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目的:研究体外循环技术在非心脏外科手术中和急诊抢救中的应用。方法:选取自2012年2月~2013年12月间本院收治的40例非心脏外科手术患者,所有患者采用外循环技术治疗,针对患者的手术方法以及手术过程中的临床表现进行研究,主要对体外循环时间、阻断时间等统计分析。结果:经过本院针对40例的非心脏外科手术治疗,采用体外循环技术分别对12例患者开展股转流术、14例患者行上下腔静脉插管转流术、8例患者行降主动脉和右心房插管输血术、8例患者采用股静脉插管转流术联合升主动脉、静脉以及上腔静脉术。其中经过本院的治疗,在体外的循环时间为18~170min之间,有10例阻断的时间为30~48min,39例患者手术成功出院,另外有1例患者手术时心脏骤停抢救无效死亡。结论:体外循环技术应用在非心脏外科的手术和抢救之中,往往采用传统的方法难以完成高难度的非心脏手术外科疾病手术治疗,但是可以为非心脏外科手术中大出血的急诊提供新的救治手段。  相似文献   

目的:分析比较机器人系统辅助下微创心脏手术中体外循环的各种静脉引流方式和辅助引流方法的特点和管理。方法24例患者接受体外循环下微创机器人辅助( Da vinci S)心脏手术,股动静脉插管建立体外循环,不同的辅助引流方法分三组,D1组离心泵辅助引流12例,D2组负压辅助引流7例,D3组颈内静脉插管辅助引流5例。结果三组间平均静脉引流量和平均每公斤静脉引流量基本相似,无统计学差异。三组术中转流基本平稳,血流动力学相对稳定,各项监测指标均在正常范围,手术视野暴露清晰满意,全组的平均体外循环时间为139.7±35.5min,平均主动脉阻断时间为84.2±28.8 min。结论在股静脉引流的基础上,根据不同的手术方式和手术医生的要求,灌注师应用不同的辅助引流方式并制定不同的灌注对策,用于保证转流过程中充分的引流和灌注,是机器人辅助微创心脏手术顺利、成功的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

421例重症心脏瓣膜替换术中的体外循环探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报告1993-1996年12月施行421例重症心脏瓣膜术替换术的体外循环经验。病人年龄26-66岁,体重39-88kg。其中作二尖瓣替换术208例;二尖瓣和主动脉瓣双瓣替换术148例;主动脉瓣替换术59例;其余6例行双瓣伴作冠状动脉搭桥手术。体外循环转流时间90-357min,主动脉阻断时间50-170min,心脏停跳时间54-175min。术中灌注压8-12kPa,中心静脉压0-0.98kPa。自动复跳245例,占60%。全组421例中,手术死亡数16例,病死率为3.8%。为了提高重症心脏手术的体外 循环质量,增加手术成功率,作者强调:①选用优质模式肺,以保证长时间转流,②长时间转流必须采用高流量灌注,维持良好动脉压;③选用顺灌伴逆灌的心肌保护方法;④适当延长辅助循环时间。  相似文献   

目的总结和分析心脏外科手术中应用冠状动脉顺行灌注联合冠状静脉窦逆行灌注和冠状动脉桥灌注技术进行心肌保护。方法30例患者分为2组:A组(顺灌联合逆灌技术)20例和B组(顺逆灌结合桥灌技术)10例,疾病种类有:冠心病合并瓣膜病、冠心病合并室壁瘤、升主动脉病变合并主动脉瓣病变和单纯瓣膜病变。结果术中转流平稳,血流动力学稳定,监测指标均在正常范围,无手术死亡和围手术期并发症。结论采用冠状动脉顺行灌注联合冠状静脉窦逆行灌注或结合冠状动脉桥灌注心肌停搏液进行心肌保护,取得良好效果。  相似文献   

目的总结分析心内直视手术中七十岁以上患者的体外循环特点和管理方法。方法 2005年3月至2008年7月间7000余例手术中70岁以上患者共有194例,分类进行心内直视手术。体外循环时全部应用进口膜肺,勃脉力A和胶体预充,常规加入白蛋白、激素和乌司他丁;心肌保护采用间断灌注4:1冷含血停搏液,顺灌逆灌和桥灌相结合;常规监测混合静脉氧饱和度和血细胞压积,积极应用超滤技术。结果术中转流平稳,血流动力学稳定,监测指标均在正常范围,平均体外循环时间和主动脉阻断时间分别为111.5±40.4m in和63.6±21.0m in,自动复跳率52.6%,平均搭桥数目3.4±0.8支,术后平均气管拔管时间24.0±12.7h,平均ICU时间4.7±3.5d。结论 70岁以上患者以瓣膜和冠状动脉病变为主、病变复杂,体外循环时间和主动脉阻断时间较长,各脏器保护要求高,针对高龄患者的特点,制定相应的体外循环管理方法,是保证手术成功的重要因素。  相似文献   

