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本文对产自陕南西乡化石库的棘盔状化石进行了统计和描述,对棘盔属的属种划分进行了重新厘定。单锥形的棘盔状化石同带有多个分枝复合体的棘盔状化石的断枝在尺寸、形态和表面装饰等方面存在较大差异,因此我们把这两类具有明显不同特征的棘盔状化石归入不同的种,将单锥形、表面具有密集直刺等特征的一类归入直刺棘盔Acanthocassis orthacanthus,将分枝数量不定的多分枝复合体归入具刺棘盔Acanthocassis echinate。通过进一步的测量分析,在A.echinate种内,发现其表面装饰也存在差异。本文展示的棘盔状化石新特征丰富了对棘盔状化石的认识,为进一步探讨棘盔状化石的亲缘关系和分类提供了新的材料。  相似文献   

罗氏沼虾精子棘状部的结构生化组成和功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者探讨了罗氏沼虾精子棘状部的组成,生化成分和受精时所起的作用。棘状部主要由具周期性横纹的纤丝组成,在近尖端横切面的中央有絮状颗粒存在。棘状部Feulgen反应呈阴性,不含核物质,而HgBpB反应呈强阳性,蛋白质含量很高。  相似文献   

杜建会  严平  董玉祥 《生态学杂志》2012,31(8):2137-2144
斑块状分布是植被在水分匮乏环境中长期适应的结果,其演替过程可以作为生态系统响应气候变化和人类活动产生突变的"指示器"。本文通过对斑块状植被的起源、生态水文过程及其对干旱区植被恢复的启示等方面进行综述,提出了我国干旱区植被恢复中目前尚存在的主要问题。认为斑块状植被的形成可能受气候变化、人类活动、植物自身的生物学特性及其对环境胁迫的适应等方面的影响,但不是主要因素,植被斑块和裸地斑块之间在不同空间尺度的水分再分配是其在干旱半干旱地区形成并且能够维持稳定的关键。斑块状植被是一个高效的雨水集流系统,裸地斑块是整个系统径流的"源",而植被斑块是整个系统径流的"汇",保护植被斑块的同时维持一定面积的裸地对于整个生态系统的稳定都具有极其重要的意义。斑块状植被也是一个非常脆弱的生态系统,气候的剧烈波动以及人类的过度活动都可能导致生态系统功能丧失,最终产生不可逆转的影响,因此需要加以严格保护。  相似文献   

描述了云南曲靖早泥盆世西山村组盔甲鱼类(无颌类)的新发现,包括一新属、新种——惠清驼背鱼(Altigibbaspis huiqingae gen.et sp.nov.),一件属种未定的多鳃鱼科标本,以及张氏真盔甲鱼(Eugaleaspis changi)和小眼南盘鱼(Nanpanaspis microculus)的新材料。驼背鱼在很多方面与多鳃鱼都非常相似,但头甲背面具一特征性的驼背状隆起,其上有一刀刃状的中背脊。中背脊和中背棘在盔甲鱼类里的形态分异度表明,它们除了能够提供游泳方向稳定性外,可能还衍生出了一些附加的功能,例如直立高耸的中背棘能使盔甲鱼在捕食者眼里具有了恐吓性,刀刃状的中背脊可能也起到一些防御的作用。南盘鱼头甲侧缘具有两对非常奇特的侧向延伸的突起;通过对这两对侧突同源性的比较,讨论了南盘鱼的潜在系统分类位置。鉴于南盘鱼奇特的形态,以及它在华南鱼目中相对较早的出现时代,建议暂时把南盘鱼放到一个单属科南盘鱼科,代表了华南鱼目早期分出来的一个支系。  相似文献   

本文展示了陕西西乡和湖北房县下寒武统西蒿坪段中的三块棘状集合体标本,论证了西蒿坪段中的所谓瓶状微化石不是原生动物,而是一类接近于开腔骨类Chancelloriids的多骨片后生动物化石.将过去在西蒿坪段中描述的14属38种"瓶状微化石"合并成1属2种,即Cam-brothyraampulliformisQianetZhang,1983和C.Truncata(Duan),1986.  相似文献   

