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甘蔗常用亲本及杂交组合家系评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为评价我国甘蔗亲本的遗传特点和组合的选配效果,采用澳大利亚家系试验法,借助R软件估算亲本的遗传方差、一般配合力(GCA)和组合特殊配合力(SCA)。结果表明:锤度的遗传主要受母本加性基因效应所制约,蔗茎产量主要受母本加性基因效应和非加性基因效应所制约,株高、茎径和有效茎受父母本加性基因效应和非加性基因效应所制约。CP88-2143、ROC10、ROC26、桂糖00-122、粤糖00-318和云蔗99-113作母本,内江57-416、崖城93-26、粤糖91-976和粤糖00-319作父本杂交后代表现出高产高糖,可作为糖能兼用好亲本使用。根据组合特殊配合力效应(SCA),CP88-2143×粤糖00-319、ROC10×粤糖91-976、ROC26×崖城93-26、桂糖00-122×ROC22、粤糖91-976×ROC22、粤糖93-159×内江57-416和云蔗99-113×CP84-1198组合综合表现良好,可作为生产性杂交组合,加大力度使用。  相似文献   

为了解粤糖系列甘蔗(Saccharum officinarum)亲本的遗传特点和组合选配效果,采用家系评价方法,对以6个粤糖系列亲本(‘粤糖00-236’、‘粤糖03-373’、‘粤糖93-159’、‘粤糖94-128’、‘粤糖99-66’、‘粤糖08-1966’)为核心配置的55个组合F1群体的6个主要性状的遗传效应、经济育种值等参数进行估算。结果表明,6个性状中茎径受母本、父本加性基因效应和非加性基因效应影响,株高、锤度、含糖量和蔗茎产量受父本加性基因效应和非加性基因效应影响,而有效茎数受父本加性基因效应影响。6个亲本中,‘粤糖94-128’作为母本的蔗茎产量的一般配合力效应值和经济育种值最高,适宜做高产的母本,而‘粤糖93-159’作为父本的含糖量的一般配合力效应值最高,经济育种值也较高,适宜做高糖父本。55个组合中,‘粤糖94-128’×桂糖02-761’、‘粤糖00-236’ב桂糖94-119’和‘桂糖02-467’ב粤糖93-159’等的特殊配合力效应值和组合经济育种值均较优,可作为重点生产性家系。这为应用粤糖亲本进行杂交组合配置提供了依据。  相似文献   

以4×3不完全双列杂交(NCⅡ)选配的12个杂交组合后代为材料,对蔗汁锤度、旋光读数、转光度、蔗汁蔗糖分、视纯度和重力纯度等6个品质性状进行配合力和遗传力分析。结果表明,品质性状的遗传主要由基因加性效应引起,其中蔗汁锤度、旋光读数、转光度、蔗汁蔗糖分主要由父本基因加性效应引起。CP72-330、HoCP93-750、桂糖91-116和粤糖92-1287等4个亲本的品质性状一般配合力(gca)为正值且较大,是配合力较好的高糖亲本。CP72-330×桂糖91-116及HoCP93-750×粤糖92-1287的品质性状特殊配合力(sca)相对效应值均为正值且较大,杂交后代品质性状平均值也较高,为较好的高糖杂交组合。品质性状父本gca方差大于母本gca方差,亲本gca方差为组合sca方差的7-28倍,广义遗传力(hB2)为58%-68%,狭义遗传力(hN2)为56%-60%,属于遗传能力较强的品质性状。  相似文献   

甘蔗生物量育种的ADGE遗传分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对甘蔗11个亲本品种及不完全双列杂交(NCdesignⅡ)遗传设计的30个组合的F1代实生苗生物量进行加性-显型-随机环境效应模型(ADGE)分析。结果表明:甘蔗的生物量性状遗传主要是由基因的加性、显性及加性×环境互作效应共同决定的,但基因的加性效应作用较大;甘蔗杂交亲本对其后代表型的遗传作用主要为母本的遗传效应影响;甘蔗生物量性状都具有较高的广义遗传率(h2B)和狭义遗传率(h2N),且h2B>h2N,说明了对甘蔗生物量性状在选育种早期阶段的选择效果好;通过对亲本的加性基因随机效应分析的综合,较优良的甘蔗亲本有粤糖72/426、粤糖79/177、粤糖85/177、ROC24和ROC25;根据杂交组合显性随机效应分析,认为粤糖72/426×ROC16、粤糖79/177×ROC24、粤糖79/177×ROC23及粤糖80/101×ROC22是较优良的高生物量甘蔗杂交组合,可以应用于甘蔗的高生物量育种。  相似文献   

