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周仕顺  王洪  朱华 《广西植物》2005,25(2):104-104
在对中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园标本馆植物标本的鉴定清理工作中,发现中国新记录植物2种,兹报道如下,供有关部门和研究者参考。  相似文献   

2002至2019年对广东、广西和海南主要森林生态系统的72个保护区、森林公园、植物园、公园和林场等的多孔菌进行了采集和调查,共采集标本2 095号,经对这些材料全面和系统的研究,发现多孔菌500种,按照最新的系统学研究分属于8个目、20个科、145个属,其中多孔菌科和锈革孔菌科分别有173种和124种,约占总数的60%,是最重要的多孔菌类群。此外,其中有10个新属和132个新种是作者等人根据华南地区模式标本发现描述的。本文对华南地区多孔菌多样性进行了系统归纳,按最新的分类系统以属名顺序给出了名录,根据采集材料提供了每种的生长基质,并对所有种类的生长基质习性进行了统计。其中,294、138、112、97、78、77和29种分别生长在倒木、落枝、朽木、死树、活立木、树桩、掉落小枝和地上,故倒木是多孔菌最重要的生长基质。  相似文献   

2002至2019年对广东、广西和海南主要森林生态系统的72个保护区、森林公园、植物园、公园和林场等的多孔菌进行了采集和调查,共采集标本2095号,经对这些材料全面和系统的研究,发现多孔菌500种,按照最新的系统学研究分属于8个目、20个科、145个属,其中多孔菌科和锈革孔菌科分别有173种和124种,约占总数的60%,是最重要的多孔菌类群。此外,其中有10个新属和132个新种是作者等人根据华南地区模式标本发现描述的。本文对华南地区多孔菌多样性进行了系统归纳,按最新的分类系统以属名顺序给出了名录,根据采集材料提供了每种的生长基质,并对所有种类的生长基质习性进行了统计。其中,294、138、112、97、78、77和29种分别生长在倒木、落枝、朽木、死树、活立木、树桩、掉落小枝和地上,故倒木是多孔菌最重要的生长基质。  相似文献   

木生真菌在森林生态系统中是非常重要的功能有机体,对物质循环起着很关键的作用。近些年作者对中国热带地区的木生真菌进行了多样性调查及分类学研究。在对采集自中国海南省和云南省的木生真菌进行鉴定研究时,发现3个多孔菌:硬脆容氏孔菌Junghuhnia crustacea、热带针层孔菌Phellinus tropicalis和布兰切特多孔菌Polyporus blanchettianus,它们分别属于皱孔菌科、锈革孔菌科和多孔菌科,为中国木生真菌新记录种。根据采集的标本,对每种进行了详细的描述及显微结构绘图。  相似文献   

王妍  刘顺  冀星  孙一翡  宋长阁  刘冬梅  崔宝凯 《菌物学报》2021,40(10):2599-2619
多孔菌是大型真菌的主要类群之一,具有重要的生态功能与经济价值。本文通过野外调查研究,对横断山区南段的多孔菌进行了物种多样性和区系成分分析,发现横断山区南段的多孔菌具有较高的多样性。该地区共发现多孔菌270种,隶属于担子菌门伞菌纲的8个目29个科111个属。优势科为多孔菌科Polyporaceae、锈革孔菌科Hymenochaetaceae、拟层孔菌科Fomitopsidaceae、刺孢齿耳菌科Steccherinaceae和耳壳菌科Dacryobolaceae 5个科,优势属为木层孔菌属Phellinus、栓孔菌属Trametes、嗜蓝孢孔菌属Fomitiporia、集毛菌属Coltricia、硬孔菌属Rigidoporus、蓝孔菌属Cyanosporus、多年卧孔菌属Perenniporia、褐孔菌属Fuscoporia、干皮孔菌属Skeletocutis、灵芝属Ganoderma、异担子菌属Heterobasidion、地花菌属Albatrellus、波斯特孔菌属Postia和附毛孔菌属Trichaptum 14个属。种的区系地理成分可分为8类,其中种类数量最多的是北温带成分,表明横断山区南段多孔菌具有明显的北温带区系特征。该地区多孔菌有腐生菌241种,占89.26%;寄生菌14种,占5.19%;共生菌15种,占5.55%。在寄主方面,横断山区南段多孔菌只能生长在被子植物上的有121种,只能生长在裸子植物上的有98种,能同时在被子植物和裸子植物上生长的有51种。  相似文献   

