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【目的】了解八门湾红树林生态系统中不同生境(潮间带、海洋到红树区的过渡带、海桑红树区)和不同深度土壤的可培养真菌的多样性。【方法】采用稀释涂布平板法分离土壤中的真菌,利用形态学观察和ITS rDNA序列分析技术研究可培养真菌的表观和遗传多样性。【结果】从八门湾红树林生态系统的3个不同生境中分离到257株真菌,分别属于21属28种,其中青霉属(Penicillium)、曲霉属(Aspergillus)和木霉属(Trichoderma)为优势类群。来自不同生境或者同一生境不同采样深度的土壤真菌种类组成不同,并且有些真菌类群只出现在特定的样品中。从空间角度看,红树区土壤样品的真菌多样性高于其他两个生境的土壤样品;从垂直角度看,潮间带和过渡带的表层土壤样品的真菌多样性高于深层土壤样品,而红树区的深层土壤样品真菌多样性高于表层土壤样品。【结论】八门湾红树林生态系统中的可培养真菌资源丰富,种类多样性较高,但不同生境或不同深度的可培养真菌分布存在较大的差异。这些结果揭示了红树林土壤中可培养真菌的生态分布特点,也为红树林真菌资源的开发利用提供了基础的背景资料。  相似文献   

北极太平洋扇区海洋沉积物细菌多样性的系统发育分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
对北极太平洋扇区3个不同深度的海洋沉积物样品,采用PCR结合变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)技术进行细菌16S rRNA基因V3区序列的系统发育分析。结果表明,同一个沉积物样品不同层次的DGGE电泳图谱不完全相同。从3个沉积物样品中共获得50条序列,大部分序列与从海洋环境尤其海洋沉积物获得的细菌16S rDNA序列相似性较高(88%~100%),归属于变形细菌(Proteobacteria)的gamma亚群、alpha亚群、beta亚群、epsilon亚群、delta亚群,Cytophaga_Flavobacterium_Bacteroides(CFB)群细菌和高G C含量的革兰氏阳性细菌等系统分类群,其中变形细菌(Proteobacteria)的gamma亚群为沉积物中的优势细菌类群。  相似文献   

【背景】新疆艾比湖湿地国家自然保护区作为国内最典型的温带干旱区湿地荒漠生态系统,对于富集生物多样性、平衡生态环境等方面存在着非凡的意义。目前关于艾比湖湿地根际与非根际土壤固氮微生物群落结构和丰度的相关研究还未见报道。【目的】通过分析新疆艾比湖湿地盐节木根际和非根际土壤固氮菌nifH基因的群落结构和丰度的环境异质性特点,及探讨微生物群落对国内极端干旱区脆弱敏感的艾比湖湿地生态系统循环过程中的作用,为改善荒漠化的艾比湖湿地环境提供理论依据。【方法】采用构建克隆文库和q-PCR的方法,并利用冗余分析法(Redundant analysis,RDA)探究土壤理化性质与固氮微生物群落结构及丰度的相关性。【结果】艾比湖湿地盐节木非根际土壤中nifH的多样性高于根际土壤,盐节木根际土壤的nifH序列优势种属主要为固氮根瘤菌属(Azorhizobium)和脱硫弧菌属(Desulfovibrio);非根际土壤的nifH序列优势种属主要是固氮弧菌属(Azoarcus)、太阳杆菌属(Heliobacteriummodesticaldum)和脱硫弧菌属(Desulfovibrio)。盐节木根际土壤nifH数量为4.08×104copies/g,盐节木非根际土壤中nifH的数量为5.52×103copies/g,根际土壤nifH的丰度高于非根际土壤。相关性分析显示,根际土壤的优势类群和丰度与硝态氮(NO3--N)、速效氮、总钾、含水量等因子显著相关,非根际土壤的优势类群和丰度与硝态氮(NO3--N)、速效氮、总磷、总钾、总氮呈显著相关。【结论】在盐节木根际土壤中nifH的丰度高于非根际土壤,而多样性则低于非根际土壤,而且硝态氮(NO3--N)、速效氮、总磷可能会影响固氮微生物的群落结构和丰度,这些特点为湖泊湿地的退化恢复提供理论和数据基础。  相似文献   

