 ;宿根年限越长受害越重 ;不同甘蔗品种受害差异大。防治措施蔗稻轮作 ;缩短宿根年限 ;选种抗虫品种 ;人工捕杀 ;10月上中旬用水淹灌蔗地 ;6月中下旬结合培土每公顷用 3%甲拌磷或呋甲颗粒剂 75kg,到 7月上旬末和 8月上旬初再结合其它害虫的防治 ,用 4 0 %水胺硫磷乳油 10 0 0倍稀释液喷雾 ,防治效果达 90 %左右  相似文献   

云南主要蔗龟的生物学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
黄应昆  马应忠 《昆虫知识》1994,31(3):156-156
蔗龟是云南甘蔗上的1种主要地下害虫。经1987~1991年系统研究,大等鳃金龟、暗褐鳃角金龟、突背蔗金龟是云南危害甘蔗的优势种。前两种主要以幼虫为害根部,造成减产,严重的无收;第三种主要以成虫咬食蔗苗基部,造成枯心死亡。3种均1年发生1代。成虫有趋光性,初孵幼虫喜食已腐烂的有机质。在沙壤土、粘土较重土壤虫口较多;宿根年限越长受害愈重。蔗稻轮作;7~8月雨季用水淹灌蔗地;结合松、培土每亩施用3%甲基异柳磷颗粒剂4~5kg,防治效果达90%左右。  相似文献   

【目的】明确甘蔗蓟马Fulmekiola serrata的发生动态及其在不同品种甘蔗上的为害情况,为探讨该虫对不同甘蔗品种的选择性和采取有效的防治措施奠定基础。【方法】田间种群动态调查于2013年4月初到7月末进行,研究了12个品种在新植甘蔗和宿根甘蔗田块遭受甘蔗蓟马为害情况。【结果】甘蔗蓟马种群数量先逐渐上升后又下降,发生高峰期集中在6月中旬到7月上旬。12个甘蔗品种均受到甘蔗蓟马为害,其中,新植甘蔗中云瑞06-189甘蔗蓟马数量最多,平均有25.80头/株,闽糖01-77甘蔗蓟马数量最少,平均有7.80头/株;宿根甘蔗中ROC22甘蔗蓟马数量最多,平均有106.93头/株,云蔗06-80甘蔗蓟马数量最少,平均有33.60头/株。同一田块不同品种甘蔗蓟马若虫和成虫数量不等,同一品种宿根甘蔗蓟马数量多于新植甘蔗,株虫量差异范围为10.10~90.90头/株。【结论】甘蔗品种和植期影响甘蔗蓟马发生,不同品种甘蔗蓟马为害程度和抗性水平存在差异。  相似文献   

黄应昆  李文凤 《昆虫知识》1999,36(4):219-220
赭色鸟喙象Otidognathus rubriceps Chevrolat是云南蔗区近年发生的一类严重蛀食蔗茎的害虫,已给甘蔗生产造成严重威胁。1992年首次在云南励海蔗区发现,仅零星发生,1995年则已连片为害,目前发生面积达4000hm2,其中严重受害约1000hm2。新植、宿根甘蔗均可受害,1株甘蔗仅1头幼虫蛀食就可使其枯死。据调查受害蔗每1/15hm2损失26.2%~38.4%,重害达48.2%以上,并趋加重势态。此虫发生蔓延之快,危害损失之重,实属罕见。本文就其大发生原因探讨如下。1寄…  相似文献   

长牙土天牛Dorysthenes(Baladeva)walkeri Waterhouse是甘蔗害虫的新纪录;分布于我国的福建、江西、广东和广西以及国外的印度、缅甸。这一害虫在广东的湛江地区及海南岛各地发生普遍,局部蔗田受害严重,以多年生宿根性甘蔗受害尤著,越冬蔗地下茎受害后不能抽芽造成缺株断垄,生长期蔗茎基部受害使植株枯黄并导致风折。 长牙土天牛除为害甘蔗外,还为害油棕、椰子、竹类、竹芋(Maranta arundinacea L.)并取食大芒、白茅等禾本科植物。  相似文献   

广东蔗区草地贪夜蛾为害调查初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在广东省蔗区普查了迁飞入侵性害虫草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda发生情况,确认在广东省该虫除为害玉米外,也为害果蔗和糖蔗。粤北、粤西和珠三角蔗区均已发现危害,为害程度从大到小依次为玉米、果蔗、糖蔗。甘蔗受害主要集中在5~6片叶至拔节初期,而果蔗伸长期可能仍会受害。加强对草地贪夜蛾田间监测,掌握蔗区该虫发生与防控情况,对该虫监测预警及防控有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

