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为了探讨大豆属(Glycine)Soja亚属植物的系统演化规律,采用石蜡切片法对产自吉林省的大豆属Soja亚属4种植物的叶片结构进行显微观察。结果显示,Soja亚属中的野生大豆(Glycine sojaSeib.et Zucc.)、半野生大豆(semi-wild soybean)、半栽培大豆(semi-cultured soybean)、栽培大豆(Glycine max(L.)Merrill.)叶片的部分结构特征差异显著;从野生大豆到栽培大豆,其叶片和主脉逐渐加厚、表皮毛数量增多,主脉维管束中导管分子列数增多且逐渐演化出异型维管束,栅栏组织层数逐渐增多,CTR(栅栏组织/叶片厚)和SR(海绵组织/叶片厚)值也有增高的趋势;栽培大豆栅栏组织最发达,已演化出4层栅栏组织细胞。大豆属Soja亚属4种植物(野生大豆、半野生大豆、半栽培大豆、栽培大豆)叶片间的解剖结构差异表现出明显的进化趋势。  相似文献   

丰富的遗传多样性可为大豆育种提供宽阔的遗传基础,本研究基于35对SSR标记,对60份东北地区大豆疫霉根腐病抗性品种进行了遗传多样性分析,共检测到189个等位基因,平均每个位点等位变异数5.4个,多态性信息含量指数(PIC)为0.1550~0.8195,平均为0.6636;遗传相似系数的变异范围为0.31~0.74。利用5对高多态性SSR引物构建了60份抗性材料的指纹图谱,这5对SSR引物构建的指纹图谱可以将60份疫霉根腐病抗性材料逐一区分开。采用NTSYS2.10基于遗传距离的聚类分析,将60份抗性材料分为7个类群,其中78.33%的抗性品种(系)的遗传相似系数在0.45~0.74间,表明遗传差异相对较窄,品种间遗传多样性水平较低。聚类分析与群体遗传结构分析结果有部分重合,均反映出不同地区的抗性材料间存在一定的渗透和交流。  相似文献   

属于大豆属Glycine亚属10个种、Soja亚属2个种的24份材料的ITS-Ⅰ序列,通过PCR扩增,已克隆并测序.根据序列的同源性确定了这24份材料的种系关系.从重建的谱系树中可以看出一些原先划分的种中存在不同的基因组分化类型,如G.tomentella,G.canescens和G.tabacina,它们可能是被形态划分所遮蔽的种.  相似文献   

利用荧光SSR分子标记,对新收集的苹果属栽培种楸子种质资源进行了遗传多样性和群体结构分析,明确群体内和群体间的遗传多样性和结构,为苹果属植物种质资源的收集保存和砧木育种亲本选择提供参考。利用荧光SSR构建研究材料的指纹数据,主要利用GenAlEx 6.501软件分析遗传多样性,利用POPULATION 1.2软件基于Nei遗传距离构建Neighbour-Joining(NJ)树,并利用STRUCTURE 2.3.4软件进行群体结构分析。结果表明:19对SSR引物共检测出390个多态性等位变异,平均多态性等位基因数为20.526,平均有效等位基因数为9.399,观察杂合度和期望杂合度的平均值分别为0.706和0.868,香农多样性指数为2.446,高于以往研究的苹果属植物的遗传多样性。基于Nei遗传距离的聚类分析,在遗传距离0.9167处155份材料可以分成3个类群,3个类群间的遗传距离较近,并没有完全按来源地划分为相应的类群。群体结构分析将155份材料划分成了2个稳定的群体,群体结构分组与NJ聚类有相似的结果,其中150份材料的Q值均大于0.6,血缘相对单一。  相似文献   

基于SSR标记分析小豆及其近缘植物的遗传关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究利用87对SSR引物分析了80份栽培小豆(Vigna angularis)、22份野生小豆(V.angularis var.nipponensis)以及10份豇豆属(共7个种)近缘植物,旨在比较豇豆属不同种的遗传多样性,并分析种间的遗传关系.结果显示87对SSR引物在112份小豆及其近缘植物资源中共检测到667个等位变异.其中有75个、71个和82个SSR位点分别在栽培小豆、野生小豆和近缘植物中表现为多态.随机抽样分析发现,平均每SSR位点检测到的等位变异数目为近缘植物>野生小豆>栽培小豆,与多态信息含量(PIC)值一致,说明近缘植物及野生小豆中蕴含着丰富的遗传变异,是栽培小豆育种的重要基因来源.聚类分析显示,栽培小豆、野生小豆和近缘植物间的遗传分化比较明显,分别聚为三大类,其中栽培小豆的遗传背景与其生态环境相对应;近缘植物又可以分为三个亚类,亚类间的遗传距离与其亲缘关系相对应.本研究结果也说明利用SSR标记辅助豇豆属的种间分类是可行的.  相似文献   

