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森林生态系统碳水关系及其影响因子研究进展   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
森林生态系统的碳水关系是陆地生态系统碳循环和水循环相互耦合的作用过程,对研究森林碳汇、森林生态水文过程和全球变化响应有重要意义.在全球变化背景下,森林生态系统碳水关系已成为生态水文学领域中的一个热点科学问题.本文在总结国际上森林碳汇研究的基础上,概述了森林碳水关系的过程机制,包括森林水分利用效率、不同尺度上的碳水关系、尺度推绎和碳水关系的模拟研究方面的进展;总结了影响森林碳水关系的因子和研究进展,包括水分条件、CO2浓度升高、增温、氮沉降、臭氧浓度变化、辐射因子和海拔梯度因子对森林碳水关系的影响;最后对已有研究存在的问题进行了初步分析,并对未来研究内容和方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

李珊  刘晓娟  马克平 《广西植物》2023,43(8):1524-1536
生物多样性与生态系统功能的关系(BEF)及其内在机制是当前生物多样性研究领域的热点问题。长期以来,以草地生态系统为主的BEF研究积累了大量研究成果,而基于森林生态系统的相关研究则相对较少。亚热带森林生物多样性与生态系统功能实验研究基地(BEF-China)是目前包含树种最多、涉及多样性水平最高的大型森林控制实验样地。该文总结了基于BEF-China平台的研究进展,特别是生物多样性对生态系统生产力、养分循环以及多营养级相互作用关系等方面的影响,并提出了未来BEF-China的研究应注重高通量测序和遥感等新兴技术的应用,在生物多样性的多维度、生态系统的多种组分与多种功能以及BEF研究的多种尺度等交叉方向上持续开展深入研究。针对BEF-China研究成果的梳理有助于理解驱动亚热带森林生物多样性与生态系统功能关系的内在机理,为生物多样性保护和生态修复提供科学依据。  相似文献   

森林生态系统健康及其评估监测   总被引:64,自引:7,他引:57  
介绍了森林生态系统健康的概念及其内涵 ,并主要从管理目标途径、生态系统途径和综合途径等方面对森林生态系统健康进行了探讨 ,分析了已有的森林生态系统健康评估的思想和方法 .生态指示者的广泛应用是目前森林生态系统健康评估监测的主要手段 .此外 ,文中还综合介绍了森林生态系统健康评估方法 ,特别是详细介绍了EMAP和FHM等研究计划 ,以期对我国目前的森林生态系统健康研究有所借鉴  相似文献   

中国森林生态系统地表径流调节特征   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
龚诗涵  肖洋  方瑜  郑华  肖燚  欧阳志云 《生态学报》2016,36(22):7472-7478
径流调节是森林生态系统重要生态服务功能之一,包含着大气、水分、植被和土壤等生物物理过程,其变化将直接影响区域气候水文、植被和土壤等状况,是区域生态系统状况的重要指示器。在区域尺度上评估森林生态系统地表径流特征,对于科学认识和合理保护森林生态系统水源涵养功能具有重要意义。以森林生态系统定位监测数据为基础,探讨地表径流与降水,径流系数与植被的关系,建立径流系数与植被的回归方程,分析全国森林生态系统地表径流调节特征。结果表明:(1)各森林类型地表径流与降水相关性显著,其对地表径流的影响为37%—76%。此外,径流系数与植被也显著相关,其对径流系数的解释能力为27%—47%。(2)基于植被覆盖数据,通过植被与径流系数回归方程估算全国森林生态系统的地表径流调节特征。全国各森林生态系统径流调节能力存在差异,强弱顺序为:落叶针叶林落叶阔叶林针阔混交林常绿针叶林常绿阔叶林。  相似文献   

