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为了探索内陆重度盐碱地的改良新方法,实验通过聚合有机酸(聚马来酸酐和聚丙烯酸)作为降盐碱剂,采用阻盐碱层、表土成膜剂以及土壤孔隙改善剂相结合的方法,对大庆市典型内陆盐碱土进行了改良实验,并在改良后的土壤及对照样地上种植不同植物--白菜、萝卜、菠菜、豚草和长春花,评价改良效果.结果发现:(1)通过施加降盐碱剂、阻盐碱剂及土壤孔隙剂,土壤的pH值和含盐量均有明显降低,下降幅度分别为pH:0.8~1.2、含盐量:0.2%~0.5%,而且表层改良效果优于深层;(2)在上述改良基础上施用表土成膜剂,使得土壤深层与表层盐碱运动减慢,即表层盐碱更低而深层更高,有利于保持表层适宜作物生长的条件;(3)2种聚合有机物比较来看,聚马来酸酐的改良效果好于聚丙烯酸;(4)从5种植物的生长状况来看,施用上述改良剂后较对照能够明显提高作物成活以及生长,特别是改良早期5种植物均呈现明显的生长趋势,而在后期存在生长力下降的趋势,因此,在大面积改良过程中需要考虑连续多次施加降盐碱剂以增强效果.  相似文献   

盐碱地土壤改良剂施用对种子萌发和生长的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
我国是盐碱地大国,如何改良盐碱地一直是研究热点。选择17种盐碱地改良剂施加于重度盐碱土,以白菜种子萌发指标和改良土壤电导率及pH值为评价指标,筛选出适宜盐碱地改良的土壤改良剂及其比例配比,为盐碱地治理改良提供理论依据。结果表明,(1)与对照盐碱土相比,11种有效改良剂(聚马来酸酐、石膏、羟基乙叉二膦酸、丙烯酸-丙烯酸羟丙酯共聚物、多氨基多醚基甲叉膦酸、聚马来酸酐-丙烯酸共聚物、氨基三甲叉膦酸、丙烯酸-2-丙烯酰胺-2-甲基丙磺酸多元共聚、聚丙烯酸、木炭、双1,6-亚己基三胺五甲叉膦酸)不仅使白菜种子发芽,对降低pH有显著作用,对电导率降低影响不明显;其中聚马来酸酐(HPMA)的改良效果最佳,种子发芽各项指标均较高,具有较强的种子生活力,其发芽率、发芽指数、活力指数的活力指标分别达到72.5%,36.2,1.2;种子发芽率,发芽势和发芽指数与土壤pH值有密切关系(p〈0.05),但与土壤电导率无关(p〉0.05),从而说明不同土壤改良剂的效果主要显现在调节pH的功能上。(2)在施加钙源石膏辅助下,9种改良剂(聚马来酸酐,聚丙烯酸,木炭,木醋液,乙二胺四乙酸,732型阳离子交换吸附树脂(H+型),柠檬酸,柠檬酸钙,氨三乙酸)改良效果有明显提升,改良剂改良后的盐碱土在种子发芽率、发芽指数、活力指数等指标均有所上升,说明外施钙源有助于其它改良剂效果的发挥。(3)不同浓度梯度筛选中,42.8L/m^3聚马来酸酐、25kg/m^3石膏改良效果最佳,能够有效降低土壤电导率和pH值,改良后盐碱土的种子发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数、活力指数均最接近壤土种子发芽率、发芽指数等各项指标,但二者单独施用改良盐碱土其发芽率高于二者混合施用的发芽率,不存在协同效应,故二者不宜混合施用。同时,野外进行改良应该考虑多次少量施用或增加改良剂浓度的方法来增强改良效果。  相似文献   

沿黄地区盐碱地种植水稻土壤理化性质的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤盐碱化是一个世界性的问题,中国盐渍土面积为3. 47×105 km2(不包括滨海滩涂) [1]. 陕西省沿黄地区分布有大面积盐碱地,该地区土地利用率极低. 盐碱地治理通常采用水利工程、化学改良和生物改良等措施[2-4] ,植物改良技术因具有费用少、见效快以及在改善大面积盐碱土的同时能获得经济效益等优点而受到广泛关注. 已有的在盐碱地区种植水稻(Oryza sativa Linn.)的研究集中在不同改良剂对盐碱地的改良效果及对水稻产量的影响,盐分胁迫对水稻生长的影响以及作物收获还田后对盐碱地的改良等方面[5-7]. Hussain等[8]研究了水稻在盐碱地的耐盐机制;罗新正等[9]认为,连续多年采用种稻模式进行单纯性洗排盐碱可明显降低松嫩平原盐碱地表层土壤的含盐量.  相似文献   

