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采用透明骨骼染色法,观测了荒漠麻蜥Eremias przewaskii比较完整的骨骼系统,对其各部分骨骼组成、形态和位置作了详细的描述,为麻蜥属的分类及演化提供骨骼方面的基础资料。其骨骼可分为中轴骨骼(包括头骨、脊柱、胸骨和肋骨)和附肢骨骼(包括肩带、腰带、前肢骨和后肢骨)。其头骨呈三角形,眼窝与颞窝相通,不完整。颈椎8枚,胸椎5枚,腰椎13枚,荐椎2枚,尾椎44~45枚。与已报道的蜥蜴物种骨骼特征相比较,发现其前肢腕骨部位、尺骨和桡骨远端中间具1枚骨化不完全的籽骨——介间骨;在前肢腕骨与掌骨的腹面,有2块平面不规整四方形的掌籽骨,位于连接腕骨与各掌骨的韧带中间;在后肢股骨远端的关节内侧与髌骨相对的位置存在1粒籽骨,为股腓侧豆状骨;跗骨腹面下方有1枚三角形籽骨——跗籽骨。  相似文献   

骨骼特征在动物的分类和系统进化研究中具有重要的作用。利用透明骨骼双色法对采自河南省洛阳市的无蹼壁虎Gekko swinhonis制作骨骼标本,对骨骼系统各部分骨骼的位置、形状和构成进行了详细描述,并与大壁虎G.gecko、多疣壁虎G.japonicus和原尾蜥虎Hemidactylus bowringii等进行了比较。无蹼壁虎的骨骼系统分为中轴骨骼(头骨、脊柱、胸骨、肋骨)和附肢骨骼(肩带、腰带、前肢骨和后肢骨)。与壁虎科其他物种相比,无蹼壁虎没有泪骨;前颌骨鼻突短小;鼻骨略呈长方形;后额骨呈"人"字形;前肢肱骨和尺骨关节的韧带内具有1枚肘骨;后肢股骨与胫骨关节的韧带内具有1枚髌骨;股骨与胫骨、腓骨关节的关节内具有2枚腓肠关节籽骨;雄性个体肛门后具有1对肛后骨;趾式为2、3、4、5、4。  相似文献   

青海沙蜥红原亚种的骨骼系统解剖及分类意义探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用透明骨骼染色法,观测到了青海沙蜥红原亚种雌体比较完整的骨骼系统,为沙蜥属的分类及演化提供骨骼方面的资料.其特征是高颅型头骨,眼窝完整;颈椎8枚,躯椎13枚,荐椎2枚,尾椎多于21枚.我们第1次详细描述了眶间隔,鼻甲软骨,耳柱骨软骨部分等结构,并且在硬骨系统中也对以往的沙蜥骨骼系统有所补充:在前肢肱骨与尺骨间的韧带内,存在1块小骨,这块骨对应于后肢髌骨的位置,我们暂时称之为肘骨.在前肢腕骨与掌骨的腹面,有1块平面方形的骨骼,位于连接腕骨与各掌骨的韧带中间,我们暂时称之为垫骨.  相似文献   

根据一保存完整的骨骼(包括头骨、下颌和全部头后骨骼)建立了鳍龙类的一新属新种——利齿滇东龙(Diandongosaurus acutidentatus gen.et sp.nov.)。标本采自云南省罗平县中三叠世安尼期关岭组上段。新属种既具有肿肋龙类(包括Dactylosaurus,Anarosaurus,Serpianosaurus和Neusticosaurus)吻部两侧不收缩、眶前区域长于眶后区域、眼眶大于上颞孔等典型特征,同时又具有幻龙类(包括Simosaurus和nothosaurians)前颌和下颌前部犬齿型齿发育、上颌具1或2个犬齿型齿等典型特征。新种的额骨和顶骨均愈合,额骨两后外侧支的末端后延超过上颞孔前缘,轭骨和鳞骨相交将眶后骨排除于下颞孔之外,方轭骨发育,锁骨前外侧缘具一突起,3对荐肋以及最前部尾肋的外侧端均未见明显收缩。这些特征也多表现出肿肋龙类和幻龙类的混合特征。此外,新种还具有一些较为独特的特征,包括前额骨和后额骨沿眼眶背缘相交,第3至第8对尾肋的长度超过荐肋,后肢末端发育异常膨大的爪趾骨。系统关系分析表明,滇东龙既不是肿肋龙类也不是幻龙类;它可能与由乌蒙龙、幻龙类和传统的肿肋龙类所构成的分支亲缘关系最近,为始鳍龙类基干类群。  相似文献   

