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通过对14株蛹拟青霉菌株进行摇瓶液体发酵培养试验,筛选虫草素产量最高的蛹虫草菌株,并确定了虫草素的最佳收获期;比较8种营养添加物对虫草发酵过程中虫草素积累的影响,筛选出最佳的营养添加物,以提高液体发酵生产虫草素的产量。结果表明:蛹虫草CM001号菌株的虫草素产量最高,蛹虫草菌在第10天细胞量达到最大值20.44mg/mL,虫草素含量在第13天达到最大值73.81mg/L,70%以上的虫草素分布在发酵液中。其中分别添加腺苷、腺嘌呤、丙氨酸、L-天冬氨酸、甘氨酸5种物质,对虫草素合成的促进作用均较明显,均能有效提高蛹虫草液体发酵虫草素的产量,特别是添加1g/L的腺嘌呤能使10号菌株的虫草素产量提高7.09倍。  相似文献   

蛹虫草Cordyceps militaris是我国传统的药用真菌,虫草素是蛹虫草的主要活性成分,具有抗癌、抗肿瘤、抗病毒等多种生理功能。蛹虫草菌液体发酵是最有希望实现高效生产虫草素的途径,但现阶段生产强度低,亟需应用发酵工程及代谢工程手段提高虫草素产量。文中对液体发酵体系中培养基组分(碳/氮源、前体物质、金属离子等)和培养条件(pH、溶氧量、光照等)对虫草素产量的影响进行了总结,并对虫草素的分离纯化、生物合成基因簇及合成代谢途径进行了阐述,最后探讨了实现虫草素高效生产的关键环节。  相似文献   

蛹虫草液体培养条件优化及有效成分含量分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为优化蛹虫草菌的液体培养条件,对蛹虫草菌丝体进行液体摇瓶培养。以干菌丝体得率为指标,对影响发酵产量的重要因子设计正交试验,得出最佳培养条件。在最优条件下扩大培养,检测此时菌丝体中虫草素及虫草多糖含量。结果表明:蛹虫草菌丝体液体发酵的最适条件为:接种量10 % (v/v) ,发酵初始pH7 0 ,发酵温度2 7℃,发酵时间96h。扩大培养后,测得菌丝体中虫草素的含量为5 1 785mg/10 0g ,虫草精多糖含量为1 92g/10 0g。  相似文献   

不同培养条件和前体对蛹虫草液体发酵产虫草素的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蛹虫草能产生虫草素等多种活性物质。为考察不同液体发酵方式及添加前体物质对虫草素积累的影响,选用蛹虫草08Y1菌株,通过光照振荡、光照静置、黑暗振荡、黑暗静置四种培养条件和添加前体物质(腺嘌呤1g/L+甘氨酸16g/L),发酵16d后检测虫草素和腺嘌呤含量。结果表明:08Y1菌株在黑暗振荡培养条件下,虫草素积累达1,015.0mg/L,腺嘌呤利用率达98.5%,说明黑暗振荡培养并添加前体物质是提高虫草素产量的有效方法。  相似文献   

锌富集对蛹虫草菌丝体内虫草素、腺苷含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解蛹虫草菌丝体对锌的富集特性,研究锌富集对蛹虫草菌丝体内虫草素、腺苷含量的影响,通过在液体培养基中添加不同质量浓度的锌离子(0~35 g/L),探讨其对蛹虫草菌丝生物量、菌丝体内锌积累量,以及锌的富集对菌丝体内虫草素、腺苷含量产生的影响。结果表明:在0~35 g/L锌离子的梯度范围内,蛹虫草菌丝生物量与锌质量浓度呈显著负相关,锌质量浓度35 g/L为蛹虫草菌丝生长极限浓度。锌质量浓度40.0 g/L及以上菌丝生长受到完全抑制。菌丝体内锌的积累量随锌质量浓度的增加而显著升高,锌质量浓度为35.0 g/L时锌积累量可达到193.87 mg/g(干重)。蛹虫草菌丝体内腺苷的含量随锌质量浓度的增加而降低,在锌质量浓度为5 g/L时降幅显著,腺苷含量仅为对照组的17.24%,之后腺苷含量变化趋势趋于水平。腺苷含量的降低可能是因为锌的富集干扰了蛹虫草菌丝体内初生代谢的正常进行。虫草素的含量随锌质量浓度的增加而显著降低,可能是由于其直接前体腺苷含量的降低,或是Zn离子的加入,使得某些被刺激的酶和基因通过转录因子影响了虫草素的合成。  相似文献   

