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利用4对叶绿体DNA引物对来源于新疆巩留、霍城和新源3个地区的242份新疆野苹果种质资源的4个非编码区trn H-psb A、trn S-trn G spacer+intron、trn T-5′trn L和5′trn L-trn F进行了扩增,基于4个叶绿体基因间区的序列变异,从母系遗传的角度评价了遗传变异和不同居群的遗传进化关系。结果表明:4个叶绿体DNA非编码区经测序、拼接、比对和合并之后的片段长度为3812 bp,共有171个多态性变异位点,其中包含6个单一突变位点、16个简约信息位点和149个插入-缺失位点。在242份新疆野苹果种质中,trn H-psb A、trn S-trn G spacer+intron、trn T-5′trn L和5′trn L-trn F区域的变异位点的数量分别为68个、25个、77个和1个,单倍型数量分别为36个、6个、6个和2个,合并之后的叶绿体DNA片段的单倍型为52个。核苷酸多样性和单倍型多样性最高的区域均为trn H-psb A(Hd=0.773,Pi=0.01982),最低的为5′trn L-trn F(Hd=0.025,Pi=0.00002)。242份新疆野苹果种质4个叶绿体DNA区域合并后的遗传多样性较高(Hd=0.806,Pi=0.00291)。Tajima′s D检验中,4个cpDNA区域合并后片段在P0.05水平上显著,4个cpDNA区域整体不遵循中性进化模型,自然选择的压力是新疆野苹果遗传进化的主要动力。新疆野苹果的遗传变异主要存在于居群内部,新疆巩留和新源居群间的遗传距离较近,与霍城居群间遗传距离相对较远,居群间的遗传分化与地理距离相关。3个地区的新疆野苹果各自经历着遗传分化但又存在频繁的基因交流,有向新疆新源的新疆野苹果演化的趋势。  相似文献   

研究采集了青岛近海23尾路氏双髻鲨(Sphyrna lewini), 通过线粒体DNA控制区片段对其遗传多样性进行分析。研究结果显示: 在23个个体的控制区序列上存在13个变异位点, 未检测到插入/缺失位点; 检测到7个单倍型, 其中3个为个体共享单倍型(Hap1、Hap3和Hap5), 4个为个体独有单倍型; 青岛近海路氏双髻鲨呈现中等水平的单倍型多样度和较低的核苷酸多样度; 与已报道的日照、霞浦群体间的遗传分化指数Fst值分别为–0.0571和–0.0328, 表明青岛群体与其他两个群体间不存在显著差异。以Sphyrna zygaena为外群构建NJ系统树显示本研究中7个单倍型共分成两支, 分别与来自太平洋、印度洋的单倍型类群聚类。中国近海的路氏双髻鲨作为一个具有较低遗传多样性的濒危物种, 其资源保护更应该引起足够的重视。  相似文献   

基于SSU rDNA序列对当前分布于我国的网状车轮虫(Trichodina reticulata Hirschman & Partsch, 1955)的群体遗传结构与多样性进行了研究。遗传结构研究结果表明: 20个样本共检测到9个单倍型, 含4个共享单倍型与5个特有单倍型, 其中鲫来源的Hap3是最大的共享单倍型; 草鱼来源的Hap8和小黄黝鱼来源的Hap9暂被视为湖北武汉和西藏地区各自特有的单倍型; 同时推测鲫来源的单倍型Hap1为祖先单倍型。结合ML系统发育树分析推测, 在多宿主的进化历程中, 鲫寄生的网状车轮虫可能是分化最早的群体, 且草鱼寄生的网状车轮虫在起源上来自于鲫。遗传多样性结果显示, 所有群体均呈现较高的单倍型多样性(Hd≥0.5)与较低的核苷酸多样性(Pi<0.005), 且鲫来源的单倍型多样性显著高于草鱼来源, 但核苷酸多样性(Pi)明显低于后者。遗传分化(Fst)与基因流(Nm)研究结果表明, Group A(鲫来源)与Group B(草鱼来源)群体间相对独立且已经达到了极度分化程度, 群体内基因层面的交流较少。综合中性检验与核苷酸单倍型错配分析认为, Group A(鲫来源)未发生过种群扩张, Group B(草鱼来源)则存在过早期的种群扩张历史。  相似文献   

