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本文介绍了正常胚胎和核移植重构胚发育过程中的生物学变化,从细胞形态学和分子机理两方面阐述了二者之间的差异,总结了影响核移植重构胚胎发育的主要因素。在细胞形态学上着重探讨了卵子染色体结构变化对于卵重编程作用的影响,在分子水平上对卵子组蛋白与供核细胞组蛋白的置换进行了讨论,理论上为核移植效率的提高提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

徐世晶  徐银学  刘红林 《遗传》2005,27(3):473-480
研究表明,供体核不完全或者不正确的后成性重序可能是核移植失败的主要原因。本篇文章综述了哺乳动物核质重组胚中存在的几种不同的后成性重序机制,包括DNA甲基化、染色质重构、基因组印记与X染色体失活、端粒维持以及其他后成性遗传机制。理解重组胚后成性重序的机制将有助于我们解决核移植技术中存在的问题,进而促进它的应用。  相似文献   

为了提高异种间核移植重构胚的发育率,本研究以体内排放的奶山羊成熟卵为供胞质的受体细胞,以人、兔、波尔山羊等的异种或亚种体细胞的原代核移植(Primary Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer,PSCNT)重构早胚(8-16细胞期)的卵裂球作供核体,观察经亚种或异种卵胞质体短期“修饰”的核再移植产生的继代(Secondary SCNT,SSCNT)重构胚的着床前发育潜能。结果:人、兔、波尔山羊的继代桑椹/囊胚发育率均显著地高于其PSCNT胚胎(人,14.81%VS.7.79%;兔,23.53%VS.12.50%;波尔羊,55.35%VS.24.53%);这些早胚的各阶段发育时程仍遵循供核体动物正常受精卵的发育时程。结果启示:奶山羊成熟卵胞质对异种体细胞核亦具一定的去分化能力,能支持重构胚发育到囊胚;异种重构胚的发育特征是由供体核所决定的;继代核移植几乎能够成倍提高异种间重构胚的着床前发育率,提示核的去分化完全是在母型信息主导的调控之下完成的,而进一步发育的时序似乎是由核决定的:成倍延长在含母型信息主导调控环境中的时间能成倍提高SCNT重构胚的着床前发育率。  相似文献   

胡炜  汪亚平  朱作言 《遗传学报》2003,30(5):485-492
目前动物克隆技术体系极待完善,其极低的成功率及克隆动物普遍存在的早衰、早天现象是阻碍研究深入进行的首要问题,其突破的关键在于对核移植后的细胞核再程序化机制的阐明。从移植核在结构上的重塑、移植核与受体卵细胞质所处的细胞周期及其相互作用、重构胚与两性胚在分子水平的变化等多方面研究表明:受体细胞质的环境对于细胞核的再程序化至关重要,处于有丝分裂各时期的细胞作为核供体一旦移植到卵母细胞后,移植核在卵质环境里将出现结构上的重塑和分子的再程序化;移植核与受体卵问细胞周期的相容性、重构胚的染色体倍性的正确与否,可能是决定重构胚发育率高低的重要因素;合子型基因激活是基因表达再程序化的关键事件之一;印记基因对于体细胞克隆动物移植核的再程序化过程可能起着非常独特的作用。  相似文献   

哺乳动物核移植中供核与受体卵胞质细胞周期的相互关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
就供核与受体卵胞质细胞周期的相互关系问题进行了综述.核移植技术不管是在基础理论,还是在应用研究中都具有广泛的应用价值,但核移植的效率却很低,其根本原因是与核移植相关的许多基础理论问题尚不清楚,对这些问题的研究发现,维持重构卵核的正确倍性,并使其重新程序化是核移植成功的关键,不同的胞质受体及不同的供体细胞及其状态均对重构胚的发育有影响.  相似文献   

利用细胞核移植技术将NIH3T3细胞核和孤雌桑椹胚单个卵裂球,分别移植到去核MⅡ期受体卵母细胞中,通过免疫荧光染色后比较体外受精胚、孤雌胚、NIH3T3核移植重组胚和孤雌桑椹胚核移植重组胚附植前各时期胚胎DNA甲基化水平的变化,以探明克隆胚细胞核去分化与DNA甲基化的相互关系.利用Real-timePCR技术检测体外受精胚、孤雌胚和孤雌桑椹胚核移植重组胚附植前各时期胚胎中,印记基因U2afbp-rs基因以及非印记基因eIF-4C基因表达量的变化,以探明小鼠卵细胞质对克隆胚细胞核中印记基因表达的调控.结果表明,克隆胚供体核基因组DNA在核移植后并没有发生主动去甲基化.孤雌桑椹胚核移植后重组胚中U2afbp-rs基因和eIF-4C基因的表达水平要显著低于对照孤雌胚,但其表达量变化规律与对照孤雌胚相同,说明了卵细胞质对供体核印记基因的表达具有一定的调控作用.  相似文献   

