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桉-桤不同混合比例凋落物分解过程中 土壤动物群落动态   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用凋落物分解袋法研究了10:0(TⅠ)、7:3(TⅡ)5:5(TⅢ)、3:7(TⅣ)和0:10(TV)巨桉(Eucalyptus grandis)和台湾桤木(Alnus formosana)混合凋落物分解过程中的土壤动物群落特征.从5种类型、3种规格的810只凋落袋中共收集土壤动物75651只,隶属2门10纲20目,其中弹尾目(Collembola)和蜱螨目(Acarina)为优势类群.土壤动物个体数最高是7-8月,大型土壤动物个体数最高是7月,中小型土壤动物个体数最高是7-8月.大型、中小型土壤动物类群数各月间均波动较小.与30目和6目相比,260目网袋中弹尾目和蜱螨目等中小型土壤动物数量更高.相对台湾桤木(TV)而言,巨桉(TⅠ)凋落物中弹尾目数量更多.啮虫目(Psocoptera)在台湾桤木(TV)凋落物中的数量远远高于其它凋落物,后孔寡毛目(Opisthopora)在混合凋落物中数量较高.不同比例的凋落物混合可改变凋落物中土壤动物的数量和组成.桤木、混合凋落物中大型土壤动物的个体数高于巨桉凋落物,而且上述凋落物的分解速率亦明显快于巨桉凋落物,这意味着大型土壤动物的活动可加速凋落物的分解.因此,在巨桉人工纯林中混栽台湾桤木,可显著提高大型土壤动物的数量,促进凋落物的分解.  相似文献   

杨赵  杨效东 《应用生态学报》2011,22(11):3011-3020
分别于2005年4月(干热季)、6月(雨季)和12月(干热季),采用样线法对哀牢山中山湿性常绿阔叶林、山顶苔藓矮林和滇山杨次生林地表凋落物及其中的土壤节肢动物群落进行了调查.结果表明: 凋落物现存总量、C储量和C/N在干、湿季均表现为苔藓矮林>滇山杨林>常绿阔叶林,N储量差异不大.蜱螨目和弹尾目是3林地凋落物层节肢动物群落的优势类群,双翅目幼虫、鞘翅目、蚁类和同翅目为常见类群,3林地凋落物层土壤节肢动物群落相似性系数极高.3林地凋落物层土壤节肢动物群落密度(ind·m-2)没有显著差异,但相对密度(ind·g-1)呈现出常绿阔叶林和滇山杨林显著高于苔藓矮林;土壤节肢动物密度季节变化呈现干季(4月和12月)显著高于雨季(6月),群落香农多样性指数差异不显著.干热季(4月)3林地枯枝落叶现存量与其土壤节肢动物群落和主要类群密度呈显著正相关关系,而在干冷季(12月)凋落物总现存量与其土壤节肢动物群落及蜱螨目相对密度则呈显著负相关关系;弹尾目和鞘翅目密度与地表凋落物层的N储量也有显著的正相关关系.哀牢山亚热带森林凋落物及其土壤节肢动物群落的发展与森林植被结构密切相关, 其群落个体数量和多样性受森林地表凋落物的调控, 但林内其他环境因素如温湿度对森林凋落物层土壤动物个体数的季节变动也有明显影响.  相似文献   

为了解城市近郊深层土壤中动物群落结构组成, 2012年在北京市北四环和北五环之间的中国科学院奥运村科技园区埋设陷阱收集器, 对地下30 cm和55 cm土层活动的动物进行采样。2013-2017年8次调查共捕获动物3门10纲20目10,163头, 优势类群分别是膜翅目(61.0%)、蜱螨目(12.1%)和弹尾目(11.2%)。30 cm土层动物类群数和个体数均高于55 cm, 30 cm土层优势类群为膜翅目(69.4%), 55 cm土层优势类群除膜翅目(45.7%)外还有蜱螨目(21.8%)和弹尾目(16.4%)。夏秋季动物个体数和类群数高于冬春季, 环节动物门仅出现于冬春季, 而缨翅目、啮虫目和革翅目仅出现于夏秋季。不同绿化带类型间动物群落Jaccard相似性指数均高于0.75, Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson优势度指数和Pielou均匀度指数均不存在显著性差异(P > 0.05)。结果表明: 深层土壤中存在着大量的动物类群, 动物个体数和类群数均随土层加深而减少。不同季节人工绿地土壤中动物结构存在差异, 而不同植被类型下动物群落组成高度相似。  相似文献   

