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5种湿地植物对土壤重金属的富集转运特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选择芦苇、水葱、千屈菜、扁秆藨草、长苞香蒲5种湿地植物进行盆栽实验,比较它们对土壤中的5种重金属镉、铬、汞、铅、锌的富集特性,分析重金属在各植物体和土壤中的动态分布,以评价所测植物对土壤中重金属的综合富集能力,为利用植物修复金属污染土壤提供理论依据和技术支持。结果表明:(1)种植湿地植物对土壤重金属的富集效果显著高于无植物对照,且随着处理时间的延长,土壤中重金属镉、铬、汞、铅、锌的含量均呈下降趋势。(2)湿地植物对重金属镉、铬、汞、铅、锌的富集效果差异显著,其中水葱根部对重金属镉的富集系数最大,芦苇根部对重金属铬、汞、铅、锌的富集系数均最大,千屈菜、扁秆藨草和长苞香蒲根部对5种重金属的富集系数均较小;芦苇地上部分对金属镉的富集系数最大,千屈菜地上部分对金属铬、汞、铅的富集系数均最大,水葱地上部分对金属锌的富集系数最大。(3)5种湿地植物对重金属镉、铬、汞、铅、锌的转移系数差异显著,其中扁秆藨草对土壤中镉、铬、铅、锌的转移系数均为最大,对铬和锌的转移系数均大于1,长苞香蒲对铬的转移系数大于1,仅次于扁秆藨草。其他3种植物对5种重金属的转移系数均小于1。研究表明,5种湿地植物对重金属Cd、Cr、Hg、Pb、Zn都有富集和转移的能力,但不同植物对不同重金属的富集效果不同。  相似文献   

一种新的铅富集植物——富集生态型东南景天   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对浙江一古老铅锌矿区的土壤和植物种群进行调查后发现一种新的具有耐铅特性和铅富集能力的植物———景天科景天属东南景天 (SedumalfrediiHance) ,称为铅富集生态型植物。进一步比较和分析了不同浓度硝酸铅处理对富集和非富集生态型东南景天的生长及其对铅的吸收特性的影响。结果表明 ,32 0mgPb/L处理对富集生态型的地上部分生长无显著影响 ,而非富集生态型在 2 0mgPb/L时即出现受害症状。富集和非富集生态型的地上部分铅含量、根系铅含量以及单株铅积累速率均随处理浓度的增加而表现出先升后降的变化趋势。其中富集生态型的地上部分铅含量、根系铅含量以及单株铅积累速率最高可达到 5 14mg/kg、1392 2mg/kg和 8.6 2 μg/plant/d ,分别是非富集生态型的 2 .2 7、2 .6 2和 7.16倍。由于具有生长速度快和高积累铅的能力 ,从植物修复的观点来说 ,东南景天铅富集生态型在铅污染土壤的修复方面具有巨大的潜力。  相似文献   

一种新的铅富集植物--富集生态型东南景天   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对浙江一古老铅锌矿区的土壤和植物种群进行调查后发现一种新的具有耐铅特性和铅富集能力的植物--景天科景天属东南景天(Sedum alfredii Hance),称为铅富集生态型植物.进一步比较和分析了不同浓度硝酸铅处理对富集和非富集生态型东南景天的生长及其对铅的吸收特性的影响.结果表明, 320 mg Pb/L处理对富集生态型的地上部分生长无显著影响,而非富集生态型在20 mg Pb/L时即出现受害症状.富集和非富集生态型的地上部分铅含量、根系铅含量以及单株铅积累速率均随处理浓度的增加而表现出先升后降的变化趋势.其中富集生态型的地上部分铅含量、根系铅含量以及单株铅积累速率最高可达到514 mg/kg、13 922 mg/kg和8.62 μg/plant/d,分别是非富集生态型的2.27、2.62和7.16倍.由于具有生长速度快和高积累铅的能力,从植物修复的观点来说,东南景天铅富集生态型在铅污染土壤的修复方面具有巨大的潜力.  相似文献   

