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湖泊微生物硝化过程研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙小溪  蒋宏忱 《微生物学报》2020,60(6):1148-1161
湖泊中微生物介导的硝化作用在生境内部氮周转和温室气体N_2O释放方面扮演着关键的角色。因此,研究湖泊微生物硝化过程及速率有助于我们整体评估湖泊生境内部的氮循环状态,全面认识湖泊响应区域乃至全球气候变化的规律。本文综述了湖泊生境中硝化过程及其驱动微生物和影响因素,包括氨氧化过程、亚硝酸盐氧化过程和完全氨氧化过程,同时聚焦前沿,归纳了氨氧化古菌、氨氧化细菌和完全氨氧化菌产生N_2O的机制和相对贡献。最后对湖泊硝化过程研究现状和未来发展方向提出总结和展望。  相似文献   

微生物驱动的氮循环过程在红树林生态系统物质循环、净化外来污染物、维持生态系统平衡等方面起重要作用。相较于其他自然生态系统,因红树林处于沿海陆地交界地带,其氮循环过程及其相关微生物的种类丰富,受交错复杂的环境因素影响与调控。本文梳理了红树林土壤性质及特性,综述了红树林生态系统中由微生物驱动的固氮、氮素矿化、硝化、厌氧氨氧化、反硝化、异化硝酸盐还原为铵等主要的氮循环过程,并讨论了氮循环与其他循环的耦合过程。最后讨论pH、盐度、季节、螃蟹活动、红树林树种等环境因素对氮循环过程及其相关微生物丰度、多样性的影响。本综述以期为红树林湿地生态系统的保护和修复提供理论参考。  相似文献   

湿地微生物介导的甲烷排放机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
湿地生态系统是陆地上巨大的有机碳库,同时也是大气中甲烷(CH_4)的主要排放源。由于CH_4对全球的增温潜能是CO2的34倍,因此关于湿地CH_4排放在全球气候变化中有关碳汇、碳源的研究具有极其重要的意义。全球80%–90%的CH_4排放离不开微生物活动,湿地生态系统中产CH_4菌和CH_4氧化菌的种类组成、数量及功能与CH_4通量密切相关,但基于湿地生态系统中介导CH_4循环的功能微生物对甲烷排放通量的影响及作用机制研究相对比较分散。为更好地认识微生物介导的CH_4排放过程的微生物调控机制,本文综述了湿地生态系统中参与CH_4循环的功能微生物,对介导CH_4循环相关微生物活性的影响因子进行了回顾,重点总结了湿地生态系统微生物介导的CH_4排放机制,并对未来的相关研究方向进行了展望。由于湿地微生物介导的碳循环过程也可能决定了湿地生态系统对全球气候变暖的反馈,因此本文也能为全球气候变化研究提供微生物方面的参考。  相似文献   

湖泊氮素氧化及脱氮过程研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
范俊楠  赵建伟  朱端卫 《生态学报》2012,32(15):4924-4931
自然界中氮的生物地球化学循环主要由微生物驱动,由固氮作用、硝化作用、反硝化作用和氨化作用来完成。过去数十年间,随着异养硝化、厌氧氨氧化和古菌氨氧化作用的发现,人们对环境中氮素循环认识逐步深入,提出了多种脱氮途径新假说。对湖泊生态系统中氮素的输入、输出及其在水体、沉积物和水土界面的迁移转化过程进行了概括,对湖泊生态系统中反硝化和厌氧氨氧化脱氮机理及脱氮效率的最新研究进展进行了探讨,并对以后的氮素循环研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

红树林滨海湿地是在周期性咸水、淡水作用下形成的特殊生态系统,其沉积物中有机质含量丰富,微生物驱动的营养物质循环活跃。由于红树林沉积物中硫酸盐含量高、硫化物种类多,因此红树林是研究硫元素生物地球化学循环过程和机制的理想系统。本文综述了红树林生态系统中主要的硫元素循环过程,重点总结了硫氧化和硫酸盐还原过程及其功能微生物,分析了影响硫氧化和硫酸盐还原的主要环境因素,并对红树林沉积物中微生物驱动硫循环的重点研究方向进行了展望。鉴于微生物驱动的硫循环过程耦合碳、氮和金属元素循环,本文可为深入探究微生物驱动的生物地球化学元素循环耦合机制提供参考。  相似文献   

