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金勇  蒋辉 《生命科学研究》2005,9(3):189-195
芋螺毒素是来源于芋螺的毒液的活性多肽,由于其分子质量小、结构多样、作用靶点广泛、功能专一、组织特异性强等优点,广泛地被用作细胞中各种具有重要生理功能靶点的探针,以及作为新药的先导化合物甚至直接作为新药开发.芋螺可以分为食鱼、食软体动物和食虫3种类型,织锦芋螺是一种分布广泛的食软体动物芋螺.作为毒性最强的芋螺品种之一,织锦芋螺毒素成为食软体动物类芋螺毒素研究的代表.现对20世纪90年代末至今的织锦芋螺毒素方面的研究进行了综述.  相似文献   

芋螺毒素研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
芋螺毒素是近年来国际上的一个研究热点.它属于一类海洋生物活性多肽,多数由12~46个氨基酸残基所组成,能特异性地作用于体内各种离子通道和细胞膜上神经递质和激肽的受体.具有分子质量小、结构多样、作用靶点广泛、功能专一、组织特异性强等优点,因而较之其他生物来源的活性多肽有更多的优越性.芋螺毒素是一待挖掘的“富矿区”,可作为体内一些具有重要生理功能靶点的探针和“解密器”,亦可作为新药的先导化合物或直接开发成新药,因此对芋螺毒素的研究有重要的理论和实际意义.  相似文献   

α-芋螺毒素是近年来研究较多的一种海洋生物神经毒素,它特异性竞争结合烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体,化学结构独特。本文介绍了有关α-芋螺毒素的种类、结构特征、生物学活性和制备方法等方面的研究进展,及其在生物化学、生物学以及新药开发等方面的应用前景。  相似文献   

芋螺毒素是一种具有丰富序列多样性且富含二硫键的多肽.因其能够特异性地结合离子通道,阻断神经冲动的传递,芋螺毒索又具有极大的潜在药用价值.面对庞大的芋螺毒素种类,需借助理论的手段和方法来进行研究,从而降低实验成本,为实验做出理论指导.本文基于二项式分布结合支持向量机算法对芋螺毒素离子通道活性类型进行了预测,jackknife交叉验证的总体精度和平均精度分别达到87.5%和86.8%.结果表明,本文所建模型能够用于芋螺毒素的离子通道活性预测,为基于芋螺毒素新药物的进一步开发提供帮助和理论依据.  相似文献   

μ-芋螺毒素——高特异性钠通道阻滞剂   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
马健会  李晖 《生命的化学》2006,26(6):508-510
μ-芋螺毒素是一类具有独特药理活性的海洋生物毒素,至今共发现有7种,均为16~22个氨基酸大小的小肽,其分子内部形成3对二硫键。它们高度特异性地阻断电压门控Na 通道,甚至能够区分Na 通道的不同亚型。最近发现的两种μ-芋螺毒素的特异性更强,可以选择性地作用于TTX-R型Na 通道,而对TTX-S型Na 通道几乎无任何影响,这种作用的特点对于研究Na 通道亚型及新药开发具有重要价值。  相似文献   

芋螺毒素基因资源研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
芋螺毒素和微生物的次生代谢产物与植物的生物碱一样,具有生物多样性的特点。芋螺毒素特有的二硫键骨架和化学修饰后特异的空间结构,使其具有特异的稳定性和药理学活性。对芋螺毒素基因的分析和新型基因的克隆筛选,是深入研究各种受体、离子通道及其亚型,进而在克隆表达的靶受体上设计和筛选高效新药的前提。芋螺毒素基因资源的研究在芋螺毒素新基因及其编码产物毒素肽的发现与利用方面发挥了重要作用。现对该领域的新进展进行论述。  相似文献   

M-超家族芋螺毒素研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁多多  王春光 《生命科学》2006,18(5):502-506
芋螺毒素是来源于芋螺毒液的活性多肽,具有分子质量小,作用靶点广泛且特异性高的优点,是一种丰富的生物资源。M-超家族芋螺毒素是芋螺毒素中较为复杂的超家族之一,包括μ-、ψ-和κM-家族,分别作用于电压门控钠通道、N型乙酰胆碱受体和电压门控钾通道。另外,mr3a和tx3c的发现预示M-超家族可能存在新的家族。本文对这些芋螺毒素的生理学和药理学特征、结构与功能的关系及应用研究进行综述。  相似文献   