31例心脏移植的体外循环转流及供心保护经验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:报道连续31例心脏移植的体外循环转流经验及供心保护经验。其中扩张性心肌病29例,缺血性心肌病1例,复杂性先天性心脏病1例。方法:体外循环采用中度低温、轻度血液稀释法。供心保护方法为10例采用晶体保存液,21例采用UW液。结果:31例手术脱离体外循环顺利,无手术死亡。结论:良好的供心保护,监测各重要生理指标,使灌注充分合理是成功顺利脱离体外循环的关键。  相似文献   

目的总结和分析同期施行冠状动脉搭桥和心脏瓣膜手术的体外循环方法。方法125例患者分为3组:M组(冠脉病变及二尖瓣病变)75例,A组(冠脉病变及主动脉瓣病变)34例,D组(冠脉病变及二尖瓣和主动脉瓣病变)16例。心肌保护采用4:1冷含血停搏液,应用单纯顺灌、顺灌逆灌结合、顺灌桥灌结合、顺逆灌和桥灌结合技术。结果术中转流平稳,血流动力学稳定,监测指标均在正常范围,无手术死亡。结论同期施行冠状动脉搭桥和心脏瓣膜手术,术中良好的心肌保护方法和合理的体外循环灌注是保证手术顺利成功的重要因素。  相似文献   

由航天工业部二院第四总体设计部和上海医疗器械四厂共同研制成功的SC-500型呼吸机,我院自1985年10月21日起,在体外循环心内直视手术中进行了应用,并经实验测试30例,证明其主要技术指标和性能均能满足临床要求,兹报道如下: 临床应用〔病例资料〕体外循环心内直视手术30例,男16女14,平均年龄18±4.6岁(范围7~39岁),平均体重35±3.8 kg(范围18~60 kg)。其中先天性心脏病18例(房间隔缺损6、室间隔缺损7和法乐氏四联症5)和风湿性心脏病12例(施行二尖瓣置换术10、主动脉瓣置换术1、二尖瓣和主动脉双瓣置换术1)。  相似文献   

目的总结微创体外循环在机器人(AESOP3000)辅助下心脏手术中应用的管理和经验。方法2003年11月~2007年11月,共17例患者接受体外循环下机器人辅助心脏手术,其中房缺修补术10例、室缺修补术2例、二尖瓣置换术4例、二尖瓣成形术1例。右腹股沟做约3—4cm小切口,行股动静脉插管建立体外循环。结果术中转流平稳,血流动力学稳定,未附加颈内静脉引流,仅在个别病例中,采用股静脉引流管上加用暂时性动力负压引流,监测指标均在正常范围,无手术死亡和围手术期并发症。结论微创体外循环的应用是保证机器人辅助心脏手术顺利、成功的重要因素。  相似文献   

国产膜式人工肺临床应用633例的观察和临床估价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文总结上海市胸科医院自1984年9月到1997年12月应用复旦大学研制的FDMO膜肺为633例病儿行心脏直视手术的实际经验。体外循环方法采用中度低温和中深度血液稀释,稀释后血球压积维持在0.16-0.22,心肺转流中采用高流量灌注,每分钟为2.8-3.2L/M^2,心肺转流时间28-358分钟,平均94分钟,平均94分钟。  相似文献   

目的:总结老年Stanford A型主动脉夹层外科治疗经验,探讨手术方式的选择,以提高手术疗效。方法:2008年9月至2011年5月对31例老年Stanford A型主动脉夹层行手术治疗,根据夹层破口位置、累及范围、主动脉根部病变情况采取相应术式,W-heat手术2例,David+全弓置换+支架象鼻术3例,Bentall+全弓置换+支架象鼻术9例,改良Wheat+全弓置换+支架象鼻术1例,升主动脉+全弓置换+支架象鼻术16例。同时行冠状动脉旁路移植术4例,心包剥脱术1例。结果:全组体外循环(221±43)min,平均心肌阻断(132±41)min,深低温停循环(47±12)min。术后并发症12例(38.7%),其中2例死亡,8例治愈(66.7%),2例术后出现肾功能衰竭家属放弃治疗。全组病人出院前复查主动脉CTA,见升主动脉、弓部人工血管血流通畅,支架位置正常,无明显移位。支架远端降主动脉假腔闭合率87.1%。随访2~35个月,术后近期死亡1例(3.2%),无再次手术者。结论:对老年StanfordA型主动脉夹层这一高危人群,术中根据其病变部位施行最佳的外科手术方式,可明显降低死亡率,改善患者预后。  相似文献   