基于PCR-DGGE技术的红树林区微生物群落结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
【目的】为了解红树林沉积物中细菌的群落结构特征。【方法】应用PCR-DGGE技术对福建浮宫红树林的16个采样站位样品细菌的群落结构进行了研究。根据DGGE指纹图谱,对它们的遗传多样性进行了分析。【结果】各站位样品细菌多样性指数(H)、丰度(S)和均匀度(EH)均有所不同,这些差异与它们所处站位的不同有关,红树林区细菌多样性高于非红树林区细菌多样性。对不同站位细菌群落相似性分析,它们的相似性系数也存在一定的规律,同一断面的细菌群落结构相近性较高。对DGGE的优势条带序列分析,同源性最高的微生物分别属于变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、酸菌门(Acidobacteria)和绿菌门(Chlorobi),它们均为未培养微生物,分别来自于河口海岸沉积物。【结论】应用PCR-DGGE技术更能客观地反映红树林沉积物中真实的细菌群落结构信息。另外,研究也表明红树林区微生物多样性丰富,在红树林区研究开发未知微生物资源具有巨大的潜力。  相似文献   

劳盆地深海热液喷口沉积物中细菌多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用PCR-RFLP技术调查了劳盆地深海热液喷口两位点沉积物中的细菌多样性。结果表明, 在劳盆地深海热液喷口沉积物环境中细菌多样性十分丰富, 样品DY1中发现6个细菌类群, DY2中则存在4个细菌类群, 其中Gammaproteobacteria细菌亚群和Epsilonproteobacteria细菌亚群在两文库中均占据最大比例, 为沉积物样品中的优势菌群。另外, 在克隆文库中还发现了一些与数据库中的已知序列同源性较低的类群, 从而说明劳盆地深海热液喷口沉积物中存在特有的微生物种属。  相似文献   

PCR-DGGE技术用于湖泊沉积物中微生物群落结构多样性研究   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
采用PCR-DGGE分子指纹图谱技术比较南京市玄武湖、奠愁湖和太湖不同位置的表层沉积物微生物群落结构,研究结果表明,三湖泊沉积物微生物的16SrDNA的PCR扩增结果约为626bp,为16S rDNA V3~V5区特异性片段。玄武湖和莫愁湖表层沉积物中大约有20种优势菌群,且同一湖泊不同采样点DGGE图谱的差异性不大,细菌群落结构具有较高的相似性,而太湖样品DGGE条带的数目和位置表现出明显差异,且不同采样点图谱的差异性较大。三湖泊除具有特征性的微生物种属外,还分布约5个相同的细菌种群,可能与沉积物的理化性质和水生植被的影响相关。对DGGE图谱中7条主带进行回收、扩增和测序,结果显示其优势菌群具有不同的序列组成,其中5个序列与Genebank中已登录的细菌种群的同源性≥99%,2个序列的同源性为96%和93%,其中2个相似的细菌类群目前尚未获得纯培养。  相似文献   

