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从酸模Rumex acetosa内生真菌Fusarium sp. HU0298玉米发酵物的活性流分中分离鉴定了一个主要成分:亚油酸;结合活性流分的气相色谱(GC)组分分析和活性评价发现亚油酸是该发酵物的主要抗耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)成分;通过对亚油酸和多个其他脂肪酸标准品的活性测试探究了脂肪酸化学结构和与抗MRSA活性之间的构效关系,发现其抗菌活性不仅与脂肪性的链长有关,也与其不饱和度密切相关,碳链上顺式双键是影响抗菌活性关键基团。研究结果初步阐明了Fusarium sp. HU0298玉米发酵物的抗MRSA活性物质基础,丰富了镰刀菌抗细菌活性代谢产物多样性,为研发安全有效的抗MRSA药物提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

毛竹不同截短U3启动子的克隆及表达分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
具有明确转录起始位点的U3和U6启动子是CRISPR/Cas9技术中驱动sgRNA转录的重要元件。从毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis)中克隆了2个PeU3启动子, 均进行了3个不同长度的截短, 长度分别为550、397和149 bp及561、392和152 bp; 并分别构建6个启动子驱动的GUSLUC植物表达载体, 再利用农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)介导法分别转化麻竹(Dendrocalamus latiflorus)愈伤组织和烟草(Nicotiana benthamiana)叶片。结果显示, 这些PeU3启动子总体都具有转录活性, 不同PeU3启动子以及同一PeU3启动子不同截短时其转录活性不同, 其中长度为397 bp的PeU3-1-2pro启动子活性最强, 可为构建竹子CRISPR/Cas9基因组编辑体系提供更多理想的内源启动子。  相似文献   

彭小芳  田振  韩伟  王晨光  冯娜  张劲松 《菌物学报》2021,40(5):1190-1199
本研究建立一种从灵芝子实体提取物中快速制备灵芝萜烯酮醇的方法。以沪农灵芝1号子实体为原料,经乙醇提取、D101大孔树脂富集后,再经一次正相色谱柱层析,获得富含灵芝萜烯酮醇的流分。采用高速逆流色谱法对该流分进行分离,优化分离条件,获得的最佳条件为:溶剂体系为正己烷-乙酸乙酯-甲醇-水(V/V/V/V,12:24:18:9),流速2.0mL/min,转速900r/min,上样量500mg,一次上样可得到纯度为90.9%的灵芝萜烯酮醇52.1mg,得率达到10.4%。该方法具有操作简单、污染小、成本低、得率和纯度高的特点,是规模化制备灵芝萜烯酮醇的一种新方法。  相似文献   

侯春晓  殷颖  齐秋月  宋红生  王成树 《菌物学报》2018,37(12):1688-1694
蝉虫草(蝉花)是我国重要的传统中药材之一,用于治疗慢性肾炎等,但对其活性成分的研究仍不充分。本文采用硅胶柱、凝胶柱、ODS柱分离,以及HPLC等色谱技术,对蝉虫草子实体样品的乙酸乙酯提取物进行分离纯化,得到3个化合物。根据波谱学数据,化合物1-3分别鉴定为(E,E)-9-酮-10,12-十八碳二烯酸(E,E)-9-oxooctadeca-10,12-dienoic acid(1)、麦角甾醇ergosterol(2)和白僵菌酮bassiatin(3),其中化合物1为首次从蝉虫草中分离获得。抑菌实验表明,3个化合物均对革兰氏阴性大肠杆菌Escherichia coli和革兰氏阳性枯草芽孢杆菌Bacillus subtilis有显著的抑菌活性,化合物1和3还对条件致病真菌白色念珠菌Candida albicans有明显的抑菌活性。本文的研究结果丰富了蝉虫草的活性化合物组成。  相似文献   

本研究运用组织分离法对采自贵州省都匀市斗篷山景区的地衣进行内生真菌分离,乙酸乙酯萃取菌株液体发酵物,通过打孔法筛选地衣内生真菌提取物并对9株临床致病菌株及耐药菌株进行抑菌活性实验。结果表明一株分离自星点梅衣属地衣Punctelia sp.的内生真菌DPS-165-9对其中的6株显示抑制活性。此6株菌为金黄色葡萄球菌Staphylococcus aureus 25923和6538、耐药表面葡萄球菌Staphylococcus epidermidis Z12、耐药布氏杆菌Brucella sp. B103、耐药枯草芽孢杆菌Bacillus subtilis 163和耐药藤黄微球菌Micrococcus luteus 261。经鉴定DPS-165-9为蔡氏轮层炭壳菌Daldinia childiae。本研究为下一步挖掘新的抗菌物质奠定基础。  相似文献   

