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中国细蛾科寄主植物多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】总结中国细蛾科(Gracillariidae)寄主植物的种类,分析细蛾多样性与其寄主植物多样性之间的关系。【方法】依据国内外已有的文献资料,统计中国细蛾科寄主植物的种类;应用SPSS19. 0分析细蛾及其寄主植物多样性关系的数据。【结果】在中国,有寄主植物记载的细蛾149种,隶属4亚科37属;记载的寄主植物有435种,隶属49科153属,以豆科、壳斗科、杨柳科、蔷薇科、大戟科、蓼科和芸香科为主;寄主植物以被子植物中的双子叶植物为主,单子叶植物仅有3科,裸子植物只有1科。细蛾亚科的寄主植物种类最丰富,有43科129属430种,潜细蛾亚科的次之,有12科29属87种,叶潜蛾亚科的有5科10属38种,毛脉细蛾亚科的寄主植物种类最少,有4科5属7种。在细蛾的属级阶元,寄主植物多于2个科的细蛾有14个属;寄主植物种类最多的是丽细蛾属Caloptilia,有18科37属111种,潜细蛾属Phyllonorycter次之,有10科18属68种;寄主植物为单科、单属和单种的细蛾分别有23,10和5属。不同寄主植物上细蛾的种类也有差别,在寄主植物科级阶元,被2个属以上细蛾取食的寄主植物有22个科,其中豆科植物上细蛾属数最多,有14个属,大戟科和壳斗科植物上的细蛾属数次之,分别有8和7属;在属级阶元,有37属植物可被2属以上的细蛾取食,其余116属植物分别只被1属细蛾取食。相关性分析结果表明,在亚科级和属级阶元中,细蛾种数与寄主植物的科、属、种数均呈极显著正相关关系(R~2 0. 60,P 0. 01)。【结论】细蛾种类越丰富其寄主植物的范围就越广泛。总的来说,细蛾食性范围较为狭窄,以单食性和寡食性为主。  相似文献   

跳甲的食性及食性分化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
跳甲隶属于鞘翅目叶甲科跳甲亚科,是一类具有重要经济意义的植食性昆虫。本文对跳甲食性及食性分化的研究进展进行了综述,诠释了寄主植物的概念,分析了昆虫食性专化发生的原因。跳甲亚科的寄主植物的范围虽广,但有85%的属为专食性属。一般认为,专食性的跳甲亚科和萤叶甲亚科是由食性较广的叶甲亚科进化而来的,食性分化在其中可能起了重要作用。广食性代价推动了食性分化的发生,广食性代价假说受到越来越多的实验支持。有关食性分化方向的观点倾向于寄主植物转向化学物质相似的植物,表现为寄主转移、寄主扩张和形成寄主型等;食性分化推动了同域物种形成。跳甲食性分化的研究对于丰富研究昆虫与植物相互关系的协同进化理论也有重要作用。  相似文献   

草螟科昆虫的分布范围极其广泛,且大多数为农林重要害虫。利用性信息素对害虫进行监测或防治具有靶标明确、对环境无污染等优点,是害虫可持续综合治理的重要部分。本文对已鉴定性信息素组分的草螟科昆虫及其性信息素组分进行统计和分类,比较分析了已鉴定的草螟科昆虫性信息素组分的化学结构及其在不同亚科、属以及种之间的分布特点,以期为性信息素组分尚未得到鉴定或鉴定困难的草螟科昆虫的相关研究提供参考,同时也可为进一步探讨蛾类昆虫性信息素的进化提供依据。  相似文献   

犀金龟亚科Dynastinae隶属于昆虫纲Insecta鞘翅目Coleoptera金龟总科Scarabaeoidea,金龟科Scarabaeidae,多为大型至特大型甲虫。该亚科昆虫世界广泛分布,目前全世界种类已发现8族225属1 860余种。犀金龟成虫为植食性,幼虫多腐食性,部分植食性,其幼虫主要危害植物的地下部分,有些种类是重要的农林业害虫。因此,开展犀金龟系统分类的相关研究对农林业生产具有重要意义。此外,犀金龟亚科昆虫大多外形奇特、极具有观赏性,深受爱好者的喜爱,对其生物学、分类学的研究热度持续升高,促使国际贸易盛行,但同时也存在生物多样性保护和外来入侵物种威胁生态系统平衡等问题。犀金龟亚科的分类学研究主要集中在成虫形态学方面,而该类群一些属的成虫鉴定特征与丽金龟亚科的极为相似,导致犀金龟亚科分类系统常存在争议,因此引入幼虫和蛹的形态特征及分子信息可为犀金龟亚科的分类系统提供新的证据。本文回顾了犀金龟亚科的研究历史以及其对经济的影响,给出了中国犀金龟亚科物种列表,但该亚科现阶段分类学仍以新种记述为主,研究方法较单一,因此分子生物学等技术的发展可为未来研究提供新思路。  相似文献   