三江源地区不同植被土壤固氮微生物的群落结构研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
利用PCR_RFLP和测序分析法对位于青藏高原腹地三江源自然保护区的高寒草甸、高寒草原和高山森林等不同植被类型的土壤固氮微生物的群落组成进行了探讨。经过PCR_RFLP分析固氮基因nifH ,在3个样品中共得到2 33个克隆和99个可操作分类单元(OTUs) ,NQ_1样地具有最多的克隆数和OTUs,多样性为4 9 74 % ,在所有样品中分别具有1~2个明显的优势种群(占总克隆数>15 % ) ,并且具有4个共同的OTUs。选取了2 6个克隆进行基因测序分析,通过DNAMAN比较表明,这些序列间具有6 6 %~98%的相似性,并且在GenBank数据库中没有发现完全匹配的序列,因此这些序列可能代表着新的固氮生物株系。最后利用ClustalW与Mega软件构建了系统发育树,结果发现,这些序列被分为4个不同的簇,部分序列与属于蛋白细菌(Proteobacteria)的已知细菌具有近的亲缘关系,但是更多的序列与已知细菌具有较远的亲缘关系,而且nifH基因序列的分布在样地间没有明显的聚类  相似文献   

基于MiSeq测序分析新疆泥火山土壤细菌群落多样性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
杨娟  郝志成  张亚平 《微生物学通报》2016,43(12):2609-2618
【目的】以新疆乌苏泥火山土壤为研究对象,了解泥火山细菌群落结构及其时空动态变化。【方法】选择泥火山4种不同生境土壤在4、7、11月份采样,应用Illumina Mi Seq测序技术测定泥火山土壤细菌的16S r RNA基因V3–V4变异区序列,分析乌苏泥火山不同生境土壤细菌群落组成。【结果】泥火山土壤细菌在97%的相似水平下共得到OTU个数为29 005,在细菌门水平上共有38种细菌类群,Proteobacteria、Actinobacteria、Bacteroidetes为优势菌群,在属水平上共有72种细菌类群,其中含量最高的是未分类细菌;多样性分析表明生境D的丰度指数和多样性指数最高,将泥火山细菌群落多样性与理化因子结合分析,发现其多样性随着土壤养分的增加而基本降低,说明物种多样性指数与理化因子之间呈负相关关系;OTU水平的分析表明生境A的群落组成在时空动态上没有显著差异,其样品群落组成较为相似,而生境C的物种组成差异较大。【结论】相比较于传统方法,Mi Seq测序能够更全面解析环境样品中微生物多样性,揭示了乌苏泥火山群蕴含着丰富的微生物资源,这将为深入研究泥火山生态系统奠定基础,为合理利用和开发泥火山微生物资源提供指导。  相似文献   

通过物理和化学方法对海南清澜港红树林、海南东寨港红树林、湛江红树林、深圳红树林、吊罗山原始森林、儋州橡胶林和海口火山口等7处热带不同生境土壤样品预处理,共分离到114株放线菌。用显微镜形态观察和菌落形态观察对分离到的放线菌初步归类,从中选取13株菌进行16SrDNA序列分析,并构建系统发育树进行类群。由初步的归类结果对热带不同生境稀有放线菌的类群分布进行分析比较,水生环境和非水生环境以及不同的非水生环境之间,发现稀有放线菌类群分布有着明显差异。  相似文献   