西藏藏猪遗传多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用mt DNA D-loop作为分子标记,对西藏的4个藏猪群体(林芝、山南、昌都和日喀则)遗传多样性进行了研究。结果表明,西藏藏猪mt DNA D-loop高变区A+T含量(62.90%)明显高于G+C含量(37.1%),富含A和T,存在碱基偏倚性。在长度为435 bp的序列中,共检测到20个变异位点,界定了26个单倍型,单倍型多样度(Hd)为0.705±0.021,平均核苷酸差异数(k)为1.231,核苷酸多样度(Pi)为0.002 83。其中,Hd、k和Pi在昌都藏猪群体中最高,日喀则藏猪最低。此外,Hap1和Hap3单倍型是4个群体的共享单倍型,表明4个藏猪群体存在两个共同的母系祖先单倍型。  相似文献   

全面了解中国乌骨鸡的遗传背景有利于保护和开发利用其种质资源。本研究测定了中国12个乌骨鸡品种线粒体细胞色素c氧化酶亚基I (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, COI)基因, 比较分析其遗传多样性和群体遗传结构。255份乌骨鸡样品共检测到22个变异位点, 占分析位点的3.17%; 核苷酸多样性为0.00142-0.00339, 单倍型多样性为0.380-0.757, 其中略阳乌鸡核苷酸多样性最高, 德化黑鸡最低。检测到7个氨基酸变异位点, 来自6个品种共11个个体。定义了24种单倍型, 其中单倍型H1和H3为12个乌骨鸡品种共享, 出现频率分别为115次和64次; 盐津乌骨鸡单倍型数最多, 广西乌鸡最少。中性检验与错配分析显示实验种群未经历显著的群体扩张事件。分子变异分析显示81.06%的变异来自群体内; 品种间遗传距离为0.002-0.004, 品种间遗传分化系数Fst值为-0.035至0.594, 雪峰乌骨鸡与其他种群间的遗传分化程度最高。邻接树显示, 乌骨鸡未能独立形成分支, 不能从家鸡和红原鸡中有效区分开来。中国乌骨鸡中介网络图将24个单倍型分为3条进化主支, 呈现出一定的品种特异性, 由无量山乌骨鸡、云南盐津乌骨鸡和雪峰乌骨鸡组成单倍型H8、H9、H11、H12游离于这3条进化主支之外。增加其他家鸡和红原鸡COI基因的中介网络图主体结构与中国乌骨鸡的相同。结果表明中国乌骨鸡品种遗传多样性较低, 但品种间遗传分化显著, 可能是从当地家鸡中选育而来, 需要加强种质资源的保护。  相似文献   

福建省家鸭的遗传多样性及其与野鸭的亲缘关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探讨福建省家鸭的遗传多样性和品种进化, 本研究测定了福建省4个地方家鸭品种的32个个体和野生斑嘴鸭(Anas zonorhyncha) 8个个体的线粒体DNA D-loop区667 bp序列, 分析了这4个家鸭品种的遗传多态性及品种进化。结果显示4个家鸭D-loop区序列的A、G、C、T碱基平均含量分别为25.5%, 15.2%, 33.5%, 25.8%。确定了8种单倍型, 其中Hap2(与GenBank中的A7一致)为家鸭的主体单倍型, 平均单倍型多样度为0.75202, 平均核苷酸多样度为0.21%。4个品种中金定鸭单倍型多样度、核苷酸多样度最高。4个品种之间的Kimura双参数遗传距离为0.00094–0.00395, 其中连城白鸭和金定鸭之间遗传距离最大。结合GenBank上已发表的绿头鸭(A. platyrhynchos)和斑嘴鸭序列, 共有30种单倍型, 共同构建系统发生树和网络关系图, 结果表明4个家鸭品种单一地起源于绿头鸭。  相似文献   