红树林沉积物中微生物驱动硫循环研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
红树林滨海湿地是在周期性咸水、淡水作用下形成的特殊生态系统,其沉积物中有机质含量丰富,微生物驱动的营养物质循环活跃。由于红树林沉积物中硫酸盐含量高、硫化物种类多,因此红树林是研究硫元素生物地球化学循环过程和机制的理想系统。本文综述了红树林生态系统中主要的硫元素循环过程,重点总结了硫氧化和硫酸盐还原过程及其功能微生物,分析了影响硫氧化和硫酸盐还原的主要环境因素,并对红树林沉积物中微生物驱动硫循环的重点研究方向进行了展望。鉴于微生物驱动的硫循环过程耦合碳、氮和金属元素循环,本文可为深入探究微生物驱动的生物地球化学元素循环耦合机制提供参考。  相似文献   

【目的】筛选高效脱氮且N_2O释放量少的好氧反硝化细菌,并对菌株的反硝化特性进行研究,可为河口湿地富营养化水体的生物修复提供技术支撑。【方法】经BTB培养基初筛和反硝化能力测定,从辽河河口区芦苇湿地土壤中分离得到1株具有较高反硝化能力的好氧反硝化菌C3。经形态观察、生理生化鉴定和16S rRNA序列分析,对菌株进行鉴定。研究温度、碳源、pH及C/N对其生长量、反硝化能力及N2O释放的影响。【结果】筛选得到的高效好氧反硝化细菌C3,经鉴定属于假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas sp.)。反硝化特性研究结果表明,该菌最适碳源为柠檬酸三钠,在温度为30°C、pH为7.0、C/N为10时生长速率和脱氮效率最高且N_2O释放量较少。在此条件下,该菌在36 h内使NO_3~–由179.55 mg/L降至5.08 mg/L,脱氮率高达97.17%。该菌株在整个反硝化过程中中间产物N_2O的最大累积量较低,为0.22 mg/L。【结论】从湿地土壤中分离所得好氧反硝化菌C3为假单胞菌属的1个种(Pseudomonas sp.),该菌株在高效除氮和低N_2O累积方面均具有明显优势,对后续河口湿地富营养化水体治理具有重要意义。  相似文献   

真菌反硝化过程及其驱动的N2O产生机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
真菌反硝化过程的发现打破了反硝化过程只发生在原核生物中的传统认识,是对全球微生物氮循环过程的重要补充。真菌参与的反硝化过程由于缺乏N_2O还原酶,其终产物为具有强辐射效应的温室气体N_2O。真菌在环境中分布广泛,生物量巨大,故真菌反硝化作用对全球N_2O释放通量的贡献是不容忽视的。近年来许多研究表明,真菌反硝化过程是自然环境中N_2O产生的重要途径。本文对反硝化真菌的发现、多样性及分布、产生N_2O的机制和活性测定方法等几个方面进行综述,并对未来的研究提出展望。  相似文献   

滨海湿地位于海陆交界,具有初级生产力高、生物多样性丰富以及微生物驱动的营养元素循环活跃等特点,同时也是大气中一氧化二氮(N_2O)的重要排放源。N_2O是仅次于二氧化碳(CO2)和甲烷(CH4)的第三大温室气体,而全球90%以上的N_2O排放由微生物主导,并与滨海湿地氮循环的微生物群落多样性及功能密切相关。因此,滨海湿地系统中N_2O的产生与转化逐渐受到关注。本文综述了滨海湿地生态系统中微生物驱动下N_2O的产生过程,以及氮元素及其与碳、硫和金属元素耦合过程中产生N_2O的代谢途径,N_2O排放的时空变化与微生物调控,并对未来相关研究方向进行了展望,旨在揭示微生物驱动的N_2O产生及环境调控机制,为减缓全球变暖提供科学依据。  相似文献   