活性焦对晋北盐碱地土壤性质和两种植物生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
固废基改良剂是盐碱地改良的有效手段之一。活性焦作为一种多孔废弃物,应用于盐碱地预期可以起到改善土壤性质、减缓植物盐碱胁迫的作用。为了阐明活性焦对晋北盐碱地的改良效应,本研究设置不同用量活性焦(CK, 0 g·kg-1;A10, 10 g·kg-1;A20, 20 g·kg-1;A50, 50 g·kg-1),分析其对盐碱地土壤性质和植物生长的影响。结果表明: 施用活性焦能显著提高土壤的水稳性团聚体含量,并降低土壤盐分含量、pH值和电导率。与CK相比,种植碱茅和玉米土壤的团聚体平均重量直径增加5.1%~32.2%,pH值降低0.4%~4.1%,钠吸附比(SAR)降低4.8%~18.7%,电导率降低7.4%~8.2%。施用适量活性焦能够降低植物细胞的质膜损伤,提高叶片叶绿素和Ca2+含量,从而有效促进植物生长,碱茅和玉米的生物量均在A20处理达到最大。表明盐碱土施用20 g·kg-1活性焦(A20)可改善根际土壤环境,提高植物对Ca2+等的选择性吸收,从而降低盐分对植物细胞的损伤,促进盐碱生境中植物的生长。  相似文献   

在松嫩平原重度盐碱地上,选择通过土壤改良使得盐碱成分降低、结构显著改善的土壤作为处理样地(pH值9.17;电导率388μscm-1;土壤紧实度1170kPa),邻近未改良重度盐碱地为对照样地(pH值10.15;电导率1220μscm-1;土壤紧实度2199kPa),对生长在对照和处理样地上的银中杨不同器官叶绿素和C4光合相关酶研究发现:1)生长在处理样地的银中杨叶片叶绿素a+b、叶绿素a/b、类胡萝卜素含量显著高于对照未处理,但树枝和树皮绿色组织内这些指标的差异远小于叶片;2)所测定3种C4光合酶结果显示,当以单位鲜重表示时,3种器官以及盐碱化程度对结果影响较小;3)当以单位叶绿素酶活性表示时,不同器官以及盐碱化程度对酶活性影响显著:树皮和树枝磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸酶(PEPC)活性是叶片的4.4和3.1倍,盐碱地改良使这一差异变成8.6和2.6倍;对照样地内树皮、树枝的苹果酸酶(NADP-ME)活性是叶片的1.7和2.1倍,盐碱地土壤改良使得这一差异达到17.2和6.4倍;与此类似,在对照盐碱地上,树皮和树枝内苹果酸脱氢酶(NADP-MDH)活性是叶片的1.7和1.4倍,盐碱地土壤改良使得这一差异变为6.4和13.7倍。上述结果说明,银中杨树干和树枝绿色组织内C4相关酶含量较叶片高出很多,而且受盐碱胁迫程度影响显著,盐碱化程度轻的情况下,这种差异会增大,这些酶的变化可以作为植物响应土壤盐碱程度变化的一种生理生化指示指标。  相似文献   

土壤盐渍化对农业的威胁是一个全球性的问题。测量菘蓝的耐盐性以及在一定的盐分条件下生长状况和代谢的能力,对于培育优良的耐盐菘蓝新品系很有必要,最终达到改良土壤,保护耕地面积的作用。本试验以菘蓝为材料,为选育更优良的耐盐植物提供理论依据。结果:盐碱对菘蓝的生物量有一定影响。生长于中度盐碱地区的菘蓝最大叶和正常非盐碱地的没有显著性差异(P0.05)。但在最小叶片的长、宽、叶面积、整株的鲜重、根体积,根粗、根长、,根重和干重存在极显著性差异(P0.01)。生长于重度盐碱地区的菘蓝在各指标上都与正常非盐碱地区和中度盐碱地区存在极显著性差异(P0.01)。结论:适当的盐碱对菘蓝的生长有一定的促进作用,但是盐碱度过高时,则明显抑制菘蓝的生长。  相似文献   