天童常绿阔叶林五个演替阶段凋落物中的土壤动物群落   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:21  
易兰  由文辉  宋永昌 《生态学报》2005,25(3):466-473
为探讨森林凋落物中土壤动物群落的结构特征以及土壤动物群落随植被演替而发生的变化 ,于 2 0 0 3年冬季 ,对浙江天童常绿阔叶林 5个演替阶段凋落物中的土壤动物群落 ,按代表不同分解阶段的新鲜凋落物层、腐叶层和腐殖土层进行了调查研究。共获得土壤动物 13381只 ,分别隶属于 2门 8纲 2 0目。优势类群为蜱螨目 (Arcarina)和弹尾目 (Collem bola) ,二者共占总数的 94 .2 4 % ,A/ C为 7.6 6 ;常见类群为双翅目 (Diptera)。研究结果表明 :(1)凋落物中的土壤动物群落存在明显的有别于真土层的垂直分布 ,类群数和个体数总体表现为向下递增的趋势。共有 19类、5 9.0 3%的土壤动物分布在底部腐殖土层 ,仅 8类、5 .35 %的土壤动物分布在新鲜凋落物层 ,其余共 8类分布在中间腐叶层。而且 ,不同类群在各演替阶段的分布表现出一定的差异 ;(2 )凋落物中土壤动物群落随植物群落的演替而发生明显的变化 :个体总数和类群总数在演替顶极阶段最高 ,其次为中期阶段 ,演替初期最低。但是 ,在目这一分类等级上 ,各演替阶段凋落物中土壤动物群落的主要类群基本一致 ,均为蜱螨目、弹尾目、双翅目和鳞翅目 (L epidoptera) ;(3)相似性分析表明 ,演替中期凋落物中土壤动物群落与顶极阶段最为相似 ;但它们的Shannon- Wiener多样性  相似文献   

豚草(Ambrosia artemisiifolia)是菊科豚草属的恶性杂草,在我国华南地区已成功入侵并造成严重危害。为了解豚草入侵对中小型土壤动物群落的影响效应,采用野外样地试验法研究了豚草入侵地中小型土壤动物的群落特征。全年4次采样共获得中小型土壤动物4174头,隶属于4门11纲26类,其中线虫类为优势类群,蜱螨目和弹尾目是常见类群。结果显示,豚草入侵改变了中小型土壤动物群落的结构特征,入侵地中小型土壤动物的总个体数以及线虫类、弹尾目动物的个体数显著增加,但中小型土壤动物类群数的变化不明显;在群落的物种多样性方面,豚草入侵显著提高了群落的密度-类群指数,物种丰富度、优势度指数亦有所上升,但差异不明显,而均匀度、Shannon-Wiener指数则趋于下降;在群落相似性方面,入侵区与其它处理区的差异较小。豚草入侵所引起的局部气候环境、凋落物、根系分泌物与土壤理化性质的变化可能是造成中小型土壤动物群落结构特征改变的主要原因。  相似文献   

薇甘菊是菊科假泽兰属的恶性杂草,在我国华南地区已成功入侵并造成严重危害.为了解薇甘菊入侵对土壤动物的影响效应,采用野外样地试验法对广州市火炉山森林公园薇甘菊入侵群落的土壤动物进行了调查.2009年4次采样共获得中小型土壤动物5206头,隶属于4门10纲19类,其中线虫类为优势类群,蜱螨目、弹尾目和轮虫是常见类群.薇甘菊入侵地中小型土壤动物群落结构特征发生了改变,与其他样区相比,入侵区中小型土壤动物的总个体数以及线虫类、蜱螨目的个体数显著增加,但中小型土壤动物类群数的变化不明显;在群落多样性方面,薇甘菊入侵区土壤动物群落的密度-类群指数显著提高,物种丰富度、优势度指数亦有所上升,但差异不明显,而均匀度、Shannon指数趋于下降;在群落相似性方面,薇甘菊入侵区与群落交错区的相似程度较高,与土著植物区的相似程度较低.薇甘菊入侵所引起的局部气候环境、凋落物、根系分泌物与土壤理化性质的变化可能是造成中小型土壤动物群落结构特征改变的主要原因.  相似文献   

