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杂交白头叶猴F1代及其后代性状和行为跟踪观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对白头叶猴与黑叶猴杂交所得的雌杂白头叶猴F1代(F1f)的性状及行为观察,以及F1代与黑叶猴进行回交繁殖出来的后代Be1、Be2、Be3和Be4的性状表现及生长发育的长期观察,结果表明:杂交白头叶猴及其回交代的性状、形态特征与黑叶猴十分相似,黑毛性状占绝对的优势。白头叶猴所拥有的性状在杂白头叶猴及其后代中几乎不表现,仅是在生长中存在部分印记,在发育过程中的颜色转变时间延长,毛色转变也有痕迹的现象。这说明白头叶猴的基因控制在回交代中只起到辅助作用,但总的以黑叶猴的基因控制为主。白头叶猴回交代个体弱仔率比例高达50%,高于同期的黑叶猴弱仔率,后者一般为10%—20%,呈现出远交衰退迹象。杂交代F1在繁殖行为及对后代的哺育投资上与黑叶猴无明显区别;回交代的生长发育和行为发育与黑叶猴的行为有趋同性。综合上述特征,结合杂交白头叶猴F1f的连续繁殖成功,可以断定白头叶猴不是一个独立种,而是黑叶猴的一个亚种。  相似文献   

RAPD分析与白头叶猴分类地位探讨   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
为确定白头叶猴的分类地位,分析了菲氏叶猴、紫面叶猴、长尾叶猴、黑叶猴、白头叶猴、共13个个体的随机扩增DNA多态。用于检测的30个随机引物中有22个产生清晰的条带。根据遗传距离建立的系统树显示,黑叶猴与白头叶猴亲缘关系最近,且两者都不是单系群。白头叶猴3与黑叶猴6的亲缘关系比与白头叶猴1、2的更近。根据系统树中的关系对群体进行了t检验,结果显示:在5%水平上,白头叶猴与黑叶猴有显著差异;然而,在同  相似文献   

白头叶猴栖息环境与栖息地选择的研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
通过样方法和焦点动物法分别对白头叶猴栖息环境进行了观察,并对栖息环境的植物多样性进行了统计分析。结果表明,白头叶猴栖息地可分为山脚、山腰、山顶和山弄平地4部分,各部分优势种植物不同,白头叶猴栖息地的Shannon Venner多样性指数为6.152,均匀度为0.8439,白头叶猴对石山山脚、山腰、山顶和山弄平地的利用率分布为66.45 5.65%,21.15±5.49%,12.78±6.8%。在山脚主要是休息和觅食,在山腰主要是移动,在山顶主要是冬季晒太阳。因此,保护白头叶猴的栖息地对保护白头叶猴有特别重要的意义。  相似文献   

关于白头叶猴分类地位的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过一只雄性白头叶猴与一只雌性黑叶猴杂交繁殖的F1代(雌体)与黑叶猴(雄体)的回交,成功繁殖出两只回交代个体,出生后两回交代个体健康状况良好,所显露出来的形态学特征介于亲本之间,没有呈现明显的分化现象。杂交代的成功繁殖表明白头叶猴与黑叶猴不存在生殖隔离。从而断定白头叶猴不是一个独立种,而是黑叶猴的一个亚种。  相似文献   

来崇左之前,听了关于白头叶猴的讲座,心中充满了好奇——这个美丽的国家一级保护动物,究竟何处而栖,与谁为邻?何处而栖 白头叶猴仅生活在广西龙州县、宁明县、崇左县和扶绥县等四县内,在明江以北,左江东南,面积约为200平方千米的一个十分狭小的三角形地带内的喀斯特石山地区,是白头叶猴唯一的家。  相似文献   

不要以为只有大熊猫才可以拥有那身漂亮的黑白外衣,在广西崇左的白头叶猴自然保护区中,也有这样一群黑白精灵,它们就是穿梭在林间的白头叶猴。这一次,我参加了中国科学院组织的白头叶猴考察之行,也进一步领略了这些黑白精灵的风采。  相似文献   

喀斯特石山是一类特殊环境,生存在喀斯特石山的动物形成特殊的行为机制以适应这一特殊的环境。石山叶猴是仅分布于喀斯特石山地区的珍稀濒危灵长类动物,属疣猴亚科乌叶猴属的一个种组,包括黑叶猴(Trachypithecus francoisi)、白头叶猴(T.leucocephalus)、德氏叶猴(T.delacouri)、金头叶猴(卡巴叶猴,T.poliocephalus)、越南乌叶猴(T.hatinhensis)、印支黑叶猴(T.ebenus)、老挝乌叶猴(T.laotum)7种。迄今为止,对分布于中国的黑叶猴和白头叶猴的生态学已有较多研究,而对其他石山叶猴的研究较缺乏。本文对中国黑叶猴和白头叶猴的种群生态学、行为生态学、保护生物学研究进行综述,以促进叶猴生态学理论的发展和完善,为我国特有珍稀濒危动物保护提供基础资料。未来研究应关注石山叶猴的种群历史以及对栖息地破碎化和气候变化的适应机制等问题。  相似文献   

2011年7月中旬,我同中国科学院白头叶猴生态科考团一起来到了广西扶绥县境内的岜盆保护片区,去寻访被列为全球最濒危的灵长类动物之一的白头叶猴。来自北京、广州、济南等地的25名团员同工作人员一起进入保护区,与白头叶猴进行了为期一周的亲密接触。  相似文献   