利用SSR分子标记技术对314份葡萄品种进行了DNA指纹数据库构建和遗传多样性分析,为葡萄品种鉴定、亲缘关系分析和植物品种权保护提供科学依据。结果表明:9对引物共扩增出199个等位基因,多态性位点为199个,多态性比率达100%,每个标记检测到的位点数在17~31之间,平均为22.1个;多态性信息含量(PIC)值变幅在0.793~0.886之间,平均值为0.839。本研究发现3组同名异物品种和9组疑似同物异名品种,除此之外的290份品种中,70份品种仅需1对引物即可区分开,其余品种需要引物组合来实现品种之间的区分。最少选用8对引物即可完全区分开290份葡萄品种。最终利用8对多态性SSR引物构建了314份供试材料的DNA指纹数据库,聚类分析结果表明:263份二倍体供试材料可被分为真葡萄亚属和圆叶葡萄亚属两大类,而真葡萄亚属又被分为15个亚类。51份多倍体供试材料被分为3组,聚类结果与供试材料已知的系谱来源基本吻合。  相似文献   

猕猴桃品种SSR分析的初步研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
通过对16对高多态性的猕猴桃SSR引物筛选,选用了9对稳定、适用性好的引物对我国栽培的48个猕猴桃品种(品系)进行了初步研究,在9个多态性位点上共获得213个等位基因片段,其SSR指纹图谱可将供试品种完全区分开。遗传多样性分析和分辨力检测表明,我国猕猴桃栽培品种具有较高的遗传多样性,SSR标记在猕猴桃品种中有较高鉴定效率。中华/美味品种群拥有高比例的共同等位基因,反应出两者极近的亲缘关系。本研究为进一步建立我国猕猴桃栽培品种的分子指纹鉴定体系奠定了基础,为制定猕猴桃品种资源的有效保育和利用策略提供了科学依据,并对深入研究中华猕猴桃和美味猕猴桃间的系统关系提供了实验数据。  相似文献   

四川核桃良种SSR指纹图谱构建及遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为构建四川核桃良种指纹图谱,分析遗传多样性,增强品种间的区分能力,该研究利用SSR标记技术,对四川29个核桃良种进行遗传多样性和聚类分析。结果表明:(1)11对SSR引物共检测到121个基因型和80个等位基因,平均每个位点7.273个等位基因和11个基因型。(2)11个位点的平均有效等位基因数为3.644,平均观察杂合度为0.645,平均期望杂合度为0.718,平均香农信息指数为1.518,平均多态信息含量为0.680。(3)采用引物组合法利用引物wga001、wga032和zmz02构建了29个核桃品种的指纹图谱。(4)聚类分析结果表明,29个核桃品种按照品种类型优先聚类,四川本地核桃品种聚类关系与地理来源没有明显的相关性。研究认为,选用的11个SSR标记能够较好地运用于四川核桃品种的遗传多样性研究(PIC0.5);29个四川核桃品种间亲缘关系较近,遗传基础相对较窄。  相似文献   

采用微卫星(SSR)分子标记的方法,利用20对SSR引物对33份山茶属资源(含种和品种)的DNA样品进行了PCR扩增,从中筛选出10对扩增效果较好的SSR引物,并对33份资源进行了遗传多样性分析。结果显示:10对引物在33个植物材料中共检测出123个等位基因,每个SSR位点的等位基因数为3~22个,SSR2引物检测到的等位基因数量最多,达22个,平均每对引物含有12.3个等位基因,平均多态性信息量为0.74,变化范围为0.06~0.96。利用遗传距离矩阵按UPGMA方法进行聚类,结果表明33份植物材料可分为9个分支,很好的区分了品种间的亲缘关系,可为杂交育种的组合选择提供理论基础。不同花型的山茶属植物在10个微卫星位点上共发现42个特异等位基因,可能与不同的花型性状有关。  相似文献   

中国主栽香蕉品种和INIBAP引进品种的SSR分析研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
利用10对SSR引物对中国14个主栽香蕉(Musa spp.)品种和从INIBAP引进的33个香蕉品种进行了遗传多样性分析。10个多态性位点共揭示出92个等位基因,每个位点的等位基因数从5到15不等,平均每个位点的等位基因数是9.2,产物片段大小在75 bp到310 bp之间。用Jaccard系数计算品种间的相似性,相似性数值在0.1到1之间;用UPGMA进行聚类分析,结果显示,14个主栽品种的遗传变异小,而供试的33个引进品种遗传多样性高。本研究所用的10对引物不能把所有的品种区分开。  相似文献   