研究了重度盐碱地改良对土壤特征及不同植物光合生长的影响,结果发现:实施不同改良措施后,土壤特性方面发生了显著变化,土壤总孔隙度比对照(盐碱裸地)提高5%~20%;田间持水量比对照提高3%~13%;土壤容重由对照的1.2~1.4 g·cm-3降到0.7~1.0 g·cm-3;土壤紧实度由对照的2 000~2 500 kPa降低到500~1 000 kPa;土壤毛细管上升高度和土壤透水速率也高于对照;土壤电导率平均降低了1 288 μs·cm-1;土壤pH值平均降低1.5左右;浅槽改良和深槽改良后碱解氮分别提高了50%和100%;浅槽改良和深槽改良后土壤CO2浓度达到2 500~3 500和3 000~3 500 μL·L-1;深槽改良使得土壤深层氧气浓度下降到17%左右。改良后种植的植物光合能力方面也有不同提高,其中甘草、甜玉米和偃柏等经深槽改良处理后比对照提高2.5~12 μmol·m-2·s-1。不同植物经过处理后在生物量方面明显提高,其中甜玉米、白菜、萝卜和偃柏等深槽改良处理明显高于其客土覆盖处理,我们的研究表明大规模盐碱地改良后种植品种选择应该因地制宜,综合考虑其土壤特性和植物适应性。  相似文献   

【目的】调查宁夏银北盐碱地油葵田的土壤动物多样性及群落结构,探讨不同改良时间盐碱地土壤动物多样性及群落结构与环境因子之间的相关性。【方法】生物与环境因子之间的关系研究一直是生态学研究的热点,尤其是恢复生态学中如何设计环境因子来恢复生物群落的结构和功能最近引起了国内外学者的关注。以宁夏银北盐碱地油葵田为对象,研究了不同改良时间盐碱地中油葵田土壤动物与环境因子的相互关系,采用野外调查和室内试验相结合。【结果】共采集12个土壤动物类群,优势类群为弹尾目(60.67%)、蜱螨亚纲(23.24%)和鞘翅目(6.45%);土壤动物物种多样性、丰富度指数和均匀度在未改良盐碱地中较高。【结论】土壤pH值、碱化度和全盐质量分数是土壤动物分布的限制因素,土壤动物的数量随土壤pH值、碱化度和全盐质量分数的降低而增加。这些结果为盐碱地改良的恢复与评价提供了重要的数据支持和基础资料。  相似文献   

种植盐地碱蓬改良滨海盐渍土对土壤微生物区系的影响   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
利用盐生植物盐地碱蓬对天津河口滨海盐碱地进行生物修复,研究了其对土壤微生物区系的影响.结果表明,种植区碱蓬根系土壤的可溶性盐分与对照土壤相比下降了41%(重量法)和37%(电导法);根系土壤的微生物数量明显增加,其中细菌、放线菌和真菌分别较对照增加了2.3倍、4.3倍和71倍,与对照相比均为显著性差异.根系微生物的耐盐性结果显示,随着土壤盐分的降低,根系微生物生长的最适盐度也随之降低,耐盐性较低的微生物种群已逐渐成为优势种群.系统发育分析表明,枯草杆菌属成为植物修复后土壤中的优势种群.  相似文献   

河西走廊荒漠盐碱地人工柽柳林土壤水盐分布   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
土壤盐碱化是一个全球性问题,植树造林是一种主要的改良措施.为了研究荒漠盐碱地10年人工柽柳林土壤水盐空间分布及生态改良效果,对2、4、6和8m行间距柽柳灌下和行间的土壤水盐进行分析,并构建结构方程模型量化土壤水盐对植被的影响程度.结果表明:林地浅层土壤(0~40 cm)可溶性盐明显低于林外(CK),灌下土壤含水率高于行间.且6m行间距柽柳的高度和冠幅及其灌下草本植物的盖度和生物量均大于其他行间距柽柳,阳离子在柽柳周围的富集程度为Na^+>K^+>Ca^2+>Mg2+,阴离子的富集程度为Cl^->HCO3^->SO4^2-.土壤盐分含量最高的是MgSO4,其次是CaCl2、NaCl和MgCl2,KHCO3含量最少.土壤水盐中影响植被生长的最大因素是土壤水分,其次是盐分,最小为pH,权重大小分别是50.6%、29.5%和19.9%.  相似文献   