李鸿宇  霍春红  李倩  王晗  王际辉  王亮 《菌物学报》2021,40(6):1498-1510
虫草素是药用真菌蛹虫草Cordyceps militaris的主要活性成分,具有抗癌、抗肿瘤、抗病毒等多种生理活性。研究表明,氧化应激参与丝状真菌的次级代谢调控,然而在蛹虫草虫草素代谢中尚未见报道。本研究以蛹虫草深层液体发酵体系为研究对象,添加谷胱甘肽(glutathione,GSH)调节细胞氧化还原状态,考察其对虫草素代谢的影响。添加3.0g/L GSH,发酵20d虫草素产量达到(439.69±12.43)mg/L,较无添加对照组提高471.24%,同时谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(glutathione peroxidase,GPX)活力提高414.82%;基因表达分析显示,添加GSH后虫草素生物合成关键基因Cns1和Cns2表达显著上调,发酵第15天其表达量分别是对照组的540.67倍和25.81倍。研究结果初步证实,氧化应激参与蛹虫草中虫草素代谢调控。  相似文献   

蛹虫草胞外多糖具有增强免疫力、抗疲劳等药理活性,有极高的保健价值。为高效地获取蛹虫草胞外多糖,本研究通过向发酵培养基中添加适量的扁桃斑鸠菊叶粉末,来提高蛹虫草发酵液中胞外多糖的产量,并对优化得到的胞外多糖红外吸收光谱和化学抗氧化活性进行了研究。实验结果表明,液体发酵最优条件为:扁桃斑鸠菊叶粉末添加量8 g/L、发酵时间9 d、pH 6.5、接种量5.0 mL,在此条件下,蛹虫草胞外多糖的产量可达(5.24±0.28) mg/mL,与未添加扁桃斑鸠菊叶的空白组相比,胞外多糖产量提高了约205.20%;红外分析与抗氧化活性实验结果显示,扁桃斑鸠菊叶对蛹虫草生产的胞外多糖结构和活性影响较小。该研究结果表明扁桃斑鸠菊叶能够有效地提高蛹虫草胞外多糖的产量,为蛹虫草胞外多糖的高效生产提供了新思路。  相似文献   

为提高蛹虫草液体发酵胞外多糖含量和菌丝体生物量,以厚朴为药性基质,对蛹虫草进行双向液体发酵。在单因素实验的基础上,应用Box-Behnken实验设计,对发酵过程关键影响因素进行优化。结果表明,在厚朴添加量5g、接种量15.5mL、发酵温度25℃的条件下发酵9d,蛹虫草双向液体发酵产物中胞外多糖含量为3.11mg/mL,菌丝体生物量为18.81mg/mL。各发酵因素中,发酵液胞外多糖含量受接种量影响最大,菌丝体生物量则主要受发酵温度影响。优化所得发酵工艺可行性高、周期短、生产过程可控,为进一步提高人工培育蛹虫草质量、增加其关键活性产物的产量提供了参考。  相似文献   

由于真菌的遗传转化体系中一般以原生质体作为受体细胞,因而对蛹虫草原生质体制备的各种因素进行比较研究。结果表明,蛹虫草原生质体制备的最佳体系为:液体培养4天的蛹虫草菌球,以0.8 mol/L甘露醇作为稳渗剂,加入含1.5%蜗牛酶+1.5%溶壁酶复合酶,在34℃酶解蛹虫草菌球4 h时,原生质体得率达到1.0×10~7个/ml。潮霉素筛选压实验表明,蛹虫草原生质体在PDA固体培养基上的潮霉素最低筛选浓度为650 mg/L。采用正交试验的方法,设计PEG介导蛹虫草原生质体转化,将质粒p SB130-GFP转化蛹虫草原生质体,在荧光倒置显微镜下观察比较,得到最佳的转化体系为:PEG浓度为25%,冰浴时间为10 min,室温时间为20 min,质粒质量为30μg,原生质体个数为10~7个/ml。最终得到PEG法介导蛹虫草遗传转化的转化频率约为100~200个/μg(抗性转化子/质粒+10~7个原生质体)。转化子在含潮霉素的培养基上经4代以上的继代培养后仍可以表达潮霉素抗性并稳定遗传。为通过基因工程手段定向、快速改良蛹虫草药用品质,利用蛹虫草发酵方法生产一些具有重大经济价值的外源蛋白等奠定基础,并且有助于进一步了解蛹虫草这一大型真菌中基因的表达调控机制。  相似文献   