九个甘蔗新品种在桂林地区的适应性观察和评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨甘蔗新品种在桂林地区的适应性表现,该研究以ROC22为对照,采用大区互比法,对国家甘蔗产业技术体系的9个甘蔗品种进行1年新植2年宿根的区域试验,观察记录出苗率、分蘖率、株高、产量和糖分等14个性状表现,并利用DTOPSIS法进行综合评价。结果表明:桂糖29号、桂糖31号、云蔗03-194、粤糖60号、福农38号和粤糖55号的综合性状表现优于对照ROC22,其中桂糖29号宿根性好、蔗茎产量和产糖量较高,但病虫害有不同程度的发生,田间栽培需加强病虫害防控;桂糖31号有效茎多、蔗糖分高,建议加强肥水管理,提高产量;云蔗03-194出苗率较高,出苗整齐,有效茎数较多,宿根性好,但枯心苗和黑穗病发病程度较其他品种严重,建议加强苗期病虫管理,保障成茎率;粤糖60号蔗糖产量较高、抗倒伏能力强,但新植出苗率较低,建议加大下种量;福农38号蔗糖分较高、抗病性较好,是优异的抗病材料;粤糖55号宿根性较好。上述筛选出的6个甘蔗品种宿根性好、抗逆性强、高产高糖,适宜在桂林地区进行扩大种植,用于指导当地的甘蔗示范推广。  相似文献   

21个甘蔗品种对螟虫抗性鉴定与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】明确甘蔗品种对甘蔗螟虫的抗性,以期为抗虫品种推广应用和抗性基因发掘奠定基础。【方法】通过自然种群接虫方法,研究不同甘蔗品种苗期和生长中后期螟害水平。运用聚类分析方法,综合评价不同甘蔗品种对螟虫的抗性。【结果】不同甘蔗品种对螟虫危害造成的螟害枯心率、螟害株(节)率和株虫孔数等存在显著差异。21个甘蔗品种分为4个抗性等级。第1级1个品种(ROC10),螟害枯心率、螟害株(节)率、株虫孔数低;第2级包括4个品种(粤糖60号、柳城05-136、桂糖29号、粤糖55号),表现为螟害枯心率低、螟害株(节)率中等、株虫孔数中等;第3级包括9个品种(福农38号、桂糖31号等),表现为螟害枯心率中等、螟害株(节)率中等、株虫孔数中等;第4级包括7个品种(福农39号、德蔗03-83等),表现为螟害枯心率、螟害株(节)率、株虫孔数高。【结论】甘蔗品种和生育期影响螟虫的发生,不同品种对甘蔗螟虫抗性水平存在差异。  相似文献   

为探究甘蔗-大豆间作对甘蔗产量、品质及经济效益的影响,在施用尿素150 kg·hm-2条件下,选择3个甘蔗品种(B8、ROC22及GT21)进行了甘蔗单作、甘蔗-大豆间作两种种植模式的试验.结果表明: 甘蔗-大豆间作对甘蔗的有效茎数、茎径以及原料蔗、蔗糖产量均有显著影响,而对原料蔗品质影响不大;与单作相比,间作大豆处理的宿根蔗茎径大小、有效茎数、蔗茎产量和糖产量分别提高5.1%~8.7%、7.9%~31.0%、9.0%~40.5%和5.6%~39.5%;每公顷原料蔗+大豆、糖+大豆可分别增收5.89~7.93万元和5.83~7.72万元;3个品种中,ROC22间作大豆的经济收益最高,而宿根蔗B8和GT21的产量均高于ROC22.表明甘蔗-大豆间作是减少氮肥施用、提高经济收入的有效栽培措施.  相似文献   