三角帆蚌五个野生群体线粒体DNA 16S rRNA遗传特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对中国主要淡水湖泊(鄱阳湖、洞庭湖、太湖、洪泽湖及巢湖)三角帆蚌5个野生群体的线粒体DNA 16S rRNA基因片段进行了扩增和测序,得到473bp的碱基序列,没有发现插入/缺失突变的核苷酸位点。检测到了32个多态性核苷酸位点,共7种单倍型。鄱阳湖群体的222(C→G)和325(A→G)位点,太湖群体的233(A→G)位点,巢湖群体的40(A→G)、138(A→T)和294(C→T)位点,洪泽湖群体的241(A→C)位点的变异可以作为区分群体分子遗传标记位点。洞庭湖群体未发现特异位点。在5个群体间鄱阳湖群体多态性位点、核苷酸多态性、单倍型多态性和单倍型数量4个指标都最高,表明鄱阳湖群体具有最为丰富的遗传结构,遗传变异最大,可作为三角帆蚌选育的基础群体。  相似文献   

测定了淮河水系17个日本沼虾(Macrobrachium nipponense)野生群体共248个个体的线粒体细胞色素氧化酶亚基I(COI)部分序列,获得623 bp核苷酸片段,包括48个变异位点,定义了31个单倍型,共享单倍型有12个,整体单倍型多样性和平均核苷酸多样性均处于中间水平。AMOVA分析表明,17个群体间的遗传分化系数Fst=0.041 3(P0.05),群体间遗传分化较小。Kimura 2-paramter遗传距离在五河与焦岗湖、花家湖及瓦埠湖群体间最大,为0.014,在高邮和邵伯湖群体之间最小,为0.003。MP系统树与单倍型进化网络关系图具有较高的一致性,31个单倍型被分为3个进化枝,其中一个进化枝主要以下游群体为主,另外2个进化枝主要以中游群体为主。群体中性检验、错配分析表明,淮河日本沼虾近期曾经历过种群扩张。  相似文献   

蔷薇科典型樱亚属植物(Subg.Cerasus Koehne)(樱花类)具有重要的观赏价值,深入研究其种间亲缘关系及分类地位,对于国产樱属植物系统发育与种质资源创新具有重要的理论指导意义。基于PCR扩增与测序技术研究了从云南、江西、福建采集的典型樱亚属3个种(含变种)的叶绿体DNA非编码区atpB-rbcL片段,结合GenBank数据库已经提交的其它4个种的同源序列,共获得7个种的30条序列矩阵,以此构建了单倍型中介网络图与系统发育树,分析和探讨了它们的亲缘关系与分类地位。(1)在atpB-rbcL序列矩阵中,774个有效位点中共发现15个多态性位点,占分析序列的1.94%,(A+T)含量为70.50%,存在明显的碱基偏好;(2)DNASP 5共检测到9个单倍型,物种间平均单倍型多样性(Hd=0.880 5±0.026),平均核苷酸多态性(π=0.007 11±0.000 54),除尾叶樱桃(Prunus dielsiana)外(Hap5~Hap7),其余物种拥有各自独特的1个单倍型,具有较丰富的遗传多样性;(3)综合Network中介图与系统发育重建结果:推测磐安樱桃(P.pananensis)处于较原始的进化阶段,相比尾叶樱桃,与浙闽樱桃(P.schneideriana)亲缘关系较近;长柱尾叶樱桃(P.dielsiana var.longistyla)与尾叶樱桃互为姊妹支,并共同构成独立进化单元。综上,叶绿体atpB-rbcL片段在典型樱亚属下种间的适用效果较好,可以优先选为DNA条形码;分子证据结合形态学特征支持将长柱尾叶樱桃作为尾叶樱桃变种的处理意见,而磐安樱桃的分类地位则需要更多的证据。  相似文献   

跳钩虾Platorchestia japonica栖息于湖泊、河流岸边,是重要的环境指示生物。本研究以线粒体COⅠ基因片段为分子标记,对北京及其周边地区22个采样点的128个样本进行种群遗传多样性和遗传结构研究。结果显示,623 bp的COⅠ基因序列中有567个保守位点、56个变异位点和38个简约信息位点。128个样本检测到43个单倍型,单倍型多样性为0.938,核苷酸多样性为0.011 72。最大似然法和贝叶斯法构建的系统发育树以及单倍型网络图表明,研究区域跳钩虾没有明显的地理种群结构,但所有单倍型形成2个遗传进化支。分子变异分析结果证实,跳钩虾2个进化支间的遗传变异显著高于进化支内的,进化支间固定系数为0.852 19,表明2个进化支遗传分化明显。本研究为进一步研究中国区域跳钩虾的遗传结构提供了有意义的基础数据。  相似文献   

