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白唇鹿被毛形态学与高寒环境关系的研究   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
本文对白唇鹿被毛的形态进行了宏观及扫描电镜的观察研究。结果表明,其被毛仅由针毛组成。针毛的毛径特粗;髓质极发达,髓质指数高达96%;髓质形态为蜂窝状网格型;皮质呈退化状态。针毛具有很强的保温性,是适应高寒环境的重要特征之一。  相似文献   

几种猫科动物毛的显微形态学特征及比较鉴别   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:26  
哺乳动物毛被形态特征的显微研究能为该类动物的分类提供科学依据。笔者对东北虎、金钱豹、金猫不同部位的直针毛髓质指数和鳞片类型与比例的研究表明,金猫头、颈上、胸、腹、前肢等5个部位的毛髓质指数区间为50.0%~70.3%,东北虎5个部位的毛髓质指数区问为22.5%~50.0%,金钱豹5个部位的毛髓质指数区间为27.3%~49.3%。东北虎和金钱豹5个部位毛鳞片上的花纹类型包括扁平型、杂波型、瓣状型、冠状型等,其排列顺序和比例不尽相同。对几种猫科动物用毛显微形态学特征进行识别具有可行性,但难易程度不一。  相似文献   

缩短光照对貉冬毛生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
貉是一种季节性换毛动物。其毛被的生长受光因子的影响。自然光照条件下4—8月间冬季绒毛陆续脱落,新生绒毛于7—11月间生长和逐渐成熟。冬季针毛在6月开始脱落,同时新生针毛开始生长,于10月下旬成熟,因此貉在夏季是以稀疏、粗硬的针毛和稀短的绒毛组成毛被。本文用控光的方法研究了貉冬毛生长的规律,得到了缩短光照时间能诱导毛皮提前32天成熟的结果并表现出较自然光照条件下毛皮生长成熟期缩短的趋勢。  相似文献   

4种鹿科动物被毛显微形态学特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
侯森林  郭海涛  薛晓明 《四川动物》2008,27(1):102-104,F0003
应用扫描电镜、偏振光显微镜及光学显微镜对黄麂、黑麂、白唇鹿和狍的背部、腹部、颈部和臀部的毛的髓质指数和鳞片花纹类型进行研究.结果表明,黄麂背、臀、腹、颈等4个部位的毛髓质指数区间为60.5%~84.5%,黑麂4个部位的毛髓质指数区间为62.8%~80.2%,白唇鹿4个部位的毛髓质指数区间为60.1%~90.2%,狍4个部位的毛髓质指数区间为85.8%~93.2%.4种动物的毛鳞片花纹类型较单一,主要包括杂波型、扁平型、镶嵌型和冠状型等,其排列顺序不尽相同.用毛的显微形态学特征对4种动物进行识别具有可行性,但有一定的难度.  相似文献   

王颖  孙长虹  张伟 《生态学报》2015,35(17):5623-5631
被毛在哺乳动物适应性进化过程中执行保温和保护两个重要功能,其形态结构上存在的功能适应性特征因所处的部位不同而表现出适应性分化现象,由动物体躯干至四肢末端呈显著的梯度变化。以黑龙江省通河林区黄鼬东北亚种(Mustela sibirica manchurica)冬季雌雄成体各10只完整毛皮对象,研究了背中部、腹中部和后肢下部3个部位的直针毛、披针毛、绒针毛、绒毛,以及后趾部硬毛的被毛性状因子,统计分析表明:通河林区黄鼬相同身体部位4种类型毛的长度和细度指标均为直针毛披针毛绒针毛绒毛,相同部位4种类型毛长度的相关性极显著,直针毛细度与披针毛细度相关性极显著(P0.01),绒针毛细度与绒毛细度相关性极显著(P0.01),这种特征使得被毛在整体结构上为实施保温和保护功能奠定基础;同时,黄鼬被毛各性状的保温功能从背部向后趾部呈递减趋势,而保护功能则呈现递增趋势,被毛形态结构性状上的分化与动物机体异温性充分结合,对于黄鼬适应寒冷的森林生态环境具有重要意义。  相似文献   

