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邻氯青霉素单克隆抗体的制备及特性鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用碳化二亚胺法,将邻氯青霉素(cloxacillin)与牛血清白蛋白偶联制备免疫原,免疫BALB/c小鼠,经杂交瘤技术获得了一株能稳定分泌抗邻氯青霉素单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞株2H8-B1-F4。间接ELISA方法测定,抗体亚类为IgG1,其细胞上清抗体效价为1:1000,腹水效价为1:4×105。与其结构类似物苯唑青霉素、双氯青霉素的交叉反应率为21.3%和19.6%,和氨苄青霉素、羟氨苄青霉素和苄青霉素无交叉反应。体外传代培养和冻存复苏后抗体分泌稳定。为进一步研制检测邻氯青霉素的 ELISA试剂盒奠定基础。  相似文献   

根据氨苄青霉素(AMP)分子结构上存在的化学活性基团羧基,用碳化二亚胺法(EDC)将AMP偶联于载体蛋白BSA,合成人工抗原BSA-AMP,用紫外扫描(Uv)和SDS-PAGE进行鉴定,推算分子结合比;用BSA-AMP免疫新西兰白兔,间接ELISA测定多抗血清(pAb)效价,阻断ELISA鉴定其敏感性,琼脂双扩散试验和交叉反应试验鉴定其特异性.结果表明,BSA-AMP偶联成功,分子结合比为1:17.6,获得了高效价、敏感、特异的AMP pAb,为AMP残留免疫学检测方法的建立奠定了基础.  相似文献   

探寻兼顾同一实验动物用于免疫组化和电镜标本取材的灌注固定液中戊二醛–多聚甲醛的合适配比。小鼠分别用不同配比的固定液进行心脏灌注固定,对心肌、肾脏、肝脏进行电镜观察,并选择心肌组织进行免疫组化反应和免疫胶体金标记。结果发现,采用0.10%戊二醛+4%多聚甲醛混合液灌注的小鼠各脏器既能很好地保存其超微结构,又能保存某些抗原活性。  相似文献   

目的: 通过化学方法对苄非他明进行结构修饰并保留抗原决定簇,将结构改造后的产物与载体偶联合成苄非他明抗原。方法: 苄非他明经化学修饰后,增加活性基团连接上一类可用的经化学修饰的连接臂,使用碳二亚胺法与载体蛋白偶联成苄非他明人工合成抗原。该抗原通过紫外吸收光光谱扫描技术、SDS-PAGE电泳法及胶体金免疫层析法进行偶联效果和抗原活性的鉴定。结果: 苄非他明半抗原结构与载体偶联成功,该抗原具有较高的纯度和活性,与苄非他明抗体反应表现出较高的特异性。结论: 该方法合成的苄非他明抗原可用于免疫检测方法,也可作免疫原制备相关抗体。  相似文献   

目的:为了对植物细胞中的脱落酸(ABA)进行定量和定位分析,研究了脱落酸人工抗原的合成以及多克隆抗体的制备。方法:用重氮化法将ABA分别与牛血清白蛋白(BSA)、卵清白蛋白(OVA)联结,得到ABA的免疫抗原和包被抗原,并采用紫外全波长扫描和SDS-PAGE对合成的抗原进行了鉴定。以经过鉴定的抗原免疫白兔,制备出ABA的多克隆抗体;采用间接酶联免疫法(ELISA)对抗血清进行效价检测,通过离子交换层析法获得纯化的抗体。结果:ABA与BSA的平均偶联比为5.3∶1,抗血清效价为1∶16000。结论:人工抗原和多克隆抗体制备成功,为采用ELISA和免疫胶体金技术(ICG)检测ABA提供了有效工具。  相似文献   

抗FLAG标签单克隆抗体的制备、鉴定及初步应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用碳化二亚胺法合成FLAG完全抗原,利用杂交瘤技术制备出5株分泌抗FLAG标签单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞株。经鉴定,腹水效价均高于1:106 ,且5株单抗与其它融合蛋白标签无交叉反应性,并在免疫亲和层析实验中取得了满意的效果,为含标签的融合蛋白的纯化和研究应用提供了重要的工具。  相似文献   