森林干扰度评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
干扰普遍存在于森林生态系统,是森林群落演替的驱动力之一。干扰对森林生态系统的影响程度,决定于干扰的频率、强度、空间范围等,过度频繁或不合理的干扰,可能导致森林生态系统的毁灭。森林对干扰的响应表现在多方面,其内在联系十分复杂,因此,很难用森林中某个现象或某几个现象反映森林生态系统对干扰的响应。为了准确、科学地评价现有森林生态系统对干扰的响应程度,本文提出应用森林干扰度(REFD)评价现有森林受干扰的程度。森林干扰度是由于干扰的存在造成森林生态系统结构与功能的改变程度,仅反映干扰后现有森林与目标森林(地带性顶极植被或原有森林等)的距离程度(差距),不反映干扰的种类、强度、性质等因素;在对森林干扰度内涵进行详细分析的基础上,确定了评价森林干扰度的原则及不同尺度条件下森林干扰度的评价指标。  相似文献   

飓风和台风对沿海地区森林生态系统的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
仝川  杨玉盛 《生态学报》2007,27(12):5337-5344
飓风和台风是影响热带和温带沿海区域的主要灾害性气候之一,飓风和台风对于森林生态系统的影响是生态学关注的课题。综述了飓风和台风登陆对于森林生态系统树木和林分的危害影响形式及主要影响因素,着重举例阐述了树种和森林类型是影响台风危害程度的一个重要因素。分析了目前国际上开展的关于飓风和台风登陆对于森林生态系统碳、氮循环的影响,结果表明飓风、台风干扰导致的森林凋落物输入量、凋落物分解速率以及森林碳储存量动态变化较为复杂,与森林类型、林分空间位置以及台风过后的时间段密切相关。飓风引起的森林受损的恢复途径和机理与树冠受损严重程度直接相关,并受到光和水分条件的影响,及时的开花、结果以及充足的土壤种子库对森林植被恢复具有促进作用。在景观和区域尺度量化飓风和台风对沿海地区森林生态系统的影响也日益引起关注,在这方面,整合气象数据、遥感数据和地面调查的模型模拟方法起到重要的作用。今后应加强对于我国东南沿海地区森林生态系统遭受台风影响损失的生态监测和长期定位研究,加强关于台风对于不同森林生态系统类型和不同树种的危害形式和危害程度的研究,以及台风对于森林生态系统碳、氮循环影响的研究,弥补我国在以上领域的空白。  相似文献   

大尺度森林碳循环过程模拟模型综述   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:7  
森林生态系统碳循环是全球陆地生态系统碳循环的重要组成部分,而碳循环模型已经成为研究森林碳循环的必要手段。森林碳循环模型可以分为统计模型和过程模型,其中过程模型以其完整的理论框架、严谨的结构分析和清晰的过程机理,逐渐占据了主导地位。从地球化学过程模型、陆面物理过程模型和生物过程模型等3个方面综述区域尺度到全球尺度(本文称为大尺度)森林碳循环过程模型研究进展,论述了各类模型的主要特征、优缺点以及应用现状,探讨了森林碳循环模拟研究中存在的问题,并讨论了森林碳循环过程模型的主流研究方向。可为不同空间尺度下森林生态系统碳循环模拟模型的选择提供参考,以及为森林碳循环研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

边缘效应及其对森林生态系统影响的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
Tian C  Yang XB  Liu Y 《应用生态学报》2011,22(8):2184-2192
边缘效应是生态学和生物保护的重要概念之一,它在研究生态系统尺度和景观生态系统尺度的能量流和物质流等生态过程中具有重要作用.本文对边缘效应的内涵、特征、定量评价(包括定量分析基础、强度、影响区、模型等)、应用研究等方面进行阐述,分析了边缘效应研究中存在的不足,总结了边缘效应对森林生态系统的影响及其研究方向,以期为森林经营、保护区管理等生产实践提供借鉴.  相似文献   

叶面积指数的研究和应用进展   总被引:99,自引:6,他引:93  
对叶面积指数(LAI)提出50多年来,在植物光合作用、蒸腾作用、联系光合和蒸腾的关系和构成生产力基础的研究,在林分、景观以及地区尺度上对碳、能量、水分通量的研究,借助遥感技术建立森林生态系统的生长模型以及研究森林生态系统的能量和水分交换等方面的研究和应用进展进行了综述。LAI作为进行植物群体和群落生长分析的一个重要参数,已在农业、果树业、林业以及生物学、生态学等领域得到广泛应用。  相似文献   