表面活性素是一种新型生物表面活性剂,因其具有良好的表面活性、可生物降解及抗菌活性,在石油开采、医药、农业和食品化妆品等领域具有广阔的应用前景。高产表面活性素菌株的获得和发酵过程优化是其商业化生产的关键。文中考察了脂肪酸合成途径对表面活性素合成的影响,强化脂肪酸生物合成关键基因以及该途径全部基因分别构建了高产表面活性素枯草芽孢杆菌Bacillus subtilis THBS-2和THBS-8,并对发酵过程中氨基酸种类及添加量、诱导剂异丙基-β-D-硫代半乳糖苷 (IPTG) 添加时间和添加量等条件对产物合成的影响进行考察,获得优化的两阶段前体添加方案:发酵3 h,加入IPTG和L-亮氨酸,使其终浓度分别为1.25 mmol/L、5 g/L;发酵24 h,添加L-亮氨酸 (终浓度5 g/L) 和浓缩培养基5 mL。优化条件下,枯草芽孢杆菌THBS-2摇瓶发酵48 h,表面活性素产量高达24 g/L;30 L发酵罐中发酵68 h,产物产量最高达到34 g/L。研究结果为表面活性素的工业化生产及应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

低能离子束修饰蛹虫草菌株高产虫草素   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
李文  赵世光  陈宏伟  袁航  王陶  黄献 《生物工程学报》2009,25(11):1725-1731
虫草素具有抗肿瘤、免疫调节、抗炎等多种功效。为了更好地开发蛹虫草资源,选择合适剂量的低能离子束注入蛹虫草,优化虫草素的提取工艺条件,采用紫外分光光度法检测注入前后菌株中虫草素的含量。结果表明:最佳注入剂量为2.60×1015ions/cm2,虫草素最佳的微波-超声波提取工艺为:乙醇浓度70%,提取功率200W,提取时间110s,料液比1:240。选育出虫草素含量较高的15株菌株,最高含量达(11.924±0.063)mg/g,比原始菌株增长了近30%。  相似文献   

AIMS: The present study comparatively investigates the optimal culture conditions for the production of exopolysaccharides (EPS) and cordycepin during submerged mycelial culture of two entomopathogenic fungi Cordyceps militaris and Cordyceps sinensis. METHODS AND RESULTS: Fermentations were performed in flasks and in 5-l stirred-tank fermenters. In the case of C. militaris, the highest mycelial biomass (22.9 g l(-1)) and EPS production (5 g l(-1)) were achieved in a medium of 40 g l(-1) sucrose, 5 g l(-1) corn steep powder at 30 degrees C, and an initial pH 8.0. The optimum culture conditions for C. sinensis was shown to be (in g l(-1)) 20 sucrose, 25 corn steep powder, 0.78 CaCl2, 1.73 MgSO4.7H2O at 20 degrees C, and an initial pH 4.0, where the maximum mycelial biomass and EPS were 20.9 and 4.1 g l(-1) respectively. Cordycepin, another bioactive metabolite, was excreted at low levels during the early fermentation period (maximum 38.8 mg l(-1) in C. militaris; 18.2 mg l(-1) in C. sinensis). CONCLUSIONS: The two fungi showed different nutritional and environmental requirements in their submerged cultures. Overall, the concentrations of mycelial biomass, EPS and cordycepin achieved in submerged culture of C. militaris were higher than those of C. sinensis. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: C. militaris and C. sinensis are representative insect-born fungi which have been longstanding and widely used as traditional medicines in eastern Asia. Comparative studies between two fungi are currently not available and this is the first report on the optimum medium composition for submerged culture of C. sinensis.  相似文献   

A Cordyceps militaris NBRC 10352-3 strain that was isolated from C. militaris NBRC10352 produced 68 mg of cordycepin from 100 mL of medium, which was the highest level of cordycepin among 60 isolates from three C. militaris (NBRC 9787, 100741 and 103752) strains. Interestingly, a liquid surface culture of C. militaris NBRC 103752-3 produced 2-fold cordycepin to that in a submerged culture. Cordycepin production was significantly affected by specific surface area (SSA) in the liquid surface culture, and 120.9 mg of cordycepin was produced on SSA of 1.57/cm (from 50 mL medium). The addition of glycine and adenine as an additive to its culture medium was optimized by an experimental design. When 6.75 g/L of adenine was added to the culture, 312.2 mg of cordycepin (apparent concentration: 6.2 g/L) was produced from 50 mL medium, improving the cordycepin production by 4.6-fold. In this study, the production and productivity of cordycepin were significantly improved in C. militaris wild type by a single cell colony isolation and additives without adopting any mutational technologies. This C. militaris NBRC 10352-3 strain can be used as a new cordycepin-hyperproducing one, instead of a cordycepin-hyperproducing mutant.  相似文献   

