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目的:为解决现有液囊鼻肠营养管置管过程中漂浮时间长、成功率低的问题,设计了基于磁导航技术辅助的磁性麦芒仿生鼻肠营养管。方法:分析了麦芒在管腔内能够快速单向移动的力学原理,结合磁外科相关技术,提出了鼻肠管头端内嵌磁性麦芒仿生结构设计方案和磁导航技术辅助快速推进的操作方法,并在体内外模拟了其运动情况。结果:体外管路模拟实验提示麦芒仿生结构在外力作用下能够快速移动。家兔肠道实验显示,磁性麦芒仿生结构在导航磁体引导下,能够在肠道内快速单向移动。结论:磁性麦芒仿生结构在导航磁体的引导下能够实现消化道内快速单向移动,该设计进一步优化有望用于临床。  相似文献   

目的:提出了磁压榨吻合操作中可用于磁体夹持固定的平移钳的结构设计方案。方法:分析本团队多种原创性磁压榨吻合技术操作中存在的缺陷和不足,认为目前磁压榨吻合操作中依靠术者徒手控制或利用现有血管钳对磁体进行夹持和固定,是造成操作中诸多不便的主要原因。从力学角度分析了常规血管钳夹持磁体易导致磁体滑脱的原因,指出设计加工磁吻合专用钳是解决目前磁吻合操作不便的有效措施。在此基础上提出了利用平移钳来固定磁体的结构设计方案,并从力学角度进行了受力分析,设计出了用于磁压榨吻合操作中磁体夹持固定的平移钳。结果:平移钳的结构设计能够稳定夹持磁体,避免磁体滑脱;同时,借助齿轮传动结构控制钳头的平行移动能够更好地控制磁体的精准对吸和分离,可进一步简化操作,避免副损伤,节省手术操作时间。结论:平移钳能满足多种形状及大小的磁体的夹持和固定,可有效控制磁体的吸合与分离,极大地方便操作。该平移钳加工简单,使用方便,有助于推动磁压榨吻合技术在临床广泛开展。  相似文献   

目的:探讨采用磁压榨技术建立大鼠胃肠吻合模型的可行性。方法:设计加工适用于大鼠胃肠吻合的子、母磁体。将10只SD大鼠采用磁压榨技术进行胃肠吻合,子、母磁体分别经口置入大鼠胃和空肠内,子母磁体相吸压榨胃壁和肠壁,磁体间受压组织缺血坏死后连同磁体从吻合口脱落入肠道,胃肠吻合即建立,磁体最终经消化道自行排出体外,术后2周处死动物,获取吻合口标本,检测吻合口爆破压、肉眼和光镜下观察吻合口愈合情况。结果:10只SD大鼠中,1只因麻醉意外死亡,其余9只大鼠均顺利完成手术操作并存活至术后2周;手术平均操作时间(15.89±3.25)min,磁体排出体外时间(8.56±1.26)天(范围7-11)天;吻合口爆破压均大于200 mm Hg,吻合口组织HE染色和Masson染色可见粘膜层连续性建立,愈合良好。结论:磁压榨技术可用于大鼠胃肠吻合模型制备,具有操作简单、成功率高的优点。  相似文献   

磁选育浸矿菌种新方法的研究——磁泳分离菌种   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
世界无处不有磁,磁场对整个世界产生着重大的影响。本文通过大量镜检工作,观察到从酸性矿坑水中初步分离培养得到的部分细菌对外加磁场均有微弱的趋磁性。基于菌种的这种特性,设计了磁泳装置用不同的磁场梯度分离细菌,磁泳分离的方法可以初步分离出近磁、远磁茼,这两个菌群的生理特性有着很大的差异,主要体现在其对亚铁氧化和对金属高于的浸出上,远磁菌亚铁氧化活性比近磁菌高将近50%,远磁菌对铜离子的浸出效果也比近磁茼好。近磁菌在强磁性矿物培养基中生长情况较好,而远磁茼在弱磁性矿物培养基中生长情况较好。而且,在近磁茼的纯培养茼体中分离到磁性颗粒。实验结果证明。采用磁泳用于分离体内舍有磁性颗粒的细菌是可行并且有效的,这一分离技术和工艺的结合也将大大促进我国生物冶金的步伐。  相似文献   