物种多样性和系统发育多样性对阔叶红松林生产力的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
车盈  金光泽 《应用生态学报》2019,30(7):2241-2248
生物多样性与生态系统功能间的关系已成为生态学研究的热点问题之一,其中植物多样性对森林生产力的驱动作用受到广泛关注,而其潜在驱动机制还存在很大争议.本研究依托黑龙江凉水国家级自然保护区典型阔叶红松林9 hm^2森林动态监测样地,利用2005年和2015年的调查数据,采用线性回归和结构方程模型探究不同空间尺度下物种多样性和系统发育多样性对森林生产力的影响.结果表明:物种多样性和系统发育多样性与生产力均呈正相关,随着空间尺度的增大,物种多样性对生产力的作用强度逐渐增强,而系统发育多样性对生产力的作用逐渐减弱;小尺度下系统发育多样性对生产力的影响大于物种多样性.生产力还受到非生物因素影响,在不同尺度下土壤因子与生产力均呈显著正相关,并且随着尺度的增大,土壤因子对生产力的作用逐渐占据主导地位.在今后研究中应将进化信息与生态系统功能相联系,可为其他多样性度量提供额外的解释力,同时还应考虑空间尺度及非生物因素的影响,为深入了解森林生产力的驱动机制提供科学依据.  相似文献   

Physiological processes and local-scale structural dynamics of mangroves are relatively well studied. Regional-scale processes, however, are not as well understood. Here we provide long-term data on trends in structure and forest turnover at a large scale, following hurricane damage in mangrove ecosystems of South Florida, U.S.A. Twelve mangrove vegetation plots were monitored at periodic intervals, between October 1992 and March 2005. Mangrove forests of this region are defined by a −1.5 scaling relationship between mean stem diameter and stem density, mirroring self-thinning theory for mono-specific stands. This relationship is reflected in tree size frequency scaling exponents which, through time, have exhibited trends toward a community average that is indicative of full spatial resource utilization. These trends, together with an asymptotic standing biomass accumulation, indicate that coastal mangrove ecosystems do adhere to size-structured organizing principles as described for upland tree communities. Regenerative dynamics are different between areas inside and outside of the primary wind-path of Hurricane Andrew which occurred in 1992. Forest dynamic turnover rates, however, are steady through time. This suggests that ecological, more-so than structural factors, control forest productivity. In agreement, the relative mean rate of biomass growth exhibits an inverse relationship with the seasonal range of porewater salinities. The ecosystem average in forest scaling relationships may provide a useful investigative tool of mangrove community biomass relationships, as well as offer a robust indicator of general ecosystem health for use in mangrove forest ecosystem management and restoration.  相似文献   

台风是重要的森林干扰因子之一,会对森林生态系统的结构和功能产生较大的影响。2012年的台风"布拉万"对我国东北地区局部森林造成了严重的破坏。以受灾最重的吉林省汪清林业局的近天然落叶松云冷杉林为对象,采用方差分析和相关分析方法,研究林分结构和地形条件对林木株数损伤率的影响。结果表明:(1)林木损伤类型可分为折断、连根拔起、搭挂、压弯4种,其中连根拔起为最主要的损伤类型,占总损伤株数的52%,台风灾害造成的林木株数损伤率平均为14.09%。(2)径级大小对林木株数损伤率的影响显著。损伤主要发生于径级较小林分处,径级越大,其株数损伤率越小。(3)林木株数损伤率随林分密度的增加有减小的趋势,但在统计学上它们的关系不显著。(4)不同树种间的林木株数损伤率差异显著,落叶松、冷杉等针叶树种损伤株数最多。(5)林分的树种多样性指数与林木株数损伤率无显著的相关性。(6)海拔、坡度和坡位对林木株数损伤率的影响不显著,但坡向的影响显著,东北坡向林分的林木株数损伤率最大。研究结果可以为灾后森林恢复和减少风灾影响的森林培育措施提供依据。  相似文献   

