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社会隔离(社会剥夺)对行为和神经内分泌的效应已在社会性水平较高的动物被广泛研究,但社会性水平较低的动物是否具有类似效应,且这种效应是否具有性别差异还不清楚。BALB/c品系小鼠具有较低的社会性,为了探讨上述问题,将断乳后的BALB/c小鼠单独或群居饲养6周至成体,用旷场实验和同性社会互作实验分别检测雄性和雌性的焦虑水平、运动性及社会行为,并用酶联免疫方法检测血清皮质酮(corticosterone,CORT)、去甲肾上腺素(norepinephrine,NE)和催产素(oxytocin,OT)的浓度。结果发现,与群居饲养相比,断乳后单独饲养增加了两性的社会探究行为,同时增加了雌性的焦虑水平及雄性的运动性和攻击行为,减少了雄性的身体接触。此外,单独饲养增加了雌性和雄性血清CORT水平及雌性NE和OT水平。这些结果表明断乳后隔离也能引起低社会性水平动物的行为和应激内分泌改变,且具有性别差异,这种差异可能与NE和OT两种激素释放的差异有关。  相似文献   

鼠类具有密度依赖的行为-内分泌反馈调节机制:当其种群密度升高时,会产生社会应激,增加紧张焦虑、攻击等行为,同时其神经内分泌也产生相应变化。然而,密度升高引起的社会应激可能涉及到视觉、嗅觉、触觉、听觉、味觉等不同感官,而不同感官对社会应激反应产生的独特作用尚不清楚。我们以前的研究发现,高密度饲养可导致雄性布氏田鼠脑部催产素(OT)表达量降低、后加压素(AVP)表达量升高、血清皮质酮(CORT)含量升高,并与攻击行为增加一致,但其中嗅觉和视觉密度信号的作用尚不清楚。嗅觉信号通常用于个体领域标记和社会地位识别,而视觉信号常用于应对竞争者或天敌的群体防御,因此,二者的社会应激效应可能不同。本研究利用巢垫和镜子分别模拟嗅觉和视觉密度信号,对布氏田鼠的行为(旷场、高架十字迷宫和三箱社交测试)、体重、器官、血清生理指标、脑部神经递质表达等变化进行了分析,评估了嗅觉和视觉密度信号对布氏田鼠社会应激反应的影响。研究发现,在高密度嗅觉刺激下,布氏田鼠脑部OT表达量减少、AVP表达量增加,与密度拥挤效应的影响相同(除雄性OT增加外),说明高密度嗅觉信号是社会应激产生的主要信号通路。高密度视觉刺激下,雄性脑部OT表达量增加,雌性脑部糖皮质激素受体(GR)减少,且雌性血清促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)下降,焦虑性行为减少,说明高密度视觉信号是减少社会应激反应的主要信号通路。本研究揭示了视觉和嗅觉信号在社会性的布氏田鼠种群密度调节中发挥相反的调控作用,可能对于维持合适的种群密度或群体大小具有一定的生态适应意义。  相似文献   

精氨酸加压素(AVP)和催产素(OT)能够调节社会行为,并通过调节多巴胺(DA)的活动参与药物成瘾。棕色田鼠Lasiopodomys mandarinus是一种单配制田鼠,具有较复杂的社会行为。本研究以酪氨酸羟化酶(TH)标记DA神经元,对雌性棕色田鼠连续注射可卡因[20 mg·(kg·d)~(-1)]4 d,24 h后测量其运动性、焦虑水平和社会行为以及AVP、OT和TH的变化。结果发现,与对照组相比,可卡因组运动性提高,社会探究行为和攻击行为下降,但焦虑水平差异没有统计学意义。同时,可卡因组下丘脑前区AVP和下丘脑室旁核OT的免疫活性神经元数量减少;室旁核和中脑腹侧被盖区TH的免疫活性神经元数量增加。这些结果说明反复暴露于可卡因能够改变雌性棕色田鼠的行为敏感化及社会行为。AVP、OT和DA参与了这一调节过程。  相似文献   