红嘴鸥的骨骼系统解剖   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
吴介云  袁晓芬 《四川动物》1998,17(4):181-184
本文对红嘴鸥(Larusridbundns)的骨骼系统进行了系统的解剖观察。下列部分作了较详细描述:头骨(颅骨背面、侧面、底面、下颌),脊柱(颈椎、胸椎和胸骨、综合荐椎、尾椎),附肢骨(肩带、前肢骨、腰带、后肢骨)。红嘴欧属新腭型(neognathoustype)中的裂腭型类型。文中还对红嘴鸥的体重、体尺、头骨和附肢骨进行了测量。  相似文献   

为揭示新疆北鲵(Ranodon sibiricus)骨骼系统特征及骨骼发育时序规律,采用“软骨-硬骨”双染色法对2月龄、3月龄、4月龄、6月龄、1龄、2龄、3龄和9龄8个不同年龄段新疆北鲵骨骼系统进行详细观察和对比分析。结果表明新疆北鲵骨骼系统分为头骨、脊椎骨和附肢骨三大部分,共(217±1)块骨,其中头骨骨骼53块脊椎骨(48±1)块,附肢骨116块。此外,新疆北鲵头颅外形宽扁,犁骨齿排列幼体呈“/”型,成体则呈“■”型颅顶同时具有额顶囟和前颌囟,且前颌囟长与鼻骨长之比达或大于1/2,翼骨前端与上颌骨后端较接近等显著区别于其他小鲵科物种的骨骼特征,可作为种间分类重要依据。基于骨骼发育时序和骨化时间特征对比分析,北鲵骨骼数量和形态发生重大改变主要在6月龄幼体和2龄幼体两个时期。6月龄幼体的骨骼变化主要体现在头骨:新生出上颌骨、泪骨和前额骨,前颌囟形状逐渐清晰,腭骨退化,翼骨向后回缩,鳞骨向外延展。此外,腰带新生出前耻骨,暗示其进入骨骼变态发育阶段。2龄幼体的骨骼变化主要体现在舌器:第三、第四鳃弓退化,外鳃消失,暗示其变态发育接近尾声或结束。研究结果表明新疆北鲵变态发育时期从6月龄起至2...  相似文献   

版纳鱼螈的骨骼系统   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
以我国特有的珍稀濒危两栖动物版纳鱼螈(Ichthyophis bannanica)为材料,采用传统的脊椎动物骨骼标本制作技术与透明骨骼标本制作技术相结合的方法,对其骨骼系统进行了形态学研究,并与其他无足目和两栖动物相比较,探讨版纳鱼螈的亲缘关系和进化地位。结果表明,版纳鱼螈成体具头骨41枚,椎骨108~115枚,肋骨101~108枚,无四肢骨。头骨、椎骨和肋骨均具有适应于穴居、掘穴和夜行性习性的特征。版纳鱼螈与双带鱼螈(I.glutinosus)的头骨极为相似,却具有比Dermophis mexicanus的头骨更原始的特征。  相似文献   