基于采自湖北长阳晚泥盆世黄家磴组(弗拉斯期)的新材料,对种子状结构武汉仙籽Sphinxiocarpon wuhanium(Li,Hilton and Hemsley)Wang,Xue and Prestianni进行比较形态学研究和几何形态统计分析。与模式产地(武汉米粮山珞珈群)的标本相比,长阳的标本显示出离体保存的单个种子状结构个体较大,具柄,囊状包被结构顶端收缩愈合,表面具纵向条纹,从柄延伸至顶端,而个体较小的种子状结构则聚成孢子叶球状。因此,仙籽属Sphinxiocarpon的个体发育早期阶段是一种孢子叶球状生殖形态,而发育后期通常脱落保存为单个的种子状结构,其母体植物可能是一种石松植物,但它与泥盆-石炭纪已知的异孢型石松类植物和前裸子植物都有较大差异,是一个很独特的分支。这些结果表明,在泥盆纪的前裸子植物-裸子植物谱系之外,同期其他植物类群(如石松植物)也演化出了与种子相似、具单一功能大孢子和包被结构的生殖器官,显示植物的生殖器官在不同类群中的趋同演化现象,它们可能以相似的方式(如减少大孢子数目、形成包被大孢子囊的结构等)来响应当时的环境胁迫。  相似文献   

新疆棘豆属植物新资料   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
阎平 《西北植物学报》2008,28(7):1474-1477
对野外采集的新疆棘豆属植物以及标本进行鉴定分析,结果表明:马尔洋黑毛棘豆是新变种,白花米尔克棘豆、白花冷棘豆、白花二裂棘豆、白花庞氏棘豆和白花小叶棘豆是5个新变型.短梗棘豆、长翼棘豆、鸟状棘豆和长苞黄花棘豆是新疆地理分布新记录.并对新变种马尔洋黑毛棘豆和长翼棘豆的果期特征进行了描述.  相似文献   

报道采自安徽省万佛山自然保护区的一种寄生在蜘蛛上的虫草标本,经鉴定为莲状虫草Cordycepsnelumboides。经多批次利用子囊孢子分离得到其刺束梗孢无性型Akanthomyces,属首次报道,并在人工固体培养基上得到了与野生标本一致的子实体,从丽确证了有性型与元性型之间的对应关系。经研究发现,KOBAYASI和SHIMIZU对莲状虫草次生子囊孢子的原始描述可能有误。  相似文献   

陕西,鄂西下寒武统西蒿坪段“瓶状微化石”再研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文展示了陕西西乡和湖北房县下寒武统西蒿坪段中的三块棘状集合体标本,论证了西蒿坪段中的所谓瓶状微化石不是原生动物,而一类接近于开腔骨类Chancelloriids的多骨片后生动物化石。将过去在西蒿坪段中描述的14属38种“瓶状微化石”合并成1属1种,即Cambrothyra ampulliformis Qian et Zhang,1983和C.truncata (Duan),1986。  相似文献   

副棘鳅属(Paracanthocobitis)隶属于鲤形目(Cypriniformes)条鳅科(Nemacheilidae),分布范围西起巴基斯坦的印度河流域,东至老挝和柬埔寨的湄公河流域。2022年7月,在我国云南省德宏傣族景颇族自治州盈江县采集到一批副棘鳅属鱼类标本,经形态性状和分子系统比较,确认为曼德勒副棘鳅(P. mandalayensis),为中国新记录种。本文对中国境内曼德勒副棘鳅进行了形态描述并提供了物种鉴定的分子依据:该种的主要特征为下唇中央部分有一对中断而膨大的片状结构,密布乳突;尾柄基部上缘有一眼状斑;雄性具有眶下沟;侧线完全;腹鳍基部具腋鳞;背鳍有10?分枝鳍条;尾鳍有4 ~ 8条黑色条带。此外,基于系统发育树和间断地理分布推测,曼德勒副棘鳅种内可能存在隐存种,同时对沙副棘鳅(P. botia)中国分布的记录提出了质疑。这一研究为高黎贡山地区的鱼类资源调查和保护提供了科学依据,并对东南亚地区副棘鳅属物种的鉴定提供了新的依据。  相似文献   

Abstract  The author has reported the possibility to use venation for identification of tortricids. In the previous paper (Liu 1996), an expert system for identification using venation was also described. The present paper introduces the technique how to construct the expert system. Three original solutions in the research are published. They are: establishment of corrdinates of venation—"two-centre method", the interface to accept inputs—"model modification method" and the interface to generate outputs—"sequence method".  相似文献   

昆虫抗药性的治理策略:一个数学模型的提出   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文用计算机模型分析及评价了昆虫抗药性的三种治理策略:顺序轮用,“高杀死”策略及棋盘式用药.假设昆虫具有一定的生物学特性:如抗性为单基因,单抗性,抗性基因为半显性,两性生殖,昆虫有扩散习性,感性系在不施药情况下有微弱的适应优势等.分析了用不同剂量造成的不同的死亡率,不同的反选择作用,不同的基因稀释作用等情况对三个策略的影响.结果显示出,在这些情况下,用3—5种杀虫剂隔代顺序轮用加上微弱的反选择作用是最为有效的.“高杀死”策略加上一定的稀释作用也极为有效.棋盘式用药在特殊情况下才有用.  相似文献   