由于形态特征变异和地理分布区域存在重叠,中国特有属藤山柳属(猕猴桃科)的物种划分问题长期以来存在争议,曾被分为20种或修订为含1种4个亚种的单型属。该研究选取了在形态和地理分布上有代表性的29个居群的184份标本,利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察了叶表皮形态和微形态特征,以探讨它们的分类学意义。结果表明:(1)藤山柳属植物叶表皮毛被的形态和微形态特征有3类,即光滑-短柱状毛、刚毛-长柱状毛/长刺毛、绒毛-单列多细胞毛,且这些特征在居群间差异明显,并各具明显的地理分布格局,支持把藤山柳属分为3类,即光滑类、刚毛类和绒毛类。(2)3类藤山柳植物在个别居群表现出部分同域分布现象,在峨眉山不同海拔高度的3个居群存在垂直地带性分布特点。(3)藤山柳属植物叶表皮的其他形态特征,如不规则型表皮细胞、6类气孔器、叶表皮初级蜡质纹饰以网状隆起为主,伴随着2~4类次级纹饰,在居群间变化多样等均没有明显的分类学意义。(4)由于具有相同的叶表皮形态特征和地理分布,建议把繁花藤山柳合并到绒毛藤山柳,故支持藤山柳属是1个正处于分化进程中的单型属,包括1个种3个亚种。  相似文献   

赤狐直针毛显微形态学特征观察   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
应用扫描电镜及偏振光显微镜对赤狐背部和腹部直针毛的髓质指数及鳞片花纹类型进行研究,并观察了赤狐颈部和臀部的髓质指数.结果 表明,赤狐4个部位的髓质花纹区别不显著,背部的髓质指数为61.3%,腹部的髓质指数为46.2%,颈部的髓质指数为73.3%,臀部的髓质指数为80.5%,4个部位髓质指数区间为40.9%~80.9%;鳞片花纹类型较单一,背部主要鳞片类型为杂波型,腹部主要鳞片类型为长瓣型,其次均为方瓣型,而扁平型、过渡型和冠状型在2个部位均不够显著.与同科的其他种类相比,主要鳞片的类型存在差异,可为物种的识别提供依据,但有一定的难度.  相似文献   

柳宇  张伟 《生态学报》2012,32(17):5568-5573
为了解黄鼬毛被的保温机制,选取黑龙江省通河林区黄鼬东北亚种(Mustela sibirica manchurica)冬季皮张,通过观测雄性5个部位和雌性4个部位毛被的分层结构,并结合热物性测试比对,发现了毛被的各层结构具有不同的保温隔热功能且存在部位差异。结果表明:1)毛被由外及里表现出4层结构,各层毛被厚度分别为:(12.7±3.0)mm、(6.0±1.8)mm、(5.5±2.2)mm和(1.4±0.5)mm。2)4层毛被的颜色、结构及保温机制依次为:最外层毛被棕黄色或金黄色,仅由2种类型被毛构成,耐磨损能力较强,保护下层毛被,阻挡冷空气侵入并降低毛被的热量散失;第二层毛被淡黄色,此层开始均由4种类型被毛构成,毛干细度较小,被毛间形成细小空隙,滞留大量静止空气,增强保温功能;第三层毛被灰色或灰白色,4种类型被毛的毛干更细,绒针毛和绒毛弯曲程度更大,使被毛间滞留静止空气的能力更强、更稳定,保温能力更强;最内层毛被为白色,为近毛根处,4种类型被毛均较直,便于热量传递。3)4层毛被的对整体的贡献率分别为:16.11%、27.40%、44.40%和12.09%。4)背面毛被较腹面的颜色深,厚度大,保温能力强;沿吻端至尾基的体轴方向毛被厚度增加,保温性增强。5)雄性毛被较雌性的厚度大,保温能力强。以上,反映了黄鼬冬季多部位毛被由表及里不同的空间布局及各层毛呈现的不同的形态结构,从整体上兼顾保护、保温、散热等多种功能,以适应当地的寒冷环境。  相似文献   

漠河地区养殖的北极狐冬季被毛性状与保温性能的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
程志斌  张伟  华彦  徐艳春 《生态学报》2010,30(11):2972-2980
被毛是哺乳动物最主要的特征之一,其保温功能对动物适应寒冷环境意义重大。为了探讨北极狐(Alopex lagopus)在被毛性状上如何适应寒冷的气候条件,对大兴安岭漠河地区人工养殖北极狐的背中部直针毛、上层绒毛、下层绒毛的长度、毛根细度、毛干细度以及毛密度、单个毛束内的毛数量、毛束密度、复合毛囊最大横切面积、1mm2内复合毛囊最大横切面总面积等14个性状因子进行测量分析。结果表明,北极狐绒毛分为上下两层,下层绒毛的长度、毛根细度和毛干细度均小于上层绒毛,上层绒毛长度与直针毛接近,直针毛长度与上层绒毛、下层绒毛长度均不存在显著相关性;毛密度与毛束密度极度正相关(P0.01),但与毛根细度、毛干细度、单个毛束内的毛数量和1mm2内复合毛囊最大横切面总面积不存在显著相关性,且与复合毛囊最大横切面积的相关性较小;复合毛囊最大横切面积受毛根细度、单个毛束内的毛数量和毛束密度的影响较小。北极狐不是通过降低毛细度的方式来增加毛密度以加强保温功能,而是通过改变被毛在皮肤内的分布格局来增加毛密度,以及将有髓质的绒毛分为上下两层来改变被毛空间结构这两种策略提高被毛内静止空气的量以加强保温功能,进而适应高纬度地区的寒冷环境。  相似文献   

