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我国已经走入市场经济,为了适应市场经济的需要,汽车的营销体系与销售市场结构都必须根据市场的需要进行转形,本文研究在当前形势下,汽车营销体系与销售市场结构模式的转变。  相似文献   

在学习实践科学发展观活动中,部队小型医院面对军队和国家医疗卫生体制改革,面对激烈的市场竞争,如何提高医院核心竞争力,紧紧围绕人才队伍建设这一发展核心,坚持解放思想、更新观念、统筹兼顾、以人为本,鉴定走融和式、开放式人才队伍建设路子,较好地解决了人才短缺这一制约发展的核心问题,摸索出一条部队小型医院人才队伍建设的新思路。  相似文献   

??????? 目的 探讨医院市场管理体系建设的实践效果。方法 以市场调研为基础,制定医院市场管理体系建设实施方案,实施市场管理规定,最后组织专家进行达标验收。结果 医院的业务量和经营收入大幅提高,社会满意度逐年提高,知名度和美誉度不断提升。结论 市场管理体系建设有利于促进医疗行业市场的发展,促进医院市场经营性和社会公益性兼得。  相似文献   

由于受社会认知、专业局限性、设施陈旧、人才匮乏、财政投入不足等因素的影响,我国精神病医院发展滞后,服务能力不能适应当前精神卫生工作需要。大庆市第三医院通过谋化发展战略、确定发展模式、理清发展定位、实施科学管理、活化医院营销,使医院实现了“五个翻番、五个提升”的发展愿景。  相似文献   

医院文化建设是医院管理的重要内容,对医院的管理和发展具有非常重要的意义。以哈尔滨医科大学附属第四医院文化建设为案例,论证文化建设的内涵和作用,对如何加强文化建设进行探讨和分析,总结出只有加强文化建设、充分调动全体医护人员工作的积极性和创造性,才能不断提升医院的竞争力、推动医院的可持续发展。  相似文献   

目前医院图书馆的建设处于纸质图书馆与互联网图书馆的共存互补阶段,随着互联网的不断发展与健全,基于互联网基础上的医院图书馆将成为发展趋势。通过分析加强医院图书馆建设的意义,提出医院图书馆互联网化的目标和基于互联网的医院图书馆发展思路。  相似文献   

在分析医院品牌的内涵、价值的基本属性上,结合军队医院服务意识强、纪律观念强、协同意识强、应急处置能力强、具有良好资源优势等方面的特点,提出从发挥军队医院优势、提高技术水平、提升服务质量、创建医院文化、运用品牌营销策略等方面加强军队医院品牌建设。  相似文献   

新媒体的出现契合了公众生活方式转变的需求,为医院文化建设与发展带来新的契机与平台。探索应用新媒体能够丰富医院文化内涵,塑造良好的医院形象,提升医院竞争力,进而推进医院发展。  相似文献   

创新作为现代医院发展的支点,是医院科学运营的动力。企业医院主辅分离后,通过观念创新、技术创新、服务创新和整体发展规模的精心规划,在决策方向、经营运作、核心能力、整体规模上的重点把握和持续创新,提升了医院科学发展力、市场适应力和持续创新力,实现了医院的跨跃式发展。  相似文献   

转型医院涉及到医师队伍的人事变动,如何重组变动的医师团队是关系到医院是否成功转型的关键。文章以原哈尔滨铁路中心医院向哈尔滨医科大学附属第四医院的转型为例,通过比较企业医院向高等医学院校转制型后医师队伍的结构的变化,医院转型前后医师队伍建设的思考与启示,为行业内转型医院优秀医师团队培养与构建提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Agar has, with the exception of certain retail markets in the Far East, specifically Japan, traditionally been sold to the industrial user. Small quantities are consumed in Islamic countries during Ramadan and in the Germanic countries as a food thickener and a laxative. However, outside of Japan, no significant marketing effort has ever been undertaken with a view to increase the demand for agar by consumers.A marketing plan is suggested to change this situation. All possible uses for agar by the consumer have been identified and studied. The special features of the product, together with certain packaging, are highlighted. Potential markets for these features are identified. Strategies for the development of these markets have been developed. The overall plan is now in a state of final review and just prior to implementation. The product launch should generate a significant consumer awareness which will translate into demand, thereby increasing the market for agar in various forms, formulations and packagings.  相似文献   

Manufacturing Consensus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has declared that it would be illegal to advertise as or in any way claim your drug to be superior to competitors on the market, which are up to 30 times cheaper. How does a pharmaceutical company market such a product? The answer is to enlist academics to form expert panels to construct guidelines and algorithms, or participate in Delphi panels and other exercises, which can be expected to prove that newer, more costly drugs produce cost savings. These academics do so on the basis of the existing clinical trial evidence—which supposedly the FDA has used to come to its verdict that the newer compound is no better than its competitors. However, where the FDA has seen the raw data, academics later see the published data. In between intervenes a medical writing exercise, which produces the first and most important piece of advertising for any pharmaceutical product—the randomized controlled trial infomercial. This paper explores how pharmaceutical companies manufacture an apparent academic consensus and, in so doing, gives a case study of the recent controversies surrounding the marketing of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) drugs for adolescent depression.  相似文献   