Kochetov  A. V.  Sirnik  O. A.  Rogosin  I. B.  Glazko  G. V.  Komarova  M. L.  Shumny  V. K. 《Molecular Biology》2002,36(4):510-516
Computer analysis of nucleotide sequences of 5"-untranslated regions (5"-UTR) of higher plant mRNA adopted from the EMBL nucleotide sequence database was carried out. It was demonstrated that the average nucleotide frequencies of the leader sequences and adjacent regions of basal promoters are similar, whereas introns and 3"-UTR have a higher content of T and a lower content of C. A particular 5"-UTR contextual feature is a misbalance in the content of complementary nucleotides, probably caused by negative influence of the stable secondary structure on the translation properties of the leader sequence. Approximately 20% of 5"-UTR possess AUG triplets, i.e., twice as much as it has been estimated earlier. The properties of the open reading frames of the leader sequence (uORF) and presumable causes of their high content in 5"-UTR of eukaryotic mRNAs are discussed. The nature of correlation between some features of uORFs and protein-coding gene sequences is analyzed. It is demonstrated that in effectively translated mRNAs the leader AUG triplets are more frequently located in a nonoptimal context, whereas the terminating codons of uORFs more frequently exist in the optimal one. A hypothesis is put forward that the efficiency of termination at the uORF stop codon might substantially interfere with the mRNA translation activity.  相似文献   

A new method is proposed for predicting the folding type of a protein according to its amino acid composition based on the following physical picture: (1) a protein is characterized as a vector of 20-dimensional space, in which its 20 components are defined by the compositions of its 20 amino acids; and (2) the similarity of two proteins is proportional to the mutual projection of their characterized vectors, and hence inversely proportional to the size of their correlation angle. Thus, the prediction is performed by calculating the correlation angles of the vector for the predicted protein with a set of standard vectors representing the norms of four protein folding types (i.e., alla, all ,a+, anda/). In comparison with the existing methods, the new method has the merits of yielding a higher rate of correct prediction, displaying a more intuitive physical picture, and being convenient in application. For instance, in predicting the 64 proteins in the development set based on which the standard vectors are derived, the average accuracy rate is 83.6%, which is higher than that obtained for the same set of proteins by any of the existing methods. The average accuracy predicted for an independent set of 35 proteins of known X-ray structure is 91.4%, which is significantly higher than any of the reported accuracies so far, implying that the new method is of great value in practical application. All of these have demonstrated that the new method as proposed in this paper is characterized by an improved feature in both self-consistency and extrapolating-effectiveness.On sabbatical leave from Department of Physics, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China.  相似文献   

双眼立体视觉机制至今不很清楚,存在不少争论,研究它具有深远意义。我们的兴趣是从心理物理、电生理和理论模型三方面开展工作,最终目标是试图搞清楚视觉立体信息处理类机制。本文主要利用心理物理学方法研究频差克差视差的问题。我们利用自己研制的一种多功能立体图形发生器产生左边为非均匀条纹、右边为均匀条纹的一系列具有不同视差的立体图对。在感知到“阶梯”后,用三种方法使得“阶梯”感变平:①改变均匀条纹的频率,②改变均匀条纹与被试的距离,③改变非均匀条纹与被试者的距离。从而实现了频差“克服”视差。我们的结果支持用频差来解释双眼倾斜现象,它使我们相信频差是视差在初级视系统中的表象形式。  相似文献   

The coexistence of periodic and point attractors has been confirmed for a range of stage-structured discrete time models. The periodic attractor cycles have large amplitude, with the populations cycling between extremely low and surprisingly high values when compared to the equilibrium level. In this situation a stable state can be shocked by noise of sufficient strength into a state of high volatility. We found that the source of these large amplitude cycles are Arnold tongues, special regions of parameter space where the system exhibits periodic behaviour. Most of these tongues lie entirely in that part of parameter space where the system is unstable, but there are exceptions and these exceptions are the tongues that lead to attractor coexistence. Similarity in the geometry of Arnold tongues over the range of models considered might suggest that this is a common feature of stage-structured models but in the absence of proof this can only be a useful working hypothesis. The analysis shows that although large amplitude cycles might exist mathematically they might not be accessible biologically if biological constraints, such as non-negativity of population densities and vital rates, are imposed. Accessibility is found to be highly sensitive to model structure even though the mathematical structure is not. This highlights the danger of drawing biological conclusions from particular models. Having a comprehensive view of the different mechanisms by which periodic states can arise in families of discrete time models is important in the debate on whether the causes of periodicity in particular ecological systems are intrinsic, environmental or trophic. This paper is a contribution to that continuing debate.  相似文献   

