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本文研究了检疫截获的楔天牛属7种楔天牛八点楔天牛、白桦楔天牛、斑点楔天牛、柳楔天牛、青杨楔天牛、山杨楔天牛、十星楔天牛雄性外生殖器的形态结构,并提供其解剖图。研究表明,楔天牛属雄性外生殖器由阳茎基、中茎和内囊3部分组成。阳茎基的阳基侧突具有相对遗传稳定性,且在属内均成近似矩形,并首次测量了7种楔天牛的成虫雄性外生殖器阳基侧突的长宽比。得出了雄性外生殖器形态特征在楔天牛属种内差异小、种间差异大,并能用雄性外生殖器特征有效区分楔天牛属近似种的结论。  相似文献   

比较研究了白条天牛属10种的外部形态特征.结果表明:颊、触角、前胸背板斑纹、鞘翅斑纹、鞘翅基部瘤突、中胸后侧片、前足第1跗节等外部形态特征在白条天牛属中具有种间分类学意义.上颚基部、腹部第7节腹板形状、触角长度可用于雌雄鉴别.通过比较云斑白条天牛Batocera lineolata Chevrolat,1852与多斑白条天牛Batocera horsfieldi(Hope,1839)的外部形态与雄性外生殖器特征,结果表明上述两种均为有效种.  相似文献   

李竹  陈力 《动物分类学报》2012,37(3):654-656
报道了采自中国云南省的天牛科锯翅天牛属1新纪录种,银毛锯翅天牛Microdebilissa argentifera(Holzschuh,1984),详细描述了新纪录种的形态特征;补充描述了黑翅锯翅天牛 Microdebilissa atripennis(Pu,1992)的雄性特征;提供了分布于中国的锯翅天牛属的昆虫名录。研究标本保存于西南大学昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

对中国锯天牛族的后翅基部关节和后翅翅脉特征进行了研究,发现利用Kukalová-Peck和Lawrence (2004)的后翅命名系统能够很好地对中国锯天牛族后翅翅脉进行命名。但是在中国锯天牛族中,后中脉( MP)和前肘脉(CuA)在后缘并不合并;当前臀脉( AA3)和前肘脉(CuA3 +4)与后肘脉(CuP)相遇时,前臀脉(AA3)消失,前肘脉(CuA3 +4)和后肘脉(CuP)合并,因此楔室(W)仅由肘脉(Cu)的分支脉围成。尽管基部翅关节在研究的各属和各种之间没有表现出差异,但是后翅翅脉在土天牛属Dorysthenes和锯天牛属Prionus不同种类之间差异明显,这些特征包括径室的长宽比例和各边的长度关系、r3存在与否及其长度、后径脉的长度、楔室的长宽比例、以及后中脉(MP3 +4)和前肘脉(CuA3 +4)端部是否分叉等。因此,后翅翅脉特征在土天牛属Dorysthenes和锯天牛属Prionus分种时可能具有分类学意义。  相似文献   

记述了脊虎天牛属Xylotrechus 8 种雌性生殖器,比较研究了该属雌性生殖器的结构特点,结果表明:骨杆形状、交配囊的形状、受精囊的形状、受精囊腺的形状等雌性生殖器特征具有重要的分类学意义;通过生殖器特征对比,柳脊虎天牛与脊虎天牛属其余7种雌性生殖器特征差异不明显,因此作者认为将其归属于脊虎天牛属Xylotrechus 并将 Turanoclytus作为脊虎天牛属 Xylotrechus的一个亚属是合理的.  相似文献   

比较研究了锯天牛亚科4族10属20种(亚种)的雌性生殖器特征。研究结果表明:雌性生殖器特征在锯天牛亚科族级、属级和种级均具有分类学意义。此研究对传统外部形态分类特征进行了补充。  相似文献   

描述并比较了中国椎天牛亚科4族7属的雄性外生殖器结构特点。结果表明:椎天牛亚科内有18个雄性外生殖器结构特征存在差异,其中阳基侧突的形状、阳基侧突的长宽比,腹部第8节背板的形状等5个特征在椎天牛亚科内族级水平具有重要分类学意义;阳基侧突占阳茎的比例,腹部第8节背板的被毛情况等6个特征在幽天牛族内属级水平具有重要分类学意义;同时阳基侧突的长宽比,腹部第8节背板的被毛情况可用于塞幽天牛属中近似种的区分。基于雄性外生殖器的结构,编制了椎天牛亚科分族及幽天牛族分属的检索表。  相似文献   

中国星斑天牛属一新种记述(鞘翅目:天牛科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述星斑天牛属 1新种 :黑星斑天牛 Psacothea nigrostigma,sp.nov.。模式标本保存于天津自然博物馆动物研究室。黑星斑天牛 Psacothea nigrostigma,新种 (图 1~ 4)正模♂ ,云南西双版纳勐啊勐康 ,1 0 0 0 m,1 958- -1 9,朱志彬。本新种与黄星斑天牛 Psacothea hilaris ( Pascoe,1 857)的主要区别为鞘翅具许多不规则的黑色星斑而非蜡黄色圆斑 ,头顶中央淡色带有 1黑色纵脊 ,雄性外生殖器阳基侧突端刚毛仅限于端部 1 /4而非几达 1 /2 ,交配孔腹缘狭圆而非略宽圆 ,以及内囊中部具粗密微刺而非内囊具均匀一致细微刺等  相似文献   