Eight pairs of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) universal primers selected from 34 pairs were used to assess the genetic diversity of 132 pear accessions in Northern China. Among them, six amplified cpDNA fragments showed genetic diversity. A total of 24 variable sites, including 1 singleton variable site and 23 parsimony informative sites, as well as 21 insertion-deletion fragments, were obtained from the combined cpDNA sequences (5309–5535 bp). Two trnL-trnF-487 haplotypes, five trnL-trnF-413 haplotypes, five rbcL haplotypes, six trnS-psbC haplotypes, eight accD-psaI haplotypes and 12 rps16-trnQ haplotypes were identified among the individuals. Twenty-one haplotypes were identified based on the combined fragments. The values of nucleotide diversity (Pi), average number of nucleotide differences (k) and haplotype diversity (Hd) were 0.00070, 3.56408 and 0.7960, respectively. No statistical significance was detected in Tajima’s D test. Remarkably, the important cpDNA haplotypes and their representing accessions were identified clearly in this study. H_19 was considered as one of the ancient haplotypes and was a divergent centre. H_16 was the most common haplotype of the wild accessions. H_2 was the haplotype representing the most pear germplasm resources (46 cultivars and two wild Ussurian Pear accessions), followed by haplotype H_5 (30 cultivars, two wild Ussurian Pear accessions and four sand pears in outgroups) representing the cultivars ‘Dangshan Suli’ and ‘Yali’, which harbour the largest and the second largest cultivation areas in China. More importantly, this study demonstrated, for the first time, the supposed evolution routes of Pyrus based on cpDNA divergence in the background of pear phylogeny in Northern China.  相似文献   

In order to understand the genetic diversity of wild Ussurian pears in China, chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) of 186 wild accessions from 12 populations in Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang and Jilin Provinces and 51 Chinese and European pear cultivars including Pyrus ussuriensis, Pyrus pyrifolia, Pyrus bretschneideri, Pyrus sinkiangensis and Pyrus communis were investigated. Each accession was classified into one of three types (types A, B and C) based on two large deletions in the hypervariable regions between the accD–psaI and rps16–trnQ genes. Thirty haplotypes were identified by 32 mutations including 17 gaps (in/dels) and 15 base changes. Haplotype network analysis revealed that wild Chinese Ussurian pears could be grouped into subgroup I of type A. A haplotype, Hcp3, in subgroup I detected in Heilongjiang and Jilin Provinces was considered to be a divergent centre in Chinese Ussurian pears. However, the genetic diversity of wild accessions revealed by the two hypervariable regions was quite low. In particular, 98 % of wild Ussurian accessions in Inner Mongolia shared an identical haplotype Hcp1 and are, therefore, monomorphic. In comparison, Chinese pear cultivars were more divergent. These results suggest that the cpDNAs from wild Ussurian pears in Inner Mongolia have specifically differentiated compared to those from pears of other areas. The number of wild Ussurian pears has been decreasing because of desertification and land development, therefore conservation is needed.  相似文献   