为了解甘蔗(Saccharum spp.)亲本特性,以ROC22为对照,对12个重要Ho CP系列亲本种质进行了初步鉴定与评价。结果表明,Ho CP系列品系具有出苗率高、分蘖性好、有效茎数多、早熟高糖等特性。Ho CP01-564含糖量最高,Ho CP00-1142产量最高,Ho CP02-610发芽率和有效茎数最高,Ho CP07-613蔗糖分最高。聚类分析表明,12个Ho CP系列品系(种)可分为4类。因此,根据这些品系(种)特性可以合理配制杂交组合。  相似文献   

【目的】明确不同水稻基因型对三化螟Tryporyza incertulas(Walker)产卵的抗性差异,为抗螟材料的育种利用提供依据。【方法】以5个对照品种及10个冈46B×A232的RILs为材料,在海南自然条件下通过灯诱三化螟雌蛾产卵,比较不同基因型间落卵量的差异。【结果】三化螟雌蛾卵块在水稻基因型间呈聚集分布,A232、TTP、F77及RILs C22-230、C22-174、C22-113、C22-133的聚集均数(λ)值<2,对雌蛾产卵具有一定的驱避性。基因型间的叶片卵块指数及分蘖卵块指数均达显著或极显著差异,冈优188的叶片及分蘖卵块指数分别是A232的6.1倍及5.7倍。C22-99的叶片及分蘖卵块指数是C22-113的2.7倍及3.3倍。A232、TTP及C22-113对雌蛾产卵及幼虫取食均具有一定抗性。聚类分析将15个供试材料分为倾抗虫亲本A232和倾感虫亲本冈46B两大类。【结论】水稻基因型间对三化螟产卵的抗性存在显著差异,筛选评价抗螟种质应将对幼虫为害抗性与对雌蛾产卵抗性结合起来。  相似文献   

【目的】构建己糖激酶与葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶的大肠杆菌共表达体系,以葡萄糖为底物实现辅酶NADPH的高效再生。【方法】通过分子生物学方法,克隆己糖激酶HKgs、HKpp基因,并于Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)中表达,再将己糖激酶HKgs、HKpp分别与葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶Gpd PP共表达,实现NADPH的原位再生。比较两个共表达工程菌的辅酶再生效果,并针对催化活力较高的工程菌BL21(HKgs+Gpd PP)进行表达条件优化。【结果】NADPH再生活力达到856 U/L。该辅酶再生体系与醇脱氢酶Adh R联合催化,使不对称还原4-氯乙酰乙酸乙酯的催化活力提高至原始值的2.5倍。【结论】通过己糖激酶与葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶在大肠杆菌中的共表达,构建了一个新的NADPH高效再生体系,并用于醇脱氢酶催化的不对称还原反应。  相似文献   

Neijiang 977671 and 19 near-isogenic lines with known leaf rust resistance genes were inoculated with 12 pathotypes of Puccinia triticina for postulation of leaf rust resistance genes effective at the seedling stage. The reaction pattern of Neijiang 977671 differed from those of the lines with known leaf rust resistance genes used in the test, indicating that Neijiang 977671 may carry a new leaf rust resistance gene(s). With the objective of identifying and mapping the new gene for resistance to leaf rust, F1 and F2 plants, and F2:3 families, from Neijiang 977671 × Zhengzhou 5389 (susceptible) were inoculated with Chinese P. triticina pathotype FHNQ in the greenhouse. Results from the F2 and F2:3 populations indicated that a single dominant gene, temporarily designated LrNJ97, conferred resistance. In order to identify other possible genes in Neijiang 977671 other eight P. triticina pathotypes avirulent on Neijiang 977671 were used to inoculate 25 F2:3 families. The results showed that at least three leaf rust resistance genes were deduced in Neijiang 977671. Bulked segregant analysis was performed on equal amounts of genomic DNA from 20 resistant and 20 susceptible F2 plants. SSR markers polymorphic between the resistant and susceptible bulks were used to analyze the F2:3 families. LrNJ97 was linked to five SSR loci on chromosome 2BL. The two closest flanking SSR loci were Xwmc317 and Xbarc159 at genetic distances of 4.2 and 2.2 cM, respectively. At present two designated genes (Lr50 and Lr58) are located on chromosome 2BL. In the seedling tests, the reaction pattern of LrNJ97 was different from that of Lr50. Lr50 and Lr58 were derived from T. armeniacum and Ae. triuncialis, respectively, whereas according to the pedigree of Neijiang 977671 LrNJ97 is from common wheat. Although seeds of lines with Lr58 were not available, it was concluded that LrNJ97 is likely to be a new leaf rust resistance gene.  相似文献   

