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为探讨1-甲基环丙烯(1-methylcyclopropene, 1-MCP)延缓采后杨桃果实软化的作用机理,本文研究了0.6 μL/L 1-MCP处理对在(15±1)℃、相对湿度90%下贮藏的‘香蜜’甜杨桃(Averrhoa carambola Linn. cv. Xiangmi)果实软化和细胞壁代谢的影响。结果表明:与对照果实相比,1-MCP处理可保持较高的杨桃果实硬度,有效降低果胶酯酶(pectinesterase, PE)、多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(polygalacturonase, PG)、纤维素酶等细胞壁降解酶活性,延缓原果胶、纤维素、半纤维素含量的下降和水溶性果胶含量的增加。因此认为,0.6 μL/L 1-MCP处理能有效控制采后‘香蜜’甜杨桃果实的软化进程,延长果实保鲜期。  相似文献   

果实成熟过程中组织超微结构的变化   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
依据电镜下观察的果实成熟期间果肉组织结构的变化状态,综合论述了果实成熟过程中,果肉细胞、细胞壁构造、亚细胞结构及细胞间隙的变化,揭示了果实构造的变化与成熟衰老的密切关系。  相似文献   

用80uL·L-1外源乙烯和1.0 uL·L-11-甲基环丙烯(1-MCP)处理不同后熟期'菊水'梨果实,分析处理后果实品质和生理指标在(25±1)℃贮藏温度下的变化特征.结果显示:在采收当天(采后0 d)和呼吸跃变初期(采后4 d),外源乙烯处理能明显促进果实硬度和可溶性同形物含量(SSC)的下降,降低活性氧清除酶(SOD、CAT和APX)的活性,提高呼吸速率和乙烯释放速率,促进果实后熟,1-MCP处理却表现出与乙烯相反的效应,且采收当天比呼吸跃变初期的作用效果更明显;在呼吸跃变中期(采后12 d),外源乙烯和1-MCP处理效果均不明显.研究发现,外源乙烯能促进果实后熟而1-MCP却抑制果实后熟,其效果因处理果实后熟期的不同而存在显著差异,果实后熟程度越高,其处理的效果越不明显.  相似文献   

甜柿采后生理特性及对1-MCP处理的反应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以甜柿品种‘阳丰’为材料,在20℃和0℃贮藏条件下研究了1-MCP(1-甲基环丙烯)处理对不同成熟度甜柿果实采后乙烯释放速率、呼吸速率和品质特性的影响。结果表明:1-MCP处理可延缓贮藏和货架期间甜柿果实的软化、抑制呼吸速率和可溶性固形物含量(SSC)的变化,但对乙烯释放速率的作用不一致。1-MCP处理对成熟度I果实的效果优于成熟度Ⅱ。低温贮藏虽然能显著延缓果实硬度的下降,但在0℃贮藏30、60和90 d后7 d货架期结束时,对照果完全软化,而经1-MCP处理后果实果肉硬度仍保持“脆”性。因此,贮前0.50μL.L-11-MCP处理结合低温贮藏是延长‘阳丰’甜柿贮藏期的有效途径,具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