选择乐安河—鄱阳湖湿地典型植物群落,采用重要值方法评价各样点植物群落特征并筛选出典型优势植物,通过室内理化测试分析不同生境中优势植物植株及其根区土壤中重金属Cu、Pb、Cd的含量;采用生物富集系数(BCF)方法评价不同优势植物对重金属Cu、Pb、Cd的富集特性。结果表明:研究区湿地植物以草本为主,在各样点共发现124种物种,包括蕨类植物2科2属2种,种子植物40科97属122种,并从中筛选出羊蹄、红蓼、鼠曲草、紫云英、苎麻等5种富集能力较强的优势植物;植物根区土壤中的Cu、Cd含量均超过土壤环境质量三级标准,而且Cu、Cd的最高含量分别为824.03、5.03 mg·kg-1;不同优势植物对Cu、Pb、Cd等3种重金属元素中的1种或2种表现出较强的富集能力,其中优势物种红蓼对Cu具有较强的富集能力,含Cu量最高为148.80 mg·kg-1,另一种优势物种鼠曲草对三种元素的生物富集系数均较高,且对Cd的最高富集含量为15.17 mg·kg-1,对Cd的生物富集系数最高值为19.14,高于其他植物10倍以上,鼠曲草对重金属Cd具有富集植物的基本特征,且对Cu和Cd具有共富集特征并具有较高的耐性,紫云英、羊蹄等对Cd的富集能力也较强。上述5种优势植物种群对鄱阳湖湿地Cu、Pb、Cd等重金属污染物的生态修复具有一定参考价值,可作为鄱阳湖湿地重金属污染修复植物的选择对象。  相似文献   

商陆是在中国境内发现的多年生、草本型锰超积累植物。通过室内土培试验,评价商陆对土壤中锰的去除潜力,确定最佳收获时间,以期达到最佳的重金属污染土壤植物修复效果。结果表明:商陆能将土壤中的锰转运到地上部位,叶片中Mn含量最高,平均值为17 043 mg/kg DW,远远大于茎和根的锰含量均值;单株的平均富集量在浓度为500 mg/kg DW时达最高,一棵商陆可富集平均13 mg的Mn;动态修复中确定的最佳收获时间为60 d,不同时间收获的商陆地下部分生物量差异不明显(P0.05),地上部分则差异较大。连续收获不改变其锰生物富集能力。这表明商陆对锰有较强的富集能力,是一种优良的修复锰污染土壤的物种,对土壤重金属污染的治理及植物修复领域数据库的完善具有重要意义。  相似文献   

以‘新选七叶’油菜为研究对象,采用土培方法,研究在不同浓度重金属(镉、铅、汞)胁迫下,油菜对重金属的吸收和积累特征,并探讨重金属在土壤—蔬菜间的迁移情况。结果表明:不同重金属在植物不同部位的分布和积累规律存在差异,镉和汞在植株上的积累规律为根叶茎,而铅在植株上的积累规律为根茎叶。油菜根部对重金属的累积能力远高于茎和叶,根部对三种重金属的吸收富集能力为镉汞铅。油菜各部位重金属含量与土壤重金属浓度呈显著正相关(r20.859)。以蔬菜可食部位重金属含量的最大限量为标准(GB 15201-1994、GB 14935-1994、GB 2762-1994),计算得出土壤中对应的镉、铅、汞临界值分别为0.362、43.62、2.892μg/g。  相似文献   

木耳菜在4种土壤中对Cs的吸收与转运研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤类型是Cs污染植物修复技术的重要影响因素。采用盆栽试验,将木耳菜分别移栽在紫色土、水稻土、红壤和黄壤土中,待3叶期,分别施加不同浓度的Cs[0、20、40、80、120mg·kg~(-1) CsCl]处理10、20、30d后取样,分析木耳菜在4种土壤中对Cs的吸收与转运差异,探讨不同土壤类型、土壤pH值以及速效钾含量对木耳菜富集Cs的影响机制。结果显示:(1)不同土壤类型中木耳菜的Cs含量均与Cs施加浓度和处理时间呈显著正相关关系,植物各器官间Cs积累量大小依次为根叶茎,表明木耳菜的根、茎、叶在不同类型土壤中均能积累Cs,随着处理时间的延长,其吸收量随Cs施加浓度的增大而增加,但以根部的富集能力最强、积累量最大。(2)在不同土壤类型中和不同处理时间段,木耳菜对Cs的富集系数和转运系数均存在显著差异,其富集与转运能力随着Cs施加浓度的增大以及处理时间的延长表现为先增后减,其地下部分富集系数显著高于地上部分,且黄壤土中木耳菜对Cs的富集能力明显高于其它3种土壤。(3)土壤中的钾含量和pH值影响木耳菜对Cs的吸收和富集,与紫色土、水稻土和红壤相比,黄壤土中的速效钾含量较低,pH适中,在不同处理时间段,木耳菜在黄壤土中对Cs的富集效率都最高,表明土壤中低含量的速效钾以及适中的pH值更利于木耳菜对Cs的吸收。  相似文献   