将玻碳电极进行阳极氧化和氨基化修饰,通过碳二亚胺盐酸盐(EDC)、N-羟基丁二酰亚胺(NHS)活化作用将青霉素适配子结合在电极表面。该适配子电化学生物传感器分子识别能力强、无放射性标记、检测速率快,青霉素类的最佳检测范围是2.81~281 nmol/L,最低检测限为2.81 nmol/L,检测时间为5 m in。  相似文献   

青霉素酰化酶在新型复合载体上的固定化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过γ-氯丙基三甲氧基硅烷的媒介,将聚乙烯亚胺(PEI)化学偶联在硅胶微粒表面,制备了新型复合载体PEI/silica gel,然后通过双官能团试剂戊二醛的作用,将青霉素酰化酶固定在复合载体上;考察了戊二醛用量、pH值、固定化温度、固定化时间及给酶量等条件对固定化青霉素酰化酶表观活力、活性回收率等性能的影响;并通过测定复合载体在固定化前的ζ电位,探索了复合载体PEI/silica gel固定化酶的作用机理。研究结果表明,由于PEI分子链中含有大量胺基,共价键联与物理吸附相结合,使青霉素酰化酶被快速稳定地固定化,并具有高的催化活性与活力回收率。复合载体PEI/silica gel(0.5 g)固定青霉素酰化酶的适宜固定化条件为:固定化温度为30℃;固定化时间为14~15 h;戊二醛用量为1.2 mmol/g;pH=7.92;给酶量为0.1 mL/g。  相似文献   

用ELISA法测定氨苄青霉素、氯霉素在流感疫苗生产用海兰白鸡鸡胚中的残留。实验通过比较空白组0d龄全鸡胚和给药组0d龄全鸡胚中氨苄青霉素、氯霉素的残留量,说明了饮水给药的方法能够建立抗生素残留的动物模型。通过比较10d龄鸡胚尿囊液、卵黄中氨苄青霉素、氯霉素的残留量,说明尿囊液中的残留量明显高于卵黄。通过绘制残留曲线,可以看出氨苄青霉素、氯霉素在海兰白鸡体内蓄积迅速,却消除缓慢。通过实验初步摸索出了氨苄青霉素和氯霉素在鸡胚中的分布、代谢及残留规律,获得了部分生产用鸡胚尿囊液的抗生素残留量数据,为进一步控制流感疫苗生产用鸡胚质量提供技术保障。  相似文献   

采用溴化氰(CNBr)活化多糖,以无水己二酸二肼(ADH)作为连接剂,1乙基13(3二甲基氨基丙基)碳化二亚胺(EDAC)为偶联剂制备A群奈瑟氏脑膜炎球菌荚膜多糖(GAMP)与破伤风类毒素(TT)的结合物,经皮下免疫NIH小鼠,用ELISA检测小鼠血清中抗GAMP及抗载体蛋白的IgG抗体水平。用补体介导的体外杀菌试验检测血清中GAMP抗体的杀菌活性。结果显示,实验中制备的多糖衍生物和多糖蛋白质结合物都具有GAMP抗原特异活性。结合物免疫小鼠后可诱生比多糖单独免疫更高水平的GAMP血清IgG抗体,并能形成免疫记忆,产生再次应答。结合物免疫小鼠所诱生的血清GAMP抗体较之多糖组具有更强的体外杀菌活性。表明此方法制备的结合物可获得优于多糖的、稳定的特异免疫原性。  相似文献   

