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开展近缘物种觅食行为比较对理解动物的行为可塑性及适应性具有重要意义。白头叶猴(Trachypithecus leucocephalus)和黑叶猴(T.francoisi)是近缘物种,体形大小相近,社会结构和栖息环境相似,是广西崇左白头叶猴国家级自然保护区喀斯特季节性雨林中邻域分布的灵长类。为了探索两个物种在喀斯特生境中是否有相似的觅食策略,我们于2012年1-12月采用瞬时扫描取样法对两种叶猴的觅食行为进行研究。结果表明,白头叶猴与黑叶猴在不同时段均为叶食性,树叶是两种叶猴各个时段主要食物,其中白头叶猴日均取食树叶77.0%±4.4%,黑叶猴日均取食68.9%±8.3%,两者对树叶的采食比例均没有显著的日时段差异(白头叶猴:χ2=6.602,df=11,P=0.830;黑叶猴:χ2=11.393,df=11,P=0.411)。两种叶猴的觅食行为都在猴群清晨离开夜宿石洞后和进入过夜山洞前的时段中频繁发生。白头叶猴在09:00-10:59和16:00-17:59出现觅食高峰,时间占比分别为41.7%和46.3%;黑叶猴同样在09:00-10:59和16:00-17:59的时间段内发生高频率的觅食行为,时间占比分别为31.3%和38.0%。此外,两种叶猴的觅食时间在大部分时段中的差异并不明显。白头叶猴和黑叶猴在石灰岩生境中具有相似的觅食策略,这意味着两种叶猴在取食生态学上可能采取相似的保护措施。  相似文献   

黑叶猴是分布于我国广西、贵州、重庆南部和越南北部喀斯特石山特有的灵长类,全世界不足2000只,其中四分之三以上分布在我国。黑叶猴隶属于哺乳纲灵长目猴科疣猴亚科乌叶猴属,该属是疣猴亚科种类最多的一个属,共有20个种。根据系统演化,这个属可以分为戴帽叶猴种组、郁乌叶猴种组、银叶猴种组和黑叶猴种组,其中黑叶猴种组包括了我国的黑叶猴、白头叶猴、越南的金头叶猴、德氏叶猴、越南乌叶猴、印支乌叶猴和老挝乌叶猴,这7个种只生活在喀斯特石山环境,所以它们又被称为石山叶猴,其中黑叶猴扩散能力最强,是分布范围最广和分布纬度最高的种类。  相似文献   

针对物种分布格局与其环境变量关系的研究,对于生态廊道规划与环境恢复研究具有重要意义。本文以白头叶猴(Trachypithecus leucocephalus)为研究对象,针对广西崇左白头叶猴国家级自然保护区51个白头叶猴分布点和11个环境变量数据,利用MaxEnt模型(maximum entropy modeling)对栖息地适宜性进行综合评价,通过模型生成栖息地适宜度指数(habitat suitability index,HSI)阈值,划定研究区域为低适生区、适生区和高适生区3种类型,其中低适生区面积为5 061.43 km2,适生区和高适生区面积分别为42.80 km2和20.63 km2。主要环境变量分析表明:年均降水量、土地利用分类、坡度和年平均气温的综合贡献值分别为54.6%、17.4%、11.8%和9.5%,4项环境变量累积贡献值达到93.3%,是影响白头叶猴分布的主要环境因素。为更有效保护白头叶猴及其栖息地,建议在保护区规划生态廊道,扩大恢复区内白头叶猴适宜栖息地面积,以促进白头叶猴种群间基因交流。  相似文献   