植物修复凭借低成本和环境友好的优点,在土壤修复中担任着至关重要的角色。将营养成分高且产量巨大的市政污泥用于园林栽培基质,不仅可以降低其处置成本,还可通过植物修复降低其重金属风险。本文对污泥中重金属的含量地域分布与形态特征、草坪草的生长特性及其对重金属的富集特征进行了论述,探讨了草坪富集重金属的影响因素,为污泥资源化以及后期草坪草修复土壤重金属提供技术支撑,对深入研究污泥中重金属修复及污泥的资源化利用具有指导意义。  相似文献   

土壤铅污染日益严重,植物修复是一种环保的污染土壤修复技术。本文旨在研究四种土壤铅污染水平下,添加生物碳和分根区交替 灌溉(Alternative Partial Root-zone Irrigation,APRI)对桑树幼苗的生长、铅适应性和铅积累的影响。我们以生物碳(添加与不添加生物碳)、灌溉方式(APRI 与常规灌溉)和土壤铅水平(0、50、200 和800 mg kg−1 Pb)为三因素实施了温室试验。通过测定桑树幼苗的生长性状、渗透物质代谢、抗氧化酶活性、铅的积累和转运等参数,探讨了不同处理对桑树生长发育的影响。结果表明,桑树对土壤铅污染有较强的适应能力;生物碳和APRI 在不同土壤铅水平上协同提高了生物量和吸收根表面积。桑树通过调节谷胱甘肽 (GSH)、脯氨酸代谢和过氧化物酶(POD)活性,增加了渗透和抗氧化调节能力,进而提高了对重度铅污染土壤(800 mg kg−1)的抗性。桑苗中的铅离子主要集中在根中,与土壤铅浓度具有剂量效应。土壤铅、生物碳和ARPI的交互作用影响了叶片和根系中铅的浓度、转运和生物富集系数。综上所述,在桑树栽培中结合外源生物碳和APRI可有效地用于修复土壤铅污染。  相似文献   

某冶炼厂周围8种植物对重金属的吸收与富集作用   总被引:37,自引:3,他引:34  
采用野外采样系统分析法,研究了沈阳冶炼厂的8种植物对重金属(Pb、Zn、Cu和Cd)的吸收与富集作用以及可能的耐性机制.结果表明,植物对重金属的吸收和富集,因植物种类、部位及重金属种类而不同.茼麻(Abutilon theophrasti)对Pb的吸收和富集能力较强,小白酒花(Conyza canadensis)、三裂叶豚草(Ambrosia trifida)、酸模叶蓼(Polygonum lapathifolium)、茼麻、龙葵(Solanum nigrum)、绿珠藜(Chenopodium acuminatum)和菊芋(Helianthus tuberosus)对Zn的吸收和富集效果较好,绿珠藜和茼麻对Cu的吸收和富集能力较强,龙葵、绿珠藜、茼麻、酸模叶蓼和小白酒花对Cd的吸收和富集能力较强.这些植物向地上部转移某些重金属的能力很强,转移系数大于1,可用于植物提取方式的污染土壤修复.其他转移系数小于1的植物,适合于重金属污染土壤的植物稳定.  相似文献   

城市污泥土地利用研究   总被引:159,自引:2,他引:157  
通过培养试验、盆栽试验和田间试验系统地研究了污泥的组分特征、性质及其农地和城市园林绿化地利用对作物或绿化灌木、土壤肥力及其环境的影响,结果表明,污泥富含有机质和氮磷养分,且养分当季有效性介于化肥农家肥之间。施用污泥将明显提高土壤肥力,表现改善土壤物理性质;增加土壤肥机质和氮磷水平,并增加土壤生物活性,因此施用污泥的处理作物产量较高,并有利于后茬作物的稳健生长。但污泥施用也存在重金属、病原物等污染  相似文献   