Summary Long ciliary rootlets are a characteristic feature of the dendritic inner segments of the sensory cells in insect sensilla. These rootlets are composed of highly ordered filaments and are regularly cross-striated. Collagenase digestion and immunohistochemistry reveal that the rootlets are probably not composed of collagen fibers. However, double-labeling experiments with phalloidin and anti--actinins show that antibodies to -actinin react with the ciliary rootlets of the sensilla, but do not stain the scolopale, which is composed of actin filaments as visualized by phalloidin. Antibodies to centrin, a contractile protein isolated from flagellar rootlets of green algae, also stain the ciliary rootlets. Within the ciliary rootlets of insect sensilla, -actinin may be associated with filaments other than actin filaments. The immunohistochemical localization of a centrin-like protein suggests that contractions probably occur within the rootlets. The centrin-like protein may play a role during the mechanical transduction or adaptation of the sensilla.  相似文献   

The behaviour of Acyrthosiphon pisum when dislodged from its host differed depending on the release stimulus. Aphids dislodged by tactile stimuli from a fine brush feigned death (thanatosis) longer than those dislodged by exposure to the synthetic alarm pheromone (E)--farnesene or stimuli from an approaching coccinellid predator.The aphids showed two different behavioural patterns when they resumed activity. Those that had been dislodged by a coccinellid or farnesene usually exhibited longer periods of running behaviour before they started to search and climb plant models, whereas those dislodged by touch were more likely to show immediate searching behaviour.A high percentage of aphids exhibited running behaviour when the air was enriched with farnesene, but they soon changed and searched for plants. The results indicate a rapid habituation to farnesene.Supported by the Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwrirtschaft und Forsten, Bonn.  相似文献   

Classic toxin-induced animal models of Parkinson’s disease: 6-OHDA and MPTP   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Neurological disorders in humans can be modeled in animals using standardized procedures that recreate specific pathogenic events and their behavioral outcomes. The development of animal models of Parkinsons disease (PD) is important to test new neuroprotective agents and strategies. Such animal models of PD have to mimic, at least partially, a Parkinson-like pathology and should reproduce specific features of the human disease. PD is characterized by massive degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra, the loss of striatal dopaminergic fibers and a dramatic reduction of the striatal dopamine levels. The formation of cytoplasmic inclusion bodies (Lewy bodies) in surviving dopaminergic neurons represents the most important neuropathological feature of PD. Furthermore, the massive striatal dopamine deficiency causes easily detectable motor deficits in PD patients, including bradykinesia, rigidity, and resting tremor, which are the cardinal symptoms of PD. Over the years, a broad variety of experimental models of PD were developed and applied in diverse species. This review focuses on the two most common classical toxin-induced PD models, the 6-hydroxy-dopamine (6-OHDA model) and the 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) model. Both neurotoxins selectively and rapidly destroy catecholaminergic neurons, whereas in humans the PD pathogenesis follows a progressive course over decades. This discrepancy reflects one important and principal point of weakness related to most animal models. This review discusses the most important properties of 6-OHDA and MPTP, their modes of administration, and critically examines advantages and limitations of selected animal models. The new genetic and environmental toxin models of PD (e.g. rotenone, paraquat, maneb) are discussed elsewhere in this special issue.This work was supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Partial regions of the mRNA encoding a major part of translation elongation factor 1 (EF-1) from a mitochondrion-lacking protozoan,Glugea plecoglossi, that belongs to microsporidians, were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and their primary structures were analyzed. The deduced amino acid sequence was highly divergent from typical EF-1's of eukaryotes, although it clearly showed a eukaryotic feature when aligned with homologs of the three primary kingdoms. Maximum likelihood (ML) analyses on the basis of six different stochastic models of amino acid substitutions and a maximum parsimony (MP) analysis consistently suggest that among eukaryotic species being analyzed,G. plecoglossi is likely to represent the earliest offshoot of eukaryotes. Microsporidians might be the extremely ancient eukaryotes which have diverged before an occurrence of mitochondrial symbiosis. Sequence availability: The nucleotide sequence data reported here appear in the GSDB, DDBJ, EMBL, and NCBI databases with the accession number D32139  相似文献   

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