Effect of oxygen supply on cordycepin production was investigated in submerged cultivation of Cordyceps militaris, a famous traditional Chinese medicinal mushroom, in a 5-L turbine-agitated bioreactor (TAB). Initial volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient (kLa) within the range of 11.5-113.8 h(-1) had significant influence on cordycepin production. The highest cordycepin concentration of 167.5 mg/L was obtained at an initial kLa value of 54.5 h(-1), where a moderate dissolved oxygen (DO) pattern was observed throughout cultivation. The possible correlation between cordycepin production and DO level was explored by DO control experiments, and the results showed that DO within the range of 10-80% of air saturation greatly affected the cultivation process. To obtain a high specific cordycepin formation rate (rho) throughout cultivation, a two-stage DO control strategy was developed based on the analysis of the relationship of rho and DO. That is, DO was controlled at 60% from the beginning of cultivation and then shifted to a lower control level of 30% when rho started to decrease. As a result, a high cordycepin production of 201.1 mg/L and a high productivity of 15.5 mg/(L.d) were achieved, which was enhanced by about 15% and 30% compared to the highest titers obtained in conventional DO control experiments, respectively. The proposed DO control strategy was also applied to a recently developed 5-L centrifugal impeller bioreactor (CIB) with cordycepin production and productivity titers of 188.3 mg/L and 14.5 mg/(L.d). Furthermore, the scale-up of the two-stage DO control process from 5-L CIB to 30-L CIB was successfully demonstrated. The work is useful for the efficient large-scale production of bioactive metabolites by mushroom cultures.  相似文献   

采用高速逆流色谱(HSCCC)技术从蛹虫草子实体粗提物中分离制备高纯度虫草素和N6-(2-羟乙基)-腺苷。利用高效液相色谱(HPLC)测定目标产物在溶剂体系中的分配系数,优化HSCCC分离虫草素和N6-(2-羟乙基)-腺苷的溶剂体系,确定了以乙酸乙酯-正丁醇-1.5%氨水(1:4:5,V/V/V)为HSCCC的两相溶剂体系,并运用此溶剂体系,上相为固定相,下相为流动相,主机转速850r/min,流动相流速为1.5mL/min,检测波长为254nm条件下进行分离制备,在250min内从200mg蛹虫草子实体粗提物中一步分离得到10.8mg纯度99%的虫草素和6.1mg 纯度98%的N6-(2-羟乙基)-腺苷。该方法简便、快速,为虫草素和N6-(2-羟乙基)-腺苷的大量制备建立了基础。  相似文献   

Cordycepin was purified from a mushroom, Cordyceps militaris, and its effect on Th1 and Th2 cytokines was examined. The level of cytokine induction in mouse splenocytes was estimated after co-inoculation of purified cordycepin and LPS. When 5 microg/ml of purified cordycepin was exposed to mouse splenocytes for 72 h, the level of a Th1 cytokine IL-12 increased by 2.9-fold. The addition of the purified cordycepin to splenocytes also increased the level of Th2 cytokines, IL-4 and IL-10, by 1.9- and 1.8- fold, respectively. Therefore, cordycepin increases the cytokine levels and may contribute to the up-regulation of cellular and humoral immunity.  相似文献   

分别研究了不同添加浓度的维生素B1、B6和2,4‐D(2,4‐二氯苯氧乙酸)3种微量物质对蛹虫草Cordyceps militaris液体发酵中虫草素产量的影响。结果表明在设置的几个添加浓度梯度中维生素B1、B6和2,4‐D均能提高虫草的产量,其中维生素B1和B6的最佳添加浓度均为0.83g/L,2,4‐D的最佳添加浓度为0.015mg/mL。此外,高温灭菌对维生素B1、B6和2,4‐D对蛹虫草发酵液中虫草素产量有影响:高温灭菌可使部分维生素B1分解,高温灭菌前添加维生素B1比灭菌后添加更有利于虫草素产量的增加,虫草素的产量提高了19.9%,表明维生素B1的分解产物具有更好的促进虫草素合成的作用。  相似文献   

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