Hamon  R.E.  Holm  P.E.  Lorenz  S.E.  McGrath  S.P.  Christensen  T.H. 《Plant and Soil》1999,216(1-2):53-64
Uptake of metals by plants growing in sewage sludge-amended soils frequently exhibits a plateau response at high sludge loading rates associated with high total concentrations of metals in the soil. This type of response has generally been attributed to attenuation of metal bioavailability by increased sorption sites provided by the sludge constituents at the high sludge loading rates. We grew Raphanus sativus L. in a soil historically amended with sewage sludge at different rates and examined concentrations of Cd and Zn in the plants and in corresponding rhizosphere soil solution. Metal concentrations in the plants displayed a plateau response. However, concentrations of total or free metals in the soil solution did not display a similar plateau response, therefore the pre-requisite for determining that metal uptake by plants was limited by sludge chemistry was not met. It was concluded that plant physiological factors were responsible for the plateau in plant metal concentrations observed in this study. Examination of data by other authors suggests that a plateau response due to plant physiological factors has routinely been misinterpreted as being the result of only attenuation by sludge chemistry. The serious implications of an incorrect interpretation of the factors underlying a plateau response are discussed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to assess the suitability of sewage sludge amendment (SSA) in soil for Beta vulgaris var. saccharifera (sugar beet) by evaluating the heavy metal accumulation and physiological responses of plants grown at a 10%, 25%, and 50% sewage sludge amendment rate. The sewage sludge amendment was modified by the physicochemical properties of soil, thus increasing the availability of heavy metals in the soil and consequently increasing accumulation in plant parts. Cd, Pb, Ni, and Cu concentrations in roots were significantly higher in plants grown at 25% as compared to 50% SSA; however, Cr and Zn concentration was higher at 50% than 25% SSA. The concentrations of heavy metal showed a trend of Zn > Ni > Cu > Cr > Pb > Cd in roots and Zn > Cu > Ni > Cr > Pb > Cd in leaves. The only instance in which the chlorophyll content did not increase after the sewage sludge treatments was 50%. There were approximately 1.12-fold differences between the control and 50% sewage sludge application for chlorophyll content. The sewage sludge amendment led to a significant increase in Pb, Cr, Cd, Cu, Zn, and Ni concentrations of the soil. The heavy metal accumulation in the soil after the treatments did not exceed the limits for the land application of sewage sludge recommended by the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). The increased concentration of heavy metals in the soil due to the sewage sludge amendment led to increases in heavy metal uptake and the leaf and root concentrations of Ni, Zn, Cd, Cu, Cr, Pb, and Zn in plants as compared to those grown on unamended soil. More accumulation occurred in roots and leaves than in shoots for most of the heavy metals. The concentrations of Cd, Cr, and Pb were more than the permissible limits of national standards in the edible portion of sugar beet grown on different sewage sludge amendment ratios. The study concludes that the sewage sludge amendment in the soil for growing sugar beet may not be a good option due to risk of contamination of Cr, Pb, and Cd.  相似文献   


The major limitation for the use of sewage sludge in agriculture is the risk of soil contamination with heavy metals, and their possible transference to man via the food chain. The objective of this study was to evaluate the content of nickel (Ni) in soil by the two methods of digestion (HNO3 + H2O2 + HCl and HClO4 + HF), and in different parts of maize plants grown on a tropical soil classified as Typic Eutrorthox, that had been treated with sewage sludge for nine consecutive years, and the effects on dry matter and grain production. The experiment was carried out under field conditions in Jaboticabal-SP, using a randomized block design with four treatments and five replicates. Treatments consisted of: 0.0 (control, mineral fertilization), 45.0, 90.0 and 127.5t ha?1 sewage sludge (dry basis), accumulated during nine years. Sewage sludge was manually applied to the soil and incorporated at 0.1 m depth before sowing the maize. Soil Ni evaluated by Jackson’s method was 76.8% higher than evaluated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency method that digests the samples by heating with concentrated HNO3, H2O2 and HCl. Sewage sludge rates did not affect Ni content in the soil. Ni was accumulated in leaf and stem but was not detected in grain. Sewage sludge and mineral fertilization applied to soil for a long time caused similar effects on dry matter and grain production.  相似文献   