目的:探索二氢杨梅素(DHM)对慢性社会挫败应激小鼠认知与情感障碍的作用及其可能机制。方法:将C57BL/6J小鼠随机分成对照组(Control)、慢性社会挫败应激组(CSDS)和慢性社会挫败应激+DHM组(CSDS+DHM),每组14只,每天将两个应激组小鼠放入ICR攻击鼠的饲养笼中10 min,之后取出放于ICR攻击鼠饲养笼的旁边笼中,连续应激10 d,在应激5 d后,每天按10 ml/kg的量分别腹腔注射一次2%的DMSO或20 mg/kg的DHM(分散于2% DMSO中),连续注射5 d,之后每组取10只小鼠进行新颖物体识别测试、Y迷宫测试、社会交互和旷场测试、行为学测试,剩余4只小鼠于实验结束后24 h内断头取脑,采用Western blot法检测海马组织SIRT1水平。结果:与Control组比较,CSDS组小鼠的学习记忆显著降低,焦虑水平显著升高,在悬尾测试(TST)和强迫游泳测试(FST)中的不动时间显著升高,海马SIRT1蛋白水平显著降低(P均<0.05或P<0.01);与CSDS组比较,CSDS+DHM组小鼠学习记忆显著提高,小鼠焦虑水平显著降低,在TST和FST中不动时间显著降低,海马SIRT1蛋白水平显著升高(P均<0.05或P<0.01)。结论:DHM可改善CSDS诱导小鼠的认知障碍、焦虑样行为和抑郁样行为,并提高海马SIRT1蛋白的表达水平。  相似文献   

目的:探讨慢性应激后不同月龄小鼠抑郁样行为的变化,以及海马和前脑皮层胰岛素样神经营养因子-Ⅱ (IGF-Ⅱ)的作用。方法:昆明品系小白鼠3月龄(青年)和14月龄(老年),随机分为青年对照组和青年应激组、老年对照组和老年应激组,每组12只、雌雄各半。多因素慢性应激21 d,建立抑郁小鼠模型。采用悬尾实验和蔗糖偏好实验评价小鼠的抑郁样行为;并且检测小鼠海马和前脑皮层IGF-Ⅱ的表达水平。结果:与青年对照组相比,老年对照组小鼠的累积不动时间明显增多(P<0.05),蔗糖消耗度明显降低(P<0.05),并且IGF-Ⅱ阳性神经元数目在海马CA1区、CA3区、齿状回(D G)和前脑皮层均明显减少(P<0.01或P<0.05);慢性应激后,青年应激组小鼠的第一次静止不动时间、累积不动时间和蔗糖消耗度与其对照组比较均有显著性差异(P均<0.01),IGF-Ⅱ阳性神经元数目在CA1、DG和前脑皮层均显著减少(P<0.05或P<0.01);与老年对照组比较,老年应激组小鼠的第一次静止不动时间明显减少(P<0.05)、累积不动时间显著增加(P<0.0 5)和蔗糖消耗度明显减少(P<0.05),海马CA1、CA3和DG区IGF-Ⅱ阳性神经元数目均显著减少(P <0.05或P<0.01)。结论:慢性应激后小鼠的抑郁样行为可能与海马和前脑皮层IGF-Ⅱ表达的下调密切相关。  相似文献   

间歇性低氧(intermittent hypoxia, IH)对高血压、心肌梗死、脑缺血以及抑郁症有一定预防和治疗作用,但IH对创伤后应激障碍(post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD)的作用尚不清楚。本研究采用不可逃避足底电击联合场景再现制备PTSD小鼠模型,通过旷场测试、高架十字迷宫测试及条件性恐惧测试反映其恐惧和焦虑水平;通过Y迷宫测试反映其空间记忆能力;通过免疫组化染色检测海马、杏仁核和内侧前额叶皮层Fos阳性神经元的数量;采用Western blot方法检测海马、杏仁核和内侧前额叶皮层低氧诱导因子1α(hypoxia inducible factor-1α, HIF-1α)、血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF)和脑源性神经营养因子(brain derived neurotrophic factor, BDNF)蛋白表达水平。结果显示,IH与模型(电击)对高架十字迷宫测试中进入开放臂次数所占百分比、条件性恐惧测试中僵住时间和排便数量存在交互作用,IH能增加PTSD模型小鼠在高架十字迷宫中开放臂运动次数,减少条件性恐惧测试中僵住时间和排便数量。同时,IH预处理能减少PTSD模型小鼠海马、杏仁核和内侧前额叶皮层Fos阳性神经元的数量,增加这些脑组织中HIF-1α、VEGF和BDNF蛋白的表达水平。以上结果表明,IH预处理对PTSD模型小鼠恐惧和焦虑行为有改善作用,提示IH有可能成为预防PTSD的有效手段。  相似文献   