杂交白头叶猴F1代及其后代性状和行为跟踪观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对白头叶猴与黑叶猴杂交所得的雌杂白头叶猴F1代(F1f)的性状及行为观察,以及F1代与黑叶猴进行回交繁殖出来的后代Be1、Be2、Be3和Be4的性状表现及生长发育的长期观察,结果表明:杂交白头叶猴及其回交代的性状、形态特征与黑叶猴十分相似,黑毛性状占绝对的优势。白头叶猴所拥有的性状在杂白头叶猴及其后代中几乎不表现,仅是在生长中存在部分印记,在发育过程中的颜色转变时间延长,毛色转变也有痕迹的现象。这说明白头叶猴的基因控制在回交代中只起到辅助作用,但总的以黑叶猴的基因控制为主。白头叶猴回交代个体弱仔率比例高达50%,高于同期的黑叶猴弱仔率,后者一般为10%—20%,呈现出远交衰退迹象。杂交代F1在繁殖行为及对后代的哺育投资上与黑叶猴无明显区别;回交代的生长发育和行为发育与黑叶猴的行为有趋同性。综合上述特征,结合杂交白头叶猴F1f的连续繁殖成功,可以断定白头叶猴不是一个独立种,而是黑叶猴的一个亚种。  相似文献   

2012年10~12月采用访问法、小区蹲点数量统计方法对广西崇左白头叶猴国家级自然保护区驮逐片及周边相邻的昌平片的黑叶猴种群数量与分布进行了调查。结果显示,驮逐片黑叶猴分布面积为9714 hm2,种群数量为10群55只;昌平片黑叶猴分布面积为1073 hm2,种群数量为7群33只;两处合计为17群88只。驮逐片和昌平片黑叶猴种群数量分别占广西黑叶猴种群数量的14%和10%。驮逐片通过加强能力建设、宣传力度和保护力度,昌平片通过建立自然保护小区,加大对黑叶猴及其栖息地的保护力度。  相似文献   

白头叶猴及其觅食生物   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
白头叶猴仅分布在我国广西南部四县境内的喀斯特石山地区,数量少,分布范围狭窄,栖息环境特殊,白头叶猴偏爱植物丰富的山脚部分;选择生物量大的植物为食,并选择含水量高的部位。  相似文献   

RAPD分析与白头叶猴分类地位探讨   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
为确定白头叶猴的分类地位,分析了菲氏叶猴、紫面叶猴、长尾叶猴、黑叶猴、白头叶猴、共13个个体的随机扩增DNA多态。用于检测的30个随机引物中有22个产生清晰的条带。根据遗传距离建立的系统树显示,黑叶猴与白头叶猴亲缘关系最近,且两者都不是单系群。白头叶猴3与黑叶猴6的亲缘关系比与白头叶猴1、2的更近。根据系统树中的关系对群体进行了t检验,结果显示:在5%水平上,白头叶猴与黑叶猴有显著差异;然而,在同  相似文献   

近年来,关于白头叶猴的分类地位颇有争议,争论的焦点是白头叶猴是一个独立种还是黑叶猴Trachypithecus francoisi 的一个亚种.  相似文献   

白头叶猴是我国独有的灵长类物种,其栖息地十分狭小而分散。典型的热带喀斯特峰丛洼地-峰丛谷地地貌组合,特殊的石灰岩季雨林或次生植被和多种石灰土构成的石山景观,与周边的土山景观有明显区别。环境的异质性和不连续性,使之成为边界明显但又互相隔离的同质性斑块,为穴居和过群居生活的白头叶猴提供了至关重要的生存空间。白头叶猴这一适应于热带气候,善攀爬、植食性和穴居习性的物种,选择低峰丛洼地-峰丛谷地作为适宜的栖息地,是在长期进化过程中生态适应的结果。目前,白头叶猴仅分布于几处互相隔离的地块。近几十年来,由于人类活动的强烈干扰,使其栖息地急速缩小和更加分散。只有正确处理人地关系、人与野生动物的关系,禁止石山地区的过度开发,维持这一自然综合体的完整性和保持景观异质性,白头叶猴才有生存的可能和发展的机会。  相似文献   

全世界共有猿猴类19科78属480种,分布在非洲赤道以南的广大森林和萨瓦纳稀树草原、非洲大陆东面的马达加斯加岛、南美洲热带雨林和亚洲的热带和亚热带北缘等区域。我国拥有猿猴共3科8属25种,其中特有种7种。在7种特有种中,最有特色之一的是生活在我国广西西南部喀斯特石山地区的白头叶猴。适应石山环境的白头叶猴,进化出了一些特殊的适应特征。  相似文献   