湖泊微生物反硝化过程及速率研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙小溪  蒋宏忱 《微生物学报》2020,60(6):1162-1176
湖泊中微生物介导的反硝化过程对于区域乃至全球的气候环境变化有着深远的影响。因此,研究湖泊微生物反硝化过程及速率有助于我们深刻理解湖泊氮元素生物地球化学循环规律,全面认识湖泊生境对全球氮循环的贡献。本文综述了湖泊生境中反硝化过程(包括典型的反硝化过程及与其他物质循环耦合的反硝化过程,如与有机氮耦合的共反硝化作用、与碳循环耦合的硝酸盐/亚硝酸盐依赖型厌氧甲烷氧化、与铁循环耦合的硝酸盐依赖型铁氧化、与硫循环耦合的硝酸盐还原硫氧化)的速率、驱动微生物及其影响因素。最后对湖泊反硝化过程研究现状和未来发展方向提出总结与展望。  相似文献   

Intensive agriculture leads to increased nitrogen fluxes (mostly as nitrate, NO3 ?) to aquatic ecosystems, which in turn creates ecological problems, including eutrophication and associated harmful algal blooms. These problems have focused scientific attention on understanding the controls on nitrate reduction processes such as denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA). Our objective was to determine the effects of nutrient-tolerant bioturbating invertebrates (tubificid oligochaetes) on nitrogen cycling processes, specifically coupled nitrification–denitrification, net denitrification, DNRA, and biogeochemical fluxes (O2, NO3 ?, NH4 +, CO2, N2O, and CH4) in freshwater sediments. A mesocosm experiment determined how tubificid density and increasing NO3 ? concentrations (using N15 isotope tracing) interact to affect N cycling processes. At the lowest NO3 ? concentration and in the absence of bioturbation, the relative importance of denitrification to DNRA was similar (i.e., 49.6 and 50.4 ± 8.1 %, respectively). Increasing NO3 ? concentrations in the control cores (without fauna) stimulated denitrification, but did not enhance DNRA, which significantly altered the relative importance of denitrification compared to DNRA (94.6 vs. 5.4 ± 0.9 %, respectively). The presence of tubificid oligochaetes enhanced O2, NO3 ?, NH4 + fluxes, greenhouse gas production, and N cycling processes. The relative importance of denitrification to DNRA shifted towards favoring denitrification with both the increase in NO3 ? concentrations and the increase of bioturbation activity. Our study highlights that understanding the interactions between nutrient-tolerant bioturbating species and nitrate contamination is important for determining the nitrogen removal capacity of eutrophic freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

Australian science has made rapid advances in the last decade in understanding eutrophication processes in inland waters and estuaries. The freshwater research on which these advances are based was triggered by well-publicised blooms of cyanobacteria during the 1980s and early 1990s, particularly a 1000 km long bloom on the Darling River. In estuaries the study which greatly enhanced our understanding but simultaneously served to stimulate further research into estuarine eutrophication, the Port Phillip Bay Study, was initially designed to address perceived problems of toxicants in the Bay but provided profound insights into drivers for, and ecosystem responses to, eutrophication. Subsequent estuarine research has largely been stimulated by management questions arising from Australia’s increasing coastal development for residential purposes. The research has shown that some of the beliefs extant at the time of the blooms were incorrect. For example, it is now clear that stratification and light penetration, not nutrient availability, are the triggers for blooms in the impounded rivers of southeastern Australia, although nutrient exhaustion limits the biomass of blooms. Again, nitrogen seems to play as important a role as phosphorus does in controlling the biomass of these freshwater blooms. The research has also shown that aspects of eutrophication, such as nutrient transport, are dominated by different processes in different parts of Australia. Many of the biophysical processes involved in eutrophication have now been quantified sufficiently for models to be developed of such processes as sediment-nutrient release, stratification, turbidity and algal growth in both freshwater and estuarine systems. In some cases the models are reliable enough for the knowledge gained in particular waterbodies to be applied elsewhere. Thus, there is now a firm scientific foundation for managers to rely upon when managing algal blooms. Whilst these findings have already been presented to managers and communities throughout Australia, there is still a considerable way to go before they are absorbed into their modus operandi.  相似文献   