朱羽凡  唐士元 《昆虫学报》1991,34(4):444-449
以高、低两种浓度病毒液分别经胸接种和经口感染海南株白纹伊蚊Aedes albopictus后,经不同时间内对蚊虫中肠、脑、神经节和涎腺进行IFA染色检查.比较各器官感染率后可知该蚊存在中肠感染屏障(mesenteronal infection barrier MIB)、中肠释放屏障(mesenteronal escape barrier,MEB)和涎腺感染屏障(salivary gland infection barrier,SGIB)并且各屏障率分别与时间及剂量呈负相关.  相似文献   

Osiris基因在几丁质沉积过程中表达,可能参与昆虫表皮的发育。本研究利用CRISPR/Cas9 基因编辑系统对Osiris24基因进行编辑,进而观察Osiris24突变体果蝇的性状并且检测Osiris24的表达特征。在Osiris24第1外显子设计2个sgRNA靶位点,插入到pCFD4敲除载体骨架中,同时构建酵母Gal4蛋白序列的供体(donor)载体,将2个载体同时注射到nos-Cas9胚胎中获得G0代转基因果蝇。结果显示,G0代基因编辑阳性率为92.8%,Osiris24纯合突变体在胚胎或1龄幼虫期致死,杂合突变体未观察到可见表型。将阳性G0代雄虫与UAS-GFP雌虫杂交,检测不同龄期和不同组织GFP信号表达情况。结果发现,Osiris24在不同龄期幼虫中均有表达,幼虫期主要在体壁、气管、前肠和后肠高表达,蛹期主要在体壁和翅上表达,推测其在果蝇发育中发挥重要作用,本研究为深入探究Osiris基因功能提供了研究模型。  相似文献   

目的: 本研究旨在探讨川楝素诱导人胃癌MGC-803细胞凋亡及其机制。方法: 将人胃癌MGC-803细胞分为5组,每组3个复孔,采用氟尿嘧啶(5-FU)和0 nmol/L川楝素(TSN)分别作为阳性对照和阴性对照。其余3组分别加入终浓度为30 nmol/L、50 nmol/L、70 nmol/L的川楝素。川楝素处理细胞48 h后,利用激光共聚焦显微镜观察细胞形态结构变化;流式细胞术检测线粒体膜电位变化;酶标法检测Caspase-3和Caspase-9活性;利用qRT-PCR和Western blot检测凋亡相关基因Bcl-2BaxCyt cAPAF-1 mRNA和蛋白水平。结果: 与0 nmol/L TSN组相比,30 nmol/L、50 nmol/L、70 nmol/L的川楝素作用于人胃癌MGC-803细胞48 h,可见细胞体积缩小,细胞核裂解,部分染色质凝集等形态学变化;Caspase-3和Caspase-9活性升高(P<0.05);而线粒体膜电位明显下降(P< 0.05);BaxCyt cAPAF-1 基因mRNA及蛋白表达量显著升高(P<0.05),Bcl-2 基因mRNA及蛋白表达量显著降低(P<0.05)。结论: 川楝素通过上调BaxCyt cAPAF-1的表达,下调Bcl-2基因表达,增强Caspase-3、Caspase-9活性诱导人胃癌MGC-803细胞凋亡。  相似文献   

发情期的雄性麋鹿根据序位分为群主、挑战者和单身汉3个等级,序位变化是雄性麋鹿应对环境压力的直 观体现。本文利用胆量和侵犯2个行为指标在麋鹿生活史不同阶段的耦合强弱,来解释幼体时麋鹿序位发育、亚 成体时雄性序位定型及发情期时挑战者对群体序位的扰动。行为取样采用焦点取样法和扫描取样法相结合;分 析个体间行为样本流的非同步化水平,以同类型行为中较早发生、同步化率较低的判断为胆大;侵犯则结合攻 击行为和取胜指数来判定;粪样睾酮水平测定采用放射免疫分析法。结果显示雄性麋鹿幼体胆量和侵犯耦合与 等级序位呈负相关(r=-0.111 8,P=0.018 3);成体胆量和侵犯耦合与等级序位的波动呈正相关(r=0.917 9,P= 0.002 6)。从亚成体到成体:4头雄性麋鹿序位上升(胆量和侵犯耦合r=0.852 3,P=0.000 3),其中1头成为鹿 王;4头序位未发生改变(胆量和侵犯耦合r=0.482 9,P=0.006 3);3头序位下降(胆量和侵犯耦合r=0.251 7, P=0.003 5)。雄性麋鹿幼体睾酮水平与等级序位呈正相关(r=0.860 7,P=0.005 5);亚成体睾酮水平与等级序 位呈正相关(r=0.845 7,P=0.004 4);成体睾酮水平与等级序位呈正相关(r=0.954 6,P=0.001 8)。结果表明雄 性麋鹿发情期胆量和侵犯耦合强度与等级序位波动呈正相关;等级序位上升与睾酮水平升高有关。  相似文献   