该研究以12个葡萄品种成熟期果实为材料,采用质地剖面分析(TAP)法测定其果肉硬度、弹性、黏着度、胶着度、咀嚼性和回复性等TAP质构参数,对其果实口感质地进行分级评价;测定葡萄果肉细胞壁组成物质(水溶性果胶、原果胶、纤维素)的含量以及PG、PEP、PL、CE等关键酶活性;采用组织切片法观察了葡萄果肉组织细胞的显微结构,测定其细胞面积、周长、长度、宽度等细胞结构参数和纵横比、圆度等细胞形状参数,以探讨各指标在不同品种间的差异以及细胞壁组成物质、关键酶活性和细胞形态参数与果肉质地的关系,为葡萄果肉质地品质调控提供依据。结果显示:(1)12个葡萄品种果实果肉可评为脆、酥脆、硬、中等、软5种口感质地类型等级。(2)葡萄果实质构参数以及果肉细胞壁组成物质含量、关键酶活性、细胞形态参数和显微结构在各质地类型品种间存在明显差异;质构参数中果实去皮TPA硬度、胶着度和咀嚼性等指标差异最大,变异系数分别达到75.16%、65.57%和65.25%;细胞壁组成物质及关键酶活性指标中纤维素含量及水溶性果胶/原果胶差异最大,变异系数分别达到38.12%和37.59%;细胞结构指标中细胞面积差异最大,变异系数达到64.91%。(3)葡萄果肉质地评级分数与果实带皮和去皮测定的质构参数均达到显著或极显著相关关系,其中与带皮TPA硬度、胶着度和咀嚼性的相关系数最高,分别为0.578*、0.751**和0.789**;果肉质地评分与果肉细胞壁组成物质原果胶含量呈显著正相关关系(0.679*),与水溶性果胶/原果胶比值呈极显著负相关关系(-0.860**),而与其余的果肉细胞壁组成物质含量和4种关键酶活性均无显著相关性;果肉细胞结构参数、形状参数与果肉质地评分及质构参数的相关性均未达到显著水平,但酥脆果肉品种果肉细胞面积显著大于其他品种,软肉品种果肉细胞解体,细胞壁边界不清。研究表明,葡萄果肉硬度主要受果肉细胞降解影响,水溶性果胶/原果胶比值越高,果肉质地越软,水溶性果胶/原果胶比值以及带皮测定TPA硬度、胶着度和咀嚼性等指标可作为葡萄果肉质地的量化评价指标。  相似文献   

以酿酒葡萄品种‘霞多丽’为试验材料,采用石蜡切片与CFDA荧光染色观察日灼果皮细胞结构与细胞活性变化,同时测定日灼发生后葡萄果实品质及相关生理指标变化,以揭示日灼对果实品质与细胞结构的影响。结果表明:(1)随着葡萄日灼病加重,果实表皮颜色由浅黄色逐渐加深,后期甚至出现细胞坏死。(2)果实发生日灼后,果实硬度与含水量下降,细胞壁含量增加,果皮从外向内第1~3层细胞明显变小,细胞壁增厚。(3)随着日灼病加重,果皮细胞破裂,且破裂数量增加,细胞活性也随之下降,果皮保护功能逐渐丧失,果肉细胞逐渐失水导致了果实皱缩;重度日灼果实周缘维管束木质部导管受到果皮细胞失水断裂的影响,出现断裂变形。(4)在葡萄果实日灼发生过程中,受到高温与强光照胁迫影响,同时伴随着水分散失增加,果实可溶性固形物含量和总糖含量增加,但有机酸含量降低,糖酸比随之增加;以上各品质指标值的大小与果实水分含量密切相关。研究发现,日灼引起了葡萄果实结构变化与生理代谢的紊乱,随着日灼程度加重,果皮细胞逐渐死亡,果实内水分大量散失,果实糖含量增加,严重影响了葡萄果实的外观和内在品质。  相似文献   

香蕉果实后熟过程中果肉软化差异的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对香蕉果实贮藏过程中内、外果肉相关生理生化指标及细胞结构的变化进行系统的观察分析,结果显示:(1)在贮藏初期香蕉果实内果肉的硬度小于外果肉,在贮藏过程中的同一时期,均表现出内果肉硬度小于外果肉,且内果肉硬度较外果肉先降到零;(2)在贮藏初期内果肉中多聚乳糖醛酸酶(PG)和淀粉酶的活性均高于外果肉,随着贮藏时间的延长,酶活性在内、外果肉均表现出不断增加,且这两种酶活性在内果肉中早于外果肉达到最高值,但其在内果肉中的最高值均略低于外果肉的最高值;而淀粉含量却相反,在贮藏初期内果肉中淀粉含量低于外果肉,且在贮藏过程中的降解速率高于外果肉;(3)超微结构显示,香蕉果实内果肉中淀粉粒和细胞壁结构的降解均早于外果肉.研究表明,香蕉果实的软化首先由内果肉细胞降解开始,并呈放射状向外逐步延伸.  相似文献   