磁选育浸矿菌种新方法的研究--磁泳分离菌种   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
世界无处不有磁,磁场对整个世界产生着重大的影响。本文通过大量镜检工作,观察到从酸性矿坑水中初步分离培养得到的部分细菌对外加磁场均有微弱的趋磁性。基于菌种的这种特性,设计了磁泳装置用不同的磁场梯度分离细菌,磁泳分离的方法可以初步分离出近磁、远磁菌,这两个菌群的生理特性有着很大的差异,主要体现在其对亚铁氧化和对金属离子的浸出上,远磁菌亚铁氧化活性比近磁菌高将近50%,远磁菌对铜离子的浸出效果也比近磁菌好。近磁菌在强磁性矿物培养基中生长情况较好,而远磁菌在弱磁性矿物培养基中生长情况较好。而且,在近磁菌的纯培养菌体中分离到磁性颗粒。实验结果证明,采用磁泳用于分离体内含有磁性颗粒的细菌是可行并且有效的,这一分离技术和工艺的结合也将大大促进我国生物冶金的步伐。  相似文献   

目的:利用体外浸泡法评价镍镀层、氮化钛镀层和镍-氮化钛复合镀层后的钕铁硼磁体抗胆汁腐蚀的效果,为临床磁压榨技术在胆道重建中的应用提供表面改性方案。方法:收集临床患者胆汁,采用体外恒温38℃浸泡磁体,定期称量磁体质量并更换浸泡液,检测浸泡液铁离子浓度。浸泡30天后计算各组磁体质量丢失率,扫描电镜观察磁体表面结构。结果:胆汁浸泡30天后,裸磁体、镍镀层、氮化钛镀层、镍-氮化钛复合镀层组磁体质量丢失率分别为0.57%、0.35%、0.34%、0.19%,不同时间点浸泡液铁离子浓度不同。电镜观察结果显示各组浸泡后磁体表面均出现不同程度的腐蚀斑,镀层出现脱落。结论:镍-氮化钛复合镀层表面改性处理后的钕铁硼磁体抗腐蚀能力明显优于单纯镍镀层和氮化钛镀层的磁体。  相似文献   

目的:探讨红条毛肤石鳖齿舌牙齿内磁性纳米物质(Fe3O4)的晶体结构、磁畴及磁晶各向异性等磁学性质.方法:从红条毛肤石鳖齿舌主要横向牙齿中提取出磁性纳米磁性矿物质(Fe3O4),用高分辨透射电子显微镜,扫描电子显微镜研究其外貌及晶体结构,用磁力显微镜观察其磁畴结构,然后利用超导量子干涉磁强计(SQUID)和磁转矩测量仪测量其磁化曲线,探讨它的磁各向异性.结果:①红条毛肤石鳖齿舌中的磁铁矿为长约几微米、宽约100纳米的长条片壮物质,由尺度约为50纳米的磁铁矿小晶粒及有机物质构成.②小晶粒的[111]方向沿着长条片状物质的长度方向,具有沿着厚度方向的单磁畴结构.③SQUID和磁转矩测量均证明长条片状纳米磁性矿物质的长度方向为易磁化方向.红条毛肤石鳖齿舌中的磁性矿物质与自然界中的磁铁矿具有相同的结构.结论:红条毛肤石鳖齿舌中的磁性物质为具有单畴结构、易磁化方向为[111]方向的Fe3O4晶体.  相似文献   

