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堆肥化中木质素的生物降解   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
木质素是堆肥化原料中一种重要的限速高聚物,其有效降解对堆肥化速度、堆肥质量有重要作用.综述了堆肥化中木质素生物降解的研究进展,包括堆肥化中降解木质素的微生物种类及其降解过程和机理,以及木质素的降解与堆肥化中腐殖质形成的关系.  相似文献   

堆肥中木质素降解微生物对腐殖质形成的作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
堆肥化是处理有机固体废物的主要方法之一。但传统堆肥法存在历时长、肥效低等问题 ,因此加速腐殖化进程可提高堆肥效率和堆肥质量。综述了堆肥中降解木质素的微生物种类的腐殖质的组成 ,介绍了木质素降解与腐殖质形成的关系 ,最后阐述了堆肥中各木质素降解微生物对腐殖质形成的作用。  相似文献   

以蔬菜-秸秆废物为堆肥原料,在堆肥化过程中应用Biolog方法研究不同阶段细菌群落的动态变化。聚类分析与主成分分析表明,细菌群落结构在一次发酵期间发生着剧烈变化,二次发酵期间趋于稳定。能转化Biolog板上第一、二类碳源的细菌是蔬菜-秸秆废物堆肥化进程中的主要细菌种群,且与木质纤维素的转化有关;第四、六类碳源可表征堆肥中耐受高温的细菌,其中第四类碳源转化细菌与木质纤维素的降解有关,而第六类碳源转化细菌属于易降解有机物转化细菌。  相似文献   

从牛羊粪堆肥中筛选出一株纤维素降解菌Aspergillus sp.YN1,主要研究了液体发酵培养基中碳源、氮源、培养温度、起始pH、通气量以及接种菌龄对菌株YN1的羧甲基纤维素酶活(CMC酶活)及滤纸酶活的影响。研究结果表明,在优化条件下,该菌的CMC酶活、滤纸酶活在培养第3天分别达到0.53U/mL和0.15U/mL。在酶学特性研究中,菌株YN1的CMC酶的最适反应温度为70°C,最适反应pH4.0(酶促反应为30min)。用不同温度处理1h或不同pH处理2h,YN1的CMC酶在30°C?50°C或pH3.0?4.0之间仍可保持80%以上的酶活性,对热及酸表现出较高的稳定性。  相似文献   

【目的】针对易腐垃圾成分快速构建一种高效堆肥复合菌剂。【方法】研究以"中国科学院战略生物资源服务网络计划"支持建设的微生物资源库为基础,根据菌株产酶活功能信息,针对易腐垃圾有机成分定向挑选出高产酶(蛋白酶、淀粉酶、纤维素酶、木质素酶、脂肪酶)菌株,通过测定菌株间拮抗作用,构建了一种高效堆肥复合菌剂CM菌剂。进行了菌剂发酵条件优化和易腐垃圾堆肥应用研究。【结果】CM菌剂最适发酵条件为接种7%的种子液于红糖培养基中,30°C下培养48h,此时菌剂产生蛋白酶、淀粉酶、纤维素酶、木质素酶、脂肪酶酶活分别为181.76、52.92、1.57、12.81、9.94 U/mL。堆肥结果表明CM菌剂堆肥产品pH、含水率、有机质含量均满足生物有机肥标准(NY884-2012)。CM菌剂堆肥过程中最高温度为63.5°C,高温期9–12 d,30 d后含水率为28.7%,有机质降解率为30.4%,C/N为8.93,与商品菌剂BM相比堆肥效果更好,可使堆体高温期延长4–7d、含水率降低3.8%,可加快易腐垃圾中有机质降解,降解率提升6.2%,并具有更强的固氮能力,缩短腐熟时间,提升堆肥产品品质。【结论】基于环境微生物资源库功能信息构建堆肥复合菌剂是一种快速有效的菌剂构建方法。  相似文献   

“大豆分离蛋白”工艺用复合酶制剂的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
大豆分离蛋白的碱浸提酸沉淀工艺,目前普遍存在蛋白质回收率低,分离蛋白成品得率低,纯度低的问题,利用复合酶制剂的作用可改变这一状况。针对工艺需要,从十余种工业酶制剂中筛选出两种蛋白酶活低、多糖降解酶活高的酶制剂;An-76半纤维酶和果胶酶ultrazyrm^TM。对两种酶制剂的酶活组分、主体酶的部分酶学性质,以及酶的用量与蛋白质浸出率的关系等方面进行了大量基础实验。经优化实验确定了复合酶制剂的复配比  相似文献   