1-MCP和CO2对‘南果梨’冷藏后货架期能量代谢特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分别对‘南果梨’果实采用0.75μL/L 1-甲基环丙烯(1-MCP)在20℃熏蒸20h后装入保鲜袋(0.02mm)、用2%CO2充气果实包装袋(0.04mm)、以保鲜袋果实为对照,各处理组果实均置于(0±1)℃贮藏5个月后移至室温下(18℃±3℃),测定各处理果实在货架期间的褐变度以及果实线粒体蛋白含量、MDA含量、ATP含量,以明确1-MCP和CO2对南果梨冷藏后果实货架期的能量代谢特性。结果显示:(1)1-MCP和CO2处理可不同程度延缓南果梨冷藏后货架期果实果心褐变指数和褐变度,且1-MCP处理效果更好,但CO2处理在货架后期反而使果实褐变度较对照提高。(2)1-MCP和CO2处理可有效抑制果实MDA含量增加,延缓细胞膜透性的升高,保持细胞完整性。(3)1-MCP处理有利于提高货架前期果实中线粒体蛋白质含量,能够在货架后期保持较高的ATP含量和能荷水平,而CO2处理在货架前期果实内含有较高水平的ATP,促进了果实内的能荷水平。研究发现,1-MCP和CO2处理均可以通过影响南果梨果实的能量代谢特性从而影响果实的成熟衰老进程,且1-MCP处理可以抑制货架前期的ATP含量和能量供应,有利于保持细胞膜完整性,抑制果心褐变的发生,延缓果实成熟衰老进程;而2%CO2处理与对照相比对果实能量代谢特性的影响不大。  相似文献   

“大红袍”和“解放钟”枇杷果实在 1℃下贮藏时 ,细胞壁物质代谢异常 ,果肉硬度持续升高而出汁率逐渐降低 ,果胶酯酶 (PE)和多聚半乳糖醛酸酶 (PG)活性和水溶性果胶含量下降 ,原果胶含量、苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)活性及木质素和纤维素含量不断增加。约经 3周贮藏后 ,果实出现果皮难剥、果肉质地变硬、粗糙少汁的异常劣变现象。在 12℃下贮藏的枇杷果实 ,细胞壁物质代谢正常 ,果肉硬度增加少 ,PE和PG活性及水溶性果胶含量较高 ,无原果胶增加现象 ,PAL活性呈下降趋势 ,木质素和纤维素含量变化不大 ,果实不出现木质化败坏。这些结果表明冷藏枇杷的木质化败坏可能是一种低温失调现象  相似文献   

无籽西瓜(Citrullus lanatus Thunb. Mansfeld, cv. Millionaire)果实在10 μL/L 1-甲基环丙烯(1-MCP)或正常空气中预贮18 h后,切取内果皮肉柱 (直径7 mm,长40 mm),再用2% CaCl2或去离子水冲淋肉柱,然后将肉柱贮藏于10 ℃。测定贮藏过程中的果肉硬度、电导率、磷脂酶D (PLD)、磷脂酶C (PLC)和脂氧合酶 (LOX)的活性变化。结果显示,2% CaCl2刺激PLD、PLC和LOX的活性,维持果肉的硬度。单独用CaCl2处理并不足以维持切割西瓜的品质,还可能因刺激脂质水解酶而发生不良的作用。1-MCP能够抵抗CaCl2对PLD、PLC和LOX的刺激作用。与对照相比,1-MCP与CaCl2结合处理能延缓西瓜果肉的衰老过程,表现出较高的果肉硬度和较低的脂质水解酶活性。  相似文献   

