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产甘油假丝酵母(Candida glycerinogenes)染色体倍性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
摘要:【目的】产甘油假丝酵母作为一株优良高产甘油菌株,已成功应用于工业生产15年。近年来由于产甘油假丝酵母染色体倍性尚不明确,限制了对其进行遗传改造的研究进展,因而我们对产甘油假丝酵母染色体倍性研究,分析确定其染色体倍性。【方法】选用酿酒酵母细胞进行生孢,制备酿酒酵母单倍体细胞作对照,并选用热带假丝酵母作为二倍体酵母细胞对照,利用血球计数板得到热带假丝酵母、产甘油假丝酵母、单倍体及二倍体酿酒酵母细胞数,提取染色体,通过二苯胺检测法测定DNA含量。由于在相同紫外照射条件下单倍体细胞比二倍体细胞更容易死亡,因  相似文献   

摘要:【目的】获得产甘油假丝酵母(Candida glycerinogenes)耐高渗和过量合成甘油的关键调控基因—丝裂原活化蛋白激酶基因(CgHOG1),并考察其渗透压调节功能。【方法】运用简并PCR 结合Self-Formed Adaptor PCR技术从产甘油假丝酵母基因组中克隆CgHOG1基因并进行生物信息学相关分析,将CgHOG1基因在酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae W303-1A)hog1Δ缺失突变株中互补表达,考察菌株耐渗透压能力变化。【结果】所获得CgHOG1基因全长1164 bp,编码387个氨基酸序列(GenBank No. KC480066);氨基酸序列与来源于Ogataea parapolymorpha的Hog1p同源性最高,为86%;该基因在酿酒酵母hog1Δ缺失突变株中异源表达能够显著提高菌株的抗盐耐高渗和甘油合成能力。【结论】本文所获得的基因CgHOG1是一个具有耐高渗和过量合成甘油调控功能的新基因,研究结果为产甘油假丝酵母超高渗应答机制的研究及抗盐耐旱作物改造提供了新的基因。  相似文献   

运用穿梭载体建立产甘油假丝酵母质粒基因文库   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
产甘油假丝酵母WL2002─5既具有耐高渗压性能,又能以葡萄糖为原材料高产甘油,且耐高渗压性能与高产甘油的能力相关。本研究以大肠杆菌—酿酒酵母穿梭质粒YEp51为载体,通过对产甘油假丝酵母WL2002─5高分子量染色体DNA的提取、Sau3AI部分酶切、体外重组等建立起产甘油假丝酵母WL2002—5的质粒基因文库,库容为5.3×105,已满足对WL2002—5某一特定基因的克隆。  相似文献   

本文研究了诱导热带假丝酵母子囊孢子产生和子囊破壁的条件,以及单倍体分离和鉴别方法.结果表明:NaAc、KCl这两种成分即可满足热带假丝酵母的产孢营养要求,在含有NaAc 8.2 g/L、KCl 1.8 g/L的琼脂培养基中,28℃培养7 d,热带假丝酵母细胞的产孢率可达到47.5%;单纯使用蜗牛酶对破除热带假丝酵母子囊壁的效率甚低,酶解液加入适量的石英砂同时振荡处理4 h左右,可以显著提高对热带假丝酵母子囊破壁速率.用这种方法处理,绝大多数子囊壁均可破除.子囊破壁处理后再以52℃处理10 min杀死残余的营养体细胞,分离物的单倍体孢子比例可由灭活处理前的48%,提高到76%以上.  相似文献   

啤酒酵母工业菌株单倍体的诱导、分离和鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】探索适宜的方法进行啤酒酵母工业菌株单倍体的诱导、分离和鉴定,为啤酒酵母改良和遗传学研究提供便利。【方法】首先,选择产孢效果最好的培养基进行产孢诱导,诱导产生的孢子在YPD培养基上形成菌落后,用流式细胞技术检测其DNA含量,进而判断其倍性;单倍体菌株的交配型通过MAT-PCR和杂交实验确定。【结果】啤酒酵母工业菌G-03通过产孢诱导和孢子分离、富集后得到26株菌,最终通过流式细胞技术确定了其中4株为单倍体,MATa和MATα型各2株。通过扫描电镜法观察4株单倍体菌株及出发菌G-03的细胞形态,发现单倍体菌株的形态和出发菌有较大区别,单倍体菌株长期培养没有假丝生长的现象发生。【结论】啤酒酵母工业菌单倍体育种较为困难,严格的单倍体筛选、鉴定尤其具有挑战性。  相似文献   