【目的】克隆小菜蛾Plutella xylostella NanosO基因PxnosO启动子,并验证其具有生殖腺特异性活性,以期应用于基因功能研究或转基因昆虫的构建,为小菜蛾等农业害虫的综合治理提供新的研究思路。【方法】根据小菜蛾基因组序列信息,利用PCR技术克隆NanosO的启动子并进行序列分析。构建PxnosO-EGFP表达质粒,利用脂质体细胞转染技术将PxnosO-EGFP和IE1-EGFP表达质粒转入到小菜蛾胚胎细胞系(Px-6)和草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda卵巢细胞系(Sf9)中,通过激光共聚焦荧光显微镜观察和qRT-PCR技术分别定性和定量分析EGFP基因的表达,验证小菜蛾NanosO启动子的活性。【结果】克隆获得小菜蛾PxnosO (Px004767)启动子区序列,长1 743 bp。对启动子序列进行分析,发现该序列不仅包含启动子共有核心元件TATA box以及上游启动子成分CAAT box和GC box等,还包含有数十个转录因子结合位点。利用细胞转染技术,在PxnosO启动子驱动下成功地在Px-6和Sf9细胞系中表达外源基因EGFP。【结论】克隆了小菜蛾NanosO基因PxnosO启动子,在细胞水平上验证其能驱动外源EGFP基因的表达,为分析PxnosO在小菜蛾不同发育时期的表达模式和PxnosO启动子在体内的功能验证奠定基础。  相似文献   

小珊瑚藻对赤潮异弯藻的化感效应   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究了不同浓度的小珊瑚藻组织4种不同极性有机溶剂(甲醇、丙酮、乙醚、氯仿)提取物对赤潮异弯藻的生长抑制作用.结果表明:小珊瑚藻组织甲醇提取物对赤潮异弯藻的生长抑制活性最强,并且在较高浓度下能使赤潮异弯藻完全死亡,其他3种有机溶剂提取物对赤潮异弯藻的生长无明显影响.表明小珊瑚藻组织中含有的对赤潮异弯藻有抑制作用的活性物质具有较高的极性.对小珊瑚藻的甲醇提取物进行液液萃取,将其分离为石油醚相、乙酸乙酯相、正丁醇相和蒸馏水相, 并对赤潮异弯藻进行生物活性检测.结果发现石油醚相和乙酸乙酯相具有较强的杀藻活性,表明脂肪酸可能是小珊瑚藻组织内抑制赤潮异弯藻生长的化感物质的重要组成成分之一.  相似文献   

Starfish waste has been shown to be an effective compost material not only in the promotion of plant growth but also in terms of having insecticidal activity. In the present study, plant growth regulation by chemicals from starfish was examined. The aqueous fraction from a hot water extract of the starfish Asterias amurensis Lütken showed plant-growth activity, while the aqueous fraction from a methanol extract inhibited growth of Brassica campestris. The lipophilic fraction from the methanol extract also exhibited a plant growth-promoting effect. The active components from each extract were identified. Asterubine from the hot water extract promoted plant growth. A ceramide from the lipophilic fraction showed root growth promoting effect, and three glucocerebrosides had promotive effects on the entire plant. Asterosaponins were identified as the main growth inhibitors in the aqueous fraction of the methanol extract. These active compounds from starfish waste could be analyzed as potential plant growth regulators in agricultural applications in the future.  相似文献   

The crude extract isolated from the visceral mass of Anadara granosa, an intertidal bivalve mollusc was tested for inhibitory activity against pathogenic bacteria of the shrimp and fish viz. Vibrio harveyi and Staphylococcus aureus respectively by agar well diffusion and contact bioautography methods. Maximum inhibitory activity was shown against V. harveyi by methanol and chloroform (9:1) extract. Twelve fractions (1–12) could be separated from the crude extract through column chromatography. Five out of twelve fractions (7, 8, 9, 10, and 11) showed antibacterial activity and they were further run on column chromatography for purity. The fraction no. 9 showed highest antibacterial activity among the five and was subjected to NMR for the proton, C13 and H1–H1 correlation, IR and mass spectral analysis for structural elucidation. Structure of the compound isolated from fraction no: 9 was determined as 1-(((2Z, 4Z)-dodeca-2,4-dienoyl)oxy)-3-hydroxypropan-2-yl tetradecanoate.  相似文献   