Warren  G. P.  Whitehead  D. C. 《Plant and Soil》1988,112(2):155-165
The available N of 27 soils from England and Wales was assessed from the amounts of N taken up over a 6-month period by perennial ryegrass grown in pots under uniform environmental conditions. Relationships between availability and the distribution of soil N amongst various fractions were then examined using multiple regression. The relationship: available soil N (mg kg–1 dry soil)=(Nmin×0.672)+(Ninc×0.840)+(Nmom×0.227)–5.12 was found to account for 91% of the variance in available soil N, where Nmin=mineral N, Ninc=N mineralized on incubation and Nmom=N in macro-organic matter. The N mineralized on incubation appeared to be derived largely from sources other than the macro-organic matter because these two fractions were poorly correlated. When availability was expressed in terms of available organic N as % of soil organic N (Nao) the closest relationship with other soil characteristics was: Nao=[Ninc×(1.395–0.0347×CNmom]+[Nmom×0.1416], where CNmom=CN ratio of the macro-organic matter. This relationship accounted for 81% of the variance in the availability of the soil organic N.The conclusion that the macro-organic matter may contribute substantially to the available N was confirmed by a subsidiary experiment in which the macro-organic fraction was separated from about 20 kg of a grassland soil. The uptake of N by ryegrass was then assessed on two subsamples of this soil, one without the macro-organic matter and the other with this fraction returned: uptake was appreciably increased by the macro-organic matter.  相似文献   

生物质炭对水稻土团聚体微生物多样性的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
生物质炭施用对土壤微生物群落结构的影响已有报道,但土壤团聚体粒组中微生物群落对生物质炭施用的响应的研究还相对不足。以施用玉米秸秆生物质炭两年后的水稻土为对象,采用团聚体湿筛法,通过高通量测序对土壤团聚体的微生物群落结构与多样性进行分析,结果表明:(1)与对照相比,生物质炭施用显著促进了大团聚体(2000—250μm)的形成,并提高了团聚体的稳定性。(2)不同粒径团聚体间微生物相对丰度存在显著差异。在未施生物质炭的处理(C0)中,随着团聚体粒径增大,变形菌门、子囊菌门、β-变形杆菌目、格孢腔菌目的相对丰度逐渐降低,而酸杆菌门、担子菌门、粘球菌目、类球囊霉目的相对丰度逐渐升高。(3)生物质炭施用显著改变了团聚体间的微生物群落结构。与C0处理相比,生物质炭施用处理的大团聚体中变形菌门、鞭毛菌门和β-变形杆菌目的相对丰度分别显著提高了14.37%、33.28%和33.82%;微团聚体(250—53μm)中酸杆菌门、子囊菌门和粘球菌目的相对丰度分别显著降低了20.15%、19.93%和17.66%;粉、黏粒组分(53μm)中担子菌门的相对丰度升高90.25%,而子囊菌门和鞭毛菌门的相对丰度分别降低12.15%和12.58%。由此可见,生物质炭不仅改变土壤团聚体组成和分布,同时伴随着土壤微生物群落结构的改变。  相似文献   

耕作方式对潮土土壤团聚体微生物群落结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究不同耕作方式对潮土土壤团聚体微生物群落结构和多样性的影响,采用磷脂脂肪酸(PLFA)法测定了土壤团聚体中微生物群落。试验设置4个耕作处理,分别为旋耕+秸秆还田(RT)、深耕+秸秆还田(DP)、深松+秸秆还田(SS)和免耕+秸秆还田(NT)。结果表明:与RT相比,DP处理显著提高了原状土壤和>5 mm粒级土壤团聚体中真菌PLFAs量和真菌/细菌,为真菌的繁殖提供了有利条件,有助于土壤有机质的贮存,提高了土壤生态系统的缓冲能力;提高了5~2 mm粒级土壤团聚体中细菌PLFAs量,降低了土壤革兰氏阳性菌/革兰氏阴性菌,改善了土壤营养状况;提高了<0.25 mm粒级土壤团聚体中微生物丰富度指数。总的来说,深耕+秸秆还田(DP)对土壤团聚体细菌和真菌生物量有一定的提高作用,并且在一定程度上改善了土壤团聚体微生物群落结构,有利于增加土壤固碳能力和保持土壤微生物多样性。冗余分析结果表明,土壤团聚体总PLFAs量、细菌、革兰氏阴性菌和放线菌PLFAs量与土壤有机碳相关性较强,革兰氏阳性菌PLFAs量与总氮相关性较强。各处理较大粒级土壤团聚体微生物群落主要受碳氮比、含水量、pH值和团聚体质量分数的影响,较小粒级土壤团聚体微生物群落则主要受土壤有机碳和总氮的影响。  相似文献   

