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线粒体基因组广泛应用于昆虫系统进化、种群遗传学及谱系地理学等众多研究领域.印度谷螟(Plodia interpunctella)属鳞翅目螟蛾科,是世界性重要仓储害虫.为了深入了解螟蛾总科昆虫的系统进化关系,本研究测定并分析了印度谷螟的全线粒体基因组.印度谷螟线粒体基因组全长15264 bp,包括13个蛋白编码基因、22个转运RNA基因、2个核糖体RNA基因和一个大的非编码区(线粒体控制区).比较线粒体基因组学分析表明,线粒体基因组的基因排序、碱基组成、密码子使用、控制区的序列结构以及转运RNA基因的二级结构,在已测的25种螟蛾总科昆虫中高度保守.线粒体蛋白编码基因的进化模式分析表明,13个基因的进化速率在螟蛾科和草螟科间存在明显差异.基于13个蛋白编码基因对螟蛾总科的9个亚科的系统发育分析显示,贝叶斯树和最大似然树均高度支持螟蛾科和草螟科为2个单系群.在螟蛾科中,斑螟亚科与丛螟亚科具有更近的亲缘关系.草螟科包括2个分支,一支由野螟亚科和斑野螟亚科构成,另一支包括草螟亚科、水螟亚科、苔螟亚科和禾螟亚科等4个亚科.  相似文献   

记录了3种中国双带草螟属Miyakea昆虫,包括1新种:郑氏双带草螟M.zhengi sp.nov..文中给出了新种和金双带草螟M.raddeellus(Caradja)的成虫和外生殖器特征图,提供了该属世界已知种的名录、检索表和分布图.研究标本保存在南开大学生命科学学院昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

对中国草螟亚科3个近缘属:带草螟属 Metaeuchromius Bleszynski、丽草螟属Euchromius Guenée和双带草螟属 Miyakea Marumo进行了研究。该3属在中国已记录12个种,包括带草螟属Metaeuchromius两新种:黄色带草螟 M. fulvusalis sp. Nov.,模式产地广西,与褐带草螟 M. circe Bleszynski近缘;灰色带草螟 M. grisalis sp. Nov.,模式产地浙江,与云南带草螟 M. yuennanensis (Caradja)近缘。对新种给出了描述、外生殖器特征图和与近缘种的比较。并提供了带草螟属中国已知种检索表。  相似文献   

本研究基于中国鳞翅目50科小蛾类昆虫的寄主植物数据,探索小蛾类昆虫与其寄主植物之间的关系。对昆虫种数与寄主植物种数之间进行了相关性分析,采用了z分数法对原始数据进行标准化处理以及利用箱式图对数据进行异常值检测,并对检测的结果分科进行食性分析。昆虫种数与寄主植物种数呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),相关系数为0.860;异常值检测结果显示蝙蝠蛾科、细蛾科、祝蛾科、织蛾科、斑蛾科、羽蛾科、卷蛾科和草螟科8科数据异常;这8科小蛾类昆虫除了织蛾科和祝蛾科以腐食性为主外都是植食性,其中植食性昆虫包括单食性的斑蛾科,寡食性的羽蛾科和细蛾科以及多食性的蝙蝠蛾科。而卷蛾科中黄卷蛾族和小卷蛾族的幼虫以多食性较为常见,花小卷蛾族幼虫则以单食性为主。草螟科中斑野螟亚科和禾螟亚科以单食性为主;草螟亚科和野螟亚科以寡食性为主。中国小蛾类昆虫与其寄主植物种数之间存在着正相关关系;研究结果为小蛾类分类研究以及农林害虫防治奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

物种多样性是国内外研究的热点之一。在我国,森林昆虫物种多样性的研究尚为缺乏。2000年5-9月,在武夷山自然保护区按不同海拔高度、不同植被类型设立5个样点,采用高压黑光灯灯诱方法收集水螟亚科Nymphulinae昆虫标本。调查水螟亚科Nymphulinae昆虫属、种类的组成以及个体数。采用Margalef丰富度指数(DMA)、Shannon-Wiener物种多样性指数(H′)、Pielou均匀度指数(Jsw),研究了水螟亚科Nymphulinae昆虫的物种丰富度、物种多样性以及均匀度。研究结果表明,不同样点、不同月份、不同海拔高度,水螟亚科Nymphulinae昆虫群落的物种数(S)、丰富度指数(DMA)、物种多样性指数(H′)、均匀度指数(Jsw)均有明显差异。  相似文献   

本文记述中国角顶叶蝉亚科新记录属短叉叶蝉属Sonronius及1个新记录种Sonronius anderi,绘制了特征图,提供了该属分种检索表及已知种名录。所有观察标本均保存于西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆。  相似文献   