鼩鼱类动物多样性丰富,但因体型小、外形相似使其物种鉴定比较难。本文利用数码互动显微系统,对鼩形目鼩鼱科6 个物种背部针毛的鳞片和髓质微观结构进行比较。结果表明,6 种鼩鼱鳞片结构类型分为花瓣型、椭圆型、斜长方型、长戟型、竹节型、草芽型、波浪型、平滑型、锯齿型9 种类型,具有种的特异性,能 够用来鉴定这6 个鼩鼱物种;而髓质结构类型多数表现为条纹型,不能单独用来鉴定物种。鼩鼱针毛的鳞片微观结构作为鼩鼱科动物的分类指标,具有可行性。  相似文献   

A histological study on the skin and hairs of PC (poor coat) mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Light microscopic examinations were done on the skin and hairs of PC (poor coat) mice, maintained as an inbred strain at the National Institute of Health, Japan. The structures of the epidermis, dermis, hair root sheath and the sebaceous glands were normal. Hair bulbs and hair papillae were poorly developed at anagen stage of hair cycle. Having scanty medulla, the hairs were thin and short. The hair cuticle appeared normal. These findings suggest that the defective hair growth in PC mice is caused by deficiencies in cell differentiation and/or proliferation in the hair matrix.  相似文献   

Summary The dorsal integument of the girdle of the chiton Mopalia muscosa is covered by a chitinous cuticle about 0.1 mm in thickness. Within the cuticle are fusiform spicules composed of a central mass of pigment granules surrounded by a layer of calcium carbonate crystals. Tapered, curved chitinous hairs with a groove on the mesial surface pass through the cuticle and protrude above the surface. The spicules are produced by specialized groups of epidermal cells called spiniferous papillae and the hairs are produced by trichogenous papillae. Processes of pigment cells containing green granules are scattered among the cells of each type of papilla and among the common epidermal cells.The wall or cortex of each hair is composed of two layers. The cortex surrounds a central medulla that contains matrix material of low density and from 1 to 20 axial bundles of dendrites. The number of bundles within the medulla varies with the size of the hair. Each bundle contains from 1 to 25 dendrites ensheathed by processes of supporting cells. The dendrites and supporting sheath arise from epidermal cells of the central part of the papilla. At the base of each trichogenous papilla are several nerves that pass into the dermis. Two questions remain unresolved. The function of the hairs is unknown, and we have not determined whether the sensory cells are primary sensory neurons or secondary sensory cells.  相似文献   

Kuhn R  Meyer W 《Zoological science》2010,27(10):826-829
The cuticle structure of the wool hairs (secondary hairs) of six otter species was examined by scanning electron microscopy to clarify the specific function of this hair type in the Lutrinae. The species studied were chosen according to the different genera, climatic regions, and degrees of association to water of the Lutrinae. Independent of their preferred habitats, the cuticle of every wool hair examined exhibited in all animals a rather similar shape and arrangement of the scales. This specific adaptive feature allows a flexible interlocking of adjacent wool hairs, which also helps to form thin wool hair bundles that surround small oval shaped spaces. Thus, the trapping of an effective insulating air layer is facilitated and heat loss from the body is reduced.  相似文献   

The course of development of the glandular and non-glandular hairs of Avicennia marina was found to be the same up to the three-celled stage. The further cell divisions of the two types of developing hairs differed in their orientation. In the non-glandular hair the cells continued to divide transversely, whereas in the glandular hair the uppermost of the three cells divided longitudinally.
In the mature hairs of both types, the peripheral wall of the cell just above the basal cell was heavily cutinized. The existence of narrow canals in the cuticle of the secretory cells of the glandular hairs was confirmed. The homology of the glandular and non-glandular hairs is discussed and it is concluded that the two types are phylogenetically related.  相似文献   