薇甘菊入侵对中小型土壤动物群落结构特征的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Quan GM  Zhang JE  Xie JF  Mao DJ  Xu HQ  Jiang WB  Wen DJ 《应用生态学报》2011,22(7):1863-1870
薇甘菊是菊科假泽兰属的恶性杂草,在我国华南地区已成功入侵并造成严重危害.为了解薇甘菊入侵对土壤动物的影响效应,采用野外样地试验法对广州市火炉山森林公园薇甘菊入侵群落的土壤动物进行了调查.2009年4次采样共获得中小型土壤动物5206头,隶属于4门10纲19类,其中线虫类为优势类群,蜱螨目、弹尾目和轮虫是常见类群.薇甘菊入侵地中小型土壤动物群落结构特征发生了改变,与其他样区相比,入侵区中小型土壤动物的总个体数以及线虫类、蜱螨目的个体数显著增加,但中小型土壤动物类群数的变化不明显;在群落多样性方面,薇甘菊入侵区土壤动物群落的密度-类群指数显著提高,物种丰富度、优势度指数亦有所上升,但差异不明显,而均匀度、Shannon指数趋于下降;在群落相似性方面,薇甘菊入侵区与群落交错区的相似程度较高,与土著植物区的相似程度较低.薇甘菊入侵所引起的局部气候环境、凋落物、根系分泌物与土壤理化性质的变化可能是造成中小型土壤动物群落结构特征改变的主要原因.  相似文献   

长春市不同土地利用条件下大型土壤动物群落结构与组成   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
吴东辉  张柏  陈鹏 《动物学报》2006,52(2):279-287
对长春市郊区天然次生林、市区公园绿地、郊区防护林和农田等典型土地利用生境进行大型土壤动物调查,手拣法野外采集大型土壤动物,应用个体密度和类群数量等指标,研究土地利用变化对大型土壤动物群落特征的影响。研究区共捕获大型土壤动物3773只,分别隶属于3门6纲17目102科。研究结果表明:不同土地利用生境大型土壤动物群落个体密度和类群数存在差异,其中郊区农田和防护林土壤动物的类群数和个体密度明显减少;植物群落类型对大型土壤动物群落特征有一定影响;大型土壤动物群落个体密度和类群数主要集中分布在地表0-5cm土壤层,生境地表凋落物的移除对土壤动物群落的类群数和个体密度影响不明显;此外,不同土壤动物类群对土地利用变化的响应也不同。  相似文献   

不同演替阶段热带森林地表凋落物和土壤节肢动物群落特征   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
为了解不同演替阶段热带森林土壤节肢动物群落结构特征及其与地表凋落物的关系, 2001年9月采用样线调查法对西双版纳23年次生林、35年次生林、季节雨林地表凋落物及其中的土壤节肢动物进行了调查。所获数据表明, 地表凋落物数量(现存量干重)和质量(N和C/N)总体上表现为35年次生林最好, 23年次生林次之; 蜱螨目和弹尾目为3林地地表凋落物土壤节肢动物群落优势类群, 膜翅目蚂蚁、马陆目、鞘翅目、双翅目和半翅目为常见类群。土壤节肢动物个体密度和个体相对密度均表现为35年次生林>季节雨林>23年次生林。群落的丰富度指数以季节雨林最高, 多样性和均匀度指数显示为23年次生林最高, 35年次生林的优势度指数最高, 3林地土壤节肢动物群落类群组成相似性达到较好水平。相关分析表明, 3种不同演替阶段热带森林土壤节肢动物个体密度与林地地表凋落物现存量呈正相关, 而现存凋落物N元素储量与土壤节肢动物的相关性仅表现在23年次生林和季节雨林。研究认为, 热带森林土壤节肢动物群落的发展与森林植被演替密切相关, 其群落个体数量和多样性受森林地表凋落物数量、质量的调控, 但其他环境因素如捕食效应、人为干扰等影响亦不可忽视。  相似文献   