根据头骨和下颌建立了海龙一新属新种——短吻贫齿龙(Miodentosaurus brevis gen.et sp.nov.)。其正型标本是采自贵州三叠纪法郎组的一具骨架(台中自然科学博物馆标本编号NMNS-004727/F003960)。虽然头后骨胳还没有修理,但是几近完好的头骨和下颌显示出许多与众不同的特征,足以确定该标本代表了一新的海龙属种。短吻贫齿龙是个体较大的海龙,其全长超过4 m,头骨背部最长约为33 cm。吻直且极短是其最显著的特征之一。其他主要特征有:前颌骨沿前背中央有一隆嵴;上颌仅前颌骨有6枚圆锥形齿,无上颌骨齿;上颌骨沿前腹侧缘有一沟槽;下颌齿骨齿都集中在前端且至多不超过6枚。依据上述这些特征很易把短吻贫齿龙与其他已知海龙相区别。短吻贫齿龙头骨顶面松果孔大且很前位,头骨腭面的锄骨和翼骨均无齿,它的颈较长(至少可以辨认出13个颈椎)。这些特征显示短吻贫齿龙可能与包括中国安顺龙属(Anshunsaurus)在内的Askeptosauroidea超科有相近的系统关系。  相似文献   

辽宁晚侏罗世~早白垩世一长颈双弓类爬行动物(英文)   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
初步记述了采自辽西凌源地区晚侏罗世~早白垩世义县组一新的双弓类水生爬行动物化石材料,并确立其为、新属新种──凌源潜龙(Hyphalosaurus lingyuanensisgen.et sp.nov.)。化石产于凌源大王杖子乡范杖子村义县组合火山灰的灰白色湖相页岩中,与狼鳍鱼(Lycoptera)共生。 凌源潜龙的正模是一具几乎完整、保存完好的化石骨架,包括近乎完整的头骨、下颌骨和头后骨骼,仅尾椎有少量丢失,标本上主要显露腹面骨骼(中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所标本编号V11705)。其与水生爬行类Choristoderes共有特征包括平凹型脊椎,3个荐椎,背肋肿大,肢骨下节远短于上节,腕骨和跗骨弱骨化。凌源潜龙主要鉴别特征为:相对身体比例,头骨较小;颈部大大加长,颈椎19个;显著肿大的背肋呈S型;超过20组腹肋,每组由3段组成,而对应每一椎体有2~3组腹肋;第Ⅲ、Ⅳ 骨长度基本相等,第V 骨不为钩状。 凌源潜龙所具有的异乎寻常的长颈与三叠纪海相幻龙类(Nothosaurs)有相似的特征。其所具有的相对小的头骨,尖的吻部,似针状的牙,特殊的长颈及其埋藏特征反映该动物为适应湖泊环境的食鱼性动物。 凌源潜龙是迄?  相似文献   

贵州疣螈骨骼系统的研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
余平静  赵尔宓 《四川动物》2007,26(1):133-136,140
本文运用硬骨-软骨双染色技术对贵州疣螈(Tylototriton kweichowensis)的骨骼系统做了较全面的观察研究,包括头骨、脊柱和前后肢带骨,并对各骨块的形状、位置以及与邻近骨块的关系都作了详细的描述。最后,将贵州疣螈与东方蝾螈、有斑肥螈的骨骼系统进行了比较,为揭示蝾螈科属间演化关系提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

Albian sedimentary successions of northwestern Canada have yielded a diverse assemblage of Mesozoic marine vertebrates, and ichthyosaurs form an important component of these faunas. Here, we describe a partial postcranial skeleton of a small (estimated at less than 3 m total body length) ichthyosaur from the Wabiskaw Member of the Clearwater Formation (lowermost Albian). The semi-articulated specimen includes much of the presacral vertebral column, dorsal ribs and gastralia. Most significantly, it possesses an articulated pectoral girdle and humerus, and also preserves the pelvic girdle, allowing new insights into girdle evolution in ichthyosaurs. Whereas both sets of girdles are thought to exhibit large amounts of intraspecific variation, the pectoral girdle of ophthalmosaurids appears to evolve very slowly, remaining essentially unchanged from the Middle Jurassic onwards. In contrast, the pelvic girdle shows taxonomically informative changes within Ophthalmosauridae. The variable and poorly known nature of girdle morphology in Cretaceous ichthyosaurs precludes generic referral of the specimen.  相似文献   