A physical map of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) of pear [Pyrus ussuriensis var. hondoensis (Nakai et Kikuchi) Rehder] was constructed using five restriction enzymes, SalI, XhoI, BamHI, SacI and PstI. This information will make it possible to investigate the phylogenetic relationships between Pyrus species. Pear cpDNA was found to be a circular molecule with a total size of about 156 kb in which two inverted repeats of 24.8 kb divide the molecule into small (17 kb) and large (90 kb) single-copy regions. The endonuclease recognition sites in the physical map were determined by single and double digestion of 13 lambda phage clones which covered the entire sequence of the pear cpDNA. Twenty nine genes were localized on the physical map of the pear cpDNA. The structure of pear cpDNA was almost the same in terms of genome size and gene order as that of tobacco cpDNA. RFLP analysis was carried out on cpDNAs from five Pyrus species (Pyrus pyrifolia, Pyrus ussuriensis, Pyrus calleryana, Pyrus elaeagrifolia and Pyrus communis). Two mutations, a recognition-site mutation and a length mutation (deletion), were found only in the cpDNA of P. pyrifolia cultivars. These mutations were localized on the physical map of pear cpDNA. The number of mutations of cpDNA in Pyrus species are small in comparison with those of other angiosperms, suggesting a high degree of genome conservatism in Pyrus species.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) is most often maternally inherited and highly conserved leading to previous observation of little to no sequence variation. Comparing cpDNA haplotypes have provided valuable insight into the establishment and migration of polyploid populations. However, to use chloroplast haplotypes to their full potential intrapopulational variation needs to be addressed. In this study, cpDNA haplotype variation was surveyed within 16 natural populations of prairie cordgrass (Spartina pectinata Link) located east of the 100th west meridian and north of the 35th north parallel in the U.S.A. using two non-coding, polymorphic chloroplast regions. Two main clades were defined with subclades as follows: haplotype 1 and haplotype 2A and 2B. It was discovered that seven populations showed intrapopulational chloroplast genome variation. Of the total amount of variation, 95.5% occurred within the octoploid populations and 4.5% occurred within the tetraploid populations. Both variant haplotypes, 2A and 2B, were found in a larger sampling of one of the natural populations, but no variation was found in a mixed ploidy population. The intrapopulational cpDNA variation we found in this study cannot directly be related to mechanisms of introduction of the non-native populations into native populations. Therefore, this cpDNA variation could be novel natural variation that has been fixed as the octoploid populations were established and moved northwest. This analysis provides insight into determining the usefulness of indels and single nucleotide polymorphisms for population identification and may provide information in regards to the origin of chloroplast variation and its subsequent fixation and establishment in natural prairie cordgrass populations.  相似文献   

Soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr.] is one of the major crops in the world and was domesticated from a wild progenitor, Glycine soja Sieb. & Zucc., in East Asia. In order to address the questions concerning the evolution and maternal lineage of soybean, we surveyed the variation in chloroplast DNA simple sequence repeats (cpSSR) of 326 wild and cultivated soybean accessions that were collected from various Asian countries. Twenty-three variants were detected at six cpSSRs in the accessions tested. All of the variants were found in wild soybean, whereas only 14 variants existed in the cultigen. Combining the variants at the six cpSSRs gave 52 haplotypes in the former and eight haplotypes in the latter. Both analyses indicated a considerably higher genetic diversity in the wild soybean. Around 75% of the cultivated accessions tested possessed a common haplotype (no. 49), which was detected in only seven wild accessions, six from southern Japan and one from southern China. The predominant haplotype in the cultigen may therefore have originated from a rare haplotype of the wild soybean that is presently distributed in the southern areas of Japan and China. The remaining seven haplotypes in the cultigen were distributed regionally, and except for three rare haplotypes, largely overlapped with the distributions of wild accessions with the same respective haplotypes. Our results strongly suggest that the cultivated soybeans with different cpDNA haplotypes originated independently in different regions from different wild gene pools and/or hybrid swarms between cultivated and wild forms.  相似文献   