中国云南细蚁亚科二新种(膜翅目:蚁科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在云南省昆明市西山森林公园发现细蚁亚科2新种,即叉颚原细蚁Protanilla furcoandibula sp.nov和昆虫细蚁Leptanilla kunmingensis sp.nov。分别编制了中国原细蚁属Protanilla3个已知种和细蚁属Lep-tanilla4个已知种工蚁分种检索表,并附所有物种的插图。  相似文献   

草螟科昆虫的分布范围极其广泛,且大多数为农林重要害虫。利用性信息素对害虫进行监测或防治具有靶标明确、对环境无污染等优点,是害虫可持续综合治理的重要部分。本文对已鉴定性信息素组分的草螟科昆虫及其性信息素组分进行统计和分类,比较分析了已鉴定的草螟科昆虫性信息素组分的化学结构及其在不同亚科、属以及种之间的分布特点,以期为性信息素组分尚未得到鉴定或鉴定困难的草螟科昆虫的相关研究提供参考,同时也可为进一步探讨蛾类昆虫性信息素的进化提供依据。  相似文献   

犀角杆蝉属-新种(同翅目:叶蝉科:杆蝉亚科)张雅林,沈林(西北农业大学昆虫研究所,陕西省杨陵区712100)关键词杆蝉亚科,犀角杆蝉属,分类,新种,中国南部犀角杆蝉属由SPinola建立于1850年,Kramer1965年对本属进行了订正。该属现已知...  相似文献   

青藏高原跳甲亚科昆虫区系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
讨论青藏高原(包括横断山区)的跳甲亚科昆虫区系。该区已知47属228种。1)据属级阶元的分布类型分析,以东洋属和南型属种显占优势,是区系主体,显示该区跳甲区系的热带渊源,其中高山属种赋予该区以高山区系特征;2)该区物种分化活跃,是某些多种属中国种类的分布中心和分化中心;3)联系中国跳甲亚科区系,在地理分布格局上显示西-东分布,如Hespera属的分布和西南-东北分布或西南-东北的间断分布格局,如Pentamesa和Stenoluperus属的分布。这种地理分布格局反映青藏高原的隆起给中国昆虫区系带来重要影响。  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the Chinese Schoenobiinae is revised.In total,12 genera and 49species are recognized.This paper presents keys to the genera and species,illustrations of wing venation for each genus,and line drawings of genitalia of most species.Two new species,namely,Schoenobius scirpus sp.nov.and Ramila minima sp.nov.,are described.The female of Scirpophaga adunctella Chen,Song,and Wu,2006 is reported for the first time.Donacaula forficellus(Thunberg,1794) reported by Wang(1980) is proven to be a misidentification of S.scirpus sp.nov.The diagnostic characteristics of Schoenobiinae and the taxonomic status of some genera are discussed.Acropentias,Leechia,Brihaspa,and Promacrochilo are suggested to be removed from the subfamily because these genera do not share any synapomorphic characters with Schoenobiinae.  相似文献   

Sugarcane moth borers are a diverse group of species occurring in several genera, but predominately within the Noctuidae and Pyraloidea. They cause economic loss in sugarcane and other crops through damage to stems and stalks by larval boring. Partial sequence data from two mitochondrial genes, COII and 16S, were used to construct a molecular phylogeny based on 26 species from ten genera and six tribes. The Noctuidae were found to be monophyletic, providing molecular support for the taxonomy within this subfamily. However, the Pyraloidea are paraphyletic, with the noctuids splitting Galleriinae and Schoenobiinae from the Crambinae. This supports the separation of the Pyralidae and Crambinae, but does not support the concept of the incorporation of the Schoenobiinae in the Crambidae. Of the three crambine genera examined, Diatraea was monophyletic, Chilo paraphyletic, and Eoreuma was basal to the other two genera. Within the Noctuidae, Sesamia and Bathytricha were monophyletic, with Busseola basal to Bathytricha. Many species in this study (both noctuids and pyraloids) had different biotypes within collection localities and across their distribution; however the individual biotypes were not phylogenetically informative. These data highlight the need for taxonomic revisions at all taxon levels and provide a basis for the development of DNA-based diagnostics for rapidly identifying many species at any developmental stage. This ability is vital, as the species are an incursion threat to Australia and have the potential to cause significant losses to the sugar industry.  相似文献   

Li Li-Ying 《BioControl》1982,27(1):81-88
There are about 13 species of rice insect pests which are common and of major significance in Guangdong Province, China. Rice pest management in China is based on cultural practices, biological control, insecticides, light traps, varietal resistance and other control methods. Natural control by preservation of natural enemies of pests plays a very positive role in the integrated control of rice pests. The major measures and techniques of these control methods are mentioned in this paper. A list of main insect pests of rice, their natural enemies and some examples of the results of rice pest integrated control in Guangdong Province, China, are also given.  相似文献   