In this study, we present the response of spinach to different amendment rates of sewage sludge (0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 g kg?1) in a greenhouse pot experiment, where plant growth, biomass and heavy metal uptake were measured. The results showed that sewage sludge application increased soil electric conductivity (EC), organic matter, chromium and zinc concentrations and decreased soil pH. All heavy metal concentrations of the sewage sludge were below the permissible limits for land application of sewage sludge recommended by the Council of the European Communities. Biomass and all growth parameters (except the shoot/root ratio) of spinach showed a positive response to sewage sludge applications up to 40 g kg?1 compared to the control soil. Increasing the sewage sludge amendment rate caused an increase in all heavy metal concentrations (except lead) in spinach root and shoot. However, all heavy metal concentrations (except chromium and iron) were in the normal range and did not reach the phytotoxic levels. The spinach was characterized by a bioaccumulation factor <1.0 for all heavy metals. The translocation factor (TF) varied among the heavy metals as well as among the sewage sludge amendment rates. Spinach translocation mechanisms clearly restricted heavy metal transport to the edible parts (shoot) because the TFs for all heavy metals (except zinc) were <1.0. In conclusion, sewage sludge used in the present study can be considered for use as a fertilizer in spinach production systems in Saudi Arabia, and the results can serve as a management method for sewage sludge.  相似文献   

构树是我国重要速生经济树种,具有适应性强、生物量大和重金属富集能力强等优点,而污泥中含有大量养分和重金属,在污泥中种植构树有望同时实现污泥生态修复和构树资源生产。本研究通过盆栽试验,分析在对照(赤红壤)、50%污泥(污泥、赤红壤混合基质,重量比各50%)和100%污泥基质中构树生长及不同部位(根、茎、叶)养分和重金属吸收累积特征,并通过主成分分析和隶属度函数对吸收累积能力进行综合评价。结果表明: 构树在50%和100%污泥中均可正常生长且株高、生物量显著高于对照,在100%污泥中长势最好,质量指数(1.02)分别是对照和50%污泥处理的4.3和2.4倍。50%和100%污泥处理构树各部位N含量和茎P含量显著高于对照,100%污泥处理构树茎、叶K含量显著低于对照。构树对Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、Ni的吸收部位以根为主,根系重金属含量与污泥比例呈正相关,叶Pb、Cd含量符合《饲料卫生标准》(GB 13078—2017)。构树对Cd的吸收累积效果好于其他重金属元素。与对照相比,50%和100%污泥处理构树根部Zn、Pb、Cd滞留率显著提高(57.8%~85.8%),100%污泥处理构树根部Cu、Ni滞留率显著提高(67.5%和74.8%)。污泥处理全株养分和重金属累积量均显著大于对照,其中100%污泥处理显著大于50%污泥处理。与50%污泥处理相比,100%污泥处理构树各部位及全株养分和重金属累积量大幅提高。不同处理下构树污泥适应性和元素吸收累积的综合评价得分为100%污泥(0.848)>50%污泥(0.344)>对照(0.080)。构树对污泥具有良好的适应性,在纯污泥中能够正常生长并具有较强的吸收累积养分和重金属能力,可在修复污泥的同时进行构树资源生产。  相似文献   

Greenhouse pot experiments were performed with Ipomoea aquatica (Kang Kong) to evaluate artificial soil produced from poor fertility subsoil, horticultural compost, and sewage sludge. The addition of horticultural compost and sewage sludge to subsoil substantially improved plant growth, improved the physical properties of subsoil and enriched subsoil by essential nutrients for plants. The effect was enhanced when the two ingredients were added to subsoil together. The highest yield of biomass of I. aquatica was observed in artificial soil prepared by mixing subsoil with 4% (wet weight/wet weight) of horticultural compost and 2% (dry weight/wet weight) of sewage sludge. The contents of heavy metals in plants, grown in the artificial soil, were significantly lower than toxic levels. The artificial soil could be recommended for urban landscaping and gardening in Singapore.  相似文献   