Switchgrass has long been characterized as an outcrossing species. However, mating behavior of plants in populations grown in the field allowing open pollination has not been documented. Accordingly, the objectives of this study were to determine the fertilization mode (i.e., selfing vs. outcrossing) of two self-compatible plants and to assess the mating behavior variability of lowland switchgrass genotypes in populations under field conditions. In Experiment I, two self-compatible genotypes ‘NL94 LYE 16?×?13’ and ‘SL93 7?×?15’ along with two populations were planted with two replications on the OSU Agronomy Research Farm, Stillwater, OK. Sixty-four progeny derived from half-sib seeds of each genotype per replication per year were genotyped with 4 to 20 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. In both 2010 and 2011, all progeny plants of the two parents were completely outcrossed exhibiting 100 % self-incompatibility. In Experiment II, two genetically narrow-based (NL94 C2-3 and SL93 C2-3), each having five parents, and two broad-based (NL94 C3 and SL93 C3), each comprising 26 parents, switchgrass populations with three replications were field established at the OSU Cimarron Valley Research Station, Perkins, OK. The DNA samples were isolated from 1700 open-pollinated progeny of 62 seed parents in 2010 and 773 progeny of 42 parents in 2011. Among all the progeny genotyped with eight to 16 SSR markers, only one was identified as a selfed progeny, indicating very little variability in outcrossing behavior under the field conditions. The identification of specific genotypes like NL94 LYE 16?×?13 and SL93 7?×?15 which are self-incompatible in the open field but self-compatible under the controlled conditions potentially enables efficient production of F1 hybrid seed in switchgrass.  相似文献   

甘蔗野生种割手密远缘杂交后代品质性状的遗传研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用甘蔗品种Co419与野生种割手密云南75-1-2远缘杂交,ROC25与远缘杂交后代云野02-356进行回交,分别获得F1和BC1群体;利用R软件,分析了2个群体全部真实性后代品质性状的遗传表现.结果表明,杂交后代品质性状广义遗传力高,正态分布特性明显,品质性状间显著正相关;F1含糖量和纤维含量高于商业亲本,但甘蔗蔗糖分、蔗汁糖分、蔗汁锤度和简纯度等性状劣于商业亲本;BC1除含糖量高于双亲外,其他性状介于双亲之间,但主要性状均优于F1,后代性状恢复快.  相似文献   

Huangzaosi, Qi319, and Ye478 are foundation inbred lines widely used in maize breeding in China. To elucidate genetic base of yield components and kernel-related traits in these elite lines, two F2:3 populations derived from crosses Qi319?×?Huangzaosi (Q/H, 230 families) and Ye478?×?Huangzaosi (Y/H, 235 families), as well as their parents were evaluated in six environments including Henan, Beijing, and Xinjiang in 2007 and 2008. Correlation and hypergeometric probability function analyses showed the dependence of yield components on kernel-related traits. Three mapping procedures were used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for each population: (1) analysis for each of the six environments, (2) joint analysis for each of the three locations across 2?years, and (3) joint analysis across all environments. For the eight traits measured, 90, 89, and 58 QTL for Q/H, and 72, 76, and 51 QTL for Y/H were detected by the three QTL mapping procedures, respectively. About 70% of the QTL from Q/H and 90% of the QTL from Y/H did not show significant QTL?×?environment interactions in the joint analysis across all environments. Most of the QTL for kernel traits exhibited high stability across 2?years at the same location, even across different locations. Seven major QTL detected under at least four environments were identified on chromosomes 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, and 10 in the populations. Moreover, QTL on chr. 1, chr. 4, and chr. 9 were detected in both populations. These chromosomal regions could be targets for marker-assisted selection, fine mapping, and map-based cloning in maize.  相似文献   