We studied the locomotor behaviour of white-headed langurs Trachypithecus leucocephalus and Fran(c)ois' langurs T.fran(c)oisi to test two hypotheses: (1) these monkeys have evolved locomotor ability to support their activities on limestone hills,and (2) Fran(c)ois' langurs have evolved more diverse locomotor skills than white-headed langurs. Data were collected from 1996 - 1998 and in 2005 in Fusui Nature Reserve,Guangxi,and showed that the two species had similar locomotor types,but Francois' langurs had more locomotor modes (26) than white-headed langurs (12). Quadrupedal walking and leaping were two major types,and white-headed langurs were more arboreal than Fran(c)ois' langurs. We suggest that,while keeping their ancestral locomotor types,the two species have evolved new types allowing them to live on limestone cliffs. Compared to white-headed langurs,Francois' langurs have more diverse locomotor modes that probably have allowed them to live in more habitat types. As an evolutionary outcome,Fran(c)ois' langurs have a larger distribution range.  相似文献   

We studied the feeding ecology of white-headed langurs (Trachypithecus leucocephalus) from September 1997 to September 1998 in Fusui Rare and Precious Animal Reserve, SW Guangxi, China. We collected data in the central part of a group of limestone hills where the main population pool of langurs was located. The langurs fed on 50 plant species (belonging to 42 genera from 28 families) out of 164 species in the habitat (belonging to 112 genera from 48 families). Most of the food plant species were not common in the habitat. There are 16 important food species, including 6 key species. White-headed langurs were extremely folivorous, feeding mainly on young leaves (75% of total feeding records) of a broad range of less common plant species, which were in less disturbed areas. Thus, langur groups in high quality habitat had greater access to preferred foods, and the future of langurs in the Reserve may depend on immediate cessation of tree felling.  相似文献   

Limestone hill habitats pose unique challenges to langurs. One of the characteristics of this habitat is its cliffs, which account for about 10–20% of the total area. We have never observed langurs falling from the cliffs during our 10-year field study. Five patterns of locomotion were exhibited by the white-headed langur: (1) arboreal ascent and descent, (2) arboreal quadupedalism, (3) terrestrial quadrupadelism, (4) moving on cliffs and (5) leaping on cliffs. Locomotor patterns varied according to the substrate, but terrestrial quadrupedalism accounted for more than 50% of locomotion time. Moving on cliffs and leaping on cliffs may be modes of locomotion unique to the white-headed langur, at least in terms of frequency. White-headed langurs have an intermembral index of 76 and, compared to langurs with a similar intermembral index, are more terrestrial. Further analysis indicates that greater terrestrialism may be the result of adaptation to their limestone habitat. Interestingly, white-headed langurs select caves on the cliff as their sleeping sites, and they exhibit special behaviors for exiting and entering the cave very early in the morning and late in the evening.  相似文献   

Habitat Quality and Activity Budgets of White-Headed Langurs in Fusui,China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Within a species, habitat quality may be a factor causing different activity budgets between populations. The habitat of white-headed langurs (Trachypithecus leucocephalus) has been seriously disturbed in Fusui Rare and Precious Animal Nature Reserve, China, where we carried out a study of their socioecology from September 1997 to September 1998. We collected data on langur activity budgets from the main population located in the central part of a group of limestone hills. We classified habitat quality into 4 grades according to the extent of human disturbance. We showed that the two main study groups of white-headed langurs spent on average 50% of time resting, 13% feeding, 18% moving (including foraging), 11% grooming, and 7% playing. Langur time budgets showed no significant seasonal change, but they differed among different sex-age classes. Infants and juveniles spent about 20.3% of time playing, whereas adults spent only 0.2% playing. The group in high quality habitat engaged less in feeding and more in playing than the group in low quality habitat did. Habitat quality influenced the playing time of young white-headed langurs and may be vital to their successful maturation.  相似文献   