During an 11 1/2-year period, 20 consecutive patients presenting with a traumatic disruption of the proximal descending aorta underwent an emergency operative repair. The mean age was 26 years (range 15 to 62), and 13 (65%) were male. Associated injuries were frequent and required additional major operative procedures in half of the cases. Two patients died as a result of associated intracranial injuries, for a hospital survival of 90%. The operative repair was accomplished by graft replacement of the involved segment of the aorta in all but one patient who underwent a primary repair. Simple aortic crossclamping was used in 8 patients (40%) and heparinless femoral-femoral venoarterial bypass in 12 patients (60%). Neither renal failure nor paraplegia in any of the patients. Four patients required thoracic reoperations. These results indicate that an aggressive multidisciplinary surgical approach can produce favorable results in patients with traumatic descending aortic injuries.  相似文献   

目的:探索乌司他丁(UTI)对心肺转流(CPB)下心脏手术患者炎症因子及认知功能的影响。方法:选择自2010年5月至2014年9月我院收治的CPB瓣膜置换手术患者60例,按照随机数表法将患者分成对照组和观察组,每组30例。观察组患者在麻醉诱导后静脉泵入1.2×10~4U/kg UTI,在CPB结束前5 min从体外管道内给予0.6×10~4U/kg UTI,对照组患者给予等量的生理盐水。对比两组CPB前(T0)、CPB开始后1 h(T1)、CPB结束后1 h(T2)、术后4 h(T3)及术后24 h(T4)的血浆肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)、白细胞介素-6/10(IL-6/10)、中性粒细胞弹性蛋白酶(NE)、星形胶质细胞S100蛋白的β亚型(S100β)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和丙二醛(MDA),在术前1 d和术后7 d时,采用简易精神状态检查表(MMSE)对患者进行神经精神功能测试,并评价患者的术后认知功能障碍(POCD)的发生率。结果:与T0相比,两组患者T1-T4的TNF-α、IL-6、NE、S100β、MDA水平明显升高,且观察组显著低于对照组,而两组IL-10、SOD水平显著下降,观察组显著高于对照组(P0.05)。术后7d,两组患者MMSE评分均明显高于术前1 d,且观察组显著高于对照组(P0.05);观察组POCD的发生率明显低于对照组(P0.05)。结论:UTI可以有效降低CPB下行瓣膜置换术患者的炎症因子水平,并改善患者的POCD,对于临床用药具有指导意义。  相似文献   

"Cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) induces a systemic inflammatory response syndrome that may contribute to postoperative morbidity and mortality. We investigated the in-flammatory responses to colloids compared to crystalloid priming in cardiac surgery patients with cardiopulmonary bypass. Thirty patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) preparing for CPB were randomized into Ringer's solution (RS), 10% hydroxyethyl starch (HES) or 25% human albumin (HA) group. Serum concentrations of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-1 β (IL-1β ), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and interleukin-10 (IL-10) were measured before CPB, at the end of CPB and 1, 6 and 12 h after CPB. Serum C-reactive protein (CRP) was determined pre-operatively and then daily for 2 days. Body-weight gain was significantly decreased on the day after surgery in the HES group than in the RS group. Volume priming in CPB for CABG patients using HA or HES preparation had less tendency for intense inflammatory response with lower levels of TNF-α, IL-1 β , IL-6 and higher levels of IL-10 compared to patients treated with RS. HES prime had lower levels of circulating CRP than in patients treated with HA or Ringer prime on the second post-operative day. Our data indicate that volume priming using colloid during CPB in CABG patients might exert beneficial effects on inflammatory responses."  相似文献   

目的:比较HTK液与冷血停搏液在心脏瓣膜手术中应用效果,为临床心肌保护灌注策略提供依据。方法:采用单中心数据回顾性分析,选取2015年5月-2018年8月在体外循环下(CPB, Cardiopulmonary Bypass)应用灌注停跳液停跳的瓣膜手术患者529例,分为冷停液组(n=326)及HTK液组(n=203),采用倾向得分匹配方法将上述两组资料进行匹配,确定选取73对可匹配病例进行比较。采集的临床结果主要为CPB时间,阻断时间,ICU停留时间(intensive care unit length of stay,ICU LOS)以及血清钠术中术后浓度变化等参数。其次为,术后呼吸机辅助时间,IABP(Intra aortic ballon pump)的使用及新发透析,30天死亡率与术后主要并发症情况。结果:匹配后两组中冷停液组较HTK液组的主动脉平均阻断时间及CPB时间长,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05),HTK液组存在短暂性低血钠血症(P0.05),ICU LOS以及其余各临床结果无显著差异。结论:心脏瓣膜手术中应用HTK液与冷血停搏液临床早期结果一致,可根据手术操作流程及病人经济水平进行合理选择。  相似文献   