研究发现小鼠下丘脑室旁核(PVN)内雌激素β受体(ER-β)的表达与在大鼠等一些实验动物脑PVN的表达有差异,提示其在小鼠PVN内的表达可能有特定的生理意义。为了深入探讨ER-β在小鼠PVN内的功能,本文采用硫酸镍铵增强显色的免疫组化SP法研究了ER-β在生后雌性小鼠PVN内的表达。结果发现ER-β免疫阳性物质主要见于PVN的大细胞部,在小细胞部和背侧帽部免疫阳性细胞数目较少。免疫阳性物质主要位于细胞核内,未发现明显的胞浆或突起阳性,但在发育的某些时期可见免疫阳性细胞核局部呈现阴性反应。最高表达见于生后早期(第1-9天),随后表达降低,生后一个月即达到成年水平。PVN内ER-β的表达模式表现为生后早期表达高、随后降低,提示在该部位ER-β可能主要参与了对生后早期PVN的神经内分泌活动以及神经结构的发育与完善的调控,并可能与生后早期动物的应激、体重增加和脂肪代谢等有关。  相似文献   

本研究通过对雌雄子午沙鼠进行新物体识别和社会认知实验,运用免疫组化方法检测其相关脑区合成催产素(OT)、加压素(AVP)和多巴胺(DA)能的神经元数量,采用酶联免疫试验(ELISA)方法检测了其血清中OT、AVP的水平,探究了雌雄子午沙鼠的两性认知差异及其神经内分泌水平的差异。结果表明,雌雄子午沙鼠对新物体的探究时间均要显著高于旧物体,雌雄子午沙鼠的辨别指数无显著差异(P>0.05);雄性子午沙鼠随着探究次数的增加对重复刺激鼠a的探究时间不断减少,对陌生刺激鼠b的探究时间显著高于刺激鼠a(P<0.05);雌性子午沙鼠没有此趋势。雄性子午沙鼠OT能神经元数量在下丘脑室旁核(PVN)和视上核(SON)均要显著少于雌性(P<0.05);雄性个体DA能神经元数量在黑质显著高于雌性(P<0.01);然而雄性个体DA能神经元数量在腹侧被盖区显著少于雌性(P<0.01);雌雄子午沙鼠血清OT、AVP水平均无显著差异。综上所述,雌雄子午沙鼠对新物体的识别能力无显著差异,然而雄性子午沙鼠的社会认知能力强于雌性。在神经内分泌水平上,雌雄子午沙鼠PVN和SON中OT能神经元数量、黑质和腹侧背盖区的DA能神经元数量均呈现出了两性差异。  相似文献   

目的:通过检测沙棘油作用高脂小鼠海马神经元内微管相关蛋白(Tau)及脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF)的表达水平,探讨沙棘油对高脂小鼠并发阿尔兹海默综合征的预防作用。方法:40只KM小鼠,随机取10只为正常对照组;30只以高脂饲料喂养建立高脂模型(HF),按10 mg/kg以生理盐水(阴性对照)、沙棘油(实验)、辛伐他丁(阳性对照)灌胃3 w。取小鼠海马组织进行HE染色、免疫组织化学检测和蛋白印迹分析,检测不同组别小鼠海马神经元内Tau蛋白及BDNF表达的变化。结果:高脂模型组与正常组比较,海马神经元结构在光镜下有明显差别;阴性对照组小鼠海马神经细胞数目减少,神经元内有黄色颗粒样沉淀;实验及阳性组海马损伤有改善,斑块状淀粉样蛋白减少;免疫组化及蛋白印迹显示各组间两种蛋白表达水平不同。结论:沙棘油对高脂小鼠海马体内Tau蛋白表达有抑制作用,加速淀粉样前体蛋白的代谢,降低了由β-淀粉样蛋白沉积诱发阿尔茨海默病的风险;而对BDNF表达有促进作用,能防止神经元受损伤死亡、改善神经元的病理状态、促进受损伤神经元再生。即沙棘油能有效预防高脂人群并发阿尔兹海默综合征。  相似文献   

生后雌性小鼠下丘脑室旁核内ER—β表达的免疫组化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究发现小鼠下丘脑室旁核(PVN)内雌激素β受体(ER-β)的表达与在大鼠等一些实验动物脑PVN的表达有差异,提示其在小鼠PVN内的表达可能有特定的生理意义。为了深入探讨ER—β在小鼠PVN内的功能,本文采用硫酸镍铵增强显色的免疫组化SP法研究了ER—β在生后雌性小鼠PVN内的表达。结果发现ER—β免疫阳性物质主要见于PVN的大细胞部,在小细胞部和背侧帽部免疫阳性细胞数目较少。免疫阳性物质主要位于细胞核内,未发现明显的胞浆或突起阳性,但在发育的某些时期可见免疫阳性细胞核局部呈现阴性反应。最高表达见于生后早期(第1—9天),随后表达降低,生后一个月即达到成年水平。PVN内ER-β的表达模式表现为生后早期表达高、随后降低,提示在该部位ER—β可能主要参与了对生后早期PVN的神经内分泌活动以及神经结构的发育与完善的调控,并可能与生后早期动物的应激、体重增加和脂肪代谢等有关。  相似文献   