【背景】荒漠化是一个重大环境问题,生物土壤结皮(Biological soil crusts,BSCs)可遏制荒漠化,其中的固氮微生物对BSCs的形成和发育有重要作用,但目前BSCs中固氮细菌群落结构和多样性尚不十分清楚。【目的】阐明浑善达克沙地中不同类型生物土壤结皮及其下层土壤固氮细菌的群落结构、多样性及其影响因素。【方法】利用稀释热法和碱解扩散法检测土壤的有机质(Organic matter,OM)和速效氮(Available nitrogen,AN)含量;利用高通量测序对nifH基因进行测序,基于nifH序列比较分析固氮细菌群落结构和多样性;利用典范对应分析(Canonical correlation analysis,CCA)分析群落、样品和土壤理化参数的相关性。【结果】固氮细菌优势菌门除在苔藓结皮(HSM)中为Cyanobacteria和Proteobacteria外,在其他类型BSCs中均只为Cyanobacteria;苔藓结皮下层土壤(HSMs)(下层土壤中只有HSMs检测到了nifH)优势菌门为Proteobacteria,优势菌纲为Alphaproteobacteria和Betaproteobacteria;优势菌属差异较大,藻结皮(HSA)中Unclassified_f_Nostocaceae占90.99%;地衣结皮(HSL)中Scytonema和Unclassified_f_Nostocaceae分别占45.85%和44.14%;HSM中Unclassified_f_Nostocaceae、Scytonema、Nostoc、Skermanella、Unclassified_o_Nostocales分别占29.21%、22.57%、15.34%、14.74%和10.60%;HSMs中Skermanella、Azohydromonas、Unclassified_p_Proteobacteria、Unclassified_c_Alphaproteobacteria分别占33.80%、25.66%、18.20%和10.62%;固氮细菌多样性随结皮的发育逐渐提高;OM和AN对结皮的发育起促进作用。【结论】藻结皮、地衣结皮和苔藓结皮及其紧邻下层土壤中的固氮细菌群落结构和多样性差异明显,且固氮细菌类群和多样性指数随BSCs发育阶段的提高而增加。本研究为认识和利用生物土壤结皮相关固氮细菌提供了基础依据。  相似文献   

An analysis of the molecular diversity of N2 fixers and denitrifiers associated with mangrove roots was performed using terminal restriction length polymorphism (T-RFLP) of nifH (N2 fixation) and nirS and nirK (denitrification), and the compositions and structures of these communities among three sites were compared. The number of operational taxonomic units (OTU) for nifH was higher than that for nirK or nirS at all three sites. Site 3, which had the highest organic matter and sand content in the rhizosphere sediment, as well as the lowest pore water oxygen concentration, had the highest nifH diversity. Principal component analysis of biogeochemical parameters identified soil texture, organic matter content, pore water oxygen concentration, and salinity as the main variables that differentiated the sites. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (MDS) analyses of the T-RFLP data using the Bray-Curtis coefficient, group analyses, and pairwise comparisons between the sites clearly separated the OTU of site 3 from those of sites 1 and 2. For nirS, there were statistically significant differences in the composition of OTU among the sites, but the variability was less than for nifH. OTU defined on the basis of nirK were highly similar, and the three sites were not clearly separated on the basis of these sequences. The phylogenetic trees of nifH, nirK, and nirS showed that most of the cloned sequences were more similar to sequences from the rhizosphere isolates than to those from known strains or from other environments.  相似文献   

Conservation of nif sequences in Frankia   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Summary Southern blots of Frankia total DNAs were hybridized with nifHDK probes from Rhizobium meliloti, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Frankia strain Arl3. Differences between strains were noted in the size of the hybridizing restriction fragments. These differences were more pronounced among Elaeagnus-compatible strains than among Alnus- or Casuarina-compatible strains. Gene banks constructed for Frankia strains EUN1f, HRN18a, CeD and ACoN24d were used to isolate nif-hybridizing restriction fragments for subsequent mapping and comparisons. The nifH zone had the highest sequence conservation and the nifH and nifD genes were found to be contiguous. The complete nucleotide sequence of the nifH open reading frame (ORF) from Frankia strain Arl3 is 861 bp in length and encodes a polypeptide of 287 amino acids. Comparisons of these nucleic acid and amino acid sequences with other published nifH sequences suggest that Frankia is most similar to Anabaena and Azotobacter spp. and K. pneunoniae and least similar to the Gram-positive Clostridium pasteurianum and to the archaebacterium Methanococcus voltae.  相似文献   

