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罗望子胶的流变学性质和凝胶性能与常见胶种有较大差别。升高温度、提高浓度会增大其表观粘度,这与其单糖组成和多糖结构的特殊性有关。在低浓度下(2%,w/v)罗望子多糖胶水溶液为牛顿流体,而当浓度升高到2.5%(w/v)后呈现非牛顿流体的特性。罗望子多糖胶属于必须有糖存在下才能形成凝胶的氢键结合法。除此之外,罗望子胶粉也可与乙醇通过氢键作用形成高强度凝胶,这种性质是其他多糖胶所不具备的。实验发现,在乙醇体积分数为15%,胶粉浓度1%,85℃恒温搅拌10 min条件下形成的凝胶强度近1 000 Bloom g。在该凝胶体系中适当添加葡萄糖或蔗糖可提高其持水能力。  相似文献   

罗望子研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文对罗望子果实的化学组成、产品开发与应用情况进行了全面的综述。  相似文献   

<正> 米象属Sitophilus包括了几种很重要的仓贮害虫,其中玉米象S.zeamais(Motschulsky)和米象S.oryzae(Linnaeus)是我国仓贮害虫中危险性很大的2种害虫。谷象S.granarius(Linnaeus)为我国现行对外检疫对象,我国有的口岸在进口粮食中时常有截获。罗望子象S.linearis(Herbet)则在从云南瑞丽口岸进口的罗望子上常有截获。 这4种仓贮害虫在形态上很相似,容易混淆,为了方便口岸检疫和仓库保管人员快速、准确地鉴定这4种害虫,我们对这4种害虫成虫  相似文献   

热带宝树——酸角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
酸角(Tamarindus indica),又称酸豆、罗望子、罗晃子、酸梅(海南)、“木罕”(傣语),为苏木科酸角属果树。该属仅含酸角1种,有两个类型:甜型和酸型。  相似文献   

为了提供一种适合老年吞咽障碍患者使用的增稠剂,以黄原胶和罗望子胶及麦芽糊精为原料,粘度及溶解时间为指标,采用单因素实验和正交实验相结合的方法确定胶体最适的复配比例。结果表明:复配后的胶体粘度均大于单一胶体的粘度,且三种胶体复配后的溶解速度得到了显著地提高。黄原胶、罗望子胶和麦芽糊精的最适复配比例为3∶1∶30,粘度为611mPa·s,溶解时间为3min。随后通过流变仪对复配溶液的流变特性及粘度进行分析验证。最后将最适配方的增稠剂与市面上具有代表性的国内外增稠剂进行对比,表明该配方的增稠剂不仅具有成本低及速溶的优势,还能应用于医学钡餐造影。  相似文献   

罗望子中葡聚木糖的结构与功能初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乔木植物罗望子种子中富含木聚葡糖,是一种理想的膳食纤维来源。本文对该种子中所含的可溶性纤维进行了纤维素酶水解-HPLC分析和甲基化键型分析,证明其结构与在细胞壁中木聚葡糖基本相同。小白鼠动物实验初步确定了其促进肠蠕动的作用。  相似文献   

中国余甘子的开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
余甘子(Phyllanthus emblica L. )又名“余甘”、“油柑”、“油甘子”、“山油柑”、“庵摩勒”、“牛甘子”、“喉甘子”、“杨甘”。外国的油柑名称有:“emblic,emblic myrobalan,mirobalano,nelli,amla,aonla,awla,malacca tree,Indian gooseberry(印度猕猴桃)、makarn pom(圆形罗望子果)。余甘子为大戟科叶下珠属(油柑属)落叶乔木或灌木。它既是一种药用植物和粗生、高产、优质水果,又是一种水土保持、绿化荒山、荒地的优良树种和优美风景树。  相似文献   