依据文献资料,统计了中国细蛾科昆虫寄主植物的种类,分析了寄主植物科和属的分布区类型,为探讨细蛾科昆虫区系组成及地理分布与寄主植物区系组成和地理分布之间的关系提供基础资料。结果表明:中国细蛾科昆虫的寄主植物共有435种,隶属49科157属;寄主植物科的分布区类型可以分为7个类型5个变型,属的分布区类型可以分为14个类型5个变型;在寄主植物的科级水平,热带和温带性质的科共占97.14%,其中热带性质的科占71.43%,在属级水平,热带和温带性质的属共占86.96%,其中热带性质的属占58.70%;寄主植物的生活型中,木本植物有329种、草本植物有76种、藤本植物有18种,分别占寄主植物总种数的75.63%、17.47%和4.14%。说明中国细蛾科昆虫寄主植物的区系组成以热带和温带成分为主,寄主植物的生活型以木本为主。  相似文献   

王晓娟  叶萌  周祖基  宋昆  代勇 《四川动物》2013,32(2):228-231
植食性昆虫主要利用嗅觉、味觉、视觉和触觉等对寄主植物进行选择,而植物挥发物是引导植食性昆虫寄主定向行为的主要因素。利用"Y"型嗅觉仪测试康定虫草蝠蛾Hepialus armoricanus二龄幼虫对适生地的几种植物材料的嗅觉反应;并用欧式距离和Q型聚类法对供试植物进行相似性分析和聚类分析。结果表明:蝠蛾幼虫对几种植物材料表现出强弱不同的趋性反应;根据植物的相似性可将供试植物分为4类,且同一类植物引导蝠蛾幼虫产生相似的嗅觉反应。  相似文献   

本文利用Meta分析方法,从29篇实例研究性文献中对27种雌性蛾类的适合度参数(产卵量、孵化率和寿命)进行分析,以确定雄虫的交配史如何影响雌虫的生殖适合度以及这种影响是否受科属和交配策略的影响。结果表明:雄虫的交配史对自身的精包大小或精子数量以及雌虫的生殖适合度具有明显的负作用,且这种负作用明显受科属和交配策略的影响;在菜蛾科、草螟科、螟蛾科、潜蛾科和蓑蛾科中,与有交配经历的雄虫交配后,雌蛾产卵量明显下降,但在卷蛾科和夜蛾科中没有差异;在潜蛾科、蓑蛾科、卷蛾科和夜蛾科中,与有交配经历的雄虫交配后,雌蛾卵孵化率明显下降,但在菜蛾科、草螟科和螟蛾科中没有差异;草螟科和螟蛾科中的雌蛾寿命随雄蛾的交配史而缩短,而卷蛾科和夜蛾科的雌蛾寿命随配偶的交配史而明显增加;尽管雄蛾交配史对单配制和多配制雌蛾的产卵量和孵化率具有明显的负作用,但雄虫的交配史明显缩短了单配制雌蛾的寿命而延长了多配制雌蛾的寿命;因此我们认为,在蛾类昆虫中,雄虫的交配史是影响雌虫生殖适合度的关键因素之一。  相似文献   

栉姬蜂属Banchus Fabricius 1798隶于栉姬蜂亚科Banchinae栉姬蜂族Banchini。主要特征是小盾片顶端具中刺或尖突;腹部第2和第3背板折缘宽约为该节长的0.7倍,有褶稍分开;下颚须5节,第4节端部稍扩大而扁平;唇基端缘中央具一缺刻;无胸腹侧脊;腹端部多少侧扁;产卵管很短。以寄生于裸露性的鳞翅目幼虫为主,包括斑蛾科、尺蛾科、天蛾科、舟蛾科、毒蛾科、波纹蛾科、夜蛾科、蛱蝶科,特别是在土中化蛹的夜蛾科幼虫;  相似文献   