The complete nitrogen cycle of an N-saturated spruce forest ecosystem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Long-term nitrogen deposition into forest ecosystems has turned many forests in Central Europe and North America from N-limited to N-saturated systems, with consequences for climate as well as air and groundwater quality. However, complete quantification of processes that convert the N deposited and contributed to ecosystem N cycling is scarce. In this study, we provide the first complete quantification of external and internal N fluxes in an old-growth spruce forest, the Höglwald, Bavaria, Germany, exposed to high chronic N deposition. In this forest, N cycling is dominated by high rates of mineralisation of soil organic matter, nitrification and immobilisation of ammonium and nitrate into microbial biomass. The amount of ammonium available is sufficient to cover the entire N demand of the spruce trees. The data demonstrate the existence of a highly dynamic internal N cycle within the soil, driven by growth and death of the microbial biomass, which turns over approximately seven times each year. Although input and output fluxes are of high environmental significance, they are low compared to the internal fluxes mediated by microbial activity.  相似文献   

The relative role of the organic nitrogen source, urea, versus ammonium as a nitrogen source for two species of dinoflagellates was compared with one species of cyanobacteria. Experiments were conducted opportunistically in nutrient-rich marine water during blooms of 34either cyanobacteria or dinoflagellates in outdoor mesocosms. These replicate mesocosms, which were stocked with shrimp fed high-protein formulated feeds, contained high biomasses of phytoplankton (mean chlorophyll a concentrations, 439.2–811.2 μg l−1). 15N-urea and ammonium uptake rates for dinoflagellate-dominated blooms (Gymnodinium pulchellum-complex (Larsen), Karlodinium micrum (Larsen) (Dinophyceae)) were compared with blooms of the cyanobacterium, Romeria sp. (Cyanophyceae) in mesocosms with mean urea and ammonium concentrations ranging from 2.32 to 3.24 μM, and 7.39 to 64.85 μM, respectively. Urea uptake rates were significantly (p < 0.005) lower than ammonium uptake rates irrespective of which algal species dominated the bloom. Additionally urea uptake rates were not significantly higher in G. pulchellum-complex or K. micrum-dominated blooms than in Romeria sp. blooms. These results suggest that G pulchellum complex and K. micrum may not be gaining a competitive advantage in waters high in dissolved organic matter simply by preferentially utilizing urea. The periodic dominance of these species in highly organic environments, such as shrimp ponds, is likely to have a more complex explanation.  相似文献   

基于2003-2012年太湖竺山湖和西部沿岸区水体理化指标与浮游植物丰度的逐月监测数据,分析了两个湖区氮磷营养盐状态和浮游植物丰度以及浮游植物主要类群的年际变化趋势及季节变化特征,探讨了浮游植物群落变化与水温及营养盐指标间的关系。结果表明:10年间两个湖区氮磷营养盐浓度总体呈下降趋势,以竺山湖TN、NH3-N浓度和西部沿岸区NO3-N浓度下降最为显著;浮游植物丰度总体呈上升趋势,蓝藻在群落结构中日益占据绝对优势;季节变化上,氮营养盐浓度表现为春冬季节高于夏秋季节,TP浓度和浮游植物丰度呈相反的变化趋势。Pearson相关分析显示,水温、NH3-N浓度和TN/TP是影响蓝藻丰度及其在浮游植物群落中所占比例的主要因素。在温度和营养盐结构的共同作用下,10年间两个湖区蓝藻水华暴发时间逐渐提前,而消退时间逐渐滞后,水华持续时间逐年上升。在全球变暖背景下,太湖水华治理需执行更加严格的氮磷限制阈值,且在重污染的西北湖区控磷依然是关键。  相似文献   