芋螺毒素(conotoxin,conopeptide,CTx)是由热带海洋中的肉食性软体动物芋螺分泌产生的一大类生物活性肽,它们相对分子质量小,能特异地作用于动物体内各种离子通道和受体,具有巨大的药物开发价值。其中,A-超家族的α-芋螺毒素(α-CTx)是发现最早的且最重要的一类成员,它能特异性作用于烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体(nicotinic acetylcholine receptors,nAChRs),是肌肉或神经型nAChRs的选择性阻断剂。nAChRs与中枢神经系统紊乱如疼痛、成瘾、癌症等多种疾病密切相关。近年来,人们陆续发现其他超家族的芋螺毒素中也有成员可阻断nAChRs,如αA-、αB-、αO-、αC-、αD-、αS-等家族的芋螺毒素。上述能阻断nAChRs的芋螺毒素统称为α~*-芋螺毒素(α~*-CTx)。α~*-芋螺毒素对nAChRs阻断活性的差别与它们的结构有着密切的联系。结合国内外研究现状,对α~*-CTx与nAChRs相互作用的关键位点以及结构与功能的关系进行综述,可为相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

蛋白质二硫键异构酶(PDI)是内质网新生肽链折叠中一个重要的折叠酶.在热 带药用海洋生物芋螺的毒液中富含PDI酶,该酶对于毒液中芋螺毒素神经肽的体内 氧化折叠至关重要.本研究主要采用凝胶过滤层析和制备型Rotofor液相等电聚焦 电泳等多种方法,从海南产桶形芋螺(Conus betulinus Linnaeus)毒管中分离 纯化天然的PDI酶蛋白,经电泳和MALDI-TOF MS质谱鉴定分析确证获得了高纯度 的桶形芋螺PDI酶,建立了天然芋螺PDI酶分离纯化的技术方法. 以芋螺毒素线性 肽K412为底物进行了PDI酶活性鉴定.结果表明,该分离纯化的PDI酶能够促进K412 的氧化折叠.由于芋螺毒素的氧化折叠非常复杂,且氧化折叠后具有正确二硫键连 接方式的芋螺毒素才具有各种药理活性,因此,本研究结果为后续PDI酶在种类繁 多的芋螺毒素氧化折叠中的应用及其作用机制研究提供了重要的物质基础.  相似文献   

A-超家族芋螺毒素研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
芋螺毒素是生物毒素中迅速发展的新领域,是很有价值的药物或药物先导化合物,其中A-超家族芋螺毒素是研究最早、了解较为全面的芋螺毒素家族之一,由于其高丰度、化学多样性、强专一性作用等突出特点成为创新药物发展的宝库。A-超家族芋螺毒素因能选择性阻断nAChRs的某种亚型,使它们可作为鉴定nAChRs及其亚基的有效工具。此外,在药理学方面,A-超家族芋螺毒素除了作为镇痛药物已进入临床研究外,也有望开发成用于治疗焦虑症、帕金森氏病、肌肉紧张和高血压等病症的药物。  相似文献   

Fish, like other aquatic organisms, are a potential source of structurally diverse bioactive compounds. Studies of the pharmacological effects of fish peptides have revealed their antihypertensive, immunomodulatory, antioxidant, antitumor, and antimicrobial activities. Analysis of the literature data confirms that fish can be used not only for nutritional purposes, but also as a source of unique peptides with a broad spectrum of biological activities. Further investigations will allow the inclusion of fish peptides as acting agents in modern medicinal drugs.  相似文献   

为证明大胡蜂Vespa magnifica(Smith)蜂毒具有较大的药用开发价值,本研究采用超高效液相色谱-质谱和电泳技术对其多肽和蛋白质的分布进行分析,发现其蛋白质的相对分子质量主要分布在17~45kDa范围内。蜂毒多肽类物质的相对分子质量呈"单峰"式分布,61%在500~3000Da范围内,为大胡蜂蜂毒中多肽含量最为丰富的部分。通过牛津杯法对蜂毒的抑菌活性进行研究,且以HepG2人肝癌细胞及B16黑色素瘤细胞为研究对象,用MTT法检测蜂毒的细胞毒性活性,证明其具有良好的抑菌作用和细胞毒活性,其结果与已报道的其他蜂类既有相似性又存在具体差异,展示了大胡蜂蜂毒的分子多样性,为后续该毒素的物质基础研究及药用价值开发提供参考。  相似文献   

Novel antiviral agents: a medicinal plant perspective   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Several hundred plant and herb species that have potential as novel antiviral agents have been studied, with surprisingly little overlap. A wide variety of active phytochemicals, including the flavonoids, terpenoids, lignans, sulphides, polyphenolics, coumarins, saponins, furyl compounds, alkaloids, polyines, thiophenes, proteins and peptides have been identified. Some volatile essential oils of commonly used culinary herbs, spices and herbal teas have also exhibited a high level of antiviral activity. However, given the few classes of compounds investigated, most of the pharmacopoeia of compounds in medicinal plants with antiviral activity is still not known. Several of these phytochemicals have complementary and overlapping mechanisms of action, including antiviral effects by either inhibiting the formation of viral DNA or RNA or inhibiting the activity of viral reproduction. Assay methods to determine antiviral activity include multiple-arm trials, randomized crossover studies, and more compromised designs such as nonrandomized crossovers and pre- and post-treatment analyses. Methods are needed to link antiviral efficacy/potency- and laboratory-based research. Nevertheless, the relative success achieved recently using medicinal plant/herb extracts of various species that are capable of acting therapeutically in various viral infections has raised optimism about the future of phyto-antiviral agents. As this review illustrates, there are innumerable potentially useful medicinal plants and herbs waiting to be evaluated and exploited for therapeutic applications against genetically and functionally diverse viruses families such as Retroviridae, Hepadnaviridae and Herpesviridae  相似文献   