本实验用小鼠血液淋巴细胞为核供体进行了核移植研究。用淋巴细胞分离液(比重1.088)分离出小鼠血液中的淋巴细胞,直接用作核移植供体细胞,采用胞质内注射法成功构建的重构胚经常规培养2h后,SrCl_2激活处理6h,然后添加mM16培养液和小鼠输卵管上皮细胞饲养层共培养。把发育至早期囊胚阶段的重构胚转移至小鼠胎儿成纤维细胞饲养层上,添加ES细胞培养液继续培养。对孵化出的内细胞团进行消化,然后接种培养。结果显示,小鼠血液淋巴细胞可以支持体细胞核移植重构胚的发育,核移植重构胚2-细胞率41.03%(128/312),桑葚胚和囊胚发育率分别为9.29%(29/312),1.92%(6/312)。重构囊胚在小鼠胎儿成纤维细胞饲养层上分离出2个内细胞团,分离率为0.64%(2/312)。实验证实利用小鼠血液淋巴细胞进行体细胞核移植是可行的,可用于深入研究。  相似文献   

不同供体细胞及其处理对猪核移植重构胚体外发育的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张德福  刘东  汤琳琳  王英  陈茵  王凯  王根林  LIN Cailu 《遗传》2007,29(2):211-217
系统探讨了体细胞的组织来源及培养代数对猪核移植重构胚发育的影响。体外成熟培养40~44 h的猪卵母细胞去核后, 将经血清饥饿(0.5%FBS)培养2~9天、0.1 mg/L Aphidicolin(APD)培养+0.5% FBS培养2~9天或一般培养法(10% FBS)培养的卵丘细胞、颗粒细胞、输卵管上皮细胞和耳皮成纤维细胞, 直接注射到去核的卵母细胞质中, 或注射到卵周隙中, 再经电融合(100 V/mm, 30 [mu]s, 电脉冲1次)构建重构胚。重构胚以钙离子载体A23817 或电脉冲结合6-DMAP 激活处理, 体外培养6天。耳皮成纤维细胞和颗粒细胞经0.1 mg/L APD + 0.5% FBS培养处理后的重组胚卵裂率, 均高于血清饥饿和一般培养处理的同种供体细胞(P<0.01)。卵丘细胞、颗粒细胞经0.1 mg/L APD + 0.5% FBS处理后进行核移植的分裂率和发育率均高于输卵管上皮细胞和耳皮成纤维细胞(P<0.05)。以猪颗粒细胞为核供体时, 电融合法的重构胚分裂率显著高于胞质内注入法(P<0.05), 但囊胚发育率无显著差异(P>0.05)。培养3代和6代的猪颗粒细胞以及培养6代和10代的耳皮成纤维细胞, 其具有正常二倍染色体的细胞比例均无显著差异(P>0.05); 以这2种细胞不同培养代数做供体进行核移植时, 各代之间核移胚的体外分裂率、囊胚发育率无显著差异(P>0.05)。这些结果表明: (1) 猪耳皮成纤维细胞和颗粒细胞经培养传代所建立起来的细胞系相对比较稳定; (2) 0.1 mg/L APD预培养处理供体细胞能提高猪体细胞核移植的效果, 血清饥饿培养则无明显效果; (3) 猪颗粒细胞和耳皮成纤维细胞等均可做供核细胞, 核移植后都能得到体细胞克隆的囊胚, 但前者的效果略优于后者, 且其核移植效果不受供核细胞培养代数的影响; (4) 电融合核移植胚胎的发育率高于胞质内直接注入法, 但两者的总体效率相近。  相似文献   