Climate factors influencing bacterial count in background air samples   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Total (as opposed to culturable) bacterial number counts are reported for four sites in the United Kingdom measured during campaigns over four separate seasons. These are interpreted in relation to simple climatic factors, i.e. temperature, wind speed and wind direction. Temperature has a marked effect at all four sites with data for a rural coastal site conforming best to a simple exponential model. Data for the other rural and urban locations show a baseline similar to that determined at the coastal rural location, but with some very significant positive excursions. The temperature dependence of bacterial number is found to conform to that typical of bacterial growth rates. At the coastal rural location, bacterial numbers normalised for temperature show no dependence on wind speed whilst at the inland sites there is a decrease with increasing wind speed of the form expected for a large area source. Only one site appeared to show a systematic relationship of bacterial concentrations to wind direction that being a site in the suburbs of Birmingham with highest number concentrations observed on a wind sector approaching from the city centre. PCR techniques have been used to identify predominant types of bacteria and results are presented which show that Bacillus was the dominant genus observed at the three inland sites during the winter and summer seasons. Pseudomonas appeared with comparable frequency at certain sites and seasons. There was in general a greater diversity of bacteria at the coastal site than at the inland sites.  相似文献   

森林的风/雪灾害研究综述   总被引:39,自引:1,他引:38  
风/雪灾害不仪极大影响木材生产,同时对森林生态系统的稳定性也造成很大影响。森林风/雪危害的主要类型有树干弯曲、干(冠)折、掘根以及后续危害等;其发生主要依赖于气象条件、立地因子、树木和林分特征及其之间的相互作用。其中.林木尖削度(胸径/树高)和林分结构特征(树种、组成、密度等)是控制树木和林分对风/雪荷载抵抗的主要特征量。因此.通过造林、调整林分结构.加强林分管理如间伐、施肥等措施一直是用来减少林木的风/雪灾害的主要措施。另外.林木或林分发生风/雪害的模型分析研究也取得了很大进展,但由于森林风/雪害受诸如地形、天气等多种因素影响、目前所建立的模型系统在实际应用中普适性较芹。通过综述以往研究结果认为:在气象和立地条件难以控制的情况下.通过改变可控因子林分结构来减少森林风/雪害是可行的。因此.研究如何加强森林经营管理,尤其是不同形式的间伐技术和不同处理的造林措施与风/雪灾害发生的关系、如何增加林木和林分抵抗风/雪灾害的能力等是今后该研究领域的重点和难点。与此同时.应加强风/雪灾害危险率评估研究.进而对森林进行风/雪灾害危险率管理;并注重对受灾前后林地内生态效应的研究,以便为灾后的森林经营管理和调控提供坚实的理论依据。  相似文献   

间伐对日本黑松海岸林更新的影响   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:17  
为弄清间伐对海岸林内环境因子 ,进而对海岸林天然更新的影响 ,在黑松海岸林内进行了 4种不同强度的块状间伐试验 .林分间伐后 ,对更新状况和环境因子进行了连续观测 .结果表明 ,间伐可以改善林内光环境、提高土壤的含水量、加强空气流动、促进枯枝落叶的分解等 .4 0年生的黑松海岸林 5 0 %间伐处理后 (密度为 15 0 0株·hm-2 ,林冠开阔度 >30 % )不会对海岸林本身造成风害 ,也不会对防护功能产生较大影响 ,但却能为黑松海岸林天然更新提供良好的生态环境 .试验结果证实了间伐产生的林隙内日本黑松的更新规律 ,提出间伐可作为同龄黑松海岸林向复层、异龄海岸林演化的主要经营措施 .  相似文献   

Questions: 1. Is there a primary role of disturbance at local scale and of environmental stress at regional scale? 2. Does disturbance increase or decrease environmental stress at local scale? Location: The Atlantic coastal dune system of the Aquitaine Region (France). Methods: Species biomass and 16 environmental variables were sampled in 128 quadrats along a local beach‐inland gradient and a regional North‐South gradient. Environmental data were analysed with ANOVAs and vegetation‐environment relationships with Canonical Correspondence Analysis. Results: At the local scale community composition was primarily driven by disturbance due to sand burial, whereas water and nutrient stress better explained regional differences. However, random biogeographical events are very likely to also affect community composition at the largest scale. The main interaction between environmental stress and disturbance was the mitigation of nutrient stress induced by disturbance at a local scale. This was due to a positive direct effect of sand burial and a positive indirect effect of wind (decrease in VPD by ocean spray). Although wind had also a significant effect on soil conductivity and pH, there was no evidence that these factors had any role in community composition. Conclusions: Our results support the hypothesis that disturbance had a primary role at local scale and environmental stress at regional scale but further research is needed to separate the effect of stress from that of dispersal at regional scale. We also demonstrated that environmental stress in primary succession may not always decline with decreasing disturbance.  相似文献   