Although mangroves represent ecosystems of global importance, the genetic diversity and abundance of functional genes that are key to their functioning scarcely have been explored. Here, we present a survey based on the nifH gene across transects of sediments of two mangrove systems located along the coast line of São Paulo state (Brazil) which differed by degree of disturbance, i.e., an oil-spill-affected and an unaffected mangrove. The diazotrophic communities were assessed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), quantitative PCR (qPCR), and clone libraries. The nifH gene abundance was similar across the two mangrove sediment systems, as evidenced by qPCR. However, the nifH-based PCR-DGGE profiles revealed clear differences between the mangroves. Moreover, shifts in the nifH gene diversities were noted along the land-sea transect within the previously oiled mangrove. The nifH gene diversity depicted the presence of nitrogen-fixing bacteria affiliated with a wide range of taxa, encompassing members of the Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, Firmicutes, and also a group of anaerobic sulfate-reducing bacteria. We also detected a unique mangrove-specific cluster of sequences denoted Mgv-nifH. Our results indicate that nitrogen-fixing bacterial guilds can be partially endemic to mangroves, and these communities are modulated by oil contamination, which has important implications for conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Summary The complete nucleotide sequence of a nitrogenase (nifH) gene was determined from a second strain (HRN18a) ofFrankia, an aerobic soil bacterium. The open reading frame is 870 bp long and encodes a polypeptide of 290 amino acids. The amino acid and nucleotide sequences were compared with 21 other published sequences. The twoFrankia strains were 96% similar at the amino acid level and 93% similar at the nucleotide level. A number of methods were used to infer phylogenies of these nitrogen fixers, based onnifH amino acid and nucleotide sequences. The results obtained do not agree completely with other phylogenies for these bacteria and thus make probable occurrences of lateral transfer of thenif genes. The time of divergence of the twoFrankia strains could be estimated at about 100 million years. The vanadium-dependent (Type 2) nitrogenase present inAzotobacter spp. appears to be a recent derivation from the conventional molybdenum-dependent (Type 1) enzyme, whereas the iron-dependent (Type 3) alternative nitrogenase would have a much older origin.  相似文献   

Culture-independent PCR–denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) was employed to assess the composition of diazotroph species from the sediments of three mangrove ecosystem sites in Sanya, Hainan Island, China. A strategy of removing humic acids prior to DNA extraction was conducted, then total community DNA was extracted using the soil DNA kit successfully for nifH PCR amplification, which simplified the current procedure and resulted in good DGGE profiles. The results revealed a novel nitrogen-fixing bacterial profile and fundamental diazotrophic biodiversity in mangrove sediments, as reflected by the numerous bands present DGGE patterns. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) revealed that the sediments organic carbon concentration and available soil potassium accounted for a significant amount of the variability in the nitrogen-fixing bacterial community composition. The predominant DGGE bands were sequenced, yielding 31 different nifH sequences, which were used in phylogenetic reconstructions. Most sequences were from Proteobacteria, e.g. α, γ, β, δ-subdivisions, and characterized by sequences of members of genera Azotobacter, Desulfuromonas, Sphingomonas, Geobacter, Pseudomonas, Bradyrhizobium and Derxia. These results significantly expand our knowledge of the nitrogen-fixing bacterial diversity of the mangrove environment.  相似文献   

The South China Sea (SCS), the largest marginal sea in the Western Pacific Ocean, is a huge oligotrophic water body with very limited influx of nitrogenous nutrients. This suggests that sediment microbial N2 fixation plays an important role in the production of bioavailable nitrogen. To test the molecular underpinning of this hypothesis, the diversity, abundance, biogeographical distribution, and community structure of the sediment diazotrophic microbiota were investigated at 12 sampling sites, including estuarine, coastal, offshore, deep-sea, and methane hydrate reservoirs or their prospective areas by targeting nifH and some other functional biomarker genes. Diverse and novel nifH sequences were obtained, significantly extending the evolutionary complexity of extant nifH genes. Statistical analyses indicate that sediment in situ temperature is the most significant environmental factor influencing the abundance, community structure, and spatial distribution of the sediment nifH-harboring microbial assemblages in the northern SCS (nSCS). The significantly positive correlation of the sediment pore water NH4+ concentration with the nifH gene abundance suggests that the nSCS sediment nifH-harboring microbiota is active in N2 fixation and NH4+ production. Several other environmental factors, including sediment pore water PO43− concentration, sediment organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus levels, etc., are also important in influencing the community structure, spatial distribution, or abundance of the nifH-harboring microbial assemblages. We also confirmed that the nifH genes encoded by archaeal diazotrophs in the ANME-2c subgroup occur exclusively in the deep-sea methane seep areas, providing for the possibility to develop ANME-2c nifH genes as a diagnostic tool for deep-sea methane hydrate reservoir discovery.  相似文献   