本实验用小鼠血液淋巴细胞为核供体进行了核移植研究。用淋巴细胞分离液(比重1.088)分离出小鼠血液中的淋巴细胞,直接用作核移植供体细胞,采用胞质内注射法成功构建的重构胚经常规培养2h后,SrCl2激活处理6h,然后添加mM16培养液和小鼠输卵管上皮细胞饲养层共培养。把发育至早期囊胚阶段的重构胚转移至小鼠胎儿成纤维细胞饲养层上,添加ES细胞培养液继续培养。对孵化出的内细胞团进行消化,然后接种培养。结果显示,小鼠血液淋巴细胞可以支持体细胞核移植重构胚的发育,核移植重构胚2-细胞率41.03%(128/312),桑葚胚和囊胚发育率分别为9.29%(29/312),1.92%(6/312)。重构囊胚在小鼠胎儿成纤维细胞饲养层上分离出2个内细胞团,分离率为0.64%(2/312)。实验证实利用小鼠血液淋巴细胞进行体细胞核移植是可行的,可用于深入研究。  相似文献   

人-兔异种核移植构建克隆胚的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“治疗性克隆”是人类最关注的课题之一,而人体细胞核移植是治疗性克隆的基础和前提。异种核移植的方法虽已被引入人体细胞克隆胚的构建,但供体细胞的类型、培养代数及准备方法与其效率之间的关系尚有待探讨。本实验以不同培养代数和不同准备方法的人卵丘细胞、皮肤成纤维细胞和软骨细胞为供体构建了克隆胚,对其发育情况的比较表明,以卵丘细胞为供体时重构胚的体外发育率高于其余二者,差异显著(P〈0.05);不同培养代数的成纤维细胞克隆胚和不同冷藏天数供体细胞克隆胚体外发育率无明显差异。此外,本实验还尝试用荧光原位杂交法检测所构建的异种克隆胚核遗传物质的来源,结果显示来自人体细胞。本研究表明,人一兔异种核移植构建克隆胚切实可行;体细胞的类型与核移植效率相关;供体细胞的体外培养传代对克隆胚的发育并无影响;而冷藏是一种简便有效的供体细胞准备方法;此外,用FISH方法对重构胚进行核遗传物质的鉴定切实可行。  相似文献   

Laskey R 《Cell》2005,123(5):760-762
Compared to sperm nuclei, nuclei from adult somatic cells replicate inefficiently in frog egg extract. In this issue of Cell, Lemaitre et al. (2005) show that pre-exposure of erythrocyte nuclei to a mitotic extract removes this difference, reorganizes the chromatin into shorter loops, and allows replication at much shorter intervals along the DNA. Remarkably, these observations also explain an old mystery of why serial nuclear transplantation was so successful for cloning frogs.  相似文献   

Since the first successful cloning of mammals from adult somatic cells, there has been no examination of the learning or behavior of cloned offspring. The possibility of adverse effects on animals produced through adult somatic cell cloning is high because many natural biological processes are bypassed and DNA from adult cells, which presumably contain mutations, are used. In this study, we compared cloned mice produced by microinjection transfer of cumulus cell nuclei into enucleated oocytes, to control mice that were specifically generated to eliminate confounding factors that are unique to our cloning procedure. Postnatal weight gain of clones was significantly greater than that of controls. Preweaning development observations revealed that first appearance or performance of 3 out of 10 measures was delayed in cloned mice; however, results of subsequent tests of learning and memory, activity level, and motor skills were comparable for both groups. Together, these data suggest that nuclear transfer of adult somatic cell nuclei to produce cloned mice may delay the appearance of a few developmental milestones but it does not adversely affect the overall postnatal behavior of mice. In addition, this procedure may cause late onset of significantly increased body weight in cloned offspring, the cause or causes of which are being further examined.  相似文献   

Animal husbandry would be well served by procedures that created new phenotypes by selective breeding and propagated them by cloning—that is by asexual or vegetative reproduction. Such reproductive patterns characterize some plants and some invertebrate animals. Even a few species of reptiles, amphibians, and fish exhibit parthenogenetic reproduction. Mammalian eggs can easily be provoked to develop parthenogenetically but no mammalian parthenote has ever developed to term. However the parthenote cells can be rescued by aggregating them with normal cells to make a chimera that can reach adulthood and reproduce using the parthenote cells. Replication and growth of embryos in vitro has led to twins or even quadruplets. Continued growth in vitro, as exemplified by teratocarcinomas, could lead to useful cloning. Nuclear transplantation, leading to cloning, can be carried out in mammals by using embryonic nuclei but this presents no economic advantage. Cloning with adult nuclei is not possible at present. Circumventing meiosis altogether, coupled with parthenogenesis, would lead to the most desirable mode of cloning, and this might be achieved through a series of mutations.  相似文献   