森林作为陆地生态系统最大的碳库,对现在及未来的气候变化、碳平衡都具有重要影响。而对影响森林植被碳库的自然和非自然因素进行研究更是对增强森林的碳汇作用,继而改善生态环境状况意义重大。现有的森林动态模型虽然可以很好的模拟碳储量各影响因子之间的联系,但研究往往集中于小尺度从单一影响因素着手,且由于确定模型输入变量和参数的复杂性,使得这些模型在区域甚至更大尺度上的应用存在着一些困难。因此,运用VAR模型,以陕西省为例,构建森林植被碳储量与病虫害发生面积、木材产量、森林火灾面积、森林抚育面积、人工更新造林面积、降水和温度之间的动态关系,来验证该模型在省级尺度条件下的区域森林植被碳储量影响因素分析中的可行性。结果表明:各变量在5%的显著性水平下呈一阶单整序列并具有长期稳定的均衡关系,VAR模型也通过了平稳性检验满足运行的前提条件。通过脉冲响应和方差分解分析可知,森林病虫害、木材产量对陕西省森林植被碳储量呈现出很明显的负作用,并且贡献度很高,分别为5.61%和4.52%;森林抚育、人工更新造林对碳储量的影响存在一定的滞后期;火灾、温度和降水的冲击给碳储量带来的影响均不明显。模型较好的模拟了各影响因素对陕西省碳储量的影响,且具有一定的现实意义,因此,该模型可应用于省级尺度条件下的区域森林植被碳储量影响因素分析。  相似文献   

The literature on wind damage in New Zealand forests is reviewed to investigate how abiotic and biotic factors influence damage severity, damage type, and forest recovery. Winds that damage forests tend to result from extra-tropical depressions or from topographically enhanced westerly air flows. Severe wind damage can occur when wind speeds exceed c. 0 km/hr, although investigating the relationship between damage and wind speeds is difficult, as gusts, for which speed is usually unrecorded, are important. Damage is often quantified by estimates of area affected, with some authors detailing the size and species of damaged trees within a given area. Key abiotic factors that influence damage patterns are topographical position, edaphic conditions, and disturbance history. Important biotic factors are tree height, tree health, position of the tree within the stand, and species. Damage type (uprooting or breakage) is primarily controlled by canopy position and rooting depth. Forest responses to wind damage include sprouting, recruitment, release, and suppression, with the dominant mode of forest recovery being strongly influenced by the severity of damage, and the species composition of the stand. As noted in international literature on wind damage, a lack of consistent methods, combined with poor species and spatial coverage, makes identifying general trends difficult. Investigating the role of wind damage in New Zealand forests has focused to date on Nothofagus forests and plantations of exotic trees and few studies have investigated long term dynamics following wind disturbance events.  相似文献   

Coastal sand dune ecosystems are subjected to many stress and disturbance factors that are particularly high in the foredunes compared to the backdunes. Although a few studies have been conducted on eastern coastline sand dunes of South Africa, none have examined the relationship between aspect and slope on vegetation composition and soil properties of coastal forest backdunes. Vegetation and soil sampling were conducted in 11 transects, each with four plots measuring 10 × 10 m, located on the seaward and landward sides and on middle and lower slopes of backdunes of Bathurst coastal forest. A total of 39 species were identified, of which 23 were trees and shrubs, thirteen were forbs and three were grasses. The data show that both aspect and slope had limited influence on vegetation community assemblage and soil properties, but had significant effects on individual species distribution. There was a grass‐dominated community on the middle slope and a tree‐ and shrub‐ dominated community on the lower slope. These two plant communities act as the required coastal forest ecosystem engineer driving variability in soil properties between the slopes, the most prominent being high soil nutrients and moisture in the lower slopes compared to the middle slopes.  相似文献   

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