Errata (vol. 1)     
《Ecological Research》1987,2(1):100-100

The alpha(1)beta(1) and alpha(2)beta(1) integrins are cell surface collagen receptors. Cells expressing the alpha(1)beta(1) integrin preferentially adhere to collagen IV, whereas cells expressing the alpha(2)beta(1) integrin preferentially adhere to collagen I. Recombinant alpha(1) and alpha(2) integrin I domains exhibit the same collagen type preferences as the intact integrins. In addition, the alpha(2) integrin I domain binds echovirus 1; the alpha(1) I domain does not. To identify the structural components of the I domains responsible for the varying ligand specificities, we have engineered several alpha(1)/alpha(2) integrin I domain chimeras and evaluated their virus and collagen binding activities. Initially, large secondary structural components of the alpha(2) I domain were replaced with corresponding regions of the alpha(1) I domain. Following analysis in echovirus 1 and collagen binding assays, chimeras with successively smaller regions of alpha(1) I were constructed and analyzed. The chimeras were analyzed by ELISA with several different alpha(2) integrin monoclonal antibodies to assess their proper folding. Three different regions of the alpha(1) I domain, when present in the alpha(2) I domain, conferred enhanced collagen IV binding activity upon the alpha(2) I domain. These include the alpha3 and alpha5 helices and a portion of the alpha6 helix. Echovirus 1 binding was lost in a chimera containing the alphaC-alpha6 loop; higher resolution mapping identified Asn(289) as playing a critical role in echovirus 1 binding. Asn(289) had not been implicated in previous echovirus 1 binding studies. Taken together, these data reveal the existence of multiple determinants of ligand binding specificities within the alpha(1) and alpha(2) integrin I domains.  相似文献   

Two integrin-type collagen receptors, alpha(1)beta(1) and alpha(2)beta(1), are structurally very similar. However, cells can concomitantly express the both receptors and they might have independent functions. Here, Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, which lack endogenous collagen receptors, were transfected with either alpha(1) or alpha(2) integrin cDNA. Cells were allowed to adhere to various collagen types and their integrin function was tested by observing the progression of cell spreading. The cells expressing alpha(1)beta(1) integrin could spread on collagen types I, III, IV, and V but not on type II, while alpha(2)beta(1) integrin could mediate cell spreading on collagen types I-V. Type XIII is a transmembrane collagen and its interaction with the integrins has not been previously studied. CHO-alpha1beta1 cells could spread on human recombinant type XIII collagen, unlike CHO-alpha2beta1 cells. Integrins alpha(1)beta(1) and alpha(2)beta(1) recognize collagens with the specific alphaI domains. The alpha(1)I and alpha(2)I domains were produced as recombinant proteins, labeled with europium and used in a sensitive solid-phase binding assay based on time-resolved fluorescence. alpha(1)I domain, unlike the alpha(2)I domain, could attach to type XIII collagen. The results indicate, that alpha(1)beta(1) and alpha(2)beta(1) have different ligand binding specificity. Distinct recognition of different collagen subtypes by the alphaI domains can partially explain the differences seen in cell spreading. However, despite the fact that CHO-alpha1beta1 cells could not spread on type II collagen alpha(1)I domain could bind to this collagen type. Thus, the cell spreading on collagens may also be regulated by factors other than the integrins.  相似文献   

After recognizing the genus Machilus Nees as a distinct one, Machilus villosa ( Roxb. ) Hook. f. is regarded as the correct name for the plant / Rou Mo Run Nan0 based on the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature.  相似文献   

Chromosomal mapping of the bovine calmodulin 1 and alpha-globin 1 genes was performed by analyzing bovine/murine somatic cell hybrid DNAs with PCR using primers specific for 3'-untranslated regions of those bovine genes. The calmodulin 1 and alpha-globin 1 genes were assigned to bovine chromosomes 25 and 29, respectively. Results from the present study should contribute to improvement in map resolution of bovine chromosomes and increase comparative information available on bovine chromosomes.  相似文献   