磁泳分离细菌新方法的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
从酸性矿坑水中富集培养分离到的嗜酸氧化亚铁硫杆菌(Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans,A.ferrooxidans)[1-2] 菌同趋磁细菌具有一定的相似性。通过显微镜观察发现,部分浸矿细菌在外加磁场的作用下具有微弱的趋磁性,基于菌种的这种特性,设计了磁泳分离仪,对其在磁场作用下泳动(磁泳)进行分析,经磁泳后的近磁、远磁菌的生理特性有较大的差异。从用涂布平板法获得的近磁菌纯培养A. ferrooxidans菌体中,分离得到纳米磁性颗粒,能谱分析表明,其主要成分为Fe和O元素。实验结果证明,A. ferrooxidans具有微弱趋磁性,采用磁泳分离该类菌体内含有磁性颗粒的细菌是可行的,这一分离技术的进一步完善和改进将为传统的微生物菌种分离提供一种新型分离技术,也将大大促进趋磁细菌的研究,而且它与浸矿工艺的结合将大大促进我国生物冶金的研究步伐。  相似文献   

磁性细菌胞内可以产生磁性颗粒,因此具有趋磁性,基于这种特性,利用磁分离的原理,本研究开发了一种磁性细菌分离仪,提供了一种分离磁性细菌的新方法。以氧化亚铁硫杆菌为例,使用磁性细菌分离仪进行分离,可以得到强磁菌和弱磁菌。利用透射电镜观察,强磁菌胞内磁性颗粒明显多于弱磁菌;半固体平板磁泳实验也表明强磁菌趋磁性明显强于弱磁菌。各项实验结果表明磁性细菌分离仪可以有效地分离磁性细菌,这是一种分离磁性细菌的新方法,将促进磁性细菌分离培养的研究。  相似文献   

以四氧化三铁为代表的医用磁性纳米材料具有独特的磁学性能、表面易功能化、良好的生物学相容性等特点,在纳米医学相关领域展现出巨大的应用前景,特别是近年来它作为可介导外场的智能材料,在材料设计和生物医学应用方面均取得了突破性的进展.鉴于此,本文围绕磁性氧化铁纳米材料的生物医学应用,着重介绍近年来其在磁共振影像探针、磁热和磁力效应的生物医学应用、诊疗一体化以及纳米酶催化等领域的研究进展,并对磁性纳米材料在生物医学领域未来的发展方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

A simple device for taking in situ proton NMR measurements in 1H2O is described. This allows aeration of reactions in a 10 mm diameter NMR tube without modifying the magnet or the probe head. With this device, aerobic biotransformations can be monitored in the NMR-tube placed in the spectrometer. It allows in situ analyses of the transformations, separating the aeration period temporally from the measurement time, not unlike traditional Warburg respiratory experiments. Two reactions determining kinetic and stoichieometric parameters: (i) a biotransformation by a growing Pseudomonas putida culture and (ii) l-phenylalanine oxidation catalysed by l-amino acid oxidase [E.C.]; both incubations were contained in the magnet.  相似文献   


The Shear-slip Mesh Update Method (SSMUM) is being used in flow simulations involving large but regular displacements of one or more boundaries of the computational domain. We follow up the earlier discussion of the method with notes on practical implementation aspects. In order to establish a benchmark problem for this class of flow problems, we define and report results from a two-dimensional viscous flow around a rotating stirrer in a square chamber. The application potential of the method is demonstrated in the context of biomedical design problem, as we perform an analysis of blood flow in a centrifugal left ventricular assist device, or blood pump, which involves a rotating impeller in a non-axisymmetric housing.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the thermostability of the erythrocytes os strain CBA mice exposed to the action of a magnetic field formed by the poles of a rotating permanent magnet of 20 mT (200 GAUSS) induction. The erythrocytes of animals which spent 17 weeks in the magnetic field were significantly less heat resistance than those of the control animals. The effect on animals kept in the magnetic field during embryoyenesis and infancy and then left 3 months outside it was even more pronounced.  相似文献   