The ovules of Nicotiana tabacum var. macrophylla 8 days after pollination were fixed successively with 2% EDC (1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethyl-aminopropyl) carbodiimide) and a mixture solution of paraformaldehyde and glutaraldehyde, then slightly postfixed in 0.5 % osmium solution. UI- trathin sections of 6-, 9- or 12- celled proembryos embedded in Epon 812 resin were stained in an anti-GA MAb and sheep anti-mouse IgG-colloidal gold (10 nm). This MAb specifically recognizes methyl esters of GA7 and GAn. Therefore, it could be used as a probe to localize GA7 and GAn in cells after EDC fixation. The 12-celled proembryo is composed of a 9-celled embryo and a 3-celled suspensor. Wide distribution of GA7 and GAn was observed in all proembryo cells and most organelles at subeellular level, including walls, plasmodesmata, plasma membrane, cytoplasmic matrix, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, endoplasmic reticulum and nuclei. Clusters of gold granules were found in nuclear envelope, nucleomatrix, nucleolus, chromosome, cytoplamic matrix. In a region composed of cytoplasmic matrix, a vacuole and a mitochondrium, such concentrated gold granules were particularly obviously observed. There appeared a gradient distribution of GA7 and Gan from embryo cells decreasingly to suspensor cells. GA7 and GAn could be translocated via intercellular walls, plasmodesmata and vesicles between embryo and suspensor. 1he authors suspect the direction of GA translocation in proembryo may be from suspensor to embryo. To author's knowledge, this is the first report to indicate subcellular and gradient distributions of bioactive gibberellins in plant proembryos.  相似文献   

目的:比较酶联免疫法和胶体金法在胃镜检查前检测乙肝表面抗原的结果,以探讨酶联免疫法和胶体金法在检验与病理科乙肝表面抗原检测中的应用价值。方法:选择2017年1月~2019年12月我院进行胃镜检查的100例上消化道疾病患者,均在胃镜检查前检测乙肝表面抗原,对照组使用胶体金法进行检测,观察组使用酶联免疫法进行检测。比较酶联免疫法和胶体金法在胃镜检查前检测乙肝表面抗原的阳性率、敏感度以及特异度。结果:酶联免疫法和胶体金法在胃镜检查前检测乙肝表面抗原的阳性率分别为35.00%(35/100)和33.00%(33/100),两种方法相比较没有明显的差异(P>0.05);酶联免疫法在胃镜检查前检测乙肝表面抗原的敏感度(97.34%)与特异度(98.12%)均明显高于胶体金法(P<0.05)。结论:酶联免疫法和胶体金法在胃镜检查前对乙肝表面抗原均有比较高的阳性检测率,但是酶联免疫法具有更高的敏感度以及特异度,仍然是现今检测乙肝表面抗原的主要方法,胶体金法由于检测方法更加简便和直观、方便携带、结果更加快捷,而且不需要特殊的仪器设备,更加适用于临床上紧急状态下患者的检测以及感染者初筛等情况。  相似文献   

Low temperature, NaF and 2,4-dinitrophenol could each abolish the pinocytic uptake of 125I-labelled poly(vinylpyrrolidone) or colloidal [198Au]gold by rat peritoneal macrophages cultured in vitro. Cytochalasin B caused only partial inhibition, even at 10 microgram/ml, and colchicine (10 or 25 microgram/ml) inhibited uptake of colloidal [198Au]gold much more than that of 125I-labelled poly(vinylpyrrolidone). Dibutyryl cyclic AMP and ouabain were without effect on uptake of 125I-labelled poly(vinylpyrrolidone), and slight stimulation was seen with ATP and theophylline. Uptake of 125I-labelled poly(vinylpyrrolidone) was abolished by EGTA (5mM), but restored by adding CaCl2 (5mM). The results appear not to support the conventional criteria for the division of pinocytic phenomena into macropinocytosis, requiring a metabolic energy supply and cytoskeletal components, and micropinocytosis, requiring neither.  相似文献   