武斌  魏玉莲 《生态学杂志》2013,24(11):3237-3242
落叶松是我国北方重要的针叶树种,天然落叶松倒木上生长有种类繁多的多孔菌,它们能够分解倒木中的纤维素、半纤维素和木质素,促进森林生态系统的物质循环,同时维持生态系统中的碳平衡,在森林生态系统中发挥重要的生态功能.本文针对我国5种主要落叶松树种上的多孔菌种类,综合分析了该类群的物种组成和分布特征,并对不同树种上的多孔菌种群进行对比分析.结果表明: 落叶松上共有多孔菌107种,分属11科43属,其中褐腐真菌种类49种,占到总数的45.4%,是中国已报道褐腐真菌种类的50%.91.7%的多孔菌生长在刚开始腐烂的倒木上.兴安落叶松上的多孔菌不论是种类还是数量均比其他4种落叶松多.兴安落叶松和长白落叶松以及新疆落叶松和西藏落叶松上的多孔菌种群相似度高,这与其林分的天然分布相一致.  相似文献   

正在20世纪60年代初期,我国著名生态学和植物学家曲仲湘、吴征镒和蔡希陶等,他们根据热带森林的多层多种结构和当地少数民族利用森林的空间发展经济植物的传统经验,在中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园开展了以三叶橡胶为上层的经济植物多层多种经营的实验群落研究,即构建混农林系统。  相似文献   

长白山多孔菌物种多样性、区系组成及分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wei YL 《应用生态学报》2011,22(10):2711-2717
多孔菌是木材腐朽真菌的一个重要类群,通过将木材中的纤维素、半纤维素和木质素分解成为可被自身和其他生物利用的营养物质,从而促进森林生态系统中的物质循环.经过十几年的考察和采集,发现长白山地区多孔菌物种多样性非常丰富,Shannon多样性指数达到5.06,共有246种,占中国多孔菌总数的40.7%,分别隶属于担子菌门6个目11个科80个属,其中优势科为多孔菌科.物种区系地理成分以北温带成分和世界广布成分为主,其他几种区系成分也有分布,具有明显的北温带成分区系特征.松属是长白山地区多孔菌最重要的寄主树木,该地区41.5%的多孔菌生长在松属上.该地区多孔菌主要营腐生生活,其数量与生长基质腐烂程度的相关系数达到了0.89,呈显著相关,对长白山森林生态系统的物质循环起着重要作用.长白山多孔菌物种保护程度比较高,其中稀有种和濒危种的数量均相对较多,濒危种18种,占到全国濒危种数量的37.5%.多孔菌除了在森林生态系统中发挥重要生态功能外,很多种类本身具有较高的经济价值.在保护好该生物类群的前提下,可以合理开发和利用这些宝贵的生物资源.  相似文献   

榕树 ——滇南热带雨林生态系统中的一类关键植物   总被引:42,自引:4,他引:38  
榕树──滇南热带雨林生态系统中的一类关键植物许再富(中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,勐仑666303)在近年的生物多样性和保护生物学的文献中出现了一个新的术语:关键种(Keystonespecies),它指那些在生态系统中具有极其重要生态意义的物种。关...  相似文献   

植物园的科普教育及其发展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
植物园的科普教育及其发展许再富(中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,勐腊666303)植物园以收集、栽培多样化的植物为基本特征,具有科学研究、种质保存、科普教育和教学实习等综合功能,我国现有约120个植物园,分别隶属于城建、林业、科研和教育等部门,它们栽...  相似文献   

Tropical botanical gardens have played an important role in the distribution, naturalisation and spread of non-native plants worldwide. Appropriate guidance relating to risk assessments of established botanical garden collections is often scarce. This paper uses the Amani Botanical Garden (ABG), Tanzania, as a case study to highlight appropriate methods to assess the risks posed by existing and future collections in tropical botanical gardens. Key considerations included field assessments of species status using accepted definitions of naturalisation, spread and invasion, distinguishing between intentionally and unintentionally introduced species, identifying taxonomic patterns in invasion status, assessing patterns in habitats colonised, and determining how knowledge of invasion elsewhere might be useful in forecasting risk. Out of the 214 alien plant species surviving from the original plantings in the early 20th century, 35 had only regenerated, 38 had locally naturalised while 16 had spread widely in the botanical garden. A further 16 species with unclear introduction records in the garden were also found to be naturalised. A greater proportion of introduced species were potentially invasive than might be expected from previous analyses of global floras. Overall, just over half of all naturalised and spreading species were also observed in forest fragments and edges. The proportion of species that had been recorded elsewhere as naturalised/invasive was significantly related to their status in ABG, with 94% of spreading species and 79% of naturalising species being recorded as naturalised or invasive elsewhere, compared to 57% of species that were only regenerating and 49% of species only surviving. Recommendations for further risk assessments of botanical garden collections are discussed.  相似文献   