西双版纳人工群落林土壤动物的旱季群落结构   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
本地西双版纳热带雨林地区的3种不同类型人工群落林的旱季(4月)土壤动物的种类组成和数量分布及土壤动物群落的多样性、均匀性。优势度和相似性进行了分析比较。蜱螨目和弹尾目是这3种人工群落林中土壤动物优势类群。土壤动物的垂直分布特点是表层多于底层,表聚现象明显。胶茶林土壤动物群落丰富度和个体数量最高,半人工次生林多样必和均匀性最好,优势度以人工多层林最高。人工多层林与半人工次生林土壤动物群落相似性最好。  相似文献   

研究比较了粤东地区天然林和速生桉树林枯枝落叶层无脊椎动物的群落结构以及菌食性蓟马的物种多样性.结果表明,螨类、弹尾目、双翅目幼虫、膜翅目、缨翅目和鞘翅目构成了该地区天然林枯枝落叶层无脊椎动物群落的主要成分,它们的个体数占天然林枯枝落叶层无脊椎动物总个体数的96.5%;而螨类、弹尾目、双翅目幼虫和鳞翅目幼虫则是速生桉树林枯枝落叶层无脊椎动物群落的主要成分,它们的个体数占全部个体数的96.3%.天然林的多样性指数H′、均匀性指数J、DG指数均比速生桉树林高,Simpson优势度指数D比桉树林小,菌食性蓟马种类和个体数也显著多于桉树林,说明速生桉树林凋落物无脊椎动物多样性不及天然林丰富,但螨类数量巨大,占桉树林无脊椎动物总数的77.6%,以致两种林分凋落物无脊椎动物的平均密度差异不显著.表明保留桉树人工林的林下植被和凋落物对提高速生桉树林枯枝落叶层无脊椎动物的群落多样性具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Resource pulses are a key feature of semi‐arid and arid ecosystems and are generally triggered by rainfall. While rainfall is an acknowledged driver of the abundance and distribution of larger animals, little is known about how invertebrate communities respond to rain events or to vegetative productivity. Here we investigate Ordinal‐level patterns and drivers of ground‐dwelling invertebrate abundance across 6 years of sampling in the Simpson Desert, central Australia. Between February 1999 and February 2005, a total of 174 381 invertebrates were sampled from 32 Orders. Ants were the most abundant taxon, comprising 83% of all invertebrates captured, while Collembola at 10.3% of total captures were a distant second over this period. Temporal patterns of the six invertebrate taxa specifically analysed (Acarina, ants, Araneae, Coleoptera, Collembola and Thysanura) were dynamic over the sampling period, and patterns of abundance were taxon‐specific. Analyses indicate that all six taxa showed a positive relationship with the cover of non‐Triodia vegetation. Other indicators of vegetative productivity (seeding and flowering) also showed positive relationships with certain taxa. Although the influence of rainfall was taxon‐dependent, no taxon was affected by short‐term rainfall (up to 18 days prior to survey). The abundance of Acarina, ants, and Coleoptera increased with greater long‐term rainfall (up to 18 months prior to survey), whilst Araneae showed the opposite effect. Temperature and dune zone (dune crest vs. swale) also had taxon‐specific effects. These results show that invertebrates in arid ecosystems are influenced by a variety of abiotic factors, at multiple scales, and that responses to rainfall are not as strong or as predictable as those seen for other taxa. Our results highlight the diversity of invertebrates in our study region and emphasize the need for targeted long‐term sampling to enhance our understanding of the ecology of these taxa and the role they play in arid ecosystems.  相似文献   