Hyperglycemia in diabetes induces increased levels of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), a reactive oxygen species generated by reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) oxidase. Nontoxic levels of H2O2 increase endothelial cell permeability. Using a model of non-insulin-dependent diabetes, the BBZ/Wor rat, we investigated retinal levels of H2O2, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its receptors, VEGF-R1 and VEGF-R2 by transmission electron microscopy at sites of the blood-retinal barrier (BRB). H2O2 localization was done by the cerium NADH oxidase method, and extravasation of endogenous serum albumin was used to document disruption of the BRB. Higher levels of H2O2 were detected in blood vessels of diabetic (78.7 +/- 4.84%) as compared with vessels from nondiabetic rats (39.0 +/- 4.47%). VEGF immunoreactivity was statistically higher in the inner BRB (24.67 +/- 0.33 colloidal gold particles/63 microm2 vs. 21.52 +/- 0.43 colloidal gold particles/63 microm2, p = .0001) and outer BRB (42.56 +/- 0.45 colloidal gold particles/63 microm2 vs. 15.51 +/- 0.51 colloidal gold particles/63 microm2, p = .0001) of diabetic rats as compared with age matched nondiabetic control rats. VEGF-R1 immunoreactivity was significantly higher in diabetic retinas in both the inner BRB (21.66 +/- 0.75 colloidal gold particles/63 microm2 vs. 12.69 +/- 0.61 colloidal gold particles/63 microm2, p = .0001) and outer BRB (22.76 +/- 2.36 colloidal gold particles/63 microm2 vs. 8.53 +/- 2.67 colloidal gold particles/63 microm2, p = .0013). VEGF-R2 was statistically higher in the inner BRB (8.97 +/- 0.57 colloidal gold particles/63 microm2 versus 7.03 +/- 0.65 colloidal gold particles/63 microm2, p = .0419) but not in the outer BRB (29.42 +/- 1.25 colloidal gold particles/63 microm2 vs. 28.07 +/- 1.42 colloidal gold particles/63 microm2, p = .4889). H2O2 levels correlated with increased VEGF (correlation coefficient = 0.82, p = .001) in this model of nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy. These results support that hyperglycemia is one factor that induces retinal endothelial cells in vivo to increase H2O2 via NADH oxidase and stimulates increases in VEGF resulting in disruption of the BRB.  相似文献   

We used the immunogold-silver staining method (IGSS) for detection of lymphocyte cell surface antigens with monoclonal antibodies in light and electron microscopy and compared this procedure with the immunogold staining method. Two different sizes of colloidal gold particles (5 nm and 15 nm) were used in this study. Immunolabeling on cell surfaces was visualized as fine granules only by IGSS in light microscopy. The labeling density (silver-gold complexes/cell) and diameters of silver-enhanced gold particles on cell surfaces were examined by electron microscopy. Labeling density was influenced not by the enhancement time of the physical developer but by the size of the gold particles. However, the development of shells of silver-enhanced gold particles correlated with the enhancement time of the physical developer rather than the size of the colloidal gold particles. Five-nm gold particles enhanced with the physical developer for 3 min were considered optimal for this IGSS method because of reduced background staining and high specific staining in the cell suspensions in sheep lymph. Moreover, this method may make it possible to show the ultrastructure of identical positive cells detected in 1-micron sections counterstained with toluidine blue by electron microscopy, in addition to the percentage of positive cells by light microscopy.  相似文献   

A new electrochemical method to monitor biotin-streptavidin interaction on carbon paste electrode, based on silver electrodeposition catalyzed by colloidal gold, was investigated. Silver reduction potential changed when colloidal gold was attached to an electrode surface through the biotin-streptavidin interaction. Thus, the direct reduction of silver ions on the electrode surface could be avoided and therefore, they were only reduced to metallic silver on the colloidal gold particle surface, forming a shell around these particles. When an anodic scan was performed, this shell of silver was oxidized and an oxidation process at + 0.08 V was recorded in NH3 1.0 M. Biotinylated albumin was adsorbed on the pretreated electrode surface. This modified electrode was immersed in colloidal gold-streptavidin labeled solutions. The carbon paste electrode was then activated in adequate medium (NaOH 0.1 M and H2SO4 0.1 M) to remove proteins from the electrode surface while colloidal gold particles remained adsorbed on it. Then, a silver electrodeposition at -0.18 V for 2 min and anodic stripping voltammetry were carried out in NH3 1.0 M containing 2.0 x 10(-5) M of silver lactate. An electrode surface preparation was carried out to obtain a good reproducibility of the analytical signal (5.3%), using a new electrode for each experiment. In addition, a sequential competitive assay was carried out to determine streptavidin. A linear relationship between peak current and logarithm of streptavidin concentration from 2.25 x 10(-15) to 2.24 x 10(-12) M and a limit of detection of 2.0 x 10(15) M were obtained.  相似文献   