元谋干热河谷三种植被恢复模式土壤贮水及入渗特性   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
采用双环法及主成分分析法、Pearson相关分析法,对云南省元谋干热河谷小跨山流域3种植被恢复类型(以裸地为对照)的土壤入渗与贮水特征进行了研究。结果表明:1)3种植被类型与裸地的饱和贮水量表现为、最大滞留贮水量和最大吸持贮水量均表现为罗望子 百喜草(1317.0 t?hm-2; 118.5 t?hm-2; 1198.5 t?hm-2)>银合欢林(1152.0 t?hm-2; 99.0 t?hm-2; 1053.0 t?hm-2)>扭黄茅(1108.5 t?hm-2; 89.5 t?hm-2; 1029.0 t?hm-2)>裸地(954.0 t?hm-2; 66.0 t?hm-2; 888.0 t?hm-2),且植被对土壤滞留贮存功能的改善作用大于土壤吸持贮存功能。2)3种植被类型与裸地间土壤入渗特征值均表现出初渗率(罗望子 百喜草: 7mm/min;银合欢林: 8.37mm/min;扭黄茅:6.01mm/min;裸地:0.62mm/min)>平均入渗率(5.93mm/min;5.06mm/min; 3.94mm/min;0.53mm/min)>稳渗率(4.94mm/min;2.88mm/min;3.29mm/min;0.27mm/min)的规律。不论旱季还是雨季,根据主成分分析法,得出土壤渗透性能综合判断值(F)的综合方程,综合评价3种植被类型与裸地土壤渗透性优劣,表现为:罗望子 百喜草(F值:1.2271)>扭黄茅(F值:0.5365)>银合欢林(F值:0.2688)>裸地(F值:-2.0323)。3)Pearson相关分析法表明,3种植被类型与裸地的土壤渗透性与总孔隙度、非毛管孔隙度、土壤有机质含量呈极显著(P<0.01)或者显著正相关(P<0.05),与土壤容重呈极显著(P<0.01)或显著负相关(P<0.05),并在此基础上建立了主导因子方程。4)对土壤入渗过程模拟得出通用经验方程是用于描述该流域土壤入渗过程的最优模型。  相似文献   

酸角的研究与应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
酸角,又称酸豆或罗望子(Tamarindus indica Linn.),是一种热带生长的高大常绿乔术,属豆科。盛产于印度、东巴基斯坦、锡兰、缅甸等国,在非洲和南美大部也有野生,我国广东、广西、福建、台湾、云南、四川等地也有种植,尤以海南岛更为普遍。酸角树是一种生长很快的高大树木,寿命可达百年以上。一般要十年左右开始结果,可持续产果60年。最大的树高达25米,周径7米。生长良好的树,每年可产果200~250公斤。果实大而扁平,成豆荚形。荚果肥厚,果肉酸甜并具有令人愉快的香味,是天然最酸的一种可食水果。  相似文献   

本研究的主要目的是利用系统评价甲磺酸罗哌卡因与盐酸罗哌卡因硬膜外麻醉的临床应用效果对比。通过使用计算机检索CNKI、中国生物医学文献服务系统、PubMed中关于甲磺酸罗哌卡因与盐酸罗哌卡因硬膜外麻醉的临床疗效进行对比分析。本研究按照Cochrane系统评价的方法,对纳入分析的文献质量进行评价,并采用RevMan5.3进行Meta分析,对数据不能合并者,则进行描述性的定性分析。本研究共纳入6个随机对照试验进行分析,文献质量均存在偏倚的可能性。甲磺酸罗哌卡因与盐酸罗哌卡因比较,结果显示两者具有相似的运动阻滞起效时间和不良反应发生率(p0.05),盐酸罗哌卡因感觉阻滞持续时间和运动阻滞持续时间长于甲磺酸罗哌卡因(p0.05),盐酸罗哌卡因感觉起效时间短于甲磺酸罗哌卡因(p0.05)。因此可说明盐酸罗哌卡因在硬膜外麻醉上的临床效果优于甲磺酸罗哌卡因。  相似文献   

The allelopathic competence of tamarind root was evaluated using several weed and edible crop species under both laboratory and greenhouse conditions. Bio-assay guided studies using agar and soil medium revealed that the growth of both radicle and hypocotyl were strongly inhibited under both conditions. Accelerated root exudation observed with an increase in the age of tamarind seedlings caused a high magnitude of growth inhibition of the plant species tested by the plant-box method. Tamarind seedlings at 21-DAG (days after germination) exerted the strongest inhibitory effect (85.0–95.1%) on the growth of the plant species tested. Root dry weight of tamarind seedlings in the plant-box method experiment was highly correlated (R 2 values more than 0.92) with the percentage of growth inhibition. The growth of species grown in the soil under the tamarind tree was inhibited by 85.3–97.1% in the greenhouse. The percentage of growth inhibition declined by 18.4–22.0% (as compared to the natural soil condition) when autoclaved soil of the same trees was used for bio-assay of plant species by the soil-agar sandwich method. This indicates that ca. a 20% increase in response was associated with the allelopathic activity of tamarind root exuded into the natural soil and was due to the effects of soil microbes and soil texture. In terms of growth inhibition of the plant species tested, the root zone soil of the tamarind tree showed stronger inhibitory effects (80.1–94.2%) than the rhizosphere soil, as determined by the soil-agar sandwich method. In all cases, growth inhibition especially in the radicle was higher in the weed species than the edible crop species. Our observations clearly indicate that tamarind root exudate has allelochemical competence and this contributes to a weed free environment around the tamarind tree.  相似文献   