Among the Karo of Indonesia, the frequency of matrilateral cross-cousin (impal) marriage has declined in recent decades. We conducted a vignette experiment to assess the contributions of a handful of factors in shaping this pattern. Surprisingly, we found that cosocialization of a hypothetical woman with her impal led to increased judgments of marriage likelihood and decreased feelings of disgust in male and female respondents (n?=?154). We also found that females, more than males, judged impal marriage more likely when there were practical advantages. Finally, we found that younger men expressed more disgust in response to impal marriages than did older men, while women displayed an opposite but weaker reaction. This suggests the existence of gender-specific changes in attitudes toward the practice, indicating that a full understanding may require the application of sexual conflict theory. Our study illustrates the potential utility—and limitations—of vignette experiments for studying social change.  相似文献   

Fashion plays such a crucial rule in the evolution of culture and society that it is regarded as a second nature to the human being. Also, its impact on economy is quite nontrivial. On what is fashionable, interestingly, there are two viewpoints that are both extremely widespread but almost opposite: conformists think that what is popular is fashionable, while rebels believe that being different is the essence. Fashion color is fashionable in the first sense, and Lady Gaga in the second. We investigate a model where the population consists of the afore-mentioned two groups of people that are located on social networks (a spatial cellular automata network and small-world networks). This model captures two fundamental kinds of social interactions (coordination and anti-coordination) simultaneously, and also has its own interest to game theory: it is a hybrid model of pure competition and pure cooperation. This is true because when a conformist meets a rebel, they play the zero sum matching pennies game, which is pure competition. When two conformists (rebels) meet, they play the (anti-) coordination game, which is pure cooperation. Simulation shows that simple social interactions greatly promote cooperation: in most cases people can reach an extraordinarily high level of cooperation, through a selfish, myopic, naive, and local interacting dynamic (the best response dynamic). We find that degree of synchronization also plays a critical role, but mostly on the negative side. Four indices, namely cooperation degree, average satisfaction degree, equilibrium ratio and complete ratio, are defined and applied to measure people’s cooperation levels from various angles. Phase transition, as well as emergence of many interesting geographic patterns in the cellular automata network, is also observed.  相似文献   



Few studies on elders’ suicide and depression have integrated social and community factors in their explicative models. Most of the studied variables used are focused on individual and based on psychopathological models. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of socio-environmental factors on death ideations, using data from the European SHARE cohort.


Social support components and death ideations have been studied, together with known individual risk factors, within a sample of 11,425 European participants in the SHARE study, aged over 64. The item evaluating death ideations was extracted from the EURO-D12 questionnaire.


The high prevalence of death ideations (6.9% for men and 13.0% for women) confirmed that elders’ death ideations, as it is known to be linked to suicidal behaviors, is a major public health issue. Bivariate analyses revealed a strong association between community participation and death ideations. This association was no longer significant while adjusting for depressive symptomatology. The logistic model identified that factors significantly associated with death ideations, when adjusted for the other factors were: having multiple depressive symptoms (OR = 1.64 per symptom) being aged, especially over 84 (OR = 1.58), being retired for fewer than five years (OR = 1.46), being widowed (OR = 1.35) and having a long-term illness (OR = 1.28).


Although social and community participation is associated to death ideations, this link becomes non-significant in a regression model taking into account other factors. It is important to notice that depressive symptoms, which are obviously closely related to death ideations, take the greatest part in the association among all associated factors. Our results suggest that, consistently with the literature, while addressing death ideation or suicide prevention, professionals have to consider first the secondary prevention of depressive symptomatology. Strategies targeting social isolation and community participation should be considered as part of primary prevention policies.  相似文献   

The relationship between obesity and mental health was investigated, using data obtained from 1,660 persons selected as representative of 110,000 inhabitants of a residential area of New York City. In addition to confirming the previously noted relationship between obesity and age, preliminary analysis revealed a striking relationship between obesity and socioeconomic status of origin. The prevalence of obesity was 7 times higher among women reared in the lowest social class category as compared with those reared in the highest category. Scores made by the obese respondents on 9 mental health indices were compared with scores made by individuals of average weight. The obese respondents made more pathological scores on 8 of the 9 measures and on 3 of these the difference was statistically significant (“immaturity,” “rigidity,” and “suspiciousness”).  相似文献   

