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一、红花油茶的形态油茶在我国分布的区域至为广泛,用途颇多,早为国人所熟悉;但在广东省的广宁等县内,有一种与油茶同属的油料树种,名红花油茶(Camellia semiserrata),为多年生乔木,每当花期,开花遍树,艳红可爱;秋日结果纍纍,果实较一般茶果遥大,含油量很高,且带芳香气息。百数十年来,均为西江流域广大人民所热爱。红花油茶又称广宁油茶、大果茶,属山茶科。除花之外全部光滑,高8—32米,树干径  相似文献   

油茶蝽的初步观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
油茶是木本油料植物,经济价值很大。油茶蝽为害油茶果实相当严重,1961年我们开始对此虫进行观察。今将观察结果整理于下,以供参考。 一、分布、被害植物和为害程度 油茶蝽的学名是Poecilocoris latus Dallas.,又叫茶籽蝽蟓或蓝斑质蝽。属于半翅目、盾蝽科。分布于广西、云南、贵州、江西、浙江和福建;国外记载有印度、越南和缅甸。主要为害油茶和茶。 此虫数量虽不甚多,但它的为害除严重时会引起落果外,还因其成虫和若虫长期刺吸茶果种仁内的汁液,影响茶果发育,以致减低产量和出油率。此外,因  相似文献   

为了解茶/油茶嫁接苗叶片在形态和代谢产物上的变化,以茶‘舒茶早’品种(Camellia sinensis ‘Shuchazao’)为接穗,大别山野生油茶(C. oleifera)为砧木进行根颈嫁接,对嫁接体、茶树和油茶的叶片形态和次生代谢产物含量进行了研究。结果表明,茶/油茶嫁接体叶片在形态上更接近于茶,而嫁接体叶片形态学指标却受到了油茶的影响。嫁接体叶片中的氨基酸、嘌呤碱和多酚含量比油茶叶片高,其中茶氨酸含量比油茶显著提高。嫁接体叶片中含有酚酸,而在油茶中未被检出。嫁接体叶片中咖啡碱含量比茶树叶片显著下降。这对茶、油茶的栽培,茶树次级代谢及次级代谢物的转运机理研究具有一定的积极作用。  相似文献   

为了解茶/油茶嫁接苗叶片在形态和代谢产物上的变化,以茶‘舒茶早’品种(Camellia sinensis‘Shuchazao’)为接穗,大别山野生油茶(C.oleifera)为砧木进行根颈嫁接,对嫁接体、茶树和油茶的叶片形态和次生代谢产物含量进行了研究。结果表明,茶/油茶嫁接体叶片在形态上更接近于茶,而嫁接体叶片形态学指标却受到了油茶的影响。嫁接体叶片中的氨基酸、嘌呤碱和多酚含量比油茶叶片高,其中茶氨酸含量比油茶显著提高。嫁接体叶片中含有酚酸,而在油茶中未被检出。嫁接体叶片中咖啡碱含量比茶树叶片显著下降。这对茶、油茶的栽培,茶树次级代谢及次级代谢物的转运机理研究具有一定的积极作用。  相似文献   

油茶栽培历史与长江流域油茶遗传资源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
普通油茶(Camellia oleifera)是我国第一大木本油料作物。普通油茶作为油料作物的栽培历史, 现存确切记载不到1,000年, 长江流域可能是最早栽培油茶的地区之一。普通油茶的野生近缘种是油茶育种宝贵的遗传资源。普通油茶属于山茶科山茶属(Camellia)油茶组(Sect. Oleifera), 其野生近缘种应包括山茶属油茶组和短柱茶组(Sect. Paracamellia)的物种, 但油茶组和短柱茶组的划分仍有争议, 物种间的系统发育关系仍不清楚。油茶组和短柱茶组是山茶属中多倍体出现频率最高的类群, 而且存在突出的种内多倍性现象, 人工选择和种间杂交可能在其中起到促进作用。长江流域是普通油茶的主产区, 也是最主要的野生普通油茶分布区, 拥有丰富的野生普通油茶遗传资源。本研究统计了山茶属油茶组和短柱茶组物种的分布地, 并与野生普通油茶的潜在分布区进行了比较。分析结果显示, 长江流域与珠江流域的分水岭——南岭、苗岭及附近地区是油茶组和短柱茶组物种多样性最高的地区, 同时也是野生普通油茶潜在的高适生区, 可能是普通油茶及其野生近缘种潜在的种间杂交带。物种多样性从南向北呈下降趋势, 可能反映了从南向北的扩散方向。普通油茶及其野生近缘种间的潜在杂交带可能蕴含着丰富的遗传多样性, 为选择育种提供了天然的育种场, 应对这些地区优先开展研究和保护, 挖掘与利用有重要经济价值的遗传资源。  相似文献   