植物园在植物科学研究、生物多样性保护和植物资源可持续利用中具有重要作用,也是公众教育和知识传播的重要平台,具有文化传承和历史延续性的功能。以中国科学院华南植物园、英国皇家植物园邱园和美国密苏里植物园为例,从物种保护、科学研究和科学传播3 个方面对植物园进行了全面的比较和分析,为华南植物园未来发展提出了一些建议,可为华南植物园乃至我国植物园的发展提供参考依据。  相似文献   

公众对植物园功能定位和形象认知的初步调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
严海  陈进  贺赫 《生物多样性》2010,18(5):516-1
作为生物多样性保护的专业机构, 植物园可以通过开展公众教育来发挥作用, 而公众对植物园的功能定位和形象认知将会影响其作用的发挥。作者分别选择1个研究型植物园(中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园, 简称版纳植物园)和1个城市植物园(杭州植物园)为研究对象, 同时以版纳植物园同域分布的西双版纳野象谷森林公园(简称野象谷)为对照, 调查公众对上述3个机构的功能定位和形象认知。研究结果表明: (1)在功能定位方面, 参观两个植物园的游客对植物园是“物种收集和保存的机构”、“开展公众教育, 提高环境意识的机构”和“促进生物多样性保护的专业机构”三个方面有显著的认同度; 对版纳植物园是“科学研究的机构”、“培养训练专业人才的机构”和“提供相关专业资讯和咨询的机构”三个方面也有显著的认同度; (2)同域分布的版纳植物园和野象谷相比, 公众对二者的大多数功能定位认知存在显著差异; (3)在形象认知方面, 公众对3个机构“空气新鲜, 环境宜人”、“具有外面看不到的动植物”、“景色优美, 赏心悦目”以及“是回归自然的地方”认可度显著; 对版纳植物园“是增长科学知识的地方”的认可度最高, 而野象谷的公众对此认可度最低。调查结果可为植物园更好地开展生物多样性保护教育、改善形象以及提高公众服务水平提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

植物园发展的动向   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对国内外植物园近十余年来发展的动向进行评述,列举了近年来一系列重要的植物园国际会议与重大活动,指出当前国际植物园工作的中心任务首先是物种保护。总结和分析我国植物园发展的历史和现状、存在问题以及在园貌建设上与国际先进植物园的差距。这些差距主要表现在:(1)植物的收集量;(2)活植物数据的积累;(3)罕见植物的引种;(4)现代技术的应用。作者最后提出,我国植物园发展应把握的几个主要问题是:(1)既是多功能全方位发展,又应各具特色;(2)生物多样性是植物园永恒的主题;(3)植物园应着重物种迁地保护的研究和实践;(4)植物园应重视栽培和利用植物并着重以药用植物为对象。  相似文献   

This report is a comprehensive review of polypore investigations in China up to 2011. Nearly 12,000 polypore specimens have been collected from almost all forest types in China during the past 20 years. After examination of these and other herbarium specimens, 704 polypore species belonging to 132 genera in ten orders were identified, and the majority of them found to belong in the orders Polyporales (accounting for 65% of the total Chinese polypores) and Hymenochaetales (25%). According to the author’s investigations, 148 species are boreal, 390 are temperate, 395 are subtropical, and 220 are tropical in distribution. The majority of the Chinese polypores are white rot fungi, whereas 98 species (14%) cause a brown rot; 520 species (74%) were found on angiosperm wood, of which 434 species (62%) grew exclusively on angiosperm wood; 459 species (65%) were found on fallen trunks, which seem to be the most frequent substrate for polypores. Based on field investigations and collections, 223, 267, and 214 species are considered as common, occasional, and rare, respectively, and they subsequently account for 32%, 38%, and 30% of the total Chinese polypores. The host, substratum, distribution, and occurrence of each species are listed.  相似文献   

