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基于层次分析法和GGE双标图法对引进于国际马铃薯中心的97份马铃薯种质资源的主要农艺性状以及适应性、稳定性、丰产性等方面进行综合分析,筛选与鉴定优良可利用种质资源,同时为构建马铃薯种质资源的综合评价体系提供理论依据。结果表明,农艺性状、产量性状和品质性状所占权重大小为0.075、0.70和0.23,其中农艺性状中株高和茎粗所占权重为0.38和0.29,产量性状中产量权重为0.73,品质性状中干物质含量和蛋白质含量权重分别为0.4和0.2。C77和C51适合在甘肃省白银市景泰地区推广种植,C116、C89、C27、C66和C98在甘肃省定西市地区适应性强;参试品系稳定性大小为C49C46C116C112C93;丰产性为C89C116C93C97C112C49C46C67。层次分析法与GGE双标图综合分析可知:C46、C49、C112、C116综合表现较好,可以作为优良品系参加品种审定试验,也可以作为亲本材料。层次分析法和GGE双标图相结合可以作为引进马铃薯种质资源综合评价体系的标准。  相似文献   

燕麦种质资源主要农艺性状的遗传多样性分析   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
燕麦种质资源是燕麦育种的重要基础,对燕麦遗传多样性的研究不仅有助于种质资源的搜集、管理和利用,也有利于进行核心种质的研究。为了解不同地区燕麦种质资源在农艺性状上的遗传多样性,对74份皮、裸燕麦种质资源13个性状的遗传多样性进行了聚类分析与主成分分析。结果表明:各性状的遗传多样性指数较大,多样性指数最高的是主穗粒重,其次是千粒重和穗长;性状变异系数最大的是单株分蘖数,其后依次为单株粒重和主穗粒重,最小的为株高;根据品种间各性状的遗传差异,通过聚类分析将74份资源材料划分为5类,其中36份皮燕麦资源被分为2类,26份裸燕麦资源被分为2类,7份皮燕麦和5份裸燕麦被分为一类,其中,类群Ⅰ可作为高产育种目标的亲本,类群Ⅲ可作为粒型育种目标的亲本,类群Ⅳ、Ⅴ可作为株高和小穗等育种目标的亲本;8个数量性状主成分分析的结果表明,前4个主成分对变异的累计贡献率达86.27%,第一主成分反应产量,第二主成分反应粒型,第三、第四主成分分别反应分蘖数和株高。  相似文献   

燕麦属(Avena L.)植物中有5个栽培种即普通栽培燕麦(A. sativa L.)、埃塞俄比亚燕麦(A. abyssinica Hochst.)、地中海燕麦(A. byzantina Koch)、砂燕麦(A. strigosa Schreb.)和大粒裸燕麦又称莜麦(A. nuda L.),其中大粒裸燕麦的子粒不带稃皮为裸燕麦,其他物种均带稃皮为皮燕麦。国际上主要种植皮燕麦,而我国主要种植大粒裸燕麦,由此不难看出,大粒裸燕麦在世界燕麦中占有特殊的地位。然而,关于大粒裸燕麦的起源和分类地位问题,迄今学者们的意见仍不尽相同。笔者通过参阅有关文献和研究实践,对这两个问题进行探讨,认为大粒裸燕麦起源于我国山西和内蒙古一带,在植物学分类上应为一个独立的物种即A. nuda L.。  相似文献   

用GGE双标图分析甘蔗品种性状稳定性及试点代表性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
算术平均法经常被用于评估甘蔗品种产量的稳定性和适应性,并用方差分析来估计区域试验的试验误差.然而,地点和年份的差异使品种的差异难以得到准确评估.为客观评价甘蔗品种的稳定性和适应性,本研究采用GGE双标图对2008-2009年我国甘蔗区域试验5个试点中的7个甘蔗品种试验数据进行分析.结果表明:福农30号为蔗茎产量高且稳产性高的品种,粤甘18号为含糖量高且性状稳定的品种,福农28号和云蔗99-91为高蔗糖分且性状稳定的品种,粤甘16号的蔗茎产量和含糖量最高,但稳定性一般;在各试点中,福建漳州和广东遂溪的代表性和鉴别力较强.GGE双标图分析为客观评价甘蔗参试品种的丰产性和稳定性提供了直观、有效的手段,为甘蔗新品种的鉴定与推广提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