采用林间调查和室内饲养等方法,发现了油茶林鳞翅目害虫的3种天敌,即印度长颈步甲Ophionea indica、日本长颈步甲Mimocolliuris insulana和茶梢尖蛾长体茧蜂Macrocentrus parametriates ivorus,前2种天敌主要捕食鳞翅目卷叶类害虫、假眼小绿叶蝉Empoasca vitis等,且为首次在油茶林中发现;茶梢尖蛾长体茧蜂寄生茶梢尖蛾Parametriotes theae幼虫,为首次在广东省记录。记述了3种天敌的形态特征、寄主、国内分布及生物学特性等。  相似文献   

茶氨酸是茶树叶片中最丰富的游离氨基酸,具有重要的生理药理功能,但迄今仅在蘑菇、蕈和一些山茶科(属)植物中检测到茶氨酸。茶氨酸因有一种独特的风味特色"umami鲜爽味"而被人类营养学广泛研究,并发现合成茶氨酸的植物不仅在植物分类上具有积极意义,而且对于植物资源的有效发掘有巨大经济价值;同时还可以间接去研究茶树中茶氨酸的代谢机理以及茶氨酸合成酶的分离纯化和TS基因的克隆表达。该文运用HPLC、LC-TOF/MS对大别山地区野生幼年与成年油茶根、叶中茶氨酸进行检测,并结合分子生物学手段对油茶中茶氨酸合成酶(theanine synthetase,TS)基因进行克隆与生物信息学分析。结果表明:在幼年的油茶根中检测到茶氨酸,含量为0.08mg·g-1(鲜重),而在幼年的油茶叶片和成年油茶根、叶中均未检测到茶氨酸;在幼年油茶根中克隆出一条长为1 071bp油茶TS基因开放阅读框,其基因序列与茶树谷氨酰胺合成酶(glutamine synthetase,GS,AB117934)基因和TS(DD410896)序列的同源性达到98%,氨基酸序列与茶树中GS(AB117934)和TS(DD410896)的相似性高达99%。经生物信息学分析,该序列编码的TS蛋白具有20个磷酸化位点,不存在信号肽序列与跨膜结构,含有卷曲螺旋结构的亲水性细胞质蛋白。该研究将为油茶新经济价值的发掘,为茶氨酸在油茶中合成代谢途径的研究提供一定的理论基础,同时也为进一步研究茶氨酸在茶树中代谢机理提供了新的研究思路。  相似文献   

<正> 油茶宽盾蝽Poecilocoris latus Dallas又称油茶蝽,属半翅目,蝽科,盾蝽亚科。近几年来此虫在我县为害油茶逐年严重。笔者于1981—1982年进行院内笼罩饲养和林间观查初步结果报道如下。 一、分布及为害 此虫除分布在广西的贺县、阳朔、桂林、临桂、永福、龙胜、上思、昭平、苍梧等县的山区外,广东、湖南、浙江、江西、福建、云南等省也有分布。 油茶宽盾蝽主要为害茶果,无果期也为害幼嫩枝叶。成虫和若虫吸食果实中的油汁,影响其发育,造成落果或种子秕瘪。被害果皮呈现  相似文献   

为探讨油茶(Camellia oleifera)产地土壤和油茶果实中金属元素分布和富集特征,在油茶果实成熟期,对浙江5个油茶产地土壤及油茶果实中金属元素进行污染分析和富集能力评价。结果表明,浙江油茶产地土壤中Pb、Cr、Cd、As、Hg、Ni、Cu和Zn含量低于农用地土壤污染风险筛选值,综合污染等级为安全。个别产区常山县土壤中As、Ni、Cu和江山县土壤中Pb、Cr、Fe含量显著高于其他产地;常山和建德土壤中Cd单因子污染指数分别为0.93和0.81,处于污染警戒线。Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn主要分布在油茶籽中,Hg主要分布在壳中,Pb、Cd、As、Fe和Mn主要分布在青皮中。油茶籽中Cu、Fe、Mn的富集系数大于0.4,吸收能力强,Ni、Zn的富集系数小于0.4,具有一定吸收能力,Pb、Cr、Cd、As和Hg的富集系数小于0.1,吸收能力低;壳中Cu、Mn的富集系数大于0.4,吸收能力强,Fe的富集系数小于0.4,具有一定吸收能力,Pb、Cr、Cd、As、Hg、Ni、Zn的富集系数小于0.1,吸收能力低;青皮中Cu、Fe、Mn的富集系数大于0.4,吸收能力强,Pb、Cr、Cd、As、Hg、Ni、Zn的富集系数小于0.1,吸收能力低。浙江油茶主产区土壤质量安全,适合油茶种植。油茶果实对Cu、Fe、Mn有一定富集能力,对Pb、Cr、Cd、As和Hg无富集能力。  相似文献   