以猪粪与秸秆(鲜质量10.5∶1)为基础,在自制的强制通风静态堆肥反应箱中进行堆肥化试验,研究添加8%葡萄籽对猪粪秸秆高温堆肥中微生物群落演替和碳氮转化的影响.在堆肥化的30 d里,分7次采集不同时期的堆肥样品,测定堆肥中微生物区系、微生物生理群的数量及堆肥碳氮含量.结果表明:添加葡萄籽使堆肥中细菌数量略高、放线菌数量显著增加、真菌数量明显降低,细菌/放线菌下降;氨化细菌和反硝化细菌数量降低;而硝化细菌、固氮菌和纤维素分解菌数量增多;铵态氮和有机碳含量下降,而硝态氮含量明显提高.堆肥中硝态氮含量与放线菌数量呈极显著正相关关系.添加葡萄籽使堆体升温快且高温期稳定,堆肥含水率波动较小,从而使堆肥高温期放线菌和亚硝化细菌的波动较小,数量较高,有利于堆肥中硝态氮含量的增加.  相似文献   

以猪粪与秸秆(鲜质量10.5∶1)为基础,在自制的强制通风静态堆肥反应箱中进行堆肥化试验,研究添加8%葡萄籽对猪粪秸秆高温堆肥中微生物群落演替和碳氮转化的影响.在堆肥化的30 d里,分7次采集不同时期的堆肥样品,测定堆肥中微生物区系、微生物生理群的数量及堆肥碳氮含量.结果表明:添加葡萄籽使堆肥中细菌数量略高、放线菌数量显著增加、真菌数量明显降低,细菌/放线菌下降;氨化细菌和反硝化细菌数量降低;而硝化细菌、固氮菌和纤维素分解菌数量增多;铵态氮和有机碳含量下降,而硝态氮含量明显提高.堆肥中硝态氮含量与放线菌数量呈极显著正相关关系.添加葡萄籽使堆体升温快且高温期稳定,堆肥含水率波动较小,从而使堆肥高温期放线菌和亚硝化细菌的波动较小,数量较高,有利于堆肥中硝态氮含量的增加.  相似文献   

鸡粪堆肥的酶活特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的研究以鸡粪和菌糠为主体物料在高温堆肥发酵过程中纤维素酶、木聚糖酶、淀粉酶以及蛋白酶酶活性的变化。方法通过测定各酶活动态变化,了解各酶在鸡粪堆肥中的变化规律。其中纤维素酶和淀粉酶采用DNS比色法,木聚糖酶活采用还原糖法,蛋白酶活采用福林法进行测定。结果随温度不断变化和酶本身的性质以及物料的作用机制机制不同,酶活动态变化表现出一定的差异性。物料发酵温度在0~3 d时迅速上升,在3~18 d持续高温期,15 d之后下降趋于恒定。各酶活变化基本上符合先上升至峰值再下降,最后保持恒定的规律。其中各酶发生高效反应的时间具有不一致性,纤维素酶活在第18天时达到峰值,淀粉酶活在第9天时达到峰值,木聚糖酶在第12天时达到峰值,而蛋白酶活在第3天时即达到峰值。结论酶对物料腐熟具有重要用,本研究结果为堆肥腐熟提供参考指标,对优化堆肥工艺具有重要意义。  相似文献   

聚乙烯醇生物降解研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
聚乙烯醇(PVA)是一种在纺织和化工行业中广泛使用的难降解的高分子聚合物。随着人们对纺织工业清洁生产的关注,如何在退浆工艺中就实现对PVA的生物降解、减少PVA废水的排放,并避免化学退浆过程中高温和氧化造成的棉纤维损伤,是近年来纺织生物技术领域的研究热点。由于PVA降解菌种类不多、培养周期长,PVA降解酶酶活不高、提取不容易等原因,使PVA的生化降解研究还局限在PVA降解菌的筛选、PVA降解酶的酶学性质研究等方面,PVA降解酶还未在纺织工业上得到应用。本文综述了近年来国内外在PVA降解菌筛选、PVA降解酶提取及酶学性质、PVA生化降解机理等方面的研究进展,并讨论了PVA生化降解研究中存在的问题及发展方向。  相似文献   

Composting technology has been widely used as a cost-effective, eco-friendly, and efficient solid waste management option for the bioremediation of organic pollutants. Most studies have focused on the use of compost in the bioremediation of organic pollutants, without any attention being paid to the effect of the organic pollutants on the composting process. Therefore, in this study, the effect of an organic pollutant (anthracene) on a starch-amended composting process is reported. In order to determine the effect, the total dry matter and the extracellular enzyme analysis (EEA) of starch-specific (α-glucosidase) and -nonspecific (β-glucosidase) substrates were monitored. Over the course of the experiments, there appeared to be some form of anthracene effect on the progression in the total dry matter and the extracellular enzyme analysis (EEA) of the α-glucosidase, particularly in the starch and anthracene–amended composts. The interactions between the starch and the anthracene consistently increased the total dry matter and the α-glucosidase activity of the starch and anthracene–amended composts. This observation is novel, and the kind of interaction is yet unknown. Therefore, detailed investigation to understand the magnitude of such interaction is necessary to potentially resolve these issues.  相似文献   