The cardio pulmonary bypass (CPB) is used in heart surgery for circulatory and respiratory replacement. The effectiveness of this technique, as well circulatory as respiratory goes and will go to spread its use far beyond the strictly surgical field. The unexpected starts on CPB include not provided starts, anticipated stars, and renewed stars. The not provided starts concern going on CPB for a cardiac or respiratory failure, not reacting to the conventional techniques of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and rare cases of inability to access the airway in emergency. This could be an exceptional complement to external cardiac massage. The anticipated departures involve patients in the operating room for cardiac surgery for which the establishment of the CPB has to treat with emergency life threatening brutal cardiac failure on valvular or coronary artery disease. The renewed starts are being on CPB or after weaning of CPB. It is being CPB to change a failed oxygenator responsible for a tissue hypoxia or replace a piece of tube main circuit of the CPB. A new start on CPB after weaning is essentially for circulatory assistance made necessary by postcardiotomy heart failure, by side effects of protamine injection, excessive bleeding or intra cardiac thrombosis. The oxygenator replacement techniques in emergency are exposed. This techniques demand a well trained and mobile medical and para medical staff.  相似文献   

瓣膜病变合并肾功能不良患者的体外循环管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨瓣膜病变合并肾功能不良患者的体外循环管理方法。方法:2003年1月~6月在我院接受瓣膜置换术且术前肾功能检查指标异常的15名患者作为研究组,2002年1月~6月符合上述条件的18名患者作为对照组。两组患者体外循环管理的不同之处在于:研究组患者在体外循环中应用平衡超滤,严格选用抗生素,少用或不用人工胶体,不用甘露醇,体外循环中避免肾缺血。结果:研究组患者术后肾功能明显好于对照组。结论:在研究组患者中应用的上述措施对术前就用肾功能损伤的患者是有帮助的。  相似文献   

S Aydin  MN Eren  S Aydin  IH Ozercan  AF Dagli 《Peptides》2012,37(2):233-239
This study aimed to examine the effects of CPB on salusin-α, salusin-β and apelin-36 bioactive peptides in people who are planned to undergo coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) operation due to coronary artery disease and to explore whether these peptides are produced in human aortic, saphenous and arterial tissues. The study included age and BMI matched 15 patients who underwent CABG operation by CPB. In order to determine salusin-α, salusin-β and apelin-36 levels, venous blood samples were collected before induction of anesthesia (T1), before CPB (T2), 5min before the removal of cross-clamp (T3), 5min after the removal of cross-clamp (T4), upon arrival in the intensive care (T5), at postoperative 24th hour (T6) and 72nd hour (T7). Salusin and apelin expressions of the tissues were shown by immunohistochemical method. Peptide amounts of sera and tissues were measured using ELISA. Salusins production by vessels occurs in fibroblast cells of the media in the aorta and smooth muscle cells of the media in the LIMA and saphena. Apelin is produced by endothelial cells of the intima and fibroblast cells of the media in the aorta and by smooth muscle cells of the media in the LIMA and saphena. Changes in the levels of salusin-β and apelin-36 were significant during CPB. Salusin-α, salusin-β and apelin-36 are locally synthesized in the arteries and veins. Salusins and apelin-36 might be important markers in the CPB, and also that salusin-β was more specific in comparison to salusin-α.  相似文献   

Perturbation of coronary blood flow (CF) is an important contributor to myocardium-related complications. The study was primarily designed to assess the impact of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) surgery on CF by aid of transthoracic Doppler echocardiography. Changes in CF after off-pump coarctation surgery were also studied. All ultrasounds were performed before and 5 +/- 1 days after surgery. Eighteen children underwent CPB surgery of ventricular left-to-right shunts at the mean age of 6 mo, while off-pump surgery (aortic coarctectomy) was undertaken at the mean age of 10 days in 12 children. After CPB surgery, both left anterior descending coronary artery mean diameter and basal CF increased from 1.7 +/- 0.3 to 2.1 +/- 0.4 mm (P = 0.001) and 27 +/- 10 to 47 +/- 15 ml/min (P = 0.0001), respectively. These two coronary variables decreased after off-pump coarctectomy: left anterior descending coronary artery mean diameter from 1.8 +/- 0.1 to 1.7 +/- 0.1 mm (P = 0.06), and CF from 44 +/- 12 to 25 +/- 8 ml/min (P = 0.001). The findings are in keeping with the hypothesis that the previously reported impairment of coronary flow reserve after CPB surgery could be due to increase in basal coronary flow after CPB. Off-pump coarctectomy seems to have little impact on CF, as the postsurgical decline in flow in these patients seems to relate to the reduction in cardiac pressure afterload.  相似文献   

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