The disappearance of the organophosphorus insecticide, malathion, from a silt loam soil and from its organic and inorganic components was examined. Half-lives and the time taken for 90% decomposition in nonsterile, sodium azide-treated, and 2.5 Mrad-irradiated soils were similar (3/4–1 1/2 days and 4–6 days, respectively) but breakdown in autoclaved soils was negligible. Decay in nonsterile sand, silt, and clay minus organic matter fractions was 3–6 times slower than that recorded in the original soil. Breakdown of malathion in the clay plus organic matter fraction (organo-mineral complex) was rapid (half-life, 1 day), as was the case in the separated organic matter (half-life, 1 3/4 days). Filter-sterilized organic matter was not as effective in catalyzing the breakdown of malathion (half-life, 4 days), and no loss occurred from any of the autoclaved components. Irradiation doses of 2.5 and 5.0 Mrad had little influence on the ability of soil to degrade malathion. Thereafter, increases up to 20 Mrad had a more drastic, though far from totally inhibitory, effect. Our results suggest that either the colloidal organic matter itself, or a fraction associated with it, is the most important single factor concerned with the rapid breakdown of malathion in the soil studied. Direct microbial metabolism is a slower process and may have a significant role in malathion disappearance in coarsetextured soils low in colloidal organic matter. The catalytic component of the organic matter is suggested to be a stable exoenzyme and is supportive of reports by other workers. The quantitative effect of organo-mineral complex (containing the active degradative ingredient) additions to sand and silt fractions on the rate of subsequent malathion decay is also described.  相似文献   

Metabolism of soil invertebrates in relation to soil fertility   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Little information is available on the variability of the dynamics of the actual and observed root respiration rate in relation to abiotic factors. In this study, we describe I) interactions between soil CO2 concentration, temperature, soil water content and root respiration, and II) the effect of short-term fluctuations of these three environmental factors on the relation between actual and observed root respiration rates. We designed an automated, open, gas-exchange system that allows continuous measurements on 12 chambers with intact roots in soil. By using three distinct chamber designs with each a different path for the air flow, we were able to measure root respiration over a 50-fold range of soil CO2 concentrations (400 to 25000 ppm) and to separate the effect of irrigation on observed vs. actual root respiration rate. All respiration measurements were made on one-year-old citrus seedlings in sterilized sandy soil with minimal organic material.Root respiration was strongly affected by diurnal fluctuations in temperature (Q10 = 2), which agrees well with the literature. In contrast to earlier findings for Douglas-fir (Qi et al., 1994), root respiration rates of citrus were not affected by soil CO2 concentrations (400 to 25000 ppm CO2; pH around 6). Soil CO2 was strongly affected by soil water content but not by respiration measurements, unless the air flow for root respiration measurements was directed through the soil. The latter method of measuring root respiration reduced soil CO2 concentration to that of incoming air. Irrigation caused a temporary reduction in CO2 diffusion, decreasing the observed respiration rates obtained by techniques that depended on diffusion. This apparent drop in respiration rate did not occur if the air flow was directed through the soil. Our dynamic data are used to indicate the optimal method of measuring root respiration in soil, in relation to the objectives and limitations of the experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Bacillus is commonly isolated from soils, with organisms of Bacillus cereus sensu lato being prevalent. Knowledge of the ecology of B. cereus and other Bacillus species in soil is far from complete. While the older literature favors a model of growth on soil-associated organic matter, the current paradigm is that B. cereus sensu lato germinates and grows in association with animals or plants, resulting in either symbiotic or pathogenic interactions. An in terra approach to study soil-associated bacteria is described, using filter-sterilized soil-extracted soluble organic matter (SESOM) and artificial soil microcosms (ASM) saturated with SESOM. B. cereus ATCC 14579 displayed a life cycle, with the ability to germinate, grow, and subsequently sporulate in both the liquid SESOM extract and in ASM inserted into wells in agar medium. Cells grew in liquid SESOM without separating, forming multicellular structures that coalesced to form clumps and encasing the ensuing spores in an extracellular matrix. Bacillus was able to translocate from the point of inoculation through soil microcosms as shown by the emergence of outgrowths on the surrounding agar surface. Microscopic inspection revealed bundles of parallel chains inside the soil. The motility inhibitor L-ethionine failed to suppress outgrowth, ruling out translocation by a flagellar-mediated mechanism such as swimming or swarming. Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis Marburg and four Bacillus isolates taken at random from soils also displayed a life cycle in SESOM and ASM and were all able to translocate through ASM, even in presence of L-ethionine. These data indicate that B. cereus is a saprophytic bacterium that is able to grow in soil and furthermore that it is adapted to translocate by employing a multicellular mode of growth.  相似文献   

