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记一新的无颌类化石兼论多鳃鱼类的分类地位   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文记述了云南宜良早泥盆世一新的无颌类化石,高棘四营鱼,新属、新种 (Siyingiu altuspinosa gen.et sp.nov)。在讨论中主要涉及鼻垂体凹的构造和多鳃鱼类的分类地位。笔者认为,多鳃鱼类和盔甲鱼类的鼻垂体孔位于鼻垂体凹的软骨成分中,它没有吸水的功能,只具感觉的功能。多鳃鱼目不应置于鳍甲鱼纲,而应放在头甲鱼纲的盔甲鱼亚纲中。在盔甲鱼亚纲中,南盘鱼不是接近于盔甲鱼目而是接近于多鳃鱼目。  相似文献   

盔甲鱼亚纲(无颌类)的系统发育关系   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
基于对53个形态学特征的讨论,首次开展了无颌类儒甲鱼亚纲的简约性分析,获得了3 个最简约的分支图,其步长为126,一致性指数为0.508,保留指数为0.801。在此基础上,修订了盔甲鱼亚纲的分类。研究结果表明,志留纪兰多维列世至温洛克世的汉阳鱼类、修水鱼类和大庸鱼类属于盔甲鱼亚纲的基干类群。在其余盔甲鱼类中,识别出3个大的单系类群, 分别是真盔甲鱼目、多鳃鱼目和华南鱼目。在盔甲鱼亚纲中,头甲背窗的起源至少发生了两次,一次在多鳃鱼目支系中,另一次在华南鱼目支系中。基于背窗特征而建立的大窗鱼类并不是一个单系类群。盔甲鱼类的年代分布指示该类群的两次辐射演化,分别是兰多维列世特列奇期基干盔甲鱼类和真盔甲鱼目的辐射演化,和早泥盆世洛霍考夫期多鳃鱼目和华南鱼目的辐射演化。  相似文献   

基于对江西省修水县志留系西坑组发现的11个新标本的观察,对存在争议的山口中华盔甲鱼(Sinogaleaspis shankouensis)进行了重新描述。深入的形态学研究表明,山口中华盔甲鱼的侧线感觉管系统展示出基干盔甲鱼类、真盔甲鱼目、多鳃鱼目和华南鱼目等多个类群的镶嵌特征。山口中华盔甲鱼的侧线感觉管系统由4条纵行干管和6条横向联络管相互交叉在头甲背面形成格栅状分布,可能反映了脊椎动物的祖先状态。山口中华盔甲鱼在动物群上属于中华盔甲鱼–修水鱼组合或茅山组合,该组合可能代表了盔甲鱼类在志留纪兰多维列世特里奇期的第一次适应辐射。江西修水西坑组古沉积环境指示了一种低盐度半咸水的近海环境,可能是由于大量淡水从附近河流涌入导致盐度降低,而含鱼层位灰绿色泥质粉砂岩中含有的大量泥砾则指示鱼化石经历了短距离的河流搬运。因此,该生物群可能生活在埋藏区域上游的淡水河流里。  相似文献   

记述了云南昭通早泥盆世布拉格期坡松冲组华南鱼目一新属、新种——剑裂甲鱼(Rhegmaspis xiphoidea gen.et sp.nov.)。新属的主要特征是:具有鱼雷形头甲,细长吻突,眶孔位于头甲腹侧位,鳃穴向头甲腹面弯曲,角、内角和腹环丢失。鉴于以上特征,新属被归到了包括鸭吻鱼和乌蒙山鱼在内的鸭吻鱼科。根据新材料提供的信息,修订了鸭吻鱼科,包括鸭吻鱼和乌蒙山鱼的鳃穴、腹环、角、内角等特征。裂甲鱼属是该地区发现的第一个具有流线形体型的盔甲鱼类,指示了该地区一些盔甲鱼类可能开始了一种营上底栖的生活方式,具有更加主动的取食行为。新属的发现不仅丰富了该地区华南鱼目的多样性,而且提供了盔甲鱼类在早泥盆世布拉格期通过占据新的生态位而发生的最后一次辐射演化的证据。  相似文献   

主要采用形态学与比较解剖学的方法,对采自云南曲靖地区下泥盆统西山村组中的1件盔甲鱼类标本进行了详细的形态学研究,建立了多鳃鱼类四营鱼属1新种:宽棘四营鱼(Siyingia perlatuspinosa sp.nov.),并据此修订了四营鱼属的特征。在此基础上,应用分支系统学对多鳃鱼类属一级的系统发育关系进行了重新分析与探讨,确定了四营鱼在多鳃鱼类中的系统发育位置。系统发育分析结果显示,四营鱼(Siyingia)与多鳃鱼(Polybranchiaspis)亲缘关系最近,二者形成了一个单系类群,与宽甲鱼(Laxaspis)+坝鱼(Damaspis)组成的单系类群互为姊妹群。宽棘四营鱼的发现不仅拓宽了四营鱼在华南的时空分布范围,而且丰富了多鳃鱼类的多样性,并为多鳃鱼类的深入研究提供了可靠的化石新证据。  相似文献   