记述我国天牛科1新记录属:长胸筒天牛属Pardaloberea Pic,1926及1新记录种:长胸筒天牛Pardaloberea curvaticeps Pic,1926,给出了成虫整体照片并绘制了雄性外生殖器图和触角的特征图。  相似文献   

对中国尾蛱蝶属Polyura9个种的雄性外生殖器进行了比较形态学研究,结果表明,雄性外生殖器种间存在明显差异,可作为种类鉴别依据;并根据雄性外生殖器特征编制了中国尾蛱蝶属的种检索表。  相似文献   

记述了四川省自贡市汇东新区自贡市乳品厂发现的西蜀鳄一新种——周氏西蜀鳄(Hsisosuchus chowi sp.nov.)。新种区别于西蜀鳄已知种的特征是:鼻骨后部沿缝合线有一浅的纵凹,额骨的眶缘向上凸起成嵴,沿额骨缝合线也隆起成一微弱的纵嵴,上颞窝的内侧缘向上凸起呈明显的嵴,顶骨具一前中突,侧视颧骨腹缘呈明显的波曲状,眶后骨前侧角约90°,鳞骨后侧突特别拉长,向侧下后方伸展,使鳞骨侧缘明显向内侧弓曲,左右外枕骨的枕髁部分不相接,翼骨的腹中嵴源于翼骨主体部分,内鼻孔位置比较靠前。此外,齿骨外面和夹板骨腹面具有发达的沟和嵴状雕饰,夹板骨参与下颌联合的部分比较长,肩胛片异常扩展,乌喙骨远端宽于近端,肱骨头增厚并强烈向内侧扩展,三角肌嵴发达,桡侧腕骨具发达的尺骨突,尺侧腕骨远端宽于近端,6列荐前部腹部骨板和3列尾部腹部骨板,也可能是周氏西蜀鳄的衍生特征,但这些性状在大山铺西蜀鳄中情况不明,有待更多的材料来证实。杨钟健、周明镇(1953)在建立西蜀鳄属之初就已注意到西蜀鳄是一种特化的鳄类,认为西蜀鳄不仅将原始特征和进步特征混存于一身,而且还具有一些一般鳄类所没有的独特性质。以此为基础,他们建立了西蜀鳄科。目前西蜀鳄类动物发现并不多,仅有1属2种,即重庆西蜀鳄和大山铺西蜀鳄,而且材料不完整,特别是头后骨骼保存不理想。周氏西蜀鳄的发现不仅扩大了西蜀鳄类的分布范围,而且还增加了我们对这一特化鳄类的认识。  相似文献   

The diagnostic characters of larval, nymphal and adult Hyalomma aegyptium (L., 1758) based on specimens from the territory of most part of the area are given. In the diagnoses of immature stages, was used the characters, which were formerly tested by the author for diagnostics of other Hyalomma species occurring in the former USSR. Commonly used characters and those which were revealed by the author as useful for the majority of Euhyalomma Filippova, 1984 and Hyalommina Schulze, 1919 species, have been used in the diagnoses of male and female. Differential diagnosis of Hyalomma aegyptium. Female: genital orifice as wide arch with straight posterior margin (fig. 2, 5); vestibular part of vagina funnel-like, greatly swollen (fig. 2, 5); setae of alloscutum stick-like, tapering in apical one (figs 2, 3, 4); second segment of palps with proximal narrowing (figs 3, 1, 2); spurs of coxae I widely separated, triangular, wide, subequal in size (fig. 3, 5). Male: any grooves of conscutum absent, except short and pit-like cervical ones (fig. 4); punctation sparce and impressive (fig. 4); adenal shields short and wide, without inner branch, posterior part widened, anteromedian margin straight (fig. 5, 4); spurs of coxae I widely separated, triangular, wide, subequal in size (fig. 6, 5). Nymph: posteromedian setae of alloscutum stick-like and, as a rule, with indented apices (fig. 7, 2); spurs of coxae I large, median spur as equilateral triangle and shorter than lateral one (fig. 7, 8); spurs of coxae II-IV well developed, with acute apices (fig. 7, 8). Larva: posterior part of scutum (behind the eyes) heavy elongated, its apex straight, postero-lateral incisions weakly developed (fig. 8, 1); spurs of coxae I as equilateral triangle in shape and with rounded apices, spurs of coxae II-III very large (fig. 8, 5).  相似文献   