一个酷暑难耐的夏天。一片郁郁葱葱的山林。一种奇特的喀斯特地貌。一群温顺可爱的白头叶猴。我们去的是广西崇左白头叶猴自然保护区的岜盆保护站,另外一个是板利保护站。由于人类的过度开垦,它们的家园遭到严重破坏,被分割成了一小块一小块、形似无助的孤岛。  相似文献   

史军 《植物杂志》2011,(12):22-33
2011年7月中旬,我同中国科学院白头叶猴生态科考团一起来到了广西扶绥县境内的岜盆保护片区,去寻访被列为全球最濒危的灵长类动物之一的白头叶猴。来自北京、广州、济南等地的25名团员同工作人员一起进入保护区,与白头叶猴进行了为期一周的亲密接触。  相似文献   

Human beings automatically discriminate human faces at the individual level. Infants aged 3 months implicitly recognise monkey faces, but this capacity disappears as recognition skills mature. Expertise is known to affect recognition capacities for different categories of stimuli that are not even face-like in their configuration. We have explored the capacity of adult experts and non-experts in primatology to recognise monkey faces in both explicit and implicit recognition tasks. In the explicit task, where subjects received the instruction to recognise a face seen previously, experts proved to be more accurate than non-experts. Experts were more affected by inversion than non-experts, suggesting that the processing of those faces is based on their configuration, as is generally observed for human faces. This replicates findings from Diamond and Carey (J Exp Psychol Gen 115:107–117, 1986) in dog experts. In the implicit recognition task, assessed by a visual paired comparison task where no instruction of recognition was given, automatic discrimination was observed for human faces but not for monkey faces. These results suggest that experience acquired by the time of adulthood did not lead the experts to develop recognition skills to the point of matching those exhibited for human faces.  相似文献   

The taxonomic relationships among the four genera of the Atelidae family, Alouatta (Howler), Ateles (Spider), Lagothrix (Woolly) and Brachyteles (Muriqui), have been the subject of great debate. In general, almost all authors agree with the assignment of Howler monkeys as the basal genus, either in its own tribe Alouattini or in the subfamily Alouattinae, but they disagree on the associations among the other members of the family. Muriquis have been grouped with Spider monkeys based on the fact that they share various behavioral and morphological characteristics. Cladistic analyses using morphological, biochemical, karyotype and behavioral characteristics depicted a phylogenetic tree that places Howler as the basal genus and the remaining genera in an unresolved politomy. More recent studies using molecular data have suggested that Muriqui and Woolly monkeys are sister groups. However, a recent study based on nuclear and mtDNA argued that politomy is what best represents the relationships among Spider, Woolly and Muriqui. To contribute to this debate we have added new data from two nuclear genes, Transferrin and von Willebrand Factor, and using an alignment of 17,997 bp we demonstrate that a total analysis strongly supports the Muriqui-Woolly clade. A gene-to-gene approach showed that four of the eight nuclear genes provide support for the Muriqui-Woolly clade, two strongly and two moderately, while none of the eight genes provide support for any alternative arrangement. The mitochondrial genes were not able to resolve the politomy. A possible reason for the difficulty in resolving atelid relationships may be the short period of time separating each cladogenetic event in the evolutionary process that shaped this family.  相似文献   

Antigenicity of IgG was compared among human, the cynomolgus monkey, the African green monkey and the squirrel monkey by the quantitative precipitation test using purified IgG of and rabbit anti-IgG serum to each species. Clear cross-antigenicity was observed between the cynomolgus monkey and the African green monkey and less clear cross-antigenicity between human and the cynomolgus monkey or the African green monkey. The cross-antigenicity observed between the squirrel monkey and the other three species examined was evidently weak.  相似文献   

Vertebrate Paleontology in the Neotropics: The Miocene Fauna of La Venta, Colombia edited by R.F. Kay et al. Smithsonian Institution Press, 1997. £62.50 hbk (xvi +592 pages) ISBN 1 56098 4 18 X.  相似文献   

Cholesterol metabolism in rhesus monkey, squirrel monkey, and baboon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The metabolism of cholesterol was studied in baboons, rhesus monkeys, and squirrel monkeys while they were being fed either a low fat, low cholesterol (basal) diet or the basal diet supplemented with saturated fat and cholesterol (atherogenic diet). When the diet was changed from basal to atherogenic, the mean total serum cholesterol concentration increased from 70 to 180 mg/dl in the baboon, from 168 to 283 mg/dl in the squirrel monkey, and from 144 to 608 mg/dl in the rhesus monkey. In animals fed the atherogenic diet, the percentage of dietary cholesterol absorbed was greatest in the rhesus monkey and least in the baboon. The fraction of the total body pool of cholesterol that was derived from the diet was greatest in the squirrel monkey and least in the baboon. The turnover of the body pool of cholesterol was several times faster in the squirrel monkey than in the baboon or the rhesus monkey when either dict was fed. The mean total fecal excretion of endogenous cholesterol and bile acid increased in all species on transition to the atherogenic diet; however, the relative contributions of the neutral and acidic fractions to the increase in total excretion differed among species. The difference in percentage of dietary cholesterol absorbed may, in part, account for the large differences in serum cholesterol during the atherogenic diet period. Comparison with other published results indicates that of these species cholesterol metabolism in the baboon is most like that in the human.  相似文献   

This isomer of PGF is relatively resistant to metabolic degradation in the Cynomolgus monkey. Thus, 16–20 per cent of the amount injected was excreted unchanged in the urine. Five metabolites with 20, 18, 16 and 14 carbon atoms in the skeleton were identified. The data are similar to those earlier seen in the rat and further support the idea that this analogue of PGF could have a long half-life time in the mammalian body and thus a long duration of its pharmacological actions.  相似文献   

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