Sorghum downy mildew (SDM), caused by obligate biotrophic fungi Peronosclerospora sorghi, is an economically important disease of maize. The genetics of resistance was reported to be polygenic thereby necessitating identification of QTLs for resistance to SDM to initiate effective marker-assisted selection programs. During post-rainy and winter season of 2012, 645 F2:3 progeny families from the cross CML153 (susceptible) × CML226 (resistant) were screened for their reaction to SDM. Characterization of QTLs affecting resistance to SDM was undertaken using the genetic linkage map with 319 polymorphic SSR and SNP marker loci and the phenotypic data of F2:3 families. Three QTLs conferring resistance to SDM were consistently identified on chromosomes 2, 3 and 6 in both seasons. The resistant parent CML226 contributed all the QTL alleles conferring resistance to SDM. The major QTL located on chromosome 2 explained 38.68% of total phenotypic variation in the combined analysis with a LOD score of 9.12. All the three QTL showed partially dominant gene effects in combined analysis. The detection of more than one QTL supports the hypothesis that quantitative genes control resistance to P. sorghi. The generation was advanced to F6 using markers linked to major QTLs on chromosomes 2 and 3 to derive 33 SDM resistant maize inbred lines.  相似文献   

Abstract—The effect of pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) on acetylcholinesterase (E.C. was studied in vitro. The kinetics of the reaction were studied on AChE in crude homogenates of rat brain and in purified preparations from Electrophorus electricus. The Km for rat brain AChE was 1·22 × 10-4m, with a Vmax of 1·37 μmol/g/min whereas the K4 for competitive inhibition of the enzyme by PTZ was 4·7 × 10-3m. The commercially purified enzyme exhibited a Km of 1·73 × 10-4m and a Ki of 1·00 × 10-3m.  相似文献   

 The genome of a Helianthus annuus (2n=34) ×Helianthus tuberosus (2n=102) hybrid was studied at cytological, biochemical and molecular levels and compared to those of the parental species. Cytophotometric analyses showed that the hybrid has a 4C DNA content higher than expected and with a larger variability than in the parents. This high variability is probably not related to chromosome-number variations since the hybrid always had 2n=68 chromosomes. Moreover, hybrid interphase nuclei showed lower heterochromatin condensation than the parental ones. Thermal denaturation of genomic DNAs indicated that quantitative variation of some DNA families occurred in the hybrids compared to parents. Finally, molecular analyses of DNAs restricted with different enzymes, after Southern blotting and hybridization with HR probes, showed restriction patterns in the hybrid different from those observed in parents. These results indicate that interspecific hybridization between H. annuus and H. tuberosus may determine quantitative variation of some DNA families and differential DNA methylations that probably modify the nuclear structure. These phenomena are probable responses to a “genomic shock” following the interspecific cross. Received: 22 May 1998 / Accepted: 4 June 1998  相似文献   

褐飞虱翊型分化遗传规律的研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
王群  杜建光  程遐年 《昆虫学报》1997,40(4):343-348
以褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens (Stal)长翅型(macroptery,简称M)、短翅型(brachyptery,简称B)的遗传纯系为实验材料,进行亲本、稻株生育期、虫口密度三因子交互实验。结果表明:(1)在环境条件(指稻株生育期、虫口密度等)一致时,B♀×B、B♀×M、M♀×B、M♀×M四种亲本组合的F1代短翅型成虫百分率分别为:98%、92%、64%、29%,各亲本组合间差异极显著;(2)亲本相同时,将F1代褐飞虱初孵若虫多头词养(多于l0头/株)在黄熟期稻株上,其长翅型雌、雄成虫百分数均高于灌浆期稻株上;(3)单头饲养实验中发现,不论亲本组合、稻株生育期如何,雌虫绝大多数分化为短翅型,而雄虫则几乎全为长翅型。这表明褐飞虱的翅型分化遗传由一个受多种因子影响的调控体系决定,且调控作用与性别有关。  相似文献   

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