Changes in organic matter degradation and microbial communities during thermophilic composting were compared using two different types of anaerobic sludge, one from mesophilic methane fermentation, containing a high concentration of proteins (S-sludge), and the other from thermophilic methane fermentation, containing high concentrations of lipids and fibers (K-sludge). The difference in the organic matter degradation rate corresponded to the difference in the organic matter constituents; the CO(2) evolution rate was greater in the composting of S-sludge than of K-sludge; moreover, the NH(3) evolution resulting from the protein degradation was especially higher in the composting of S-sludge. Then the differences in the microbial communities that contributed to each composting were determined by the PCR-DGGE method. Ureibacillus sp., which is known as a degrader with high organic matter degradation activity, was observed during the composting of S-sludge, whereas Thermobifida fusca, which is a well known thermophilic actinomycete that produces enzymes for lignocellulose degradation, were observed during the composting of K-sludge.  相似文献   

The chemical surfactant Tween 80 and biosurfactant rhamnolipid were respectively added to the composting substrate, a mixture of rice straw and bran, and their effects on the composting process were investigated. Samples were analysed for microbial communities of bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi, carboxymethylcellulose hydrolysis (CMCase) and xylanase activities, cellulose and hemicellulose fractions, water-soluble carbon (WSC) contents in the substrates, organic matter contents and pH values during the composting process. The results showed that both Tween 80 and rhamnolipid had slight stimulatory effects on the microbial populations of bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi. In addition, rhamnolipid increased the peak xylanase activity 15% higher than that of the control, while Tween 80 increased the maximum CMCase activity 35% higher than that of the control. As a result of the increased enzyme activities, treatments with Tween 80 and rhamnolipid were of higher WSC contents than the control during the whole composting process. Accordingly, the composting process was accelerated by the surfactants, since the organic matter was decomposed more quickly and the breakdown of cellulose and hemicellulose was better in the treatments with Tween 80 and rhamnolipid.  相似文献   

Dehydrogenase activity as a method for monitoring the composting process   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Dehydrogenase enzymatic activity was determined to monitor the biological activity in a composting process of organic fraction of municipal solid waste. Dehydrogenase activity is proposed as a method to describe the biological activity of the thermophilic and mesophilic stages of composting. The maximum dehydrogenase activity was detected at the end of the thermophilic stage of composting, with values within 0.5-0.7mgg dry matter(-1)h(-1). Also, dehydrogenase activity can be correlated to static respiration index during the maturation mesophilic stage.  相似文献   

Two-phase olive mill waste (TPOMW) is a semisolid sludge generated during the extraction of olive oil by the two-phase centrifugation system. Among all the available disposal options, composting is gaining interest as a sustainable strategy to recycle TPOMW for agricultural purposes. The quality of compost for agronomical use depends on the degree of organic matter stabilization, but despite several studies on the topic, there is not a single method available which alone can give a certain indication of compost stability. In addition, information on the biological and biochemical properties, including the enzymatic activity (EA) of compost, is rare. The aim of this work was to investigate the suitability of some enzymatic activities (beta-glucosidase, arylsulphatase, acid-phosphatase, alkaline-phosphatase, urease and fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis (FDA)) as parameters to evaluate organic matter stability during the composting of TPOMW. These enzymatic indices were also compared to conventional stability indices. For this purpose two composting piles were prepared by mixing TPOMW with sheep manure and grape stalks in different proportions, with forced aeration and occasional turnings. The composting of TPOMW followed the common pattern reported previously for this kind of material with a reduction of 40-50% of organic matter, a gradual increase in pH, disappearance of phytotoxicity and formation of humic-like C. All EA increased during composting except acid-phosphatase. Significant correlations were found between EA and some important conventional stability indices indicating that EA can be a simple and reliable tool to determine the degree of stability of TPOMW composts.  相似文献   

A respirometric method was set up to study kinetics of biological reactions involved in the treatment of organic wastes-sludge mixed with pine barks--by composting. Oxygen consumption rates of this type of mixture were monitored during 10-20 days, using a 10 l respirometric cell kept at constant temperature and moisture. Oxygen consumption kinetics were modelled and organic matter composition was characterised as biomass, easily-biodegradable, slowly-biodegradable and non-biodegradable organic matter. The influence of temperature on kinetics was tested. Results show that this respirometric method is a useful tool for the characterisation of solid organic matter biodegradability and for the modelling of the biological kinetics of the composting process.  相似文献   