黄少甫  赵治芬  徐炳声   《广西植物》1986,(4):253-259
<正> 一、引言 山茶属Camellia L.的茶梨油茶C.octopetala Hu和博白大果油茶C.gigantocarpa Hu 是胡先骕在1965年发表的新种,前者产浙江南部,后者产广西博白县,目前长江以南各省(区)均有引种。除种子油可食用,为我国南方的油用树种外,花大美丽,有作庭园观赏的价值。 1981年张宏达将这两种油茶都归并为红皮糙果茶C.crapnelliana Tutch.(糙果茶组Sect.Furfuracea Chang)的异名。但从形态上看,博白大果油茶和茶梨油茶不尽相同。  相似文献   

Although coevolutionary theory predicts that evolutionary interactions between species are spatially hierarchical, few studies have examined coevolutionary processes at multiple spatial scales. In an antagonistic system involving a plant, the Japanese camellia (Camellia japonica), and its obligate seed predator, the camellia weevil (Curculio camelliae), I elucidated the local adaptation of a camellia defensive armament (pericarp thickness) and a weevil offensive armament (rostrum length) within Yakushima Island (ca. 30 km in diameter), compared to a larger-scale variation in those traits throughout Japan reported in previous studies. Results showed that camellia pericarp thickness and weevil rostrum length vary remarkably within several kilometers on this island. In addition, geographic variation in each camellia and weevil armament was best explained by the armament size of the sympatric participant than by abiotic environmental heterogeneity. However, I also found that camellia pericarp thickness significantly decreased in cool-temperate (i.e., highland) areas, suggesting the contributions of climate on the spatial structuring of the weevil-camellia interaction. Interestingly, relatively thin pericarps occurred not only in the highlands but also in some low-altitude areas, indicating that other factors such as nonrandom or asymmetric gene flow play important roles in the metapopulation processes of interspecific interactions at small spatial scales.  相似文献   

茶树(Camelliasinensis(Linn.)Kuntze)枝上小双梭孢盘菌属一新种,即茶小双梭孢盘菌(Bifusella camelliae).该属在阔叶树寄主上为首次报道。模式标本保藏在安徽农业大学森林保护教研室。  相似文献   

The lectin found in mycelium and sclerotes of the phytopathogenic fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is a homodimer consisting of two identical non-covalently bound subunits of 16,000 Da. CD spectra analysis revealed that the S. sclerotiorum agglutinin (SSA) contains predominantly beta-sheet structures. SSA exhibits specificity towards GalNAc whereby the hydroxyls at positions 4 and 6 of the pyranose ring play a key role in the interaction with simple sugars. The carbohydrate-binding site of SSA can also accommodate disaccharides. The N-terminal sequence of SSA shares no significant similarity with any other protein except a lectin from the Sclerotiniaceae species Ciborinia camelliae. A comparison of SSA and the lectins from C. camelliae and some previously characterized lectins indicates that the Sclerotiniaceae lectins form a homogeneous family of fungal lectins. This newly identified lectin family, which is structurally unrelated to any other family of fungal lectins, is most probably confined to the Ascomycota.  相似文献   

An endophytic fungus isolated from Camellia sinensis, Assam, Northeastern India was identified as Colletotrichum gloeosporioides on the basis of morphological characteristics and rDNA ITS analysis. This endophytic fungus was evaluated for growth inhibition against tea pathogens Pestalotiopsis theae and Colletotrichum camelliae. One isolate of C. gloeosporioides showed strong antagonistic activity against Pestalotiopsis theae (64 %) and moderate activity against C. camelliae (37 %). Fifty percent cell-free culture filtrate from 5-day-old cultures showed highest antagonistic activity against both the pathogens although the inhibition percent was less as compared to dual culture. In the experiment of volatile compounds none of the isolates of C. gloeosporioides strains showed visible inhibition against P. theae and C. camelliae. The activity of extracellular hydrolytic enzymes chitinase and protease was also high in this culture fluid and measured 10 and 4.3 IU/μl, respectively.  相似文献   