There are several wild and cultivated plants that offer excellent opportunities for being used as herbal and therapeutic agents. The identification of medicinal properties of plants and their effectiveness in treating diseases are important components in medicinal plant research and this can pave ways for further improvements in traditional drug use. Climatic conditions and phytogeography in Pakistan are ideal for naturally occurring diverse flora and managed cultivation of hundreds of plants of medicinal significance. Nigella sativa commonly known as the black seed is an important medicinal plant that has been widely used as a multipurpose medicinal agent in different countries since old times. The plant is abundantly cultivated in Pakistan for uses as condiment and medicines. It possesses important classes of bioactive compounds among which thymoquinone has attracted significant attention from the scientific community because of its active role in treating a diverse spectrum of diseases. The black seeds are used for reducing adverse effects of arthritis, asthma, inflammation, liver and gastro disorders besides their potential role in diabetes and cancers. The focus of this review is to highlight the medicinal significance of N. sativa in traditional medicine and opportunities for exploitation in contemporary medicine.  相似文献   

Natural peptides are emerging as a leading alternative to conventional drugs and antibiotics, owing to their remarkable potency, better stability and less toxicity. Such peptides encompass numerous healing properties such as antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, etc. Though plant- derived peptides have been widely studied for their therapeutic benefits, however, fungal peptides are still lesser explored. Ganoderma lucidum, a highly medicinal oriental mushroom comprises a vast array of phytoconstituents, namely flavonoids, phenolics, terpenoids, polysaccharides, proteins, glycolipids, etc and hence, is being used since several decades in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for its various ameliorative effects e.g. anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-proliferative and antioxidant properties. This study presents the isolation and characterization of antibacterial peptide fractions from fruiting body (GLF) and mycelium (GLM) of Indian G. lucidum. Representative amide bonds were identified in the fractions using established standard techniques. Peptide mass fingerprinting and HPLC confirmed the presence of cationic and hydrophobic amino acids in the peptide fractions which are known to be major structural features of antimicrobial peptides. Secondary structure prediction showed abundance of α-helices and random coils in GLF and GLM fractions respectively. The fractions exhibited appreciable antioxidant potential. Besides, these also possessed substantial antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhi wherein it was observed that generation of reactive oxygen species and induction of intracellular protein leakage within the bacterial cells were the possible mechanisms of inhibitory action.  相似文献   

植物环肽是一个庞大的小分子天然产物家族,通常由4—10个氨基酸残基组合而成。该类化合物广泛存在于全球多种植物的根、茎、枝、叶及种子中,中草药中也时有发现。由于对其生物合成途径及机理研究较少,环肽分子的利用价值尚未得到有效的开发。和常见的非环状基因编码的多肽或蛋白质相比,环肽结构更为复杂。本文将对植物环肽的生物合成途径及其机理做初步探讨。  相似文献   

Cancer is the second biggest cause of death globally, and the use of therapeutic peptides to specifically target and destroy cancer cells has gotten much interest. Cancer peptides or vaccinations are utilized to treat cancer nowadays, apart from chemotherapy, which has significant discomfort, side effects and costly. It is time demanding to identify and predict potential anticancer peptides using computational biology approaches. Thus, 3-D molecular modeling is being used to find possible ACP candidates. In this research, Curcuma longa has predicted peptide sequences were docked on breast cancer receptors and used a molecular docking technique to assess the anticipated peptides’ binding affinities to MHC molecules. A similar approach was utilized to simulate the interactions of the chosen peptide with the TCR. Additionally, the Pep10 LIRQHVASNIGIAKSKIREPIV was examined, and our findings indicated interaction with MHC classes I and II. However, the maximum binding energy was obtained with TCR at 695.61, giving strength through eight hydrogen bonds. Similarly, the Pep20, GAIIGNRKIKLQPHIIIRID, the projected, has the most significant overall binding energy with MHC classes I and II but a lower global E total value with TCR, namely −600.97 kj/Mol, and also four hydrogen bonds. This research could lead to the development of novel anticancer drugs based on the anticancer activity of the Curcuma longa medicinal plant.  相似文献   

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