Soil animals are abundant in forest litter layer,but little attention has been Paid to the vertical distribution of community structure of soil animals in the layers at different plant community succession stages.The forest litter layer can be divided into fresh litter layer(L),fermentation layer(F)and humus layer(H),which may represent different litter decomposition stages.The aim of the study is to ascertain the vertical distribution features of soil animal communities among the three litter layers and the change in the succession process of the Evergreen Broad-Leaved Forest(EBLF)in Tiantong,Zhejiang Province,China.Soil animal communities in the five plant communities at different succession stages were investigated during the 2003 winter.Soil animals,which were collected by using Tullgren funnels,amounted to a total of 13381 individuals falling into 2 phyla,8 classes and 20 orders.The dominant groups were Acarina and Collembola,accounting for 94.24% of the total individuals,with the number of Acarina individuals 7.66 times than that of Collembola.The common group was Diptera.The results indicated that there was a distinctive vertical distribution of the soil animal communities in the forest litter laver,but it differed from that in soil below the litter layer.In contrast to those in the soil,the soil animals in the litter layer generally tended to increase in both group abundance and density from the top fresh litter layer to the bottom humus layer.Altogether 19 groups and 59.03% of total individuals were found in the bottom layer,while only 8 groups and 5.35% of the total individuals in the top.Moreover,there were some variations in the distribution of the soil animals at different plant succession stages.85.19% of Homoptera and 100% of Symphyla were found in the litter layer at the climax succession stage.while 75.61% of Thysanoptera at the intermediate succession stage.Therefore,these groups might be seen as indicative groups.The total numbers of soil animal groups and individuals in the litter layers greatly changed in the succession process of the EBLF.They both were greatest at the climax,moderate at the intermediate and smallest at the primary succession stage.However,the main soil animal groups in the litter at the different succession stages were essentially the same.They were Acarina,Collembola,Diptera and Lepidoptera.Although similarity analysis revealed that the soil animal communities in the litter at the intermediate succession stage were most similar to those at the climax succession stage,they differed greatly from each other in the Shannon-Wiener diversity index.The Shannon-Wiener index was highest at the climax succession stage and lowest at the intermediate succession stage.Finally,the paper discusses the following three questions:the role of soil animals as indicators for plant community succession;the role of different soil animal groups in the litter decomposition at different stages;and the major factors affecting the composition and distribution of soil animals in the litter.This paper provides a new perspective for the research on the succession mechanism of plant communities and the decomposition functions of soil animals.  相似文献   

江苏常熟虞山土壤动物群落多样性研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
对江苏省常熟市虞山国家森林公园内的土壤动物进行了调查,共采得土壤动物样本 3916个,隶属于 5门 10纲,共26类群。蜱螨目、弹尾目和线虫纲是优势类群,占个体总数的88.22%,它们构成了该地区土壤动物的主体。对针阔混交林、竹林和茶园的土壤动物群落结构分析表明:土壤动物密度、类群数、多样性指数(H’)、密度-类群指数(DG)和多群落比较多样性指数(DIG)排序均为针阔混交林>茶园>竹林。茶园的均匀度指数最高。竹林的优势度指数最大。不同群落的相似性(q)分析表明,3种生境的土壤动物群落两两间的相似性指数q均大于0.5,都达到了中等相似水平。土壤动物的类群数垂直分布有明显差异,类群数向下逐渐减少。  相似文献   

Soil animals are abundant in forest litter layer, but little attention has been paid to the vertical distribution of community structure of soil animals in the layers at different plant community succession stages. The forest litter layer can be divided into fresh litter layer (L), fermentation layer (F) and humus layer (H), which may represent different litter decomposition stages. The aim of the study is to ascertain the vertical distribution features of soil animal communities among the three litter layers and the change in the succession process of the Evergreen Broad-Leaved Forest (EBLF) in Tiantong, Zhejiang Province, China. Soil animal communities in the five plant communities at different succession stages were investigated during the 2003 winter. Soil animals, which were collected by using Tullgren funnels, amounted to a total of 13 381 individuals falling into 2 phyla, 8 classes and 20 orders. The dominant groups were Acarina and Collembola, accounting for 94.24% of the total individuals, with the number of Acarina individuals 7.66 times than that of Collembola. The common group was Diptera. The results indicated that there was a distinctive vertical distribution of the soil animal communities in the forest litter layer, but it differed from that in soil below the litter layer. In contrast to those in the soil, the soil animals in the litter layer generally tended to increase in both group abundance and density from the top fresh litter layer to the bottom humus layer. Altogether 19 groups and 59.03% of total individuals were found in the bottom layer, while only 8 groups and 5.35% of the total individuals in the top. Moreover, there were some variations in the distribution of the soil animals at different plant succession stages. 85.19% of Homoptera and 100% of Symphyla were found in the litter layer at the climax succession stage, while 75.61% of Thysanoptera at the intermediate succession stage. Therefore, these groups might be seen as indicative groups. The total numbers of soil animal groups and individuals in the litter layers greatly changed in the succession process of the EBLF. They both were greatest at the climax, moderate at the intermediate and smallest at the primary succession stage. However, the main soil animal groups in the litter at the different succession stages were essentially the same. They were Acarina, Collembola, Diptera and Lepidoptera. Although similarity analysis revealed that the soil animal communities in the litter at the intermediate succession stage were most similar to those at the climax succession stage, they differed greatly from each other in the Shannon-Wiener diversity index. The Shannon-Wiener index was highest at the climax succession stage and lowest at the intermediate succession stage. Finally, the paper discusses the following three questions: the role of soil animals as indicators for plant community succession; the role of different soil animal groups in the litter decomposition at different stages; and the major factors affecting the composition and distribution of soil animals in the litter. This paper provides a new perspective for the research on the succession mechanism of plant communities and the decomposition functions of soil animals. __________ Translated from Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2005, 25 (3) [译自: 生态学报, 2005,25(3)]  相似文献   