Effects of methanol extracts of Xanthium strumarium on different cancer cell lines and on the mortality rates of Aedes caspius, Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) were investigated. Among the cell lines tested, the Jurkat cell line was the most sensitive to the methanol extract and ethyl acetate fraction, with reported LC50 values of 50.18 and 48.73 μg/ml respectively. Conversely, methanol extracts were not that toxic to the A549 cell line though the toxicity increased on further purification. The percentage of growth inhibition was dose dependent for the methanol extract and ethyl acetate fraction. The ethyl acetate fraction showed higher toxicity to all cell lines tested when compared to the methanol extract. The results showed that methanol extracts of plant seeds caused 100% mortality of mosquito larvae at a concentration of 1000 μg/ml after 24 h of treatment. The LC50 and LC90 values of X. strumarium were found to be 531.07 and 905.95 μg/ml against Ae. caspius and 502.32 and 867.63 μg/ml against Cx. Pipiens, respectively. From the investigations, it was concluded that the crude extract of X. strumarium showed a weak potential for controlling the larval instars of Ae. caspius and Cx. pipiens. However, on further purification the extract lost the larvicidal activity. The ethyl acetate fraction showed higher toxicity to all cell lines tested when compared to the methanol extract. The ethyl acetate fraction investigated in this study appears to have a weak larvicidal activity but a promising cytotoxic activity. Future studies will include purification and investigation in further detail of the action of X. strumarium on Cancer Cell Lines and mosquitoes.  相似文献   

Boerhaavia diffusa Linn. of family Nyctaginaceae is a known traditional medicinal plant and has been used in the treatment of many free radical mediated diseases. Excessive formation of free radicals, either reactive oxygen species (ROS) or reactive nitrogen species (RNS) is responsible for damaging various biomolecules like DNA, lipids and proteins. The present investigation was initially carried out to explore the possible link between antioxidant, oxidative DNA damage protective and α-amylase inhibitory property of B. diffusa root extract and their bioactive fraction. Our results illustrated an enhanced DPPH radical scavenging activity/antioxidant power of methanol root extract (IC50 < 250 μg/ml) than ethanol (IC50 = 250 μg/ml) and aqueous extract (IC50 > 250 μg/ml). In addition, the methanol root extract also showed better oxidative DNA damage protective activity and α-amylase inhibitory property than ethanol and aqueous root extract. Phytochemical screening of B. diffusa ethanol and methanol root extract showed the presence of saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides and terpenoids in large amount. By means of repetitive preparatory TLC and HPLC the potent antioxidant and α-amylase inhibitory fraction was isolated from methanol root extract. Our results illustrated that DPPH radical scavenging activity (IC50 < 250 μg/ml) and oxidative DNA damage protective and α-amylase inhibitory activity of the isolated/purified bioactive compound from methanol extract were significantly closer to that of crude extract, which in turn confirm that antioxidant and antidiabetic property of methanol root extract resides in this fraction and established a significant correlation between antioxidant and inhibitory α-amylase property of this bioactive fraction compound. These profound effects of B. diffusa methanol root extract and its purified fraction against oxidative plasmid DNA damage, antioxidant and α-amylase inhibitory activity may explain its extensive use in daily life and possible health benefits.  相似文献   

Adult females of the white-back planthopper, Sogatella furcifera, showed characteristic behavior of stylet sheath deposit on a parafilm membrane when fed on a 2% aqueous crude rice leaf and stem extract containing 15% sucrose. Subsequent bioassays revealed that the butanol-soluble fraction of the extract was highly active against the insects. When the butanol fraction was chromatographed on an ODS open column and eluted in sequence with a mixture of an increasing concentration of methanol in water, the 40 % methanol fraction was separated as the most active. A further bioassay of the HPLC components in the active fraction revealed that two major components (1 and 3) stimulated the high probing activity of the white-back planthopper only when they were combined. Of the active components, one component (3) was identified to be tricin 5-O-glucoside by spectroscopic analyses.  相似文献   