我国已进入经济社会发展新常态,公立医院既要面对进一步深化医疗体制改革,实现医院公益性、福利性的任务,又要面对社会资本进入医疗领域带来的激烈的市场竞争,就要求公立医院必须建立公立医院管理会计体系。通过明确公立医院管理会计体系,阐述公立医院管理会计体系建设的意义,而后找出当前我国公立医院管理会计体系建设的中存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出相应对策。  相似文献   

我国酒店网络营销的发展趋势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从我国酒店经营发展的总体方向出发,结合我国经济发展和旅游业发展的现状与客观规律,分析预测我国酒店未来网络营销,将在原有营销网络的基础上发生服务理念的深化和革新,形成人性化、实时性的酒店网络营销服务体系,并向主导化、系统化、智能化、专业化和实时化方向发展的趋势。  相似文献   

从人力资源管理、企业环境分析和营销管理三个方面阐述帕累托定律在企业经营决策中的体现,具体包括权责分配、决策、绩效考核、激励和市场分析等经营活动,通过透析企业经营管理中的帕累托现象,可以得出:帕累托定律在企业经营管理过程中是不能被忽视的。  相似文献   

In this paper, I analyze documentary evidence from a pharmaceutical company’s strategic marketing campaign to expand the sale of an antipsychotic medication beyond its conventional market. I focus on the role of the managerial function known as channel marketing, the task of which is to minimize friction, achieve coordination and add value in the distribution of the company’s products. However, the path to achieving these objectives is challenged because members of the marketing channel, or intermediaries, may not be contractual members of the channel; in fact they may have widely divergent goals or may even be hostile to the manufacturer’s efforts at control. This can be construed to be the case for physicians and others who are in the pharmaceutical manufacturer’s distribution channel but not of it. Their views and actions must somehow be brought into alignment with the manufacturer’s goals. This paper seeks to show part of the process from the manufacturer’s strategic standpoint, in which potential dissenters are incorporated into the pharmaceutical company distribution channel. The routinization of this incorporation results in the diminishment of psychiatry’s professional autonomy by means of what is—paradoxically to them, but not to a student of marketing—a competitive threat. The paper concludes with a discussion of corporate power.
Kalman ApplbaumEmail:

Extensive effort has been made over the past decade to introduce nori (species of Porphyra) farming in North America and other western countries. A key aspect has been the evaluation of markets within these countries and in the region as a whole. This report is an overview of relevant market data, including: (1) estimates of market sizes and values; (2) trends observed in these data over time, including extrapolations into the future; (3) typical market structures from producer to consumer; (4) examples of specific marketing efforts and their status. Possible activities that could enhance future prospects for these products within the markets of the western world are discussed.  相似文献   

我国儿童药物处于市场需求大、竞争小、政策利好的环境中,面临着前所未有的发展机遇。分析了我国儿童药物的发展环境和市 场现状,并对儿童药物的市场开发策略给予了建议。  相似文献   

Surveys of pastoral households in a semi-nomadic Borana community during 1987–1988 were used to test the hypothesis that poorer families living closest to a market town would be most affected by the enhanced opportunity to sell dairy products, which would intensify competition between people and calves for milk and have negative implications for calf management. These poorer families indeed reported the highest rates of milk offtake per cow, and the milk increment was probably sold to purchase more grain for human consumption at the expense of milk intake for the calf. Consequently, this strategy may increase the susceptibility of malnourished calves to disease, especially those from lower-producing dams. Benefits of improved human energy intake from grain and retention of livestock capital must be weighed against risks of calf death and possible malnutrition of people from milk restriction when assessing dairy marketing trade-offs that are most acute for the poor. Opportunity to sell dairy products at favorable terms of trade helps the poorest people survive, and their risks could be mitigated by policies that facilitate grain marketing in the rangelands and interventions that improve calf feeding management, diversify human diets, and create alternative opportunities for women to generate income. The households postulated to be most at risk were identified from a complex, but logical, interaction among factors of distance to market, household wealth, and the quality of milking cows held. This indicates that targeting such needy groups for development assistance may require a more detailed and interdisciplinary analysis of production systems than is commonly practiced.  相似文献   

Sensory analysis has traditionally played a prominent role in quality control for food products. More and more principles from sensory analysis are also applied in the area of food product development, bringing sensory analysis more closely into the domain of marketing. Unfortunately, in practice integration between sensory and marketing practices is far from optimal. Differences in basic orientations between sensory and marketing are a major source contributing to this defective cooperation.
Sensory analysis has traditionally been product oriented with an emphasis on internal validity of the test results. Implicitly or explicitly this approach emphasizes the relationships between sensory evaluation and characteristics of the product. Marketing, on the other hand, stresses the external validity of test results: the extent to which test results can be generalized to market behavior. Emphasis on external validity requires an approach to sensory analysis that is fundamentally different from current sensory practice in terms of type of respondents, type of stimuli, scaling procedures adopted and test circumstances.
Closer integration between the product and consumer oriented approach to sensory analysis may contribute to the success of product development in the food industry. The literature suggests several factors that may contribute to a more fruitful cooperation between the two approaches to sensory analysis. The company's senior management plays a central role in the achievement of this integration by providing an infrastructure (in terms of personnel, organizational structure and financial resources) that paves the way for closer cooperation.  相似文献   

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