[目的]优化红脉穗螟寄生蜂繁育技术,为该虫的生物防治提供参考。[方法]通过室内饲养研究了红脉穗螟幼虫寄生蜂褐带卷蛾茧蜂和蛹寄生蜂周氏啮小蜂(海南种)对4种昆虫的寄生效果,并对最佳接种比例进行筛选。[结果]褐带卷蛾茧蜂对大蜡螟幼虫寄生效果优于米蛾幼虫,且对黄粉虫和大麦虫幼虫不表现寄生特性,褐带卷蛾茧蜂和大蜡螟幼虫的最佳接种比例为1∶1和2∶1,其中在2∶1接种比例处理中的寄生率和单寄主产蜂量分别为76.67%和34.60头;4种昆虫蛹均可用于繁育周氏啮小蜂,从寄主的繁育成本和寄生效果分析,以黄粉虫蛹效果较最佳,接种蜂虫比以2∶1为宜,此时的单寄主产蜂量为148.60头。[结论]寄主和接种比例不同会影响寄生蜂的寄生效果,本研究中褐带卷蛾茧蜂适宜寄主为大蜡螟,最优蜂虫比为1∶1和2∶1,周氏啮小蜂(海南种)适宜寄主为黄粉虫,最优接种蜂虫比为2∶1。  相似文献   

贵州迷蚜蝇亚科新种与新记录:(双翅目:食蚜蝇科)   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
双翅目(Diptera)蚜蝇科(Syrphidae)的迷蚜蝇亚科(Milesiinae)属种繁多,其幼虫多为腐食性,生活在树干创伤、树洞、树桩、落叶及污水粪肥中;有些为植食性,危害园艺作物和中药等。成虫多访花而似蜂类。贵州省此类昆虫研究较少,本文记述4新种和3个贵州新记录种。模式标本保存在北京农业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

Leaf material of two Piper spp. (Piperaceae) was presented to two different generalist herbivores (Orthoptera: Acrididae) to determine whether method of leaf presentation in preference trials affects choice. For the grasshopper Leptomerinthoprora brevipennis, the method of presentation had no effect on preference ranking: more of Piper sancti-felicis was eaten than of P. arieianum, regardless of whether leaf material was presented as leaf disks, whole leaves supplemented with water, or whole leaves without water. In contrast, preference of the grasshopper Abracis flavolineata depended on presentation method. In that case, whole leaves of P. scancti-felicis supplemented with water were preferred over the same of P. arieianum, while dry weight consumption of leaf disks of P. arieianum was greater than that for disks of P. sancti-felicis. When presented with leaves not supplemented with water, A. flavolineata showed no significant preference for one plant species over another.
Résumé Des feuilles provenant de deux espèces de Piper (Piperacae) ont été proposées à deux Orthoptères, Acrididae, herbivores généralistes, pour déterminer si la méthode de présentation des feuilles modifiait le choix. Pour Leptomerinthoprora brevipennis, la méthode de présentation est sans influence sur l'ordre de préférence; la consommation de Piper sancti-felicis est toujours supérieure à celle de P. arieianum, quelque soit le mode de présentation: disques de feuilles, feuilles entières humidifiées, ou feuilles entières sans addition d'eau. A l'opposé, l'ordre de préférence de Abracis flavolineata dépend du type de présentation; les feuilles entières humidifiées de P. sancti-felicis sont préférées à celles de P. arieianum proposées de la même façon, tandis que la consommation de disques secs de P. arieianum est plus importante que celle des disques secs de P. sancti-felicis. En présence de feuilles entières humidifiées, A. flavolineata ne manifeste aucune préférence.