采用甲醇、乙酸乙酯和水分别按液土比3∶1、6∶1和9∶1对三七连作土壤进行浸提,研究其浸提液对三七根腐病菌生长和种群数量的影响。结果表明: 平板培养72 h后,甲醇、乙酸乙酯和水浸提液对尖镰孢菌和腐皮镰孢菌的菌丝生长均表现为化感促进,其中,甲醇和乙酸乙酯浸提液对尖镰孢菌的化感效应指数为14.0%~19.8%和16.2%~20.2%,高于水浸提液的8.9%~14.2%,且不同浸提比例之间差异不显著;而甲醇浸提液对链格孢菌菌丝生长表现为化感抑制,且抑制效应在浸提比例为3∶1时最强,达到-33.2%~-38.5%,乙酸乙酯和水浸提液对链格孢菌菌丝生长无显著影响。土壤培养4周后,甲醇、乙酸乙酯和水浸提液均能增加土壤中尖镰孢菌的数量,其中,水浸提液的增加效应最强,达到每克干土3.49×106~9.56×106拷贝数,高于甲醇(每克干土1.68×104~6.73×104拷贝数)和乙酸乙酯浸提液(每克干土1.77×104~3.72×104拷贝数),且这种增加效应随浸提比例的增加逐渐减弱;水浸提液和低浸提比例的甲醇提取液均能增加土壤中腐皮镰孢菌的数量,而重茬土壤浸提液对链格孢菌的数量影响不显著。因此,三七连作土壤浸提液对根腐病菌如尖镰孢菌和腐皮镰孢菌均表现出明显的化感促进效应,这可能是再植三七易发生根腐病等土传病害的原因之一。  相似文献   

Proteolytic activity in the digestive system of the pistachio green stink bug, Brachynema germari, was investigated. The maximum total proteolytic activity in the midgut extract was observed at pH 5, suggesting the presence of cysteine proteases. Hydrolyzing the specific substrates for cysteine proteases revealed the presence of cathepsin B and cathepsin L activities in the midgut extract. The presence of cysteine proteases was confirmed by their noticeable inhibition and activation due to specific inhibitors and activators, respectively. The significant inhibition of chymotryptic activity by the inhibitors showed the presence of chymotrypsin in the midgut. No considerable tryptic activity was observed in the midgut extract. There was no detectable total proteolytic activity in the salivary gland extract. Tryptic activity of the salivary gland extract was also inhibited by the specific inhibitors. The substrates for cysteine proteases were also slightly hydrolyzed by the salivary gland extract. Zymogram analysis showed at least one distinct band due to cysteine protease activity in the midgut extract, and the cysteine protease inhibitor caused almost complete disappearance of the band. Cathepsin B and L activities were mainly detected in midgut divisions m1 and m3, respectively, and maximum chymotrypsin and trypsin activities were observed in m3. In general, the results revealed the significant presence of cathepsin B, cathepsin L, and chymotrypsin proteases in the midgut extract. The major proteolytic activity in the salivary glands seems to be conducted by trypsin-like proteases.  相似文献   

石榴果皮提取物抑菌活性研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
以12种常见的食品污染菌为供试菌,采用平板打孔法对10个品种石榴果皮的9种溶剂提取物进行抑菌效果研究,并对甲醇提取物的化学成分进行了初步分析。结果表明,甲醇提取物抑菌活性最强;石榴果皮提取物对供试菌种中的细菌的抑制效果最强,对革兰氏阳性菌的抑制效果强于对革兰氏阴性细菌的抑制效果,对酵母菌的抑制效果较弱,对霉菌几乎没有抑制作用。在供试的10个石榴品种中,‘峄城软籽’石榴果皮甲醇提取物的抑菌活性最高。化学成分系统预试结果表明,石榴果皮甲醇提取物中含有黄酮及其苷类物质、生物碱、酚类、鞣质类等成分。  相似文献   

The role of methanolic extract and n-butanol fraction of A. macrophylla leaves was investigated on the forward motility of goat spermatozoa. The methanol extract (600 micro/g/ml) and one n-butanol fraction (Fraction A; 100 microg/ml) showed marked inhibition of sperm forward motility, tested by microscopic and spectrophotometric methods. Approximately, 50-60% of the spermatozoa lost their motility when treated with 600 microg/ml of methanol extract or 100 microg/ml of Fraction A. The Fraction A at 400 microg/ml concentration showed complete inhibition of sperm forward motility at 0 min. The inhibitory activity increased with the increasing concentrations of the fraction. The motility inhibitory activity of the Fraction A was stable to heat treatment at 100 degrees C for 2 min. The compound showed high inhibitory effect in the pH range 6.7-7.6. Fraction A also showed high efficacy for inhibiting human sperm motility, assessed by the microscopic method. The phytochemical analysis of methanolic extract of A. macrophylla leaves revealed the presence of sterols, triterpene, flavonoid, alkaloid, tannin and reducing sugar, while the Fraction A contains beta-sitosterol, a common phytosterol. The results demonstrate that Fraction A (beta-sitosterol) is a potent inhibitor of sperm motility and thus it has the potential to serve as a vaginal contraceptive.  相似文献   

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