国外紫花苜蓿种质资源表型性状与品质多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究旨在利用形态指标、农艺性状指标和品质性状指标探讨引进紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)种质资源的遗传多样性,为紫花苜蓿品种改良和亲本选择提供科学依据。研究了不同地理来源的75份紫花苜蓿种质资源的21项指标,并利用主成分分析和聚类分析方法分析其多样性。结果表明,不同紫花苜蓿种质的各个特征存在广泛变异,农艺性状变异最大,其次是形态性状和品质性状;主成分分析结果显示前8个主成分累计贡献率达到82.7748%,其中茎秆干重、单株干重、单株鲜重、叶干重4个性状是构成紫花苜蓿种质表型差异的主要因素;以21个性状为基础的聚类分析将所研究的75份种质材料分为5类,其中第Ⅱ类群的3号材料和第Ⅰ类群的25、31号材料农艺性状表现较好,可以作为苜蓿新品种选育和改良的优异亲本材料。  相似文献   

用GGE双标图分析甘蔗品种性状稳定性及试点代表性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林杰君  鲍毅新  刘军  张旭 《生态学杂志》2012,31(5):1319-1325
算术平均法经常被用于评估甘蔗品种产量的稳定性和适应性,并用方差分析来估计区域试验的试验误差.然而,地点和年份的差异使品种的差异难以得到准确评估.为客观评价甘蔗品种的稳定性和适应性,本研究采用GGE双标图对2008-2009年我国甘蔗区域试验5个试点中的7个甘蔗品种试验数据进行分析.结果表明: 福农30号为蔗茎产量高且稳产性高的品种,粤甘18号为含糖量高且性状稳定的品种,福农28号和云蔗99 91为高蔗糖分且性状稳定的品种,粤甘16号的蔗茎产量和含糖量最高,但稳定性一般;在各试点中,福建漳州和广东遂溪的代表性和鉴别力较强.GGE双标图分析为客观评价甘蔗参试品种的丰产性和稳定性提供了直观、有效的手段,为甘蔗新品种的鉴定与推广提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

低落粒老芒麦种质筛选及农艺性状综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以28份野生老芒麦种质为试验材料,于2013-2014年对落粒率等15个农艺性状进行田间观测,采用SPSS 19.0数据分析软件对观测指标进行聚类、主成分和相关性分析,并利用隶属函数法对其农艺性状进行综合评价,以期筛选出落粒率低和综合性状表现优异的材料。结果表明:供试老芒麦在盛花期后31d,各材料的落粒率显著增加,达到最大。其中Zh N03和MQ01的落粒率变化最为明显,落粒率在Zh N02、HZ03和LQ05的各单株间存在明显变异。两年落粒观测数据表明XH09的落粒率最高,其次为XH03、LQ03和LQ04。落粒率最低的材料为Zh N03,MQ01次之。相关分析表明落粒率与旗叶宽和茎节数呈显著负相关,与倒二叶宽呈极显著负相关。其余各观测性状也存在较大变异,分蘖数在所有评价指标中变异性最大,变异系数为17.07%。隶属函数分析表明,Zh N03的综合性状隶属函数值为0.73,最接近于1,在28份种质中综合农艺性状最优。本研究筛选的低落粒老芒麦种质和综合性状优异材料为老芒麦育种提供了宝贵的遗传资源。  相似文献   

【目的】燕麦种质资源遗传多样性研究不仅有助于种质资源的收集和评价,而且对燕麦生产和育种具有重要指导意义。【方法】研究对260份燕麦种质资源的20个形态学性状多样性、变异及聚类进行分析,评价其形态学性状的遗传变异水平,明确燕麦种质资源的性状特点与遗传多样性,以期为燕麦种质创新和品种改良提供依据。【结果】260份燕麦种质资源形态学性状间存在广泛的遗传多样性,质量性状的遗传多样性指数以粒色最大(1.53),芒色最小(0.76);12个数量性状呈正态分布,数量性状的遗传多样性指数以千粒重最大(2.03),有效分蘖数最小(1.22),变异系数最大的是有效分蘖数(89.02%),最小的是株高(11.19%)。根据燕麦品种(系)间各性状的遗传差异,聚类分析将供试的260份燕麦种质资源分为6类,其中种质群Ⅰ包括42份材料,可作为种用型育种目标的亲本材料;种质群Ⅱ包括31份材料,可作为选育高产饲草品种的亲本材料;种质群Ⅳ包括41份材料,可作为选育大粒专用型品种的育种材料;种质群Ⅴ包括46份材料,可作为燕麦矮化的亲本材料;而种质群Ⅲ包括46份材料,种质群Ⅵ包括54份材料,这两类种质群材料的综合性状表现不突...  相似文献   