青冈林土壤动物群落结构在落叶分解过程中的演替变化   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
1993年5月-1995年4月,采用落叶袋法研究了中亚热带青冈(Cyclobalanopsisglauca)林土壤动物在落叶分离过程中的演替,变化,用多样性指数,演替指数,相似系数分析土壤动物群落结构的季节变化和在落叶分解过程中的演替,分解出现的类群,密度最高的为蜱螨目(Acarina)其次为弹尾目(Collembola),二者个体数之和占总数的92.7%,其他依次为:双翅目(Diptera)膜翅  相似文献   

Yang Z  Yang XD 《应用生态学报》2011,22(11):3011-3020
By using line transect method, an investigation was conducted on the floor litter and soil arthropod community in a mid mountain wet evergreen broad-leaved forest, a mossy dwarf forest, and a Populus bonatii forest in Ailao Mountain of Yunnan in April (dry and hot season), June (rainy season), and December (dry and cold season), 2005. In both dry and rainy seasons, the existing floor litter mass, C storage, and C/N ratio in the three forests all increased in the order of mossy dwarf forest > P. bonatii forest > evergreen broad-leaved forest, but the N storage had less difference. In the floor litter layer of the forests, Acari and Collembola were the dominant groups of soil arthropod community, while Diptera larvae, Coleoptera, ants, and Homoptera were the common groups. The Sorenson coefficients of soil arthropod community in the three forests were extremely great. No significant differences were observed in the soil arthropod density (ind x m(-2)) in the floor litter layer among the three forests, but the relative density (ind x g(-1)) of soil arthropods was higher in the evergreen broad-leaved forest and P. bonatii forest than in the mossy dwarf forest. In the three forests, the density of soil arthropods was significantly higher in dry season than in rainy season, but the Shannon diversity index had less difference. There were significant positive correlations between the existing floor litter mass and the individual density (ind x m(-2)) and dominant groups of soil arthropod communities in dry and hot season (April), but negative correlations between the existing floor litter mass and the relative density (ind x g(-1)) of soil arthropod communities and Acari in dry and cold season (December). The individual densities of Collembola and Coleoptera also had positive correlations with the N storage of the existing floor litter mass in the three forests. It was considered that the floor litter and the development of soil arthropod community in the litter layer of the subtropical forests in Ailao Mountain had a close relation with the vegetation structure of the forests, and the individual density and the diversity of the soil arthropod community were controlled by the floor litter, whereas the environmental factors such as temperature and moisture in the forests also had obvious effects on the seasonal dynamics of the individual density of the soil arthropods.  相似文献   