记述采自中国山东的驼笨蝗属Humphaplotropis Xiao,Yin et Yin 1新种:徂徕山驼笨蝗H.culaishanensis sp.nov.。该新种近似泰山驼笨蝗Humphaplotropis taishanensis Xiao,Yin et Yin,2013,雄性区别特征为颜面隆起两侧隆线明显,向下张开,不到达唇基;雄性前胸背板前缘中央呈尖角形突出,其顶端不到达复眼的后缘;前胸背板中隆线隆起较低,侧面观其高出头顶水平线的高度为全高的1/5;前翅较长,其顶端超过第1腹节的后缘。模式标本保存于山东农业大学植保学院。  相似文献   

Onega comprises nine valid species distributed in South American countries, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay and Peru, commonly at high altitudes. The genus has as diagnostic characteristics the transition crown-frons with transversal carina; crown and superior portion of frons with concavities; pronotum wider than transocular width of head; and paraphysis, when present, as a median esclerite. The present paper describes Onega musa sp. nov., from Ecuador and Peru, which can be distinguished from other Onega species by: body mostly yellow, with brown maculae distributed on dorsum; posterior margin of male pygofer serrate, with long microsetae on the basiventral margin; aedeagus with shaft bisinuate with dorsal acute preapical process; female sternite VII with posterior margin slightly convex; and first valvula of ovipositor with 38 noncontiguous teeth. Intraspecific morphological variations are discussed.  相似文献   

杜鹃花属的子叶形态分类   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张长芹   《广西植物》1993,13(1):12-25
通过对杜鹃花属中4个亚厲104种或变种的广叶形态观察发现:1、杜鹃花属中4个亚属间的子叶形态差异较大,杜鹃花鳞片的有无从子叶上就可以清楚地看出。2、常绿无鳞杜鹃亚属Subgenus Hymenanthes(BL)K.Koch的子叶边缘多只腺体状毛或白、棕色单毛,极少无毛。背面多为暗紫红色或为灰白及灰绿色,叶片多具侧脉少数仅具中脉;有鳞杜鹃亚屈SubgenusRhododendron的子叶边缘无毛或仅少数有白色单毛,背面基部或边缘具可数片,背面多为灰绿色极少暗紫色,叶片多具中脉少有侧脉;映山红亚属Subgeuus Tsutsusi(Sweet)Pojar-kova的子叶边缘无毛或仅一种有毛,背面灰绿色,具侧脉;马银花亚属Subgentis AzaleaslrumPlanch.的子叶近圆形,边缘无毛,具侧脉3-4对,背面白绿色。 有关杜鹃花属子叶形态研究,国外虽有报道,但仅涉及少数种类,最多的也不超过35种,其中野生种仅有7种,其代表性显然是不够的。在国内,有关杜鹃花属于叶形态分类方面的研究目前尚未见报道。杜鹃花是久负盛誉的世界名花,云南是杜鹃花的分布中心之一。观察杜鹃花和子叶形态并进行分类,不仅为杜鹃花的系统发育及杜鹃花属的分类提供佐证而且为杜鹃花的育种提供一个早期的鉴定指标。  相似文献   


A new species of ghost shrimp, Neocallichirus pinheiroi, is described based on specimens collected in subtidal habitats of Saquaira beach, northeastern coast of Brazil. This new species resembles N. lemaitrei Manning, 1993, but differs from it primarily in having a third maxilliped propodus expanded ventrally, and in the case of males, a large subtriangular tooth on the cutting edge of the major cheliped dactylus. Diagnostic features of the new species include: (i) frontal margin of carapace with rounded lateral projections not exceeding rostrum distal margin, (ii) third maxilliped carpus with row of sclerotized setae on median internal surface, (iii) minor cheliped with cutting edge of dactylus microscopically pectinate, (iv) endopod of male second pleopod with appendices interna and masculina. This is the seventh described species of the genus Neocallichirus from the western Atlantic and the fourth report of this genus in Brazil. A key for identification of western Atlantic species belonging to the genus is provided.  相似文献   

A new hovering goby or dartfish is described from material collected in Mexico, Costa Rica and Panama. It is the only species of the cosmopolitan genus Ptereleotris known from the eastern Pacific. It is distinguished from its Western Atlantic and Indo-Pacific congeners by its low fin-ray counts, prominent median keel on the ventral margin of the head, lanceolate caudal fin with dusky lower half and dusky blue or lavender body in adults.  相似文献   

Abstract  A new species of the genus Formosatettix Tinkham 1937, Formosatettix tiantangensis sp. nov. from Dabie Mountains in Hubei Province is described. The new species is allied to Formosatettix henanensis Liang, but differs in: 1) width of vertex about 1.6 times the width of an eye; 2) length of antennae about 1.6–1.7 times the length of anterior femora; 3) upper margin of pronotum distinctively arched; 4) ventral margin of posterior pronotal process arched, lateral carinae curvingigly arched and 5) posterior margin of subgenital plate of female concave, median keel present on the plate. The type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Shaanxi Normal University and Department of Biology, Huanggang Normal College, Hubei Province respectively.  相似文献   

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