Selection pressure from health risk is hypothesized to have shaped adaptations motivating individuals to attempt to become valued by other individuals by generously and recurrently providing beneficial goods and/or services to them because this strategy encouraged beneficiaries to provide costly health care to their benefactors when the latter were sick or injured. Additionally, adaptations are hypothesized to have co-evolved that motivate individuals to attend to and value those who recurrently provide them with important benefits so they are willing in turn to provide costly care when a valued person is disabled or in dire need. Individuals in egalitarian foraging bands can provide a number of valuable benefits, such as defense, diplomacy, food, healing, information, technical skill, or trading savvy. We therefore expect that humans have evolved psychological mechanisms motivating the pursuit and cultivation of a difficult-to-replace social role based on the provisioning of a benefit that confers a fitness advantage on its recipients. We call this phenomenon social niche specialization. One such niche that has been well-documented is meat-sharing. Here we present cross-cultural evidence that individuals cultivate two other niches, information and tool production, that serve (among other things) to buffer health risk. Michelle Scalise Sugiyama studied at the Center for Evolutionary Psychology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where she received her Ph.D. in literature in 1997. She is currently an affiliate of the English Department and the Institute for Cognitive and Decision Sciences at the University of Oregon, Eugene, and also directs the Cognitive Cultural Studies branch of the Human Universals Project at the Center for Evolutionary Psychology. Her work attempts to understand narrative and other art behaviors in terms of the cognitive architecture that underlies them and the ancestral conditions under which they emerged; published results can be found in Human Nature, Evolution and Human Behavior, Philosophy and Literature, and Mosaic. Lawrence Sugiyama holds a joint appointment in the Anthropology Department and the Institute for Cognitive and Decision Sciences at the University of Oregon, Eugene. He did his graduate work at the Center for Evolutionary Psychology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he cofounded the Human Universals Project and the Ecuadorian Oriente Research Station, which he now directs. His research among the Shiwiar, Yora, and Yanomamo examines health risk, cooperation, reciprocity, subsistence, and life history patterns among contemporary forager-horticulturalists, with the ultimate goal of furthering our understanding of pat selection pressures and the psychology evolved to surmount them. Published results can be found in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, and Adaptation and Human Behavior: An Anthropological Perspective.  相似文献   

Byrne RW 《Current biology : CB》2005,15(13):R498-R500
Monkeys recognize when they are being imitated, but they seem unable to learn by imitation. These facts make sense if imitation is seen as two different capacities: social mirroring, when actions are matched and have social benefits; and learning by copying, when new behavioural routines are acquired by observation.  相似文献   

Data on the number of adults that an individual contacts at least once a month in a set of British populations yield estimates of network sizes that correspond closely to those of the typical “sympathy group” size in humans. Men and women do not differ in their total network size, but women have more females and more kin in their networks than men do. Kin account for a significantly higher proportion of network members than would be expected by chance. The number of kin in the network increases in proportion to the size of the family; as a result, people from large families have proportionately fewer non-kin in their networks, suggesting that there is either a time constraint or a cognitive constraint on network size. A small inner clique of the network functions as a support group from whom an individual is particularly likely to seek advice or assistance in time of need. Kin do not account for a significantly higher proportion of the support clique than they do for the wider network of regular social contacts for either men or women, but each sex exhibits a strong preference for members of their own sex.  相似文献   

Social capital is important to disadvantaged groups, such as sex workers, as a means of facilitating internal group-related mutual aid and support as well as access to broader social and material resources. Studies among sex workers have linked higher social capital with protective HIV-related behaviors; however, few studies have examined social capital among sex workers in sub-Saharan Africa. This cross-sectional study examined relationships between two key social capital constructs, social cohesion among sex workers and social participation of sex workers in the larger community, and HIV-related risk in Swaziland using respondent-driven sampling. Relationships between social cohesion, social participation, and HIV-related risk factors were assessed using logistic regression. HIV prevalence among the sample was 70.4% (223/317). Social cohesion was associated with consistent condom use in the past week (adjusted odds ratio [AOR]  = 2.25, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.30–3.90) and was associated with fewer reports of social discrimination, including denial of police protection. Social participation was associated with HIV testing (AOR = 2.39, 95% CI: 1.36–4.03) and using condoms with non-paying partners (AOR = 1.99, 95% CI: 1.13–3.51), and was inversely associated with reported verbal or physical harassment as a result of selling sex (AOR = 0.55, 95% CI: 0.33–0.91). Both social capital constructs were significantly associated with collective action, which involved participating in meetings to promote sex worker rights or attending HIV-related meetings/ talks with other sex workers. Social- and structural-level interventions focused on building social cohesion and social participation among sex workers could provide significant protection from HIV infection for female sex workers in Swaziland.  相似文献   

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