Gorshkova  N. M.  Gorshkova  R. P.  Ivanova  E. P.  Nazarenko  E. L.  Zubkov  V. A. 《Microbiology》2001,70(5):560-563
The sugar analysis of the glycans of the type strains of marine proteobacteria of the genera Pseudoalteromonasand MarinomonasPseudoalteromonas atlanticaIAM12927T, P. aurantiaNCIMB 2033T, P. citreaATCC 29719T, P. elyakoviiKMM 162T, P. espejianaATCC 29659T, P. piscicidaNCIMB 645T, P. tetraodonisIAM 14160T, Marinomonas communisATCC 27118T, and M. vagaATCC 27119T—showed that they contain glucose, galactose, galactosamine, glucosamine, fucose, rhamnose, mannose, heptose, 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonate (KDO), uronic acids, colitose (3,6-dideoxy-L-xylo-hexose), and 6-deoxy-L-talose. The carbohydrate composition of the antigenic polysaccharides (PSs) of P. elyakoviiKMM 162Tand P. espejianaATCC 29659Tdepended on the type and the concentration of carbohydrate substrates in the nutrient media. The molar proportion between rhamnose, glucose, and galactose (ca. 1 : 0.3 : 2) in the PS of P. elyakoviiKMM 162Twas almost the same in the media lacking carbohydrates or containing glucose or galactose at a concentration of 1 g/l. At the same time, the molar proportion between fucose, glucose, galactose, galactosamine, and glucosamine (ca. 1 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 0.5) in the PS of P. espejianaATCC 29659Tdepended on the presence and the concentration of carbohydrate substrates in the medium. A high concentration of glucose in the medium (30 g/l) brought about a rise in the content of glucose in PSs (9-fold for the PS of P. elyakoviiKMM 162Tand 4.6-fold for the PS of P. espejianaATCC 29659T) and led to a decrease in the content of other carbohydrates. The cultivation of these two strains at a lactose concentration of 30 g/l resulted in their PSs containing glucose and galactose in about equal proportions (ca. 1 : 1 in the case of P. espejianaATCC 29659Tand ca. 2.1 : 1.7 in the case of P. elyakoviiKMM 162T).  相似文献   

Remarkable qualitative and quantitative differences in non-glycosylated triterpenoid profiles of twelve Dioscorea spp. leaves were demonstrated with the use of GC–MS/FID analysis. The total content of tetracyclic triterpenoids and their esters ranged from 397 μg/g of dry leaf weight in D. bulbifera to 762 μg/g d.w. in D. discolor and 777 μg/g d.w. in D. alata. Three main phytosterols, i.e. campesterol (1), sitosterol (2) and stigmasterol (3) were found in extracts from all analyzed species in total amount ranging from 316 μg/g in D. bulbifera to 676 μg/g of dry leaf weight in D. hispida, with either sitosterol (2) or stigmasterol (3) as predominant in the profile. Extracts from D. hispida and D. purpurea leaves were distinguished from the others by particularly high amount of campesterol (1). In the majority of the species, except for D. caucasica, other tetracyclic triterpenoids were found: cycloartanol (4), 24-methylenecycloartanol (5) and cycloeucalenol (6). Less common steroids, stigmastan-3-en-6β-ol (7) and ergosta-7,22-dien-3β-ol (8) were detected in D. japonica. The significant content (992 μg/g) of pentacyclic triterpenoids of ursane, oleanane, taraxastane and taraxerene (friedooleanane)-type carbon skeletons, i.e. α-amyrin (9), β-amyrin (10), taraxasterol (11) and taraxerol (12), respectively, was found in D. caucasica. The obtained results supplement the knowledge of biochemical diversity of Dioscorea genus.  相似文献   

Protoplasts of three fungi of Boletaceae,Suillus luteus, S. grevillei, andBoletinus cavipes, were prepared with yields of 45, 8.0, and 1.8×107/g fresh mycelia under the optimal conditions, respectively. Nucleate protoplasts accounted for 42% of the whole preparation ofS. luteus and 32% of that ofS. grevillei, and 21% of the nucleate protoplasts ofS. luteus and 35% of those ofS. grevillei possesed two nuclei. Regeneration efficiency of protoplasts was 0.4% forS. luteus and 0.05% forS. grevillei. The regeneration ofB. cavipes protoplasts was also confirmed. Optimal conditions for regeneration were determined. Addition of gellan gum instead of agar to the medium and activated charcoal treatment of agar medium increased the regeneration efficiency significantly.  相似文献   