We studied the ecology of white-headed langurs (Trachypithecus leucocephalus) in Fusui Precious Animal Reserve, Guangxi, China, in 1997/1998 and conducted surveys of them in 1996–1997 and 2003. We collected data on vegetation fragments and the activities of white-headed langurs at different levels on limestone hills. The langurs selected less fragmented habitats with less human disturbance. They spent ca. 60% of the day at lower levels of the hills during maintenance activities, including feeding. When humans were absent, the langurs even came to the ground. The hills themselves were used as a refuge from human disturbance but were not otherwise essential habitat. Results of this study have implications for improving conservation management for the langurs.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of the diet of the same species in different habitats, and over the long term, are essential to understanding a species’ behavioral and ecological plasticity. Moreover, such studies can help researchers and managers evaluate a species’ capacity to cope with changes in habitat quality resulting from natural processes or human disturbance, which is important for developing conservation strategies. We compared dietary data for François’ langur (Trachypithecus francoisi) collected at Nonggang and Fusui Nature Reserves, Guangxi Province, China, over 2 separate study periods to evaluate interannual and intersite variation in diet. Young leaves were the preferred staple foods for langurs, whereas mature leaves and seeds served as fallback foods in response to seasonal shortage in the abundance of young leaves. Species composition of the diets and the percentage of feeding records for plant species varied between the 2 study periods. The langurs at both study sites fed selectively, and they did not base their diet simply on the abundance of plant species in the habitat. However, the plant species eaten by langur groups inhabiting the 2 different reserves were markedly different, and the top 10 food species eaten by the Fusui group showed no overlap with those eaten by the Nonggang group. The variation may be related to differences in forest composition resulting from different level of human disturbance. In summary, our results indicate that François’ langurs exhibit a comparable dietary pattern both temporally and geographically, but there is marked interannual and intersite difference in species composition of the langur diet.  相似文献   

We studied the diet and food choice of three groups of white-headed langurs (Trachypithecus leucocephalus) from July 2002 to June 2003 at Fusui Rare Animal Reserve, Guangxi, China. Data were collected from via focus group sampling, with continuous recording. A total of 109 plant species (including 19 unidentified species) were used as food by the white-headed langur. They spent 91.6% of total feeding time feeding on leaves, 4.2% on fruits and 3.3% on stems. Flowers and other food items accounted for only 0.3% and 0.6% of total feeding time, respectively. There were significant seasonal variations in the langurs’ diets with changes in the total number of species and the diversity of food species consumed. The langurs used significantly more plant species as food in the rainy season than in the dry season (36 species vs. 26.5 species). Dietary diversity was also significantly higher in the rainy season than in the dry season (2.6 vs. 2.4). No significant seasonal variation was found in the percentage of various plant parts in their monthly diets. Though the white-headed langur fed on many plant species, 11 species made up 84.9% of their diet. There were no significant correlations between the percentage of feeding time for main food plant species and their corresponding abundance in the habitat, content of water, crude protein, crude fiber and the ratio of crude protein to crude fiber. These results suggest that food choice of the white-headed langur is not influenced by their abundance and nutritional content.  相似文献   

The socioecology of white-headed langurs (Trachypithecus leucocephalus) was studied in Fusui Precious Animal Reserve, Guangxi, China, in 1997/1998. Habitat quality was classified according to the level of human disturbance. Plant species diversity increased with habitat quality. Important foods for the langurs occurred more in high-quality habitat. Home range size varied from 28 to 48 ha, and the home range area per individual decreased as habitat quality increased. Small polygynous langur groups had poorly defended ranges, but large groups defended their ranges intensively. Only harem males were involved in group defence, apparently competing for females by defending their habitat. High-quality habitat was more attractive to females; accordingly, group size increased significantly with habitat quality.  相似文献   

正蛋白质与纤维素的比值以及能量高低是影响灵长类动物食物选择的重要因素(Oftedal,1991;Waterman and Kool,1994;Chapman and Chapman,2002;Wasserman and Chapman,2003;Hanya et al.,2007;Huang et al.,2010),但它们是否影响疣猴的食物选择目前尚具有较大的争议。Waterman  相似文献   

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