甘蔗异背长蝽在我区年发生不完整3代,以卵在蔗蔸基部及部分蔗种和残梢上越冬。成虫不能完全越冬。翌年主要虫源是越冬卵。在室温28.5~29.5℃条件下,各虫态平均历期为:雌成虫21.7天,雄成虫19.1天,卵14.7天,若虫34.3天,全世代70天左右。成虫产卵量一般在20~40粒,最高近100拉。防治适期为二龄若虫高峰期,用21%灭杀毙800倍稀释液喷雾,5天后效果仍达94.4%。  相似文献   

采用酶联免疫法和茎基部取样的方式,以强宿根甘蔗品种‘新台糖22号’为对照,通过田间试验研究了同一组合(‘粤糖97-20’×ROC25)杂交后代分离产生的强宿根甘蔗品(种)系(‘云蔗06-407’、‘云蔗06-415’)和弱宿根甘蔗品(种)系(‘云蔗06-408’、‘云蔗06-416’)宿根萌发期内源激素含量的变化与甘蔗宿根性的关系。结果显示:(1)宿根萌发过程中,强宿根与弱宿根甘蔗茎基部IAA含量、ZR含量和ZR/IAA比值的变化波动大,但差异不显著。(2)强宿根与弱宿根甘蔗茎基部GA3和ABA含量、IAA/ABA和GA3/ABA比值的变化差异较大,其中ABA含量、IAA/ABA和GA3/ABA比值的差异显著,是与甘蔗宿根性关系密切的3个重要参数。(3)强宿根甘蔗ABA含量高于弱宿根甘蔗,而其IAA/ABA和GA3/ABA比值小于弱宿根甘蔗,且IAA/ABA和GA3/ABA比值随甘蔗宿根性的减弱而增大。研究认为,在宿根萌发期,甘蔗宿根性越强,ABA含量越高,IAA/ABA和GA3/ABA比值越小;而这3个重要参数均与ABA有关,进行甘蔗宿根性评价应着重参考ABA含量,同时结合IAA/ABA和GA3/ABA比值再进行深入分析鉴定。  相似文献   

我站今年栽了几分甘蔗田,在生长期间发现有白蚁为害,被害后的甘蔗基部腐烂,经不起大风吹,很易折断。为了制止它的为害,曾用石灰施于蔗蔸下,结果  相似文献   

Invasion of south Florida wetlands by the Australian paperbark tree, Melaleuca quinquenervia (Cav.) S.T. Blake (melaleuca), has caused adverse economic and environmental impacts. The tree's biological attributes and favorable ambient biophysical conditions combine to complicate efforts to restore and maintain south Florida ecosystems. Management requires an integrated strategy that deploys multiple biological control agents to forestall reinvasion and to supplement other control methods, thereby lessening recruitment and regeneration after removal of existing trees. This biological control program began during 1997 when an Australian weevil, Oxyops vitiosa (Pascoe), was released. A second Australian insect, the melaleuca psyllid (Boreioglycaspis melaleucae Moore), first introduced during 2002, has also widely established. After inoculation of the psyllid in a field study, only 40% of seedlings survived herbivory treatments compared with 95% survival in controls. The resultant defoliation also reduced growth of the surviving seedlings. A weevil-induced decline at a site comprised mainly of coppicing stumps had slowed after a 70% reduction. Psyllids colonized the site, and 37% of the remaining coppices succumbed within 10 mo. The realized ecological host range of B. melaleucae was restricted to M. quinquenervia; 18 other nontarget plant species predicted to be suboptimal or nonhosts during laboratory host range testing were unaffected when interspersed with psyllid-infested melaleuca trees in a common garden study. Evaluations are ongoing, but B. melaleucae is clearly reducing seedling recruitment and stump regrowth without adversely impacting other plant species. Manifestation of impacts on mature trees will require more time, but initial indications suggest that the psyllid will be an effective supplement to the weevil.  相似文献   

云南木蠹象的生物学研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张宏瑞  叶辉  徐长山  吕军 《昆虫学报》2004,47(1):130-134
云南木蠹象Pissodes yunnanensis Langor et Zhang是我国西南地区近年来发现的森林蛀干害虫。该虫在云南西北部的丽江地区一年发生一代。成虫于6月下旬开始产卵, 产卵部位为当年生或头年生枝梢。7月上旬幼虫开始孵化,幼虫有4个龄期。11月中旬后,幼虫开始在受害枝内越冬,次年2月中下旬恢复活动。3月下旬至5月上旬为蛹期,4月中旬开始羽化。该虫主要危害云南松幼树,常造成受害树长势下降和树干畸形,连续危害2~3年可导致树木干枯死亡。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Aggregation pheromone of the Australian population of New Guinea sugarcane weevil, Rhabdoscelus obscurus (Boisduval), in conjunction with other semiochemicals, was used to develop an efficient trapping method for the weevil population in Guam. In a field experiment at Yigo, plastic bucket traps baited with the lure of the Australian R. obscurus population in combination with ethyl acetate and cut sugarcane captured significantly more weevils than traps baited with pheromone + ethyl acetate, pheromone + sugarcane or individual lure components alone. Traps baited with various semiochemical-based lures and treated with insecticide captured significantly greater numbers of weevils than those not treated with insecticide. Traps baited with cut sugarcane caught significantly more weevils than those without sugarcane. Semiochemical-based trapping in weevil management has potential either in mass trapping or as part of an integrated pest management (IPM) programme. Based on the present findings, a future line of work for the control of this weevil is proposed.  相似文献   