盆栽试验研究了不同光周期对不同熟期燕麦品种的穗分化进程和生育时期影响及生理生态机制。试验材料包括早熟品种白燕8号,中熟品种白燕2号以及晚熟品种坝莜3号,跟踪测定了叶片保护酶活性、膜脂过氧化作用和质膜透性等生理指标的动态变化。结果表明,晚熟品种坝莜3号对光周期反应敏感,短日照(8h)条件下,其穗分化只能到二棱期,未能正常抽穗;早熟品种白燕8号在短日照条件下可完成穗分化、抽穗开花,但3个品种生育时期和穗分化时间均延长。随着光周期延长,各燕麦品种单株小穗数和穗重均增加。光周期对穗分化进程的影响机制可从叶片保护酶活性、膜脂过氧化作用和质膜透性等指标中得到证明,白燕8号在8h短日照处理下SOD,POD活性均高于白燕2号和坝莜3号,而MDA含量和相对电导率低于另两个品种。MDA含量和相对电导率与光周期呈显著正相关。燕麦早熟性与光周期不敏感性具有一定相关性,且燕麦光周期适应性调控机理可能与保护酶活性、膜脂过氧化作用和质膜透性等生理变化密切相关。  相似文献   

不同统计方法对豆科牧草种质资源适应性评价的比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以澳大利亚引进的豆科牧草为研究对象,运用灰关联分析、隶属函数分析、聚类分析和主成分分析法,对15份豆科牧草种质的8个主要农艺性状进行综合评价,探讨不同的分析方法在牧草种质资源评价中的应用。结果表明,4种方法综合评价较好的品种(系)为Nina柱花草、Temprano柱花草、Stylo540、Stylo541;4种综合评价方法结果基本一致,说明这4种综合评价方法均可单独应用于牧草种质资源评价,其中隶属函数分析方法简单,在大量的种质资源适应性评价中可优先使用。  相似文献   

Facing the trend of increasing population, how to increase maize grain yield is a very important issue to ensure food security. In this study, 28 nationally approved maize hybrids were evaluated across 24 different climatic conditions for two consecutive years (2018–2019). The purpose of this study was to select high-yield with stable genotypes and identify important agronomic traits for maize breeding program improvement. The results of this study showed that the genotype ╳ environment interaction effects of the 12 evaluated agronomic traits was highly significant (P < 0.001). We introduced a novel multi-trait genotype-ideotype distance index (MGIDI) to select genotypes based on multiple agronomic traits. The selection process exhibited by this method is unique and easy to understand, so the MGIDI index will have more and more important applications in future multi-environment trials (METs) research. The genotypes selected by the MGIDI index were G22, G10, G12 and G1 as the high yielding and stable genotypes. The parents of these selected genotypes have the ability to play a greater role as the basic germplasm in the breeding process. A new form of genotype (G) main effects and genotype (G) -by-environment (E) interaction (GGE) technician, genotype*yield*trait (GYT) biplot, based on multiple traits for genotypes selection was also applied in this study. The GYT biplot ranked genotypes by combining grain yield with other evaluated agronomic traits, and displayed the distribution of their traits, namely strengths and weaknesses.  相似文献   

利用AFLP标记分析皮燕麦种质资源遗传多样性   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
用20对AFLP引物对来自于国内外的177份皮燕麦(Avena.sativa L.)资源进行遗传多样性分析,共获得976条清晰条带,其中多态性条带为185条,不同引物的多态性百分率为9.3%~35.9%,平均为19.0%。不同来源组群的Shannon-Weaver多样性指数变化范围为0.19~0.3412,西欧材料最高,其次是北欧(0.3269)、日本(0.3072)、东欧(0.2949)、北美(0.2904)、黑龙江最低。主坐标和UPGMA聚类分析结果基本相同,并与地理来源有很高的一致性。全部材料总体上可分为两类,其中一类全部为国内资源,另一类包含所有国外、内蒙古和青海的材料。国内与国外材料分布相对集中,这表明国内与国外材料亲缘关系较远,交流不是很广泛。而国内不同来源的材料相互交错分布,表明国内皮燕麦资源交流充分,多样性不是很丰富,应加强国外皮燕麦的引种工作。  相似文献   