黑土表层土壤颗粒的分形特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
基于第二次全国土壤普查结果,应用土壤颗粒的质量分布计算了36个典型剖面表层土壤颗粒的分形维数值.结果表明:土壤颗粒分形维数值D在2.5831~2.8230,其变异性极弱,且分形维数值随质地变细而增大;土壤机械组成中,砂粒(2~0.02mm)含量、粉粒(0.02~0.002mm)含量与分形维数值均呈显著负相关(P<0.05);粘粒(<0.002mm)含量与土壤分形维数值呈极显著正相关(P<0.01);分形维数值D与土壤中的有机质、全N、全P、全K含量及pH值相关性均不显著.土壤分布的分形维数可以作为反映黑土退化程度的一个综合性定量指标.  相似文献   

Variations of soil enzyme activities in a temperate forest soil   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Kang  Hojeong  Kang  Sinkyu  Lee  Dowon 《Ecological Research》2009,24(5):1137-1143
Soil enzyme activities (dehydrogenase, urease, phosphatase, and arylsulfatase) in a temperate forest soil were determined in relation to landscape position and seasons. Overstory of the area is dominated by Quercus mongolica, Kalopanax pictus, Carpicus cordata, and Acer pseudo-sieboldianum. The activities were measured in three patches, namely a north-facing backslope, a ridge, and a south-facing backslope in autumn and spring over 2 years. In addition, spatially more detailed analysis for phosphatase was conducted before and after litterfall production in six patches. Dehydrogenase, urease, phosphatase, and arylsulfatase activities varied 1.8–18.5 μg INT-formazan g−1 h−1, 45.4–347.0 μg NH4 + g−1 h−1, 0.9–4.5 mmol pNP g−1 h−1, and 0.7–2.6 mmol pNP g−1 h−1, respectively. In general, higher enzyme activities were found in the northern aspect than in the southern aspect. This variation appears to be related to differences in chemical properties (e.g., Fe, Al, and Mg) of soil as well as distribution of leaf litter. Two patterns were discernible in relation to seasonal variations. Dehydrogenase and urease exhibited a positive correlation with mean air temperature, suggesting that temperature would be a major controlling variable for those enzymes. In contrast, higher activities were detected in autumn for phosphatase and arylsulfatase activities, which appeared to be closely related to litter production and distribution. Overall results of this study indicate that soil enzyme activities in a forest floor are influenced by several variables such as temperature, nutrient availability, and input of leaf litter, which are closely related to landscape position.  相似文献   

坡耕地紫色土养分空间变异对土壤侵蚀的响应   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
坡耕地土壤侵蚀导致土壤质量降低,并因此造成对作物产量的不利影响。利用土壤侵蚀测定的^137Cs示踪技术,结合土壤理化分析,研究了川中丘陵区紫色土坡耕地土壤侵蚀所引起的土壤再分配对养分空间变异性的影响。结果表明,川中丘陵区坡耕地土壤侵蚀是水蚀和耕作侵蚀共同作用的结果,强烈的耕作导致坡上部发生最为严重的土壤侵蚀。土壤侵蚀对土壤特性的空间变异性产生深刻影响,坡上部土壤有机质和养分贫瘠,而在坡下部相对富集;土壤有机质、全N、碱解N、有效P、K以及土壤粘粒含量在不同坡位之间出现显著差异。反映净余土壤再分配速率的^137Cs面积浓度与这些土壤理化特性均有密切的相关性。因此,^137Cs面积浓度可以作为表征侵蚀坡地土壤综合质量的指标。  相似文献   

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