Glutaraldehyde (GA) and N-(ethoxycarbonyl)-2-ethoxy-1,2-dihydroquinoline (EEDQ), a hydrophobic, carboxyl group directed, zero-length protein cross-linker, were employed for the chemical cross-linking of the rigor complex between F-actin and the skeletal myosin S-1. The enzymatic properties and structure of the new covalent complexes obtained with both reagents were determined and compared to those known for the EDC-acto-S-1 complex. The GA- or EEDQ-catalyzed covalent attachment of F-actin to the S-1 heavy chain induced an elevated Mg2+-ATPase activity. The turnover rates of the isolated cross-linked complexes were similar to those for EDC-acto-S-1 (30 s-1). The solution stability of the new complexes is also comparable to that exhibited by EDC-acto-S-1. The proteolytic digestion of the isolated AEDANS-labeled covalent complexes and direct cross-linking experiments between actin and various preformed proteolytic S-1 derivatives indicated that, as observed with EDC, the COOH-terminal 20K and the central 50K heavy chain fragments are involved in the cross-linking reactions of GA and EEDQ. KI-depolymerized acto-S-1 complexes cross-linked by EDC, GA, or EEDQ were digested by thrombin which cuts only actin, releasing S-1 heavy chain-actin peptide cross-linked complexes migrating on acrylamide gels with Mr 100K (EDC), 110K and 105K (GA), and 102K (EEDQ); these were fluorescent only when fluorescent S-1 was used. They were identified by immunostaining with specific antibodies directed against selected parts of he NH2-terminal actin segment of residues 1-113.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

本研究旨在建立一种简便、快捷、可直观检测小反刍兽疫病毒(peste des petits ruminants virus,PPRV)抗体的检测方法。将pET-32a-N重组质粒转化至大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli) Rosetta(DE3)感受态细胞中进行诱导表达,以纯化的PPRVN蛋白免疫8周龄BALB/c小鼠,取其脾细胞与SP2/0骨髓瘤细胞进行融合,间接酶联免疫吸附试验(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, ELISA)筛选及亚克隆,获得了抗PPRV N蛋白的单克隆抗体。将PPRV N蛋白分别作为金标抗原及检测线(T线)包被抗原、单克隆抗体作为质控线(C线)包被抗体,组装成检测PPRVN蛋白抗体的胶体金免疫层析试纸条。结果显示:成功获得1株能稳定分泌抗N蛋白抗体的杂交瘤细胞株,命名为1F1;间接ELISA检测1F1腹水效价为1:128000;亚类鉴定结果为IgG1,轻链为kappa链。Westernblotting结果显示,1F1能与PPRV N蛋白特异性结合;间接免疫荧光(indirect immunofluorescent ass...  相似文献   

We studied the capacity of colloidal gold for enhancing specific and nonspecific immune response in laboratory animals (rabbits, rats, and mice) immunized with antigens of various nature. The antibody titers obtained with colloidal gold as a carrier were higher as compared to the standard immunization techniques (free antigen or its combination with Freund's adjuvant). Application of colloidal gold also enhanced nonspecific immune responses, such as lysozyme concentration in the blood, activity of the complement system proteins, as well as phagocytic and bactericidal activities. The antibodies were tested by immunodot assay using gold markers. Immunization of the animals with colloidal gold conjugates with haptens or complete antigens (without other adjuvants) was shown to induce the production of highly active antibodies. In addition, the amount of antigen used for animal immunization with colloidal gold was an order of magnitude lower, compared to immunization with complete Freund's adjuvant. This fact can be evidence for adjuvant properties of colloidal gold proper.  相似文献   

This paper reports a novel electrochemical immunosensor for the sensitive detection of staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) based on self-assembly monolayer (SAM) and protein A immobilization on gold electrode. Three different methods of protein A immobilization were tested: physical adsorption, cross-linking using glutaraldehyde and covalent binding after activation with N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS)/N-ethyl-N'-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC) on cysteamine-modified gold electrode. The EDC/NHS method for protein A immobilization was selected to lead development of the biosensor. The coating steps of the surface modification were characterized by cyclic voltammetry and the biosensor response by chronoamperometry. The advantages of the immunosensor were exposed in its high sensitivity and specificity. The proposed amperometric immunosensor was successfully used for determination of SEA in contaminated and non-contaminated cheese samples with excellent responses.  相似文献   

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