记述了云南曲靖潇湘区关底组(志留系罗德洛统)真盔甲鱼类一新属、新种——长孔盾鱼(Dunyu longiforus gen.et sp.nov.),丰富了以梦幻鬼鱼为代表的潇湘脊椎动物群的组成。该新属具真盔甲鱼科的鉴别特征:后眶上管和中背管二者连续过渡,后端两侧辏合呈"U"字形,侧背管仅发出3条侧横管。新属内角缺如,这一特征过去在真盔甲鱼科中仅见于真盔甲鱼属。新属区别于真盔甲鱼属的主要特征有:角向后方延伸,呈棘状或叶状;头甲最宽处位于角末端之前,宽长比小于1.1;中背孔末端超越眶孔后缘连线。基于对秀山真盔甲鱼头甲标本的重新观察,将秀山真盔甲鱼归入盾鱼属。新种区别于秀山盾鱼(Dunyu xiushanensis)的特征有:个体较大,头甲长大于宽;角呈棘状;眶孔位置相对靠前,头甲眶前区与眶后区的长度之比小于0.75;多边形崮状瘤点,较大,长可超过2mm。  相似文献   

滇东北昭通早泥盆世盔甲鱼类一新属种   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
本文记述了在滇东北昭通早泥盆世Pragian期坡松冲组中发现的盔甲鱼类一新属种,让氏昭通鱼(Zhaotongaspisjanvierigen.etsp.nov.),该属至少具有31对鳃穴,这是迄今为止记述过无颌类中的最高数目。基于昭通标本,建立了盔甲鱼类一新科,昭通鱼科(Zhao-tongaspidae),该科隶属于多鳃鱼目。箭甲鱼属(Antiquisagittaspis)是新科的可能成员。文章认为,昭通鱼科与都匀鱼科(Duyunaspidae)有较近的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

记述了云南曲靖潇湘区关底组(志留系罗德洛统)真盔甲鱼类一新属、新种——长孔盾鱼(Dunyu longiforus gen.et sp.nov.),丰富了以梦幻鬼鱼为代表的潇湘脊椎动物群的组成.该新属具真盔甲鱼科的鉴别特征:后眶上管和中背管二者连续过渡,后端两侧辏合呈“U”字形,侧背管仅发出3条侧横管.新属内角缺如,这一特征过去在真盔甲鱼科中仅见于真盔甲鱼属.新属区别于真盔甲鱼属的主要特征有:角向后方延伸,呈棘状或叶状;头甲最宽处位于角末端之前,宽长比小于1.1;中背孔末端超越眶孔后缘连线.基于对秀山真盔甲鱼头甲标本的重新观察,将秀山真盔甲鱼归入盾鱼属.新种区别于秀山盾鱼(Dunyu xiushanensis)的特征有:个体较大,头甲长大于宽;角呈棘状;眶孔位置相对靠前,头甲眶前区与眶后区的长度之比小于0.75;多边形崮状瘤点,较大,长可超过2 mm.  相似文献   

多鳃鱼类一新属及该类鱼感觉沟系统的变异   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
本文记述了云南曲靖早泥盆世翠峰山组西山村段多鳃鱼类一新属种,变异坝鱼(Damaspis vartus gen.et sp.nov.)文中讨论了多鳃鱼类头甲背部感觉沟系统的基本模式,它的变化和变异。从这个基本模式出发笔者认为三岔鱼科和多鳃鱼科有许多重要的特征相近,似乎应把三岔鱼科和多鳃鱼科隶属于同一个高一级的分类单元即多鳃鱼目,而不应把三岔鱼科置于“华南鱼目”。“华南鱼目”是根据了解还不多的华南鱼属建立的,有些勉强,建议暂不采用。文中首次指出多鳃鱼类的感觉沟系统存在变异现象并认为在确立新类型时,变异是应该考虑的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

基于在云南曲靖西山村组两个不同产地发现的新材料,对最大的真盔甲鱼类漫游憨鱼(Nochelaspis maeandrine)进行了再描述。憨鱼属(Nochelaspis)与同一层位产出的云南盔甲鱼属(Yunnanogaleaspis)最为相似,但与后者明显不同的是,憨鱼属具有裂隙形的中背孔(长与宽之比大于6),更强壮的内角,粗大的星状纹饰,以及具锯齿的中背孔和头甲边缘。漫游憨鱼的新材料提供了头甲腹面的关键形态学信息:口鳃窗被一个大的外骨骼腹片覆盖,该腹片上装饰着致密细小的瘤点,边缘排列有6对独立的圆形大鳃孔,这些鳃孔由腹片和腹环共同形成。盔甲鱼类的这种情况明显不同于骨甲鱼类,后者的口鳃窗被许多小嵌片或大一些的膜质小骨片覆盖,鳃孔呈裂隙状,并被小皮瓣覆盖,类似于现生的板鳃类。盔甲鱼类和骨甲鱼类的鳃孔与现生的鳐类一样,都开口于腹面,指示它们均为底栖鱼类,生活在具泥沙质基底的安静滨海环境中。  相似文献   