Diets prepared from lyophilized and powdered current-year (1983) shoots of white spruce Picea glauca (Moench) Voss were offered to 6th-instar larvae of spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). With increasing age of current-year shoots, time to pupation increased whereas survival, assimilation efficiency, efficiency of conversion of diet to moth biomass, and moth dry weight generally decreased. Sex of the larvae influenced amount ingested, time to pupation, and subsequent moth weight but not survival, assimilation efficiency, and efficiency of conversion of diet to moth biomass.
Résumé De la poudre lyophilysée de pousses de l'année de Picea glauca a été introduite dans le régime de chenilles du 6ème stade de Choristoneura fumiferana: 20% de poudre de pousses, 1.2% de gélifiant, 78.8% d'eau. Il est ainsi possible de déterminer à 2 mg près la quantité d'aliment consommée par chaque chenille, et, ainsi, de calculer, pour chacune, l'indice alimentaire, dont la prise de nourriture est l'une des variables. Avec de tels régimes préparés à partie de pousses recueillies au cours de 1983, on a constaté que la date de nymphose, la quantité consommée, et le poids ultérieur des papillons dépendaient du sexe de la chenille. En général, les chenilles femelles se nymphosent plus tard, consomment plus et donnent des papillons plus lourds (poids sec) que les chenilles mâles. L'efficacité de l'assimilation et celle de la transformation en biomasse de papillon ne différent pas suivant les sexes, c'est-à-dire qu'ils ont la même aptitude à digérer les pousses. Les taux de survie de chenille à nymphe et de nymphe à imago ne différent donc pas.Cependant, certains de ces paramètres et d'autres changent en fonction de l'âge des pousses annuelles. Quand elles ont été récoltées 7 jours après le débourrement (il a lieu le 20 mai), la survie jusqu'en nymphe est de 93% contre 74% de survie totale; avec des pousses récoltées 52 jours après le débourrement (11 juillet) les taux de survie sont respectivement 7% et 1.4%; avec des pousses récoltées 146 jours après le débourrement (13 octobre) les survies sont 71% et 50%. Des pousses récoltées 28 jours ou plus après le débourrement, retardent la date de nymphose de 25% par rapport à celles récoltées entre 7 et 14 après le débourrement; parallèlement, elles abaissent l'efficacité de l'assimilation de 39%, l'efficacité de conversion de la biomasse de 125%, et le poids des papillons de 54%. Ces changements sont liés à une diminution de la teneur en azote des pousses de 2.1% à environ 1% du poids sec. Cependant la corrélation entre la survie des chenilles et la teneur en azote n'est pas rigoureuse et un facteur encore inconnu est supposé responsable de l'augmentation de la mortalité quand les chenilles consomment (dans leur régime) des pousses récoltées début juillet, 52 jours après le débourrement. Les travaux destinés à identifier ce facteur inconnu sont en cours.

In 1982, Chisholm et al. used δ13C data for human burials from shell midden sites widely distributed on the coast of British Columbia (BC) to show the extreme dependence of these individuals on high trophic level marine consumers, principally salmon and marine mammals. Here, we present previously unpublished analyses of δ15N for some of the same individuals as well as δ13C data for additional individuals. Nitrogen isotope data show that the diet was dominated by high trophic level marine fauna including carnivorous fish and marine mammals. Although most burials were found in shell middens, marine mollusks made up of only a minor component of diet. The data for δ13C demonstrate that terrestrial faunal foods are undetectable in the diet of the majority of individuals, and seldom constitute more than 10% of the dietary protein of individuals living on the coast although terrestrial fauna were widely available as a potential source of protein. This dietary pattern of exclusion of land‐based animals from their diet persisted for almost 6,000 years along a wide expanse of coastline. In contrast, people from the BC interior (100 km or more from the coast) consumed a mixed diet of terrestrial and marine foods including spawning salmon. Am J Phys Anthropol 155:460–468, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Twenty-nineFusarium species isolated from various sources in different districts of Taiwan were tested for their ability to produce fumonisins in corn cultures. OnlyFusarium moniliforme produced fumonisin B1 (FB1) and fumonisin B2 (FB2). The finding that the other 28Fusarium species produced neither FB1 nor FB2 is preliminary because only one strain per species was studied. The detection of FB1 and FB2 in cultures ofF. moniliforme was demonstrated by TLC and HPLC, and FB1 was further confirmed by mass spectrometry. In a separate experiment, in which 38 strains ofF. moniliforme were tested for fumonisins, approximately 66% (25/38) produced FB1 and/or FB2. Of the 25 strains, 14 produced only FB1 and 11 produced both FB1 and FB2, and the amounts of FB1 and FB2 produced by different strains varied greatly. This is the first report that fumonisins are found in corn cultures experimentally infected withF. moniliforme strains from Taiwan. It is safe to assume that fumonisin producing strains ofF. moniliforme are widely distributed among the economic crops such as corn, rice, sugarcane, and sorghum throughout the Island.Abbreviations FB1 Fumonisin B1 - FB2 Fumonisin B2 - OPA o-phthalidialdehyde  相似文献   