Wild soybean (Glycine soja Sieb. & Zucc.) is the nearest relative of a soybean crop (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). Study of population genetic structure of wild-growing relatives ofgenetically modified (GM) plants in the centers of their origin is one of the main procedures before introduction of GM crops in these areas. We have studied genetic variability of nine wild growing soya populations of Primorye Territory using RAPD analysis. The level of G. soja genetic variability was considerably higher than that of G. max. We have analyzed phylogenetic relationships in the genus Glycine subgenus Soja using RAPD markers. Our data confirm validity of allocation G. gracilis in a rank of a species.  相似文献   

The ITS-Is of 24 accessions belong to 10 species of subgenus Glycine, and 2 species of subgenus Soja of genus Glycine were amplified, cloned and sequenced. According to the homology of the sequences, the phy-logeny of the 24 accessions were reconstructed. The reconstructed dendrogram showed that there were some divergent genomic types found in the previously classified species, such as G . tomentella, G. canescens and G. tabacina, and they might be some cryptic species by morphologic analysis.  相似文献   

Wild and cultivated species of soybeans have coexisted for 5000 years in China. Despite this long history, there is very little information on the genetic relationship of Glycine soja and G. max. To gain insight into the major events in the history of the subgenus Soja, we examined 20 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers of a large number of accessions (910). The results showed no significant differences between wild and semi-wild soybeans in genetic diversity but significant differences between G. soja and G. max. Ancestry and cluster analyses revealed that semi-wild soybeans should belong to the wild category and not to G. max. Our results also showed that differentiation had occurred not only among G. soja, G. gracilis, and G. max but also within G. soja and within G. gracilis. Glycine soja had 3 clear genetic categories: typical small-seeded (≤2.0 g 100-seed weight), dual-origin middle-seeded (2.0-2.5 g), and large-seeded plants (2.51-3.0 g). These last were genetically close to G. gracilis, their defining some traits having been acquired mainly by introgression from soybeans. Small-seeded G. gracilis (3.01-3.5 g) were genetically different from larger seeded ones (from 3.51 to 4.0 to over 10 g). Seed size predominated over seed coat color in evolutionary degree. Typical and large-seeded G. soja were found to have 0.7% and 12% introgressive cultivar genes, respectively. The genetic boundary of G. gracilis was at the range of 2.51-3.0 g of G. soja. In the great majority of wild accessions, traits such as white flowers, gray pubescences, no-seed bloom, and colored seed coats were likely introgressive from domesticated soybeans.  相似文献   

RAPD重建的大豆属植物的亲缘关系   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:31  
惠东威  庄炳昌 《遗传学报》1996,23(6):460-468
利用8种RAPD引物(OPH-2、OPH-3、OPH-5、OPH-12、OPH-15、OPH-16、OPH-18和OPH-20)对大豆属的21份植物材料,其中包括Glycine亚属的10个种和Soja亚属的3个种,进行了基因组指纹图谱构建。通过对获得的基因组指纹图谱的量化分析,利用Unweightedpairgroupwithmathematicaverage(UPGMA)对大豆属中的各个种进行了亲缘关系重建。重建的亲缘关系表明:G.tomentella种中存在3种不同的进化类型,其分化距离已大于某些种种间的分化距离,它们可能是被形态遮蔽的3个种。Soja亚属内3个种的分化关系同前人的研究推断相同,其亲缘关系很近,这一结果支持将这3个种归并为一个种的观点。但是重建的亲缘关系未能显示出大豆属两个亚属的划分格局。  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphism diversity in soybean   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Summary Fifty-eight soybean accessions from the genus Glycine, subgenus Soja, were surveyed with 17 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) genetic markers to assess the level of molecular diversity and to evaluate the usefulness of previously identified RFLP markers. In general, only low levels of molecular diversity were observed: 2 of the 17 markers exhibited three alleles per locus, whereas all others had only two alleles. Thirty-five percent of the markers had rare alleles present in only 1 or 2 of the 58 accessions. Molecular diversity was least among cultivated soybeans and greatest between accessions of different soybean species such as Glycine max (L.) Merr. and G. soja Sieb. and Zucc. Principal component analysis was useful in reducing the multidimensional genotype data set and identifying genetic relationships.  相似文献   

Relationships among the various diploid and polyploid taxa that comprise Glycine tomentella have been hypothesized from crossing studies, isozyme data, and repeat length variation for the 5S nuclear ribosomal gene loci. However, several key questions have persisted, and detailed phylogenetic evidence from homoeologous nuclear genes has been lacking. The histone H3-D locus is single copy in diploid Glycine species and has been used to elucidate relationships among diploid races of G. tomentella, providing a framework for testing genome origins in the polyploid complex. For all six G. tomentella polyploid races (T1-T6), alleles at two homoeologous histone H3-D loci were isolated and analyzed phylogenetically with alleles from diploid Glycine species, permitting the identification of all of the homoeologous genomes of the complex. Allele networks were constructed to subdivide groups of homoeologous alleles further, and two-locus genotypes were constructed using these allele classes. Results suggest that some races have more than one origin and that interfertility within races has led to lineage recombination. Most alleles in polyploids are identical or closely related to alleles in diploids, suggesting recency of polyploid origins and spread beyond Australia. These features parallel the other component of the Glycine subgenus Glycine polyploid complex, G. tabacina, one of whose races shares a diploid genome with a G. tomentella polyploid race.  相似文献   