Previous research on the Caribbean coral Montastraea cavernosa reported the presence of cyanobacterial endosymbionts and nitrogen fixation in orange, but not brown, colonies. We compared the diversity of nifH gene sequences between these two color morphs at three locations in the Caribbean and found that the nifH sequences recovered from M. cavernosa were consistent with previous studies on corals where members of both the α-proteobacteria and cyanobacteria were recovered. A number of nifH operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were significantly more abundant in the orange compared to the brown morphs, and one specific OTU (OTU 17), a cyanobacterial nifH sequence similar to others from corals and sponges and related to the cyanobacterial genus Cyanothece, was found in all orange morphs of M. cavernosa at all locations. The nifH diversity reported here, from a community perspective, was not significantly different between orange and brown morphs of M. cavernosa.  相似文献   

In order to understand the community structure of diazotrophs in red soil and effects of organic manure Application on the structure, four nifH gene libraries were constructed: the control (CK), low manure (LM), High manure (HM), and high manure adding lime (ML). Totally 150 nifH gene clones were screened and grouped into 21 clusters by RFLP analysis. Existence of dominant patterns was observed in all libraries, which counted for over 96% of clones in library HM and about 56∼72% in other three libraries. The nifH sequences of the dominant patterns in all libraries were most similar to sequences of the cyanobacteria. nifH genes showed high diversity in red soil, dispersing throughout the nifH clades (alpha-, beta-, and gamma-Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, cyanobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, and posited group). Bradyrhizobium and Burkholderia were also important diaxotrophs in low fertility soil samples. Low manure treatment increased the Diversity of nifH genes compared with CK and high manure treatments. Manure and lime treatment led to obvious community succession. Total N to available P ratio, total carbon, and K concentrations were the main factors affecting the diversity of diazotrophs in red soil.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixation is an important process in biogeochemical cycles exclusively carried out by prokaryotes, mostly by an evolutionarily conserved nitrogenase protein complex, of which one of the structural genes (nifH) is highly valuable for phylogenetic and diversity analyses. We developed a nifH-based short oligonucleotide microarray (nifH diagnostic microarray) as a rapid tool to effectively monitor nitrogen-fixing diazotrophic populations in a wide range of environments. Taking account of the overwhelming predominance of environmental nifH fragments from uncultivated microorganisms in public databases, our nifH microarray is mainly based on nifH sequences from as yet unidentified prokaryotes. Standard conditions for microarray performance were determined, and criteria for the design of specific oligonucleotides were defined. A primary set of 56 oligonucleotides was validated with fluorescence-labeled single-stranded nifH targets from five reference strains, 26 environmental clones, and artificial mixtures of reference strains. The nifH microarray was applied to analyze the diversity (based on DNA) and activity (based on mRNA) of diazotrophs in roots of wild rice samples from Namibia. Results demonstrated that only a small subset of diazotrophs being present in the sample were actually fixing nitrogen actively. Our data suggest that the developed nifH microarray is a highly reproducible and semiquantitative method for mapping the variability of diazotrophic diversity, allowing rapid comparisons of the relative abundance and activity of diazotrophic prokaryotes in the environment. A further refined nifH microarray comprising of 194 oligonucleotide probes now covers more than 90% of sequences in our nifH database. Electronic Supplementary Material The following supplementary material is available on-line for this article from  相似文献   

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