浅论城市害蜂的危害与治理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
蜂害是我国城市化发展过程中出现的新问题。该文综述了国内外螫人害蜂的种类、习性与危害 ,蜂毒的成分与毒理 ,被蜂螫伤者的救治及蜂害的治理方法 ,分析了目前我国所面临的城市蜂害问题 ,并提出了应采取的相应对策  相似文献   

Abstract  This paper deals with the prospects for the classical biological control of major insect pests and weeds in southern China. One hundred and seventy-four species of insect pests in southern China are nominated and their broad distribution and origin or possibly origin in other countries are discussed. An attempt is made to draw together information relevant to where a search might be made for natural enemies if an arthropod pest is being considered as the target for classical biological control. The success of classical biological control of the six insect pests and five weeds elsewhere in the world has been indicated. It is recommended to take urgent measures to strengthen and expand projects in classical biological control in China.  相似文献   

The parasitoid Hymenoptera are one of the most important groups of natural enemies of agriculture and forestry pests and have been used as biological control agents in IPM programs for a long time. The systematic research on parasitoids and their associations with hosts lays a solid base for biological control of pests. Here we summarize the taxonomic studies undertaken on the parasitoid wasps in China in the last eight decades. At present about 48 families in 12 superfamilies of parasitoid Hymenoptera are known in China, of which the majority of the families have been studied to some extent while a number of them are still poorly studied. Around 6000 species of 32 families which dealt with in this paper are known in China, and some of them have been successfully and widely used in the existing biological control while others are potentially useful in future biocontrol program. This overview provides the international audience a general idea about the current state of the systematic study of parasitoid Hymenoptera conducted in China, the known species of parasitoids and the native and introduced species used in biocontrol in China.  相似文献   

不速之客:林业外来有害生物   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
结合与中美两国林业有关的重要外来入侵性病虫害实例,包括板栗疫病、荷兰榆树病、松材线虫、光肩星天牛、红脂大小蠹和舞毒蛾等,对外来有害生物的危害严重程度、发生途径和控制对策进行了讨论,提出了入侵种监测、评估、科学研究、国际合作和信息共享等方面的具体建议。  相似文献   

中国很重视害虫生物防治,但与欧美国家相比,对更经济有效的传统生物防治重视较少。对那些源于外国、特别是最近从国外侵入的害虫来说,传统生物防治更是一本万利。本文列举了174种中国南方的有害节肢动物及它们在外国的分布和可能的发源地。还举出了分布于中国南方的6种害虫及5种杂草在外国传统生防成功的情况。  相似文献   

Insects are one of the most important groups in the natural world. They affect the life and welfare of humans in many different ways. While some insects are referred to as pests, others are beneficial to humans. For example, they may serve a function as pollinators of many cultivated plants, as natural enemies of harmful species, or as producers of valuable materials such as honey and silk. Several insect species, however, are not currently known as being harmful or beneficial. Nevertheless they are extremely important as essential components of both natural and modified ecosystems. In China, only 1% of insect species described are major pests. The majority of insects are either neutral or beneficial to humans. China, with its vast territory, diverse climate and ecosystems, is amongst the richest countries in insect diversity. However, as a result of the economic and population growth and development, Chinas insect diversity is now faced with habitat degradation, species extinction, and a decline in the natural enemies of harmful pests. These problems are due to the expansion of agriculture, urbanization, industrialization, pollution, mining, tourism, introduced species, hunting, and the illegal trade in endangered species. In order to exploit the beneficial components of insects as biological resources and to effectively control their harmful aspects, many national strategies, legal actions and capacity-building activities have been developed and implemented. These efforts work towards the goal of insect diversity conservation in China.  相似文献   

荔枝龙眼卷叶蛾是荔枝龙眼生产中的重要害虫防控对象,该类害虫幼虫取食寄主植物的嫩梢、叶片、花穗和幼果,在中国南方及东南亚地区危害严重.目前针对该虫的防治措施以化学防治为主,但是化学农药的滥用造成的问题众多,迫切需要研发推广绿色且高效的防控技术.目前荔枝龙眼卷叶蛾研究不够深入,而且关于危害较多且寡食性的圆角卷叶蛾Eboda cellerigera Meyrick和灰白卷叶蛾Argyroploce aprobola Meyrick的研究尚无报道.本文总结了荔枝龙眼卷叶蛾科害虫的种类和发生危害情况,论述了三角新小卷叶蛾Olethreutes leucaspis Meyrick和荔枝异形卷叶蛾Cryptophlebia ombrodelta Lower等6种主要优势种的研究概况.此外,本文还从农业防治、物理防治、生物防治和化学防治四个方面对该类害虫防治技术研究进展进行了描述,对该类害虫研究前景进行了展望,旨在为其相关的研究及综合防控新技术的研发提供参考.  相似文献   

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