 本文研究了北京东郊污灌区重金属在作物—土壤中的迁移、分布、积累规律,证实本区蔬菜中汞含量比粮食作物约大3—15倍,比水果约大6—200倍。麦粒、糙米中的Cu、Hg、Cd、Pb、Ni的含量与土壤含量相关性不显著。架豆中重金属含量与土壤中重金属含量的相关性,只有Zn,Pb达显著水平。白菜土有机质含量与重金属含量相关性达显著水平,而白菜的重金属含量与土壤的重金属含量相关性却不显著。说明除了土壤中重金属的总量外,有效态含量的多少,是影响本区作物吸收积累重金属的主要因素。 本区施污泥的土壤和生长的作物Cd/Zn大部小于1%、盆栽试验证明:施用本区污泥污水对水稻生长发育的影响比施污泥灌清水的影响大些,因此,施用含重金属污泥时,最好不要超过5000斤/亩。大田和室内模拟试验证明:重金属从土壤中迁移到植物,由植物带走输出的量极少,其中以带走输出的Hg、Cd,As相对较多,带走输出的Pb、Cr相对的少些。  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to determine the effect of the chelate EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), which is used in phytoremediation, on plant availability of heavy metals in liquid sewage sludge applied to soil. Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) was grown under greenhouse conditions in a commercial potting soil; the tetrasodium salt of EDTA (EDTA Na4) was added at a rate of 1 g kg-1 to half the pots. Immediately after seeds were planted, half of the pots with each soil (with or without EDTA) were irrigated with 60 ml sludge, and half were irrigated with 60 ml tap water. For the subsequent five irrigations, plants in soil with EDTA received either sludge or tap water containing 0.5 g EDTA Na4 per 1000 ml, and plants in soil without EDTA received sludge or tap water without EDTA. Of the four heavy metals whose extractable concentrations in the soil were measured (Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn), only Zn had a higher concentration in sludge-treated soil with EDTA compared to sludge-treated soil without EDTA. The concentrations of Fe, Cu, and Mn were similar in sludge-treated soil with and without EDTA. Of the three heavy metals whose total concentrations in the soil were measured (Cd, Pb, Cr), Pb (<10 mg kg-1) and Cd (< 1 mg kg-1) were below detection limits, and Cr was unaffected by treatment. The concentration of all measured elements in plants (Cd, Cu, Fe, Zn, Pb) was higher than the concentrations measured in the soil. With no EDTA, sludge-treated plants had a higher concentration of the five heavy elements than plants grown without sludge. Cadmium was lower in sludge-treated plants with EDTA than plants with EDTA and no sludge. After treatment with EDTA, the concentrations of Cu, Fe, and Zn were similar in plants with and without sludge. Lead was higher in plants with EDTA than plants without EDTA, showing that EDTA can facilitate phytoremediation of soil with Pb from sewage sludge.  相似文献   

Industrial areas are characterised by soil degradation processes that are related primarily to the deposition of heavy metals. Areas contaminated with metals are a serious source of risk due to secondary pollutant emissions and metal leaching and migration in the soil profile and into the groundwater. Consequently, the optimal solution for these areas is to apply methods of remediation that create conditions for the restoration of plant cover and ensure the protection of groundwater against pollution. Remediation activities that are applied to large-scale areas contaminated with heavy metals should mainly focus on decreasing the degree of metal mobility in the soil profile and metal bioavailability to levels that are not phytotoxic. Chemophytostabilisation is a process in which soil amendments and plants are used to immobilise metals. The main objective of this research was to investigate the effects of different doses of organic amendments (after aerobic sewage sludge digestion in the food industry) and inorganic amendments (lime, superphosphate, and potassium phosphate) on changes in the metals fractions in soils contaminated with Cd, Pb and Zn during phytostabilisation. In this study, the contaminated soil was amended with sewage sludge and inorganic amendments and seeded with grass (tall fescue) to increase the degree of immobilisation of the studied metals. The contaminated soil was collected from the area surrounding a zinc smelter in the Silesia region of Poland (pH 5.5, Cd 12 mg kg-1, Pb 1100 mg kg-1, Zn 700 mg kg-1). A plant growth experiment was conducted in a growth chamber for 5 months. Before and after plant growth, soil subsamples were subjected to chemical and physical analyses. To determine the fractions of the elements, a sequential extraction method was used according to Zeien and Brümmer. Research confirmed that the most important impacts on the Zn, Cd and Pb fractions included the combined application of sewage sludge from the food industry and the addition of lime and potassium phosphate. Certain doses of inorganic additives decreased the easily exchangeable fraction from 50% to 1%. The addition of sewage sludge caused a decrease in fraction I for Cd and Pb. In combination with the use of inorganic additives, a mobile fraction was not detected and an easily mobilisable fraction was reduced by half. For certain combinations of metals, the concentrations were detected up to a few percent. The application of sewage sludge resulted in a slight decrease in a mobile (water soluble and easily exchangeable metals) fraction of Zn, but when inorganic additives were applied, this fraction was not detected. The highest degree of immobilisation of the tested heavy metals relative to the control was achieved when using both sewage sludge and inorganic additives at an experimentally determined dose. The sequential extraction results confirmed this result. In addition, the results proved that the use of the phytostabilisation process on contaminated soils should be supported.  相似文献   

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