【目的】从高产甘油生产菌株产甘油假丝酵母(Candida glycerinogenes)基因组中克隆了NAD+依赖3-磷酸甘油脱氢酶编码基因(CgGPD),但是该基因及其上游调控序列具体的功能还是未知的。本文研究了CgGPD基因及其上游调控序列的功能。【方法】本文以酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)及其渗透压敏感型突变株为宿主,构建3种不同的酵母表达载体导入酵母细胞,研究了不同酵母转化子在渗透压胁迫条件下CgGPD基因表达对细胞的耐高渗透压胁迫应答及其细胞的甘油合成能力的影响。【结果】实验结果表明无论是以来源于S. cerevisiae 的TPI启动子还是来源于CgGPD基因的启动子,过量表达CgGPD基因的转化子均能够显著加速葡萄糖消耗速度和提高甘油合成能力,在gpd1/gpd2突变株中表达CgGPD基因能够消除细胞对外界高渗透压的敏感性,同时转化子胞内甘油大量积累。【结论】CgGPD基因在野生型酵母S. cerevisiae W303-1A表达显著提高细胞的甘油合成能力,在gpd/1gpd2突变株中能够互补GPD1基因的功能,CgGPD基因表达受渗透压诱导 调控。  相似文献   

【背景】目前解脂亚罗酵母在实验研究和工业生产方面的应用越来越广泛,但相较于常规酵母而言,解脂亚罗酵母缺乏简便有效的遗传转化体系,致使其在基因表达调控方面存在较大困难。同时,酵母的染色体倍性也会对基因敲除效果产生影响,选择单倍体细胞作为功能基因改造的受体可以避免等位基因之间相互作用的影响,解决多倍体细胞基因敲除不完全的问题。【目的】以解脂亚罗酵母诱变菌株P12为研究对象,以不同方法分离得到单倍体菌株,建立解脂亚罗酵母单倍体的制备方法。【方法】分别采用固体和液体McClary产孢培养基诱导解脂亚罗酵母菌株产生子囊孢子,培养条件为30℃,固体7-14 d;液体200 r/min,2-4 d。以2%浓度的蜗牛酶33℃水浴裂解子囊孢子细胞壁3 h,通过染色镜检和PCR鉴定筛选单倍体细胞。【结果】镜检结果表明,解脂亚罗酵母在液体产孢培养基中产孢速度较快,相同视野下孢子数约为固体产孢培养基的3.7倍,在固体产孢培养基中产孢质量较好。初步探索并筛选得到6株解脂亚罗酵母P12 B型单倍体菌株。【结论】解脂亚罗酵母P12 B型单倍体菌株的获得可为后续继续开展基因工程操作奠定基础。  相似文献   

【目的】研究酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)工业菌株Mbp1基因的功能,探讨Mbp1基因对酿酒酵母乙醇发酵性能的影响。【方法】以酿酒酵母MF1015为出发菌株,用PCR方法构建Mbp1基因敲除组件Loxp-KanMX-Loxp,将敲除组件转化两种配型的酿酒酵母单倍体,通过单倍体复倍获得敲除Mbp1基因的二倍体突变菌株,研究突变菌株形态变化及乙醇发酵特性。【结果】敲除Mbp1基因后突变菌株生长曲线无显著变化,出芽率降低,细胞体积增大19.2%,对饥饿更敏感,较早出现假菌丝。甘蔗糖蜜在静置条件下发酵,突变菌株的乙醇产量明显低于野生型;在130 r/min的条件下发酵,突变菌株和野生型发酵液中的乙醇产量基本相同。【结论】Mbp1基因缺失使酿酒酵母的乙醇发酵能力下降并影响细胞的形态分化。  相似文献   

[目的]克隆产甘油假丝酵母(Candida glycerinogenes)胞浆3-磷酸甘油脱氢酶基因CgGPD的启动子(PCggpd),并通过报告基因gfp的差异表达来研究葡萄糖浓度对PCggpd在酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)中的诱导特性.[方法]采用PCR扩增的方法分别从产甘油假丝酵母基因组和pCAMBIA1302载体中克隆出CgGPD的启动序列PCggpd和绿色荧光蛋白基因gfp.将两个基因同时构建到酿酒酵母表达载体pYX212-zeocin中,构建时将绿色荧光蛋白基因gfp置于CgGPD的启动序列下游,获得重组质粒pYX212-zeocin-PCggpd-gfp.通过电击转化酿酒酵母W303-lA.将重组酿酒酵母S.cerevisiae W303-1A-GFP置于不同葡萄糖浓度培养基中进行培养,利用荧光显微技术对其进行荧光检测.[结果]重组酿酒酵母能产生稳定的荧光,当葡萄糖浓度为2%时,重组酿酒酵母在YEPD培养基中产生较弱的荧光,随着葡萄糖浓度的升高,荧光强度有明显的增强.[结论]PCggpd属于环境胁迫诱导型启动子,高浓度的葡萄糖能诱导PCggpd启动绿色荧光蛋白的高水平表达,这对完善产甘油假丝酵母的遗传背景研究,阐明其高产甘油的机理具有重要意义.  相似文献   