Wild germplasms are often the only significant sources of useful traits for crops, such as soybean, that have limited genetic variability. Before these germplasms can be effectively manipulated they must be characterized at the cytological and molecular levels. Modern soybean probably arose through an ancient allotetraploid event and subsequent diploidization of the genome. However, wild Glycine species have not been intensively investigated for this ancient polyploidy. In this article we determined the number of both the 5S and 18S-28S rDNA sequences in various members of the genus Glycine using FISH. Our results distinctly establish the loss of a 5S rDNA locus from the "diploid" (2n = 40) species and the loss of two from the (2n = 80) polyploids of GLYCINE: A similar diploidization of the 18S-28S rDNA gene family has occurred in G. canescens, G. clandestina, G. soja, and G. max (L.) Merr. (2n = 40). Although of different genome types, G. tabacina and G. tomentella (2n = 80) both showed two major 18S-28S rDNA loci per haploid genome, in contrast to the four loci that would be expected in chromosomes that have undergone two doubling events in their evolutionary history. It is evident that the evolution of the subgenus Glycine is more complex than that represented in a simple diploid-doubled to tetraploid model.  相似文献   

The soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura, is a new pest of soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., in North America. It has become widespread on soybean in North America since it was first identified in the Midwest in 2000. Species of Rhamnus L. (buckthorn) are the primary hosts of A. glycines, and soybean is known as a secondary host. There is limited information about the secondary host range of A. glycines. Aphid colonization on various legume hosts was compared in choice experiments. Aphid colonization occurred on species in the genus Glycine Wild. No colonization occurred on Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet, Lens culinaris Medik, Phaseolus vulgaris L., Pisum sativum L., or species of Vicia L. and Vigna Savi. Colonization was limited or aphids were transient on species of Medicago L., Phaseolus L., and Trifolium L. There were significant differences in aphid colonization among Medicago truncatula accessions with numbers ranging from 7 to 97 aphids per plant. Six Glycine soja Sieb. & Zucc. accessions were as resistant as G. max accessions to A. glycines; these may represent novel sources of A. glycines resistance not found in G. max. Antibiosis was found to play a large role in the expression of resistance in three of the G. soja accessions. Results of this study indicated that G. max and G. soja were the best secondary hosts of A. glycines; however, its secondary host range may include other leguminous species. Therefore, A. glycines did not seem to have a highly restricted monophagous secondary host range.  相似文献   

Genome Duplication in Soybean (Glycine Subgenus Soja)   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Restriction fragment length polymorphism mapping data from nine populations (Glycine max X G. soja and G. max X G. max) of the Glycine subgenus soja genome led to the identification of many duplicated segments of the genome. Linkage groups contained up to 33 markers that were duplicated on other linkage groups. The size of homoeologous regions ranged from 1.5 to 106.4 cM, with an average size of 45.3 cM. We observed segments in the soybean genome that were present in as many as six copies with an average of 2.55 duplications per segment. The presence of nested duplications suggests that at least one of the original genomes may have undergone an additional round of tetraploidization. Tetraploidization, along with large internal duplications, accounts for the highly duplicated nature of the genome of the subgenus. Quantitative trait loci for seed protein and oil showed correspondence across homoeologous regions, suggesting that the genes or gene families contributing to seed composition have retained similar functions throughout the evolution of the chromosomes.  相似文献   

Variation at the single-copy nuclear locus histone H3-D was surveyed in the diploid B-genome group of Glycine subgenus Glycine (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae), which comprises three named Australian species and a number of distinct but as yet not formally recognized taxa. A total of 23 alleles was identified in the 44 accessions surveyed. Only one individual was clearly heterozygous, which is not surprising given the largely autogamous breeding system of subgenus Glycine. Alleles differed by as many as 19 nucleotide substitutions, nearly all in the three introns; length variation was minimal. Phylogenetic analysis identified two shortest allele trees with very little homoplasy, suggesting that recombination has been rare. Both topological and data set incongruence were statistically significant between histone H3-D allele trees and trees inferred from chloroplast DNA haplotypes previously described from these same accessions. Whereas the distribution of H3-D alleles agrees well with morphologically based taxonomic groupings, chloroplast DNA haplotype polymorphisms transgress species boundaries, suggesting that the chloroplast genome is not tracking taxic relationships. Divergences among chloroplast DNA haplotypes involved in such transgressive patterns appear to be more recent than speciation events, suggesting hybridization rather than lineage sorting.  相似文献   

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