Zhu M  Yu X  Choo B  Qu Q  Jia L  Zhao W  Qiao T  Lu J 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e35103


The pectoral and pelvic girdles support paired fins and limbs, and have transformed significantly in the diversification of gnathostomes or jawed vertebrates (including osteichthyans, chondrichthyans, acanthodians and placoderms). For instance, changes in the pectoral and pelvic girdles accompanied the transition of fins to limbs as some osteichthyans (a clade that contains the vast majority of vertebrates – bony fishes and tetrapods) ventured from aquatic to terrestrial environments. The fossil record shows that the pectoral girdles of early osteichthyans (e.g., Lophosteus, Andreolepis, Psarolepis and Guiyu) retained part of the primitive gnathostome pectoral girdle condition with spines and/or other dermal components. However, very little is known about the condition of the pelvic girdle in the earliest osteichthyans. Living osteichthyans, like chondrichthyans (cartilaginous fishes), have exclusively endoskeletal pelvic girdles, while dermal pelvic girdle components (plates and/or spines) have so far been found only in some extinct placoderms and acanthodians. Consequently, whether the pectoral and pelvic girdles are primitively similar in osteichthyans cannot be adequately evaluated, and phylogeny-based inferences regarding the primitive pelvic girdle condition in osteichthyans cannot be tested against available fossil evidence.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we report the first discovery of spine-bearing dermal pelvic girdles in early osteichthyans, based on a new articulated specimen of Guiyu oneiros from the Late Ludlow (Silurian) Kuanti Formation, Yunnan, as well as a re-examination of the previously described holotype. We also describe disarticulated pelvic girdles of Psarolepis romeri from the Lochkovian (Early Devonian) Xitun Formation, Yunnan, which resemble the previously reported pectoral girdles in having integrated dermal and endoskeletal components with polybasal fin articulation.


The new findings reveal hitherto unknown similarity in pectoral and pelvic girdles among early osteichthyans, and provide critical information for studying the evolution of pelvic girdles in osteichthyans and other gnathostomes.  相似文献   

A new specimen of Kingoria nowacki (von Huene) with a complete pelvic girdle and hindlimb is reconstructed and the method of locomotion analysed. It is concluded that the hindlimb was modified from the normal dicynodont pattern in a direction comparable to that of advanced mammal-like reptiles which are presumed to have given rise to mammals. The pectoral girdle also had a modified form, but the humerus was probably conservative in its morphology. The hindlimb stride relied on protraction and retraction to effect movement while the forelimb relied on long axis rotation of the humerus. Possible reasons for the difference in morphology and function of the fore-and hindlimbs are discussed, and a functional sequence for the generation of the Kingoria pelvic girdle from that of other Permian dicynodonts is suggested.  相似文献   

The structure of the dermal pectoral girdle of teleostean fishes is analyzed in relation to its functions. In bony fishes the vertebral column, with a horizontal axis, and the pectoral girdle, with a basically vertical axis, form the only skeletal links between the head and the body. The individual bones of the dermal girdle are considered as supporting units joined by a series of articulations that permit differential movement between adjacent bones. The movements mediated by this linkage system are: lateral swinging of the head relative to the body, expansion of the distance between the central areas of the two pectoral girdles to permit passage of large food items, and fore-and-aft movements of the anteroventral ends of the cleithra relative to the skull. Among other factors affecting the structure of the dermal pectoral girdle are the provision for the support of the pectoral fin base and the requirement for the effective operation of a sleeve valve between the girdle and the opercular cover.
Modifications of the dermal pectoral girdle in ostariophysine fishes are discussed. A brief history of the bony fish girdle in terms of its functional components is postulated.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(9):1229-1240
Most suction‐feeding, aquatic vertebrates create suction by rapidly enlarging the oral cavity and pharynx. Forceful enlargement of the pharynx is powered by longitudinal muscles that retract skeletal elements of the hyoid, more caudal branchial arches, and, in many fish, the pectoral girdle. This arrangement was thought to characterize all suction‐feeding vertebrates. However, it does not exist in the permanently aquatic, tongueless Pipa pipa , an Amazonian frog that can catch fish. Correlating high‐speed (250 and 500 fps) video records with anatomical analysis and functional tests shows that fundamental features of tetrapod body design are altered to allow P. pipa to suction‐feed. In P. pipa , the hyoid apparatus is not connected to the skull and is enclosed by the pectoral girdle. The major retractor of the hyoid apparatus arises not from the pectoral girdle but from the femur, which lies largely within the soft tissue boundaries of the trunk. Retraction of the hyoid is coupled with expansion of the anterior trunk, which occurs when the hypertrophied ventral pectoral elements are depressed and the urostyle and sacral vertebra are protracted and slide forward on the pelvic girdle, thereby elongating the entire trunk. We suggest that a single, robust pair of muscles adduct the cleithra to depress the ventral pectoral elements with force, while modified tail muscles slide the axial skeleton cranially on the pelvic girdle. Combined hyoid retraction, axial protraction, and pectoral depression expand the buccopharyngeal cavity to a volume potentially equal to that of the entire resting body of the frog. Pipa may be the only tetrapod vertebrate clade that enlarges its entire trunk during suction‐feeding.  相似文献   