A thorough understanding of the levels and partitioning of genetic variation across populations and geographical regions of endangered species is a prerequisite to ensure effective conservation and/or restoration activities. Here, we examined chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) trnH-psbA intergenic spacer sequences variation within Notopterygium forbesii, an endangered and endemic perennial herb in China. Sequence data obtained from 141 individuals in 14 populations revealed twenty-two haplotypes. A high level of haplotype diversity (Hd = 0.81) and low level of nucleotide diversity (Pi = 0.0047) were detected. Low genetic differentiation among populations and also among regions was consistently indicated by both hierarchical analyses of molecular variance (AMOVA) and the structure of a neighbor-joining tree. Low level of population differentiation between populations or between regions in cpDNA sequences may be due to effects of the abundance of ancestral haplotype sharing and the high number of private haplotypes fixed for each population. Based on our results, we proposed some conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Silene vulgaris was introduced into North America sometime prior to 1800. In order to document the population structure that has developed since that time, collections were made from 56 local populations distributed among 9 geographical regions in eastern North America. Individual plants were characterized for chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) haplotype by restriction fragment size analysis of four noncoding regions of cpDNA amplified by polymerase chain reaction. A total of 19 cpDNA haplotypes were detected using this method. The overall gene diversity of 0.85 is quite similar to the diversity detected in these same regions of cpDNA in a previously published sample of S. vulgaris taken from across much of Europe. The spatial distribution of the North American cpDNA diversity was quantified by hierarchical F-statistics that partitioned the genetic variance into variation among local populations within regions, and variation among regions. The average FST among populations within regions was 0.66 and the FST among regions was 0.09. The among-region variation was due to both differences among regions in the frequency of two most common haplotypes, and to the presence of a number of region-specific haplotypes. In order to test for isolation by distance at the regional level, FST values were calculated for all possible pairs of regions, and regressed against the geographical distance between those regions. There was no evidence for isolation by distance. It is suggested that the local population structure is generated by recent extinction/colonization dynamics, and that the among-region structure reflects demographic events associated with range expansion following introduction to North America.  相似文献   

The diversity and maternal lineage in wild and cultivated soybeans have previously been assayed using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and sequencing analyses of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA). Here we describe a method based on PCR-RFLP for the identification of nucleotides at four mutation sites in non-coding regions of cpDNA. Of the four sites, two were located in restriction enzyme sites and two were not. For the latter two sites, new primers were designed to artificially create restriction sites that spanned them. The PCR-RFLP method enabled us to identify nucleotides at each of the four mutation sites easily and reliably. Fifty-seven wild and sixty-seven cultivated soybeans of different origins and different cpDNA types (types I, II, and III) were assayed. All of the samples tested could be classified into four haplotypes. All of the type-I and -II accessions had the same nucleotides at each of the four mutation sites, while all of the type-III accessions, except for 3 wild ones, had nucleotides that were different from those of types I and II. A sequencing analysis revealed that the 3 wild accessions possessed other single-base variations in the non-coding regions of trnH-psbA and trnT-trnL. The results of this study suggest that the type-I and type-II chloroplast genomes form a group that is distinct from the type-III chloroplast genome. Received: 14 April 2000 / Accepted: 11 July 2000  相似文献   

Domesticated soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] is a major crop with an established ancestral relationship to wild soybean (Glycine soja Sieb. & Zucc.) native to Asia. Soybean genetic diversity can be assessed at different levels by identification of polymorphic alleles at genetic loci, in either the plastid or nuclear genomes. The objective of this study was to evaluate genetic diversity based on chloroplast haplotypes for soybean genotypes present in the USDA germplasm resource collection. Shared chloroplast haplotypes represent broad groups of genetic relatedness. Previous work categorized three-quarters of the cultivated soybeans from Asia into a single haplotype group. Our results confirmed the close relationship of North American soybean ancestors and G. max plant introductions previously identified as representing potential sources of soybean genetic variation with the finding that these genotypes belonged to a single chloroplast haplotype group. Genetic diversity was identified in soybean genotypes determined to have a high density of single nucleotide polymorphisms and in a screen of accessions with resistance to soybean cyst nematode. Characterization of soybean plant introduction lines into chloroplast haplotype group may be an important initial step in evaluating the appropriate use of particular soybean genotypes.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of Artemisia halodendron (Asteraceae), a constructive and dominant species in the Horqin sandy land, was investigated to examine the genetic relationships with different hydrothermal regions in the Horqin sandy land. We sequenced chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) fragments psbA–trnH of 243 plants from ten populations across the Horqin sandy land. The analyses of cpDNA variation identified seven haplotypes. A high level of haplotype diversity (H d = 0.831) and low level of nucleotide diversity (π = 0.0018) were detected. Haplotypes clustered into three tentative clades. Low genetic differentiation among regions was consistently indicated by hierarchical analyses of molecular variance (AMOVA).  相似文献   

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