The cell has been represented as a charged liquid drop. Contrary to the DLVO-theory, the effect of the surface potential upon the value of the interfacial tension of the cell membrane has also been taken into consideration. The cell membrane has visco-elastic properties and its constituents may move against each other. Cell movement is caused by the appearance of a small number of the electrically charged constituents of the cell membrane on the leading edge of the cell. This produces a local decrease in the surface tension and the cell membrane expansion. At the moment of contact between two cells proton transfers occur between the strongly negatively charged microvilli of one cell and the body of the other, analogous to a condenser breakdown. This, through the effect on the surface tension, causes contact inhibition of movement. The distribution of the proton dissociable groups modifies the interaction between the cells (differentiation) and between the cell and the substratum (adhesion). Adsorption of the charged compounds at the surface of the cell membrane, decreasing the surface potential and increasing the surface tension, causes the phenomena of chemotaxis, phagocytosis and pinocytosis. Cell division, considered in the terms of the surface energy, requires an adequate supply of considerable quantities of energy inversely proportional to the surface potential value. In case of a reduction of the distance between the cells, their surface potential and the energetic barrier of the cell division processes increases, and causes contact inhibition of cell division. Due to their high charge, division of neoplastic cells is inhibited much later than division of normal cells, or is completely ininhibited due to geometric conditions. Fusion of the cell membrane in the intra-cellular and intercellular processes is a reverse process in relation to the cell division.  相似文献   

The effect of age and gender on major, minor, and trace element contents in the intact rib bone of 80 relatively healthy 15–55-year-old women and men was investigated. Contents or upper limit of contents of 16 chemical elements in the rib bone were determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Mean values (M?±?SΕΜ) for the mass fraction of Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Na, P, S, Sr, and Zn (milligram per kilogram of dry bone) were as follows: 2.54?±?0.16, 171,400?±?4,050, 1.35?±?0.22, 140?±?11, 1,874?±?71, 0.049?±?0.011, 2,139?±?38, 5,378?±?88, 75,140?±?1,660, 1,881?±?51, 291?±?20, and 92.8?±?1.5, respectively. The upper limits of contents of Al, B, Mn, and V were <7.20, <0.65, <0.36, and <0.03, respectively. Statistically significant tendency for the Ca, Mg, and P content to decrease with age was found in the human rib bone, regardless of gender. The mass fraction of Fe in the male rib bone increases with age. It was shown that higher Ca, Mg, Na, P, and Sr mass fractions as well as lower Fe content were typical of female ribs as compared to those in male ribs.  相似文献   

Summary Concentration of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S in summer groundnut crop was higher than in kharif while Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu contents were higher in summer crop. Kernel's N, P and Zn; Leaflet's Ca and Mn; Stem's K and Fe; Root's S and Cu and Petiole's Mg contents were highest. Shell's N, P, K, Mg, S, Zn and Cu; Kernel's Ca, Fe and Mn contents were the least. N, P, K, S, Zn and Cu concentrations decreased linearly as the crop grew. Ca, Mg, Fe and Mn concentrations did not display any distinct pattern. Ca concentration was positively correlated with pod yield in both the seasons.  相似文献   

Acute and chronic toxicity tests for malathion, diazinon, copper (Cu), mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), nickel (Ni), and iron (Fe) were conducted. Mortalities ofBarilius vagra andCyprinus carpio (common carp) were variable but LC50-96 hr were similar for pesticides. AdultB. vagra seem to be more sensitive to malathion than juvenile carp. Both juvenile carp and adultB. vagra were extremely sensitive to diazinon. Long-term exposure to pesticides modified morphology and behavior. The LC50-96 values for Cu, Hg, and Pb were 0.3, 0.16, and 0.44, respectively, for smaller fish and 1.0, 0.77, and 1.33, respectively, for larger fish. Replicate LC50 values for Zn, Ni, and Fe were somewhat variable, and for these metals, the size of the fish seemed to affect response because LC50 values increased as fish size increased. Cooper, Pb, Zn, and Fe residues following exposure to sublethal concentrations of these metals for 15 d were significantly greater in whole juvenile common carp than in controls.  相似文献   

2-Dimethylaminomethylene-1-benzosuberone 1 was coupled with diazotized aniline derivatives to afford a series of the hitherto unreported 2-arylazo-1-benzosuberones 3ai. The tautomeric structure and the effect of substituents on the tautomeric form (s) of the products 3ai were discussed. Similar coupling of the enaminone 1 with diazonium salts of heterocyclic amines gave the respective fused azolotriazino-benzosuberones. Some of the newly synthesized compounds showed potent antimicrobial, anti-HCV, antioxidant, antitumor (as topoisomerase I inhibitors), and antimicrobial activities.  相似文献   

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