The morphogenesis of cell hairs on Drosophila wings   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We describe in this paper details of morphogenesis of wing hairs in Drosophila pupae. The ultimate objective is to relate specific protein components used in hair construction to specific components produced in the rapidly changing patterns of gene expression that are characteristic for the period of hair differentiation in wing cells (H. K. Mitchell and N. S. Petersen, 1981, Dev. Biol. 85, 233-242). Hair extrusion to essentially full size occurs quite suddenly at about 34 hr (postpupariation) and this is followed by deposition of a double-layer of cuticulin during the next 4 to 5 hr. Extreme changes in shape of cells and hairs, probably related to actin synthesis, then occur for the next 5 to 6 hr. Deposition of fibers within the hairs and on hair pedestals follows. Formation of cuticle on the cell surface begins and continues until some time in the 60-hr range. It appears that cuticle is formed only on the cell surface and not in hairs or on the top of hair pedestals. The protein synthesis patterns associated with these events are described.  相似文献   

Human scalp hairs are often examined microscopically to study the variation and diversity among a range of visible morphological traits. In this study, we focused on the ultrastructure of human scalp hair within its keratinized matrix, emphasizing, the density and distribution of melanosomes, variation in cuticle thickness within populations, and the relationship of hair fiber ultrastructure with biogeographic ancestry. We used transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to visualize hair cross-sections and generate micron-scale resolution images for analysis of particle morphology and the layered hair matrix. Our results revealed considerable variation in all parameters examined, including the relationship of ultrastructure to biogeographic ancestry. Among the three metapopulations studied (European, African, and East Asian), we identified hair cross-sectional shape, cuticle dimensions, and melanosome distribution as traits that reveal statistically significant ancestry-related patterns. This study establishes trait patterns in hair morphology and ultrastructure among three biogeographically defined metapopulations to improve the current understanding of human variation in hair form and establish a foundation for future studies on the genetic and developmental bases of phenotypic variation in hair ultrastructure related to genotype.  相似文献   

Madan K.  Oli 《Journal of Zoology》1993,231(1):71-93
Analysis of prey remains in scats, particularly hairs, is widely used to study diet of mammalian predators, but identification of hair is often difficult because hair structures vary considerably both within and between species. Use of photographic reference of diagnostically important hair structures from mammals occurring in a predator's habitat has been found to he convenient for routine identification. A photographic reference key was developed for the identification of hairs of the mammals known to occur in a snow leopard ( Panthera uncia ) habit at in the Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal. The key included a photographic reference of the diagnostic hair structures of nine species of wild and five species of domestic mammals. The cross-sectional appearance, shape and arrangement of medulla, the ratio of cortex to medulla. and the form and distribution of pigment in medulla and cortex were important diagnostic aids in the identification of hairs.  相似文献   

Fatty acid composition was examined in the total lipids of the intraabdominal, subcutaneous and peripheral (paws, tail, nose) adipose tissues of a terrestrial mustelid, the sable Martes zibellina. The species inhabits the Palearctic taiga and is exposed to extreme cold during the winter. Although the paw pads and nose of the sable had higher proportions of total polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) compared to the adipose tissues of the trunk, the location of fat had only a little influence on the total percentages of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids in the species. In this respect, the sable differs from its relative, the semiaquatic American mink Mustela vison, which has pronounced unsaturation of lipids towards the periphery. As observed previously in the mink, the sable deposits preferentially n-3 PUFAs in the appendages. The gradient of unsaturation is more modest in the sable possibly due to its terrestrial lifestyle. The results of the present study demonstrate that the average unsaturation of adipose tissue fatty acids does not increase towards the periphery in all northern mammals.  相似文献   

A morphological study was carried out on hairs of the Japanese monkey. The shapes in cross-section were circles or ellipses. The diameters of the hairs ranged from 13.5 to 92 μ, and the mean value in each monkey was between about 30 and 40 μ. The average value of the fibre index was approximately 90 in each monkey. The arrangement of the medulla was considered to be of the narrow medulla lattice type. Medullae were developed poorly or disappeared in hairs with a diameter of less than 30 μ. A correlation was noted between the hair thickness and presence of medulla: medullated hairs were thicker than non-medullated hairs. A tendency was found for thicker hairs to be of greater length. The hairs of the Japanese monkey could be divided broadly into two types: medullated hair and non-medullated hair. The medullated hairs could be regarded as guard hair-like hairs since they were thick and long, and the non-medullated hairs as underhair-like hairs since they were thin and short.  相似文献   

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