Methods were developed to prepare gum solution from Tamarind seed of good adhesive strength. A composite material of Tamarind Seed gum and the cellulosic rich sisal plant fibre was prepared and techniques were developed to increase the strength of the prepared composite material by a process of humidification and compression. The prepared composite material have potential industrial applications such as false roofing and room partitioning.  相似文献   

Tamarind wastes such as tamarind husk, pulp, seeds, fruit and the effluent generated during tartaric acid extraction were used as supplements to evaluate their effects on alcohol production from cane molasses using yeast cultures. Small amounts of these additives enhanced the rate of ethanol production in batch fermentations. Tamarind fruit increased ethanol production (9.7%, w/v) from 22.5% reducing sugars of molasses as compared to 6.5% (w/v) in control experiments lacking supplements after 72 h of fermentation. In general, the addition of tamarind supplements to the fermentation medium showed more than 40% improvement in ethanol production using higher cane molasses sugar concentrations. The direct fermentation of aqueous tamarind effluent also yielded 3.25% (w/v) ethanol, suggesting its possible use as a diluent in molasses fermentations. This is the first report, to our knowledge, in which tamarind-based waste products were used in ethanol production. Received 2 April 1998/ Accepted in revised form 13 November 1998  相似文献   

A trypsin inhibitor isolated from tamarind seed (TTI) has satietogenic effects in animals, increasing the cholecystokinin (CCK) in eutrophy and reducing leptin in obesity. We purified TTI (pTTI), characterised, and observed its effect upon CCK and leptin in obese Wistar rats. By HPLC, and after amplification of resolution, two protein fractions were observed: Fr1 and Fr2, with average mass of [M?+?14H]+?=?19,594,690?Da and [M?+?13H]+?=?19,578,266?Da, respectively. The protein fractions showed 54 and 53 amino acid residues with the same sequence. pTTI presented resistance to temperature and pH variations; IC50 was 2.7?×?10?10?mol.L?1 and Ki was 2.9?×?10?11?mol.L?1. The 2-DE revealed spots with isoelectric points between pH 5 and 6, and one near pH 8. pTTI action on leptin decrease was confirmed. We conclude that pTTI is a Kunitz trypsin inhibitor with possible biotechnological health-related application.  相似文献   

The dynamic properties (storage moduli, G′ and loss moduli, G″) of tamarind gels and the influence of saccharose and polysaccharide concentrations were studied using model rings of 3 mm thickness and 20 mm diameter, prepared with three saccharose (55, 60 and 65% w/v) and three polysaccharide concentrations (1.5, 2.0 and 2.5% w/v). Small amplitude oscillatory measures were taken at 25°C in a PHYSICA LS 100 rheometer with parallel plate geometry. Results for the 9 gels showed the zone of linear viscoelasticity between 0.637 and 6.37 Pa of oscillatory shear stress. The mechanical spectra obtained after 24, 48 and 72 h evidenced the presence of syneresis with an increase in G′ as a function of time. The effects of polysaccharide concentrations on gel viscoelasticity were greater than those of saccharose.  相似文献   

Syntheses of 3- and 4-O-β-D-galactopyranosyl-L-rhamnose and of 3-O-(2-acetamido-2-deoxy-β-D-glucopyranosyl)-L-rhamnose are described. Comparison of the inhibitory powers of these three disaccharides with those of a selection of other disaccharides on the precipitin reaction between Type VII antipneumococcal horse serum and Type VII pneumococcal polysaccharide or Tamarind A polysaccharide showed that O-D-galactosyl- and O-(2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucosyl)-L-rhamnose groups are important serological determinants in the pneumococcal Type VII polysaccharide.  相似文献   