A mentally retarded girl with a 46,XX/47, XX+r(1) (p11q22q22p11)/47, XX+r(1) (p11q22) fra(1) (p31) fra(1) (p11) fra(1) (q22) karyotype who inherited the fragile sites from the normal mother was studied. The conicidence of fra(1) (p11) and fra(1) (q22) with the ring chromosome breakpoints strongly suggests a cause-effect relationship. This finding agrees with other reported associations between fragile sites and structural chromosome abnormalities and constitutes the fourth reported of a de novo structurally abnormal chromosome as a consequence of presumed in vivo fragile sites instability. Although risk figures for chromosome anomalies and cancer associated with fragile sites are lacking, carriers of fra (1) (p11) may have a higher risk for abnormalities of chromosome 1 in somatic and gonadal cells than the general population.  相似文献   

A partial amino acid sequence of acid phosphatase-1(1) (apase-1(1)), one of acid phosphatase isozymes of tomato, was identified. This information enabled us to synthesize degenerated primer pools of oligonucleotides for polymerase chain reactions (PCR) using cDNA for poly(A)+ RNA of tomato leaves as a template. As a result, a 135-bp, then a 467-bp PCR product were obtained. Nucleotide sequencing of these two PCR products gave a total of 522-bp sequence that was identified as a part of the Asp-1(1) gene judging from the amino acid sequence deduced from it. Using the 135-bp PCR product as a probe, we detected the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) in two different lines of tomato by genomic Southern blot analysis. We also did pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and Southern blot analysis to search for suitable fragments to clone into a YAC vector. As a result, a single band with a size that could be cloned into a YAC vector was detected when the genomic DNA was digested with some kinds of restriction enzymes.  相似文献   

The 1H-n.m.r. spectra (360 MHz) of 12-(beta-(3-pyridyl)-L-Ala) ribonuclease S-peptide (1-14), a tetradecapeptide incorporating (beta-3-pyridyl-L-Ala) instead of His at position 12, have been assigned. The shift vs. temperature dependence has been analyzed at three different pD's in terms of a two-state helix (3-13) in equilibrium coil equilibrium, and the corresponding values for the thermodynamic quantities delta H degrees and delta S degrees determined. Helix populations at 0 degrees C have been measured as a function of pD, showing their dependence on two apparent pKa's at approximately 3.3 and 5.5, with a maximum at pD approximately 4.2. All the obtained results show that the new peptide has very similar folding properties to those shown by S-peptide and particularly to those of C-peptide. The 3-13 helix formed is stabilized by two interactions: a salt-bridge Glu 2-...Arg 10+ and a partial stacking between the aromatic rings of residues Phe 8 and His 12. Calculations involving ring current shifts and potential energies validate the possible existence of this latter interaction, which must present a local geometry defined by chi 81 180 degrees, chi 82 100 degrees, chi 121-60 and chi 122 80.  相似文献   

PGA1 was incubated with rabbit renal cortical homogenates containing HSA (0–4.5%). The ability of this tissue to readily metabolize PGA1 progressively decreased with increasing HSA levels in the incubates The rate of disappearance of 3H-PGA1 was twice as rapid in rats treated with salicylic acid (S. A.) in comparison to control animals; since only 30% of the injected radioactivity was bound to the plasma of the S.A. treated rats, as compared to 90% bound to control plasma, an association may exist between the degree of binding of 3H-PGA1 and its rate of clearance. The studies indicate that PGA1 interaction with HSA decreases its metabolism in vitro, and slows down its clearance in vivo, implicating HSA as a possible factor in prostaglandins metabolism in vivo.  相似文献   

1H NMR has been used to investigate the mode of binding to d(AT)5.d(AT)5 of a series of bis(acridine) derivatives connected by different types of linker chains. The length and character (ionic, aliphatic, rigid, and flexible) of the linker chains are found to have a profound effect on the binding of these derivatives to the DNA. Bis(acridine) derivatives with linker chains shorter than 9 A monointercalate under the conditions used in the NMR study, whereas those bis(acridines) with chains of 9.8 A or longer bisintercalate. We find no evidence for the violation of the so-called neighbor exclusion principle. Although all of the bis(acridines) contain the same chromophores, their NMR spectra clearly demonstrate that they form complexes with d(AT)5.d(AT)5 which have different structures. This emphasizes the important effect that the linker chain has on the structure of the intercalation complex.  相似文献   

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