The investigation on some Egyptian vegetables preference by the Red Palm weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorus ferrugineus has been carried out under laboratory conditions to explore a suitability of alternative host plants. The choice test of insect larvae showed that Taro, Squash, Eggplant, common potato, yellow carrot, tomato and sweet pepper were accepted food, while the Table beet (Vegetable) was rejected. Non-choice feeding of R. ferrugineus larvae on vegetables affected larval body weight and increased larval mortality. Highest rate of pupation was recorded from larvae fed on C. pepo (92%) and B. vulgaris (97%). Adult emergence reached 80% and 92% on C. pepo and Sugar beet (field crop) (field crop). The external skin of sugar cane was not acceptable food for insect larvae, while injured sites and internal soft fibres were preferred as food. Therefore, vegetable fruits, stem of sugarcane are believed to be the most vulnerable hosts for red weevil attack. The alternative host plant examined can be used to monitor the dynamics of the population of RPW in order to take effective preventive measures and most powerful tool available for use in pest management.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal distributions of eggs laid by the pine weevil Hylobius abietis (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) were studied by taking root and soil samples around pine stumps on a clear-cutting in central Sweden. In addition, first-instar larvae migrating in the soil were sampled using traps baited with host-odour. Eggs were found in the soil rather than in the bark of stump roots, which previously has been regarded as the usual oviposition site. Based on an oviposition experiment and additional field observations we conclude that eggs are laid in the bark of roots only when the surrounding material is likely to dry out. We suggest two explanations for why weevils oviposit mainly in the soil, although they are known to show stereotypic behaviour when inserting eggs in stump roots: (1) egg predation by other arthropods or by conspecifics is avoided, and (2) newly hatched pine weevil larvae are better than ovipositing females at locating suitable sites for larval feeding.  相似文献   

Banana weevil females laid on an average 2.7 eggs/week in rhizome material and 0.7 eggs/week in pseudostem material in the laboratory. At extremely high weevil population densities the egg-laying activity declined. Under controlled field conditions 0.7 eggs/week were laid in banana suckers and 1.3 eggs/week in stumps of harvested suckers. 25% of the weevil stages found in suckers in the field were eggs of which 78% were laid in the rhizome and 22% in the pseudostem base. The majority of eggs was deposited in the crown area of the rhizome followed by the remaining surface area of the rhizome, the walls of abandoned larval tunnels in rhizome and pseudostem and the leaf sheaths. 58% of the eggs found were considered accessible to egg predators.  相似文献   

Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) are effective against the immature stages of the large pine weevil Hylobius abietis. In three field trials we compared the efficacy of the application method of EPN for weevil suppression below the suggested threshold of 20 weevils per stump: applying the EPN suspension in the top edges of the stumps (‘top’) vs. drenching the soil around stumps (‘standard’). For Steinernema carpocapsae, weevil suppression was below the targeted threshold only when suspension was applied in the standard way (two of the three sites). On the other hand, weevil suppression was provided in all three cases of ‘top’ application of Heterorhabditis downesi suspension, whereas suppression in ‘standard’ application was observed in one site. Percentage parasitism of developing weevils in relation to depth and distance help explain EPN movement post-application. Weevil suppression relative to suggested thresholds can be improved by altering the method of EPN application depending on the nematode species.  相似文献   

1 As the phenological window hypothesis was reported to be significant in influencing the fitness of many herbivores feeding on tree foliage, could it also explain the performance of an insect such as the white pine weevil Pissodes strobi mainly attacking the bark phloem of conifers? 2 Under field conditions, adult weevils were caged on Norway spruce trees presenting a natural variation in their shoot growth phenology. 3 We evaluated white pine weevil biological performances, including oviposition, the number of emerged insects, survival, adult mean weight and tree defense responses as reflected by the production of induced resin canals. 4 None of the white pine weevil biological parameters was significantly affected by Norway spruce phenology. 5 The number of eggs per hole, the number of oviposition holes per leader, the number of emerged adults and their mean weight were not affected by host phenology. 6 The intensity of the traumatic response observed was variable and not correlated with budburst phenology. 7 Trees with higher traumatic responses, forming two or more layers of traumatic ducts, had lower adult emergence and estimated survival. 8 The distance between the first layer of traumatic resin ducts and the start of the annual ring was not correlated with the number of emerged weevils. 9 Norway spruce, which is an exotic tree in North America and a relatively recent host for the white pine weevil, might not possess the defense mechanisms necessary to fight off the white pine weevil.  相似文献   

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