A lectin was isolated from an ascomycete mushroom, Ciborinia camelliae which was specific to N-acetyl-D-galactosamine. On SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; this lectin gave a single band of approximately 17-kDa in the presence of 2-mercaptoethanol, but formed dimers, trimers and tetramers in its absence. Amino acid analysis revealed the lectin contained two cysteines and no methionine. The N-terminal sequence was determined up to residue 21, and no homologous proteins including other ascomycete lectins were found.  相似文献   

空间分布型的形成过程研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
周国法  徐汝梅 《生态学报》1998,18(5):516-522
具合影个研究了广义空间分布型和复合空间分布型的形成问题,解释了空间分布型的形成机理,并给出了11种广义空间分布型和9种复事空间分布型;同时提出了空间分布型的3种判定方法:扩散系数法、空间相关法和参数变动法,它们以可用于区分常见的空间分布型,也可以用于判定分布型的形成过程;为研究空间分布型的形成机理和变化规模提供了有力的手段。以马尾松毛虫的空间分布型的研究结果表明,马尾松毛虫幼虫的空间分布型是复合负  相似文献   

The selection of strategies of spatial distribution of individuals has been studied. In case of non-monotonous dependence of reproduction coefficient on the mean population density, a cluster formation is possible. At low mean densities, parity strategies of spatial distribution are realized, and at high densities, non-parity ones. A generalized notion of parity strategy of spatial distribution has been proposed. It includes such expenditures as expenditure for the movement of an individual, defense of the territory etc. A problem of evolutionary stability of different strategies of spatial distribution has been discussed.  相似文献   

Aims Spatial distribution patterns of species reflect not only the ecological processes but also the habitat features that are related to species distribution. In karst topography, species distribution patterns provide more specific information about their environments. The objectives of this study are as follows: (i) to analyse and explain the spatial distribution patterns of conspecific trees in an old-growth subtropical karst forest; (ii) to investigate pattern changes at different spatial scales; (iii) to test the spatial pattern similarity (or dissimilarity) between trees at different abundances, diameter at breast height classes, canopy layers and different functional groups (shade tolerance and seed dispersal mode); (iv) to examine whether habitat heterogeneity has an important effect on the species spatial distribution.Methods The spatial distributions of woody species with ≥20 individuals in a 1-ha subtropical karst forest plot at Maolan in southwestern China were quantified using the relative neighbourhood density Ω based on the average density of conspecific species in a circular neighbourhood around each species.Important findings Aggregated distribution is the dominant pattern in the karst forest, but the ratio of aggregated species in total species number decreases with an increase in spatial scale. Less abundant species are more aggregated than most abundant species. Aggregation is weaker in larger diameter classes, which is consistent with the prediction of self-thinning. Seed dispersal mode influences spatial patterns, with species dispersed by animals being less aggregated than those dispersed by wind and gravity. Other species functional traits (e.g. shade tolerance) also influence the species spatial distributions. Moreover, differences among species habitat associations, e.g. with rocky outcrops, play a significant role in species spatial distributions. These results indicate that habitat heterogeneity, seed dispersal limitation and self-thinning primarily contribute to the species spatial distributions in this subtropical karst forest.  相似文献   

In soil micromorphology fissures are considered in vertical sections. To get information about the properties of the soil the joint distribution of spatial direction and width is of interest. The fissures are mathematically generalized to flat bodies which form a stationary weighted surface process with the weight “thickness”. Because of stationarity a joint distribution of spatial direction and thickness exists in a “typical point” of the surface process. A suitable parametric family of distributions is assumed. The corresponding parameters can be estimated from measurements on the vertical sections. But on the sections only the visible thickness and the visible angle of a fissure can be measured. Therefore the joint distribution of these variables is expressed by the joint spatial distribution of spatial direction and thickness. This derived distribution depends on the same parameters. The Chi-Square method is proposed for the parameter estimation. The estimation procedure is demonstrated using the Bingham-Mardia distribution for the direction and the lognormal distribution for the thickness and by defining a way to correlate the mean thickness and the direction.  相似文献   

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