目的:观察格拉司琼联合隔药灸治疗肝癌介入术后恶心呕吐临床疗效。方法:将符合纳入标准的肝癌介入术后恶心呕吐患者72例,分为治疗组与对照组,每组36例,对照组给予注射用盐酸格拉司琼静脉滴注治疗,治疗组在对照组的基础上给予隔药灸治疗。观察两组患者恶心、呕吐症状、胃液引流量及胃管留置时间,统计临床疗效。结果:治疗后治疗组在恶心、呕吐症状评分、胃液引流量、胃管留置时间方面明显均低于对照组(均P0.05)。治疗组、对照组临床疗效总有效率分别为91.67%、72.22%,比较有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:格拉司琼联合隔药灸可以明显改善肝癌介入术后恶心呕吐症状,缩短胃管留置时间,临床疗效显著。  相似文献   

ObjectivePrevious research has yielded evidence of increased attentional processing of negatively valenced body parts in women with anorexia nervosa (AN), especially for those with high depressive symptomatology. The present study extended previous research by implementing an experimental mood manipulation.MethodIn a within-subjects design, female adolescents with AN (n = 12) and an age matched female control group (CG; n = 12) were given a negative and a positive mood induction at a one-week interval. After each mood induction, participants underwent a 3-min mirror exposure, while their eye movements were recorded.ResultsAfter the positive mood induction, both AN and CG participants displayed longer and more frequent gazes towards their self-defined most ugly relative to their self-defined most beautiful body part. However, after the negative mood induction, only females with AN were characterized by increased attention to their most ugly compared to their most beautiful body part, while CG participants’ attention distribution was balanced. Furthermore, in the negative (but not in the positive) mood induction condition gaze frequency and duration towards the most ugly body part was significantly stronger in the AN group relative to the CG.DiscussionThe results emphasize the role of negative mood in the maintenance of pathological information processing of the self-body. This increased body-related negativity-bias during negative mood may lead to the persistence and aggravation of AN patients’ body image disturbance.  相似文献   

Habib Etemadi 《Biofouling》2013,29(6):618-630

The adhesiveness and stability of ubiquitously distributed biofilms is a significant issue in many areas such as ecology, biotechnology and medicine. The magnetic particle induction (MagPI) system allows precise determinations of biofilm adhesiveness at high temporal and spatial resolution on the mesoscale. This paper concerns several technical aspects to further improve the performance of this powerful experimental approach and enhance the range of MagPI applications. First, several electromagnets were built to demonstrate the influence of material and geometry with special regard to core remanence and magnetic strength. Secondly, the driving force to lift up the particles was evaluated and it was shown that both the magnetic field strength and the magnetic field gradient are decisive in the physics of the MagPI approach. The intricate combination of these two quantities was demonstrated with separate experiments that add permanent magnets to the MagPI system.  相似文献   


Background: Previous studies have demonstrated that shift work can be significantly associated with adverse effects on liver function. However, the association between shift work and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) enzyme as a well-known biomarker of liver disease has been undefined. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on a total number of 6,475 eligible oil refinery workers. According to shift work schedules, the participants divided to the following groups: 12-hr rotating night (n = 2,630) and 12-hr fixed day (n = 3845). The Spearman’s correlation and logistic regression were applied to assess the association between shift work and ALP. Results: We found significantly higher levels of ALP in 12-hr rotating night compared to 12-hr fixed-day shift work groups (196.2 ± 52.1 versus 191.5 ± 53.4). According to quartile (Q) logistic regression adjusted by significant variables between study group (age, body mass index, fasting blood sugar, and total cholesterol), the odds ratio and 95% confidence interval of high (Q2–<Q3 versus <Q1) and severe (≥Q3 versus <Q1) levels of ALP in 12-hr rotating night group in comparison to 12-hr fixed-day group were estimated as 1.26 (1.08–1.45) and 1.26 (1.09–1.45), respectively. Conclusions: This study indicated that 12-hr rotating night shift work may be associated with higher levels of ALP. More studies are needed to confirm our findings.  相似文献   

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