当酵母细胞处于高渗压环境时,甘油被诱导合成以提高其胞内渗透压,这一过程受HOG途径的调控。GPD1基因为HOG途径的重要靶基因,高效表达使胞内3磷酸甘油脱氢酶酶活水平提高可极大地提高甘油的产量。本研究将产甘油假丝酵母(Candidaglycerologenesis)染色体DNA经Sau3AI部分酶解后的5~10kbDNA片段与经BamHI线性化及CIP处理过的酵母大肠杆菌穿梭质粒YEp51连接,以大肠杆菌DH5α为受体,构建产甘油假丝酵母的染色体基因文库。通过遗传互补法,在含50g/L氯化钠的培养基上筛选出15个转化子,对转化子0601进行了进一步鉴定,转化子0601所含质粒YEp0601带有YEp51的标记并可以消除Saccbaromycescerevisiae642菌株由于其GPD1,GPD2两基因的缺失突变而表现出的渗透压敏感性,表明已克隆到产甘油假丝酵母的编码胞浆3磷酸甘油脱氢酶的基因  相似文献   

Variance of ploidy in Candida albicans   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Determination of ploidy was performed on isolates of Candida albicans from clinical sources by measuring nuclear DNA content with fluorescent microscope photometry. By this criterion and UV irradiation survival experiments, haploid, diploid, and tetraploid strains were identified in this organism. The dimensions of nucleus-associated organelles (equivalent to spindle pole bodies) in these strains increased as a function of ploidy number.  相似文献   

Ploidy determination of Canadida albicans.   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
The dimorphic yeast Candida albicans, as a member of the fungi imperfecti, has been assumed to be in the haploid, or imperfect, state. The deoxyribonucleic acid content of this species has been measured by flow microfluorometry, a technique capable of analyzing single cells. These results were compared with flow microfluorometric deoxyribonucleic acid determinations on a series of strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae of known ploidy (haploid, diploid, triploid, and tetraploid). These ploidy levels were readily distinguished by the flow microfluorometry procedure. By this criterion, C. albicans was found to contain a diploid amount of deoxyribonucleic acid. Ultraviolet radiation survival and chemical mutagenesis experiments support the conclusion that both clinically isolated and laboratory strains of C. albicans are diploid.  相似文献   

Effects of p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) and of 4-[(2-oxo-3-bornylidene)methyl]-phenyl trimethylammonium methylsulfate (OMM), two components used in sunscreen formulations, on the mutagenicity of UVB irradiation are compared in three genetic assay systems. A haploid strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae XV185-14C was used to measure reverse mutations at three loci. The diploid strain D5 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was used to screen for reciprocal mitotic recombination. The induction of forward mutations was measured in Chinese hamster V79 cells. Our results indicate that UVB irradiation induced HGPRT- mutants in V79 cells, reverse mutations in Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain XV185-14C, and mitotic crossing over and other genetic alterations in Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain D5. V79 Chinese hamster lung cells were the most sensitive to UVB irradiation, followed by Saccharomyces cerevisiae haploid strain XV185-14C and the diploid strain D5. PABA and OMM were both capable of protecting all three types of cells from UVB irradiation regarding both lethality and induction of various types of genetic alterations. At higher concentrations (above 10(-5) M), OMM was more effective in its photoprotective effect toward UVB irradiation than PABA.  相似文献   

Cells of an asporogenous industrial strain of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae were irradiated with UV light by using a method that was developed previously (T. Sasaki and Y. Ohshima, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 53:1504-1511, 1987). This treatment gave rise to large-cell clones among the surviving cells, from which colonies consisting of cells with a normal morphology and a prototrophic property were obtained. The large-cell trait of these was stably inheritable, with the cell volumes being about twice that of the parent for 7 years on a slant agar medium at 4 degrees C with repeated transfers. The cellular DNA content of these clones, in comparison to those of two authentic haploid strains, was determined by chemical analysis. The ratio of the DNA contents showed that the parent and its large-cell derivatives were a diploid and tetraploids, respectively. No abnormality was found in the chromosomal DNA patterns of the large-cell clones, at least as determined by agarose gel electrophoresis with a CHEF-DR II pulsed-field electrophoresis system. These findings led to the conclusion that our UV light method is applicable for inducing ploidy level increments in the widely used yeast species S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

The yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was used as a model to investigate theories of ploidy evolution. Mutagenesis experiments using the alkylating agent EMS (ethane methyl sulphonate) were conducted to assess the relative importance that masking of deleterious mutations has on response to and recovery from DNA damage. In particular, we tested whether cells with higher ploidy levels have relatively higher fitnesses after mutagenesis, whether the advantages of masking are more pronounced in tetraploids than in diploids, and whether purging of mutations allows more rapid recovery of haploid cells than cells with higher ploidy levels. Separate experiments were performed on asexually propagating stationary phase cells using (1) prototrophic haploid (MAT alpha) and diploid (MATa/alpha) strains and (2) isogenic haploid, diploid and tetraploid strains lacking a functional mating type locus. In both sets of experiments, haploids showed a more pronounced decrease in apparent growth rate than diploids, but both haploids and diploids appeared to recover very rapidly. Tetraploids did not show increased benefits of masking compared with diploids but volume measurements and FACScan analyses on the auxotrophic strains indicated that all treated tetraploid strains decreased in ploidy level and that some of the treated haploid lines increased in ploidy level. Results from these experiments confirm that while masking deleterious mutations provides an immediate advantage to higher ploidy levels in the presence of mutagens, selection is extremely efficient at removing induced mutations, leading growth rates to increase rapidly over time at all ploidy levels. Furthermore, ploidy level is itself a mutable trait in the presence of EMS, with both haploids and tetraploids often evolving towards diploidy (the ancestral state of S. cerevisiae) during the course of the experiment.  相似文献   

Cells of an asporogenous industrial strain of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae were irradiated with UV light by using a method that was developed previously (T. Sasaki and Y. Ohshima, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 53:1504-1511, 1987). This treatment gave rise to large-cell clones among the surviving cells, from which colonies consisting of cells with a normal morphology and a prototrophic property were obtained. The large-cell trait of these was stably inheritable, with the cell volumes being about twice that of the parent for 7 years on a slant agar medium at 4 degrees C with repeated transfers. The cellular DNA content of these clones, in comparison to those of two authentic haploid strains, was determined by chemical analysis. The ratio of the DNA contents showed that the parent and its large-cell derivatives were a diploid and tetraploids, respectively. No abnormality was found in the chromosomal DNA patterns of the large-cell clones, at least as determined by agarose gel electrophoresis with a CHEF-DR II pulsed-field electrophoresis system. These findings led to the conclusion that our UV light method is applicable for inducing ploidy level increments in the widely used yeast species S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Studying spontaneous chromosomal rearrangements throws light on the rules underlying the genome reshaping events occurring in eukaryotic cells, which are part of the evolutionary process. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, translocation and deletion processes have been frequently described in haploids, but little is known so far about these processes at the diploid level. Here we investigated the nature and the frequency of the chromosomal rearrangements occurring at this ploidy level. Using a positive selection screen based on a particular mutated allele of the URA2 gene, spontaneous diploid revertants were selected and analysed. Surprisingly, the diploid state was found to be correlated with a decrease in chromosome rearrangement frequency, along with an increase in the complexity of the rearrangements occurring in the target gene. The presence of short DNA tandem repeat sequences seems to be a key requirement for deletion and reciprocal translocation processes to occur in diploids. After discussing the differences between the haploid and diploid levels, some mechanisms possibly involved in chromosome shortening and arm exchange are suggested.  相似文献   

The effects of an acridine half-mustard, ICR 191, on the growth rate and ploidy of four haploid and two diploid lines of Rana pipiens cells in culture were studied. Growth curves indicate that the haploid and diploid cell lines were equally resistant to a 4-hour exposure of this drug (0.1 micrometer to 10 micrometer. ICR 191 treatment induced the haploid cell cultures to become diploid. The proportion of diploid cells increased progressively with respect to time after the 4-hour exposure period. The greater the concentration of ICR 191 applied, the more rapid the rate of conversion. Autoradiographic determinations of percent labelled nuclei indicate that DNA synthesis was not inhibited in haploid or in diploid cells. Therefore, the increased proportion of diploid cells did not originate from the small percentage of diploid cells in the initial population. Instead the haploid cells were converted to diploid cells. Time lapse cinematography indicated that the conversion mechanism was other than cell fusion. Conversion to higher ploidy did not occur when diploid cell cultures were exposed to ICR 191.  相似文献   

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