It was demonstrated that some North Africa barley accessions have diverse tolerance sources for abiotic stresses and a good nutritional quality, but the studies done were incomplete since they were realized separately in each country apart.To implement a more complete analysis, 31 barley accessions originated from North Africa (Algeria, Tunisia and Egypt) were analyzed using 11 SSR markers selected from the seven barley linkage groups for studying the genetic diversity among these chosen barley accessions.Over the 11 SSR markers, a total of 478 reproducible bands were scored with an average of 2.13 alleles/primer and the average polymorphism information content of 0.5.Genetic distance analysis of the 31 accessions showed a large genetic diversity and high number of different groups. The most accessions are clustered according to their eco-geographical origin, according to their pedigree and agronomic characters or according to the caryopsis character (hulled or naked caryopsis). This high number of obtained groups is an invaluable aid in crop improvement strategies and confirms the opinion suggesting that North Africa could be a secondary center of origin of barley. The various growing conditions and the multiple uses of barley in each country may be the cause of the large variability of the barley germplasm in each region.  相似文献   



Spring wheat is the largest agricultural crop grown in Kazakhstan with an annual sowing area of 12 million hectares in 2016. Annually, the country harvests around 15 million tons of high quality grain. Despite environmental stress factors it is predicted that the use of new technologies may lead to increases in productivity from current levels of 1.5 to up to 3 tons per hectare. One way of improving wheat productivity is by the application of new genomic oriented approaches in plant breeding projects. Genome wide association studies (GWAS) are emerging as powerful tools for the understanding of the inheritance of complex traits via utilization of high throughput genotyping technologies and phenotypic assessments of plant collections. In this study, phenotyping and genotyping data on 194 spring wheat accessions from Kazakhstan, Russia, Europe, and CIMMYT were assessed for the identification of marker-trait associations (MTA) of agronomic traits by using GWAS.


Field trials in Northern, Central and Southern regions of Kazakhstan using 194 spring wheat accessions revealed strong correlations of yield with booting date, plant height, biomass, number of spikes per plant, and number of kernels per spike. The accessions from Europe and CIMMYT showed high breeding potential for Southern and Central regions of the country in comparison with the performance of the local varieties. The GGE biplot method, using average yield per plant, suggested a clear separation of accessions into their three breeding origins in relationship to the three environments in which they were evaluated. The genetic variation in the three groups of accessions was further studied using 3245 polymorphic SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) markers. The application of Principal Coordinate analysis clearly grouped the 194 accessions into three clades according to their breeding origins. GWAS on data from nine field trials allowed the identification of 114 MTAs for 12 different agronomic traits.


Field evaluation of foreign germplasm revealed its poor yield performance in Northern Kazakhstan, which is the main wheat growing region in the country. However, it was found that EU and CIMMYT germplasm has high breeding potential to improve yield performance in Central and Southern regions. The use of Principal Coordinate analysis clearly separated the panel into three distinct groups according to their breeding origin. GWAS based on use of the TASSEL 5.0 package allowed the identification of 114 MTAs for twelve agronomic traits. The study identifies a network of key genes for improvement of yield productivity in wheat growing regions of Kazakhstan.

为探明信号分子过氧化氢(H2O2)提高裸燕麦幼苗耐冷性的作用,以‘定莜6号’沙培幼苗为材料,在3叶期喷施10 μmol·L-1 H2O2 12 h后于8℃/5℃(昼/夜)条件下低温胁迫,以喷蒸馏水(H2O)为对照,分别在低温处理的0、1、2、3、4、5 d取幼苗叶片测定超氧阴离子(O2)、H2O2、丙二醛(MDA)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)、抗坏血酸(AsA)、谷胱甘肽(GSH)、可溶性糖(SS)、脯氨酸(Pro)、可溶性蛋白质(SP)和热稳定性蛋白质(HSP)13项与耐冷性有关的生理指标及低温处理5 d后植株株高和生物量增量,采用主成分和隶属函数分析综合评价H2O2对裸燕麦幼苗耐冷性的影响。结果表明,与对照相比,喷施H2O2显著提高了低温胁迫下裸燕麦幼苗株高和生物量增量,降低了裸燕麦幼苗叶片O2和MDA及低温胁迫2~5 d的H2O2含量,促进低温胁迫期间裸燕麦幼苗叶片SOD、CAT、POD和APX活性提高及AsA、GSH、SS、Pro、SP和HSP积累。主成分分析13项生理指标离差标准化数据,提取的前4个主成分累积方差贡献率达85.6%;隶属函数综合评价4个主成分得分值显示,喷施H2O2显著提高了低温胁迫0~5 d的综合评价值。表明喷施H2O2能够通过调控生理生化代谢提高裸燕麦幼苗的耐冷性。  相似文献   