Anthropogenic nutrient enrichment of the coastal zone is now a well-established fact. However, there is still uncertainty about the mechanisms through which nutrient enrichment can disrupt biological communities and ecosystem processes in the coastal zone. For example, while some estuaries exhibit classic symptoms of acute eutrophication, including enhanced production of algal biomass, other nutrient-rich estuaries maintain low algal biomass and primary production. This implies that large differences exist among coastal ecosystems in the rates and patterns of nutrient assimilation and cycling. Part of this variability comes from differences among ecosystems in the other resource that can limit algal growth and production – the light energy required for photosynthesis. Complete understanding of the eutrophication process requires consideration of the interacting effects of light and nutrients, including the role of light availability as a regulator of the expression of eutrophication. A simple index of the relative strength of light and nutrient limitation of algal growth can be derived from models that describe growth rate as a function of these resources. This index can then be used as one diagnostic to classify the sensitivity of coastal ecosystems to the harmful effects of eutrophication. Here I illustrate the application of this diagnostic with light and nutrient measurements made in three California estuaries and two Dutch estuaries.  相似文献   

Submerged freshwater macrophytes decline with increasing eutrophication. This has consequences for ecosystem processes in shallow lakes and ponds as macrophytes can reduce algal blooms under eutrophic conditions. We hypothesize that the productivity of submerged vegetation, biomass change under eutrophication and the suppression of algal blooms may be affected by macrophyte community composition. To test our hypothesis, we established three macrophyte community types in 36 fishless experimental ponds: one dominated by the oligotrophic species Chara globularis, one dominated by the eutrophic species Potamogeton pectinatus and a diverse vegetation which became co-dominated by Elodea nuttallii and C. globularis, and we fertilized half of the ponds.The macrophyte communities produced different amounts of biomass and they responded differently to fertilization. The community dominated by Potamogeton produced the lowest overall biomass, but was not affected by nutrient addition. The communities dominated by Chara and co-dominated by Elodea and Chara produced more than four-fold the amount of biomass produced in Potamogeton communities under oligotrophic conditions, but were strongly negatively affected by nutrient addition.Phytoplankton abundance did not differ significantly among the plant community types, but showed large variation within community types. There was a significant negative relationship between spring macrophyte biomass and the probability of summer algal blooms. The occurrence of algal blooms coincided with low daphnid densities and high pH (>10).We conclude that the macrophyte community composition, characterized by the dominant species, strongly affected the amount of biomass production as well as the short-term response of the vegetation to nutrient enrichment. Macrophyte community composition had no direct effect on algal blooms, but can affect the occurrence of algal blooms indirectly as these occurred only in ponds with low (<100 g/m2 DW) spring macrophyte biomass.  相似文献   

Antarctic microbial diversity: the basis of polar ecosystem processes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Microorganisms are fundamental to the functioning of Antarctic ecosystems. Although microbial biomass can be immense in Southern Ocean blooms and freshwater cyanobacterial mats, species richness is generally more restricted than it is in temperate regions. However, there are representatives of a broad variety of taxa providing a diverse gene pool. Species diversity may be low while metabolic flexibility is high so that a few strains can provide most necessary functions. In this context, biodiversity is the sum of biological potential. This Special Issue highlights aspects of microbial ecology that can be studied only in Antarctica or which are defined most clearly in Antarctic habitats. Relatively simple microbial communities, or conspicuous species within them, can be used as indicators of microbial processes and responses to environmental change. These include the palaeological record of benthic diatoms and response of soil cyanobacterial communities to regional warming and UV-B stress. The climatic conditions and relict babitats of the Antarctic dry valleys are a valuable analogue for detecting microbial life and diversity on Mars. The global microbial biodiversity initiative Diversitas and international Antarctic networks such as BIOTAS (Biological Investigations of Terrestrial Antarctic Systems) harness taxonomic and ecophysiological expertize to understand better these unique polar ecosystems.  相似文献   

湖泊富营养化导致的水华藻类频繁暴发已成为当今世界性的环境问题,溶藻微生物作为生物法防治有害藻类水华具有广泛的研究前景,通过查阅文献对微生物控制有害藻类水华进行概述,并探讨进一步的研究趋势和应用前景,以期对微生物溶藻方面的研究及开发应用有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

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