The development of the tetrapod pectoral and pelvic girdles is intimately linked to the proximal segments of the fore‐ and hindlimbs. Most studies on girdles are osteological and provide little information about soft elements such as muscles and tendons. Moreover, there are few comparative developmental studies. Comparative data gleaned from cleared‐and‐stained whole mounts and serial histological sections of 10 species of hylid frogs are presented here. Adult skeletal morphology, along with bones, muscles, and connective tissue of both girdles and their association with the proximal portions of the anuran fore‐ and hindlimbs are described. The data suggest that any similarity could be attributable to the constraints of their ball‐and‐socket joints, including incorporation of the girdle and stylopodium into a single developmental module. An ancestral state reconstruction of key structures and developmental episodes reveals that several development events occur at similar stages in different species, thereby preventing heterochronic changes. The medial contact of the halves of the pectoral girdle coincides with the emergence of the forelimbs from the branchial chamber and with the total differentiation of the linkage between the axial skeleton and the girdles. The data suggest that morphogenic activity in the anterior dorsal body region is greater than in the posterior one, reflecting the evolutionary sequence of the development of the two girdles in ancient tetrapods. The data also document the profound differences in the anatomy and development of the pectoral and pelvic girdles, supporting the proposal that the pectoral and pelvic girdles are not serially homologous, as was long presumed.  相似文献   

The early development of the postcranial skeleton (pectoral girdle, pelvic girdle, vertebral column and fins) in pikeperch (Sander lucioperca (L.)) was studied from hatching to days 47 and 43 post fertilization (dpf) at two different rearing temperatures, 15.5 and 18.0°C. Four embryonic and six larval stages were described, ranging from 3.4 ± 0.3 mm to 21.8 ± 2.1 mm in total length. The crucial point in larval development is swimbladder inflation, which enables larvae to swim energy efficiently. Until this time point, only the most essential skeletal elements to enable swimming movements have developed. As the larvae become neutrally buoyant, they grow and differentiate postcranial elements rapidly. Concurrently, swimming performance and foraging success seems to improve. A specific size is correlated with a distinct developmental stage defined by a set of traits that includes the skeletal elements. The developmental sequence of skeletal structures is temperature independent, although growth is slower and the individual developmental stages are reached later at 15.5°C than at 18.0°C. J. Morphol. 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A reconsideration of the reptilian relationships of Archaeopteryx   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cladistic relationships of Archaeopteryx , the earliest known bird, are re-examined and previous hypotheses of relationships evaluated. The morphology of Archaeopteryx is redescribed. New interpretations of the fossils are presented, particularly in regard to the morphology of the pectoral girdle, manus, pelvic girdle, tarsus and pes. These new interpretations challenge some of the phylogenetic hypotheses recently presented and a new version of thecodontian relationships is suggested.  相似文献   

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