To elucidate the origin of naked barley, molecular variation of the marker sKT7 tightly linked to the nud locus was examined. A total of 259 (53 wild, 106 hulled domesticated, and 100 naked domesticated) barley accessions were studied. Restriction analysis of the sKT7 PCR-amplified product revealed the alleles I, II, III, and IV. All four alleles were found in wild barley, but allele IV was found only in a single accession from southwestern Iran. Hulled domesticated accessions showed alleles I, II, or III, but all naked domesticated accessions had allele IV. The distribution of allele IV in wild barley and its pervasive presence in naked domesticated lines support the conclusion that naked barley has a monophyletic origin, probably in southwestern Iran. The available results suggest two scenarios for the origin of naked barley: either directly from a wild barley with allele IV or from a hulled domesticated line with allele IV that later became extinct. Naked domesticated accessions from different regions of the world have extremely homogeneous DNA sequences at the sKT7 locus, supporting the monophyletic origin of naked barley. For allele IV, four haplotypes (IVb to IVe) were found in 30 naked accessions: IVb was predominant (66.7%) and widely distributed, while the other three haplotypes, differing by only one nucleotide at different positions relative to IVb, showed a localized distribution. The geographical distribution of the haplotypes of sKT7 allele IV suggests migration routes of naked domesticated barley in central and eastern Asia.Communicated by F. Salamini  相似文献   

Association mapping is a powerful tool for the identification of quantitative trait loci through the exploitation of the differential decay of linkage disequilibrium (LD) between marker loci and genes of interest in natural and domesticated populations. Using a sample of 230 tetraploid wheat lines (Triticum turgidum ssp), which included naked and hulled accessions, we analysed the pattern of LD considering 26 simple sequence repeats and 970 mostly mapped diversity array technology loci. In addition, to validate the potential for association mapping in durum wheat, we evaluated the same genotypes for plant height, heading date, protein content, and thousand-kernel weight. Molecular and phenotypic data were used to: (i) investigate the genetic and phenotypic diversity; (ii) study the dynamics of LD across the durum wheat genome, by investigating the patterns of LD decay; and (iii) test the potential of our panel to identify marker–trait associations through the analysis of four quantitative traits of major agronomic importance. Moreover, we compared and validated the association mapping results with outlier detection analysis based on population divergence. Overall, in tetraploid wheat, the pattern of LD is extremely population dependent and is related to the domestication and breeding history of durum wheat. Comparing our data with several other studies in wheat, we confirm the position of many major genes and quantitative trait loci for the traits considered. Finally, the analysis of the selection signature represents a very useful complement to validate marker–trait associations.  相似文献   

Morphological traits and molecular markers are two common methods for genetic variation studies. Molecular markers, morphological traits methods and relationship between the two were used to study genetic variation among 43 oat genotypes and varieties. For this purpose, an augmented design was conducted in three replicates at 2008–2009 cropping season in the experimental field of Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources of Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran. Four wild oat accessions (Avena sterilis) were added to evaluated genotypes in molecular experiment. Results showed a significant variation among genotypes for all morphological traits and they were classified based on this variation in four groups by WARD cluster analysis. In molecular experiment, 28 inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) primers amplified 206 polymorph bands. Based on Jaccard similarity matrix, similarity among genotypes was varied from 0.23 to 0.66 and cluster analysis classified genotypes in seven groups by complete linkage method. The correlation between ISSR marker and morphological traits classifications was not significant. ISSR showed to be a helpful marker for genotype identity and separation as it put wild accessions in a group.  相似文献   

为探明山西不同生态型大豆(Glycine max)品种对苗期低温胁迫的应答表现, 寻求大豆苗期耐低温性综合评价指标和评价方法, 选取了山西普遍种植的‘晋大53’、‘晋大70’和‘晋豆24’ 3个不同生态型大豆品种, 在苗期将材料分别置于14、17和20 ℃人工气候箱中, 保持昼夜恒温, 进行低温胁迫处理。分别测定了各品种光合与产量性状值, 用基因型主效应及其与环境互作(GGE)双标图分析各性状对品种的效应及性状间的相关性, 应用隶属函数法综合评价各品种的苗期耐低温性。结果显示: 低温胁迫下不同生态型大豆品种苗期延长1-12天; 苗期光合性状值均下降, 其中, 叶片气孔导度(Gs)和蒸腾速率(Tr)下降最明显; 产量性状值均呈下降趋势, 单株生物量和单株荚数下降最明显; 各项性状在不同品种中对低温的应答效应不同, 且性状间存在明显的相关性, 可作为耐低温性的评价指标。品种‘晋大70’的耐低温性最佳。  相似文献   

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