Women’s Traditional Knowledge, Use Value, and the Contribution of Tamarind ( Tamarindus indica L.) to Rural Households’ Cash Income in Benin. This study examined differences in knowledge, use values, and contribution of tamarind (Tamarindus indica) to women’s cash income during the dry season, focusing on seven tribal groups in Benin. Data were gathered using semistructured individual interviews and monitoring, and were analyzed using quantitative ethnobotanical methods. Principal component analysis was applied to describe the use value and use forms of tamarind according to different tribes. Tamarind was found to play an important role in local communities’ livelihoods. Overall, 26 different uses were mentioned for tamarind products. Most commonly, the fruit (pulp) was used to make beverages, as a laxative and purgative, and it seems to be the only plant part sold commercially. Bark was frequently used as a medicine to treat wounds, and leaves were used to make porridge and as an antibiotic. Medicinal, cultural, and material use categories were correlated best with the Fulani, whereas commerce was most correlated with Gourma tribes (PCA analysis). There were significant differences for tamarind utilization among the tribal groups, with overall ethnobotanical use values (EUVT) ranging from 10 to 14, and contribution to cash income ranging from 8.8% to 56.4%. In view of its domestication potential, it is crucial that traditional tribal knowledge of tamarind be preserved and integrated into management policies. Further development and research needs for utilization and conservation are improvement of commercialization, organization of market channels, and extent of genetic diversity within and among populations.  相似文献   

Allelopathic performance of the bark and seed of Tamarindus indica L. tree was evaluated through bioassay-guided studies using seven common agronomic crops (asparagus, cucumber, lettuce, radish, sesame, tomato and welsh onion) and seven weed species (barnyard grass, Chinese milk vetch, perennial ryegrass, phacelia, timothy grass, white clover and wild ginger) under laboratory conditions. As demonstrated by a sandwich method, the bark of the tamarind tree caused strong growth inhibition (compared to the corresponding controls) in both radicles and hypocotyls of the species tested, and the inhibitory effect was highest in barnyard grass (52–65%) and lowest in welsh onion (19–13%). The crude-water soluble extracts of bark at different concentrations (1, 5 and 10%) (w/v) exhibited a strong growth inhibition in all the plant species tested, and a proportional increase in the percentage of growth inhibition was observed with an increase in the concentrations of the extracts. The magnitude of inhibition in weed species was higher (5–60%) than those of agronomic crop species (3–40%). The growth of all the weed species tested was strongly inhibited (17–56%), while the agronomic crop species showed both inhibited (5–21%) and stimulated (5–27%) growth due to the effect of crude-water soluble exudates of tamarind seed. Among the agronomic crop species tested, lettuce (22–27%) followed by radish (20–25%) and sesame (5–8%) showed stimulatory growth with the crude-water soluble exudates of seed. In the pot culture experiments using four agronomic crops (lettuce, radish, tomato and cucumber) and two weed species (barnyard grass and white clover), spraying of crude-water soluble extracts of tamarind seed-coat at three different concentrations (1, 5 and 10%) (w/v) showed that the growth of lettuce (35–62%) and radish (32–56%) was stimulated, while all other species tested showed growth inhibition (29–61%). When the spraying of crude extracts of seed-coat was turned off, the growth of both lettuce and radish continued to be stimulated (4–7%) and all other previously inhibited species recovered well, the recovery percentage ranging between 78 and 82%. However, when spraying of crude extracts of seed-coat was continued, growth increased (10–14%) in lettuce and radish, and reduced (37–76%) in four other species tested. The inhibitory or stimulatory effects of the crude extracts on agronomic crop and weed species were higher in the radicle than the hypocotyl and reached a peak with 10% (w/v) concentrations. These results clearly demonstrated the differential allelopathic effects (inhibitory and excitatory) of bark and seed of tamarind tree in the species tested. Thus, it is evident that these two organs contain certain biologically active true growth regulator(s) and are either additively or synergistically involved in the plant-specific expression, particularly by the seed-coat.  相似文献   

Tamarind seed xyloglucan is an interesting polysaccharide of high molar mass with excellent thermomechanical properties. Several plasticizers were studied in order to facilitate thermal processing and improve toughness (work to fracture) of xyloglucan film materials: sorbitol, urea, glycerol and polyethylene oxide. Films of different compositions were cast and studied by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), calorimetry (DSC), dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMA) and tensile tests. Results are analysed and discussed based on mechanisms and practical considerations. Highly favourable characteristics were found with XG/sorbitol combinations, and the thermomechanical properties motivate further work on this material system, for instance as a matrix in biocomposite materials.  相似文献   

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