Dryland forests, those characterised as having low precipitation and soil nutrients, account for over a quarter of forests globally. Increasing their productivity often relies on irrigation and fertilisation, but the impacts on the wider habitat are largely unknown. Understory invertebrates, in particular, play key roles in forest systems (e.g. nutrient cycling), but their responses to dryland forest management practices are untested. We investigated the impacts of irrigation, fertilisation and a combination of both on soil chemistry, understory vegetation, tree growth and understory arthropod communities in a Eucalyptus plantation to establish linkages between dryland management and ecosystem responses. Fertilisation increased all soil nutrients (N, NO3N, P and K) with similar effects on the chemical composition of understory grasses. Fertilisation also caused declines in foliar silicon concentrations, an important herbivore defence in grasses. Irrigation increased growth of both understory plants (+90%) and trees (+68%). Irrigation increased the abundance of ground‐dwelling arthropods by over 480% relative to control plots, but depressed higher level taxon arthropod diversity by 15%, declining by a further 7% (?22%) in combined treatment plots. Irrigation also caused a surge in the abundance of Collembola (+1300%) and Isopoda (+323%). Fertilisation drove increases in the abundance of Isopoda (+196%) and Diptera (+63%), whereas fertilisation combined with irrigation increased populations of Thysanoptera (+166%) and Acarina (+328%). Airborne arthropods were less affected, but fertilisation increased the abundance of Apocrita (+95%) and depressed populations of Thysanoptera (?77%). Diptera abundance was positively related to understory vegetation growth, whereas the abundance of other groups (Collembola, Isopoda, Thysanoptera and Acarina) correlated positively with tree growth. We proposed that the large increases in populations of key detritivores, Collembola and Isopoda, were linked to increased leaf litter from enhanced tree growth in irrigated and combined treatment plots. Our findings suggest that dryland management can increase both plant productivity and abundance of arthropods, but cause arthropod diversity at the higher taxon level to decline overall.  相似文献   

Basset  Yves 《Plant Ecology》2001,153(1-2):87-107
The current state of knowledge of canopy invertebrates in tropical rain forests is reviewed using data drawn, without bias toward taxon, collecting method or biogeographical region, from 89 studies concerned with mass-collecting (>1000 individuals). The review is intended to identify the most serious gaps and biases in the distribution of higher taxa among forest types and biogeographical regions. With respect to knowledge, biogeographical regions can be ranked as Neotropical > Australian > Oriental > Afrotropical. The canopy of lowland wet and subtropical forests has been studied in greater detail, whereas the canopy of lowland dry and montane forests is much less well known. Collecting techniques influence greatly the present knowledge of canopy invertebrates. Invertebrates other than arthropods, often abundant in epiphytic habitats, phytotelmata and perched litter, are virtually unknown. The abundance of several groups, such as Acari, Collembola and Isoptera, is almost certainly seriously underestimated. Densities of invertebrate individuals in the canopy of tropical rain forests appear to be lower than in temperate forests, although invertebrate abundance is dissipated by the high standing-biomass of rain forests. Coleoptera, particularly Staphylinidae, Curculionidae and Chrysomelidae, along with Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera and Araneae appear to be the most speciose taxa in the canopy, and it is probable that this reflects their range of feeding habits and exploitation of rain forests habitats. The distribution of individuals among the major arthropod orders and across the studies examined is complex and depends on many factors. The amount of variance that can be directly explained by biogeography, forest types (subtropical, wet, dry or montane), or collecting methods appears to be about 11%. The explained variance increases when considering major families of Coleoptera (28%) or subfamilies of Chrysomelidae (40%). In all cases, the variance explained by the type of forest is much higher than by that explained by biogeography. These conclusions are similar when considering various prey-predator relationships in the canopy. This suggests that, at the higher taxa level, the composition of the invertebrate fauna in the canopy may vary comparatively more across forest types than across biogeographical regions and this is discussed briefly from a conservation viewpoint.  相似文献   

The invertebrate fauna active on the surface of the litter in a Nothofagus tmncata forest was sampled continuously for 1 year with pitfall traps. Temperature, relative humidity, and rainfall were recorded, and their influence on populations was assessed. Climate remained within a range (<20°C, >70% RH) favourable for animal activity for much of the year, and many groups were present in all trap catches. Hot, dry conditions depressed activity in most Collembola and some spiders, but beetles, sciarid flies, ants, wetas, and amphipods maintained activity. In some groups, e.g., Collembola, climate may be the most important factor regulating populations. In other groups, e.g., Coleoptera, internal reproductive rhythms are more important than climate in the control of populations. The most important climatic variable affecting Collembola was rainfall.  相似文献   

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