R. B. Halliday  E. Holm 《BioControl》1987,32(4):333-338
Nine species of macrochelid mites [Macrocheles “glaber” (Müller),M. aestivus Halliday,M. mammifer Berlese,M. peniculatus Berlese,M. robustulus (Berlese),M. merdarius (Berlese),M. peregrinus Krantz,M. eurygaster Krantz,Glyptholaspis confusa (Foà) were tested in the laboratory as predators of 2 species of dung-breeding pest flies (Musca vetustissima Walker,Haematobia irritans exigua de Meijere). The mites varied in their ability to attack the 2 fly species at both egg and larval stages. larger mites were generally more effective predators than the smaller species. The level of predation imposed byM. “glaber” onMusca vetustissima also varied with the developmental stage of both predator and prey.   相似文献   

The complementary fragments of human Hb α, α1–30, and α31–141 are spliced together by V8 protease in the presence of 30%n-propanol to generate the full-length molecule (Hb α-semisynthetic reaction). Unlike the other protease-catalyzed protein/peptide splicing reactions of fragment complementing systems, the enzymic condensation of nonassociating segments of Hb α is facilitated by the organic cosolvent induced α-helical conformation of product acting as the “molecular trap” of the splicing reaction. The segments α24–30 and α31–40 are the shortest complementary segments that can be spliced by V8 protease. In the present study, the chemistry of the contiguous segment (product) α24–40 has been manipulated by engineering the amino acid replacements to the positions α27 and α31 to delineate the structural basis of the molecular trap. The location of Glu27 and Arg31 residues in the contiguous segment α24–40 (as well as in other larger segments) is ideal to generate (i, i+4) side-chain carboxylate-guanidino interaction in its α-helical conformation. The amino acid residue replacement studies have confirmed that the side chains at α27 and α31 facilitate the semisynthetic reaction. The relative influence of the substitute at these sites on the splicing reaction depends on the chemical nature of the side chain and the location. The γ-carboxylate guanidino side-chain interaction appears to contribute up to a maximum of 85% of the thermodynamic stability of the molecular trap. The studies also demonstrate that the thermodynamic stability of the molecular trap is determined by two interdependent conformational aspects of the peptide. One is an amino acid-sequence-specific event that facilitates the induction of an α-helical conformation to the contiguous segment in the presence of organic cosolvent that imparts some amount of protease resistance to Glu30-Arg31 peptide bond. The second structural aspect is a site-specific event, ani, i+4 side-chain interaction in the α-helical conformation of the peptide which imparts an additional thermodynamic stability to the molecular trap. The results suggest that conformationally driven “molecular traps” of protease-mediated ligation reactions of peptides could be designed into products to facilitate the modular assembly of peptides/proteins.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the allelopathic interference of leaf debris of Ageratum conyzoides (billy goat weed; Asteraceae)—a weed of cultivated land—against rice (Oryza sativa). Seedling length and dry weight of rice were significantly reduced (16–20%) in soil from A. conyzoides infested fields compared to the soil from an area devoid of the weed. It indicated the presence of certain phytotoxins in the A. conyzoides infested soil. To explore the possible contribution of the weed in releasing these phytotoxins, growth studies involving leaf debris extracts and amended soils (prepared by incorporating leaf debris—5, 10, 20 g kg−1 soil, w/w, or its extracts—0.5%, 1.0% and 2.0%, v/v) were conducted. The growth of rice was severely inhibited in A. conyzoides leaf debris- and debris extract-amended soils compared to unamended control soil. A significant amount of water-soluble phenolics, the potent phytotoxins, was found in the A. conyzoides infested soil, leaf debris, and debris-amended soils. These phenolics were identified as gallic acid, coumalic acid, protocatechuic acid, catechin and p-hydroxybenzoic acid. Among these, protocatechuic acid was in the maximum amount (35.72%) followed by coumalic acid (33.49%) and these two accounted for >69% of total phenolic compounds. Further, there was a significant increase in the available nutrient content in soil amended with A. conyzoides leaf debris thus ruling out the possibility of any resource depletion upon residue incorporation and their negative role in causing growth reduction. Based on the observations, the present study concludes that leaf debris of A. conyzoides deleteriously affects the early growth of rice by releasing water-soluble phenolic acids into the soil environment and not through soil nutrient depletion.  相似文献   

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