王小燕  魏玉莲 《生态学杂志》2015,26(10):3160-3166
多孔菌是木材腐朽真菌中对木材降解发挥作用最大、种类最多的一个类群,对森林中营养物质的循环具有极为重要的作用.本文对北起天山、祁连山、宝天曼,南至武夷山的4个不同地点的多孔菌物种组成和区系进行了比较分析.调查发现,天山地区具有多孔菌种类72种,祁连山为99种,宝天曼为124种,武夷山为156种.这4个地区的共有物种为14种.上述地区多孔菌的属地理成分均以世界广布和北温带分布为主,具有明显的北温带成分区系特征.比较木材降解方式发现,白腐菌种类在各地区所占物种比例由北到南呈上升趋势,褐腐菌的比例总体呈下降趋势.生长在被子植物上的多孔菌种类在宝天曼地区所占比例最多.天山和祁连山地区的稀有种和濒危种主要生长在针叶树上,宝天曼和武夷山则主要生长在阔叶树上.从4个地区多孔菌的多样性、基质选择和降解方式差异来看,森林植被类型在其中起到很大的作用.  相似文献   

Plant diversity is currently being lost at an unprecedented rate, resulting in an associated decrease in ecosystem services. About a third of the world's vascular plant species face the threat of extinction due to a variety of devastating activities, including, over-harvesting and over exploitation, destructive agricultural and forestry practices, urbanization, environmental pollution, land-use changes, exotic invasive species, global climate change, and more. We therefore need to increase our efforts to develop integrative conservation approaches for plant species conservation. Botanical gardens devote their resources to the study and conservation of plants, as well as making the world's plant species diversity known to the public. These gardens also play a central role in meeting human needs and providing well-being. In this minireview, a framework for the integrated missions of botanical gardens, including scientific research, in/ex situ conservation, plant resource utilization, and citizen science are cataloged. By reviewing the history of the development of Kunming Botanical Garden, we illustrate successful species conservation approaches (among others, projects involving Camellia, Rhododendron, Magnolia, Begonia, Allium, Nepenthes, medicinal plants, ornamental plants, and Plant Species with Extreme Small Populations), as well as citizen science, and scientific research at Kunming Botanical Garden over the past 80 years. We emphasize that Kunming Botanical Garden focuses largely on the ex situ conservation of plants from Southwest China, especially those endangered, endemic, and economically important plant species native to the Yunnan Plateau and the southern Hengduan Mountains. We also discuss the future challenges and responsibilities of botanical gardens in a changing world, including:the negative effects of outbreeding and/or inbreeding depression; promoting awareness, study, and conservation of plant species diversity; accelerating global access to information about plant diversity; increasing capacity building and training activities. We hope this minireview can promote understanding of the role of botanical gardens.  相似文献   

Profound changes to the taxonomy and classification of polypores have occurred since the advent of molecular phylogenetics in the 1990s. The last major monograph of North American polypores was published by Gilbertson and Ryvarden in 1986–1987. In the intervening 30 years, new species, new combinations, and new records of polypores were reported from North America. As a result, an updated checklist of North American polypores is needed to reflect the polypore diversity in there. We recognize 492 species of polypores from 146 genera in North America. Of these, 232 species are unchanged from Gilbertson and Ryvarden’s monograph, and 175 species required name or authority changes. In addition, 40 new species and 45 new records published since that monograph are included in the checklist. Among the 492 species of polypores, 486 species from 143 genera belong to 11 orders, while six other species from three genera have uncertain taxonomic position at the order level. Three orders, viz. Polyporales, Hymenochaetales and Russulales, accommodate most of polypore species (93.7 %) and genera (88.8 %). We hope that this updated checklist will inspire future studies in the polypore mycota of North America and contribute to the diversity and systematics of polypores worldwide.  相似文献   

As leaders calling for the conservation of the world’s plants,botanical gardens protect plants within living collections.Many also study,manage and restore plants in natural habitats.Royal Botanical Gardens(Ontario,Canada) has integrated both horticultural and natural heritage in its mission for decades.Envisioned by municipal leaders in the 1920s as a combination of nature sanctuaries and civic gardens,RBG now includes forests,wetlands and other habitats,gardens and built spaces.Today RBG is Canada’s largest botanical garden on the basis of area.In the 1950s RBG began to inventory plant diversity.The checklist of spontaneous vascular plants now exceeds 1 170 species,of which 752 are native.This is 37% of Ontario’s native vascular plants and 19% of the native vascular flora of Canada.The RBG nature sanctuaries are among the richest locations in Canada for species-level diversity.We examine the history of floristic exploration within RBG and compare plant species-area relationships among protected natural areas in Ontario.This comparison supports the contention that the nature sanctuaries,and in particular Cootes Paradise,could be considered an important area for plants in Canada,and relative to the nation’s flora,a biodiversity hotspot.The fact that a candidate vascular plant hotspot for Canada lies within a major botanical garden presents opportunities for raising public awareness of the importance of plant diversity,as well as focusing attention on the scientific and conservation biology needs of communities and individual species in this area.  相似文献   

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