We have tested a closed colony mouse strain as a source for nuclei donors to determine differences in cloning efficiency. When donor nuclei were isolated from fetal fibroblast cells and injected into recipient oocytes from closed colony mice (ICR), reconstructed oocytes developed to full term and the success rate of cloning was 0.1%. This result indicates that cloning efficiency does not depend on the cell type. The body weight of the cloned mouse was lighter than controls, and the lifetime of the cloned mouse was the average for a mouse. These results contradict commonly-held views on cloning.  相似文献   

Chromatin remodeling in nuclear cloning.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Mitotic remodeling of the replicon and chromosome structure   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Lemaitre JM  Danis E  Pasero P  Vassetzky Y  Méchali M 《Cell》2005,123(5):787-801
Animal cloning by nuclear-transfer experiments frequently fails due to the inability of transplanted nuclei to support normal embryonic development. We show here that the formation of mitotic chromosomes in the egg context is crucial for adapting differentiated nuclei for early development. Differentiated erythrocyte nuclei replicate inefficiently in Xenopus eggs but do so as rapidly as sperm nuclei if a prior single mitosis is permitted. This mitotic remodeling involves a topoisomerase II-dependent shortening of chromatin loop domains and an increased recruitment of replication initiation factors onto chromatin, leading to a short interorigin spacing characteristic of early developmental stages. It also occurs within each early embryonic cell cycle and dominantly regulates initiation of DNA replication for the subsequent S phase. These results indicate that mitotic conditioning is crucial to reset the chromatin structure of differentiated adult donor cells for embryonic DNA replication and suggest that it is an important step in nuclear cloning.  相似文献   

The low efficiency of somatic cell cloning is the major obstacle to widespread use of this technology. Incomplete nuclear reprogramming following the transfer of donor nuclei into recipient oocytes has been implicated as a primary reason for the low efficiency of the cloning procedure. The mechanisms and factors that affect the progression of the nuclear reprogramming process have not been completely elucidated, but the identification of these factors and their subsequent manipulation would increase cloning efficiency. At present, many groups are studying donor nucleus reprogramming. Here, we present an approach in which the efficiency of producing viable offspring is improved by selecting recipient oocytes and donor cells that will produce cloned embryos with functionally reprogrammed nuclei. This approach will produce information useful in future studies aimed at further deciphering the nuclear reprogramming process.  相似文献   

Somatic cloning does not always result in ontogeny in mammals, and development is often associated with various abnormalities and embryo loss with a high frequency. This is considered to be due to aberrant gene expression resulting from epigenetic reprogramming errors. However, a fundamental question in this context is whether the developmental abnormalities reported to date are specific to somatic cloning. The aim of this study was to determine the stage of nuclear differentiation during development that leads to developmental abnormalities associated with embryo cloning. In order to address this issue, we reconstructed cloned embryos using four- and eight-cell embryos, morula embryos, inner cell mass (ICM) cells, and embryonic stem cells as donor nuclei and determined the occurrence of abnormalities such as developmental arrest and placentomegaly, which are common characteristics of all mouse somatic cell clones. The present analysis revealed that an acute decline in the full-term developmental competence of cloned embryos occurred with the use of four- and eight-cell donor nuclei (22.7% vs. 1.8%) in cases of standard embryo cloning and with morula and ICM donor nuclei (11.4% vs. 6.6%) in serial nuclear transfer. Histological observation showed abnormal differentiation and proliferation of trophoblastic giant cells in the placentae of cloned concepti derived from four-cell to ICM cell donor nuclei. Enlargement of placenta along with excessive proliferation of the spongiotrophoblast layer and glycogen cells was observed in the clones derived from morula embryos and ICM cells. These results revealed that irreversible epigenetic events had already started to occur at the four-cell stage. In addition, the expression of genes involved in placentomegaly is regulated at the blastocyst stage by irreversible epigenetic events, and it could not be reprogrammed by the fusion of nuclei with unfertilized oocytes. Hence, developmental abnormalities such as placentomegaly as well as embryo loss during development may occur even in cloned embryos reconstructed with nuclei from preimplantation-stage embryos, and these abnormalities are not specific to somatic cloning.  相似文献   

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