In this study changes in the properties of natural organic matter (NOM) were studied during composting of sewage sludge in a laboratory experiment using the pile method. Typical physicochemical parameters were measured during 53 days of composting including humic fractions. The effects of humification on the molecular properties of humic acids (HA) were investigated by 13C CP/MAS NMR spectroscopy. On the basis of chemical analyses, 53 days of composting sewage sludge with structural material can be divided into three phases: (i) domination of rapid decomposition of non-humic, easily biodegradable organic matter (two to three weeks), (ii) domination of organic matter humification and formation of polycondensed, humic-like substances (the next two weeks), (iii) stabilization of transformed organic material and weak microbial activity. Spectroscopic characterization (13C NMR) of compost humic acids reveals changes in their structures during maturation. The changes are highly correlated with the processes taking place in bulk compost.  相似文献   

Improving the quality of municipal organic waste compost   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The effects of different municipal organic waste (MOW) management practices (shredding, addition of carbon-rich materials and inoculation with earthworms) on organic matter stabilization and compost quality were studied. Four static piles were prepared with: (i) shredded MOW; (ii) shredded MOW+woodshavings; (iii) non-shredded MOW; and (iv) non-shredded MOW+woodshavings. After 50 days, a part of each pile was separated for vermistabilization, while the rest continued as traditional thermophilic composting piles. At different sampling dates, and in the finished products, the following parameters were measured: pH, electrical conductivity, carbon dioxide evolution, and concentrations of organic matter, total nitrogen, water-soluble carbon, nitrate nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, and extractable phosphorus. Shredded treatments exhibited faster organic matter stabilization than non-shredded treatments, evidenced specially by earlier stabilization of carbon dioxide production and shorter thermophilic phases. Woodshavings addition greatly increased quality of final products in terms of organic matter concentration, and pH and electrical conductivity values, but decreased total nitrogen and available nutrient concentrations. Vermicomposting of previously composted material led to products richer in organic matter, total nitrogen, and available nutrient concentrations than composting only, probably due to the coupled effect of earthworm activity and a shorter thermophilic phase.  相似文献   

Composting is the biochemical transformation of waste organic matter by microorganisms whose metabolism occurs in the water-soluble phase. Therefore, a study of the changes occurring in compost dissolved organic matter can be useful for assessing its stability and maturity. In light of the variety of parameters generally utilized to study composting processes, this work aims at identifying the major chemical processes that occur in solution and their influence on the attainment of stability and maturity with composting time. Compost stability, assessed by means of respirometric analysis which determined oxygen demand as a result of mineralization of the compost's organic matter, and compost maturity evaluated with Lepidium sativum L. seed bioassays, were found to be highly related to the nature and content of water-soluble organic matter. Moreover, fractionation of the water-extractable organic carbon showed that the ratio of hydrophobic to hydrophilic carbon increased to values greater than unity for stabilized compost. These results together with the analysis for non-cellulosic polysaccharides, phenolic compounds and organic nitrogen within the water extracts, confirmed the influence of solubilization, mineralization and organic matter transformation on the quality of the final compost.  相似文献   

Chaetomium thermophilium was isolated from composting municipal solid waste during the thermophilic stage of the process. C. thermophilium, a cellulolytic fungus, exhibited laccase activity when it was grown at 45°C both in solid media and in liquid media. Laccase activity reached a peak after 24 h in liquid shake culture. Laccase was purified by ultrafiltration, anion-exchange chromatography, and affinity chromatography. The purified enzyme was identified as a glycoprotein with a molecular mass of 77 kDa and an isoelectric point of 5.1. The laccase was stable for 1 h at 70°C and had half-lives of 24 and 12 h at 40 and 50°C, respectively. The enzyme was stable at pH 5 to 10, and the optimum pH for enzyme activity was 6. The purified laccase efficiently catalyzed a wide range of phenolic substrates but not tyrosine. The highest levels of affinity were the levels of affinity to syringaldazine and hydroxyquinone. The UV-visible light spectrum of the purified laccase had a peak at 604 nm (i.e., Cu type I), and the activity was strongly inhibited by Cu-chelating agents. When the hydrophobic acid fraction (the humic fraction of the water-soluble organic matter obtained from municipal solid waste compost) was added to a reaction assay mixture containing laccase and guaiacol, polymerization took place and a soluble polymer was formed. C. thermophilium laccase, which is produced during the thermophilic stage of composting, can remain active for a long period of time at high temperatures and alkaline pH values, and we suggest that this enzyme is involved in the humification process during composting.  相似文献   

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